blob: 1d37417786e760ad7bbedb224100a57a9eeff0ef (
plain) (
;;;; plus function
(defvar *number-units-at-beginning* nil)
(defun base-number (number-list base-digit)
"Given a number list and a digit, it says if the number list has all the base digits."
((null number-list) t)
((eq (car number-list) base-digit) (base-number (cdr number-list) base-digit))
(t nil)))
(defun may-reverse (number)
"If units is placed on the end, reverse; else keep it."
(if *number-units-at-beginning*
(reverse number)))
(defun explode-string (string)
"Given a string, it returns a list of the symbol of this string"
(loop for letter across string collect (intern (string letter))))
(defun explode (number)
"Given a number (which can have letters), it returns a list of the symbols of this number"
(loop for letter across (prin1-to-string number) collect (intern (string letter))))
(defun implode (number)
"Given a list of the symbols of a number (which can have letters), it returns the symbol of this number"
(intern (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'symbol-name number))))
(defun symbol-to-number (symbol)
"Given a symbol, returns it's number."
(nth-value 0 (parse-integer (symbol-name symbol))))
(defun next-digit (numerals digit)
"Given a list of a numeral system and a digit, it returns the next digit."
((null digit) (car numerals))
((not (eq (car numerals) digit)) (next-digit (cdr numerals) digit))
(t (cadr numerals))))
(defun next-list-number (numerals number-list &optional self-recursing)
"Given a list of a numeral system and a list of a number, it returns a list of the next number."
((eq (car number-list) (car (last numerals)))
(cons (car numerals) (next-list-number numerals (cdr number-list) t)))
((and (not self-recursing) (null number-list)) (cons (car numerals) nil))
(null number-list)
(and self-recursing (base-number number-list (car numerals))))
(cons (cadr numerals) number-list))
(t (cons (next-digit numerals (car number-list)) (cdr number-list)))))
(defun previous-digit (numerals digit)
"Given a list of a numeral system and a digit, it returns the previous digit."
(next-digit (reverse numerals) digit))
(defun previous-list-number (numerals number-list)
"Given a list of a numeral system and a list of a number, it returns a list of the previous number."
((base-number number-list (car numerals)) nil)
(eq (car number-list) (car numerals))
(eq (cadr number-list) (cadr numerals))
(base-number (cddr number-list) (car numerals)))
(cons (car (last numerals)) (cddr number-list)))
((eq (car number-list) (car numerals))
(cons (car (last numerals)) (previous-list-number numerals (cdr number-list))))
(t (cons (previous-digit numerals (car number-list)) (cdr number-list)))))
(defun plus-args-list (numerals a b)
"Given a list of a numeral system and 2 lists of numbers, it returns the list of it's sum."
((base-number b (car numerals)) a)
((null b) a)
((or (> (length b) (length a)) (null a)) (plus-args-list numerals b a))
(t (plus-args-list numerals (next-list-number numerals a) (previous-list-number numerals b)))))
(defun plus (numerals a b)
"Given a list of a numeral system and 2 lists of numbers, it returns the list of it's sum according to it's units direction."
(may-reverse (plus-args-list numerals (may-reverse a) (may-reverse b))))
(defun plus-decimal (&rest args)
"Given decimal numbers, it returns the symbol it's sum."
(nth-value 0 (implode (reduce (lambda (a b) (plus '(|0| |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| |7| |8| |9|) a b)) (mapcar #'explode args)))))
(defun p (&rest args)
"Given earthal numbers, it returns it's sum."
(symbol-to-number (nth-value 0 (implode (reduce (lambda (a b) (plus '(|1| |2| |3| |4| |5|) a b)) (mapcar #'explode args))))))
(defun acc (fn a b)
((equal b '(|1|)) a)
(t (funcall fn a (acc fn a (previous-list-number (explode 12345) b))))))
(defun m (a b)
(symbol-to-number (implode (acc (lambda (a b) (plus (explode 12345) a b)) (explode a) (explode b)))))
(defun po (a b)
(acc #'m a b))
(defun z (a b)
(acc #'po a b))
(defun tab (fn a)
(dotimes (b 5)
(format t "~d . ~d = ~d~%" (1+ b) a (funcall fn (1+ b) a))))