;;; obj.scm version 4.0 5/18/2000
;;; -- implementation of the object-oriented syntax
;; By Matt Wright, based on a handout from MIT
;; Revised for STk by Brian Gaeke - removed scm and procedure->macro
;;; Utilities
;; MAKNAM: create a new symbol whose name is the concatenation of the
;; names of those in the symbol list SYMBOLS.
(define (maknam . symbols)
(string->symbol (apply string-append (map symbol->string symbols))))
;; ASK: send a message to an object
; The dot in the first line of the definition of ASK, below, makes it
; take a variable number of arguments. The first argument is associated
; with the formal parameter OBJECT; the second with MESSAGE; any extra
; actual arguments are put in a list, and that list is associated with
; the formal parameter ARGS. (If there are only two actual args, then
; ARGS will be the empty list.)
; APPLY takes two arguments, a procedure and a list, and applies the
; procedure to the things in the list, which are used as actual
; argument values.
(define (ask object message . args)
(let ((method (object message)))
(if (method? method)
(apply method args)
(error "No method " message " in class " (cadr method)))))
(define (no-method name)
(list 'no-method name))
(define (no-method? x)
(if (pair? x)
(eq? (car x) 'no-method)
(define (method? x)
(not (no-method? x)))
;; INSTANTIATE and INSTANTIATE-PARENT: Create an instance of a class
; The difference is that only INSTANTIATE initializes the new object
(define (instantiate class . arguments)
(let ((new-instance (apply (class 'instantiate) arguments)))
(ask new-instance 'initialize new-instance)
(define (instantiate-parent class . arguments)
(apply (class 'instantiate) arguments))
;; GET-METHOD: Send a message to several objects and return the first
;; method found (for multiple inheritance)
(define (get-method give-up-name message . objects)
(if (null? objects)
(no-method give-up-name)
(let ((method ((car objects) message)))
(if (method? method)
(apply get-method (cons give-up-name
(cons message (cdr objects)) ))))))
;; USUAL: Invoke a parent's method
;; Note: The 'send-usual-to-parent method is put in automatically by
;; define-class.
(define-macro (usual . args)
`(ask dispatch 'send-usual-to-parent . ,args))
;; DEFINE-CLASS: Create a new class.
; DEFINE-CLASS is a special form. When you type (define-class body...)
; it's as if you typed (make-definitions (quote body...)). In other
; words, the argument to DEFINE-CLASS isn't evaluated. This makes sense
; because the argument isn't Scheme syntax, but rather is the special
; object-oriented programming language we're defining.
; Make-definitions transforms the OOP notation into a standard Scheme
; expression, then uses EVAL to evaluate the result. (You'll see EVAL
; again in chapter 4 with the metacircular evaluator.)
; When you define a class named THING, for example, two global Scheme
; variables are created. The variable THING has as its value the
; procedure that represents the class. This procedure is invoked by
; INSTANTIATE to create instances of the class. A second variable,
; THING-DEFINITION, has as its value the text of the Scheme expression
; that defines THING. This text is used only by SHOW-CLASS, the
; procedure that lets you examine the result of the OOP-to-Scheme
; translation process.
(define-macro (define-class . body) (make-definitions body))
(define (make-definitions form)
(let ((definition (translate form)))
(eval `(define ,(maknam (class-name form) '-definition) ',definition))
(eval definition)
(list 'quote (class-name form))))
(define (show-class name)
(eval (maknam name '-definition)) )
; TRANSLATE does all the work of DEFINE-CLASS.
; The backquote operator (`) works just like regular quote (') except
; that expressions proceeded by a comma are evaluated. Also, expressions
; proceeded by ",@" evaluate to lists; the lists are inserted into the
; text without the outermost level of parentheses.
