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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
commit562a9a52d599d9a05f871404050968a5fd282640 (patch)
tree7d3305c1252c043bfe246ccc7deff0056aa6b5ab /js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1
parent5d012c6c011a9dedf7d0a098e456206244eb5a0f (diff)
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+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>CS 61A Course Reader, Volume 1</title><style type="text/css">@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
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+<h1> CS61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs </h1>
+<h3> Course Reader, Volume 1: Semester Assignments </h3>
+<table frame="box" pixels="6"><tbody><tr><td>
+<h2><b>Berkeley students: Do not print or use these pages!  They do not have
+the dates for the current semester, so they won't help you.  They are here
+<p>For many years I resisted the trend to putting course materials online,
+but I've been convinced because of the increasing numbers of people who
+aren't at Berkeley but use the
+<a href="http://wla.berkeley.edu/main.php?course=cs61a">online lectures</a>
+to study SICP.  Welcome, visitors!  Our course reader is divided into two
+volumes, this small one with semester-varying material, and
+<a href="https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/%7Ecs61a/reader/vol2.html">Volume 2</a>, with unchanging reference material,
+so that our students can buy used copies of Volume 2, and only need new
+copies of Volume 1.  What's online has the dates removed.  <b>Also, the
+projects vary somewhat from semester to semester, so what you see here is
+only approximately what's current -- I don't update the online version.</b>
+<li><a href="hw.pdf">
+Homework assignments</a>
+</li><li>Programming Projects:
+<li><a href="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project1/nodate-21.pdf">Project 1: Twenty-one
+</a><ul><li><a href="Project1/twenty-one.scm">twenty-one.scm</a></li></ul>
+</li><li><b>Project 2 is in the textbook!</b>
+<a href="https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-15.html#%_sec_2.2.4">
+(Section 2.2.4)</a><br />
+You can't actually draw anything until you
+finish the project!<br /><br />To begin, copy the file
+<a href="../Lib/picture.scm">picture.scm</a> to your directory.<br /><br />To
+draw pictures, once you've completed the exercises:<br /><br />
+> (cs)<br />
+> (ht)<br />
+> (===your-painter=== full-frame)<br /><br />
+For example:<br /><br />
+> (wave full-frame)<br />
+> ((square-limit wave 3) full-frame)<br />
+</li><li><a href="Project3/adv.txt">Project 3: Adventure Game
+</a><ul><li><a href="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/adv.scm">adv.scm</a></li></ul>
+<ul><li><a href="Project3/adv-world.scm">adv-world.scm</a></li></ul>
+<ul><li><a href="Project3/small-world.scm">small-world.scm</a></li></ul>
+<ul><li><a href="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/labyrinth.scm">labyrinth.scm</a></li></ul>
+<ul><li><a href="Project3/obj.scm">obj.scm</a></li></ul>
+</li><li><a href="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/logo.txt">Project 4: Logo Interpreter
+</a><ul><li><a href="Project4/logo.scm">logo.scm</a></li></ul>
+<ul><li><a href="Project4/logo-meta.scm">logo-meta.scm</a></li></ul>
+<ul><li><a href="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/tables.scm">tables.scm</a></li></ul>
+<ul><li><a href="Project4/obj.scm">obj.scm</a></li></ul>
+</li><li><a href="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/labs.pdf">
+Lab assignments</a>
+</p><p><a href="../Volume2/CS&#32;61A&#32;Course&#32;Reader,&#32;Volume&#32;2.html">Volume 2</a>
+</p><p><a href="../../61a-pages">Back to class web page</a>
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project1/twenty-one.scm b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project1/twenty-one.scm
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project1/twenty-one.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+(define (twenty-one strategy)
+  (define (play-dealer customer-hand dealer-hand-so-far rest-of-deck)
+    (cond ((> (best-total dealer-hand-so-far) 21) 1)
+	  ((< (best-total dealer-hand-so-far) 17)
+	   (play-dealer customer-hand
+			(se dealer-hand-so-far (first rest-of-deck))
+			(bf rest-of-deck)))
+	  ((< (best-total customer-hand) (best-total dealer-hand-so-far)) -1)
+	  ((= (best-total customer-hand) (best-total dealer-hand-so-far)) 0)
+	  (else 1)))
+  (define (play-customer customer-hand-so-far dealer-up-card rest-of-deck)
+    (cond ((> (best-total customer-hand-so-far) 21) -1)
+	  ((strategy customer-hand-so-far dealer-up-card)
+	   (play-customer (se customer-hand-so-far (first rest-of-deck))
+			  dealer-up-card
+			  (bf rest-of-deck)))
+	  (else
+	   (play-dealer customer-hand-so-far
+			(se dealer-up-card (first rest-of-deck))
+			(bf rest-of-deck)))))
+  (let ((deck (make-deck)))
+    (play-customer (se (first deck) (first (bf deck)))
+		   (first (bf (bf deck)))
+		   (bf (bf (bf deck))))) )
+(define (make-ordered-deck)
+  (define (make-suit s)
+    (every (lambda (rank) (word rank s)) '(A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K)) )
+  (se (make-suit 'H) (make-suit 'S) (make-suit 'D) (make-suit 'C)) )
+(define (make-deck)
+  (define (shuffle deck size)
+    (define (move-card in out which)
+      (if (= which 0)
+	  (se (first in) (shuffle (se (bf in) out) (- size 1)))
+	  (move-card (bf in) (se (first in) out) (- which 1)) ))
+    (if (= size 0)
+	deck
+    	(move-card deck '() (random size)) ))
+  (shuffle (make-ordered-deck) 52) )
+;                                      32
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/adv-world.scm b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/adv-world.scm
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/adv-world.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+;;;  Data for adventure game.  This file is adv-world.scm
+;; setting up the world
+(define Soda (instantiate place 'Soda))
+(define BH-Office (instantiate place 'BH-Office))
+(define MJC-Office (instantiate place 'MJC-Office))
+(define art-gallery (instantiate place 'art-gallery))
+(define Pimentel (instantiate place 'Pimentel))
+(define 61A-Lab (instantiate place '61A-Lab))
+(define Sproul-Plaza (instantiate place 'Sproul-Plaza))
+(define Telegraph-Ave (instantiate place 'Telegraph-Ave))
+(define Noahs (instantiate place 'Noahs))
+(define Intermezzo (instantiate place 'Intermezzo))
+(define s-h (instantiate place 'sproul-hall))
+(can-go Soda 'up art-gallery)
+(can-go art-gallery 'down Soda)
+(can-go art-gallery 'west BH-Office)
+(can-go BH-Office 'east art-gallery)
+(can-go art-gallery 'east MJC-Office)
+(can-go MJC-office 'west art-gallery)
+(can-go Soda 'south Pimentel)
+(can-go Pimentel 'north Soda)
+(can-go Pimentel 'south 61A-Lab)
+(can-go 61A-Lab 'north Pimentel)
+(can-go 61A-Lab 'west s-h)
+(can-go s-h 'east 61A-Lab)
+(can-go Sproul-Plaza 'east s-h)
+(can-go s-h 'west Sproul-Plaza)
+(can-go Sproul-Plaza 'north Pimentel)
+(can-go Sproul-Plaza 'south Telegraph-Ave)
+(can-go Telegraph-Ave 'north Sproul-Plaza)
+(can-go Telegraph-Ave 'south Noahs)
+(can-go Noahs 'north Telegraph-Ave)
+(can-go Noahs 'south Intermezzo)
+(can-go Intermezzo 'north Noahs)
+;; Some people.
+; MOVED above the add-entry-procedure stuff, to avoid the "The computers
+; seem to be down" message that would occur when hacker enters 61a-lab
+; -- Ryan Stejskal
+(define Brian (instantiate person 'Brian BH-Office))
+(define hacker (instantiate person 'hacker 61A-lab))
+(define nasty (instantiate thief 'nasty sproul-plaza))
+(define (sproul-hall-exit)
+   (error "You can check out any time you'd like, but you can never leave"))
+(define (bh-office-exit)
+  (print "What's your favorite programming language?")
+  (let ((answer (read)))
+    (if (eq? answer 'scheme)
+	(print "Good answer, but my favorite is Logo!")
+	(begin (newline) (bh-office-exit)))))
+(ask s-h 'add-entry-procedure
+ (lambda () (print "Miles and miles of students are waiting in line...")))
+(ask s-h 'add-exit-procedure sproul-hall-exit)
+(ask BH-Office 'add-exit-procedure bh-office-exit)
+(ask Noahs 'add-entry-procedure
+ (lambda () (print "Would you like lox with it?")))
+(ask Noahs 'add-exit-procedure
+ (lambda () (print "How about a cinnamon raisin bagel for dessert?")))
+(ask Telegraph-Ave 'add-entry-procedure
+ (lambda () (print "There are tie-dyed shirts as far as you can see...")))
+(ask 61A-Lab 'add-entry-procedure
+ (lambda () (print "The computers seem to be down")))
+(ask 61A-Lab 'add-exit-procedure
+ (lambda () (print "The workstations come back to life just in time.")))
+;; Some things.
+(define bagel (instantiate thing 'bagel))
+(ask Noahs 'appear bagel)
+(define coffee (instantiate thing 'coffee))
+(ask Intermezzo 'appear coffee)
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/adv.txt b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/adv.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/adv.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+Project:  Write an adventure game.  We'll provide most of the program.  You
+will mostly make modification and some additions.
+This project is designed to be done by two people working in parallel, then
+combining your results into one finished product.  (Hereafter the two partners
+are called Person A and Person B.)  But you will combine your work to hand in
+a single report for your group.
