let now = new Date();
const MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
const HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;
const DAY = 24 * HOUR;
const futureTime = (now, hours, minutes = 0) => {
return new Date(now.getTime() + hours * HOUR + minutes * MINUTE);
const prettyTime = (time) => {
return time.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' });
const prettyTimeFromNow = (time) => {
let diff = time - new Date();
if (diff === 0) {
return 'now';
let hours = Math.floor(diff / HOUR);
let minutes = Math.floor((diff % HOUR) / MINUTE);
let hoursText = hours === 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours';
let minutesText = minutes === 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes';
return `${hours} ${hoursText} and ${minutes} ${minutesText}`;
const addPartyPerson = (person) => {
if (princess.party.length < 5 && !princess.party.includes(person)) {
const removePartyPerson = (person) => {
if (princess.party.includes(person)) {
princess.party = princess.party.filter(p => p !== person);
const levelUpPrincess = (stat, amount) => {
princess[stat] += amount;
const levelUpPartyMember = (person, stat, amount) => {
if (princess.party.includes(person) && typeof person[stat] === 'number') {
person[stat] += amount;
const addQuest = (quest) => {
if (!princess.activeQuests.includes(quest)) {
quest.start = new Date(); // Update the quest's start time to the current time
const checkQuests = () => {
princess.activeQuests.forEach(quest => {
let currentTime = new Date();
let elapsedTime = currentTime - quest.start;
if (elapsedTime >= quest.duration) { // TODO: shooting from the hip, this'll need to be tested
princess.activeQuests = princess.activeQuests.filter(q => q !== quest);
// the player character
let princess = {
finery: 10,
knowledge: 10,
spider: 100,
treasure: 100,
party: [], // the princess' party of people (an array may not make sense for this, since I'd like to limit it's max size, but maybe I can have a bounding function)
activeQuests: [],
completedQuests: []
// the people the player can recruit
let people = [
name: "Hawk",
description: "Stable boy and goat herd.",
aspiration: "To be a knight.",
power: 1,
speed: 1,
spider: 2,
loyalty: 3 // loyalty increases whenever the princess pays a person
name: "Bella",
description: "Scullery maid.",
aspiration: "To be a pirate.",
power: 2,
speed: 2,
spider: 1,
loyalty: 3
name: "Silver Teeth in the Moonlight, aka Teeth",
description: "A rotund goblin doctor.",
aspiration: "To be the dentist for a king.",
power: 2,
speed: 5,
spider: 1,
loyalty: 3
let quests = [
name: "The Spider of the Silver Forest",
description: "The princess must defeat the spider of the silver forest.",
reward: "The treasure of the silver forest.",
duration: 2 * HOUR,
start: null
name: "The Treasure of the Silver Forest",
description: "The princess must find the treasure of the silver forest.",
reward: "The spider of the silver forest.",
duration: 2 * HOUR,
start: null