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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
commit562a9a52d599d9a05f871404050968a5fd282640 (patch)
tree7d3305c1252c043bfe246ccc7deff0056aa6b5ab /js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Solutions/week10
parent5d012c6c011a9dedf7d0a098e456206244eb5a0f (diff)
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+CS 61A -- Week 10 Solutions
+3.12 append vs. append!  
+exp1 is (b); exp2 is (b c d).  Append (without the !) makes copies of the
+two pairs that are part of the list x.  (You can tell because it uses
+cons, which is the constructor function that generates a brand new pair.)
+Append! does not invoke cons; it mutates the existing pairs to combine
+the two argument lists.
+2.  Set! vs. set-cdr!
+There are two ways to think about this, and you should understand both
+of them:
+The syntactic explanation -- SET! is a special form; its first argument
+must be a symbol, not a compound expression.  So anything of the form
+       (set! (...) ...)
+must be an error.
+The semantic explanation -- SET! and SET-CDR! are about two completely
+different purposes.  SET! is about the bindings of variables in an
+environment.  SET-CDR! is about pointers within pairs.  SET! has nothing
+to do with pairs; SET-CDR! has nothing to do with variables.  There is
+no situation in which they are interchangeable.
+(Note:  The book says, correctly, that the two are *equivalent* in the
+sense that you can use one to implement the other.  But what that means
+is that, for example, if we didn't have pairs in our language we could
+use the oop techniques we've learned, including local state variables
+bound in an environment, to simulate pairs.  Conversely, we'll see in
+Chapter 4 that we can write a Scheme interpreter, including environments
+as an abstract data type, building them out of pairs.  But given that
+we are using the regular Scheme's built-in pairs and built-in environments,
+those have nothing to do with each other.)
+3a.  Fill in the blanks.
+> (define list1 (list (list 'a) 'b))
+> (define list2 (list (list 'x) 'y))
+> (set-cdr! ____________ ______________)
+> (set-cdr! ____________ ______________)
+> list1
+((a x b) b)
+> list2
+((x b) y)
+The key point here is that if we're only allowed these two SET-CDR!s then
+we'd better modify list2 first, because the new value for list1 uses the
+sublist (x b) that we'll create for list2.
+So it's
+(set-cdr! (car list2) (cdr list1))
+(set-cdr! (car list1) (car list2))
+3b.  Now do (set-car! (cdr list1) (cadr list2)).
+Everything that used to be "b" is now "y" instead:
+> list1
+((a x y) y)
+> list2
+((x y) y)
+The reason is that there was only one appearance of the symbol B in
+the diagram, namely as the cadr of list1; every appearance of B in the
+printed representation of list1 or list2 came from pointers to the
+pair (cdr list1).  The SET-CAR! only makes one change to one pair,
+but three different things point (directly or indirectly) to it.
+3.13 make-cycle
+The diagram is
+     +----------------+
+     |                |
+     V                |
+---> XX--->XX--->XX---+
+     |     |     |
+     V     V     V
+     a     b     c
+(last-pair z) will never return, because there is always a non-empty
+cdr to look at next.
+3.14  Mystery procedure.
+This procedure is REVERSE!, that is to say, it reverses the list
+by mutation.  After
+     (define v (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+     (define w (mystery v))
+the value of w is the list (d c b a); the value of v is the list (a)
+because v is still bound to the pair whose car is a.  (The procedure
+does not change the cars of any pairs.)
+5a.  We want Scheme-2 to accept both the ordinary form
+	(define x 3)
+and the procedure-abbreviation form
+	(define (square x) (* x x))
+The latter should be treated as if the user had typed
+	(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
+The hint says we can use data abstraction to achieve this.
+Here is the existing code that handles DEFINE:
+(define (eval-2 exp env)
+  (cond ...
+	((define-exp? exp) (put (cadr exp)
+				(eval-2 (caddr exp) env)
+				env)
+	 		   'okay)
+	...))
+We're going to use selectors for the pieces of the DEFINE expression:
+(define (eval-2 exp env)
+  (cond ...
+	((define-exp? exp) (put (DEFINE-VARIABLE exp)
+				(eval-2 (DEFINE-VALUE exp) env)
+				env)
+	 		   'okay)
+	...))
+To get the original behavior we would define the selectors this way:
+(define define-variable cadr)
+(define define-value caddr)
+But instead we'll check to see if the cadr of the expression is a
+symbol (so we use the ordinary notation) or a list (abbreviating
+a procedure definition):
+(define (define-variable exp)
+  (if (pair? (cadr exp))
+      (caadr exp)		;(define (XXXX params) body)
+      (cadr exp)))
+(define (define-value exp)
+  (if (pair? (cadr exp))
+      (cons 'lambda
+	    (cons (cdadr exp)	;params
+		  (cddr exp)))	;body
+      (caddr exp)))
+Writing selectors like this is the sort of situation in which the compositions
+like CAADR are helpful.  That particular one is (car (cadr exp)), which is the
+first element of the second element of the expression.  (You should recognize
+CADR, CADDR, and CADDDR as selectors for the second, third, and fourth
+elements of a list.)  The second element of the expression is a list such as
+(SQUARE X), so the car of that list is the variable name.
