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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2025-01-19 10:25:32 -0500
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2025-01-19 10:25:32 -0500
commit0e5af6d78907f8d7e640a76557522d9e9706fdd0 (patch)
parent021b55d5c5971c2a07132adf72a57ea12db05e8c (diff)
2 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/awk/vm/vm.awk b/awk/vm/vm.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e53bf1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/vm.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# Math:	+ AND XOR NOT 2* 2/ multiply-step
+# Register:	A A! B!
+# Memory: @ ! @+ !+ @B !B @P !P
+# NO-OP: .
+    # Initialize VM state
+    stack_pointer = 0    # Points to next free position
+    pc = 0              # Program counter
+    MAX_STACK = 100     # Maximum stack size
+    MAX_MEM = 1000      # Memory size
+    # Initialize registers
+    A = 0              # A register
+    B = 0              # B register
+    P = 0              # P register (auxiliary pointer)
+    # Stack operations
+    split("", stack)   # Initialize stack array
+    split("", memory)  # Initialize memory array
+# Stack operations
+function push(value) {
+    if (stack_pointer >= MAX_STACK) {
+        print "Stack overflow!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    stack[stack_pointer++] = value
+function pop() {
+    if (stack_pointer <= 0) {
+        print "Stack underflow!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    return stack[--stack_pointer]
+# Basic stack manipulation
+function op_drop() {
+    pop()
+function op_dup() {
+    if (stack_pointer <= 0) {
+        print "Stack underflow on DUP!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    push(stack[stack_pointer - 1])
+function op_over() {
+    if (stack_pointer <= 1) {
+        print "Stack underflow on OVER!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    push(stack[stack_pointer - 2])
+# Basic arithmetic operations
+function op_add() {
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a + b)
+function op_and() {
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    # For now, we'll just multiply as a placeholder
+    # In a real implementation, we'd need to implement proper bitwise AND
+    push(a * b)
+function op_xor() {
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    # For now, we'll just add as a placeholder
+    # In a real implementation, we'd need to implement proper bitwise XOR
+    push(a + b)
+function op_not() {
+    a = pop()
+    # For now, we'll just negate as a placeholder
+    # In a real implementation, we'd need to implement proper bitwise NOT
+    push(-a - 1)
+function op_2times() {
+    a = pop()
+    push(a * 2)
+function op_2div() {
+    a = pop()
+    push(int(a / 2))
+# Register operations
+function op_a() {
+    push(A)
+function op_astore() {
+    A = pop()
+function op_bstore() {
+    B = pop()
+# Memory operations
+function op_fetch() {
+    addr = pop()
+    push(memory[addr])
+function op_store() {
+    value = pop()
+    addr = pop()
+    memory[addr] = value
+function op_fetchplus() {
+    push(memory[P++])
+function op_storeplus() {
+    memory[P++] = pop()
+function op_fetchb() {
+    push(memory[B])
+function op_storeb() {
+    memory[B] = pop()
+function op_fetchp() {
+    push(memory[P])
+function op_storep() {
+    memory[P] = pop()
+function print_stack() {
+    printf "Stack: "
+    for (i = 0; i < stack_pointer; i++) {
+        printf "%d ", stack[i]
+    }
+    printf "\n"
+function execute_instruction(inst) {
+    if (inst ~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+        # Numbers are pushed onto the stack
+        push(int(inst))
+        return
+    }
+    if (inst == "BYE")      { exit 0 } # not really in the minimal spec as set out by Chuck Moore, but useful for a graceful exit.
+    if (inst == "DROP")     { op_drop(); return }
+    if (inst == "DUP")      { op_dup(); return }
+    if (inst == "OVER")     { op_over(); return }
+    if (inst == "+")        { op_add(); return }
+    if (inst == "AND")      { op_and(); return }
+    if (inst == "XOR")      { op_xor(); return }
+    if (inst == "NOT")      { op_not(); return }
+    if (inst == "2*")       { op_2times(); return } # multiply-step
+    if (inst == "2/")       { op_2div(); return } # divide-step
+    if (inst == "A")        { op_a(); return } # push A register
+    if (inst == "A!")       { op_astore(); return } # store A register
+    if (inst == "B!")       { op_bstore(); return } # store B register
+    if (inst == "@")        { op_fetch(); return } # fetch from memory
+    if (inst == "!")        { op_store(); return } # store to memory
+    if (inst == "@+")       { op_fetchplus(); return } # fetch from memory at P+
+    if (inst == "!+")       { op_storeplus(); return } # store to memory at P+
+    if (inst == "@B")       { op_fetchb(); return } # fetch from memory at B
+    if (inst == "!B")       { op_storeb(); return } # store to memory at B
+    if (inst == "@P")       { op_fetchp(); return } # fetch from memory at P
+    if (inst == "!P")       { op_storep(); return } # store to memory at P
+    if (inst == ".")        { return }  # NO-OP
+    print "Unknown instruction: " inst > "/dev/stderr"
+    exit 1
+# Main execution loop
+    # Split the input line into words
+    n = split($0, words)
+    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+        execute_instruction(words[i])
+    }
+    # Print stack after each line of input
+    print_stack()
diff --git a/awk/vm/vm_tests.sh b/awk/vm/vm_tests.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3bfd6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/vm_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+echo "Running VM tests..."
+echo "Test 1: Basic register A operations"
+echo "42 A! A A" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 2: Register A and B with memory operations"
+echo "100 A! 200 B! 42 @B" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 3: Sequential memory operations using P register"
+echo "1 2 3 4 5 !+ !+ !+ !+ !+ 0 P! @+ @+ @+ @+ @+" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 4: Complex register manipulation"
+echo "42 A! A DUP B! @B" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 5: Register arithmetic"
+echo "5 A! 3 B! A B! @B A +" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 6: Memory pointer operations"
+echo "42 0 ! 1 P! @P" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Tests completed." 
\ No newline at end of file