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path: root/day22.fsx
blob: 7944d25513a353c0ba94bfecd25aea33c8a9dc6e (plain) (tree)

type Spell = 
    { Name : string
      Cost : int
      Damage : int
      Heal : int
      Armor : int
      Mana : int
      Duration : int }

let allSpells = 
    [ { Name = "Magic Missile"; Cost = 53;  Damage = 4; Heal = 0; Armor = 0; Mana = 0;   Duration = 1}
      { Name = "Drain";         Cost = 73;  Damage = 2; Heal = 2; Armor = 0; Mana = 0;   Duration = 1}
      { Name = "Shield";        Cost = 113; Damage = 0; Heal = 0; Armor = 7; Mana = 0;   Duration = 6}
      { Name = "Poison";        Cost = 173; Damage = 3; Heal = 0; Armor = 0; Mana = 0;   Duration = 6}
      { Name = "Recharge";      Cost = 229; Damage = 0; Heal = 0; Armor = 0; Mana = 101; Duration = 5} ]

let cheapestWin part (hp, mana) (bossHp, bossDamage) =
    let rec play part myTurn best spent (hp, mana, spells) (bossHp, bossDamage) : int =
        // if we have already spent more than the known cheapest win, bail
        if spent >= best then best else

        // part 2, check if I die before any effects play out
        if part = 2 && myTurn && hp = 1 then best else

        // apply effects
        let mana  = (spells |> List.sumBy (fun s -> s.Mana)) + mana
        let damage = spells |> List.sumBy (fun s -> s.Damage)
        let armor  = spells |> List.sumBy (fun s -> s.Armor)

        // does the boss die from effects?
        let bossHp = bossHp - damage
        if bossHp <= 0 then spent else

        // decrement duration of all effects, and groom expired ones
        let spells =
            |> (fun s -> {s with Duration = s.Duration - 1})
            |> List.filter (fun s -> s.Duration > 0)

        if myTurn then
            // part 2, I lose 1 HP on my turn
            let hp = if part = 2 then hp - 1 else hp

            // what spells can I afford and don't already have running?
            match allSpells |> List.filter (fun s -> (s.Cost <= mana) && not (spells |> List.exists (fun s' -> s.Name = s'.Name))) with
            | [] -> best
            | buyableSpells ->
                // play out the rest of the game with each possible purchase
                let mutable newBest = best
                for s in buyableSpells do
                    let extraDamage, heal, spells = 
                        if s.Duration = 1 then s.Damage, s.Heal, spells
                        else 0, 0, s :: spells
                    let spent = spent + s.Cost
                    let mana = mana - s.Cost
                    let hp = hp + heal
                    let bossHp = bossHp - extraDamage
                    if bossHp <= 0 then newBest <- min newBest spent
                    else newBest <- min newBest (play part false newBest spent (hp, mana, spells) (bossHp, bossDamage))
        // boss's turn
            let damage = max (bossDamage - armor) 1
            let hp = hp - damage
            if hp <= 0 then best else
            play part true best spent (hp, mana, spells) (bossHp, bossDamage)

    play part true 999999 0 (hp, mana, []) (bossHp, bossDamage)

printfn "Part 1 - min to win: %d" (cheapestWin 1 (50, 500) (55, 8))
printfn "Part 2 - min to win: %d" (cheapestWin 2 (50, 500) (55, 8))