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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
commit562a9a52d599d9a05f871404050968a5fd282640 (patch)
tree7d3305c1252c043bfe246ccc7deff0056aa6b5ab /js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch5
parent5d012c6c011a9dedf7d0a098e456206244eb5a0f (diff)
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+<P><A NAME="larson"></A>
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+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 5: Words and Sentences</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 5</H2>
+<H1>Words and Sentences</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch05.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">Back to Table of Contents</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../ssch4/defining.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch6/true.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>We started out, in Part I, with examples about acronyms and so on, but since
+then we've been working with numbery old numbers.  That's because the
+discussions about evaluation and procedure definition were complicated
+enough without introducing extra ideas at the same time.  But now we're
+ready to get back to symbolic programming.
+<P>As we mentioned in Chapter 3, everything that you type into Scheme is
+evaluated and the resulting value is printed out.  Let's say you want to use
+&quot;square&quot; as a word in your program.  For example, you want your program to
+solve the problem, &quot;Give me an adjective that describes
+<A NAME="g1"></A>Barry Manilow.&quot; If you just type <CODE>square</CODE> into Scheme, you
+will find out that <CODE>square</CODE> is a procedure:
+<P><PRE>&gt; square
+<P>(Different versions of Scheme will have different ways of printing
+out procedures.)
+<P>What you need is a way to say that you want to use the word &quot;<CODE>square</CODE>&quot;
+<EM>itself,</EM> rather than the <EM>value</EM> of that word, as an
+expression.  The way to do this is to use <A NAME="g2"></A><CODE>quote</CODE>:
+<A NAME="spquote"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (quote square)
+&gt; (quote (tomorrow never knows))
+&gt; (quote (things we said today))
+<P><CODE>Quote</CODE> is a <A NAME="g3"></A><A NAME="g4"></A>special form, since its argument isn't evaluated.
+Instead, it just returns the argument as is.
+<P>Scheme programmers use <CODE>quote</CODE> a lot, so there is an abbreviation for it:
+<P><PRE>&gt; 'square
+&gt; '(old brown shoe)
+(old brown shoe)
+<P>(Since Scheme uses the apostrophe as an abbreviation for <CODE><A NAME="g5"></A>
+quote</CODE>, you can't use one as an ordinary punctuation mark in a sentence.
+That's why we've been avoiding titles like <CODE>(can't buy me love)</CODE>.
+To Scheme this would mean <CODE>(can (quote t) buy me
+love)</CODE>!)<A NAME="text1" HREF="words#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>This idea of quoting, although it may seem arbitrary in the context of
+computer programming, is actually quite familiar from ordinary English.
+What is a book?  It's a bunch of pieces of paper, with printing on them,
+bound together.  What is &quot;a book&quot;?  It's a noun phrase, made up of an article
+and a noun.  See?  Similarly, what's 2+3?  It's five.  What's &quot;2+3&quot;?
+It's an arithmetic formula.  When you see words inside quotation marks, you
+understand that you're supposed to think about the words themselves; you
+don't evaluate what they mean.  Scheme is the same way.
+<P>(It's no accident that kids who make jokes like
+<P><P><BLOCKQUOTE>Matt:  &quot;Say your name.&quot;
+<P>Brian:  &quot;Your name.&quot;
+<P><P>grow up to be computer programmers.  The difference between a
+thing and its name is one of the important ideas that programmers need to
+<P>So far all we've done with words and sentences is quote them.  To do more
+interesting work, we need tools for two kinds of operations:  We have to be
+able to take them apart, and we have to be able to put them
+together.<A NAME="text2" HREF="words#ft2">[2]</A> We'll start with
+the take-apart tools; the technical term for them is <EM>selectors.</EM>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (first 'something)
+&gt; (first '(eight days a week))
+&gt; (first 910)
+&gt; (last 'something)
+&gt; (last '(eight days a week))
+&gt; (last 910)
+&gt; (butfirst 'something)
+&gt; (butfirst '(eight days a week))
+&gt; (butfirst 910)
+&gt; (butlast 'something)
+&gt; (butlast '(eight days a week))
+&gt; (butlast 910)
+<P>Notice that the <A NAME="g9"></A><CODE>first</CODE> of a sentence is a word, while the
+<CODE>first</CODE> of a word is a letter.  (But there's no separate data type
+called &quot;letter&quot;; a letter is the same as a one-letter word.)  The
+<A NAME="g10"></A><CODE>butfirst</CODE> of a sentence is a sentence, and the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> of a
+word is a word.  The corresponding rules hold for <A NAME="g11"></A><CODE>last</CODE> and
+<A NAME="g12"></A><CODE>butlast</CODE>.