+The project begins with two exercises that everyone should do; these
+exercises do not require new programming, but rather familiarize you
+with the overall structure of the program as we've provided it.  After
+that, each person has separate exercises.  There is one final exercise
+for everyone that requires the two partners' work to be combined.
+(Therefore, you should probably keep notes about all of the procedures
+that you've modified during the project, so you can notice the ones that
+both partners modified independently.)
+This is a two-week project.  Each week, your group should
+hand in one paper (not one per person) including a listing of your modified
+adv.scm program with the modifications highlighted, and a transcript of the
+testing of your work.  Indicate on the paper which of you is person A and
+which is person B.
+Scoring:  Each person works on nine problems.  Three of these (numbers
+1, 2, and 9) are common to the two partners; the others are separate.
+You hand in a single solution to each problem.  Both partners get
+the points awarded to the group for problems 1, 2, and 9; each
+person gets the points for his or her own problems 3 through 8.  This means
+that your score for the project is mostly based on your individual work but
+also relies partly on the other member of your group.  For the first two
+problems, you could get away with letting your partner do the
+work, but you shouldn't because those problems are necessary to help you
+understand the structure of the entire project.  Problem 9 requires that both
+partners have already done their separate work, and meet together to
+understand each other's solutions, so probably nobody will get credit for it
+unless both have done their jobs.
+(Acknowledgement:  This assignment is loosely based on an MIT homework
+assignment in their version of this course.  But since this is Berkeley we've
+changed it to be politically correct; instead of killing each other, the
+characters go around eating gourmet food all the time.  N.B.:  Unless you
+are a diehard yuppie you may feel that eating gourmet food does not express
+appropriate sensitivity to the plight of the homeless.  But it's a start.)
+In this laboratory assignment, we will be exploring two key ideas: the
+simulation of a world in which objects are characterized by a set of state
+variables, and the use of message passing as a programming technique for
+modularizing worlds in which objects interact.
+OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING is becoming an extremely popular methodology for
+any application that involves interactions among computational entities.
+	-- operating systems (processes as objects)
+	-- window systems (windows as objects)
+	-- games (asteroids, spaceships, gorillas as objects)
+	-- drawing programs (shapes as objects)
+To start, copy the following five files into your directory:
+   ~cs61a/lib/obj.scm           The object-oriented system
+   ~cs61a/lib/adv.scm           The adventure game program
+   ~cs61a/lib/tables.scm	An ADT you'll need for parts A5 and B4
+   ~cs61a/lib/adv-world.scm     The specific people, places, and things
+   ~cs61a/lib/small-world.scm   A smaller world you can use for debugging
+To work on this project, you must load these files into Scheme in the
+correct order: obj.scm first, then adv.scm and tables.scm when you're using
+that, and finally the particular world you're using, either adv-world.scm or
+small-world.scm.  The work you are asked to do refers to adv-world.scm;
+small-world.scm is provided in case you'd prefer to debug some of your
+procedures in a smaller world that may be less complicated to remember and
+also faster to load.
+The reason the adventure game is divided into adv.scm (containing the
+definitions of the object classes) and adv-world.scm (containing the
+specific instances of those objects in Berkeley) is that when you change
+something in adv.scm you may need to reload the entire world in order for
+your changed version to take effect.  Having two files means that you don't
+also have to reload the first batch of procedures.
+In this program there are three classes: THING, PLACE, and PERSON.
+Here are some examples selected from adv-world.scm:
+;;; construct the places in the world
+(define Soda (instantiate place 'Soda))
+(define BH-Office (instantiate place 'BH-Office))
+(define art-gallery (instantiate place 'art-gallery))
+(define Pimentel (instantiate place 'Pimentel))
+(define 61A-Lab (instantiate place '61A-Lab))
+(define Sproul-Plaza (instantiate place 'Sproul-Plaza))
+(define Telegraph-Ave (instantiate place 'Telegraph-Ave))
+(define Noahs (instantiate place 'Noahs))
+(define Intermezzo (instantiate place 'Intermezzo))
+(define s-h (instantiate place 'sproul-hall))
+;;; make some things and put them at places
+(define bagel (instantiate thing 'bagel))
+(ask Noahs 'appear bagel)
+(define coffee (instantiate thing 'coffee))
+(ask Intermezzo 'appear coffee)
+;;; make some people
+(define Brian (instantiate person 'Brian BH-Office))
+(define hacker (instantiate person 'hacker Pimentel))
+;;; connect places in the world
+(can-go Soda 'up art-gallery)
+(can-go art-gallery 'west BH-Office)
+(can-go Soda 'south Pimentel)
+Having constructed this world, we can now interact with it by sending
+messages to objects.  Here is a short example.
+; We start with the hacker in Pimentel.
+> (ask Pimentel 'exits)
+> (ask hacker 'go 'north)
+We can put objects in the different places, and the people can then take the
+> (define Jolt (instantiate thing 'Jolt))
+> (ask Soda 'appear Jolt)
+> (ask hacker 'take Jolt)
+You can take objects away from other people, but the management is not
+responsible for the consequences...  (Too bad this is a fantasy game, and
+there aren't really vending machines in Soda that stock Jolt.)
+The first two exercises in this part should be done by everyone -- that is,
+everyone should actually sit in front of a terminal and do it!  It's okay to
+work in pairs as long as you all really know what's going on by the time
+you're finished.  (Nevertheless, you should only hand in one solution, that
+both agree about.)  The remaining exercises have numbers like "A3"
+which means exercise 3 for Person A.
+After you've done the work separately, you should meet together
+to make sure that you each understands what the other person did, because
+the second week's work depends on all of the first week's work.  You can
+do the explaining while you're merging the two sets of modifications into
+one adv.scm file to hand in.
+1.  Create a new person to represent yourself.  Put yourself in a new place
+called Dormitory (or wherever you live) and connect it to campus so that you
+can get there from here.  Create a place called Kirin, north of Soda.
+(It's actually on Solano Avenue.)  Put a thing called Potstickers there.
+Then give the necessary commands to move your character to Kirin, take
+the Potstickers, then move yourself to where Brian is, put down the
+Potstickers, and have Brian take them. Then go back to the lab and get back
+to work. (There is no truth to the rumor that you'll get an A in the course
+for doing this in real life!)  All this is just to ensure that you know how
+to speak the language of the adventure program.
+to see if you can work this out in your head, at least for some of the
+actions that take place, but you can also trace the ASK procedure to get
+a complete list.  You don't have to hand in this listing of messages.  (Do
+hand in a transcript of the episode without the tracing.)  The point is that
+you should have a good sense of the ways in which the different objects send
+messages back and forth as they do their work.
+[Tip:  we have provided a MOVE-LOOP procedure that you may find useful as
+an aid in debugging your work.  You can use it to move a person repeatedly.]
+2.  It is very important that you think about and understand the kinds of
+objects involved in the adventure game.  Please answer the following questions:
+2A.  What kind of thing is the value of variable BRIAN?
+Hint:  What is returned by scheme in the following situation:
+     You type:     > BRIAN
+2B.   List all the messages that a PLACE understands.  (You might want to
+maintain such a list for your own use, for every type of object, to help
+in the debugging effort.)
+2C.   We have been defining a variable to hold each object in our world.
+For example, we defined bagel by saying:
+     (define bagel (instantiate thing 'bagel))
+This is just for convenience.  Every object does not have to have a
+top-level definition.  Every object DOES have to be constructed and
+connected to the world.  For instance, suppose we did this:
+> (can-go Telegraph-Ave 'east (instantiate place 'Peoples-Park))
+;;; assume BRIAN is at Telegraph
+> (ask Brian 'go 'east)
+What is returned by the following expressions and WHY?
+> (ask Brian 'place)
+> (let ((where (ask Brian 'place)))
+       (ask where 'name))
+>  (ask Peoples-park 'appear bagel)
+2D.  The implication of all this is that there can be multiple names for
+objects.  One name is the value of the object's internal NAME variable. In
+addition, we can define a variable at the top-level to refer to an object.
+Moreover, one object can have a private name for another object.  For
+example, BRIAN has a variable PLACE which is currently bound to the object
+that represents People's Park.  Some examples to think about:
+      > (eq? (ask Telegraph-Ave 'look-in 'east) (ask Brian 'place))
+      > (eq? (ask Brian 'place) 'Peoples-Park)
+      > (eq? (ask (ask Brian 'place) 'name) 'Peoples-Park)
+OK.  Suppose we type the following into scheme:
+>  (define computer (instantiate thing 'Durer))
+Which of the following is correct?  Why?
+(ask 61a-lab 'appear computer)
+(ask 61a-lab 'appear Durer)
+(ask 61a-lab 'appear 'Durer)
+What is returned by (computer 'name)?  Why?
+2E.  We have provided a definition of the THING class that does not use
+the object-oriented programming syntax described in the handout.  Translate
+it into the new notation.
+2F.  Sometimes it's inconvenient to debug an object interactively because
+its methods return objects and we want to see the names of the objects.  You
+can create auxiliary procedures for interactive use (as opposed to use
+inside object methods) that provide the desired information in printable
+form.  For example:
+(define (name obj) (ask obj 'name))
+(define (inventory obj)
+  (if (person? obj)
+      (map name (ask obj 'possessions))
+      (map name (ask obj 'things))))
+Write a procedure WHEREIS that takes a person as its argument and returns
+the name of the place where that person is.
+Write a procedure OWNER that takes a thing as its argument and returns the
+name of the person who owns it.  (Make sure it works for things that aren't
+owned by anyone.)
+Procedures like this can be very helpful in debugging the later parts of the
+project, so feel free to write more of them for your own use.
+Now it's time for you to make your first modifications to the adventure
+game.  This is where you split the work individually.
