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authorBrian Chu <>2021-12-19 22:57:37 -0800
committerBrian Chu <>2021-12-19 22:57:37 -0800
commitd4f482804b9777768fa4f9fedde0cd549578502b (patch)
parent04d85bf194d50f8da584a8c657d7490649befb7c (diff)
catch up on solutions up to day 20
9 files changed, 554 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55732b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from collections import defaultdict
+graph = defaultdict(list)
+with open("day12.txt") as data:
+    for line in data:
+        vert1, vert2 = line.strip().split('-')
+        if vert2 != "start":
+            graph[vert1].append(vert2)
+        if vert1 != "start":
+            graph[vert2].append(vert1)
+    del graph["end"]
+# part 1
+def walk(path=['start']):
+    count = 0
+    for point in graph[path[-1]]:
+        if point.isupper() or not point in path:
+            count += 1 if point == 'end' else walk(path + [point])
+    return count
+# part 2
+def walk2(path=['start']):
+    count = 0
+    for point in graph[path[-1]]:
+        count += 1 if point == 'end' else (walk2,
+                                           walk)[point.islower()
+                                                 and point in path](
+                                                     path + [point])
+    return count
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1f4058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import numpy as np
+import re
+split_pattern = re.compile('(x|y)=([\d]*)')
+xMax = yMax = 0
+with open('day13.txt') as data:
+    coords = []
+    for line in data:
+        if line == '\n':
+            break
+        else:
+            x, y = map(int, line.strip().split(','))
+            xMax = max(xMax, x)
+            yMax = max(yMax, y)
+            coords += [(x, y)]
+    splits = []
+    for line in data:
+        splits += [, 2)]
+thermal = np.zeros((xMax+1, yMax+1)).astype(bool)
+for x, y in coords:
+    thermal[x, y] = True
+# part 1
+def fold_map(split):
+    # folds always fold the map in half
+    axis, val = split[0], int(split[1])
+    if axis == 'x':
+        folded = np.flip(thermal[val+1:], 0)
+        length = folded.shape[0]
+        thermal[val-length:val] = thermal[val-length:val] | folded
+        return thermal[:val]
+    else:
+        folded = np.flip(thermal[:, val+1:], 1)
+        length = folded.shape[1]
+        thermal[:, val-length:val] = thermal[:, val-length:val] | folded
+        return thermal[:, :val]
+# part 1
+# part 2
+for split in splits:
+    thermal = fold_map(split)
+thermal_str = thermal.astype(str)
+thermal_str[thermal] = "*"
+thermal_str[~thermal] = " "
+for line in thermal_str.T:
+    print("".join(line))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f04d327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from collections import defaultdict
+with open('day14.txt') as data:
+    template = next(data).strip()
+    next(data)
+    rules = {}
+    for line in data:
+        k, v = line.strip().split(' -> ')
+        rules[k] = v
+def polymerize(steps=10):
+    pairs = defaultdict(int)
+    for i in range(len(template) - 1):
+        pairs[template[i] + template[i+1]] += 1
+    for i in range(steps):
+        update = defaultdict(int)
+        for k, v in pairs.items():
+            update[k[0] + rules[k]] += v
+            update[rules[k] + k[1]] += v
+        pairs = update
+    counts = defaultdict(int)
+    for k, v in pairs.items():
+        counts[k[0]] += v
+    return max(counts.values()) - min(counts.values()) - 1
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90aaed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import numpy as np
+import math
+from heapq import *
+from collections import defaultdict
+with open('day15.txt') as data:
+    costs = []
+    for line in data:
+        costs.append(list(line.strip()))
+    costs = np.array(costs).astype(int)
+def a_star(costs) -> int:
+    def h(point):
+        m, n = point
+        # approximate with straight line distance between points
+        return math.sqrt((costs.shape[0]-m)**2 + (costs.shape[1]-n)**2)
