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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
commit562a9a52d599d9a05f871404050968a5fd282640 (patch)
tree7d3305c1252c043bfe246ccc7deff0056aa6b5ab /js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch12
parent5d012c6c011a9dedf7d0a098e456206244eb5a0f (diff)
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+<P> <A NAME="hands"></A>
+<CENTER><IMG SRC="../ss-pics/hands.jpg" ALT="figure: hands"></CENTER><P><CENTER><EM>Drawing Hands,</EM> by M. C. Escher (lithograph,
+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 12: The Leap of Faith</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 12</H2>
+<H1>The Leap of Faith</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch12.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">Back to Table of Contents</A>
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+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch13/convince-recur.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>In the combining method, we build up to a recursive procedure by writing a
+number of special-case nonrecursive procedures, starting with small arguments
+and working toward larger ones.  We find a generalizable way to use a
+smaller version in writing a larger one.  As a result, all our procedures
+end up looking nearly the same, so we combine them into one procedure.  
+<P>The combining method is a good way to begin thinking about recursion because
+each step of a solution is clearly justified by earlier steps.  The sequence
+of events by which we get from a problem statement to a Scheme procedure is
+clear and straightforward.  The disadvantage of the combining method,
+though, is that it involves a lot of drudgery, not all of which really helps
+toward the ultimate solution.  In this chapter we're going to develop a new
+method called <EM>the leap of faith</EM> that overcomes this difficulty.
+<P><H2>From the Combining Method to the Leap of Faith</H2>
+<P>Let's look again at the way we developed the <CODE>letter-pairs</CODE> procedure in
+the last chapter.  We went through several steps:
+<P><P><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">We wrote specific versions for zero-, one-, two-, and three-letter words.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">We wrote <CODE>letter-pairs4</CODE>, decided it was too complicated, and looked
+for a way to use <CODE>letter-pairs3</CODE> to help.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Having rewritten <CODE>letter-pairs4</CODE>, we tried to write <CODE>letter-pairs5</CODE> using the same pattern.  Since it didn't quite work, we
+revised the pattern.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">We generalized the pattern to write an unnumbered, recursive <CODE>letter-pairs</CODE>.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">We checked to make sure that the recursive pattern would work for
+two-letter and three-letter words.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Since the pattern doesn't work for zero- or one-letter words, we made
+those the base cases.
+Although we needed the lowest numbered procedures in order to make
+the entire collection of numbered procedures work, those low-numbered ones
+didn't contribute to the critical step of finding a generalizable pattern.
+Once you understand the idea of recursion, writing the individual procedures
+is wasted effort.
+<P>In the leap of faith method, we short-circuit this process in two ways.
+First, we don't bother thinking about small examples; we begin with, for
+example, a seven-letter word.  Second, we don't use our example to write a
+particular numbered procedure; we write the recursive version directly.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE><B>Reverse</B></CODE></H2>
+<P>We're going to write, using the leap of faith method, a recursive procedure
+to reverse the letters of a word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (reverse 'beatles)
+<P>Is there a <CODE>reverse</CODE> of a smaller argument lurking within
+that return value?  Yes, many of them.  For example, <CODE>LTA</CODE> is the
+<CODE>reverse</CODE> of the word <CODE>ATL</CODE>.  But it will be most helpful if we
+find a smaller subproblem that's only <EM>slightly</EM> smaller.  (This idea
+corresponds to writing <CODE>letter-pairs7</CODE> using <CODE>letter-pairs6</CODE> in the
+combining method.)  The closest smaller subproblem to our original problem
+is to find the <CODE>reverse</CODE> of a word one letter shorter than <CODE>beatles</CODE>.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (reverse 'beatle)
+<P>This result is pretty close to the answer we want for <CODE>reverse</CODE> of <CODE>beatles</CODE>.  What's the relationship between <CODE>ELTAEB</CODE>,
+the answer to the smaller problem, and <CODE>SELTAEB</CODE>, the answer to the
+entire problem?  There's one extra letter, <CODE>S</CODE>, at the beginning.  Where
+did the extra letter come from?  Obviously, it's the last letter of <CODE>beatles</CODE>.<A NAME="text1" HREF="leap#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>This may seem like a sequence of trivial observations leading nowhere.  But
+as a result of this investigation, we can translate what we've learned
+directly into Scheme.  In English:  &quot;the <CODE>reverse</CODE> of a word consists
+of its last letter followed by the <CODE>reverse</CODE> of its <CODE>butlast</CODE>.&quot; In
+<P><PRE>(define (reverse wd)                    ;; unfinished
+  (word (last wd)
+	(reverse (bl wd))))
+<P><H2>The Leap of Faith</H2>
+<P>If we think of this Scheme fragment merely as a statement of a true fact
+about <CODE>reverse</CODE>, it's not very remarkable.  The amazing part is that
+this fragment is <EM>runnable!</EM><A NAME="text2" HREF="leap#ft2">[2]</A> It doesn't <EM>look</EM> runnable because it invokes itself as a
+helper procedure, and&mdash;if you haven't already been through the combining
+method&mdash;that looks as if it can't work.  &quot;How can you use <CODE>reverse</CODE>
+when you haven't written it yet?&quot;
+<P>The leap of faith method is the assumption that the procedure we're in the
+middle of writing already works.  That is, if we're thinking about writing a
+<CODE>reverse</CODE> procedure that can compute <CODE>(reverse 'paul)</CODE>, we
+assume that <CODE>(reverse 'aul)</CODE> will work.
+<P>Of course it's not <EM>really</EM> a leap of faith, in the sense of something
+accepted as miraculous but not understood.  The assumption is justified
+by our understanding of the combining method.  For example, we understand
+that the four-letter <CODE>reverse</CODE> is relying on the three-letter version of
+the problem, not really on itself, so there's no circular reasoning involved.
+And we know that if we had to, we could write <CODE>reverse1</CODE> through <CODE>reverse3</CODE> &quot;by hand.&quot;
+<P>The reason that our technique in this chapter may seem more mysterious than
+the combining method is that this time we are thinking about the problem
+top-down.  In the combining method, we had already written <CODE>whatever3</CODE>
+before we even raised the question of <CODE>whatever4</CODE>.  Now we start by
+thinking about the larger problem and assume that we can rely on the
+smaller one.  Again, we're entitled to that assumption because we've gone
+through the process from smaller to larger so many times already.
+<P>The leap of faith method, once you understand it, is faster than the
+combining method for writing new recursive procedures, because we can write
+the recursive solution immediately, without bothering with many individual
+cases.  The reason we showed you the combining method first is that the leap
+of faith method seems too much like magic, or like &quot;cheating,&quot; until
+you've seen several believable recursive programs.  The combining method is
+the way to learn about recursion; the leap of faith method is the way to
+write recursive procedures once you've learned.
+<P><H2>The Base Case</H2>
+<P>Of course, our definition of <CODE>reverse</CODE> isn't finished yet: As always, we
+need a base case.  But base cases are the easy part.  Base cases transform
+simple arguments into simple answers, and you can do that transformation in
+your head.
+<P>For example, what's the simplest argument to <CODE>reverse</CODE>?  If you
+answered &quot;a one-letter word&quot; then pick a one-letter word and decide what
+the result should be:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (reverse 'x)
+<P><CODE>reverse</CODE> of a one-letter word should just be that same word:
+<P><PRE>(define (reverse wd)
+  (if (= (count wd) 1)
+      wd
+      (word (last wd)
+	    (reverse (bl wd)))))
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE><B>Factorial</B></CODE></H2>
+<P>We'll use the leap of faith method to solve another problem that
+we haven't already solved with the combining method.