+A3.  You will notice that whenever a person goes to a new place, the place
+gets an 'ENTER message.  In addition, the place the person previously
+inhabited gets an 'EXIT message.  When the place gets the message, it calls
+each procedure on its list of ENTRY-PROCEDURES or EXIT-PROCEDURES as
+appropriate.  Places have the following methods defined for manipulating
+these lists of procedures:  ADD-ENTRY-PROCEDURE, ADD-EXIT-PROCEDURE,
+REMOVE-EXIT-PROCEDURE, CLEAR-ALL-PROCS.  You can read their definitions in the
+Sproul Hall has a particularly obnoxious exit procedure attached to it.  Fix
+SPROUL-HALL-EXIT so that it counts how many times it gets called, and stops
+being obnoxious after the third time.
+Remember that the EXIT-PROCS list contains procedures, not names of
+procedures!  It's not good enough to redefine SPROUL-HALL-EXIT, since Sproul
+Hall's list of exit procedures still contains the old procedure.  The best
+thing to do is just to load adv-world.scm again, which will define a new
+sproul hall and add the new exit procedure.
+A4a.  We've provided people with the ability to say something using the
+messages 'TALK and 'SET-TALK.  As you may have noticed, some people around
+this campus start talking whenever anyone walks by.  We want to simulate this
+behavior.  In any such interaction there are two people involved: the one
+who was already at the place (hereafter called the TALKER) and the one who
+is just entering the place (the LISTENER).  We have already provided a
+mechanism so that the listener sends an ENTER message to the place when
+entering.  Also, each person is ready to accept a NOTICE message, meaning
+that the person should notice that someone new has come.  The talker should
+get a NOTICE message, and will then talk, because we've made a person's
+NOTICE method send itself a TALK message.  (Later we'll see that some special
+kinds of people have different NOTICE methods.)
+Your job is to modify the ENTER method for places, so that in addition to
+what that method already does, it sends a NOTICE message to each person in
+that place other than the person who is entering.  The NOTICE message should
+have the newly-entered person as an argument.  (You won't do anything with
+that argument now, but you'll need it later.)
+Test your implementation with the following:
+(define singer (instantiate person 'rick sproul-plaza))
+(ask singer 'set-talk "My funny valentine, sweet comic valentine")
+(define preacher (instantiate person 'preacher sproul-plaza))
+(ask preacher 'set-talk "Praise the Lord")
+(define street-person (instantiate person 'harry telegraph-ave))
+(ask street-person 'set-talk "Brother, can you spare a buck")
+A4b.  So far the program assumes that anyone can go anywhere they want.
+In real life, many places have locked doors.
+Invent a MAY-ENTER? message for places that takes a person as an argument and
+always returns #T.  Then invent a LOCKED-PLACE class in which the MAY-ENTER?
+method returns #T if the place is unlocked, or #F if it's locked.  (It should
+initially be locked.)  The LOCKED-PLACE class must also have an UNLOCK
+message.  For simplicity, write this method with no arguments and have it
+always succeed.  In a real game, we would also invent keys, and a mechanism
+requiring that the person have the correct key in order to unlock the door.
+(That's why MAY-ENTER? takes the person as an argument.)
+Modify the person class so that it checks for permission to enter before
+moving from one place to another.  Then create a locked place and test
+it out.
+A5.  Walking around is great, but some people commute from far away, so
+they need to park their cars in garages.  A car is just a THING, but you'll
+have to invent a special kind of place called a GARAGE.  Garages have two
+methods (besides the ones all places have): PARK and UNPARK.  You'll also
+need a special kind of THING called a TICKET; what's special about it is
+that it has a NUMBER as an instantiation variable.
+The PARK method takes a car (a THING) as its argument.  First check to be sure
+that the car is actually in the garage.  (The person who possesses the car
+will enter the garage, then ask to park it, so the car should have entered the
+garage along with the person before the PARK message is sent.)  Then generate
+a TICKET with a unique serial number.  (The counter for serial numbers should
+be shared among all garages, so that we don't get in trouble later trying to
+UNPARK a car from one garage that was parked in a different garage.)  Every
+ticket should have the name TICKET.
+You'll associate the ticket number with the car in a key-value table like the
+one that we used with GET and PUT in 2.3.3.  However, GET and PUT refer to a
+single, fixed table for all operations; in this situation we need a separate
+table for every garage.  The file tables.scm contains an implementation of the
+table Abstract Data Type:
+constructor: (make-table) returns a new, empty table.
+mutator: (insert! key value table) adds a new key-value pair to a table.
+selector: (lookup key table) returns the corresponding value, or #F if
+				the key is not in the table.
+You'll learn how tables are implemented in 3.3.3 (pp. 266-268).
+For now, just take them as primitive.
+Make a table entry with the ticket number as the key, and the car as the
+value.  Then ask the car's owner to lose the car and take the ticket.
+The UNPARK method takes a ticket as argument.  First make sure the object
+you got is actually a ticket (by checking the name).  Then look up the
+ticket number in the garage's table.  If you find a car, ask the ticket's
+owner to lose the ticket and take the car.  Also, insert #F in the table for
+that ticket number, so that people can't unpark the car twice.
+A real-life garage would have a limited capacity, and would charge money
+for parking, but to simplify the project you don't have to simulate those
+aspects of garages.
+--- End of Part I for Person A
+B3.  Define a method TAKE-ALL for people.  If given that message, a person
+should TAKE all the things at the current location that are not already
+owned by someone.
+B4a.  It's unrealistic that anyone can take anything from anyone.  We want to
+give our characters a STRENGTH, and then one person can take something from
+another only if the first has greater STRENGTH than the second.
+However, we aren't going to clutter up the person class by adding a local
+STRENGTH variable.  That's because we can anticipate wanting to add lots
+more attributes as we develop the program further.  People can have CHARISMA
+or WISDOM; things can be FOOD or not; places can be INDOORS or not.
+Therefore, you will create a class called BASIC-OBJECT that keeps a local
+variable called PROPERTIES containing an attribute-value table like the
+one that we used with GET and PUT in 2.3.3.  However, GET and PUT refer to
+a single, fixed table for all operations; in this situation we need a
+separate table for every object.  The file tables.scm contains an
+implementation of the table Abstract Data Type:
+constructor: (make-table) returns a new, empty table.
+mutator: (insert! key value table) adds a new key-value pair to a table.
+selector: (lookup key table) returns the corresponding value, or #F if
+				the key is not in the table.
+You'll learn how tables are implemented in 3.3.3 (pp. 266-268).
+For now, just take them as primitive.
+You'll modify the person, place and thing classes so that they will inherit
+from basic-object.  This object will accept a message PUT so that
+	> (ask Brian 'put 'strength 100)
+does the right thing.  Also, the basic-object should treat any message not
+otherwise recognized as a request for the attribute of that name, so
+	> (ask Brian 'strength)
+	100
+should work WITHOUT having to write an explicit STRENGTH method in the
+class definition.
+Don't forget that the property list mechanism in 3.3.3 returns #F if you ask
+for a property that isn't in the list.  This means that
+	> (ask Brian 'charisma)
+should never give an error message, even if we haven't PUT that property in
+that object.  This is important for true-or-false properties, which will
+automatically be #F (but not an error) unless we explicitly PUT a #T
+value for them.
+Give people some reasonable (same for everyone) initial strength.  Next
+week they'll be able to get stronger by eating.
+B4b.  You'll notice that the type predicate PERSON? checks to see if the type
+of the argument is a member of the list '(person police thief).  This means
+that the PERSON? procedure has to keep a list of all the classes that
+inherit from PERSON, which is a pain if we make a new subclass.
+We'll take advantage of the property list to implement a better system for
+type checking.  If we add a method named PERSON? to the person class, and
+have it always return #T, then any object that's a type of person will
+automatically inherit this method.  Objects that don't inherit from person
+won't find a PERSON? method and won't find an entry for person? in their
+property table, so they'll return #F.
+Similarly, places should have a PLACE? method, and things a THING? method.
+Add these type methods and change the implementation of the type predicate
+procedures to this new implementation.
+B5.  In the modern era, many places allow you to get connected to the net.
+Define a HOTSPOT as a kind of place that allows network connectivity.  Each
+hotspot should have a PASSWORD (an instantiation variable) that you must know
+to connect.  (Note: We're envisioning a per-network password, not a per-person
+password as you use with AirBears.)  The hotspot has a CONNECT method with two
+arguments, a LAPTOP (a kind of thing, to be invented in a moment) and a
+password.  If the password is correct, and the laptop is in the hotspot, add
+it to a list of connected laptops.  When the laptop leaves the hotspot, remove
+it from the list.
+Hotspots also have a SURF method with two arguments, a laptop and a text
+string, such as
+		"http://www.cs.berkeley.edu"
+If the laptop is connected to the network, then the surf method should
+	(system (string-append "lynx " url))
+where URL is the text string argument.
+Now invent laptops.  A laptop is a thing that has two extra methods:  CONNECT,
+with a password as argument, sends a CONNECT message to the place where the
+laptop is.  SURF, with a URL text string as argument, sends a SURF message to
+the place where it is.  Thus, whenever a laptop enters a new hotspot, the user
+must ask to CONNECT to that hotspot's network; when the laptop leaves the
+hotspot, it must automatically be disconnected from the network.  (If it's in
+a place other than a hotspot, the SURF message won't be understood; if it's in
+a hotspot but not connected, the hotspot won't do anything.)
+--- End of Part I, PERSON B.