+    def neighbors(point):
+        m, n = point
+        neighboring = {(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)}
+        return {(m+dx, n+dy) for dx, dy in neighboring
+                if 0<=m+dx<costs.shape[0] and 0<=n+dy<costs.shape[1]}
+    def path_sum(parents, current):
+        complete = [current]
+        while current in parents:
+            current = parents[current]
+            if current != (0, 0):
+                complete.insert(0, current)
+        return sum(map(lambda x: costs[x], complete))
+    discovered = [(0,0)]
+    parents = {}
+    gScore = defaultdict(lambda : math.inf)
+    gScore[(0,0)] = 0
+    fScore = defaultdict(lambda : math.inf)
+    fScore[(0,0)] = h((0,0))
+    while discovered:
+        if discovered[0] == (goal := (costs.shape[0]-1, costs.shape[1]-1)):
+            return path_sum(parents, goal)
+        current = heappop(discovered)
+        for neighbor in neighbors(current):
+            tentative = gScore[current] + costs[neighbor]
+            if tentative < gScore[neighbor]:
+                parents[neighbor] = current
+                gScore[neighbor] = tentative
+                fScore[neighbor] = tentative + h(neighbor)
+                if neighbor not in discovered:
+                    heappush(discovered, neighbor)
+    else:
+        return None
+# part 1
+# part 2
+new_costs = np.zeros((costs.shape[0] * 5, costs.shape[1] * 5)).astype(int)
+def increment(arr):
+    arr += 1
+    arr[arr > 9] = 1
+xDim, yDim = costs.shape
+for i in range(5):
+    for j in range(5):
+        copied = np.copy(costs)
+        for _ in range(i+j):
+            increment(copied)
+        new_costs[xDim*i:xDim*(i+1), yDim*j:yDim*(j+1)] = copied
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5adedfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import math
+hex2bin = {digit : f'{i:>04b}' for i, digit in enumerate("0123456789ABCDEF")}
+with open('day16.txt') as data:
+    bits = "".join(hex2bin[char] for char in
+pos = 0
+def read_bits(num_bits):
+    global pos
+    num = bits[pos:pos+num_bits]
+    pos += num_bits
+    return num
+def read_int(num_bits):
+# reads arbitrary number of bits from bitstring to a number
+    bit_str = read_bits(num_bits)
+    return int(bit_str, 2)
+def read_literal_int():
+# reads the value of a literal: type id = 4
+    total = 0
+    while True:
+        digit = read_bits(5)
+        total <<= 4
+        total += int(digit[1:], 2)
+        if digit[0] == '0':
+            break
+    return total
+def parse_packet():
+    version = read_int(3)
+    type_id = read_int(3)
+    if type_id == 4:
+        literal = read_literal_int()
+        return {
+            'version': version,
+            'type_id': type_id,
+            'literal': literal
+        }
+    else:
+        length_id = read_int(1)
+        if length_id == 0:
+            bit_length = read_int(15)
+            stop_pos = pos + bit_length
+            subpackets = []
+            while pos < stop_pos:
+                p = parse_packet()
+                subpackets.append(p)
+            return {
+                'version': version,
+                'type_id': type_id,
+                'packets': subpackets
+            }
+        else:
+            sub_length = read_int(11)
+            subpackets = []
+            for i in range(sub_length):
+                subpackets.append(parse_packet())
+            return {
+                'version': version,
+                'type_id': type_id,
+                'packets': subpackets
+            }
+def get_version_sum(packet):
+    version_sum = packet['version']
+    if 'literal' not in packet:
+        for subpacket in packet['packets']:
+            version_sum += get_version_sum(subpacket)
+    return version_sum
+def evaluate_packet(packet):
+    match packet['type_id']:
+        case 0:
+            return sum(evaluate_packet(sub) for sub in packet['packets'])
+        case 1:
+            return for sub in packet['packets'])
+        case 2:
+            return min(evaluate_packet(sub) for sub in packet['packets'])
