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path: root/html/matt-chat/pokemon.js
blob: e707e7b5be678317c8c95cc6c48c0ca9721b15bf (plain) (tree)

// Pokemon API functionality using functional programming approach

// Base URL for the PokeAPI
const POKE_API_BASE = 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2';

// Utility function to fetch data from the API
const fetchPokeData = async (endpoint) => {
    try {
        const response = await fetch(`${POKE_API_BASE}${endpoint}`);
        if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
        return await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching Pokemon data:', error);
        throw error;

// Function to get Pokemon basic info
const getPokemonInfo = async (pokemonName) => {
    try {
        const data = await fetchPokeData(`/pokemon/${pokemonName.toLowerCase()}`);
        return {
            name: data.name,
            id: data.id,
            types: data.types.map(type => type.type.name),
            abilities: data.abilities.map(ability => ({
                name: ability.ability.name,
                isHidden: ability.is_hidden
            stats: data.stats.map(stat => ({
                name: stat.stat.name,
                value: stat.base_stat
            height: data.height / 10, // Convert to meters
            weight: data.weight / 10, // Convert to kilograms
            sprite: data.sprites.front_default
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Could not find Pokemon: ${pokemonName}`);

// Function to get ability details
const getAbilityInfo = async (abilityName) => {
    try {
        const data = await fetchPokeData(`/ability/${abilityName.toLowerCase()}`);
        return {
            name: data.name,
            effect: data.effect_entries.find(e => e.language.name === 'en')?.effect || 'No effect description available.',
            pokemon: data.pokemon.map(p => p.pokemon.name)
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Could not find ability: ${abilityName}`);

// Function to get move details
const getMoveInfo = async (moveName) => {
    try {
        const data = await fetchPokeData(`/move/${moveName.toLowerCase()}`);
        return {
            name: data.name,
            type: data.type.name,
            power: data.power,
            accuracy: data.accuracy,
            pp: data.pp,
            effect: data.effect_entries.find(e => e.language.name === 'en')?.effect || 'No effect description available.'
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Error(`Could not find move: ${moveName}`);

const getEvolutionInfo = async (pokemonName) => {
    const data = await fetchPokeData(`/pokemon-species/${pokemonName.toLowerCase()}`);
    return data.evolution_chain;

// Function to format Pokemon info into a readable message
const formatPokemonInfo = (info) => {
    const spriteImage = info.sprite ? `<img src="${info.sprite}" alt="${info.name} sprite" style="width: 100px; height: auto;" />` : '';
    return `
🔍 Pokemon: ${info.name.toUpperCase()} (#${info.id})
📊 Types: ${info.types.join(', ')}
💪 Abilities: ${info.abilities.map(a => `${a.name}${a.isHidden ? ' (Hidden)' : ''}`).join(', ')}
📈 Stats:
${info.stats.map(s => `  ${s.name}: ${s.value}`).join('\n')}
📏 Height: ${info.height}m
⚖️ Weight: ${info.weight}kg

// Function to format ability info into a readable message
const formatAbilityInfo = (info) => {
    return `
🔰 Ability: ${info.name.toUpperCase()}
📝 Effect: ${info.effect}
✨ Pokemon with this ability: ${info.pokemon.join(', ')}

// Function to format move info into a readable message
const formatMoveInfo = (info) => {
    return `
⚔️ Move: ${info.name.toUpperCase()}
🎯 Type: ${info.type}
💥 Power: ${info.power || 'N/A'}
🎲 Accuracy: ${info.accuracy || 'N/A'}
🔄 PP: ${info.pp}
📝 Effect: ${info.effect}

const formatEvolutionInfo = (info) => {
    return `
🔗 Evolution Chain: ${info.name.toUpperCase()}

// Main handler for Pokemon commands
const handlePokemonCommand = async (args) => {
    if (!args.length) {
        return "Usage: /pokemon [pokemon|ability|move] [name]";

    const [type, ...nameArgs] = args;
    const name = nameArgs.join(' ').replace(/\s+/g, '-'); // Replace spaces with hyphens

    if (!name) {
        return "Please provide a name to search for.";

    try {
        switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
            case 'pokemon':
                const pokemonInfo = await getPokemonInfo(name);
                return formatPokemonInfo(pokemonInfo);
            case 'ability':
                const abilityInfo = await getAbilityInfo(name);
                return formatAbilityInfo(abilityInfo);
            case 'move':
                const moveInfo = await getMoveInfo(name);
                return formatMoveInfo(moveInfo);
            case 'evolution-chain':
                const evolutionInfo = await getEvolutionInfo(name);
                return formatEvolutionInfo(evolutionInfo);
                return "Invalid type. Use: pokemon, ability, or move.";
    } catch (error) {
        return `Error: ${error.message}`;

// Export the handler for use in main application
export { handlePokemonCommand };