+This part of the project includes three exercises for each person, but YOU
+HAVE TO READ EACH OTHER'S CODE midweek, because one partner's exercises 7 and
+8 build on the other partner's exercise 6.  Finally, exercise 9 requires the
+two partners' work to be combined.  You will have to create a version of
+adv.scm that has both partners' changes.  This may take some thinking!  If
+both parners modify the same method in the same object class, you'll have to
+write a version of the method that incorporates both modifications.
+Adv.scm includes a definition of the class THIEF, a subclass of person.
+A thief is a character who tries to steal food from other people.  Of
+course, Berkeley can not tolerate this behavior for long.  Your job is to
+define a POLICE class; police objects catch thieves and send them directly
+to jail.  To do this you will need to understand how theives work.
+Since a thief is a kind of person, whenever another person enters the place
+where the thief is, the thief gets a NOTICE message from the place.  When
+the thief notices a new person, he does one of two things, depending on the
+state of his internal BEHAVIOR variable.  If this variable is set to STEAL,
+the thief looks around to see if there is any food at the place.  If there
+is food, the thief takes the food from its current possessor and sets his
+behavior to RUN.  When the thief's behavior is RUN, he moves to a new random
+place whenever he NOTICEs someone entering his current location.  The RUN
+behavior makes it hard to catch a thief.
+Notice that a thief object delegates many messages to its person object.
+A6a.  To help the police do their work, you will need to create a place called
+jail.  Jail has no exits.  Moreover, you will need to create a method for
+persons and thieves called GO-DIRECTLY-TO.  Go-directly-to does not require
+that the new-place be adjacent to the current-place.  So by calling (ASK
+THIEF 'GO-DIRECTLY-TO JAIL) the police can send the thief to jail no matter
+where the thief currently is located, assuming the variable thief is bound
+to the thief being apprehended.
+A6b.  Thieves sometimes try to leave their place in a randomly chosen
+direction.  This, it turns out, won't work if there are no exits from
+that place -- for example, the jail.  Modify the THIEF class so that
+a thief won't try to leave a place with no exits.
+** Now get your partner to explain problem B6 and its solution. **
+A7a.  We are now going to invent restaurant objects.  People will interact
+with the restaurants by buying food there.  First we have to make it possible
+for people to buy stuff.  Give PERSON objects a MONEY property, which is a
+number, saying how many dollars they have.  Note that money is not an
+object.  We implement it as a number because, unlike the case of objects
+such as chairs and potstickers, a person needs to be able to spend SOME
+money without giving up all of it.  In principle we could have objects like
+QUARTER and DOLLAR-BILL, but this would make the change-making process
+complicated for no good reason.
+To make life simple, we'll have every PERSON start out with $100.  (We should
+really start people with no money, and invent banks and jobs and so on, but
+we won't.)  Create two methods for people, GET-MONEY and PAY-MONEY, each of
+which takes a number as argument and updates the person's money value
+appropriately.  PAY-MONEY must return true or false depending on whether
+the person had enough money.
+A7b.  Another problem with the adventure game is that Noah's only has one
+bagel.  Once someone has taken that bagel, they're out of business.
+To fix this, we're going to invent a new kind of place, called a RESTAURANT.
+(That is, RESTAURANT is a subclass of PLACE.)  Each restaurant serves only
+one kind of food.  (This is a simplification, of course, and it's easy to see
+how we might extend the project to allow lists of kinds of food.)  When a
+restaurant is instantiated, it should have two extra arguments, besides the
+ones that all places have: the class of food objects that this restaurant
+sells,  and the price of one item of this type:
+   > (define-class (bagel) (parent (food ...)) ...)
+   > (define Noahs (instantiate restaurant 'Noahs bagel 0.50))
+Notice that the argument to the restaurant is a CLASS, not a particular
+bagel (instance).
+Restaurants should have two methods.  The MENU method returns a list
+containing the name and price of the food that the restaurant sells.
+The SELL method takes two arguments, the person who wants to buy something
+and the name of the food that the person wants.  The SELL method must first
+check that the restaurant actually sells the right kind of food.  If so,
+it should ASK the buyer to PAY-MONEY in the appropriate amount.  If that
+succeeds, the method should instantiate the food class and return the new
+food object.  The method should return #F if the person can't buy the food.
+A8.  Now we need a BUY method for people.  It should take as argument the
+name of the food we want to buy:  (ask Brian 'buy 'bagel).  The method must
+send a SELL message to the restaurant.  If this succeeds (that is, if the
+value returned from the SELL method is an object rather than #F) the new food
+should be added to the person's possessions.
+--- Person A skip to question 9 below.
+B6.  The way we're having people take food from restaurants is unrealistic
+in several ways.  Our overall goal this week is to fix that.  As a first
+step, you are going to create a FOOD class.
+We will give things that are food two properties, an EDIBLE? property
+and a CALORIES property.  EDIBLE?  will have the value #T if the object is a
+food.  If a PERSON eats some food, the food's CALORIES are added to the
+person's STRENGTH.
+(Remember that the EDIBLE? property will automatically be false for objects
+other than food, because of the way properties were implemented in question B4.
+You don't have to go around telling all the other stuff not to be edible
+Write a definition of the FOOD class that uses THING as the parent class.
+It should return #T when you send it an EDBILE? message, and it should
+correctly respond to a CALORIES message.
+Replace the procedure named EDIBLE? in the original adv.scm with a new
+version that takes advantage of the mechanism you've created, instead of
+relying on a built-in list of types of food.
+Now that you have the FOOD class, invent some child classes for particular
+kinds of food.  For example, make a bagel class that inherits from FOOD.
+Give the bagel class a class-variable called NAME whose value is the word
+bagel.  (We'll need this later when we invent RESTAURANT objects.)
+Make an EAT method for people.  Your EAT method should look at your
+possessions and filter for all the ones that are edible.  It should then add
+the calorie value of the foods to your strength.  Then it should make the
+foods disappear (no longer be your possessions and no longer be at your
+** Now get your partner to explain problem A6 and its solution. **
+B7.  Your job is to define the police class.  A policeperson is to have the
+following behavior:
+The police stays at one location.  When the police notices a new person
+entering the location, the police checks to see if that person is a thief.
+If the person is a thief the police says "Crime Does Not Pay," then takes
+away all the thief's possessions and sends the thief directly to jail.
+Give thieves and police default strengths.  Thieves should start out stronger
+than persons, but police should be stronger than thieves.  Of course, if you
+eat lots you should be able to build up enough STRENGTH (mass?) to take food
+away from a thief.  (Only a character with a lot of CHUTZPAH would take food
+away from the police. :-)
+Please test your code and turn in a transcript that shows the thief stealing
+your food, you chasing the thief and the police catching the thief.  In case
+you haven't noticed, we've put a thief in Sproul Plaza.
+B8.  Now we want to reorganize TAKE so that it looks to see who previously
+possesses the desired object.  If its possessor is 'NO-ONE, go ahead and
+take it as always.  Otherwise, invoke
+	(ask thing 'MAY-TAKE? receiver)
+The MAY-TAKE? method for a thing that belongs to someone should compare
+the strength of its owner with the strength of the requesting person to
+decide whether or not it can be taken.  The method should return #F
+if the person may not take the thing, or the thing itself if the person may
+take it.  This is a little more complicated than necessary right now, but
+we are planning ahead for a situation in which, for example, an object
+might want to make a clone of itself for a person to take.
+Note the flurry of message-passing going on here.  We send a message to the
+taker.  It sends a message to the thing, which sends messages to two people
+to find out their strengths.
+--- End of Part II, Person B (but both partners do question 8 below).
+9.  Combine the two partners' work.  For example, both partners have
+created new methods for the PERSON class.  Both partners have done work
+involving strengths of kinds of people; make sure they work together.
+Now make it so that when a POLICE person asks to BUY some food the
+restaurant doesn't charge him or her any money.  (This makes the game
+more realistic...)
+******** OPTIONAL **********
+As you can imagine, this is a truly open-ended project.  If you have the
+time and inclination, you can populate your world with new kinds of people
+(e.g., punk-rockers), places (Gilman-St), and especially things (magic
+wands, beer, gold pieces, cars looking for parking places...).
+For your enjoyment we have developed a procedure that creates a labyrinth (a
+maze) that you can explore.  To do so, load the file ~cs61a/lib/labyrinth.scm.
+[Note: labyrinth.scm may need some modification to work with the procedures
+you developed in part two of the project.]
+Legend has it that there is a vast series of rooms underneath Sproul Plaza.
+These rooms are littered with food of bygone days and quite a few theives.
+You can find the secret passage down in Sproul Plaza.
+You may want to modify FANCY-MOVE-LOOP so that you can look around in nearby
+rooms before entering so that you can avoid thieves.  You might also want
+your character to maintain a list of rooms visited on its property list so
+you can find your way back to the earth's surface.
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/obj.scm b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/obj.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4a9d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/obj.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+;;; obj.scm version 4.0 5/18/2000
+;;; -- implementation of the object-oriented syntax
+;; By Matt Wright, based on a handout from MIT
+;; Revised for STk by Brian Gaeke - removed scm and procedure->macro
+;;; Utilities
+;; MAKNAM: create a new symbol whose name is the concatenation of the 
+;; names of those in the symbol list SYMBOLS.
+(define (maknam . symbols)
+  (string->symbol (apply string-append (map symbol->string symbols))))
+;; ASK: send a message to an object
+; The dot in the first line of the definition of ASK, below, makes it
+; take a variable number of arguments.  The first argument is associated
+; with the formal parameter OBJECT; the second with MESSAGE; any extra
+; actual arguments are put in a list, and that list is associated with
+; the formal parameter ARGS.  (If there are only two actual args, then
+; ARGS will be the empty list.)