+<P>The factorial of a number <EM>n</EM> is defined as 1&#x00d7;2&#x00d7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00d7;<EM>n</EM>.  So the factorial of 5 (written &quot;5!&quot;) is 1&#x00d7;2&#x00d7;3&#x00d7;4&#x00d7;5.  Suppose you want Scheme to figure out the factorial of
+some large number, such as 843.  You start from the definition:  843! is 1&#x00d7;2&#x00d7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00d7;842&#x00d7;843.  Now you have to look for
+another factorial problem whose answer will help us find the answer to
+843!.  You might notice that 2!, that is, 1&#x00d7;2, is part of 843!,
+but that doesn't help very much because there's no simple relationship
+between 2! and 843!.  A more fruitful observation would be that 842!
+is 1&#x00d7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00d7;842&mdash;that is, all but the last number in the
+product we're trying to compute.  So 843! = 843&#x00d7;842!.  In general,
+<EM>n</EM>! is <EM>n</EM>&#x00d7;(<EM>n</EM>-1)!.  We can embody this idea in a Scheme procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (factorial n)                        ;; first version
+  (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
+<P>Asking for (<EM>n</EM>-1)! is the leap of faith.  We're expressing an
+answer we don't know, 843!, in terms of another answer we don't know,
+842!.  But since 842! is a smaller, similar subproblem, we are confident
+that the same algorithm will find it.<A NAME="text3" HREF="leap#ft3">[3]</A>
+<P>Remember that in the <CODE>reverse</CODE> problem we mentioned that we could have
+chosen either the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> or the <CODE>butlast</CODE> of the argument as the
+smaller subproblem?  In the case of the <CODE>factorial</CODE> problem we don't
+have a similar choice.  If we tried to subdivide the problem as
+<P><P ALIGN="center">6! = 1&#x00d7;(2&#x00d7;3&#x00d7;4&#x00d7;5&#x00d7;6)</P>
+then the part in
+parentheses would <EM>not</EM> be the factorial of a smaller
+number.<A NAME="text4" HREF="leap#ft4">[4]</A>
+<P>As the base case for <CODE>factorial</CODE>, we'll use 1! = 1.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g1"></A>factorial n)
+  (if (= n 1)
+      1
+      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
+<P><H2>Likely Guesses for Smaller Subproblems</H2>
+<P>To make the leap of faith method work, we have to find a smaller, similar
+subproblem whose solution will help solve the given problem.  How do we find
+such a smaller subproblem?
+<P>In the examples so far, we've generally found it by finding a smaller,
+similar <EM>return value</EM> within the return value we're trying to
+achieve.  Then we worked backward from the smaller solution to figure out
+what smaller argument would give us that value.  For example, here's how we
+solved the <CODE>reverse</CODE> problem:
+<P><TABLE><TR><TD>original argument<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>beatles</CODE>
+<TR><TD>desired return value<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>SELTAEB</CODE>
+<TR><TD>smaller return value<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>ELTAEB</CODE>
+<TR><TD>corresponding argument<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>beatle</CODE>
+<TR><TD>relationship of arguments
+<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>beatle </CODE>is<CODE> (bl 'beatles)</CODE>
+<TR><TD>Scheme expression<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>(word (last arg)
+<TR><TD>&nbsp;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(reverse (bl arg)))
+<P>Similarly, we looked at the definition of 843! and noticed within it
+the factorial of a smaller number, 842.
+<P>But a smaller return value won't necessarily leap out at us in every case.
+If not, there are some likely guesses we can try.  For example, if the
+problem is about integers, it makes sense to try <EM>n</EM>&minus;1 as a smaller
+argument.  If the problem is about words or sentences, try the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> or the <CODE>butlast</CODE>.  (Often, as in the <CODE>reverse</CODE> example,
+either will be helpful.)  Once you've guessed at a smaller argument, see
+what the corresponding return value should be, then compare that with the
+original desired return value as we've described earlier.
+<P>In fact, these two argument-guessing techniques would have suggested the same
+subproblems that we ended up using in our two examples so far.  The reason we
+didn't teach these techniques from the beginning is that we don't want you
+to think they're essential parts of the leap of faith method.  These are
+just good guesses; they don't always work.  When they don't, you have to be
+prepared to think more flexibly.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE><B>Downup</B></CODE></H2>
+<P>Here's how we might rewrite <CODE><A NAME="g2"></A>downup</CODE> using the leap of faith
+method.  Start by looking at the desired return value for a medium-sized
+<P><PRE>&gt; (downup 'paul)
+<P>Since this is a procedure whose argument is a word, we guess that
+the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> or the <CODE>butlast</CODE> might be helpful.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (downup 'aul)
+&gt; (downup 'pau)
+<P>This is a case in which it matters which we choose; the solution for the
+<CODE>butfirst</CODE> of the original argument doesn't help, but the solution for
+the <CODE>butlast</CODE> is most of the solution for the original word.  All we
+have to do is add the original word itself at the beginning and end:
+<P><PRE>(define (downup wd)                          ;; no base case
+  (se wd (downup (bl wd)) wd))
+<P>As before, this is missing the base case, but by now you know how
+to fill that in.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE><B>Evens</B></CODE></H2>
+<P>Here's a case in which mindlessly guessing <CODE>butfirst</CODE> or <CODE>butlast</CODE>
+doesn't lead to a very good solution.  We want a procedure that takes a
+sentence as its argument and returns a sentence of the even-numbered words
+of the original sentence:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g3"></A>evens '(i want to hold your hand))
+<P>We look at <CODE>evens</CODE> of the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> and <CODE>butlast</CODE> of
+this sentence:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (evens '(want to hold your hand))
+&gt; (evens '(i want to hold your))
+<P><CODE>Butfirst</CODE> is clearly not helpful; it gives all the wrong
+words.  <CODE>Butlast</CODE> looks promising.  The relationship between <CODE>evens</CODE>
+of the bigger sentence and <CODE>evens</CODE> of the smaller sentence is that the
+last word of the larger sentence is missing from <CODE>evens</CODE> of the smaller
+<P><PRE>(define (losing-evens sent)                  ;; no base case
+  (se (losing-evens (bl sent))
+      (last sent)))
+<P>For a base case, we'll take the empty sentence:
+<P><PRE>(define (losing-evens sent)
+  (if (empty? sent)
+      '()
+      (se (losing-evens (bl sent))
+	  (last sent))))
+&gt; (losing-evens '(i want to hold your hand))
+<P>This isn't quite right.
+<P>It's true that <CODE>evens</CODE> of <CODE>(i want to hold your hand)</CODE> is the same
+as <CODE>evens</CODE> of <CODE>(i want to hold your)</CODE> plus the word <CODE>hand</CODE> at
+the end.  But what about <CODE>evens</CODE> of <CODE>(i want to hold your)</CODE>?  By the
+reasoning we've been using, we would expect that to be <CODE>evens</CODE> of <CODE>(i want to hold)</CODE> plus the word <CODE>your</CODE>.  But since the word <CODE>your</CODE>
+is the fifth word of the argument sentence, it shouldn't be part of the
+result at all.  Here's how <CODE>evens</CODE> should work:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (evens '(i want to hold your))
+&gt; (evens '(i want to hold))
+<P>When the sentence has an odd number of words, its <CODE>evens</CODE> is
+the same as the <CODE>evens</CODE> of its <CODE>butlast</CODE>.<A NAME="text5" HREF="leap#ft5">[5]</A> So here's our
+new procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (evens sent)                         ;; better version
+  (cond ((empty? sent) '())
+	((odd? (count sent))
+	 (evens (bl sent)))
+	(else (se (evens (bl sent))
+		  (last sent)))))
+<P>This version works, but it's more complicated than necessary.  What makes it
+complicated is that on each recursive call we switch between two kinds of
+problems: even-length and odd-length sentences.  If we dealt with the words
+two at a time, each recursive call would see the same kind of problem.
