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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
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+<A NAME="plugboard"></A>
+<CENTER><IMG SRC="../ss-pics/plugboard.jpg" ALT="figure: plugboard"></CENTER><P><CENTER>In the old days, they &quot;defined procedures&quot; like this.
+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 4: Defining Your Own Procedures</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 4</H2>
+<H1>Defining Your Own Procedures</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch04.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
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+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch5/words.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>Until now we've been using procedures that Scheme already knows when you
+begin working with it.  In this chapter you'll find out how to create
+new procedures.
+<P><H2>How to Define a Procedure</H2>
+<P>A Scheme program consists of one or more <EM>procedures.</EM> A procedure is
+a description of the process by which a computer can work out some result
+that we want.  Here's how to define a procedure that returns the square of
+its argument:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g1"></A>square x)
+  (* x x))
+<P>(The value returned by <A NAME="g2"></A><CODE>define</CODE> may differ depending on the
+version of Scheme you're using.  Many versions return the name of the
+procedure you're defining, but others return something else.  It doesn't
+matter, because when you use <CODE>define</CODE> you aren't interested in the
+returned value, but rather in the fact that Scheme remembers the new
+definition for later use.)
+<P>This is the definition of a procedure called <CODE>square</CODE>.  <CODE>Square</CODE>
+takes one argument, a number, and it returns the square of that number.
+Once you have defined <CODE>square</CODE>, you can use it just the same way as you
+use primitive procedures:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (square 7)
+&gt; (+ 10 (square 2))
+&gt; (square (square 3))
+<P>This procedure definition has four parts.  The first is the word <CODE>define</CODE>, which indicates that you are defining something.  The second and
+third come together inside parentheses: the name that you want to give the
+procedure and the name(s) you want to use for its argument(s).  This
+arrangement was chosen by the designers of Scheme because it looks like the
+form in which the procedure will be invoked.  That is, <CODE>(square x)</CODE> looks
+like <CODE>(square 7)</CODE>.  The fourth part of the definition is the <EM>body:</EM> an expression whose value provides the function's return value.
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="../ss-pics/definition.jpg" ALT="figure: definition"></CENTER>
+<P><H2>Special Forms</H2>
+<P><CODE>Define</CODE> is a <EM><A NAME="g3"></A><A NAME="g4"></A>special form,</EM> an exception to the
+evaluation rule we've been going on about.<A NAME="text1" HREF="defining.html#ft1">[1]</A> Usually, an expression represents a procedure invocation, so
+the general rule is that Scheme first evaluates all the subexpressions, and
+then applies the resulting procedure to the resulting argument values.  The
+specialness of special forms is that Scheme <EM>doesn't</EM> evaluate all the
+subexpressions.  Instead, each special form has its own particular
+evaluation rule.  For example, when we defined <CODE>square</CODE>, no
+part of the definition was evaluated: not <CODE>square</CODE>, not <CODE>x</CODE>, and
+not <CODE>(* x x)</CODE>.  It wouldn't make sense to evaluate <CODE>(square x)</CODE>
+because you can't invoke the <CODE>square</CODE> procedure before you define it!
+<P>It would be possible to describe special forms using the following model:
+&quot;Certain procedures want their arguments unevaluated, and Scheme recognizes
+them.  After refraining from evaluating <CODE>define</CODE>'s arguments, for
+example, Scheme invokes the <CODE>define</CODE> procedure with those unevaluated
+arguments.&quot; But in fact the designers of Scheme chose to think about it
+differently.  The entire special form that starts with <CODE>define</CODE> is just a
+completely different kind of thing from a procedure call.  In Scheme there
+is no procedure named <CODE>define</CODE>.  In fact, <CODE>define</CODE> is not the name
+of anything at all:
+<P><PRE>&gt; +
+&gt; define
+<P>Nevertheless, in this book, unless it's really important to make
+the distinction, we'll talk as if there were a procedure called <CODE>define</CODE>.
