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path: root/leo.raku
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authorAndinus <andinus@nand.sh>2021-01-13 11:29:00 +0530
committerAndinus <andinus@nand.sh>2021-01-13 11:29:00 +0530
commitc0a2300b52c682975fbe365de21547db71d18a38 (patch)
treeb1d7c030badefbcf81c23f4a2eb97ed1899d4791 /leo.raku
parent8aee745720995831cfe2a288d0945ce20f677a0e (diff)
Port leo to Raku HEAD v0.6.0 master
This is a huge change. I had some more ideas in mind but I won't be
able to work on them. leo's raku version can be improved.

I'm personally using the Raku version because the rotate feature is
Diffstat (limited to 'leo.raku')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/leo.raku b/leo.raku
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..365e3ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/leo.raku
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env raku
+use v6.d;
+use Config;
+enum Actions (
+    backup => "Make backup",
+    rotate => "Rotate the backups",
+    list => "List profiles / profile options",
+sub USAGE {
+    say $*USAGE;
+    say "\nActions:";
+    for Actions.enums.kv -> $action, $description {
+        say " " x 4, $action,
+        " " x (Actions.enums.keys.map(*.chars).max - $action.chars) + 4,
+        $description;
+    }
+sub read-configuration(--> Config) {
+    return Config.new.read(
+        %*ENV<XDG_CONFIG_HOME> ??
+        %*ENV<XDG_CONFIG_HOME> ~ "/leo.toml" !! %*ENV<HOME> ~ "/.config/leo.toml"
+    );
+# If nothing is passed then named argument multi prevails so we just
+# create one so that USAGE() gets printed if no argument is passed.
+multi sub MAIN(Bool :$help-implied) is hidden-from-USAGE { USAGE() }
+multi sub MAIN(Bool :$version) is hidden-from-USAGE { say "Leo v0.6.0" }
+multi sub MAIN(Actions $action, Bool :v(:$verbose)) is hidden-from-USAGE {
+    note 'Verbosity on' if $verbose;
+    note 'Dispatched Actions only sub' if $verbose;
+    note 'Reading configuration' if $verbose;
+    my Config $config = read-configuration();
+    given $action.key {
+        when 'list' {
+            say "Profiles:";
+            say " " x 4, $_ for $config<profiles>.keys.sort;
+            exit 0;
+        }
+        default {
+            note "(!!) No profile passed";
+            exit 1;
+        }
+    }
+multi sub MAIN(
+    Actions $action, #= action to perform
+    *@profiles, #= profiles to perform the action on
+    Bool :v(:$verbose), #= increase verbosity
+    Bool :$version, #= print version
+) {
+    note 'Verbosity on' if $verbose;
+    note 'Reading configuration' if $verbose;
+    my Config $config = read-configuration();
+    # Default number of backups to hold / keep.
+    my int ($default_hold, $default_keep) = (1, 2);
+    # $backup_dir holds path to backup directory.
+    my Str $backup_dir;
+    my DateTime $date = DateTime.new(time);
+    $backup_dir = $config<backup> ?? $config<backup> !! "/tmp/backups";
+    # Fix $backup_dir permission.
+    unless $backup_dir.IO.mode eq "0700" {
+        note "Setting mode to 700: '$backup_dir'" if $verbose;
+        $backup_dir.IO.chmod(0o700);
+    }
+    for @profiles -> $profile {
+        say "[$profile]";
+        without ($config<profiles>{$profile}) {
+            note "(!!) No such profile";
+            exit 1;
+        }
+        my Str $profile_dir = $backup_dir ~ "/$profile";
+        # Create the profile backup directory if it doesn't exist.
+        unless $profile_dir.IO ~~ :d {
+            note "Creating profile backup directory: '$profile_dir'" if $verbose;
+            mkdir($profile_dir, 0o700) or die "$!";
+        }
+        given $action.key {
+            when 'backup' {
+                my IO $backup_file = "$profile_dir/$date.tgz".IO;
+                say "Backup: ", $backup_file.Str;
+                note "\nCalling backup-profile subroutine" if $verbose;
+                backup-profile($profile, $backup_file, $config, $verbose);
+                if (
+                    ($config<profiles>{$profile}<encrypt> // $config<gpg><encrypt>) or
+                    ($config<profiles>{$profile}<sign> // $config<gpg><sign>)
+                ) {
+                    note "\nCalling gnupg subroutine" if $verbose;
+                    gnupg($profile, $backup_file, $config, $verbose);
+                }
+            }
+            when 'list' {
+                say "Encryption ", ($config<profiles>{$profile}<encrypt> //
+                                    $config<gpg><encrypt>) ??