+<P>The names <CODE>butfirst</CODE> and <CODE>butlast</CODE> aren't meant to describe ways to
+sled; they abbreviate &quot;all <CODE>but</CODE> the <CODE>first</CODE>&quot; and &quot;all <CODE>but</CODE>
+the <CODE>last</CODE>.&quot;
+<P>You may be wondering why we're given ways to find the first and last
+elements but not the 42nd element.  It turns out that the ones we have are
+enough, since we can use these primitive selectors to define others:
+<PRE>(define (<A NAME="g13"></A>second thing)
+  (first (butfirst thing)))
+&gt; (second '(like dreamers do))
+&gt; (second 'michelle)
+<P>There is, however, a primitive selector <CODE>item</CODE> that takes
+two arguments, a number <EM>n</EM> and a word or sentence, and returns the <EM>n</EM>th
+element of the second argument.
+<PRE>&gt; (item 4 '(being for the benefit of mister kite!))
+&gt; (item 4 'benefit)
+<P>Don't forget that a sentence containing exactly one word is different from
+the word itself, and selectors operate on the two differently:
+<PRE>&gt; (first 'because)
+&gt; (first '(because))
+<PRE>&gt; (butfirst 'because)
+<A NAME="g14"></A><A NAME="g15"></A>&gt; (butfirst '(because))
+<P>The value of that last expression is the <EM>empty sentence.</EM>  You can tell it's a sentence because of the
+parentheses, and you can tell it's empty because there's nothing between
+<P><PRE>&gt; (butfirst 'a)
+&gt; (butfirst 1024)
+<P>As these examples show, sometimes <CODE>butfirst</CODE> returns a word
+that has to have double-quote marks around it.  The first example
+shows the <EM><A NAME="g16"></A>empty word,</EM> while the second shows a number
+that's not in its ordinary form.  (Its numeric value is 24, but you don't
+usually see a zero in front.)
+<P><PRE>&gt; 024
+&gt; &quot;024"
+<P>We're going to try to avoid printing these funny words.  But don't
+be surprised if you see one as the return value from one of the selectors
+for words.  (Notice that you don't have to put a single quote in front of
+the double quotes.  Strings are self-evaluating, just as numbers are.)
+<A NAME="g17"></A>
+<A NAME="g18"></A>
+<A NAME="g19"></A>
+<P>Since <CODE>butfirst</CODE> and <CODE>butlast</CODE> are so hard to type, there are
+abbreviations <A NAME="g20"></A><CODE>bf</CODE> and <A NAME="g21"></A><CODE>bl</CODE>.  You can figure out which is which.
