blob: 2355e00df47b4e592b395d8674e67c79de769473 (
plain) (
module Solutions.Day5
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
// forgive me lord for what i'm about to do
// too lazy to figure out how to parse initial state so hardcoding instead
let initState = [|
['D'; 'T'; 'W'; 'N'; 'L'];
['H'; 'P'; 'C'];
['J'; 'M'; 'G'; 'D'; 'N'; 'H'; 'P'; 'W'];
['L'; 'Q'; 'T'; 'N'; 'S'; 'W'; 'C'];
['N'; 'C'; 'H'; 'P'];
['B'; 'Q'; 'W'; 'M'; 'D'; 'N'; 'H'; 'T'];
['L'; 'S'; 'G'; 'J'; 'R'; 'B'; 'M'];
['T'; 'R'; 'B'; 'V'; 'G'; 'W'; 'N'; 'Z'];
['L'; 'P'; 'N'; 'D'; 'G'; 'W']
type instruction = {
amount: int;
source: int;
target: int
let getInstruction inst =
let matches = Regex.Matches(inst, "move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)")
|> Seq.head
|> fun x -> x.Groups
|> List.ofSeq |> List.tail
|> (fun x -> int x.Value)
assert (List.length matches = 3)
{amount = matches[0]; source = matches[1] - 1; target = matches[2] - 1}
let instructions = File.ReadLines("inputs/day5.txt")
|> Array.ofSeq
|> fun x -> Array.splitAt (Array.findIndex ((=) "") x) x
|> snd |> Array.tail |> getInstruction
let executeInstruction1 (state: list<char>[]) inst =
for _ in 1..inst.amount do
match state[inst.source] with
| top::bottom ->
state[inst.source] <- bottom
state[] <- top::state[]
| _ -> failwith "this shouldn't happen"
let part1 () =
let mutable currentState = initState
Array.iter (executeInstruction1 currentState) instructions (List.head >> string) currentState |> String.concat ""
let executeInstruction2 (state: char [] []) inst =
state[] <- Array.append state[inst.source].[..inst.amount-1] state[]
state[inst.source] <- state[inst.source][inst.amount..]
let part2 () =
let mutable currentState = initState |> Array.ofList
Array.iter (executeInstruction2 currentState) instructions (Array.head >> string) currentState |> String.concat ""