+                                                           "ON" !! "OFF";
+                say "GnuPG sign ", ($config<profiles>{$profile}<sign> //
+                                    $config<gpg><sign>) ??
+                                                        "ON" !! "OFF";
+                say "Holding ", (
+                    $config<profiles>{$profile}<rotate><hold> //
+                    $config<rotate><hold> // $default_hold
+                ), " backups";
+                say "Keeping ", (
+                    $config<profiles>{$profile}<rotate><keep> //
+                    $config<rotate><keep> // $default_keep
+                ), " backups";
+                say "Base directory: ",
+                ($config<profiles>{$profile}<base_dir> //
+                 $config<base_dir> //
+                 "/");
+                say "\nPaths: ";
+                say " " x 4, $_ for @($config<profiles>{$profile}<paths> //
+                                      ".");
+                if $config<profiles>{$profile}<exclude>.defined {
+                    say "\nExclude: ";
+                    say " " x 4, $_ for @($config<profiles>{$profile}<exclude>);
+                }
+            }
+            when 'rotate' {
+                my DateTime %backups;
+                for dir $profile_dir -> $path {
+                    next unless $path.f;
+                    if $path.Str ~~ /$profile '/' (.*)
+                    ['.tar'|'.tar.gpg'|'.tgz'|'.tgz.gpg']$/ -> $match {
+                        %backups{$path.Str} = DateTime.new($match[0].Str);
+                    }
+                }
+                say "Total backups: ", %backups.elems;
+                exit 0 if %backups.elems == 0; # Exit if 0 backups.
+                # Hold the backups that are to be held. Default is to hold 1
+                # backup.
+                for %backups.sort(*.value).map(*.key).head(
+                    $config<profiles>{$profile}<rotate><hold> //
+                    $config<rotate><hold> // $default_hold
+                ) {
+                    note "(H) Holding: ", $_ if $verbose;
+                    %backups{$_}:delete;
+                }
+                # We'll keep `n' latest backups where `n' equals to
+                # the number of backups we want to keep. Default is to
+                # keep 2 backups.
+                for %backups.sort(*.value).map(*.key).tail(
+                    $config<profiles>{$profile}<rotate><keep> //
+                    $config<rotate><keep> // $default_keep
+                ) {
+                    note "(K) Keeping: ", $_ if $verbose;
+                    %backups{$_}:delete;
+                }
+                # Now we just remove all backups in %backups.
+                for %backups -> $backup {
+                    note "(D) Deleting: ", $backup.key if $verbose;
+                    unlink($backup.key);
+                }
+            }
+            default {
+                note "Invalid action";
+                exit 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub backup-profile (
+    Str $profile, IO $backup_file, Config $config, Bool $verbose
+) {
+    my IO $base_dir = $_.IO with (
+        $config<profiles>{$profile}<base_dir> //
+        $config<base_dir> //
+        "/"
+    );
+    chdir $base_dir or die "$!";
+    my Str @options = <-c -z>;
+    push @options, '-vv' if $verbose;
+    push @options, '-f', $backup_file.Str;
+    push @options, '-C', $base_dir.Str;
+    my Str @backup_paths;
+    for (
+        @($config<profiles>{$profile}<paths> // ".")
+    ) -> $path {
+        if $path.IO.d {
+            push @backup_paths, $_.Str for dir $path;
+        } else {
+            push @backup_paths, $path;
+        }
+    }
+    run <tar>, @options, (
+        @backup_paths (-) @($config<profiles>{$profile}<exclude>)
+    ).keys;
+sub gnupg (
+    Str $profile, IO $backup_file, Config $config, Bool $verbose
+) {
+    my Str @options = '--yes';
+    if (
+        $config<profiles>{$profile}<encrypt> //
+        $config<gpg><encrypt>
+    ) {
+        push @options, '--encrypt';
+        with $config<gpg><recipients> {
+            push @options, "--recipient", $_ for @($_);
+        }
+    }
+    push @options, $verbose ?? '--verbose' !! '--quiet';
+    push @options, '--sign' if (
+        $config<profiles>{$profile}<sign> //
+        $config<gpg><sign>
+    );
+    push @options, '--default-key', $_ with $config<gpg><fingerprint>;
+    run <gpg2>, @options, $backup_file;
+    unlink($backup_file) or die "$!";