+<P>Functions for putting things together are called <EM>constructors.</EM>
+For now, we just have two of them: <A NAME="g22"></A><CODE>word</CODE> and <A NAME="g23"></A><CODE>sentence</CODE>.  <CODE>Word</CODE> takes any number of words as arguments and joins them all together
+into one humongous word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (word 'ses 'qui 'pe 'da 'lian 'ism)
+&gt; (word 'now 'here)
+&gt; (word 35 893)
+<P><CODE>Sentence</CODE> is similar, but slightly different, since it can take both 
+words and sentences as arguments:
+<P><PRE>&gt;  (sentence 'carry 'that 'weight)
+&gt; (sentence '(john paul) '(george ringo))
+<P><CODE>Sentence</CODE> is also too hard to type, so there's the
+abbreviation <A NAME="g24"></A><CODE>se</CODE>.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (se '(one plus one) 'makes 2)
+<P>By the way, why did we have to quote <CODE>makes</CODE> in the last example, but
+not <CODE>2</CODE>?  It's because numbers are self-evaluating, as we said
+<A NAME="g25"></A>
+<A NAME="g26"></A>
+in Chapter 3.  We have to quote <CODE>makes</CODE> because otherwise Scheme
+would look for something named <CODE>makes</CODE> instead of using the word
+itself.  But numbers can't be the names of things; they represent
+themselves.  (In fact, you could quote the <CODE>2</CODE> and it wouldn't make any
+difference&mdash;do you see why?)
+<P><H2>First-Class Words and Sentences</H2>
+<P>If Scheme isn't your first programming language, you're probably accustomed
+to dealing with English text on a computer quite differently.  Many other
+languages treat a sentence, for example, as simply a collection (a
+&quot;string&quot;) of <EM>characters</EM> such as letters, spaces, and punctuation.
+Those languages don't help you maintain the two-level nature of English
+text, in which a sentence is composed of words, and a word is composed of
+<P>Historically, computers just dealt with numbers.  You could add two numbers,
+move a number from one place in the computer's memory to another place, and
+so on.  Since each instruction in the computer's native <EM>machine
+language</EM> couldn't process anything larger than a number, programmers
+developed the attitude that a single number is a &quot;real thing&quot; while
+anything more complicated has to be considered as a collection of things,
+rather than as a single thing in itself.
+<P>The computer represents a text character as a single number.  In many
+programming languages, therefore, a character is a &quot;real thing,&quot; but
+a word or sentence is understood only as a collection of these
+character-code numbers.
+<P>But this isn't the way in which human beings normally think about their own
+language.  To you, a word isn't primarily a string of characters (although
+it may temporarily seem like one if you're competing in a spelling bee).
+It's more like a single unit of meaning.  Similarly, a sentence is a
+linguistic structure whose parts are words, not letters and spaces.
+<P>A programming language should let you express your ideas in terms that match
+<EM>your</EM> way of thinking, not the computer's way.  Technically, we say
+that words and sentences should be <EM>first-class data</EM> in our
+language.  This means that a sentence, for example, can be an argument to a
+procedure; it can be the value returned by a procedure; we can give it a name;
+and we can build aggregates whose elements are sentences.  So far we've seen
+how to do the first two of these.  We'll finish the job in Chapter
+7 (on <EM>variables</EM>) and Chapter 17 (on <EM>lists</EM>).
+<P>We've been avoiding apostrophes in our words and sentences because
+they're abbreviations for the <CODE>quote</CODE> special form.  You must also avoid
+periods, commas, semicolons, quotation marks, vertical bars, and, of course,
+parentheses, since all of these have special meanings in Scheme.  You may,
+however, use question marks and exclamation points.
+<P>Although we've already mentioned the need to avoid names of primitives
+when choosing formal parameters, we want to remind you specifically about the
+names <CODE>word</CODE> and <CODE>sentence</CODE>.  These are often very tempting formal
+parameters, because many procedures have words or sentences as their
+domains.  Unfortunately, if you choose these names for parameters, you won't
+be able to use the corresponding procedures within your definition.
+<P><PRE>(define (plural word)                        ;; wrong!
+  (word word 's))
+&gt; (plural 'george)
+ERROR: GEORGE isn't a procedure
+<P>The result of substitution was not, as you might think,
+<P><PRE>(word 'george 's)
+<P>but rather
+<P><PRE>('george 'george 's)
+<P>We've been using <CODE>wd</CODE> and <CODE>sent</CODE> as formal parameters
+instead of <CODE>word</CODE> and <CODE>sentence</CODE>, and we recommend that practice.
