const Items = {
items: new Map(), // Map of items on the grid, key is "q,r"
// Item types
name: 'Coin',
color: '#FFD700',
size: 0.2 // Size relative to hex
GEM: {
name: 'Gem',
color: '#50C878',
size: 0.25
// Initialize items on the map
init() {
// Add some random items
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const q = Math.floor(Math.random() * HexGrid.GRID_SIZE - HexGrid.GRID_SIZE/2);
const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * HexGrid.GRID_SIZE - HexGrid.GRID_SIZE/2);
// Don't place items at player start position
if (q !== 0 || r !== 0) {
const type = Math.random() < 0.5 ? this.TYPES.COIN : this.TYPES.GEM;
this.addItem(q, r, type);
// Add an item to the map
addItem(q, r, type) {
this.items.set(`${q},${r}`, { type, q, r });
// Remove an item from the map
removeItem(q, r) {
return this.items.delete(`${q},${r}`);
// Get item at position
getItem(q, r) {
return this.items.get(`${q},${r}`);
// Draw all items
draw(ctx, hexToPixel, camera, HEX_SIZE) {
this.items.forEach(item => {
const pixelPos = hexToPixel({ q: item.q, r: item.r });
const screenX = pixelPos.x - camera.x;
const screenY = pixelPos.y - camera.y;
ctx.fillStyle = item.type.color;
ctx.arc(screenX, screenY, HEX_SIZE * item.type.size, 0, Math.PI * 2);