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Here are several metacircular evaluator questions from past 60A final exams.
For each of these questions, you should go through these three steps:

(a) Is this primarily a change to eval (based on the current environment) or
    to apply (based on a procedure's execution environment)?

(b) Which specific subprocedure should be changed?

(c) Then write the code.

The first two steps are most important!


1.  Modify the metacircular evaluator to accept a new kind of cond clause,
as explained below.  We are interested in the situation in which some
expression is computed as the predicate part of a clause, and then if that
expression is non-nil, the same expression is part of the desired return
value.  For example, suppose we have an association list like

((I . 1) (V . 5) (X . 10) (L . 50) (C . 100) (D . 500) (M . 1000))

The tool we have for looking things up in such a list is assq, which
returns the entire pair whose car matches its argument:

> (assq 'L roman-number-list)
(L . 50)

Suppose we want to find the numeric value for a given letter.  We could
define the following procedure:

(define (value letter)
  (cond ((assq letter roman-number-list)
         (cdr (assq letter roman-number-list)))
        (else nil)))

but this involves computing the call to assq twice.  Alternatively,
we could use a let outside the cond, but that's awkward if
the cond has several clauses and only one requires this value.
For example, using a let would be tricky if the example were

(define (value letter-or-number)
  (cond ((number? letter-or-number) letter-or-number)
        ((assq letter-or-number roman-number-list)
         (cdr (assq letter-or-number roman-number-list)))
        (else nil)))

Here is how this would look using the new syntax you are going to invent:

(define (value letter-or-number)
  (cond ((number? letter-or-number) letter-or-number)
        ((assq letter-or-number roman-number-list) => cdr)
        (else nil)))

The first and third clauses are unchanged.  The second clause uses the new
syntax.  It has exactly three elements; the second of those three is the
keyword => to indicate the use of this syntax, and the third is an
expression whose value is a one-argument procedure (the symbol cdr).  If the
value of the first expression is non-nil, then cond should evaluate the
third element and apply that function to the value of the first element.

2. (This is the one we did in class.)

(a) Modify the metacircular evaluator so that it always evaluates
the arguments in a procedure call from left to right, regardless
of the order of evaluation in the underlying Scheme.

(b) Does your modified evaluator always evaluate the procedure
expression before it evaluates the argument expressions, regardless
of the underlying Scheme?  For example, in evaluating the expression

(foo a b)

will your evaluator always look up FOO before looking up A?  Explain
why or why not.

(c) Show an example interaction with Scheme in which the result of the
interaction depends on whether or not the procedure expression is evaluated
before the argument expressions.

3. Modify the metacircular evaluator to allow type-checking of arguments to
procedures.  Here is how the feature should work.  When a new procedure is
defined, a formal parameter can be either a symbol as usual or else a list
of two elements.  In this case, the second element is a symbol, the name of
the formal parameter.  The first element is an expression whose value is
a predicate function.  That function should return #t if the argument
is valid.  For example, here is a procedure foo that has type-checked
parameters num and list:

> (define (foo (integer? num) ((lambda (x) (not (null? x))) list))
    (nth num list))
> (foo 3 '(a b c d e))
> (foo 3.5 '(a b c d e))
Error: wrong argument type -- 3.5
> (foo 2 '())
Error: wrong argument type -- ()

In this example we define a procedure foo with two formal parameters, named
num and list.  When foo is invoked, the evaluator will check to see that the
first actual argument is an integer and that the second actual argument is
not empty.  The expression whose value is the desired predicate function
should be evaluated with respect to foo's defining environment.

4.  Suppose you have a procedure that takes several arguments, e.g.,

(define (foo a b c d e f) ...)

Now you want to invoke this procedure.  You are providing values explicitly
for the parameters a and b, but you have the remaining arguments in a list.
If you had all the arguments in a list, you could say

(apply foo arglist)

but instead you have to say something awkward like

(apply foo (cons a-value (cons b-value arglist)))

We'd like to invent a new notation, allowing you to invoke the procedure
by saying

(foo a-value b-value . arglist)

In this notation, arglist must be a symbol whose value is a list.  Your job
is to modify the metacircular evaluator to accept this notation.

NOTE 1:  Although this looks similar to the notation

(define (foo a b . args) ...)

used to create a procedure that accepts variable numbers of arguments, it's
not the same feature.  This time we're talking about the invocation
of the procedure, not the definition of the procedure.

NOTE 2:  You should assume that the (read) procedure has already taken
care of translating the dot notation into an improper list, which is what
you'll see as the expression to be evaluated.