+<P>There's a difference between a word and a single-word sentence.  For
+example, people often fall into the trap of thinking that the <CODE>butfirst</CODE>
+of a two-word sentence such as <CODE>(sexy sadie)</CODE> is the second word, but it's
+not.  It's a one-word-long sentence.  For example, its <CODE>count</CODE> is one,
+not five.<A NAME="text3" HREF="words#ft3">[3]</A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (bf '(sexy sadie))
+&gt; (first (bf '(sexy sadie)))
+<P>We mentioned earlier that sometimes Scheme has to put double-quote marks
+around words.  Just ignore them; don't get upset if your procedure returns
+<CODE>&quot;6-of-hearts&quot;</CODE> instead of just <CODE>6-of-hearts</CODE>.
+<P><CODE>Quote</CODE> doesn't mean &quot;print.&quot; Some people look at interactions
+like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; '(good night)
+<P>and think that the quotation mark was an instruction telling
+Scheme to print what comes after it.  Actually, Scheme <EM>always</EM> prints
+the value of each expression you type, as part of the read-eval-print loop.
+In this case, the value of the entire expression is the subexpression that's
+being quoted, namely, the sentence <CODE>(good night)</CODE>.  That value wouldn't
+be printed if the quotation were part of some larger expression:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (bf '(good night))
+<P>If you see an error message like
+<P><PRE>&gt; (+ 3 (bf 1075))
+<P>try entering the expression
+<P><PRE>&gt; (strings-are-numbers #t)
+<P>and try again.  (The extension to Scheme that allows arithmetic
+operations to work on nonstandard numbers like <CODE>&quot;075&quot;</CODE> makes ordinary
+arithmetic slower than usual.  So we've provided a way to turn the extension
+on and off.  Invoking <CODE>strings-are-numbers</CODE> with the argument <CODE>#f</CODE>
+turns off the extension.)<A NAME="text4" HREF="words#ft4">[4]</A>
+<P><H2>Boring Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>5.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What values are printed when you type these expressions to Scheme?  (Figure
+it out in your head before you try it on the computer.)
+<P><PRE>(sentence 'I '(me mine))
+(sentence '() '(is empty))
+(word '23 '45)
+(se '23 '45)
+(bf 'a)
+(bf '(aye))
+(count (first '(maggie mae)))
+(se &quot;&quot; '() &quot;&quot; '())
+(count (se &quot;&quot; '() &quot;&quot; '()))
+<P><B>5.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;For each of the following examples, write a procedure of two arguments
+that, when applied to the sample arguments, returns the sample result.
+Your procedures may not include any quoted data.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (f1 '(a b c) '(d e f))
+(B C D E)
+&gt; (f2 '(a b c) '(d e f))
+(B C D E AF)
+&gt; (f3 '(a b c) '(d e f))
+(A B C A B C)
+&gt; (f4 '(a b c) '(d e f))
+<B>5.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference in meaning between <CODE>(first 'mezzanine)</CODE> and
+<CODE>(first '(mezzanine))</CODE>.
+<B>5.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference between the two expressions <CODE>(first (square 7))</CODE> and
+<CODE>(first '(square 7))</CODE>.
+<B>5.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference between <CODE>(word 'a 'b 'c)</CODE> and <CODE>(se 'a 'b 'c)</CODE>.
+<B>5.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference between <CODE>(bf 'zabadak)</CODE> and <CODE>(butfirst
+<B>5.7</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference between <CODE>(bf 'x)</CODE> and <CODE>(butfirst '(x))</CODE>.
+<B>5.8</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Which of the following are legal Scheme sentences?
