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authorDarren Bane <dbane@tilde.institute>2020-05-02 19:59:21 -0400
committerDarren Bane <dbane@tilde.institute>2020-05-02 19:59:21 -0400
commitbc19dfeb20194b1369bf9698b9eb11587fa5cd28 (patch)
parent1e64fdf07c45e0380f759589b7669bb9bf88fea0 (diff)
Code complete, but needs to be tested
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/crpg.lisp b/crpg.lisp
index 10f40d3..6f37799 100755
--- a/crpg.lisp
+++ b/crpg.lisp
@@ -6,29 +6,34 @@
 (in-package #:crpg)
-(defclass <location> () ((row :initarg r :accessor row)
-			 (col :initarg c :accessor col)))
-(defmethod print-object ((obj <location>) stream)
+(defclass <coord> () ((row :initarg r :accessor row)
+		      (col :initarg c :accessor col)))
+(defmethod print-object ((obj <coord>) stream)
   (format stream "~A ~A" (row obj) (col obj)))
-;; TODO: <location-contents> class, or maybe rename the other one to <coord>
-(defvar *monster* (make-array '(10 10)))
-(defvar *item* (make-array '(10 10)))
-(defvar *curr-loc* (make-instance (find-class '<location>) 'r 5 'c 5))
+(defclass <location> () ((monster :initarg m :accessor monster)
+			 (item :initarg i :accessor item)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self <location>) &key)
+  (setf (monster self) nil)
+  (setf (item self) nil))
+(defvar *map* (make-array '(10 10)))
+(defvar *curr-coord* (make-instance (find-class '<coord>) 'r 5 'c 5))
 (defconstant +move-err+ "You cannot move in that direction!")
 (defconstant +press-key+ "Press Enter to continue.")
-(defconstant +exit+ (make-instance (find-class '<location>)
+(defconstant +exit+ (make-instance (find-class '<coord>)
 				   'r (+ (random 10) 1)
 				   'c (+ (random 10) 1)))
 ;; (format *standard-output* "~A~%" +exit+)
 ;; (sleep 3)
-;; TODO: <player> class?
-(defvar *gold* 0)
-(defvar *health* 20)
-(defvar *weapon* 1)
+(defclass <player> () ((gold :accessor gold)
+		       (health :accessor health)
+		       (weapon :accessor weapon)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self <player>) &key)
+  (setf (gold self) 0)
+  (setf (health self) 20)
+  (setf (weapon self) 1))
+(defmethod print-object ((obj <player>) stream)
+  (format stream "Gold: ~A   Health: ~A   Weapon: ~A~%" (gold obj) (health obj) (weapon obj)))
+(defvar *the-player* (make-instance (find-class '<player>)))
 (defclass <monster> () ((name :initarg n :reader name)
 			(attack :initarg a :reader attack)
 			(health :initarg h :accessor health)))
@@ -50,19 +55,29 @@
    (create-monster "dragon" 9 8)))
 (defclass <item> () ((name :initarg n :reader name)
 		     (class :initarg c :reader class)
-		     (val :initarg v :reader val)))
+		     (value :initarg v :reader value)))
+(defclass <food> (<item>) ())
+(defclass <weapon> (<item>) ())
+(defclass <trap> (<item>) ())
 (defun create-item (n c v)
-  (make-instance (find-class '<item>) 'n n 'c c 'v v))
+  (make-instance (find-class c) 'n n 'v v))
 (defconstant +items+
-   (create-item "apple" 'food 1)
-   (create-item "bread" 'food 2)
-   (create-item "chicken" 'food 3)))
+   (create-item "apple" '<food> 1)
+   (create-item "bread" '<food> 2)
+   (create-item "chicken" '<food> 3)
+   (create-item "dagger" '<weapon> 2)
+   (create-item "sword" '<weapon> 3)
+   (create-item "halberd" '<weapon> 4)
+   (create-item "smoke" '<trap> 1)
+   (create-item "noose trap" '<trap> 2)
+   (create-item "pit trap" '<trap> 3)))
 (defgeneric copy (obj))
 (defmethod copy ((obj <monster>))
   (create-monster (name obj) (attack obj) (health obj)))
 (defvar *curr-monster*)
 (defvar *monster-gold*)
+(defvar *curr-item*)
 (defun my-print (x)
   (format *standard-output* "~A~%" x))
 (defun print-help ()
@@ -72,56 +87,65 @@
   (my-print "            e - east")
   (my-print "            w - west")
   (my-print "            a - attack")
+  (my-print "            t - take item")
   (my-print "            x - use exit")
   (write-char #\newline)
-  (my-print "            q - quit"))
-(defgeneric move (loc dir))
-(defmethod move ((loc <location>) dir)
+  (my-print "            q - quit")
+  (cursor 14 40)
+  (format *standard-output* "+~A+~%" (make-string 10 :initial-element #\-))
+  (cursor 15 40)
+  (format *standard-output* "|~A|~%" (make-string 10 :initial-element #\space))
+  (cursor 16 40)
+  (format *standard-output* "+~A+~%" (make-string 10 :initial-element #\-))
+  (cursor 17 44)
+  (my-print "ITEM"))
+(defgeneric move (coord dir))
+(defmethod move ((coord <coord>) dir)
   (case dir
-	((n) (if (= (row loc) 1)
+	((n) (if (= (row coord) 1)
 		 (my-print +move-err+)
-	       (progn (setf (row loc) (- (row loc) 1))
+	       (progn (setf (row coord) (- (row coord) 1))
 		      (my-print "You go north."))))
