blob: 6caed93602ad7f41d724d17ede623ef714862e28 (
plain) (
module Solutions.Day13
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.Json.Nodes
type Packet =
| PList of Packet array
| PInt of int
let rec parsePacket (p: JsonNode) =
match p with
| :? JsonArray as a -> a |> parsePacket |> Array.ofSeq |> PList
| :? JsonValue as v -> v.GetValue<int>() |> PInt
| _ -> failwith "shouldn't happen"
let rec comparePackets (left: Packet) (right: Packet) =
match left, right with
| PInt l, PInt r when l < r -> -1
| PInt l, PInt r when l > r -> 1
| PInt _, PInt _ -> 0
| PInt _, PList _ -> comparePackets (PList [|left|]) right
| PList _, PInt _ -> comparePackets left (PList [|right|])
| PList l, PList r ->
(l, r)
||> Seq.fold2 (fun acc a b ->
match acc with
| 0 -> comparePackets a b
| x -> x) 0
|> function
| 0 when l.Length < r.Length -> -1
| 0 when l.Length > r.Length -> 1
| x -> x
let input = File.ReadAllLines("inputs/day13.txt")
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> not <| String.IsNullOrEmpty x)
|> (fun x -> JsonNode.Parse x |> parsePacket)
let part1 () = input
|> Seq.chunkBySize 2
|> (fun x -> comparePackets x[0] x[1])
|> Seq.indexed
|> (fun (index, compare) -> if compare = -1 then index + 1 else 0)
|> Seq.sum
let part2 () =
let divider2 = PList [| PList [| PInt 2 |] |]
let divider6 = PList [| PList [| PInt 6 |] |]
let input' = Seq.append input [|divider2; divider6|]
let sorted = Seq.sortWith comparePackets input'
let d2Index = Seq.findIndex ((=) divider2) sorted |> (+) 1
let d6Index = Seq.findIndex ((=) divider6) sorted |> (+) 1
d2Index * d6Index