+<P><PRE>(here, there and everywhere)
+(all i've got to do)
+(you know my name (look up the number))
+<B>5.9</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Figure out what values each of the following will return <EM>before</EM>
+you try them on the computer:
+<P><PRE>(se (word (bl (bl (first '(make a))))
+          (bf (bf (last '(baseball mitt)))))
+    (word (first 'with) (bl (bl (bl (bl 'rigidly))))
+          (first 'held) (first (bf 'stitches))))
+(se (word (bl (bl 'bring)) 'a (last 'clean))
+    (word (bl (last '(baseball hat))) (last 'for) (bl (bl 'very))
+	  (last (first '(sunny days)))))
+<P><B>5.10</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What kinds of argument can you give <CODE>butfirst</CODE> so that it
+returns a word?  A sentence?
+<B>5.11</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What kinds of argument can you give <CODE>last</CODE> so that it returns a word?  A
+<B>5.12</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Which of the functions <CODE>first</CODE>, <CODE>last</CODE>, <CODE>butfirst</CODE>, and
+<CODE>butlast</CODE> can return an empty word?  For what arguments?  What about
+returning an empty sentence?
+<H2>Real Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>5.13</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <CODE>'</CODE>&thinsp;<CODE>'banana</CODE> stand for?
+<P>What is <CODE>(first '</CODE>&thinsp;<CODE>'banana)</CODE> and why?
+<B>5.14</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g27"></A>third</CODE> that selects the third letter of a word
+(or the third word of a sentence).
+<B>5.15</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A NAME="firsttwo"></A>
+Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g28"></A>first-two</CODE> that takes a word as its argument,
+returning a two-letter word containing the first two letters of the argument.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (first-two 'ambulatory)
+<B>5.16</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g29"></A>two-first</CODE> that takes two words as arguments,
+returning a two-letter word containing the first letters of the two
+<P><PRE>&gt; (two-first 'brian 'epstein)
+<P>Now write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g30"></A>two-first-sent</CODE> that takes a two-word
+sentence as argument, returning a two-letter word containing the first
+letters of the two words.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (two-first-sent '(brian epstein))
+<B>5.17</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g31"></A>knight</CODE> that takes a person's name as its
+argument and returns the name with &quot;Sir&quot; in front of it.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (knight '(david wessel))
+<B>5.18</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Try the following and explain the result:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g32"></A>ends word)
+  (word (first word) (last word)))
+&gt; (ends 'john)
+<B>5.19</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g33"></A>insert-and</CODE> that takes a sentence of items and
+returns a new sentence with an &quot;and&quot; in the right place:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (insert-and '(john bill wayne fred joey))
+<B>5.20</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Define a procedure to find somebody's middle names:
+&gt; (<A NAME="g34"></A>middle-names '(james paul mccartney))
+&gt; (middle-names '(john ronald raoul tolkien))
+&gt; (middle-names '(bugs bunny))
+&gt; (middle-names '(peter blair denis bernard noone))
+<B>5.21</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g35"></A>query</CODE> that turns a statement into a question
+by swapping the first two words and adding a question mark to the last word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (query '(you are experienced))
+&gt; (query '(i should have known better))
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="words#text1">[1]</A> Actually, it <EM>is</EM> possible to put punctuation
+inside words as long as the entire word is enclosed in double-quote
+marks, like this:
+<A NAME="g6"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; '(&quot;can't&quot; buy me love)
+(&quot;can't&quot; BUY ME LOVE)
+<P>Words like that are called <EM>strings.</EM> We're not going
+to use them in any examples until almost the end of the book.  Stay away from
+punctuation and you won't get in trouble.  However, question marks and
+exclamation points are okay.  (Ordinary words, the ones that are neither
+strings nor numbers, are officially called <EM>symbols.</EM>)<P>
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="words#text2">[2]</A><A NAME="g7"></A>
+<A NAME="g8"></A> The procedures we're about to show you are not part of
+standard, official Scheme.  Scheme does provide ways to do these things, but
+the regular ways are somewhat more complicated and error-prone for
+beginners.  We've provided a simpler way to do symbolic computing, using
+ideas developed as part of the Logo programming language.<P>
+<A NAME="ft3" HREF="words#text3">[3]</A> You met <CODE>count</CODE> in Chapter 2.  It takes a word
+or sentence as its argument, returning either the number of letters in the
+word or the number of words in the sentence.<P>
+<A NAME="ft4" HREF="words#text4">[4]</A> See Appendix A for a fuller explanation.<P>
+<P><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A><P>
+<A HREF="../ssch4/defining.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
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+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 
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+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 5: Words and Sentences</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 5</H2>
+<H1>Words and Sentences</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch05.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
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+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch6/true.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>We started out, in Part I, with examples about acronyms and so on, but since
+then we've been working with numbery old numbers.  That's because the
+discussions about evaluation and procedure definition were complicated
+enough without introducing extra ideas at the same time.  But now we're
+ready to get back to symbolic programming.