+Since DEFINE-VALUE is supposed to return an expression, we have to construct
+a LAMBDA expression, making explicit what this notation abbreviates.
+5c.  In a procedure call, parameters are processed from left to right,
+and PUT adds each parameter to the front of the environment.  So they
+end up in reverse order.  Similarly, top-level DEFINEs add things to
+the global environment in reverse order.  So the sequence of expressions
+should be
+Scheme-2: (define b 2)
+Scheme-2: (define a 1)
+Scheme-2: ((lambda (c b) 'foo) 4 3)
+It doesn't matter what's in the body of the procedure, since we're
+interested in the environments rather than in the values returned.
+3.16 incorrect count-pairs
+This procedure would work fine for any list structure that can be expressed
+as (quote <anything>).  It fails when there are two pointers to the same pair.
+(define a '(1 2 3))                    (count-pairs a) --> 3
+(define b (list 1 2 3))
+(set-car! (cdr b) (cddr b))            (count-pairs b) --> 4
+(define x (list 1))
+(define y (cons x x))
+(define c (cons y y))                  (count-pairs c) --> 7
+(define d (make-cycle (list 1 2 3)))   (count-pairs d) --> infinite loop
+Note from example c that it's not necessary to use mutators to create
+a list structure for which this count-pairs fails, but it is necessary
+to have a name for a substructure so that you can make two pointers to it.
+The name needn't be global, though; I could have said this:
+(define c
+  (let ((x (list 1)))
+    (let ((y (cons x x)))
+      (cons y y) )))
+3.17 correct count-pairs   
+(define (count-pairs lst)
+  (let ((pairlist '())
+	(count 0))
+    (define (mark-pair pair)
+      (set! pairlist (cons pair pairlist))
+      (set! count (+ count 1)))
+    (define (subcount pair)
+      (cond ((not (pair? pair)) 'done)
+	    ((memq pair pairlist) 'done)
+	    (else (mark-pair pair)
+		  (subcount (car pair))
+		  (subcount (cdr pair)))))
+    (subcount lst)
+    count))
+The list structure in pairlist can get very complicated, especially if
+the original structure is complicated, but it doesn't matter.  The cdrs
+of pairlist form a straightforward, non-circular list; the cars may point
+to anything, but we don't follow down the deep structure of the cars.  We
+use memq, which sees if PAIR (a pair) is eq? (NOT equal?) to the car of some
+sublist of pairlist.  Eq? doesn't care about the contents of a pair; it just
+looks to see if the two arguments are the very same pair--the same location
+in the computer's memory.
+[Non-experts can stop here and go on to the next problem.  The following
+optional material is just for experts, for a deeper understanding.]
+It's not necessary to use local state and mutation.  That just makes the
+problem easier.  The reason is that a general list structure isn't a sequence;
+it's essentially a binary tree of pairs (with non-pairs as the leaves).  So
+you have to have some way to have the pairs you encounter in the left branch
+still remembered as you traverse the right branch.  The easiest way to do
+this is to remember all the pairs in a variable that's declared outside the
+SUBCOUNT procedure, so it's not local to a particular subtree.
+But another way to do it is to have a more complicated helper procedure
+that takes PAIRLIST as an argument, but also sequentializes the traversal by
+keeping a list of yet-unvisited nodes, sort of like the breadth-first tree
+traversal procedure (although this goes depth-first because TODO is a stack,
+not a queue):
+(define (count-pairs lst)
+  (define (helper pair pairlist count todo)
+    (if (or (not (pair? pair)) (memq pair pairlist))        ; New pair?
+        (if (null? todo) 				    ;  No. More pairs?
+            count                                           ;   No. Finished.
+            (helper (car todo) pairlist count (cdr todo)))  ;   Yes, pop one.
+        (helper (car pair) (cons pair pairlist) (+ count 1) ;  Yes, count it,
+                (cons (cdr pair) todo)))) 		    ;  do car, push cdr
+  (helper lst '() 0 '()))
+As you're reading this code, keep in mind that all the calls to HELPER
+are tail calls, so this is an iterative process, unlike the solution
+using mutation, in which the call (SUBCOUNT (CAR PAIR)) isn't a tail call
+and so that solution generates a recursive process.
+And after you understand that version, try this one:
+(define (count-pairs lst)
+  (define (helper pair pairlist count todo)
+    (if (or (not (pair? pair)) (memq pair pairlist))        ; New pair?