+<P>Once we've decided to go through the sentence two words at a time, we can
+reopen the question of whether to go right-to-left or left-to-right.  It
+will turn out that the latter gives us the simplest procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (evens sent)                         ;; best version
+  (if (&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+      '()
+      (se (first (bf sent))
+	  (evens (bf (bf sent))))))
+<P>Since we go through the sentence two words at a time, an
+odd-length argument sentence always gives rise to an odd-length recursive
+subproblem.  Therefore, it's not good enough to check for an empty sentence
+as the only base case.  We need to treat both the empty sentence and one-word
+sentences as base cases.
+<P><H2>Simplifying Base Cases</H2>
+<A NAME="basecasereduce"></A>
+<A NAME="g4"></A>
+<A NAME="g5"></A>
+<P>The leap of faith is mostly about recursive cases, not base cases.  In the
+examples in this chapter, we've picked base cases without talking about them
+much.  How do you pick a base case?
+<P>In general, we recommend using the smallest possible base case argument,
+because that usually leads to the simplest procedures.  For example,
+consider using the empty word, empty sentence, or zero instead of one-letter
+words, one-word sentences, or one.
+<P>How can you go about finding the simplest possible base case?  Our first
+example in this chapter was <CODE>reverse</CODE>.  We arbitrarily chose to use
+one-letter words as the base case:
+<P><PRE>(define (reverse wd)
+  (if (= (count wd) 1)
+      wd
+      (word (last wd)
+	    (reverse (bl wd)))))
+<P>Suppose we want to consider whether a smaller base case would work.  One
+approach is to pick an argument that would be handled by the current base
+case, and see what would happen if we tried to let the recursive step handle
+it instead.  (To go along with this experiment, we pick a smaller base case,
+since the original base case should now be handled by the recursive step.)
+In this example, we pick a one-letter word, let's say <CODE>m</CODE>, and use that
+as the value of <CODE>wd</CODE> in the expression
+<P><PRE>(word (last wd)
+      (reverse (bl wd)))
+<P>The result is
+<P><PRE>(word (last 'm)
+      (reverse (bl 'm)))
+<P>which is the same as
+<P><PRE>(word 'm
+      (reverse &quot;&quot;))
+<P>We want this to have as its value the word <CODE>M</CODE>.  This will
+work out provided that <CODE>(reverse &quot;&quot;)</CODE> has the empty word as its value.
+So we could rewrite the procedure this way:
+<P><PRE>(define (reverse wd)
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      &quot;"
+      (word (last word)
+	    (reverse (bl word)))))
+<P>We were led to this empty-word base case by working downward from the needs
+of the one-letter case.  However, it's also important to ensure that the
+return value used for the empty word is the correct value, not only to make
+the recursion work, but for an empty word in its own right.  That is, we
+have to convince ourselves that <CODE>(reverse &quot;&quot;)</CODE> should return an empty
+word.  But it should; the <CODE>reverse</CODE> of any word is a word containing the
+same letters as the original word.  If the original has no letters, the <CODE>reverse</CODE> must have no letters also.  This exemplifies a general principle:
+Although we choose a base case argument for the sake of the recursive step,
+we must choose the corresponding return value for the sake of the argument
+itself, not just for the sake of the recursion.
+<P>We'll try the base case reduction technique on <CODE>downup</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>(define (downup wd)
+  (if (= (count wd) 1)
+      (se wd)
+      (se wd (downup (bl wd)) wd)))
+<P>If we want to use the empty word as the base case, instead of
+one-letter words, then we have to ensure that the recursive case can return
+a correct answer for a one-letter word.  The behavior we want is
+<P><PRE>&gt; (downup 'a)
+<P>But if we substitute <CODE>'a</CODE> for <CODE>wd</CODE> in the recursive-case
+expression we get
+<P><PRE>(se 'a (downup &quot;&quot;) 'a)
+<P>which will have two copies of the word <CODE>A</CODE> in its value no
+matter what value we give to <CODE>downup</CODE> of the empty word.  We can't
+avoid treating one-letter words as a base case.
+<P>In writing <CODE>factorial</CODE>, we used <CODE>1</CODE> as the base case.
+<P><PRE>(define (factorial n)
+  (if (= n 1)
+      1
+      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
+<P>Our principle of base case reduction suggests that we try for <CODE>0</CODE>.  To do this, we substitute <CODE>1</CODE> for <CODE>n</CODE> in the recursive case
+<P><PRE>(* 1 (factorial 0))
+<P>We'd like this to have the value <CODE>1</CODE>; this will be true only
+if we define 0! = 1.  Now we can say
+<P><PRE>(define (factorial n)
+  (if (= n 0)
+      1
+      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
+<P>In this case, the new procedure is no simpler than the previous
+version.  Its only advantage is that it handles a case, 0!, that
+mathematicians find useful.
+<P>Here's another example in which we can't reduce the base case to an empty
+word.  In Chapter 11 we used the combining method to write <CODE>letter-pairs</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>(define (letter-pairs wd)
+  (if (&lt;= (count wd) 1)
+      '()
+      (se (first-two wd)
+	  (letter-pairs (bf wd)))))
+(define (first-two wd)
+  (word (first wd) (first (bf wd))))
+<P>It might occur to you that one-letter words could be handled
+by the recursive case, and the base case could then handle only the empty
+word.  But if you try to evaluate the expression for the recursive case
+as applied to a one-letter word, you find that
+<P><PRE>(first-two 'a)
+<P>is equivalent to
+<P><PRE>(word (first 'a) (first (bf 'a)))
+<P>which is an error.  There is no second letter of a one-letter
+word.  As soon as you see the expression <CODE>(first (bf wd))</CODE> within
+this program, you know that one-letter words must be part of the base case.
+The same kind of reasoning can be used in many problems; the base case must
+handle anything that's too small to fit the needs of the recursive case.
+<P>One possible pitfall is a recursive case that doesn't make progress,
+that is, one that doesn't reduce the size of the problem in the recursive call.
+For example, let's say we're trying to write the procedure <CODE>down</CODE> that
+works this way:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (down 'town)
+<P>Here's an incorrect attempt:
+<P><PRE>(define (down wd)                            ;; wrong!
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      '()
+      (se wd (down (first wd)))))
+<P>The recursive call looks as if it reduces the size of the problem,
+but try it with an actual example.  What's <CODE>first</CODE> of the word <CODE>splat</CODE>?  What's <CODE>first</CODE> of that result?  What's <CODE>first</CODE> of <EM>that</EM> result?
+<P>A pitfall that sounds unlikely in the abstract but is actually
+surprisingly common is to try to do the second step of the procedure &quot;by
+hand&quot; instead of trusting the recursion to do it.  For example, here's
+another attempt at that <CODE>down</CODE> procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (down wd)                            ;; incomplete
+  (se wd &hellip;))
+<P>You know the first word in the result has to be the argument
+word.  Then what?  The next thing is the same word with its last letter
+<P><PRE>(define (down wd)                            ;; wrong!
+  (se wd (bl wd) &hellip;))
+<P>Instead of taking care of the entire rest of the problem with a
+recursive call, it's tempting to take only one more step, figuring out how
+to include the second word of the required solution.  But that approach
+won't get you to a general recursive solution.  Just take the first step
+and then trust the recursion for the rest:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g6"></A>down wd)
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      '()
+      (se wd (down (bl wd)))))
+<P>The value returned in the base case of your procedure must be in the
+range of the function you are representing.  If your function is supposed to
+return a number, it must return a number all the time, even in the base
+case.  You can use this idea to help you check the correctness of the
+base case expression.
