use Taurus::Seconds;
use Taurus::Timestamp;
use CSV::Parser;
use Terminal::UI 'ui';
use Terminal::ANSI::OO 't';
# If no arguments are passed then run USAGE & exit.
proto MAIN(|) is export {unless so @*ARGS {put $*USAGE; exit}; {*}}
#| parses Call Logs
multi sub MAIN (
Str $log where *.IO.f, #= input log file to parse
UInt :$digits = 10, #= number of significant digits
) is export {
my @logs;
my Str %contacts{Str};
my Instant $timed = now;
my Promise $initial = start {
my $p =;
# 0: Name, 1: Phone number, 2: Call Type,
# 3: Timestamp, 4: Duration, 5: Sim used.
# Turn the Hash to an Array.
@logs = @(${$p.parse($_)})>>.{0..4}
# Discard invalid phone numbers.
.grep(*.[1].chars >= $digits));
for @logs {
# Discard non-significant digits from phone numbers.
.[1] .= substr(*-10);
# Removing leading/trailing whitespaces from names.
.[0] .= trim;
# Build contact list.
%contacts{.[1]} = .[0] if .[0].chars > 0;
# Store Duration in seconds.
.[4] = (.[4].split(":")[0] * 60) + .[4].split(":")[1];
# Store DateTime.
.[3] = timestamp-to-date .[3];
ui.setup: :2panes;
my $p0 = ui.panes[0];
my $p1 = ui.panes[1];
until $initial.status {
$p0.splash: "Parsing logs" ~ (". ", ".. ", "...")[$++ % 3];
sleep 1;
$p0.splash: "Parsed {@logs.elems} entries in {now - $timed}s.";
$p0.put: t.bold ~ ~ ~ t.underline ~ "Taurus v" ~ $?DISTRIBUTION.meta<version>;
$p0.put: "";
$p0.put: "- Show Records", :meta(:all);
$p0.put: "";
$p0.put: "Yearly Records";
$p0.put: " - $_ Records", :meta(:year($_)) for*.[3].year).unique;
$p0.put: "";
# First list Contacts, then sorted phone numbers.
for*.[1]).unique.sort({%contacts{$_} // "Z", $_}) {
$p0.put: "- " ~ $_ ~ " {%contacts{$_} // ''}", :meta(:number($_));
$p0.on: select => -> :%meta {
my Int $fmt = 16;
if %meta.keys.elems > 0 {
print-basic-stats($p1, @logs) with %meta<all>;
with %meta<year> -> $year {
print-yearly-record($p1, @logs, $year);
with %meta<number> -> $num {
$p1.put: "Name: " ~ $_ with %contacts{$num};
$p1.put: "Number: " ~ $num;
$p1.put: "";
print-basic-stats($p1, @logs.grep(*.[1] eqv $num));
for*.[3].year).unique -> $year {
print-yearly-record($p1, @logs, $year);
sub print-yearly-record($p1, @logs, $year) {
constant $fmt = 16;
my Str @month-name = <Month January February March April May June
July August September October November December>;
$p1.put: "";
$p1.put: "Year: " ~ $year;
with @logs.grep(*.[3].year eqv $year).cache {
for .map(*.[3].month).unique.sort -> $month {
$p1.put: " %-*s %s".sprintf($fmt, @month-name[$month] ~ ":",
seconds-to-str(.grep(*.[3].month eqv $month).map(*.[4]).sum));
sub print-basic-stats($p1, @logs) {
constant $fmt = 16;
with @logs {
my $outgoing = .grep(*.[2] eqv "Outgoing Call").map(*.[4]).sum;
my $incoming = .grep(*.[2] eqv "Incoming Call").map(*.[4]).sum;
$p1.put: "%-*s %s".sprintf($fmt, "Outgoing:", seconds-to-str($outgoing));
$p1.put: "%-*s %s".sprintf($fmt, "Incoming:", seconds-to-str($incoming));
$p1.put: "%-*s %s".sprintf($fmt, "Total:", seconds-to-str($outgoing + $incoming));
$p1.put: "";
$p1.put: "%-*s %d".sprintf($fmt, "You Rejected:",
.grep({$_.[2] eqv "Rejected Call" and $_.[4] == 0}).elems);
$p1.put: "%-*s %d".sprintf($fmt, "Missed Calls:",
.grep(*.[2] eqv "Missed Call").elems);
$p1.put: "%-*s %d".sprintf($fmt, "Missed (they):", # Covers Not in network, Rejected.
.grep({$_.[2] eqv "Outgoing Call" and $_.[4] == 0}).elems);
multi sub MAIN(
Bool :$version #= print version
) is export { put "Taurus v" ~ $?DISTRIBUTION.meta<version>; }