+; APPLY takes two arguments, a procedure and a list, and applies the
+; procedure to the things in the list, which are used as actual
+; argument values.
+(define (ask object message . args)
+  (let ((method (object message)))
+    (if (method? method)
+	(apply method args)
+	(error "No method " message " in class " (cadr method)))))
+(define (no-method name)
+  (list 'no-method name))
+(define (no-method? x)
+  (if (pair? x)
+      (eq? (car x) 'no-method)
+      #f))
+(define (method? x)
+  (not (no-method? x)))
+;; INSTANTIATE and INSTANTIATE-PARENT:  Create an instance of a class
+; The difference is that only INSTANTIATE initializes the new object
+(define (instantiate class . arguments)
+  (let ((new-instance (apply (class 'instantiate) arguments)))
+    (ask new-instance 'initialize new-instance)
+    new-instance))
+(define (instantiate-parent class . arguments)
+  (apply (class 'instantiate) arguments))
+;; GET-METHOD: Send a message to several objects and return the first
+;; method found (for multiple inheritance)
+(define (get-method give-up-name message . objects)
+  (if (null? objects)
+      (no-method give-up-name)
+      (let ((method ((car objects) message)))
+	(if (method? method)
+	    method
+	    (apply get-method (cons give-up-name
+				    (cons message (cdr objects)) ))))))
+;; USUAL: Invoke a parent's method
+;; Note: The 'send-usual-to-parent method is put in automatically by
+;; define-class.
+(define-macro (usual . args)
+	     `(ask dispatch 'send-usual-to-parent . ,args))
+;; DEFINE-CLASS:  Create a new class.
+; DEFINE-CLASS is a special form.  When you type (define-class body...)
+; it's as if you typed (make-definitions (quote body...)).  In other
+; words, the argument to DEFINE-CLASS isn't evaluated.  This makes sense
+; because the argument isn't Scheme syntax, but rather is the special
+; object-oriented programming language we're defining.
+; Make-definitions transforms the OOP notation into a standard Scheme
+; expression, then uses EVAL to evaluate the result.  (You'll see EVAL
+; again in chapter 4 with the metacircular evaluator.)
+; When you define a class named THING, for example, two global Scheme
+; variables are created.  The variable THING has as its value the
+; procedure that represents the class.  This procedure is invoked by
+; INSTANTIATE to create instances of the class.  A second variable,
+; THING-DEFINITION, has as its value the text of the Scheme expression
+; that defines THING.  This text is used only by SHOW-CLASS, the
+; procedure that lets you examine the result of the OOP-to-Scheme
+; translation process.
+(define-macro (define-class . body) (make-definitions body))
+(define (make-definitions form)
+  (let ((definition (translate form)))
+    (eval `(define ,(maknam (class-name form) '-definition) ',definition))
+    (eval definition)
+    (list 'quote (class-name form))))
+(define (show-class name)
+  (eval (maknam name '-definition)) )
+; TRANSLATE does all the work of DEFINE-CLASS.
+; The backquote operator (`) works just like regular quote (') except
+; that expressions proceeded by a comma are evaluated.  Also, expressions
+; proceeded by ",@" evaluate to lists; the lists are inserted into the
+; text without the outermost level of parentheses.
+(define (translate form)
+  (cond ((null? form) (error "Define-class: empty body"))
+	((not (null? (obj-filter form (lambda (x) (not (pair? x))))))
+	 (error "Each argument to define-class must be a list"))
+	((not (null? (extra-clauses form)))
+	 (error "Unrecognized clause in define-class:" (extra-clauses form)))
+	(else 
+	 `(define ,(class-name form)
+	    (let ,(class-var-bindings form)
+	      (lambda (class-message)
+		(cond
+		 ,@(class-variable-methods form)
+		 ((eq? class-message 'instantiate)
+		  (lambda ,(instantiation-vars form)
+		    (let ((self '())
+			  ,@(parent-let-list form)
+			  ,@(instance-vars-let-list form))
+		      (define (dispatch message)
+			(cond
+			 ,(init-clause form)
+			 ,(usual-clause form)
+			 ,@(method-clauses form)
+			 ,@(local-variable-methods form)
+			 ,(else-clause form) ))
+		      dispatch )))
+		 (else (error "Bad message to class" class-message)) )))))))
+(define *legal-clauses*
+  '(instance-vars class-vars method default-method parent initialize))
+(define (extra-clauses form)
+  (obj-filter (cdr form)
+	      (lambda (x) (null? (member (car x) *legal-clauses*)))))
+(define class-name caar)
+(define (class-var-bindings form)
+  (let ((classvar-clause (find-a-clause 'class-vars form)))
+    (if (null? classvar-clause)
+	'()
+	(cdr classvar-clause) )))
+(define instantiation-vars cdar)
+(define (parent-let-list form)
+  (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
+    (if (null? parent-clause)
+	'()
+	(map (lambda (parent-and-args)
+	       (list (maknam 'my- (car parent-and-args))
+		     (cons 'instantiate-parent parent-and-args)))
+	     (cdr parent-clause)))))
+(define (instance-vars-let-list form)
+  (let ((instance-vars-clause (find-a-clause 'instance-vars form)))
+    (if (null? instance-vars-clause)
+	'()
+	(cdr instance-vars-clause))))
+(define (init-clause form)
+  (define (parent-initialization form)
+    (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
+      (if (null? parent-clause)
+	  '()
+	  (map
+	   (lambda (parent-and-args)
+	     `(ask ,(maknam 'my- (car parent-and-args)) 'initialize self) )
+	   (cdr parent-clause) ))))
+  (define (my-initialization form)
+    (let ((init-clause (find-a-clause 'initialize form)))
+      (if (null? init-clause) '()
+	  (cdr init-clause))))
+  (define (init-body form)
+    (append (parent-initialization form)
+	    (my-initialization form) ))
+  `((eq? message 'initialize)
+    (lambda (value-for-self)
+      (set! self value-for-self)
+      ,@(init-body form) )))
+(define (variable-list var-type form)
+  (let ((clause (find-a-clause var-type form)))
+    (if (null? clause)
+	'()
+	(map car (cdr clause)) )))
+(define (class-variable-methods form)
+  (cons `((eq? class-message 'class-name) (lambda () ',(class-name form)))
+	(map (lambda (variable)
+	       `((eq? class-message ',variable) (lambda () ,variable)))
+	     (variable-list 'class-vars form))))
+(define (local-variable-methods form)
+  (cons `((eq? message 'class-name) (lambda () ',(class-name form)))
+	(map (lambda (variable)
+	       `((eq? message ',variable) (lambda () ,variable)))
+	     (append (cdr (car form))
+		     (variable-list 'instance-vars form)
+		     (variable-list 'class-vars form)))))
+(define (method-clauses form)
+  (map
+   (lambda (method-defn)
+     (let ((this-message (car (cadr method-defn)))
+	   (args (cdr (cadr method-defn)))
+	   (body (cddr method-defn)))
+       `((eq? message ',this-message)
+	 (lambda ,args ,@body))))
+   (obj-filter (cdr form) (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) 'method))) ))
+(define (parent-list form)
+  (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
+    (if (null? parent-clause)
+	'()
+	(map (lambda (class) (maknam 'my- class))
+	     (map car (cdr parent-clause))))))
+(define (usual-clause form)
+  (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
+    (if (null? parent-clause)
+	`((eq? message 'send-usual-to-parent)
+	  (error "Can't use USUAL without a parent." ',(class-name form)))
+	`((eq? message 'send-usual-to-parent)
+	  (lambda (message . args)
+	    (let ((method (get-method ',(class-name form)
+				      message
+				      ,@(parent-list form))))
+	      (if (method? method)
+		  (apply method args)
+		  (error "No USUAL method" message ',(class-name form)) )))))))
+(define (else-clause form)
+  (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form))
+	(default-method (find-a-clause 'default-method form)))
+    (cond
+     ((and (null? parent-clause) (null? default-method))
+      `(else (no-method ',(class-name form))))
+     ((null? parent-clause)
+      `(else (lambda args ,@(cdr default-method))))
+     ((null? default-method)
+      `(else (get-method ',(class-name form) message ,@(parent-list form))) )
+     (else
+      `(else (let ((method (get-method ',(class-name form)
+				       message
+				       ,@(parent-list form))))
+	       (if (method? method)
+		   method
+		   (lambda args ,@(cdr default-method)) )))))))
+(define (find-a-clause clause-name form)
+  (let ((clauses (obj-filter (cdr form)
+			     (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) clause-name)))))
+    (cond ((null? clauses) '())
+	  ((null? (cdr clauses)) (car clauses))
+	  (else (error "Error in define-class: too many "
+		       clause-name "clauses.")) )))
+(define (obj-filter l pred)
+  (cond ((null? l) '())
+	((pred (car l))
+	 (cons (car l) (obj-filter (cdr l) pred)))
+	(else (obj-filter (cdr l) pred))))
+(provide "obj")
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/small-world.scm b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/small-world.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcd6bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project3/small-world.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;;; small-world.scm
+;;; Miniature game world for debugging the CS61A adventure game project.
+;;; You can load this instead of adv-world.scm, and reload it quickly
+;;; whenever you change a class.
+;;; How to use this file:
+;;; If, for example, your person class doesn't work, and you do something
+;;; like (define Matt (instantiate person 'Matt)), and then fix your
+;;; person class definition, Matt is still bound to the faulty person
+;;; object from before.  However, reloading this file whenever you
+;;; change something should redefine everything in your world with the
+;;; currently loaded (i.e. most recent) versions of your classes.