+<P>For example, in <CODE>downup</CODE>, the base case returns <CODE>(se wd)</CODE> for the
+base case argument of a one-letter word.  How did we think to enclose the
+word in a sentence?  We know that in the recursive cases <CODE>downup</CODE> always
+returns a sentence, so that suggests to us that it must return a sentence in
+the base case also.
+<P>If your base case doesn't make sense in its own right, it probably
+means that you're trying to compensate for a mistake in the recursive case.
+<P>For example, suppose you've fallen into the pitfall of trying to handle the
+second word of a sentence by hand, and you've written the following
+<P><PRE>(define (square-sent sent)                   ;; wrong
+  (if (empty? sent)
+      '()
+      (se (square (first sent))
+	  (square (first (bf sent)))
+	  (square-sent (bf sent)))))
+&gt; (square-sent '(2 3))
+ERROR: Invalid argument to FIRST:  ()
+<P>After some experimentation, you find that you can get this example
+to work by changing the base case:
+<P><PRE>(define (square-sent sent)                   ;; still wrong
+  (if (= (count sent) 1)
+      '()
+      (se (square (first sent))
+	  (square (first (bf sent)))
+	  (square-sent (bf sent)))))
+&gt; (square-sent '(2 3))
+(4 9)
+<P>The trouble is that the base case doesn't make sense on its own:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (square-sent '(7))
+<P>In fact, this procedure doesn't work for any sentences of length
+other than two.  The moral is that it doesn't work to correct an error in the
+recursive case by introducing an absurd base case.
+<P><H2>Boring Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>12.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Here is a definition of a procedure that returns the sum of the numbers in
+its argument sentence:
+<P><PRE>(define (addup nums)
+  (if (empty? (bf nums))
+      (first nums)
+      (+ (first nums) (addup (bf nums)))))
+<P>Although this works, it could be simplified by changing the base
+case.  Do that.
+<B>12.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Fix the bug in the following definition:
+<P><PRE>(define (acronym sent)                       ;; wrong
+  (if (= (count sent) 1)
+      (first sent)
+      (word (first (first sent))
+	    (acronym (bf sent)))))
+<B>12.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Can we reduce the <CODE>factorial</CODE> base case argument from <CODE>0</CODE> to <CODE>-1</CODE>?
+If so, show the resulting procedure.  If not, why not?
+<B>12.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Here's the definition of a function <EM>f</EM>:
+<P><P><CENTER><IMG SRC="math1.gif" ALT="math display"></CENTER><P>
+<P>Implement <EM>f</EM> as a Scheme procedure.  What does <EM>f</EM> do?
+<H2>Real Exercises</H2>
+<P><EM>Solve all of the following problems with recursive procedures.  If
+you've read Part III, do not use any higher-order functions such as <CODE>every</CODE>, <CODE>keep</CODE>, or <CODE>accumulate</CODE>.</EM>
+<P><B>12.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;[<A HREF="../ssch8/higher.html#exagg">8.8</A>]
+Write an <CODE><A NAME="g7"></A>exaggerate</CODE> procedure which exaggerates sentences:
+<A NAME="exaggrec"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (exaggerate '(i ate 3 potstickers))
+&gt; (exaggerate '(the chow fun is good here))
+<P>It should double all the numbers in the sentence, and it should replace
+&quot;good&quot; with &quot;great,&quot; &quot;bad&quot; with &quot;terrible,&quot; and anything else you
+can think of.
+<B>12.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;[<A HREF="../ssch8/higher.html#gpa">8.11</A>]
+Write a GPA procedure.  It should take a sentence of grades as its argument
+and return the corresponding grade point average:
+<A NAME="gparec"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g8"></A>gpa '(A A+ B+ B))
+<P>Hint: write a helper procedure <CODE><A NAME="g9"></A>base-grade</CODE> that takes
+a grade as argument and returns 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, and another helper
+procedure <CODE>grade-modifier</CODE> that returns &minus;.33, 0, or .33, depending on
+whether the grade has a minus, a plus, or neither.
+<B>12.7</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <A NAME="g10"></A><CODE>spell-number</CODE> that spells out the digits of
+a number:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (spell-number 1971)
+<P>Use this helper procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (spell-digit digit)
+  (item (+ 1 digit)
+	'(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine)))
+<B>12.8</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g11"></A>numbers</CODE> that takes a sentence as its argument
+and returns another sentence containing only the numbers in the argument:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (numbers '(76 trombones and 110 cornets))
+(76 110)
+<B>12.9</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g12"></A>real-words</CODE> that takes a sentence as argument
+and returns all the &quot;real&quot; words of the sentence, using the same rule as
+the <CODE>real-word?</CODE> procedure from Chapter 1.
+<B>12.10</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g13"></A>remove</CODE> that takes a word and a sentence as
+arguments and returns the same sentence, but with all copies of the given
+word removed:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (remove 'the '(the song love of the loved by the beatles))
+<B>12.11</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write the procedure <CODE>count</CODE>, which returns the number of words in a
+sentence or the number of letters in a word.
+<B>12.12</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g14"></A>arabic</CODE> which converts Roman numerals into
+Arabic numerals:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (arabic 'MCMLXXI)
+&gt; (arabic 'MLXVI)
+<P>You will probably find the <CODE>roman-value</CODE> procedure from Chapter
+6 helpful.  Don't forget that a letter can <EM>reduce</EM> the overall
+value if the letter that comes after it has a larger value, such as the <CODE>C</CODE> in <CODE>MCM</CODE>.
+<B>12.13</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a new version of the <CODE><A NAME="g15"></A>describe-time</CODE> procedure from Exercise
+.  Instead of returning a decimal number, it should behave like
+<P><PRE>&gt; (describe-time 22222)
+&gt; (describe-time 4967189641)
+<P>Can you make the program smart about saying <CODE>1 CENTURY</CODE> instead of
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="leap#text1">[1]</A> There's also a relationship between <CODE>(reverse 'eatles)</CODE>
+and <CODE>(reverse 'beatles)</CODE>, with the extra letter <CODE>b</CODE> at the end.  We
+could take either of these subproblems as a starting point and end up with a
+working procedure.<P>
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="leap#text2">[2]</A> Well, almost.  It needs a base
+<A NAME="ft3" HREF="leap#text3">[3]</A> What makes us confident?  We
+imagine that we've worked on this problem using the combining method, so
+that we've written procedures like these:
+<P><PRE>(define (factorial1 n)
+  1)
+(define (factorial2 n)
+  (* 2 (factorial1 (- n 1))))
+(define (factorial3 n)
+  (* 3 (factorial2 (- n 1))))
+;; ...
+(define (factorial842 n)
+  (* 842 (factorial841 (- n 1))))
+<P>and therefore we're entitled to use those lower-numbered versions
+in finding the factorial of 843.  We haven't actually written them, but we
+could have, and that's what justifies using them.  The reason we can take
+842! on faith is that 842 is smaller than 843; it's the smaller values
+that we're pretending we've already written. 