+	(todo pairlist count)				    ; No. Continue.
+        (helper (car pair) (cons pair pairlist) (+ count 1) ;  Yes, count it,
+		(lambda (pairlist count)		    ;  do car, push cdr
+		  (helper (cdr pair) pairlist count todo)))))
+  (helper lst '() 0 (lambda (pairlist count) count)))
+Here, instead of being a list of waiting pairs, TODO is a procedure that
+knows what tasks remain.  The name for such a procedure is a "continuation"
+because it says how to continue after doing some piece of the problem.
+This is an example of "continuation-passing style" (CPS).  Since TODO is
+tail-called, you can think of it as the target of a goto, if you've used
+languages with that feature.
+3.21 print-queue  
+The extra pair used as the head of the queue has as its car an ordinary
+list of all the items in the queue, and as its cdr a singleton list of
+the last element of the queue.  Each of Ben's examples print as a list of
+two members; the first member is a list containing all the items in the
+queue, and the second member is just the last item in the queue.  If you
+look at what Ben printed, take its car and you'll get the queue items;
+take its cdr and you'll get a list of one member, namely the last queue
+item.  The only exception is Ben's last example.  In that case, the car of
+what Ben prints correctly indicates that the queue is empty, but the cdr
+still contains the former last item.  This is explained by footnote 22
+on page 265, which says that we don't bother updating the rear-ptr when we
+delete the last (or any) member of the queue because a null front-ptr is
+good enough to tell us the queue is empty.
+It's quite easy to print the sequence of items in the queue:
+(define print-queue front-ptr)
+3.25 multi-key table
+Several students generalized the message-passing table implementation
+from page 271, which is fine, but it's also fine (and a little easier)
+to generalize the simpler version of page 270:
+(define (lookup keylist table)
+  (cond ((not table) #f)
+	((null? keylist) (cdr table))
+	(else (lookup (cdr keylist)
+		      (assoc (car keylist) (cdr table))))))
+(define (insert! keylist value table)
+  (if (null? keylist)
+      (set-cdr! table value)
+      (let ((record (assoc (car keylist) (cdr table))))
+	(if (not record)
+	    (begin
+	     (set-cdr! table
+		       (cons (list (car keylist)) (cdr table)))
+	     (insert! (cdr keylist) value (cadr table)))
+	    (insert! (cdr keylist) value record)))))
+That solution assumes all the entries are compatible.  If you say
+	(insert! '(a) 'a-value my-table)
+	(insert! '(a b) 'ab-value my-table)
+the second call will fail because it will try to
+	(assoc 'b (cdr 'a-value))
+and the CDR will cause an error.  If you'd like to be able to have
+values for both (a) and (a b), the solution is more complicated;
+each table entry must contain both a value and a subtable.  In the
+version above, each association list entry is a pair whose CAR is
+a key and whose CDR is *either* a value or a subtable.  In the version
+below, each association list entry is a pair whose CAR is a key and
+whose CDR is *another pair* whose CAR is a value (initially #f) and whose
+CDR is a subtable (initially empty).  Changes are in CAPITALS below:
+(define (lookup keylist table)
+  (cond    ; *** the clause ((not table) #f) is no longer needed
+   ((null? keylist) (CAR table))	; ***
+   (else (LET ((RECORD (assoc (car keylist) (cdr table))))
+	       #F
+	       (lookup (cdr keylist) (CDR RECORD)))))))	; ***
+(define (insert! keylist value table)
+  (if (null? keylist)
+      (SET-CAR! table value)	; ***
+      (let ((record (assoc (car keylist) (cdr table))))
+	(if (not record)
+	    (begin
+	     (set-cdr! table
+		       (cons (LIST (CAR keylist) #F) (cdr table))) ; ***
+	     (insert! (cdr keylist) value (CDADR table)))
+	    (insert! (cdr keylist) value (CDR RECORD))))))	; ***
+Note:  In a sense, this problem can be solved without doing any work at all.
+In a problem like
+	(lookup '(red blue green) color-table)
+you can think of (red blue green) as a list of three keys, each of which is
+a word, or as a single key containing three words!  So the original
+one-dimensional implementation will accept this as a key.  However, for a
+large enough table, this would be inefficient because you have to look
+through a very long list of length Theta(n^3) instead of three lists each
+Theta(n) long.
+3.27  Memoization 
+Here's what happened when I tried it, with annotations in [brackets].
+In the annotations, (fib n) really means that (memo-fib n) is called!
+I just said "fib" to save space.
