blob: 49fdab11fc3d109acb591d010d9eadcdc170ae4c (
plain) (
;;; logo.scm part of programming project #4
;;; Problem A1 make-line-obj
(define (make-line-obj text)
(error "make-line-obj not written yet!"))
;;; Problem A2 logo-type
(define (logo-type val)
(error "logo-type not written yet!"))
(define (logo-print val)
(logo-type val)
(define (logo-show val)
(logo-print (list val)))
;;; Problem B3 variables (logo-meta.scm is also affected)
(define (make env var val)
(error "make not written yet!")
;;; Here are the primitives RUN, IF, and IFELSE. Problem B2 provides
;;; support for these, but you don't have to modify them.
(define (run env exp)
(eval-line (make-line-obj exp) env))
(define (logo-if env t/f exp)
(cond ((eq? t/f 'true) (eval-line (make-line-obj exp) env))
((eq? t/f 'false) '=no-value=)
(else (error "Input to IF not true or false" t/f))))
(define (ifelse env t/f exp1 exp2)
(cond ((eq? t/f 'true) (eval-line (make-line-obj exp1) env))
((eq? t/f 'false) (eval-line (make-line-obj exp2) env))
(else (error "Input to IFELSE not true or false" t/f))))
;;; Problem B2 logo-pred
(define (logo-pred pred)
pred) ;; This isn't written yet but we fake it for now.
;;; Here is an example of a Scheme predicate that will be turned into
;;; a Logo predicate by logo-pred:
(define (equalp a b)
(if (and (number? a) (number? b))
(= a b)
(equal? a b)))
;;; Stuff below here is needed for the interpreter to work but you ;;;
;;; don't have to modify anything or understand how they work. ;;;
;;; The Logo reader
(define left-paren-symbol (string->symbol (make-string 1 #\( )))
(define right-paren-symbol (string->symbol (make-string 1 #\) )))
(define quote-symbol (string->symbol (make-string 1 #\" )))
(define (logo-read)
(define lookahead #f)
(define (logo-read-help depth)
(define (get-char)
(if lookahead
(let ((char lookahead))
(set! lookahead #f)
(let ((char (read-char)))
(if (eq? char #\\)
(list (read-char))
(define (quoted char)
(if (pair? char)
(list char)))
(define (get-symbol char)
(define (iter sofar char)
(cond ((pair? char) (iter (cons (car char) sofar) (get-char)))
((memq char
'(#\space #\newline #\+ #\- #\* #\/
#\= #\< #\> #\( #\) #\[ #\] ))
(set! lookahead char)
(else (iter (cons char sofar) (get-char))) ))
(string->word (list->string (reverse (iter '() char)))) )
(define (get-token space-flag)
(let ((char (get-char)))
(cond ((eq? char #\space) (get-token #t))
((memq char '(#\+ #\* #\/ #\= #\< #\> #\( #\) ))
(string->symbol (make-string 1 char)))
((eq? char #\-)
(if space-flag
(let ((char (get-char)))
(let ((result (if (eq? char #\space)
(set! lookahead char)
((eq? char #\[) (logo-read-help (1+ depth)))
((pair? char) (get-symbol char))
((eq? char #\")
(let ((char (get-char)))
(if (memq char '(#\[ #\] #\newline))
(begin (set! lookahead char) quote-symbol)
(string->symbol (word quote-symbol
(get-symbol (quoted char)))))))
(else (get-symbol char)) )))
(define (after-space)
(let ((char (get-char)))
(if (eq? char #\space)
(let ((char (get-char)))
(cond ((eq? char #\newline)
(if (> depth 0) (set! lookahead char))
((eq? char #\space)
(let ((char (after-space)))
(if (eq? char #\newline)
(begin (if (> depth 0) (set! lookahead char))
(begin (set! lookahead char)
(let ((token (get-token #t)))
(cons token (logo-read-help depth)))))))
((eq? char #\])
(if (> depth 0) '() (error "Unexpected ]")))
((eof-object? char) char)
(else (set! lookahead char)
(let ((token (get-token #f)))
(cons token (logo-read-help depth)) )))))
(logo-read-help 0))
;;; Assorted stuff
(define (make-logo-arith op)
(lambda args (apply op (map maybe-num args))))
(define (maybe-num val)
(string->word (word->string val)))
(define tty-port (current-input-port))
(define (prompt string)
(if (eq? (current-input-port) tty-port) (display string)))
(define (meta-load fn)
(define (loader)
(let ((exp (logo-read)))
(if (eof-object? exp)
(begin (eval-line (make-line-obj exp)
(with-input-from-file (symbol->string fn) loader)