+<A NAME="ft4" HREF="leap#text4">[4]</A> As it happens, the part in parentheses does equal the
+factorial of a number, 6 itself.  But expressing the solution for 6 in terms
+of the solution for 6 doesn't lead to a recursive procedure; we have to
+express this solution in terms of a <EM>smaller</EM> one.<P>
+<A NAME="ft5" HREF="leap#text5">[5]</A> It may feel
+strange that in the case of an odd-length sentence, the answer to the
+recursive subproblem is the same as the answer to the original problem,
+rather than a smaller answer.  But remember that it's the argument, not the
+return value, that has to get smaller in each recursive step.<P>
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+<P> <A NAME="hands"></A>
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+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 12: The Leap of Faith</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 12</H2>
+<H1>The Leap of Faith</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch12.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
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+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch13/convince-recur.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>In the combining method, we build up to a recursive procedure by writing a
+number of special-case nonrecursive procedures, starting with small arguments
+and working toward larger ones.  We find a generalizable way to use a
+smaller version in writing a larger one.  As a result, all our procedures
+end up looking nearly the same, so we combine them into one procedure.  
+<P>The combining method is a good way to begin thinking about recursion because
+each step of a solution is clearly justified by earlier steps.  The sequence
+of events by which we get from a problem statement to a Scheme procedure is
+clear and straightforward.  The disadvantage of the combining method,
+though, is that it involves a lot of drudgery, not all of which really helps
+toward the ultimate solution.  In this chapter we're going to develop a new
+method called <EM>the leap of faith</EM> that overcomes this difficulty.
+<P><H2>From the Combining Method to the Leap of Faith</H2>
+<P>Let's look again at the way we developed the <CODE>letter-pairs</CODE> procedure in
+the last chapter.  We went through several steps:
+<P><P><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">We wrote specific versions for zero-, one-, two-, and three-letter words.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">We wrote <CODE>letter-pairs4</CODE>, decided it was too complicated, and looked
+for a way to use <CODE>letter-pairs3</CODE> to help.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Having rewritten <CODE>letter-pairs4</CODE>, we tried to write <CODE>letter-pairs5</CODE> using the same pattern.  Since it didn't quite work, we
+revised the pattern.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">We generalized the pattern to write an unnumbered, recursive <CODE>letter-pairs</CODE>.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">We checked to make sure that the recursive pattern would work for
+two-letter and three-letter words.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Since the pattern doesn't work for zero- or one-letter words, we made
+those the base cases.
+Although we needed the lowest numbered procedures in order to make
+the entire collection of numbered procedures work, those low-numbered ones
+didn't contribute to the critical step of finding a generalizable pattern.
+Once you understand the idea of recursion, writing the individual procedures
+is wasted effort.
+<P>In the leap of faith method, we short-circuit this process in two ways.
+First, we don't bother thinking about small examples; we begin with, for
+example, a seven-letter word.  Second, we don't use our example to write a
+particular numbered procedure; we write the recursive version directly.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE><B>Reverse</B></CODE></H2>
+<P>We're going to write, using the leap of faith method, a recursive procedure
+to reverse the letters of a word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (reverse 'beatles)
+<P>Is there a <CODE>reverse</CODE> of a smaller argument lurking within
+that return value?  Yes, many of them.  For example, <CODE>LTA</CODE> is the
+<CODE>reverse</CODE> of the word <CODE>ATL</CODE>.  But it will be most helpful if we
+find a smaller subproblem that's only <EM>slightly</EM> smaller.  (This idea
+corresponds to writing <CODE>letter-pairs7</CODE> using <CODE>letter-pairs6</CODE> in the
+combining method.)  The closest smaller subproblem to our original problem
+is to find the <CODE>reverse</CODE> of a word one letter shorter than <CODE>beatles</CODE>.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (reverse 'beatle)
+<P>This result is pretty close to the answer we want for <CODE>reverse</CODE> of <CODE>beatles</CODE>.  What's the relationship between <CODE>ELTAEB</CODE>,
+the answer to the smaller problem, and <CODE>SELTAEB</CODE>, the answer to the
+entire problem?  There's one extra letter, <CODE>S</CODE>, at the beginning.  Where
+did the extra letter come from?  Obviously, it's the last letter of <CODE>beatles</CODE>.<A NAME="text1" HREF="leap.html#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>This may seem like a sequence of trivial observations leading nowhere.  But
+as a result of this investigation, we can translate what we've learned
+directly into Scheme.  In English:  &quot;the <CODE>reverse</CODE> of a word consists
+of its last letter followed by the <CODE>reverse</CODE> of its <CODE>butlast</CODE>.&quot; In
+<P><PRE>(define (reverse wd)                    ;; unfinished
+  (word (last wd)
+	(reverse (bl wd))))
+<P><H2>The Leap of Faith</H2>
+<P>If we think of this Scheme fragment merely as a statement of a true fact
+about <CODE>reverse</CODE>, it's not very remarkable.  The amazing part is that
+this fragment is <EM>runnable!</EM><A NAME="text2" HREF="leap.html#ft2">[2]</A> It doesn't <EM>look</EM> runnable because it invokes itself as a
+helper procedure, and&mdash;if you haven't already been through the combining
+method&mdash;that looks as if it can't work.  &quot;How can you use <CODE>reverse</CODE>
+when you haven't written it yet?&quot;
+<P>The leap of faith method is the assumption that the procedure we're in the
+middle of writing already works.  That is, if we're thinking about writing a
+<CODE>reverse</CODE> procedure that can compute <CODE>(reverse 'paul)</CODE>, we
+assume that <CODE>(reverse 'aul)</CODE> will work.
+<P>Of course it's not <EM>really</EM> a leap of faith, in the sense of something
+accepted as miraculous but not understood.  The assumption is justified
+by our understanding of the combining method.  For example, we understand
+that the four-letter <CODE>reverse</CODE> is relying on the three-letter version of
+the problem, not really on itself, so there's no circular reasoning involved.
+And we know that if we had to, we could write <CODE>reverse1</CODE> through <CODE>reverse3</CODE> &quot;by hand.&quot;
+<P>The reason that our technique in this chapter may seem more mysterious than
+the combining method is that this time we are thinking about the problem
+top-down.  In the combining method, we had already written <CODE>whatever3</CODE>
+before we even raised the question of <CODE>whatever4</CODE>.  Now we start by
+thinking about the larger problem and assume that we can rely on the
+smaller one.  Again, we're entitled to that assumption because we've gone
+through the process from smaller to larger so many times already.
+<P>The leap of faith method, once you understand it, is faster than the
+combining method for writing new recursive procedures, because we can write
+the recursive solution immediately, without bothering with many individual
+cases.  The reason we showed you the combining method first is that the leap
+of faith method seems too much like magic, or like &quot;cheating,&quot; until
+you've seen several believable recursive programs.  The combining method is
+the way to learn about recursion; the leap of faith method is the way to
+write recursive procedures once you've learned.
+<P><H2>The Base Case</H2>
+<P>Of course, our definition of <CODE>reverse</CODE> isn't finished yet: As always, we
+need a base case.  But base cases are the easy part.  Base cases transform
+simple arguments into simple answers, and you can do that transformation in
+your head.
+<P>For example, what's the simplest argument to <CODE>reverse</CODE>?  If you
+answered &quot;a one-letter word&quot; then pick a one-letter word and decide what
+the result should be:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (reverse 'x)
+<P><CODE>reverse</CODE> of a one-letter word should just be that same word:
+<P><PRE>(define (reverse wd)
+  (if (= (count wd) 1)
+      wd
+      (word (last wd)
+	    (reverse (bl wd)))))
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE><B>Factorial</B></CODE></H2>
+<P>We'll use the leap of faith method to solve another problem that
+we haven't already solved with the combining method.