+For example, we'll talk about &quot;<CODE>define</CODE>'s arguments&quot; and &quot;the value
+returned by <CODE>define</CODE>&quot; and &quot;invoking <CODE>define</CODE>.&quot;
+<P><H2>Functions and Procedures</H2>
+<P>Throughout most of this book, our procedures will describe processes that
+<A NAME="g5"></A>
+<A NAME="g6"></A>
+compute <EM>functions.</EM> A function is a connection between some values
+you already know and a new value you want to find out.  For example, the
+<EM>square</EM> function takes a number, such as 8, as its input value and
+returns another number, 64 in this case, as its output value.  The <EM>plural</EM> function takes a noun, such as &quot;computer,&quot; and returns another
+word, &quot;computers&quot; in this example.  The technical term for the function's
+input value is its <EM>argument.</EM> A function may take more than one
+argument; for example, the <CODE>remainder</CODE> function takes two arguments,
+such as 12 and 5.  It returns one value, the remainder on dividing the first
+argument by the second (in this case, 2).
+<P>We said earlier that a procedure is &quot;a description of the process by which
+a computer can work out some result that we want.&quot; What do we mean by <EM>process</EM>?  Consider these two definitions:
+The two definitions call for different arithmetic operations.  For
+example, to compute <EM>f</EM>(8) we'd multiply 8 by 3, then add 12 to the result.
+To compute <EM>g</EM>(8), we'd add 4 to 8, then multiply the result by 3.  But we
+get the same answer, 36, either way.  These two equations describe different
+<EM>processes,</EM> but they compute the same <EM>function.</EM> The function
+is just the association between the starting value(s) and the resulting
+value, no matter how that result is computed.  In Scheme we could say
+<P><PRE>(define (f x)
+  (+ (* 3 x) 12))
+(define (g x)
+  (* 3 (+ x 4)))
+<P>and we'd say that <CODE>f</CODE> and <CODE>g</CODE> are two procedures that
+represent the same function.
+<P>In real life, functions are not always represented by procedures.  We could
+represent a function by a <EM>table</EM> showing all its possible values,
+like this:
+<TR><TD>Arkansas<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Little Rock
+This table represents the State Capital function; we haven't shown
+all the lines of the complete table, but we could.  There are only a finite
+number of U.S. states.  Numeric functions can also be represented by <EM>graphs,</EM> as you probably learned in high school algebra.  In this book our
+focus is on the representation of functions by procedures.  The only reason
+for showing you this table example is to clarify what we mean when we say
+that a function <EM>is represented by</EM> a procedure, rather than that a
+function <EM>is</EM> the procedure.
+<P>We'll say &quot;the procedure <CODE>f</CODE>&quot; when we want to discuss the operations
+we're telling Scheme to carry out.  We'll say &quot;the function represented by
+<CODE>f</CODE>&quot; when our attention is focused on the value returned, rather than
+on the mechanism.  (But we'll often abbreviate that lengthy second phrase
+with &quot;the function <CODE>f</CODE>&quot; unless the context is especially
+confusing.)<A NAME="text2" HREF="defining.html#ft2">[2]</A>
+<P><H2>Argument Names versus Argument Values</H2>
+<P><P><A NAME="alice"></A>
+<P>&quot;It's long,&quot; said the Knight, &quot;but it's very, <EM>very</EM> beautiful.
+Everybody that hears me sing it&mdash;either it brings the <EM>tears</EM> into
+their eyes, or else&mdash;&quot;
+<P>&quot;Or else what?&quot; said Alice, for the Knight had made a sudden pause.
+<P>&ldquo;Or else it doesn't, you know.  The name of the song is called &lsquo;<EM>Haddock's Eyes.</EM>&rsquo;&thinsp;&rdquo;
+<P>&quot;Oh, that's the name of the song, is it?&quot; Alice said, trying to feel
+<P>&quot;No, you don't understand,&quot; the Knight said, looking a little vexed.
+&ldquo;That's what the name is <EM>called.</EM> The name really is &lsquo;<EM>The Aged
+Aged Man.</EM>&rsquo&thinsp;&rdquo;
+<P>&ldquo;Then I ought to have said &lsquo;That's what the <EM>song</EM> is called&rsquo;?&rdquo; 
+Alice corrected herself.
+<P>&ldquo;No, you oughtn't; that's quite another thing!  The <EM>song</EM> is called
+&lsquo<EM>Ways And Means</EM>&rsquo: but that's only what it's <EM>called,</EM> you
+<P>&quot;Well, what <EM>is</EM> the song, then?&quot; said Alice, who was by this time
+completely bewildered.