+        case 3:
+            return max(evaluate_packet(sub) for sub in packet['packets'])
+        case 4:
+            return packet['literal']
+        case 5:
+            return int(evaluate_packet(packet['packets'][0]) > evaluate_packet(packet['packets'][1]))
+        case 6:
+            return int(evaluate_packet(packet['packets'][0]) < evaluate_packet(packet['packets'][1]))
+        case 7:
+            return int(evaluate_packet(packet['packets'][0]) == evaluate_packet(packet['packets'][1]))
+parsed = parse_packet()
+# part 1
+# part 2
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53881ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# target area: 236 <= x <= 262, -78 <= y <= -58
+# i was originally going to do a brute force solution
+# since the problem implies that the displacement on the x axis is the Vx'th triangular number
+# which gives a lower bound on the number of steps to calculate the displacement on the y axis
+# but there's actually a really brilliant solution located at
+# which I am paraphrasing here
+yvel = 77
+print(sum(n for n in range(1, yvel+1)))
+# part 2
+xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = 236, 262, -78, -58
+def is_hit(vel):
+    for pos in trajectory(vel):
+        if xMin <= pos[0] <= xMax and yMin <= pos[1] <= yMax:
+            return True
+    return False
+def trajectory(vel):
+    pos = (0,0)
+    while pos[0] <= xMax and pos[1] >= yMin:
+        yield pos
+        pos = (pos[0] + vel[0], pos[1] + vel[1])
+        vel = (
+            max(0, vel[0] - 1),
+            vel[1] - 1
+        )
+result = 0
+for xvel in range(0, xMax+1):
+    for yvel in range(yMin, -yMin):
+        if is_hit((xvel, yvel)):
+            result += 1
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7711309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+def unpack(line, n=1):
+    '''flattens the number while also keeping track of level'''
+    if line == []:
+        return line
+    if isinstance(line[0], list):
+        return unpack(line[0], n+1) + unpack(line[1:], n)
+    return [[line[0], n]] + unpack(line[1:], n)
+with open('day18.txt') as data:
+    nums = []
+    for line in data:
+        num = unpack(eval(line))
+        nums.append(num)
+def explode(line):
+    for i in range(len(line)-1):
+        num1, level1 = line[i]
+        num2, level2 = line[i+1]
+        if level1 == level2 == 5:
+            line[i] = [0, 4]
+            if i != 0:
+                line[i-1][0] += num1
+            if i+2 != len(line):
+                line[i+2][0] += num2
+            line.pop(i+1)
+            return True
+    return False
+def split(line):
+    for i in range(len(line)):
+        num, level = line[i]
+        if num >= 10:
+            line[i:i+1] = [num//2, level+1], [num//2 + num%2, level+1]
+            return True
+    return False
+def reduce_num(line):
+    while True:
+        if explode(line):
+            continue
+        if not split(line):
+            break
+    return line
+def magnitude(num):
+    while len(num) > 1:
+        for i, ((num1, depth1), (num2, depth2)) in enumerate(zip(num, num[1:])):
+            if depth1 != depth2: continue
+            val = num1 * 3 + num2 * 2
+            num = num[:i] + [[val, depth1-1]] + num[i+2:]
+            break
+    return num[0][0]
+# part 1
+curr = nums[0]
+for line in nums[1:]:
+    summation = list(map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1] + 1], curr + line))
+    curr = reduce_num(summation)
+# part 2
+from itertools import permutations
+permute_nums = permutations(nums, 2)
+maximum = 0
+for perm in permute_nums:
+    summation = reduce_num(list(map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1]+1], perm[0] + perm[1])))
+    maximum = max(maximum, magnitude(summation))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e70d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+from collections import Counter, defaultdict
+import numpy as np
+def fit_homography(P1, P2):
+    # p is a size (N, 3) set of 3d points
+    # X is a size (N, 4) set of 3d points
+    N, _ = P1.shape