+> (memo-fib 3)
+"CALLED" memo-fib 3                          [user calls (fib 3)]
+  "CALLED" lookup 3 (*table*)
+  "RETURNED" lookup #f
+  "CALLED" memo-fib 2                          [(fib 3) calls (fib 2)]
+    "CALLED" lookup 2 (*table*)
+    "RETURNED" lookup #f
+    "CALLED" memo-fib 1                          [(fib 2) calls (fib 1)]
+      "CALLED" lookup 1 (*table*)
+      "RETURNED" lookup #f
+      "CALLED" insert! 1 1 (*table*)
+      "RETURNED" insert! ok
+    "RETURNED" memo-fib 1                        [(fib 1) returns 1]
+    "CALLED" memo-fib 0                          [(fib 2) calls (fib 0)]
+      "CALLED" lookup 0 (*table* (1 . 1))
+      "RETURNED" lookup #f
+      "CALLED" insert! 0 0 (*table* (1 . 1))
+      "RETURNED" insert! ok
+    "RETURNED" memo-fib 0                        [(fib 0) returns 0]
+    "CALLED" insert! 2 1 (*table* (0 . 0) (1 . 1))
+    "RETURNED" insert! ok
+  "RETURNED" memo-fib 1                        [(fib 2) returns 1]
+  "CALLED" memo-fib 1                          [(fib 3) calls (fib 1) ****]
+    "CALLED" lookup 1 (*table* (2 . 1) (0 . 0) (1 . 1))
+    "RETURNED" lookup 1
+  "RETURNED" memo-fib 1                        [(fib 1) returns 1]
+  "CALLED" insert! 3 2 (*table* (2 . 1) (0 . 0) (1 . 1))
+  "RETURNED" insert! ok
+"RETURNED" memo-fib 2                        [(fib 3) returns 2]
+The line marked **** above is the only call to memo-fib in this example in
+which the memoization actually finds a previous value.  We are computing
+(fib 1) for the second time, so memo-fib finds it in the table.
+In general, calling memo-fib for some larger argument will result in two
+recursive calls for each smaller argument value.  For example:
+      fib 6  --->  fib 5,  fib 4
+      fib 5  --->  fib 4,  fib 3
+      fib 4  --->  fib 3,  fib 2
+and so on.  (memo-fib 4) is evaluated once directly from (memo-fib 6) and once
+from (memo-fib 5).  But only one of those actually requires any computation;
+the other finds the value in the table.
+This is why memo-fib takes Theta(n) time: it does about 2n recursive calls,
+half of which are satisfied by values found in the table.
+If we didn't use memoization, or if we defined memo-fib to be (memoize fib),
+we would have had to compute (f 1) twice.  In this case there would only be
+one duplicated computation, but the number grows exponentially; for (fib 4)
+we have to compute (fib 2) twice and (fib 1) three times.
+By the way, notice that if we try (memo-fib 3) a second time from the Scheme
+prompt, we get a result immediately:
+> (memo-fib 3)
+"CALLED" memo-fib 3
+ "CALLED" lookup 3 (*table* (3 . 2) (2 . 1) (0 . 0) (1 . 1))
+ "RETURNED" lookup 2
+"RETURNED" memo-fib 2
+Scheme-2 set!:  This is actually tricky -- I got it wrong the first time
+I tried it.  The trouble is that the procedure PUT in scheme2.scm, which
+was written for use by DEFINE, doesn't modify an existing binding, and
+therefore isn't useful for implementing SET!.  But it's not a good idea
+to change PUT, because that breaks DEFINE.  We want a DEFINE in an inner
+environment (that is, a DEFINE in a procedure body) to make a new
+variable, even if a variable with the same name exists in the global
+environment.  This is why PUT always adds a new binding, not checking
+for an old one.  But SET! should *only* modify an existing binding,
+not create a new one.
+We change eval-2 like this:
+(define (eval-2 exp env)
+  (cond ...
+	((define-exp? exp) (put (define-variable exp)
+				(eval-2 (define-value exp) env)
+				env)
+	 		   'okay)
+				  (EVAL-2 (CADDR EXP) ENV)
+				  ENV)
+	 		  'OKAY)
+	...))
+Then we define SET-PUT:
+(define (set-put var val env)
+  (let ((pair (assoc var (cdr env))))
+    (if pair
+	(set-cdr! pair val)
+	(error "No such variable: " var))))
+Scheme-2 bug:  This is a complicated diagram, and I'm going to
+abbreviate it by not showing the pairs that are inside lambda
+expressions.  The notation (\x) below means (lambda (x) ...).