+<P>&quot;I was coming to that,&quot; the Knight said.  &ldquo;The song really is &lsquo<EM>A-sitting On A Gate</EM>&rsquo;: and the tune's my own invention.&rdquo;
+<P><A NAME="g7"></A>Lewis Carroll, <EM>Through the Looking-Glass, and What
+Alice Found There</EM>
+Notice that when we <EM>defined</EM> the <CODE>square</CODE> procedure we gave a <EM>name,</EM> <CODE>x</CODE>, for its argument.  By contrast, when we <EM>invoked</EM>
+<CODE>square</CODE> we provided a <EM>value</EM> for the argument (e.g., <CODE>7</CODE>).
+The word <CODE>x</CODE> is a &quot;place holder&quot; in the definition that stands for
+whatever value you use when you call the procedure.  So you can read the
+definition of <CODE>square</CODE> as saying, &quot;In order to <CODE>square</CODE> a number,
+multiply <EM>that number</EM> by <EM>that number.</EM>&quot; The name <CODE>x</CODE>
+holds the place of the particular number that you mean.
+<P>Be sure you understand this distinction between defining a procedure and
+calling it.  A procedure represents a general technique that can be applied
+to many specific cases.  We don't want to build any particular case into the
+procedure definition; we want the definition to express the general nature of
+the technique.  You wouldn't want a procedure that only knew how to take the
+square of 7.  But when you actually get around to using <CODE>square</CODE>, you have
+to be specific about which number you're squaring.
+<P>The name for the name of an argument (whew!) is <EM><A NAME="g8"></A><A NAME="g9"></A>formal parameter.</EM> In our <CODE>square</CODE> example, <CODE>x</CODE>
+is the formal parameter.  (You may hear people say either &quot;formal&quot;
+alone or &quot;parameter&quot; alone when they're feeling lazy.)  The
+technical term for the actual value of the argument is the <EM><A NAME="g10"></A><A NAME="g11"></A>actual argument.</EM> In a case like
+<PRE>(square (+ 5 9))
+you may want to distinguish the <EM><A NAME="g12"></A><A NAME="g13"></A>actual argument expression</EM> <CODE>(+ 5 9)</CODE> from the <EM><A NAME="g14"></A><A NAME="g15"></A>actual argument value</EM> 14.  Most of the time it's perfectly clear
+what you mean, and you just say &quot;argument&quot; for all of these things, but
+right now when you're learning these ideas it's important to be able to talk
+more precisely.
+The <CODE>square</CODE> procedure takes one argument.  If a procedure requires more
+than one argument, then the question arises, which actual argument goes with
+which formal parameter?  The answer is that they go in the order in which
+you write them, like this:
+<P><PRE>(define (f a b)
+  (+ (* 3 a) b))
+&gt; (f 5 8)
+&gt; (f 8 5)
+<P><H2>Procedure as Generalization</H2>
+<A NAME="g16"></A>
+<P>What's the average of 17 and 25?  To answer this question you could add the
+two numbers, getting 42, and divide that by two, getting 21.  You could ask
+Scheme to do this for you:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (/ (+ 17 25) 2)
+<P>What's the average of 14 and 68?
+<P><PRE>&gt; (/ (+ 14 68) 2)
+<P>Once you understand the technique, you could answer any such question by
+typing an expression of the form
+<P><PRE>(/ (+  ______  ______ ) 2)
+<P>to Scheme.
+<P>But if you're going to be faced with more such problems, an obvious next
+step is to <EM>generalize</EM> the technique by defining a procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g17"></A>average a b)
+  (/ (+ a b) 2))
+<P>With this definition, you can think about the next problem that
+comes along in terms of the problem itself, rather than in terms of the
+steps required for its solution:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (average 27 4)
+<P>This is an example of what we meant when we defined
+&quot;abstraction&quot; as noticing a pattern and giving it a name.
+It's not so different from the naming of such patterns in English;
+when someone invented the name &quot;average&quot; it was, probably, after
+noticing that it was often useful to find the value halfway between
+two other values.