-	((s) (if (= (row loc) 10)
+	((s) (if (= (row coord) 10)
 		 (my-print +move-err+)
-	       (progn (setf (row loc) (+ (row loc) 1))
+	       (progn (setf (row coord) (+ (row coord) 1))
 		      (my-print "You go south."))))
-	((w) (if (= (col loc) 1)
+	((w) (if (= (col coord) 1)
 		 (my-print +move-err+)
-	       (progn (setf (col loc) (- (col loc) 1))
+	       (progn (setf (col coord) (- (col coord) 1))
 		      (my-print "You go west."))))
-	((e) (if (= (col loc) 10)
+	((e) (if (= (col coord) 10)
 		 (my-print +move-err+)
-	       (progn (setf (col loc) (+ (col loc) 1))
+	       (progn (setf (col coord) (+ (col coord) 1))
 		      (my-print "You go east."))))
 	(t (error "bad dir"))))
-(defgeneric loc= (l r))
-(defmethod loc= ((l <location>) (r <location>))
+(defgeneric coord= (l r))
+(defmethod coord= ((l <coord>) (r <coord>))
   (and (= (row l) (row r)) (= (col l) (col r))))
 (defun handle-cmd (cmd)
    ((string= cmd "n")
-    (move *curr-loc* 'n))
+    (move *curr-coord* 'n))
    ((string= cmd "s")
-    (move *curr-loc* 's))
+    (move *curr-coord* 's))
    ((string= cmd "w")
-    (move *curr-loc* 'w))
+    (move *curr-coord* 'w))
    ((string= cmd "e")
-    (move *curr-loc* 'e))
+    (move *curr-coord* 'e))
    ((string= cmd "x")
-    (if (loc= *curr-loc* +exit+)
-	(if (< *gold* 100)
+    (if (coord= *curr-coord* +exit+)
+	(if (< (gold *the-player*) 100)
 	    (my-print "You dont have enough gold!")
 	  (my-print "You have escaped! Well done!"))))
    ((string= cmd "a")
     (if (null *curr-monster*)
 	(my-print "There's nothing to attack!")
-      (progn (loop while (and (> (health *curr-monster*) 0) (> *health* 0))
+      (progn (loop while (and (> (health *curr-monster*) 0) (> (health *the-player*) 0))
 		   do (cursor 10 1) (clrtoeol)
 		   (cursor 11 1) (clrtoeol)
 		   (cursor 12 1) (clrtoeol)
 		   (cursor 10 1)
-		   (let ((attack (+ *weapon* (random 9)))
+		   (let ((attack (+ (weapon *the-player*) (random 9)))
 			 (monster-attack (attack *curr-monster*)))
 		      ((= attack monster-attack)
@@ -131,21 +155,45 @@
 		       (setf (health *curr-monster*) (- (health *curr-monster*) 1)))
 		      ((< attack monster-attack)
 		       (my-print "You have been wounded!")
-		       (setq *health* (- *health* 1))))
+		       (setf (health *the-player*) (- (health *the-player*) 1))))
 		     (my-print +press-key+)
 	     (cursor 10 1)
-	     (if (> *health* 0)
+	     (if (> (health *the-player*) 0)
 		 (progn (my-print "You won the fight!")
