blob: 5d379be4d45e6ce3e043aa6eb51b79c76cffe9fc (
plain) (
#r "nuget: FSHarpx.Collections, 3.0.1"
open FSharpx.Collections
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let swapPos x y str =
str |> String.mapi (fun i v ->
match i with
| _ when i = x -> str.[y]
| _ when i = y -> str.[x]
| _ -> v)
let swapLetter x y str =
str |> String.mapi (fun i v ->
match v with
| _ when v = x -> y
| _ when v = y -> x
| _ -> v)
let rotateSteps steps dir (str: string) =
let steps = steps % str.Length
let ls = str |> List.ofSeq |> if dir = "right" then List.rev else id
List.fold (fun (s, c) e -> if s <> 0 then (s-1 , List.append c.Tail [e]) else (0, c)) (steps, ls) ls
|> snd |> if dir = "right" then List.rev else id
|> string
|> String.concat ""
let rotatePos (letter: char) (str: string) =
let index = str.IndexOf letter
rotateSteps (index + 1 + (if index >= 4 then 1 else 0)) "right" str
let reversePos (x: int) (y: int) (str: string) =
let reversed = Seq.rev str[x..y] |> string |> String.concat ""
(if x > 0 then str[..x-1] else "") + reversed + str[y+1..]
let movePos (x: int) (y: int) (str:string) =
str |> Seq.mapi (fun i v ->
match i with
| _ when i = x -> ""
| _ when i = y -> if x < y
then (string v + string str[x])
else (string str[x] + string v)
| _ -> string v)
|> String.concat ""
let (|Regex|_|) pattern input =
let m = Regex.Match(input, pattern)
if m.Success then Some(List.tail [for g in m.Groups -> g.Value])
else None
let processLine (str: string): string -> string =
match str with
| Regex "swap position (\d) with position (\d)" [x; y] -> swapPos (int x) (int y)
| Regex "swap letter (\w) with letter (\w)" [x; y] -> swapLetter (char x) (char y)
| Regex "rotate (left|right) (\d) steps?" [dir; steps] -> rotateSteps (int steps) dir
| Regex "rotate based on position of letter (\w)" [letter] -> rotatePos (char letter)
| Regex "reverse positions (\d) through (\d)" [x; y] -> reversePos (int x) (int y)
| Regex "move position (\d) to position (\d)" [x; y] -> movePos (int x) (int y)
| _ -> id
// part 1
let program = File.ReadAllLines "day21.txt" |> processLine |> Array.reduce (>>)
let starter = "abcdefgh"
program starter |> printfn "%s"
// part 2
let target = "fbgdceah"
let charsToString: char list -> string = string >> String.concat ""
// permute all possible inputs to find which one yields the target
let rec permute x =
let rec distribute e = function
| [] -> [[e]]
| x::xs' as xs -> (e::xs)::[for xs in distribute e xs' -> x::xs]
match x with
| [] -> [[]]
| e::xs -> List.collect (distribute e) (permute xs)
|> Seq.toList
|> permute
|> charsToString
|> (fun x -> (x, program x))
|> List.filter (snd >> ((=) target))
|> printfn "%A"