+<P>This naming process is more important than it sounds, because once we have a
+name for some idea, we can use that idea without thinking about its pieces.
+For example, suppose that you want to know not only the average of some
+numbers but also a measure of whether the numbers are clumped together close
+to the average, or widely spread out.  Statisticians have developed the
+&quot;standard deviation&quot; as a measure of this second property.  You'd rather
+not have to think about this mysterious formula:
+<P><P><CENTER><IMG SRC="math1.gif" ALT="math display"></CENTER><P>
+<P>but you'd be happy to use a procedure <CODE>standard-deviation</CODE>
+that you found in a collection of statistical programs.
+<P>After all, there's no law of nature that says computers automatically know
+how to add or subtract.  You could imagine having to instruct Scheme to
+compute the sum of two large numbers digit by digit, the way you did in
+elementary school.  But instead someone has &quot;taught&quot; your computer how to
+add before you get to it, giving this technique the name <CODE>+</CODE> so that you
+can ask for the sum of two numbers without thinking about the steps required.
+By inventing <CODE>average</CODE> or <CODE>standard-deviation</CODE> we are extending the
+repertoire of computations that you can ask for without concerning yourself
+with the details.
+<P>We've suggested that a procedure you define, such as <CODE>average</CODE>, is
+<A NAME="g18"></A>
+<A NAME="g19"></A>
+essentially similar to one that's built into Scheme, such as <CODE>+</CODE>.
+In particular, the rules for building expressions are the same whether
+the building blocks are primitive procedures or defined procedures.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (average (+ 10 8) (* 3 5))
+&gt; (average (average 2 3) (average 4 5))
+&gt; (sqrt (average 143 145))
+<P>Any return value can be used as an end in itself, as the return
+value from <CODE>sqrt</CODE> was used in the last of these examples, or it can
+provide an argument to another procedure, as the return value from
+<CODE>*</CODE> was used in the first of these examples.
+<P>These small examples may seem arbitrary, but the same idea, composition of
+functions, is the basis for all Scheme programming.  For example, the
+complicated formula we gave for standard deviation requires computing the
+squares of several numbers.  So if we were to write a <CODE>standard-deviation</CODE> procedure, it would invoke <CODE>square</CODE>.
+<P><H2>The Substitution Model</H2>
+<P>We've paid a lot of attention to the details of formal parameters and actual
+arguments, but we've been a little handwavy<A NAME="text3" HREF="defining.html#ft3">[3]</A> about how a procedure actually computes a value when you invoke it.
+<P>We're going to explain what happens when you invoke a user-defined procedure.
+Every explanation is a story.  No story tells the entire truth, because there
+are always some details left out.  A <EM>model</EM> is a story that
+has just enough detail to help you understand whatever it's trying to explain
+but not so much detail that you can't see the forest for the trees.
+<P>Today's story is about the <EM>substitution</EM> model.  When a
+procedure is invoked, the goal is to carry out the computation described in
+its body.  The problem is that the body is written in terms of the formal
+parameters, while the computation has to use the actual argument values.  So
+what Scheme needs is a way to associate actual argument values with formal
+parameters.  It does this by making a new copy of the body of the procedure,
+in which it substitutes the argument values for every appearance of the
+formal parameters, and then evaluating the resulting expression.  So, if
+you've defined <CODE>square</CODE> with 
+<P><PRE>(define (square x)
+  (* x x))
+<P>then the body of <CODE>square</CODE> is <CODE>(* x x)</CODE>.  When you want to
+know the square of a particular number, as in <CODE>(square 5)</CODE>, Scheme
+substitutes the 5 for <CODE>x</CODE> everywhere in the body of square and evaluates
+the expression.  In other words, Scheme takes
+<P><PRE>(* x x)
+<P>then does the substitution, getting
+<P><PRE>(* 5 5)
+<P>and then evaluates that expression, getting 25.
+<P>If you just type <CODE>(* x x)</CODE> into Scheme, you will get an error message
+complaining that <CODE>x</CODE> doesn't mean anything.  Only after the substitution
+does this become a meaningful expression.