+GLOBAL ENV ----> XX--->XX----------------->XX--------------------->X/
+     +----/ ---^ |     |                   |                   +-^ |
+     |  +--/     V     V                   V                   !   V
+     |  |    *TABLE*   XX                  XX                  !   XX
+     |  |              | \                 | \                 !   | \
+     |  |              V  V                V  V                !   V  |
+     |  |              g  XX--->XX--->X/   h  XX--->XX--->X/   !   f  |
+     |  |                 |     |     |       |     |     |    !      |
+     |  |                 V     V     |       V     V     |    !      |
+     |  |               PROC  (\z)    |     PROC  (\y)    |    !      |
+     |  |                             |                   |    !      |
+     |  +-----------------------------+                   |    !      |
+     |                                                  +-+    !      |
+     |                                                  |      !      |
+     |                                                  |      !      |
+     |                                                  V      !      |
+     |                         env for (f 3)----------> XX--->XX      |
+     |                                                  |  +-^|       |
+     |                                                  V  |  V       |
+     |                                              *TABLE*|  XX      |
+     |                                                     | /  \     |
+     |          env for (h 4)--------> XX--->XX------------+ V  V     |
+     |                                 |     |               x  3     |
+     |                                 V     V      +-----------------+
+     |                             *TABLE*   XX     V
+     |                                      /  \    XX--->XX--->X/
+     |                                      V  V    |     |     |
+     |                                      y  4  PROC  (\x)    |
+     +----------------------------------------------------------+
+The problem is with the vertical arrow made of exclamation points near
+the right of the picture.  It tells us that the environment created by
+the call (f 3) extends the global environment *as it exists at the
+time of this procedure call*!  So the new environment has a new
+binding for X, and the existing binding for F.  This is the environment
+that procedure H remembers, so when we call (h 4), within the body of H
+the bindings of G and H are invisible.
+The whole point of this exercise is to convince you that it's not
+good enough to represent an environment as a list of bindings.  We
+have to represent it as a list of frames, each of which is a list
+of bindings.  This is how the textbook does it, in week 12.
+Vector exercises:
+1.  VECTOR-APPEND is basically like VECTOR-CONS in the notes,
+except that we need two loops, one for each source vector:
+(define (vector-append vec1 vec2)
+  (define (loop newvec vec n i)
+    (if (>= n 0)
+	(begin (vector-set! newvec i (vector-ref vec n))
+	       (loop newvec vec (- n 1) (- i 1)))))
+  (let ((result (make-vector (+ (vector-length vec1) (vector-length vec2)))))
+    (loop result vec1 (- (vector-length vec1) 1) (- (vector-length vec1) 1))
+    (loop result vec2 (- (vector-length vec2) 1) (- (vector-length result) 1))
+    result))
+2.  VECTOR-FILTER is tough because we have to do the filtering twice,
+first to get the length of the desired result vector, then again to
+fill in the slots:
+(define (vector-filter pred vec)
+  (define (get-length n)
+    (cond ((< n 0) 0)
+	  ((pred (vector-ref vec n))
+	   (+ 1 (get-length (- n 1))))
+	  (else (get-length (- n 1)))))
+  (define (loop newvec n i)
+    (cond ((< n 0) newvec)
+	  ((pred (vector-ref vec n))
+	   (vector-set! newvec i (vector-ref vec n))
+	   (loop newvec (- n 1) (- i 1)))
+	  (else (loop newvec (- n 1) i))))
+  (let ((newlen (get-length (- (vector-length vec) 1))))
+    (loop (make-vector newlen) (- (vector-length vec) 1) (- newlen 1))))
+3.  Bubble sort is notorious because nobody ever uses it in practice,
+because it's slow, but it always appears in programming course
+exercises, because the operation of swapping two neighboring elements
+is relatively easy to write.
+(a) Here's the program:
+(define (bubble-sort! vec)
+  (let ((len (vector-length vec)))
+    (define (loop n)
+      (define (bubble k)
+	(if (= k n)
+	    'one-pass-done
+	    (let ((left (vector-ref vec (- k 1)))
+		  (right (vector-ref vec k)))
+	      (if (> left right)
+		  (begin (vector-set! vec (- k 1) right)
+			 (vector-set! vec k left)))
+	      (bubble (+ k 1)))))
+      (if (< n 2)
+	  vec
+	  (begin (bubble 1)
+		 (loop (- n 1)))))
+    (loop len)))
+(b) As the hint says, we start by proving that after calling (bubble 1) inside
+the call to (loop n), element number n-1 is greater than any element to its
+(Bubble 1) reorders elements 0 and 1 so that vec[0] is less than or equal to
+vec[1] (I'm using C/Java notation for elements of vectors), then reorders
+elements 1 (the *new* element 1, which is the larger of the original first
+two elements) and element 2 so that vec[1] is less than or equal to vec[2].
+It continues, but let's stop here for the moment.  After those two steps,
+the new vec[2] is at least as large as vec[1].  But the intermediate value
+of vec[1] was larger than the new vec[0], so vec[2] must be the largest.
+This might be clearer with a chart.  There are six possible original
+orderings of the first three elements; here they are, with the ordering
+after the 0/1 swap and the ordering after the 1/2 swap.  (To make the
+table narrower, I've renamed VEC as V.  Also, I'm calling the three
+values 0, 1, and 2; it doesn't matter what the actual values are, as
+long as they are in the same order as a particular line in the table.)