+(define 61A-Lab (instantiate place '61A-Lab))
+(define Lounge (instantiate place 'Lounge))
+(can-go 61A-Lab 'up Lounge)
+(can-go Lounge 'down 61A-Lab)
+;;;  Hopefully you'll see more of the world than this in real life
+;;;  while you're doing the project!
+(define homework-box (instantiate thing 'homework-box))
+(ask 61A-Lab 'appear homework-box)
+(define Coke (instantiate thing 'Coke))
+(ask Lounge 'appear Coke)
+(define laba (instantiate person 'Lab-assistant 61A-Lab))
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/logo-meta.scm b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/logo-meta.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66afdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/logo-meta.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+;;; logo-meta.scm      Part of programming project #4
+;;; Differences between the book and this version:  Eval and apply have
+;;; been changed to logo-eval and logo-apply so as not to overwrite the Scheme
+;;; versions of these routines. An extra procedure initialize-logo has been
+;;; added. This routine resets the global environment and then executes the
+;;; driver loop. This procedure should be invoked to start the Logo
+;;; evaluator executing.  Note: It will reset your global environment and all
+;;; definitions to the Logo interpreter will be lost. To restart the Logo
+;;; interpreter without resetting the global environment, just invoke
+;;; driver-loop.  Don't forget that typing control-C will get you out of
+;;; the Logo evaluator back into Scheme.
+;;; Problems A1, A2, and B2 are entirely in logo.scm
+;;; Problems 3, 7, and up require you to find and change existing procedures.
+;;;  Procedures that you must write from scratch:
+;;; Problem B1    eval-line
+(define (eval-line line-obj env)
+  (error "eval-line not written yet!"))
+;;; Problem 4    variables  (other procedures must be modified, too)
+;;; data abstraction procedures
+(define (variable? exp)
+  #f)            ;; not written yet but we fake it for now
+(define (variable-name exp)
+  (error "variable-name not written yet!"))
+;;; Problem A5   handle-infix
+(define (de-infix token)
+  (cdr (assoc token '((+ . sum)
+		      (- . difference)
+		      (* . product)
+		      (/ . quotient)
+		      (= . equalp)
+		      (< . lessp)
+		      (> . greaterp)))))
+(define (handle-infix value line-obj env)
+  value)   ;; This doesn't give an error message, so other stuff works.
+;;; Problem B5    eval-definition
+(define (eval-definition line-obj)
+  (error "eval-definition not written yet!"))
+;;; Problem 6    eval-sequence
+(define (eval-sequence exps env)
+  (error "eval-sequence not written yet!"))
+(define the-primitive-procedures '())
+(define (add-prim name count proc)
+  (set! the-primitive-procedures
+	(cons (list name 'primitive count proc)
+	      the-primitive-procedures)))
+(add-prim 'first 1 first)
+(add-prim 'butfirst 1 bf)
+(add-prim 'bf 1 bf)
+(add-prim 'last 1 last)
+(add-prim 'butlast 1 bl)
+(add-prim 'bl 1 bl)
+(add-prim 'word 2 word)
+(add-prim 'sentence 2 se)
+(add-prim 'se 2 se)
+(add-prim 'list 2 list)
+(add-prim 'fput 2 cons)
+(add-prim 'sum 2 (make-logo-arith +))
+(add-prim 'difference 2 (make-logo-arith -))
+(add-prim '=unary-minus= 1 (make-logo-arith -))
+(add-prim '- 1 (make-logo-arith -))
+(add-prim 'product 2 (make-logo-arith *))
+(add-prim 'quotient 2 (make-logo-arith /))
+(add-prim 'remainder 2 (make-logo-arith remainder))
+(add-prim 'print 1 logo-print)
+(add-prim 'pr 1 logo-print)
+(add-prim 'show 1 logo-show)
+(add-prim 'type 1 logo-type)
+(add-prim 'make '(2) make)
+(add-prim 'run '(1) run)
+(add-prim 'if '(2) logo-if)
+(add-prim 'ifelse '(3) ifelse)
+(add-prim 'equalp 2 (logo-pred (make-logo-arith equalp)))
+(add-prim 'lessp 2 (logo-pred (make-logo-arith <)))
+(add-prim 'greaterp 2 (logo-pred (make-logo-arith >)))
+(add-prim 'emptyp 1 (logo-pred empty?))
+(add-prim 'numberp 1 (logo-pred (make-logo-arith number?)))
+(add-prim 'listp 1 (logo-pred list?))
+(add-prim 'wordp 1 (logo-pred (lambda (x) (not (list? x)))))
+(add-prim 'stop 0 (lambda () '=stop=))
+(add-prim 'output 1 (lambda (x) (cons '=output= x)))
+(add-prim 'op 1 (lambda (x) (cons '=output= x)))
+(define (pcmd proc) (lambda args (apply proc args) '=no-value=))
+(add-prim 'cs 0 (pcmd cs))
+(add-prim 'clearscreen 0 (pcmd cs))
+(add-prim 'fd 1 (pcmd fd))
+(add-prim 'forward 1 (pcmd fd))
+(add-prim 'bk 1 (pcmd bk))
+(add-prim 'back 1 (pcmd bk))
+(add-prim 'lt 1 (pcmd lt))
+(add-prim 'left 1 (pcmd lt))
+(add-prim 'rt 1 (pcmd rt))
+(add-prim 'right 1 (pcmd rt))
+(add-prim 'setxy 2 (pcmd setxy))
+(add-prim 'setx 1 (lambda (x) (setxy x (ycor)) '=no-value=))
+(add-prim 'sety 1 (lambda (y) (setxy (xcor) y) '=no-value=))
+(add-prim 'xcor 0 xcor)
+(add-prim 'ycor 0 ycor)
+(add-prim 'pos 0 pos)
+(add-prim 'seth 1 (pcmd setheading))
+(add-prim 'setheading 1 (pcmd setheading))
+(add-prim 'heading 0 heading)
+(add-prim 'st 0 (pcmd st))
+(add-prim 'showturtle 0 (pcmd st))
+(add-prim 'ht 0 (pcmd ht))
+(add-prim 'hideturtle 0 (pcmd ht))
+(add-prim 'shown? 0 shown?)
+(add-prim 'pd 0 (pcmd pendown))
+(add-prim 'pendown 0 (pcmd pendown))
+(add-prim 'pu 0 (pcmd penup))
+(add-prim 'penup 0 (pcmd penup))
+(add-prim 'pe 0 (pcmd penerase))
+(add-prim 'penerase 0 (pcmd penerase))
+(add-prim 'home 0 (pcmd home))
+(add-prim 'setpc 1 (pcmd setpc))
+(add-prim 'setpencolor 1 (pcmd setpc))
+(add-prim 'pc 0 pc)
+(add-prim 'pencolor 0 pc)
+(add-prim 'setbg 1 (pcmd setbg))
+(add-prim 'setbackground 1 (pcmd setbg))
+(add-prim 'load 1 meta-load)
+(define the-global-environment '())
+(define the-procedures the-primitive-procedures)
+;;; The following code initializes the machine and starts the Logo
+;;; system.  You should not call it very often, because it will clobber
+;;; the global environment, and you will lose any definitions you have
+;;; accumulated.
+(define (initialize-logo)
+  (set! the-global-environment (extend-environment '() '() '()))
+  (set! the-procedures the-primitive-procedures)
+  (driver-loop))
+(define (driver-loop)
+  (define (helper)
+    (prompt "? ")
+    (let ((line (logo-read)))
+      (if (not (null? line))
+  	  (let ((result (eval-line (make-line-obj line)
+				   the-global-environment)))
+	    (if (not (eq? result '=no-value=))
+		(logo-print (list "You don't say what to do with" result))))))
+    (helper))
+  (logo-read)
+  (helper))
+;;; To apply a primitive procedure, we ask the underlying Scheme system
+;;; to perform the application.  (Of course, an implementation on a
+;;; low-level machine would perform the application in some other way.)
+(define (apply-primitive-procedure p args)
+  (apply (text p) args))
+;;; Now for the code that's based on the book!!!
+;;; Section 4.1.1
+;; Given an expression like (proc :a :b :c)+5
+;; logo-eval calls eval-prefix for the part in parentheses, and then
+;; handle-infix to check for and process the infix arithmetic.
+;; Eval-prefix is comparable to Scheme's eval.
+(define (logo-eval line-obj env)
+  (handle-infix (eval-prefix line-obj env) line-obj env))
+(define (eval-prefix line-obj env)
+  (define (eval-helper paren-flag)
+    (let ((token (ask line-obj 'next)))
+      (cond ((self-evaluating? token) token)
+            ((variable? token)
+	     (lookup-variable-value (variable-name token) env))
+            ((quoted? token) (text-of-quotation token))
+            ((definition? token) (eval-definition line-obj))
+	    ((left-paren? token)
+	     (let ((result (handle-infix (eval-helper #t)
+				       	 line-obj
+				       	 env)))
+	       (let ((token (ask line-obj 'next)))
+	       	 (if (right-paren? token)
+		     result
+		     (error "Too much inside parens")))))
+	    ((right-paren? token)
+	     (error "Unexpected ')'"))
+            (else
+	     (let ((proc (lookup-procedure token)))
+	       (if (not proc) (error "I don't know how  to " token))
+	       (logo-apply proc
+			   (collect-n-args (arg-count proc)
+					   line-obj
+					   env) ))) )))
+  (eval-helper #f))
+(define (logo-apply procedure arguments)
+  (cond ((primitive-procedure? procedure)
+         (apply-primitive-procedure procedure arguments))
+        ((compound-procedure? procedure)
+	 (error "Compound procedures not implemented yet."))