+<P>By the way, when we talk about &quot;substituting into the body,&quot; we don't mean
+that the procedure's definition is changed in any permanent way.  The body of
+the procedure doesn't change; what happens, as we said before, is that Scheme
+constructs a new expression that looks like the body, except for the
+substitutions.<A NAME="text4" HREF="defining.html#ft4">[4]</A>
+<P>There are little people who specialize in <CODE>square</CODE>, just as there
+are little people who specialize in <CODE>+</CODE> and <CODE>*</CODE>.  The difference is
+that the little people who do primitive procedures can do the work &quot;in their
+head,&quot; all at once.  The little people who carry out user-defined procedures
+have to go through this substitution business we're talking about here.
+Then they hire other little people to help evaluate the resulting expression,
+just as Alonzo hires people to help him evaluate the expressions you type
+directly to Scheme.
+<P>Let's say Sam, a little person who specializes in <CODE>square</CODE>, has been
+asked to compute <CODE>(square 6)</CODE>.  Sam carries out the substitution, and is
+left with the expression <CODE>(* 6 6)</CODE> to evaluate.  Sam then hires Tessa, a
+multiplication specialist, to evaluate this new expression.  Tessa tells Sam
+that her answer is 36, and, because the multiplication is the entire problem
+to be solved, this is Sam's answer also.
+<P>Here's another example:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g20"></A>hypotenuse a b)
+  (sqrt (+ (square a) (square b))))
+&gt; (hypotenuse 5 12)
+<P> Suppose Alonzo hires Harry to compute this expression.
+Harry must first substitute the actual argument values (5 and 12) into the
+body of <CODE>hypotenuse</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>(sqrt (+ (square 5) (square 12)))
+<P>Now he evaluates that expression, just as Alonzo would evaluate it
+if you typed it at a Scheme prompt.  That is, Harry hires four little
+people: one <CODE>sqrt</CODE> expert, one <CODE>+</CODE> expert, and two <CODE>square</CODE>
+experts.<A NAME="text5" HREF="defining.html#ft5">[5]</A> In particular, some little
+person has to evaluate <CODE>(square 5)</CODE>, by substituting 5 for <CODE>x</CODE> in
+the body of <CODE>square</CODE>, as in the earlier example.  Similarly, we
+substitute 12 for <CODE>x</CODE> in order to evaluate <CODE>(square 12)</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>(hypotenuse 5 12)                   ; substitute into HYPOTENUSE body
+(sqrt (+ (square 5) (square 12)))   ; substitute for (SQUARE 5)
+         (* 5 5)
+         25
+(sqrt (+ 25         (square 12)))   ; substitute for (SQUARE 12)
+                    (* 12 12)
+                    144
+(sqrt (+ 25         144))
+      (+ 25         144)            ; combine the results as before
+      169
+(sqrt 169)
+<P>Don't forget, in the heady rush of learning about the substitution
+model, what you already knew from before:  Each piece of this computation is
+done by a little person, and some other little person is waiting for the
+result.  In other words, the substitution model tells us how <EM>each
+compound procedure</EM> is carried out, but doesn't change our picture of the
+way in which procedure invocations are <EM>composed</EM> into larger
+<P>Don't forget that a function can have only <EM>one</EM> return value.
+For example, here's a program that's supposed to return the sum of the
+squares of its two arguments:
+<P><PRE>(define (sum-of-squares x y)                 ;; wrong!
+  (square x)
+  (square y))
+<P>The problem is that the body of this procedure has two expressions,
+instead of just one.  As it turns out, Scheme just ignores the value of the
+first expression in cases like this, and returns the value of the last one.
+What the programmer wants is the <EM>sum</EM> of these two values, so the
+procedure should say
+<P><PRE>(define (sum-of-squares x y)
+  (+ (square x)
+     (square y)))
+<P>Another pitfall comes from thinking that a procedure call changes the
+value of a parameter.  Here's a faulty program that's supposed to compute
+the function described by <EM>f</EM>(<EM>x</EM>)=3<EM>x</EM>+10:
+<P><PRE>(define (f x)                                ;; wrong!