+original	after 0/1 swap	after 1/2 swap
+--------------	--------------	--------------
+v[0] v[1] v[2]	v[0] v[1] v[2]	v[0] v[1] v[2]
+---- ---- ----  ---- ---- ----  ---- ---- ----
+  0    1    2     0    1    2     0    1    2
+  0    2    1     0    2    1     0    1    2
+  1    0    2     0    1    2     0    1    2
+  1    2    0     1    2    0     1    0    2
+  2    0    1     0    2    1     0    1    2
+  2    1    0     1    2    0     1    0    2
+After the first swap, we have v[0] <= v[1].  After the second swap,
+we have v[1] <= v[2].  But note that there is no guarantee about the
+order of the final v[0] and v[1]!  All that's guaranteed is that
+the largest of the three values is now in v[2].
+Similarly, after the 2/3 swap, we know that vec[3] is the largest
+of the first four values, because either the original vec[3] was
+already largest, in which case there is no swap, or the value of
+vec[2] just before the 2/3 swap is the largest of the original
+vec[0] through vec[2], so it's the largest of vec[0] through vec[3]
+and will rightly end up as the new vec[3].
+Subprocedure BUBBLE calls itself recursively until k=n, which means
+that vec[n-1] is the largest of the first n elements.  QED.
+Now, if that's true about a single pass, then the first pass
+"bubbles" the largest number to the end of the vector (this is why
+it's called bubble sort), and then we call LOOP recursively to
+sort the remaining elements.  The second pass gets vec[len-2] to
+be the largest of the first len-1 elements, etc.  After LEN passes,
+the entire vector is sorted.
+This was a handwavy proof.  To make it rigorous, it'd be done by
+mathematical induction -- two inductions, one for the swaps in a
+single pass, and one for the multiple passes.
+(c) It's Theta(N^2), for the usual reason: N passes, each of which
+takes time Theta(N).
+Extra for experts
+3.19 constant-space cycle? predicate   
+Just to make sure you understand the issue, let me first do 3.18, which
+asks us to write cycle? without imposing a constant-space requirement.
+It's a lot like the correct version of count-pairs; it has to keep track
+of which pairs we've seen already.
+(define (cycle? lst)
+  (define (iter lst pairlist)
+    (cond ((not (pair? lst)) #f)
+	  ((memq lst pairlist) #t)
+	  (else (iter (cdr lst) (cons lst pairlist)))))
+  (iter lst '()))
+This is simpler than count-pairs because we only have to chase down pointers
+in one direction (the cdr) instead of two, so it can be done iteratively.
+I check (not (pair? lst)) rather than (null? lst) so that the program won't
+blow up on a list structure like (a . b) by trying to take the cdr of b.
+The trouble is that the list pairlist will grow to be the same size as the
+argument list, if the latter doesn't contain a cycle.  What we need is to
+find a way to keep the auxiliary list of already-seen pairs without using
+up any extra space.
+Here is the very cleverest possible solution:
+(define (cycle? lst)
+  (define (iter fast slow)
+    (cond ((not (pair? fast)) #f)
+	  ((not (pair? (cdr fast))) #f)
+	  ((eq? fast slow) #t)
+	  (else (iter (cddr fast) (cdr slow))) ))
+  (if (not (pair? lst))
+      #f
+      (iter (cdr lst) lst) ))
+This solution runs in Theta(1) space and Theta(n) time.  We send two
+pointers CDRing down the list at different speeds.  If the list is not a
+cycle, the faster one will eventually hit the end of the list, and we'll
+return false.  If the list is a cycle, the faster one will eventually
+overtake the slower one, and we'll return true.  (You may think that this
+will only work for odd-length cycles, or only for even-length cycles,
+because in the opposite case the fast pointer will leapfrog over the slow
+one, but if that happens the two pointers will become equal on the next
+If you didn't come up with this solution, don't be upset; most folks don't.
+This is a classic problem, and struggling with it is a sort of initiation
+ritual in the Lisp community.  Here's a less clever solution that runs in
+Theta(1) space but needs Theta(n^2) time.  It is like the first solution, the
+one that uses an auxiliary pairlist, but the clever idea is to use the
+argument list itself as the pairlist.  This can be done by clobbering its cdr
+pointers temporarily.  It's important to make sure we put the list back
+together again before we leave!  The idea is that at any time we will have
+looked at some initial sublist of the argument, and we'll know for sure that
+that part is cycle-free.  We keep the tested part and the untested part
+separate by changing the cdr of the last tested pair to the empty list,
+remembering the old cdr in the single extra pointer variable that this
+algorithm requires.
