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authorbalou <>2022-07-07 19:25:33 +0000
committerbalou <>2022-07-07 19:25:33 +0000
commit91b34a0077e57be5c46637f12d441d40ada2673e (patch)
first commit
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc2385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+#set -x
+#alias local=typeset
+# don't activate for bash or zsh for now
+#[ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ] || [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && return
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+#[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
+if [ "$$" = "1" ]; then
+	echo "Whoah?! I'm init!"
+SHNAME=$(. whatshell)
+if [ -r /proc/self/fd/0 ]; then
+	TTY_FULL=$(LANG=C readlink /proc/self/fd/0 2>/dev/null || LANG=C realpath /proc/self/fd/0)
+	TTY_FULL=$(tty)
+export TTY
+case "$TTY_FULL" in
+	/dev/ttyS*)
+		;;
+	# display return code in prompt 
+	RET=$?
+	if [ $RET = 0 ]; then
+		RET=
+	else
+		RET="[$RET]"
+	fi
+	if [ "$CHECKWINSIZE" ]; then
+		set -- $(stty size)
+		export LINES=$1
+		export COLUMNS=$2		
+		#echo "$COLUMNS x $LINES"
+	fi
+	# workaround for updating terminal size when connecting via serial port
+	if [ "$SERIAL" ]; then
+		local rows
+		local cols
+		IFS='[;' read -p $'\033\033[r\033[999;999H\033[6n\033' -d R -s _ rows cols
+		if [ "x$rows $cols" != "x$LINES $COLUMNS" ]; then
+			stty rows "$rows" cols "$cols"
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "$RPROMPT" ]; then
+		#local RP1=${RPROMPT@P}
+		#local RP2=${RP1//$'\1'+([!$'\2'])$'\2'/}
+		local RP1=$RPROMPT
+		local RP2=$RPROMPT
+		printf "\0337\033[$((COLUMNS - ${#RP2} + 1 ))G%s\0338" "$RP1" > /dev/tty
+	fi
+#printf "%s" "$PS1" > /dev/tty
+	case "$TERM" in
+	(xterm*|rxvt*|vt102|screen)
+		pretty_title "$SHNAME";;
+	esac
+	return 0
+	#set -x
+        printf "\033]0;%s\a" "${*-}" > /dev/tty
+        local extra=${*-}
+        local user=
+        if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
+                user="/${USER}"
+        fi
+        local host=${DISPLAYHOST-$HOSTNAME}
+        local tty="(${COLUMNS}x${LINES} ${TTY})"
+	local pwd
+	case $PWD in
+	$HOME*)
+		pwd="~${PWD#$HOME}"
+		;;
+	*)
+		pwd=$PWD
+		;;
+	esac
+	PWEXT=$pwd
+        #local pwd=${PWD/$HOME/~}
+        if [ -n "$extra" ]; then
+                extra=" <$extra>"
+        fi
+        set_title "$host$user:$extra $pwd $tty"
+        setfg ffffff
+        setbg 000000
+        tango
+        color dark
+        setfg 000000
+        setbg ffffff
+        tango
+        color light
+        setfg bebebe
+        setbg 333333
+        tango
+        color dark
+        local i=0
+        #printf "\033]4;"
+        #for arg; do
+        #        printf "%s;#%s" "$i" "$arg"
+        #        ((++i))
+        #done
+	#printf "\a"
+        #i=0
+        for arg; do
+                printf "\033]P%x%s\a" "$i" "$arg"
+        	printf "\033]4;%s;#%s\a" "$i" "$arg"
+                ((++i))
+        done
+        setcolors \
+                1e1e1e \
+                cc0000 \
+                4e9a06 \
+                c4a000 \
+                3464a4 \
+                75507b \
+                0b939b \
+                d3d7cf \
+                555753 \
+                ef2929 \
+                8ae234 \
+                fce94f \
+                729fcf \
+                ad7fa8 \
+                00f5e9 \
+                eeeeec
+        printf "\033]%s;#%s\a" "$1" "$2"
+	setopt 10 "$1"
+	setopt 12 "$1"
+	setopt 13 "$1"
+	setopt 17 "$1"
+        printf "\033]Pg%s\a" "$1"
+	setopt 11 "$1"
+	setopt 14 "$1"
+        printf "\033]Ph%s\a" "$1"
+#set -x
+        if [ "$SHOW_COMMAND" ]; then
+		local command
+		if [ -n "$BASH_COMMAND" ]; then
+			command=$BASH_COMMAND
+		elif [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
+			command=$1
+		else
+			eval 'command=${.sh.command}'
+			#echo XXX $command
+		fi
+#echo "FOOOBAR $command"
+                #local short=${command:0:50}
+                local short
+                eval 'short=${command:0:50}'
+                pretty_title "$short"
+                case "$TERM" in screen)
+                        printf "\033%.20s\033\\" "$short"
+                esac
+        fi
+export LS_COLORS
+set -o emacs
+#alias grep='grep --color=auto'
+#alias grpe='grep --color=auto'
+#alias gerp='grep --color=auto'
+#alias ls='ls -F --color=auto'
+alias ls='ls -F'
+alias sc='du -schx -- *|sort -h'
+alias vi='vim "+sy on" "+colo elflord" "+se nu" "+se ai" "+se si" "+se hls"'
+: "${EUID:=$(id -u)}"
+CSI=$(printf '\033[')
+if [ -n "$YASH_VERSION$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
+	START="\["
+	END="\]"
+	EC="m$END"
+	SC="$CSI"
+	EC="m"
+	END=
+printf '%s' "$STD${CSI}J"
+: "${HOSTNAME:=$(hostname)}"
+if [ "$EUID" = 0 ]; then
+        UCOLOR=$RED
+	SYMBOL='#'
+        UCOLOR=$GREEN
+	SYMBOL='$'
+case "$TERM" in
+        PS1="${DISPLAYHOST}.\w$SYMBOL "
+        ;;
+	RPROMPT="$(basename $SHELL)"
+	PS1="$PREFIX${UCOLOR}${DISPLAYHOST}${STD}.${BLUE}$START\$(prompt_helper;printf %s \"\$PWEXT\$RET\")$END${STD}$SYMBOL "
+        ;;
+echo "siprof"
+# LASTARG: save and restore the value of $_
+#if [ -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then