+  (* x 3)
+  (+ x 10))
+<P>Again, the first expression has no effect and Scheme will just
+return the value <EM>x</EM>+10.<A NAME="text6" HREF="defining.html#ft6">[6]</A>
+<P>A very common pitfall in Scheme comes from choosing the name of
+a procedure as a parameter.  It doesn't come up very often with
+procedures like the ones in this chapter whose domains and ranges
+are both numbers, but it will be more likely later.  If you have a
+program like this:
+<P><PRE>(define (square x)
+  (* x x))
+(define (area square)                        ;; wrong!
+  (square square))
+<P>then you'll get in trouble when you invoke the procedure, for
+example, by saying <CODE>(area 8)</CODE>.  The <CODE>area</CODE> little person will
+substitute <CODE>8</CODE> for <CODE>square</CODE> everywhere in the procedure definition,
+leaving you with the expression <CODE>(8 8)</CODE> to evaluate.  That expression
+would mean to apply the procedure <CODE>8</CODE> to the argument <CODE>8</CODE>, but
+<CODE>8</CODE> isn't a procedure, so an error message results.
+<P>It isn't a problem if the formal parameter is the name of a procedure that
+you don't use inside the body.  The problem arises when you try to use the
+same name, e.g., <CODE>square</CODE>, with two meanings within a single procedure.
+But special forms are an exception; you can never use the name of a special
+form as a parameter.
+<P>A similar problem about name conflicts comes up if you try to
+use a keyword (the name of a special form, such as <CODE>define</CODE>) as
+some other kind of name&mdash;either a formal parameter or the name of a
+procedure you're defining.  We're listing this separately because the
+result is likely to be different.  Instead of getting the wrong value
+substituted, as above, you'll probably see a special error message
+along the lines of &quot;improper use of keyword.&quot;
+<P>Formal parameters <EM>must</EM> be words.  Some people try to write
+procedures that have compound expressions as the formal parameters, like this:
+<P><PRE>(define (f (+ 3 x) y)                        ;; wrong!
+  (* x y))
+<P>Remember that the job of the procedure definition is only to
+provide a <EM>name</EM> for the argument.  The <EM>actual</EM> argument isn't
+pinned down until you invoke the procedure.  People who write programs like
+the one above are trying to make the procedure definition do some of the job
+of the procedure invocation.
+<P><H2>Boring Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>4.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Consider this procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (ho-hum x y)
+  (+ x (* 2 y)))
+<P>Show the substitution that occurs when you evaluate 
+<P><PRE>(ho-hum 8 12)
+<B>4.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Given the following procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (yawn x)
+  (+ 3 (* x 2)))
+<P>list all the little people that are involved in evaluating
+<P><PRE>(yawn (/ 8 2))
+<P>(Give their names, their specialties, their arguments,
+who hires them, and what they do with their answers.)
+<B>4.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Here are some procedure definitions.  For each one, describe the function in
+English, show a sample invocation, and show the result of that invocation.
+<P><PRE>(define (f x y) (- y x))
+(define (identity x) x)
+(define (three x) 3)
+(define (seven) 7)
+(define (magic n)
+  (- (/ (+ (+ (* 3 n)
+              13)
+           (- n 1))
+        4)
+     3))
+<H2>Real Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>4.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Each of the following procedure definitions has an error of some kind.
+Say what's wrong and why, and fix it:
+<P><PRE>(define (sphere-volume r)
+  (* (/ 4 3) 3.141592654)
+  (* r r r))
+(define (next x)
+  (x + 1))
+(define (square)
+  (* x x))
+(define (triangle-area triangle)
+  (* 0.5 base height))
+(define (sum-of-squares (square x) (square y))
+  (+ (square x) (square y)))
+<B>4.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure to convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and
+another to convert in the other direction.  The two formulas
+are <EM>F</EM>=<SUP><SMALL><SMALL>9</SMALL></SMALL></SUP>&frasl;<SUB><SMALL><SMALL>5</SMALL></SMALL></SUB><EM>C</EM>+32 and <EM>C</EM>=<SUP><SMALL>5</SMALL></SUP>&frasl;<SUB><SMALL>9</SMALL></SUB>(<EM>F</EM>-32).
+<B>4.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Define a procedure <CODE>fourth</CODE> that computes the fourth power of its
+argument.  Do this two ways, first using the multiplication function,
+and then using <CODE>square</CODE> and not (directly) using multiplication.