+<P>The factorial of a number <EM>n</EM> is defined as 1&#x00d7;2&#x00d7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00d7;<EM>n</EM>.  So the factorial of 5 (written &quot;5!&quot;) is 1&#x00d7;2&#x00d7;3&#x00d7;4&#x00d7;5.  Suppose you want Scheme to figure out the factorial of
+some large number, such as 843.  You start from the definition:  843! is 1&#x00d7;2&#x00d7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00d7;842&#x00d7;843.  Now you have to look for
+another factorial problem whose answer will help us find the answer to
+843!.  You might notice that 2!, that is, 1&#x00d7;2, is part of 843!,
+but that doesn't help very much because there's no simple relationship
+between 2! and 843!.  A more fruitful observation would be that 842!
+is 1&#x00d7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00b7;&#x00d7;842&mdash;that is, all but the last number in the
+product we're trying to compute.  So 843! = 843&#x00d7;842!.  In general,
+<EM>n</EM>! is <EM>n</EM>&#x00d7;(<EM>n</EM>-1)!.  We can embody this idea in a Scheme procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (factorial n)                        ;; first version
+  (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
+<P>Asking for (<EM>n</EM>-1)! is the leap of faith.  We're expressing an
+answer we don't know, 843!, in terms of another answer we don't know,
+842!.  But since 842! is a smaller, similar subproblem, we are confident
+that the same algorithm will find it.<A NAME="text3" HREF="leap.html#ft3">[3]</A>
+<P>Remember that in the <CODE>reverse</CODE> problem we mentioned that we could have
+chosen either the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> or the <CODE>butlast</CODE> of the argument as the
+smaller subproblem?  In the case of the <CODE>factorial</CODE> problem we don't
+have a similar choice.  If we tried to subdivide the problem as
+<P><P ALIGN="center">6! = 1&#x00d7;(2&#x00d7;3&#x00d7;4&#x00d7;5&#x00d7;6)</P>
+then the part in
+parentheses would <EM>not</EM> be the factorial of a smaller
+number.<A NAME="text4" HREF="leap.html#ft4">[4]</A>
+<P>As the base case for <CODE>factorial</CODE>, we'll use 1! = 1.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g1"></A>factorial n)
+  (if (= n 1)
+      1
+      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
+<P><H2>Likely Guesses for Smaller Subproblems</H2>
+<P>To make the leap of faith method work, we have to find a smaller, similar
+subproblem whose solution will help solve the given problem.  How do we find
+such a smaller subproblem?
+<P>In the examples so far, we've generally found it by finding a smaller,
+similar <EM>return value</EM> within the return value we're trying to
+achieve.  Then we worked backward from the smaller solution to figure out
+what smaller argument would give us that value.  For example, here's how we
+solved the <CODE>reverse</CODE> problem:
+<P><TABLE><TR><TD>original argument<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>beatles</CODE>
+<TR><TD>desired return value<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>SELTAEB</CODE>
+<TR><TD>smaller return value<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>ELTAEB</CODE>
+<TR><TD>corresponding argument<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>beatle</CODE>
+<TR><TD>relationship of arguments
+<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>beatle </CODE>is<CODE> (bl 'beatles)</CODE>
+<TR><TD>Scheme expression<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>(word (last arg)
+<TR><TD>&nbsp;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;<CODE>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(reverse (bl arg)))
+<P>Similarly, we looked at the definition of 843! and noticed within it
+the factorial of a smaller number, 842.
+<P>But a smaller return value won't necessarily leap out at us in every case.
+If not, there are some likely guesses we can try.  For example, if the
+problem is about integers, it makes sense to try <EM>n</EM>&minus;1 as a smaller
+argument.  If the problem is about words or sentences, try the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> or the <CODE>butlast</CODE>.  (Often, as in the <CODE>reverse</CODE> example,
+either will be helpful.)  Once you've guessed at a smaller argument, see
+what the corresponding return value should be, then compare that with the
+original desired return value as we've described earlier.
+<P>In fact, these two argument-guessing techniques would have suggested the same
+subproblems that we ended up using in our two examples so far.  The reason we
+didn't teach these techniques from the beginning is that we don't want you
+to think they're essential parts of the leap of faith method.  These are
+just good guesses; they don't always work.  When they don't, you have to be
+prepared to think more flexibly.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE><B>Downup</B></CODE></H2>
+<P>Here's how we might rewrite <CODE><A NAME="g2"></A>downup</CODE> using the leap of faith
+method.  Start by looking at the desired return value for a medium-sized
+<P><PRE>&gt; (downup 'paul)
+<P>Since this is a procedure whose argument is a word, we guess that
+the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> or the <CODE>butlast</CODE> might be helpful.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (downup 'aul)
+&gt; (downup 'pau)
+<P>This is a case in which it matters which we choose; the solution for the
+<CODE>butfirst</CODE> of the original argument doesn't help, but the solution for
+the <CODE>butlast</CODE> is most of the solution for the original word.  All we
+have to do is add the original word itself at the beginning and end:
+<P><PRE>(define (downup wd)                          ;; no base case
+  (se wd (downup (bl wd)) wd))
+<P>As before, this is missing the base case, but by now you know how
+to fill that in.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE><B>Evens</B></CODE></H2>
+<P>Here's a case in which mindlessly guessing <CODE>butfirst</CODE> or <CODE>butlast</CODE>
+doesn't lead to a very good solution.  We want a procedure that takes a
+sentence as its argument and returns a sentence of the even-numbered words
+of the original sentence:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g3"></A>evens '(i want to hold your hand))
+<P>We look at <CODE>evens</CODE> of the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> and <CODE>butlast</CODE> of
+this sentence:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (evens '(want to hold your hand))
+&gt; (evens '(i want to hold your))
+<P><CODE>Butfirst</CODE> is clearly not helpful; it gives all the wrong
+words.  <CODE>Butlast</CODE> looks promising.  The relationship between <CODE>evens</CODE>
+of the bigger sentence and <CODE>evens</CODE> of the smaller sentence is that the
+last word of the larger sentence is missing from <CODE>evens</CODE> of the smaller
+<P><PRE>(define (losing-evens sent)                  ;; no base case
+  (se (losing-evens (bl sent))
+      (last sent)))
+<P>For a base case, we'll take the empty sentence:
+<P><PRE>(define (losing-evens sent)
+  (if (empty? sent)
+      '()
+      (se (losing-evens (bl sent))
+	  (last sent))))
+&gt; (losing-evens '(i want to hold your hand))
+<P>This isn't quite right.
+<P>It's true that <CODE>evens</CODE> of <CODE>(i want to hold your hand)</CODE> is the same
+as <CODE>evens</CODE> of <CODE>(i want to hold your)</CODE> plus the word <CODE>hand</CODE> at
+the end.  But what about <CODE>evens</CODE> of <CODE>(i want to hold your)</CODE>?  By the
+reasoning we've been using, we would expect that to be <CODE>evens</CODE> of <CODE>(i want to hold)</CODE> plus the word <CODE>your</CODE>.  But since the word <CODE>your</CODE>
+is the fifth word of the argument sentence, it shouldn't be part of the
+result at all.  Here's how <CODE>evens</CODE> should work:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (evens '(i want to hold your))
+&gt; (evens '(i want to hold))
+<P>When the sentence has an odd number of words, its <CODE>evens</CODE> is
+the same as the <CODE>evens</CODE> of its <CODE>butlast</CODE>.<A NAME="text5" HREF="leap.html#ft5">[5]</A> So here's our
+new procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (evens sent)                         ;; better version
+  (cond ((empty? sent) '())
+	((odd? (count sent))
+	 (evens (bl sent)))
+	(else (se (evens (bl sent))
+		  (last sent)))))
+<P>This version works, but it's more complicated than necessary.  What makes it
+complicated is that on each recursive call we switch between two kinds of
+problems: even-length and odd-length sentences.  If we dealt with the words
+two at a time, each recursive call would see the same kind of problem.