 			(format *standard-output* "You found ~A pieces of gold!~%" *monster-gold*)
-			(setq *gold* (+ *gold* *monster-gold*))
+			(setf (gold *the-player*) (+ (gold *the-player*) *monster-gold*))
 			(setq *curr-monster* nil)
-			(setf (aref *monster* (row *curr-loc*) (col *curr-loc*)) nil)
+			(setf (monster (aref *map* (row *curr-coord*) (col *curr-coord*))) nil)
 			(my-print +press-key+)
 	       (progn (format *standard-output* "The ~A killed you!~%" (name *curr-monster*))
 		      (my-print "Game over!")
 		      (throw 'quit nil))))))
+   ((string= cmd "t")
+    (if (null *curr-item*)
+	(progn (cursor 10 1)
+	       (my-print "Nothing to take!")
+	       (my-print +press-key+)
+	       (read-line))
+      (progn (case (class-of *curr-item*)
+		   ((find-class '<food>)
+		    (cursor 10 1)
+		    (format *standard-output* "You eat the ~A.~%" (name *curr-item*))
+		    (if (>= (health *the-player*) 20)
+			(my-print "You had no wounds, so the food is wasted.~%")
+		      (progn (setf (health *the-player*) (+ (health *the-player*) (value *curr-item*)))
+			     (format *standard-output* "You gain ~A health points ~%" (value *curr-item*)))))
+		   ((find-class '<weapon>)
+		    (cursor 10 1)
+		    (if (>= (weapon *the-player*) (value *curr-item*))
+			(my-print "You have a similar or better weapon.")
+		      (progn (format *standard-output* "You pick up a ~A!")
+			     (setf (weapon *the-player*) (value *curr-item*))
+			     (format *standard-output* "Your weapon rating is now ~A.~%" (weapon *the-player))))))
+	     (my-print +press-key+)
+	     (read-line)
+	     (setf (item (aref *map* (row *curr-coord*) (col *curr-coord))) nil))))
    ((string= cmd "q")
     (my-print "Bye!")
     (throw 'quit nil))))
@@ -159,22 +207,38 @@
 (defun main-loop ()
    (cursor 1 1)
-   (format *standard-output* "Your position: ~A~%" *curr-loc*)
+   (format *standard-output* "Your position: ~A~%" *curr-coord*)
    (cursor 1 25)
-   (format *standard-output* "Gold: ~A   Health: ~A~%" *gold* *health*)
+   (format *standard-output* "~A~%" *the-player*)
    (cursor 2 1)
-   (if (loc= *curr-loc* +exit+)
+   (if (coord= *curr-coord* +exit+)
        (my-print "You are at the exit!")
    (cursor 3 1)
-   (let ((monster-type (aref *monster* (row *curr-loc*) (col *curr-loc*))))
+   (let ((monster-type (monster (aref *map* (row *curr-coord*) (col *curr-coord*)))))
      (if (null monster-type)
 	 (progn (setq *curr-monster* nil)
 		(setq *monster-gold* 0))
        (progn (setq *curr-monster* (copy (elt +monsters+ monster-type)))
 	      (format *standard-output* "Monster: ~A~%" *curr-monster*)
 	      (setq *monster-gold* (* monster-type (random 6))))))
+   (let ((item-type (item (aref *map* (row *curr-coord*) (col *curr-coord*)))))
+     (if (null item-type)
+	 (progn (cursor 15 41)
+		(my-print "nothing"))
+       (progn (setq *curr-item* (elt +items+ item-type))
+	      (cursor 15 41)
+	      (my-print (name *curr-item*))
+	      (if (eq (class-of *curr-item*) (find-class '<trap>))
+		  (progn (cursor 10 1)
+			 (format *standard-output* "The ~A damages you for ~A points!~%" (name *curr-item*) (value *curr-item*))
+			 (setf (health *the-player*) (- (health *the-player*) (value *curr-item*)))
+			 (setf (item (aref *map* (row *curr-coord*) (col *curr-coord*))) nil)
+			 (if (<= (health *the-player*) 0)
+			     (progn (my-print "You die!")
+				    (my-print "Game over!")
+				    (throw 'quit nil))))))))
    (handle-cmd (get-next-cmd))))
 (defun init ()
@@ -183,12 +247,12 @@
       ((>= row 10))
       (do ((col 1 (+ col 1)))
 	  ((>= col 10))
+	  (setf (aref *map* row col) (make-instance (find-class '<location>)))
 	  (let ((rnd (random 11)))
 	    (if (/= rnd 0)
-		(setf (aref *monster* row col) (- rnd 1))))))
-  (do ((row 1 (+ row 1)))
-      ))
+		(setf (monster (aref *map* row col)) (- rnd 1))))
+	  (if (< (random 1.0) 0.2)
+	      (setf (item (aref *map* row col)) (random 9))))))
 (defun main ()