+<B>4.7</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure that computes the absolute value of its argument by
+finding the square root of the square of the argument.
+<B>4.8</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;Scientific notation&quot; is a way to represent very small or very large
+numbers by combining a medium-sized number with a power of 10.  For example,
+5&times;10<SUP><SMALL>7</SMALL></SUP> represents the number 50000000, while 3.26&times;10<SUP><SMALL>-9</SMALL></SUP>
+represents 0.00000000326 in scientific notation.  Write a procedure
+<CODE>scientific</CODE> that takes two arguments, a number and an exponent of 10,
+and returns the corresponding value:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (scientific 7 3)
+&gt; (scientific 42 -5)
+<P>Some versions of Scheme represent fractions in <EM>a</EM>/<EM>b</EM> form, and
+some use scientific notation, so you might see <CODE>21/50000</CODE> or <CODE>4.2E-4</CODE>
+as the result of the last example instead of <CODE>0.00042</CODE>, but these are
+the same value.
+<P>(A harder problem for hotshots:  Can you write procedures that go in the
+other direction?  So you'd have
+<P><PRE>&gt; (sci-coefficient 7000)
+&gt; (sci-exponent 7000)
+<P>You might find the primitive procedures <CODE>log</CODE> and <CODE>floor</CODE> helpful.)
+<B>4.9</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Define a procedure <CODE>discount</CODE> that takes two arguments: an item's
+initial price and a percentage discount.  It should return the new price:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (discount 10 5)
+&gt; (discount 29.90 50)
+<B>4.10</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure to compute the tip you should leave at a restaurant.  It
+should take the total bill as its argument and return the amount of the
+tip.  It should tip by 15%, but it should know to round up so that the
+total amount of money you leave (tip plus original bill) is a whole number
+of dollars.  (Use the <CODE>ceiling</CODE> procedure to round up.)
+<P><PRE>&gt; (tip 19.98)
+&gt; (tip 29.23)
+&gt; (tip 7.54)
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="defining.html#text1">[1]</A> Technically, the entire
+expression <CODE>(define (square x) &hellip)</CODE> is the special form; the word <CODE>define</CODE> itself is called a <EM>keyword</EM>.  But in fact Lispians are
+almost always loose about this distinction and say &quot;<CODE>define</CODE> is a
+special form,&quot; just as we've done here.  The word &quot;form&quot; is an archaic
+synonym for &quot;expression,&quot; so &quot;special form&quot; just means &quot;special
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="defining.html#text2">[2]</A> Also, we'll sometimes use the terms &quot;domain&quot; and
+&quot;range&quot; when we're talking about procedures, although technically, only
+functions have domains and ranges.<P>
+<A NAME="ft3" HREF="defining.html#text3">[3]</A> You know, that's
+when you wave your hands around in the air instead of explaining what you
+<A NAME="ft4" HREF="defining.html#text4">[4]</A> You may be thinking that this is rather an
+inefficient way to do things&mdash;all this copying and replacement before you
+can actually compute anything.  Perhaps you're afraid that your Scheme
+programs will run very slowly as a result.  Don't worry.  It really
+happens in a different way, but the effect is the same except for the
+<A NAME="ft5" HREF="defining.html#text5">[5]</A> Until we started defining our own procedures in this
+chapter, all of the little people were hired by Alonzo, because all
+expressions were typed directly to a Scheme prompt.  Now expressions can
+come from the bodies of procedures, and so the little people needed to
+compute those expressions are hired by the little person who's computing
+that procedure.  Notice also that each little person <EM>reports to</EM>
+another little person, not necessarily the one who <EM>hired</EM> her.  In
+this case, if Harry hires Shari for <CODE>sqrt</CODE>, Paul for <CODE>+</CODE>, and Slim
+and Sydney for the two <CODE>square</CODE>s, then Slim reports to Paul, not to
+Harry.  Only Shari reports directly to Harry.<P>
+<A NAME="ft6" HREF="defining.html#text6">[6]</A> This is especially problematic for people
+who used to program in a language like Pascal or BASIC, where you say things
+like &quot;<CODE>X = X * 3</CODE>&quot; all the time.<P>
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