+<P>Once we've decided to go through the sentence two words at a time, we can
+reopen the question of whether to go right-to-left or left-to-right.  It
+will turn out that the latter gives us the simplest procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (evens sent)                         ;; best version
+  (if (&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+      '()
+      (se (first (bf sent))
+	  (evens (bf (bf sent))))))
+<P>Since we go through the sentence two words at a time, an
+odd-length argument sentence always gives rise to an odd-length recursive
+subproblem.  Therefore, it's not good enough to check for an empty sentence
+as the only base case.  We need to treat both the empty sentence and one-word
+sentences as base cases.
+<P><H2>Simplifying Base Cases</H2>
+<A NAME="basecasereduce"></A>
+<A NAME="g4"></A>
+<A NAME="g5"></A>
+<P>The leap of faith is mostly about recursive cases, not base cases.  In the
+examples in this chapter, we've picked base cases without talking about them
+much.  How do you pick a base case?
+<P>In general, we recommend using the smallest possible base case argument,
+because that usually leads to the simplest procedures.  For example,
+consider using the empty word, empty sentence, or zero instead of one-letter
+words, one-word sentences, or one.
+<P>How can you go about finding the simplest possible base case?  Our first
+example in this chapter was <CODE>reverse</CODE>.  We arbitrarily chose to use
+one-letter words as the base case:
+<P><PRE>(define (reverse wd)
+  (if (= (count wd) 1)
+      wd
+      (word (last wd)
+	    (reverse (bl wd)))))
+<P>Suppose we want to consider whether a smaller base case would work.  One
+approach is to pick an argument that would be handled by the current base
+case, and see what would happen if we tried to let the recursive step handle
+it instead.  (To go along with this experiment, we pick a smaller base case,
+since the original base case should now be handled by the recursive step.)
+In this example, we pick a one-letter word, let's say <CODE>m</CODE>, and use that
+as the value of <CODE>wd</CODE> in the expression
+<P><PRE>(word (last wd)
+      (reverse (bl wd)))
+<P>The result is
+<P><PRE>(word (last 'm)
+      (reverse (bl 'm)))
+<P>which is the same as
+<P><PRE>(word 'm
+      (reverse &quot;&quot;))
+<P>We want this to have as its value the word <CODE>M</CODE>.  This will
+work out provided that <CODE>(reverse &quot;&quot;)</CODE> has the empty word as its value.
+So we could rewrite the procedure this way:
+<P><PRE>(define (reverse wd)
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      &quot;"
+      (word (last word)
+	    (reverse (bl word)))))
+<P>We were led to this empty-word base case by working downward from the needs
+of the one-letter case.  However, it's also important to ensure that the
+return value used for the empty word is the correct value, not only to make
+the recursion work, but for an empty word in its own right.  That is, we
+have to convince ourselves that <CODE>(reverse &quot;&quot;)</CODE> should return an empty
+word.  But it should; the <CODE>reverse</CODE> of any word is a word containing the
+same letters as the original word.  If the original has no letters, the <CODE>reverse</CODE> must have no letters also.  This exemplifies a general principle:
+Although we choose a base case argument for the sake of the recursive step,
+we must choose the corresponding return value for the sake of the argument
+itself, not just for the sake of the recursion.
+<P>We'll try the base case reduction technique on <CODE>downup</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>(define (downup wd)
+  (if (= (count wd) 1)
+      (se wd)
+      (se wd (downup (bl wd)) wd)))
+<P>If we want to use the empty word as the base case, instead of
+one-letter words, then we have to ensure that the recursive case can return
+a correct answer for a one-letter word.  The behavior we want is
+<P><PRE>&gt; (downup 'a)
+<P>But if we substitute <CODE>'a</CODE> for <CODE>wd</CODE> in the recursive-case
+expression we get
+<P><PRE>(se 'a (downup &quot;&quot;) 'a)
+<P>which will have two copies of the word <CODE>A</CODE> in its value no
+matter what value we give to <CODE>downup</CODE> of the empty word.  We can't
+avoid treating one-letter words as a base case.
+<P>In writing <CODE>factorial</CODE>, we used <CODE>1</CODE> as the base case.
+<P><PRE>(define (factorial n)
+  (if (= n 1)
+      1
+      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
+<P>Our principle of base case reduction suggests that we try for <CODE>0</CODE>.  To do this, we substitute <CODE>1</CODE> for <CODE>n</CODE> in the recursive case
+<P><PRE>(* 1 (factorial 0))
+<P>We'd like this to have the value <CODE>1</CODE>; this will be true only
+if we define 0! = 1.  Now we can say
+<P><PRE>(define (factorial n)
+  (if (= n 0)
+      1
+      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
+<P>In this case, the new procedure is no simpler than the previous
+version.  Its only advantage is that it handles a case, 0!, that
+mathematicians find useful.
+<P>Here's another example in which we can't reduce the base case to an empty
+word.  In Chapter 11 we used the combining method to write <CODE>letter-pairs</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>(define (letter-pairs wd)
+  (if (&lt;= (count wd) 1)
+      '()
+      (se (first-two wd)
+	  (letter-pairs (bf wd)))))
+(define (first-two wd)
+  (word (first wd) (first (bf wd))))
+<P>It might occur to you that one-letter words could be handled
+by the recursive case, and the base case could then handle only the empty
+word.  But if you try to evaluate the expression for the recursive case
+as applied to a one-letter word, you find that
+<P><PRE>(first-two 'a)
+<P>is equivalent to
+<P><PRE>(word (first 'a) (first (bf 'a)))
+<P>which is an error.  There is no second letter of a one-letter
+word.  As soon as you see the expression <CODE>(first (bf wd))</CODE> within
+this program, you know that one-letter words must be part of the base case.
+The same kind of reasoning can be used in many problems; the base case must
+handle anything that's too small to fit the needs of the recursive case.
+<P>One possible pitfall is a recursive case that doesn't make progress,
+that is, one that doesn't reduce the size of the problem in the recursive call.
+For example, let's say we're trying to write the procedure <CODE>down</CODE> that
+works this way:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (down 'town)
+<P>Here's an incorrect attempt:
+<P><PRE>(define (down wd)                            ;; wrong!
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      '()
+      (se wd (down (first wd)))))
+<P>The recursive call looks as if it reduces the size of the problem,
+but try it with an actual example.  What's <CODE>first</CODE> of the word <CODE>splat</CODE>?  What's <CODE>first</CODE> of that result?  What's <CODE>first</CODE> of <EM>that</EM> result?
+<P>A pitfall that sounds unlikely in the abstract but is actually
+surprisingly common is to try to do the second step of the procedure &quot;by
+hand&quot; instead of trusting the recursion to do it.  For example, here's
+another attempt at that <CODE>down</CODE> procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (down wd)                            ;; incomplete
+  (se wd &hellip;))
+<P>You know the first word in the result has to be the argument
+word.  Then what?  The next thing is the same word with its last letter
+<P><PRE>(define (down wd)                            ;; wrong!
+  (se wd (bl wd) &hellip;))
+<P>Instead of taking care of the entire rest of the problem with a
+recursive call, it's tempting to take only one more step, figuring out how
+to include the second word of the required solution.  But that approach
+won't get you to a general recursive solution.  Just take the first step
+and then trust the recursion for the rest:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g6"></A>down wd)
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      '()
+      (se wd (down (bl wd)))))
+<P>The value returned in the base case of your procedure must be in the
+range of the function you are representing.  If your function is supposed to
+return a number, it must return a number all the time, even in the base
+case.  You can use this idea to help you check the correctness of the
+base case expression.