(define (translate form)
(cond ((null? form) (error "Define-class: empty body"))
((not (null? (obj-filter form (lambda (x) (not (pair? x))))))
(error "Each argument to define-class must be a list"))
((not (null? (extra-clauses form)))
(error "Unrecognized clause in define-class:" (extra-clauses form)))
`(define ,(class-name form)
(let ,(class-var-bindings form)
(lambda (class-message)
,@(class-variable-methods form)
((eq? class-message 'instantiate)
(lambda ,(instantiation-vars form)
(let ((self '())
,@(parent-let-list form)
,@(instance-vars-let-list form))
(define (dispatch message)
,(init-clause form)
,(usual-clause form)
,@(method-clauses form)
,@(local-variable-methods form)
,(else-clause form) ))
dispatch )))
(else (error "Bad message to class" class-message)) )))))))
(define *legal-clauses*
'(instance-vars class-vars method default-method parent initialize))
(define (extra-clauses form)
(obj-filter (cdr form)
(lambda (x) (null? (member (car x) *legal-clauses*)))))
(define class-name caar)
(define (class-var-bindings form)
(let ((classvar-clause (find-a-clause 'class-vars form)))
(if (null? classvar-clause)
(cdr classvar-clause) )))
(define instantiation-vars cdar)
(define (parent-let-list form)
(let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
(if (null? parent-clause)
(map (lambda (parent-and-args)
(list (maknam 'my- (car parent-and-args))
(cons 'instantiate-parent parent-and-args)))
(cdr parent-clause)))))
(define (instance-vars-let-list form)
(let ((instance-vars-clause (find-a-clause 'instance-vars form)))
(if (null? instance-vars-clause)
(cdr instance-vars-clause))))
(define (init-clause form)
(define (parent-initialization form)
(let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
(if (null? parent-clause)
(lambda (parent-and-args)
`(ask ,(maknam 'my- (car parent-and-args)) 'initialize self) )
(cdr parent-clause) ))))
(define (my-initialization form)
(let ((init-clause (find-a-clause 'initialize form)))
(if (null? init-clause) '()
(cdr init-clause))))
(define (init-body form)
(append (parent-initialization form)
(my-initialization form) ))
`((eq? message 'initialize)
(lambda (value-for-self)
(set! self value-for-self)
,@(init-body form) )))
(define (variable-list var-type form)
(let ((clause (find-a-clause var-type form)))
(if (null? clause)
(map car (cdr clause)) )))
(define (class-variable-methods form)
(cons `((eq? class-message 'class-name) (lambda () ',(class-name form)))
(map (lambda (variable)
`((eq? class-message ',variable) (lambda () ,variable)))
(variable-list 'class-vars form))))
(define (local-variable-methods form)
(cons `((eq? message 'class-name) (lambda () ',(class-name form)))
(map (lambda (variable)
`((eq? message ',variable) (lambda () ,variable)))
(append (cdr (car form))
(variable-list 'instance-vars form)
(variable-list 'class-vars form)))))
(define (method-clauses form)
(lambda (method-defn)
(let ((this-message (car (cadr method-defn)))
(args (cdr (cadr method-defn)))
(body (cddr method-defn)))
`((eq? message ',this-message)
(lambda ,args ,@body))))
(obj-filter (cdr form) (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) 'method))) ))
(define (parent-list form)
(let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
(if (null? parent-clause)
(map (lambda (class) (maknam 'my- class))
(map car (cdr parent-clause))))))
(define (usual-clause form)
(let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
(if (null? parent-clause)
`((eq? message 'send-usual-to-parent)
(error "Can't use USUAL without a parent." ',(class-name form)))
`((eq? message 'send-usual-to-parent)
(lambda (message . args)
(let ((method (get-method ',(class-name form)
,@(parent-list form))))
(if (method? method)
(apply method args)
(error "No USUAL method" message ',(class-name form)) )))))))
(define (else-clause form)
(let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form))
(default-method (find-a-clause 'default-method form)))
((and (null? parent-clause) (null? default-method))
`(else (no-method ',(class-name form))))
((null? parent-clause)
`(else (lambda args ,@(cdr default-method))))
((null? default-method)
`(else (get-method ',(class-name form) message ,@(parent-list form))) )
`(else (let ((method (get-method ',(class-name form)
,@(parent-list form))))
(if (method? method)
(lambda args ,@(cdr default-method)) )))))))
(define (find-a-clause clause-name form)
(let ((clauses (obj-filter (cdr form)
(lambda (x) (eq? (car x) clause-name)))))
(cond ((null? clauses) '())
((null? (cdr clauses)) (car clauses))
(else (error "Error in define-class: too many "
clause-name "clauses.")) )))
(define (obj-filter l pred)
(cond ((null? l) '())
((pred (car l))
(cons (car l) (obj-filter (cdr l) pred)))
(else (obj-filter (cdr l) pred))))
(provide "obj")