+        (else
+         (error "Unknown procedure type -- LOGO-APPLY " procedure))))
+(define (collect-n-args n line-obj env)
+  (cond ((= n 0) '())
+	((and (< n 0) (not (ask line-obj 'empty?)))
+	 (let ((token (ask line-obj 'next)))
+	   (ask line-obj 'put-back token)
+	   (if (right-paren? token)
+	       '()
+      	       (let ((next (logo-eval line-obj env)))
+        	 (cons next
+	      	       (collect-n-args (- n 1) line-obj env)) ))))
+	(else      
+      	 (let ((next (logo-eval line-obj env)))
+           (cons next
+	      	 (collect-n-args (- n 1) line-obj env)) ))))
+;;; Section 4.1.2 -- Representing expressions
+;;; numbers
+(define (self-evaluating? exp) (number? exp))
+;;; quote
+(define (quoted? exp)
+  (or (list? exp)
+      (eq? (string-ref (word->string (first exp)) 0) #\")))
+(define (text-of-quotation exp)
+  (if (list? exp)
+      exp
+      (bf exp)))
+;;; parens
+(define (left-paren? exp) (eq? exp left-paren-symbol))
+(define (right-paren? exp) (eq? exp right-paren-symbol))
+;;; definitions
+(define (definition? exp)
+  (eq? exp 'to))
+;;; procedures
+(define (lookup-procedure name)
+  (assoc name the-procedures))
+(define (primitive-procedure? p)
+  (eq? (cadr p) 'primitive))
+(define (compound-procedure? p)
+  (eq? (cadr p) 'compound))
+(define (arg-count proc)
+  (caddr proc))
+(define (text proc)
+  (cadddr proc))
+(define (parameters proc) (car (text proc)))
+(define (procedure-body proc) (cdr (text proc)))
+;;; Section 4.1.3
+;;; Operations on environments
+(define (enclosing-environment env) (cdr env))
+(define (first-frame env) (car env))
+(define the-empty-environment '())
+(define (make-frame variables values)
+  (cons variables values))
+(define (frame-variables frame) (car frame))
+(define (frame-values frame) (cdr frame))
+(define (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)
+  (set-car! frame (cons var (car frame)))
+  (set-cdr! frame (cons val (cdr frame))))
+(define (extend-environment vars vals base-env)
+  (if (= (length vars) (length vals))
+      (cons (make-frame vars vals) base-env)
+      (if (< (length vars) (length vals))
+          (error "Too many arguments supplied " vars vals)
+          (error "Too few arguments supplied " vars vals))))
+(define (lookup-variable-value var env)
+  (define (env-loop env)
+    (define (scan vars vals)
+      (cond ((null? vars)
+             (env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
+            ((equal? var (car vars))
+             (car vals))
+            (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
+    (if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
+        (error "Unbound variable " var)
+        (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
+          (scan (frame-variables frame)
+                (frame-values frame)))))
+  (env-loop env))
+(define (set-variable-value! var val env)
+  (define (env-loop env)
+    (define (scan vars vals)
+      (cond ((null? vars)
+             (env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
+            ((equal? var (car vars))
+             (set-car! vals val))
+            (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
+    (if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
+        (error "Unbound variable -- SET! " var)
+        (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
+          (scan (frame-variables frame)
+                (frame-values frame)))))
+  (env-loop env))
+(define (define-variable! var val env)
+  (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
+    (define (scan vars vals)
+      (cond ((null? vars)
+             (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame))
+            ((equal? var (car vars))
+             (set-car! vals val))
+            (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
+    (scan (frame-variables frame)
+          (frame-values frame))))
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/logo.scm b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/logo.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d957e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/logo.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+;;; logo.scm         part of programming project #4
+;;; Problem A1   make-line-obj
+(define (make-line-obj text)   
+  (error "make-line-obj not written yet!")) 
+;;; Problem A2   logo-type
+(define (logo-type val)   
+  (error "logo-type not written yet!")) 
+(define (logo-print val)   
+  (logo-type val)  
+  (newline) 
+  '=no-value=) 
+(define (logo-show val)   
+  (logo-print (list val)))   
+;;; Problem 4   variables   (logo-meta.scm is also affected)
+(define (make env var val) 
+  (error "make not written yet!") 
+  '=no-value=) 
+;;; Here are the primitives RUN, IF, and IFELSE.  Problem B2 provides
+;;; support for these, but you don't have to modify them.   
+(define (run env exp)
+  (eval-line (make-line-obj exp) env))
+(define (logo-if env t/f exp) 
+  (cond ((eq? t/f 'true) (eval-line (make-line-obj exp) env))
+        ((eq? t/f 'false) '=no-value=)
+        (else (error "Input to IF not true or false " t/f))))  
+(define (ifelse env t/f exp1 exp2)  
+  (cond ((eq? t/f 'true) (eval-line (make-line-obj exp1) env))
+        ((eq? t/f 'false) (eval-line (make-line-obj exp2) env))   
+        (else (error "Input to IFELSE not true or false " t/f))))  
+;;; Problem B2   logo-pred
+(define (logo-pred pred)   
+  pred)      ;; This isn't written yet but we fake it for now.
+;;; Here is an example of a Scheme predicate that will be turned into  
+;;; a Logo predicate by logo-pred:  
+(define (equalp a b)
+  (if (and (number? a) (number? b))  
+      (= a b)   
+      (equal? a b)))   
+;;;  Stuff below here is needed for the interpreter to work but you  ;;;  
+;;;  don't have to modify anything or understand how they work.      ;;;
+;;; The Logo reader
+(define left-paren-symbol (string->symbol (make-string 1 #\( )))
+(define right-paren-symbol (string->symbol (make-string 1 #\) )))
+(define quote-symbol (string->symbol (make-string 1 #\" )))
+(define (logo-read)  
+  (define lookahead #f)   
+  (define (logo-read-help depth)   
+    (define (get-char)  
+      (if lookahead  
+          (let ((char lookahead))   
+            (set! lookahead #f)   
+            char) 
+          (let ((char (read-char)))   
+            (if (eq? char #\\)
+                (list (read-char))  
+                char)))) 
+    (define (quoted char)   
+      (if (pair? char)   
+          char 
+          (list char)))  
+    (define (get-symbol char)   
+      (define (iter sofar char)
+        (cond ((pair? char) (iter (cons (car char) sofar) (get-char))) 
+              ((memq char  
+                     '(#\space #\newline #\+ #\- #\* #\/  
+                               #\= #\< #\> #\( #\) #\[ #\] ))
+               (set! lookahead char)   
+               sofar) 
+              (else (iter (cons char sofar) (get-char))) ))   
+      (string->word (list->string (reverse (iter '() char)))) )
+    (define (get-token space-flag)   
+      (let ((char (get-char)))   
+              (cond ((eq? char #\space) (get-token #t))  
+              ((memq char '(#\+ #\* #\/ #\= #\< #\> #\( #\) ))   
+               (string->symbol (make-string 1 char)))
+              ((eq? char #\-)   
+               (if space-flag  
+                   (let ((char (get-char)))   
+                     (let ((result (if (eq? char #\space)  
+                                       '- 
+                                       '=unary-minus=))) 
+                       (set! lookahead char)   
+                       result)) 
+                   '-)) 
+              ((eq? char #\[) (logo-read-help (+ depth 1)))  
+              ((pair? char) (get-symbol char))
+              ((eq? char #\")   
+               (let ((char (get-char)))   
+                 (if (memq char '(#\[ #\] #\newline))  
+                     (begin (set! lookahead char) quote-symbol)
+                     (string->symbol (word quote-symbol
+					   (get-symbol (quoted char)))))))
+	      (else (get-symbol char)) )))
+    (define (after-space)
+      (let ((char (get-char)))
+	(if (eq? char #\space)
+	    (after-space)
+	    char)))
+    (let ((char (get-char)))   
+      (cond ((eq? char #\newline)
+             (if (> depth 0) (set! lookahead char))   
+             '()) 
+	    ((eq? char #\space)
+	     (let ((char (after-space)))
+	       (cond ((eq? char #\newline)
+		      (begin (if (> depth 0) (set! lookahead char))
+			     '()))
+		     ((eq? char #\])
+		      (if (> depth 0) '() (error "Unexpected ]")))
+		     (else (set! lookahead char)
+			   (let ((token (get-token #t)))
+			     (cons token (logo-read-help depth)))))))
+            ((eq? char #\])   
+             (if (> depth 0) '() (error "Unexpected ]")))
+            ((eof-object? char) char)   
+            (else (set! lookahead char)
+                  (let ((token (get-token #f)))
+                    (cons token (logo-read-help depth)) ))))) 
+  (logo-read-help 0))  
+;;; Assorted stuff   
+(define (make-logo-arith op)   
+  (lambda args (apply op (map maybe-num args))))   
+(define (maybe-num val)
+  (if (word? val)
+      (string->word (word->string val))
+      val))
+(define tty-port (current-input-port))   
+(define (prompt string)   
+  (if (eq? (current-input-port) tty-port)
+  (begin (display string) (flush))))  
+(define (meta-load fn)   
+  (define (loader)  
+    (let ((exp (logo-read)))   
+      (if (eof-object? exp)   
+          '() 
+          (begin (eval-line (make-line-obj exp)
+			    the-global-environment) 
+		 (loader))))) 
+  (with-input-from-file (symbol->string fn) loader)
+  '=no-value=) 
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/obj.scm b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/obj.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4a9d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Volume1/Project4/obj.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+;;; obj.scm version 4.0 5/18/2000
+;;; -- implementation of the object-oriented syntax
+;; By Matt Wright, based on a handout from MIT
+;; Revised for STk by Brian Gaeke - removed scm and procedure->macro
+;;; Utilities
+;; MAKNAM: create a new symbol whose name is the concatenation of the 
+;; names of those in the symbol list SYMBOLS.