+<P>For example, in <CODE>downup</CODE>, the base case returns <CODE>(se wd)</CODE> for the
+base case argument of a one-letter word.  How did we think to enclose the
+word in a sentence?  We know that in the recursive cases <CODE>downup</CODE> always
+returns a sentence, so that suggests to us that it must return a sentence in
+the base case also.
+<P>If your base case doesn't make sense in its own right, it probably
+means that you're trying to compensate for a mistake in the recursive case.
+<P>For example, suppose you've fallen into the pitfall of trying to handle the
+second word of a sentence by hand, and you've written the following
+<P><PRE>(define (square-sent sent)                   ;; wrong
+  (if (empty? sent)
+      '()
+      (se (square (first sent))
+	  (square (first (bf sent)))
+	  (square-sent (bf sent)))))
+&gt; (square-sent '(2 3))
+ERROR: Invalid argument to FIRST:  ()
+<P>After some experimentation, you find that you can get this example
+to work by changing the base case:
+<P><PRE>(define (square-sent sent)                   ;; still wrong
+  (if (= (count sent) 1)
+      '()
+      (se (square (first sent))
+	  (square (first (bf sent)))
+	  (square-sent (bf sent)))))
+&gt; (square-sent '(2 3))
+(4 9)
+<P>The trouble is that the base case doesn't make sense on its own:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (square-sent '(7))
+<P>In fact, this procedure doesn't work for any sentences of length
+other than two.  The moral is that it doesn't work to correct an error in the
+recursive case by introducing an absurd base case.
+<P><H2>Boring Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>12.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Here is a definition of a procedure that returns the sum of the numbers in
+its argument sentence:
+<P><PRE>(define (addup nums)
+  (if (empty? (bf nums))
+      (first nums)
+      (+ (first nums) (addup (bf nums)))))
+<P>Although this works, it could be simplified by changing the base
+case.  Do that.
+<B>12.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Fix the bug in the following definition:
+<P><PRE>(define (acronym sent)                       ;; wrong
+  (if (= (count sent) 1)
+      (first sent)
+      (word (first (first sent))
+	    (acronym (bf sent)))))
+<B>12.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Can we reduce the <CODE>factorial</CODE> base case argument from <CODE>0</CODE> to <CODE>-1</CODE>?
+If so, show the resulting procedure.  If not, why not?
+<B>12.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Here's the definition of a function <EM>f</EM>:
+<P><P><CENTER><IMG SRC="math1.gif" ALT="math display"></CENTER><P>
+<P>Implement <EM>f</EM> as a Scheme procedure.  What does <EM>f</EM> do?
+<H2>Real Exercises</H2>
+<P><EM>Solve all of the following problems with recursive procedures.  If
+you've read Part III, do not use any higher-order functions such as <CODE>every</CODE>, <CODE>keep</CODE>, or <CODE>accumulate</CODE>.</EM>
+<P><B>12.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;[<A HREF="../ssch8/higher.html#exagg">8.8</A>]
+Write an <CODE><A NAME="g7"></A>exaggerate</CODE> procedure which exaggerates sentences:
+<A NAME="exaggrec"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (exaggerate '(i ate 3 potstickers))
+&gt; (exaggerate '(the chow fun is good here))
+<P>It should double all the numbers in the sentence, and it should replace
+&quot;good&quot; with &quot;great,&quot; &quot;bad&quot; with &quot;terrible,&quot; and anything else you
+can think of.
+<B>12.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;[<A HREF="../ssch8/higher.html#gpa">8.11</A>]
+Write a GPA procedure.  It should take a sentence of grades as its argument
+and return the corresponding grade point average:
+<A NAME="gparec"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g8"></A>gpa '(A A+ B+ B))
+<P>Hint: write a helper procedure <CODE><A NAME="g9"></A>base-grade</CODE> that takes
+a grade as argument and returns 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, and another helper
+procedure <CODE>grade-modifier</CODE> that returns &minus;.33, 0, or .33, depending on
+whether the grade has a minus, a plus, or neither.
+<B>12.7</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <A NAME="g10"></A><CODE>spell-number</CODE> that spells out the digits of
+a number:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (spell-number 1971)
+<P>Use this helper procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (spell-digit digit)
+  (item (+ 1 digit)
+	'(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine)))
+<B>12.8</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g11"></A>numbers</CODE> that takes a sentence as its argument
+and returns another sentence containing only the numbers in the argument:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (numbers '(76 trombones and 110 cornets))
+(76 110)
+<B>12.9</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g12"></A>real-words</CODE> that takes a sentence as argument
+and returns all the &quot;real&quot; words of the sentence, using the same rule as
+the <CODE>real-word?</CODE> procedure from Chapter 1.
+<B>12.10</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g13"></A>remove</CODE> that takes a word and a sentence as
+arguments and returns the same sentence, but with all copies of the given
+word removed:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (remove 'the '(the song love of the loved by the beatles))
+<B>12.11</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write the procedure <CODE>count</CODE>, which returns the number of words in a
+sentence or the number of letters in a word.
+<B>12.12</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g14"></A>arabic</CODE> which converts Roman numerals into
+Arabic numerals:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (arabic 'MCMLXXI)
+&gt; (arabic 'MLXVI)
+<P>You will probably find the <CODE>roman-value</CODE> procedure from Chapter
+6 helpful.  Don't forget that a letter can <EM>reduce</EM> the overall
+value if the letter that comes after it has a larger value, such as the <CODE>C</CODE> in <CODE>MCM</CODE>.
+<B>12.13</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a new version of the <CODE><A NAME="g15"></A>describe-time</CODE> procedure from Exercise
+.  Instead of returning a decimal number, it should behave like
+<P><PRE>&gt; (describe-time 22222)
+&gt; (describe-time 4967189641)
+<P>Can you make the program smart about saying <CODE>1 CENTURY</CODE> instead of
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="leap.html#text1">[1]</A> There's also a relationship between <CODE>(reverse 'eatles)</CODE>
+and <CODE>(reverse 'beatles)</CODE>, with the extra letter <CODE>b</CODE> at the end.  We
+could take either of these subproblems as a starting point and end up with a
+working procedure.<P>
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="leap.html#text2">[2]</A> Well, almost.  It needs a base
+<A NAME="ft3" HREF="leap.html#text3">[3]</A> What makes us confident?  We
+imagine that we've worked on this problem using the combining method, so
+that we've written procedures like these:
+<P><PRE>(define (factorial1 n)
+  1)
+(define (factorial2 n)
+  (* 2 (factorial1 (- n 1))))
+(define (factorial3 n)
+  (* 3 (factorial2 (- n 1))))
+;; ...
+(define (factorial842 n)
+  (* 842 (factorial841 (- n 1))))
+<P>and therefore we're entitled to use those lower-numbered versions
+in finding the factorial of 843.  We haven't actually written them, but we
+could have, and that's what justifies using them.  The reason we can take
+842! on faith is that 842 is smaller than 843; it's the smaller values
+that we're pretending we've already written. 
+<A NAME="ft4" HREF="leap.html#text4">[4]</A> As it happens, the part in parentheses does equal the
+factorial of a number, 6 itself.  But expressing the solution for 6 in terms
+of the solution for 6 doesn't lead to a recursive procedure; we have to
+express this solution in terms of a <EM>smaller</EM> one.<P>
+<A NAME="ft5" HREF="leap.html#text5">[5]</A> It may feel
+strange that in the case of an odd-length sentence, the answer to the
+recursive subproblem is the same as the answer to the original problem,
+rather than a smaller answer.  But remember that it's the argument, not the
+return value, that has to get smaller in each recursive step.<P>
+<P><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A><P>
+<A HREF="../ssch11/recursion.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch13/convince-recur.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 
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