+(define (cycle? lst)
+  (define (subq? x list)
+    (cond ((null? list) #f)
+	  ((eq? x list) #t)
+	  (else (subq? x (cdr list)))))
+  (define (iter lst pairlist pairlist-tail)
+    (cond ((not (pair? lst))
+	   (set-cdr! pairlist-tail lst)
+    	   #f)
+	  ((subq? lst pairlist)
+	   (set-cdr! pairlist-tail lst)
+	   #t)
+	  (else
+	   (let ((oldcdr (cdr lst)))
+	     (set-cdr! pairlist-tail lst)
+	     (set-cdr! lst '())
+	     (iter oldcdr pairlist lst) ))))
+  (cond ((null? lst) #f)
+	(else (let ((oldcdr (cdr lst)))
+		(set-cdr! lst '())
+		(iter oldcdr lst lst)))))
+Be wary of computing (cdr lst) before you've tested whether or not lst is
+3.23  Double-ended queue 
+The only tricky part here is rear-delete-deque!.  All the other deque
+operations can be performed in Theta(1) time using exactly the same structure
+used for the queue in 3.3.2.  The trouble with rear-delete is that in order
+to know where the new rear is, we have to be able to find the next-to-last
+member of the queue.  In the 3.3.2 queue, the only way to do that is to cdr
+down from the front, which takes Theta(n) time for an n-item queue.  To
+avoid that, each item in the queue must point not only to the next item but
+also to the previous item:
+| | | --------------------------------------------+
++-|-+---+                                         |
+  |                                               |
+  V                                               V
++---+---+       +---+---+       +---+---+       +---+--/+
+| | | --------->| | | --------->| | | --------->| | | / |
++-|-+---+       +-|-+---+       +-|-+---+       +-|-+/--+
+  |   ^           |   ^           |   ^           |
+  |   +-----+     |   +-----+     |   +-----+     |
+  V         |     V         |     V         |     V
++--/+---+   |   +---+---+   |   +---+---+   |   +---+---+
+| / | | |   +------ | | |   +------ | | |   +------ | | |
++/--+-|-+       +---+-|-+       +---+-|-+       +---+-|-+
+      |               |               |               |
+      V               V               V               V
+      a               b               c               d
+Whew!  The first pair, at the top of the diagram, is the deque header, just
+like the queue header in 3.3.2.  The second row of four pairs is a regular
+list representing the deque entries, again just like 3.3.2.  But instead of
+each car in the second row pointing to a queue item, each car in this
+second row points to another pair, whose car points to the previous element
+on the second row and whose cdr points to the actual item.
+;; data abstractions for deque members
+;; we use front-ptr, rear-ptr, set-front-ptr!, and set-rear-ptr! from p. 263
+(define deque-item cdar)
+(define deque-fwd-ptr cdr)
+(define deque-back-ptr caar)
+(define set-deque-fwd-ptr! set-cdr!)
+(define (set-deque-back-ptr! member new-ptr)
+  (set-car! (car member) new-ptr))
+;; Now the things we were asked to do:
+(define (make-deque) (cons '() '()))
+(define (empty-deque? deque) (null? (front-ptr deque)))
+(define (front-deque deque)
+  (if (empty-deque? deque)
+      (error "front-deque called with empty queue")
+      (deque-item (front-ptr deque))))
+(define (rear-deque deque)
+  (if (empty-deque? deque)
+      (error "rear-deque called with empty queue")
+      (deque-item (rear-ptr deque))))
+(define (front-insert-deque! deque item)
+  (let ((new-member (list (cons '() item))))
+    (cond ((empty-deque? deque)
+	   (set-front-ptr! deque new-member)
+	   (set-rear-ptr! deque new-member)
+	   "done")
+	  (else
+	   (set-deque-fwd-ptr! new-member (front-ptr deque))
+	   (set-deque-back-ptr! (front-ptr deque) new-member)
+	   (set-front-ptr! deque new-member)
+	   "done"))))
+(define (rear-insert-deque! deque item)
+  (let ((new-member (list (cons '() item))))
+    (cond ((empty-deque? deque)
+	   (set-front-ptr! deque new-member)
+	   (set-rear-ptr! deque new-member)
+	   "done")
+	  (else
+	   (set-deque-back-ptr! new-member (rear-ptr deque))
+	   (set-deque-fwd-ptr! (rear-ptr deque) new-member)
+	   (set-rear-ptr! deque new-member)
+	   "done"))))
+(define (front-delete-deque! deque)
+  (cond ((empty-deque? deque)
+	 (error "front-delete-deque! called with empty queue"))
+	((null? (deque-fwd-ptr (front-ptr deque)))
+	 (set-front-ptr! deque '())
+	 (set-rear-ptr! deque '())
+	 "done")
+	(else
+	 (set-deque-back-ptr! (deque-fwd-ptr (front-ptr deque)) '())
+	 (set-front-ptr! deque (deque-fwd-ptr (front-ptr deque)))
+	 "done")))
+(define (rear-delete-deque! deque)
+  (cond ((empty-deque? deque)
+	 (error "rear-delete-deque! called with empty queue"))
+	((null? (deque-back-ptr (rear-ptr deque)))
+	 (set-front-ptr! deque '())
+	 (set-rear-ptr! deque '())
+	 "done")
+	(else
+	 (set-deque-fwd-ptr! (deque-back-ptr (rear-ptr deque)) '())
+	 (set-rear-ptr! deque (deque-back-ptr (rear-ptr deque)))
+	 "done")))
+I could also have gotten away with leaving garbage in the rear-ptr of
+an emptied deque, but the ugliness involved outweighs the slight time
+saving to my taste.  Notice an interesting property of the use of data
+abstraction here: at the implementation level, set-deque-back-ptr! and
+set-deque-fwd-ptr! are rather different, but once that difference is
+abstracted away, rear-delete-deque! is exactly like front-delete-deque!