+    M = np.zeros((N*3, 12))
+    b = np.zeros((N*3, 1))
+    for i, (p, y) in enumerate(zip(P1, P2)):
+        b[i*3:i*3+3, 0] = y
+        M[i*3, :3] = p
+        M[i*3 + 1, 3:6] = p
+        M[i*3 + 2, 6:9] = p
+        M[i*3: i*3 + 3, 9:] = np.eye(3)
+    x = np.linalg.inv(M.T @ M) @ M.T @ b
+    R = x[:9].reshape(3,3).round().astype(int)
+    t = x[9:].round().astype(int)
+    return R, t
+class SensorData:
+    def __init__(self, points: np.ndarray):
+        self.points = points
+        self.point_to_dists = defaultdict(set)
+        self.sensors = np.zeros((1,3))
+        # Get dists for points
+        self._find_dists()
+    def _find_dists(self):
+        self.point_to_dists = defaultdict(set)
+        for p1 in self.points:
+            for p2 in self.points:
+                if tuple(p1) == tuple(p2): continue
+                d = ((p1 - p2) ** 2).sum().item()
+                self.point_to_dists[tuple(p1)].add(d)
+                self.point_to_dists[tuple(p2)].add(d)
+    def add_points(self, other):
+        matches = self.match_points(other)
+        if matches is None or matches.shape[0] < 12:
+            return False
+        P1, P2 = self.points[matches[:,0], :], other.points[matches[:,1], :]
+        R, t = fit_homography(P2, P1)
+        transformed = other.points @ R.T + t.T
+        self.points = np.concatenate([self.points, transformed])
+        self.points = np.unique(self.points, axis=0)
+        # self._find_dists()
+        for new_point, old_point in zip(transformed, other.points):
+            self.point_to_dists[tuple(new_point)].update(other.point_to_dists[tuple(old_point)])
+        # Also map the sensor location to store list of sensors
+        self.sensors = np.concatenate([
+            self.sensors,
+            other.sensors @ R.T + t.T
+        ])
+        return True
+    def match_points(self, other):
+        paired = []
+        for j, p2 in enumerate(other.points):
+            for i, p1 in enumerate(self.points):
+                dists1 = self.point_to_dists[tuple(p1)]
+                dists2 = other.point_to_dists[tuple(p2)]
+                common = dists1.intersection(dists2)
+                if len(common) < 11: continue
+                paired.append((i, j))
+            if len(paired) == 12:
+                break
+        if not paired: return None
+        return np.stack(paired)
+    def max_dist(self):
+        best = 0
+        for s1 in self.sensors:
+            for s2 in self.sensors:
+                d = np.abs(s1 - s2).sum().item()
+                best = max(d, best)
+        return int(best)
+def parse_input(contents):
+    sensors = contents.split('\n\n')
+    output = []
+    for sensor in sensors:
+        output.append(
+            np.stack(
+                [list(map(int, line.split(',')))
+                for line in sensor.splitlines()[1:]]
+            )
+        )
+    return output
+def part_1(sensors):
+    sensors = [SensorData(np.copy(n)) for n in sensors]
+    data = sensors[0]
+    to_pair = set(range(1, len(sensors)))
+    while to_pair:
+        again = set()
+        for i in to_pair:
+            if data.add_points(sensors[i]): continue
+            again.add(i)
+        to_pair = again
+    return data
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    print('--- Part 1 ---')
+    with open('day19.txt') as f:
+        sensors = parse_input(
+    data = part_1(sensors)
+    print(data.points.shape[0])
+    print('--- Part 2 ---')
+    print(data.max_dist())
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74ca7fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.ndimage import convolve
+with open('day20.txt') as data:
+    algo, image ='\n\n')
+    algo = np.array(list(algo))
+    algo = (algo == '#').astype(int)
+    image = np.stack(list(map(list, image.strip().split('\n'))))
+    image = (image == '#').astype(int)
+    image = np.pad(image, (100, 100))
+weights = 2 ** np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
+# part 1
+for i in range(50):
+    image = algo[convolve(image, weights)]
+    if i == 1:
+        print(image.sum())