+(define (maknam . symbols)
+  (string->symbol (apply string-append (map symbol->string symbols))))
+;; ASK: send a message to an object
+; The dot in the first line of the definition of ASK, below, makes it
+; take a variable number of arguments.  The first argument is associated
+; with the formal parameter OBJECT; the second with MESSAGE; any extra
+; actual arguments are put in a list, and that list is associated with
+; the formal parameter ARGS.  (If there are only two actual args, then
+; ARGS will be the empty list.)
+; APPLY takes two arguments, a procedure and a list, and applies the
+; procedure to the things in the list, which are used as actual
+; argument values.
+(define (ask object message . args)
+  (let ((method (object message)))
+    (if (method? method)
+	(apply method args)
+	(error "No method " message " in class " (cadr method)))))
+(define (no-method name)
+  (list 'no-method name))
+(define (no-method? x)
+  (if (pair? x)
+      (eq? (car x) 'no-method)
+      #f))
+(define (method? x)
+  (not (no-method? x)))
+;; INSTANTIATE and INSTANTIATE-PARENT:  Create an instance of a class
+; The difference is that only INSTANTIATE initializes the new object
+(define (instantiate class . arguments)
+  (let ((new-instance (apply (class 'instantiate) arguments)))
+    (ask new-instance 'initialize new-instance)
+    new-instance))
+(define (instantiate-parent class . arguments)
+  (apply (class 'instantiate) arguments))
+;; GET-METHOD: Send a message to several objects and return the first
+;; method found (for multiple inheritance)
+(define (get-method give-up-name message . objects)
+  (if (null? objects)
+      (no-method give-up-name)
+      (let ((method ((car objects) message)))
+	(if (method? method)
+	    method
+	    (apply get-method (cons give-up-name
+				    (cons message (cdr objects)) ))))))
+;; USUAL: Invoke a parent's method
+;; Note: The 'send-usual-to-parent method is put in automatically by
+;; define-class.
+(define-macro (usual . args)
+	     `(ask dispatch 'send-usual-to-parent . ,args))
+;; DEFINE-CLASS:  Create a new class.
+; DEFINE-CLASS is a special form.  When you type (define-class body...)
+; it's as if you typed (make-definitions (quote body...)).  In other
+; words, the argument to DEFINE-CLASS isn't evaluated.  This makes sense
+; because the argument isn't Scheme syntax, but rather is the special
+; object-oriented programming language we're defining.
+; Make-definitions transforms the OOP notation into a standard Scheme
+; expression, then uses EVAL to evaluate the result.  (You'll see EVAL
+; again in chapter 4 with the metacircular evaluator.)
+; When you define a class named THING, for example, two global Scheme
+; variables are created.  The variable THING has as its value the
+; procedure that represents the class.  This procedure is invoked by
+; INSTANTIATE to create instances of the class.  A second variable,
+; THING-DEFINITION, has as its value the text of the Scheme expression
+; that defines THING.  This text is used only by SHOW-CLASS, the
+; procedure that lets you examine the result of the OOP-to-Scheme
+; translation process.
+(define-macro (define-class . body) (make-definitions body))
+(define (make-definitions form)
+  (let ((definition (translate form)))
+    (eval `(define ,(maknam (class-name form) '-definition) ',definition))
+    (eval definition)
+    (list 'quote (class-name form))))
+(define (show-class name)
+  (eval (maknam name '-definition)) )
+; TRANSLATE does all the work of DEFINE-CLASS.
+; The backquote operator (`) works just like regular quote (') except
+; that expressions proceeded by a comma are evaluated.  Also, expressions
+; proceeded by ",@" evaluate to lists; the lists are inserted into the
+; text without the outermost level of parentheses.
+(define (translate form)
+  (cond ((null? form) (error "Define-class: empty body"))
+	((not (null? (obj-filter form (lambda (x) (not (pair? x))))))
+	 (error "Each argument to define-class must be a list"))
+	((not (null? (extra-clauses form)))
+	 (error "Unrecognized clause in define-class:" (extra-clauses form)))
+	(else 
+	 `(define ,(class-name form)
+	    (let ,(class-var-bindings form)
+	      (lambda (class-message)
+		(cond
+		 ,@(class-variable-methods form)
+		 ((eq? class-message 'instantiate)
+		  (lambda ,(instantiation-vars form)
+		    (let ((self '())
+			  ,@(parent-let-list form)
+			  ,@(instance-vars-let-list form))
+		      (define (dispatch message)
+			(cond
+			 ,(init-clause form)
+			 ,(usual-clause form)
+			 ,@(method-clauses form)
+			 ,@(local-variable-methods form)
+			 ,(else-clause form) ))
+		      dispatch )))
+		 (else (error "Bad message to class" class-message)) )))))))
+(define *legal-clauses*
+  '(instance-vars class-vars method default-method parent initialize))
+(define (extra-clauses form)
+  (obj-filter (cdr form)
+	      (lambda (x) (null? (member (car x) *legal-clauses*)))))
+(define class-name caar)
+(define (class-var-bindings form)
+  (let ((classvar-clause (find-a-clause 'class-vars form)))
+    (if (null? classvar-clause)
+	'()
+	(cdr classvar-clause) )))
+(define instantiation-vars cdar)
+(define (parent-let-list form)
+  (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
+    (if (null? parent-clause)
+	'()
+	(map (lambda (parent-and-args)
+	       (list (maknam 'my- (car parent-and-args))
+		     (cons 'instantiate-parent parent-and-args)))
+	     (cdr parent-clause)))))
+(define (instance-vars-let-list form)
+  (let ((instance-vars-clause (find-a-clause 'instance-vars form)))
+    (if (null? instance-vars-clause)
+	'()
+	(cdr instance-vars-clause))))
+(define (init-clause form)
+  (define (parent-initialization form)
+    (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
+      (if (null? parent-clause)
+	  '()
+	  (map
+	   (lambda (parent-and-args)
+	     `(ask ,(maknam 'my- (car parent-and-args)) 'initialize self) )
+	   (cdr parent-clause) ))))
+  (define (my-initialization form)
+    (let ((init-clause (find-a-clause 'initialize form)))
+      (if (null? init-clause) '()
+	  (cdr init-clause))))
+  (define (init-body form)
+    (append (parent-initialization form)
+	    (my-initialization form) ))
+  `((eq? message 'initialize)
+    (lambda (value-for-self)
+      (set! self value-for-self)
+      ,@(init-body form) )))
+(define (variable-list var-type form)
+  (let ((clause (find-a-clause var-type form)))
+    (if (null? clause)
+	'()
+	(map car (cdr clause)) )))
+(define (class-variable-methods form)
+  (cons `((eq? class-message 'class-name) (lambda () ',(class-name form)))
+	(map (lambda (variable)
+	       `((eq? class-message ',variable) (lambda () ,variable)))
+	     (variable-list 'class-vars form))))
+(define (local-variable-methods form)
+  (cons `((eq? message 'class-name) (lambda () ',(class-name form)))
+	(map (lambda (variable)
+	       `((eq? message ',variable) (lambda () ,variable)))
+	     (append (cdr (car form))
+		     (variable-list 'instance-vars form)
+		     (variable-list 'class-vars form)))))
+(define (method-clauses form)
+  (map
+   (lambda (method-defn)
+     (let ((this-message (car (cadr method-defn)))
+	   (args (cdr (cadr method-defn)))
+	   (body (cddr method-defn)))
+       `((eq? message ',this-message)
+	 (lambda ,args ,@body))))
+   (obj-filter (cdr form) (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) 'method))) ))
+(define (parent-list form)
+  (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
+    (if (null? parent-clause)
+	'()
+	(map (lambda (class) (maknam 'my- class))
+	     (map car (cdr parent-clause))))))
+(define (usual-clause form)
+  (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form)))
+    (if (null? parent-clause)
+	`((eq? message 'send-usual-to-parent)
+	  (error "Can't use USUAL without a parent." ',(class-name form)))
+	`((eq? message 'send-usual-to-parent)
+	  (lambda (message . args)
+	    (let ((method (get-method ',(class-name form)
+				      message
+				      ,@(parent-list form))))
+	      (if (method? method)
+		  (apply method args)
+		  (error "No USUAL method" message ',(class-name form)) )))))))
+(define (else-clause form)
+  (let ((parent-clause (find-a-clause 'parent form))
+	(default-method (find-a-clause 'default-method form)))
+    (cond
+     ((and (null? parent-clause) (null? default-method))
+      `(else (no-method ',(class-name form))))
+     ((null? parent-clause)
+      `(else (lambda args ,@(cdr default-method))))
+     ((null? default-method)
+      `(else (get-method ',(class-name form) message ,@(parent-list form))) )
+     (else
+      `(else (let ((method (get-method ',(class-name form)
+				       message
+				       ,@(parent-list form))))
+	       (if (method? method)
+		   method
+		   (lambda args ,@(cdr default-method)) )))))))
+(define (find-a-clause clause-name form)
+  (let ((clauses (obj-filter (cdr form)
+			     (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) clause-name)))))
+    (cond ((null? clauses) '())
+	  ((null? (cdr clauses)) (car clauses))
+	  (else (error "Error in define-class: too many "
+		       clause-name "clauses.")) )))
+(define (obj-filter l pred)
+  (cond ((null? l) '())
+	((pred (car l))
+	 (cons (car l) (obj-filter (cdr l) pred)))
+	(else (obj-filter (cdr l) pred))))
+(provide "obj")
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