+and ditto for the two insert procedures.
+The reason these procedures return "done" instead of returning deque,
+like the single-end queue procedures in the book, is that the deque is a
+circular list structure, so if we tried to print it we'd get in trouble.
+We should probably invent print-deque:
+(define (print-deque deque)
+  (define (sub member)
+    (if (null? member)
+	'()
+	(cons (deque-item member)
+	      (sub (deque-fwd-ptr member)))))
+  (sub (front-ptr deque)))
+But I'd say it's a waste of time to cons up this printable list every time
+we insert or delete something.
+2.  cxr-name
+This is a harder problem than its inverse function cxr-function!  We are
+given a function as a black box, not knowing how it was defined; the only
+way we can get any information about it is to invoke it on a cleverly
+chosen argument.
+We need three ideas here.  The first one is this:  Suppose we knew that we
+were given either CAR or CDR as the argument.  We could determine which
+of them by applying the mystery function to a pair with the word CAR as its
+car, and the word CDR as its cdr:
+(define (simple-cxr-name fn)
+  (fn '(car . cdr)))
+You might think to generalize this by building a sort of binary tree with
+function names at the leaves:
+(define (two-level-cxr-name fn)
+  (fn '((caar . cdar) . (cadr . cddr))))
+But there are two problems with this approach.  First, note that this
+version *doesn't* work for CAR or CDR, only for functions with exactly
+two CARs or CDRs composed.  Second, the argument function might be a
+composition of *any* number of CARs and CDRs, so we'd need an infinitely
+deep tree.
+So the second idea we need is a way to attack the mystery function one
+component at a time.  We'd like the first CAR or CDR applied to our argument
+(that's the rightmost one, don't forget) to be the only one that affects the
+result; once that first choice has been made, any CARs or CDRs applied to the
+result shouldn't matter.  The clever idea is to make a pair whose CAR and CDR
+both point to itself!  So any composition of CARs and CDRs of this pair will
+still just be the same pair.
+Actually we'll make two of these pairs, one for the CAR of our argument pair
+and one for the CDR:
+(define car-pair (cons '() '()))
+(set-car! car-pair car-pair)
+(set-cdr! car-pair car-pair)
+(define cdr-pair (cons '() '()))
+(set-car! cdr-pair cdr-pair)
+(set-cdr! cdr-pair cdr-pair)
+(define magic-argument (cons car-pair cdr-pair))
+(define (rightmost-part fn)
+  (if (eq? (fn magic-argument) car-pair)
+      'car
+      'cdr))
+It's crucial that we're using EQ? rather than EQUAL? here, since car-pair
+and cdr-pair are infinite (circular) lists.
+Okay, we know the rightmost component.  How do we get all but the rightmost
+component?  (Given that, we can recursively find the rightmost part of that,
+etc.)  Our third clever idea is a more-magic argument that will give us
+magic-argument whether we take its car or its cdr:
+(define more-magic-arg (cons magic-argument magic-argument))
+(define (next-to-rightmost-part fn)
+  (if (eq? (fn more-magic-arg) car-pair)
+      'car
+      'cdr))
+We're going to end up constructing a ladder of pairs whose car and cdr are
+both the next pair down the ladder.  We also need a base case; if we apply
+fn to magic-argument and get magic-argument itself, rather than car-pair
+or cdr-pair, we've run out of composed CAR/CDR functions.
+Here's how it all fits together:
+(define (cxr-name fn)
+  (word 'c (cxr-name-help fn magic-argument) 'r))
+(define (cxr-name-help fn arg)
+  (let ((result (fn arg)))
+    (cond ((eq? result car-pair)
+	   (word (cxr-name-help fn (cons arg arg)) 'a))
+	  ((eq? result cdr-pair)
+	   (word (cxr-name-help fn (cons arg arg)) 'd))
+	  (else ""))))	; empty word if result is magic-argument