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1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Lacerta/CLI.rakumod b/lib/Lacerta/CLI.rakumod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b80bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Lacerta/CLI.rakumod
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+use Terminal::Table;
+use Terminal::Spinners;
+# Parses the WhatsApp logs.
+grammar WhatsApp {
+    token TOP {
+        || <Text>
+        || <Notice>
+    }
+    token Notice { <date> ', ' <time> ' - ' <message> }
+    token Text { <date> ', ' <time> ' - ' <name> ': ' <message> }
+    token date { (\d+) ** 3 % '/' }
+    token time { (\d+) ** 2 % ':' }
+    token name { [[\w|\s]+ | '+' \d+ [\d+|\s]+] }
+    token number { '+' \d+ [\d+|\s]+ }
+    token message { .* }
+#| parses WhatsApp export
+sub MAIN (
+    Str $profile-name = "Andinus", #= WhatsApp profile name
+    Str $input where *.IO.f = "input", #= input log file to parse
+) {
+    my WhatsApp @logs;
+    {
+        my $bar = Bar.new: :type<equals>;
+        $bar.show: 0;
+        my Int $count = 0;
+        my Int $total = $input.IO.lines.elems; # Roughly the number of messages.
+        my Int $interval = $total div 40; # Interval for update.
+        @logs = gather for $input.IO.lines -> $line {
+            if WhatsApp.parse($line) -> $m { take $m }
+            $bar.show: $count / $total * 100 if $count++ %% $interval;
+        }
+        $bar.show: 100;
+        put "\n" ~ "Parsed {@logs.elems} logs in " ~ (now - ENTER now) ~ "s";
+    }
+    {
+        my @data;
+        my @given-data;
+        push @data, <Name Messages Words Deleted Media MostActiveHour Left>;
+        push @given-data, <Name FucksGiven>;
+        for @logs.grep(*<Text>).map(*<Text>).map(*<name>.Str).unique -> $name {
+            with @logs.grep(*<Text>).map(*<Text>).grep(*<name>.Str eq $name) {
+                @data.push(
+                    (
+                        $name,
+                        .elems.Str,
+                        .map(*<message>.words).sum.Str,
+                        .grep(*<message> eq "You deleted this message"|"This message was deleted").elems.Str,
+                        .grep(*<message> eq "<Media omitted>").elems.Str,
+                        .map(*<time>[0][0].Int).Bag.max(*.values).key.Str,
+                        $name eq $profile-name
+                         ?? @logs.grep(*<Notice>).grep(*<Notice><message> eq "You left").elems.Str
+                         !! @logs.grep(*<Notice>).grep(*<Notice><message> eq "{$name} left").elems.Str,
+                    )
+                );
+                @given-data.push(
+                    (
+                        $name,
+                        .grep(*<message>.lc.contains("fuck")).elems.Str,
+                    )
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        put "Generated data in " ~ (now - ENTER now) ~ "s";
+        print-table(@data, :style<single>);
+        print-table(@given-data, :style<single>);
+    }