blob: dcd6bd1c258a6da7ee045f7525a6e4e3af831909 (
plain) (
;;; small-world.scm
;;; Miniature game world for debugging the CS61A adventure game project.
;;; You can load this instead of adv-world.scm, and reload it quickly
;;; whenever you change a class.
;;; How to use this file:
;;; If, for example, your person class doesn't work, and you do something
;;; like (define Matt (instantiate person 'Matt)), and then fix your
;;; person class definition, Matt is still bound to the faulty person
;;; object from before. However, reloading this file whenever you
;;; change something should redefine everything in your world with the
;;; currently loaded (i.e. most recent) versions of your classes.
(define 61A-Lab (instantiate place '61A-Lab))
(define Lounge (instantiate place 'Lounge))
(can-go 61A-Lab 'up Lounge)
(can-go Lounge 'down 61A-Lab)
;;; Hopefully you'll see more of the world than this in real life
;;; while you're doing the project!
(define homework-box (instantiate thing 'homework-box))
(ask 61A-Lab 'appear homework-box)
(define Coke (instantiate thing 'Coke))
(ask Lounge 'appear Coke)
(define laba (instantiate person 'Lab-assistant 61A-Lab))