+<P>As we mentioned in Chapter 3, everything that you type into Scheme is
+evaluated and the resulting value is printed out.  Let's say you want to use
+&quot;square&quot; as a word in your program.  For example, you want your program to
+solve the problem, &quot;Give me an adjective that describes
+<A NAME="g1"></A>Barry Manilow.&quot; If you just type <CODE>square</CODE> into Scheme, you
+will find out that <CODE>square</CODE> is a procedure:
+<P><PRE>&gt; square
+<P>(Different versions of Scheme will have different ways of printing
+out procedures.)
+<P>What you need is a way to say that you want to use the word &quot;<CODE>square</CODE>&quot;
+<EM>itself,</EM> rather than the <EM>value</EM> of that word, as an
+expression.  The way to do this is to use <A NAME="g2"></A><CODE>quote</CODE>:
+<A NAME="spquote"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (quote square)
+&gt; (quote (tomorrow never knows))
+&gt; (quote (things we said today))
+<P><CODE>Quote</CODE> is a <A NAME="g3"></A><A NAME="g4"></A>special form, since its argument isn't evaluated.
+Instead, it just returns the argument as is.
+<P>Scheme programmers use <CODE>quote</CODE> a lot, so there is an abbreviation for it:
+<P><PRE>&gt; 'square
+&gt; '(old brown shoe)
+(old brown shoe)
+<P>(Since Scheme uses the apostrophe as an abbreviation for <CODE><A NAME="g5"></A>
+quote</CODE>, you can't use one as an ordinary punctuation mark in a sentence.
+That's why we've been avoiding titles like <CODE>(can't buy me love)</CODE>.
+To Scheme this would mean <CODE>(can (quote t) buy me
+love)</CODE>!)<A NAME="text1" HREF="words.html#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>This idea of quoting, although it may seem arbitrary in the context of
+computer programming, is actually quite familiar from ordinary English.
+What is a book?  It's a bunch of pieces of paper, with printing on them,
+bound together.  What is &quot;a book&quot;?  It's a noun phrase, made up of an article
+and a noun.  See?  Similarly, what's 2+3?  It's five.  What's &quot;2+3&quot;?
+It's an arithmetic formula.  When you see words inside quotation marks, you
+understand that you're supposed to think about the words themselves; you
+don't evaluate what they mean.  Scheme is the same way.
+<P>(It's no accident that kids who make jokes like
+<P><P><BLOCKQUOTE>Matt:  &quot;Say your name.&quot;
+<P>Brian:  &quot;Your name.&quot;
+<P><P>grow up to be computer programmers.  The difference between a
+thing and its name is one of the important ideas that programmers need to
+<P>So far all we've done with words and sentences is quote them.  To do more
+interesting work, we need tools for two kinds of operations:  We have to be
+able to take them apart, and we have to be able to put them
+together.<A NAME="text2" HREF="words.html#ft2">[2]</A> We'll start with
+the take-apart tools; the technical term for them is <EM>selectors.</EM>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (first 'something)
+&gt; (first '(eight days a week))
+&gt; (first 910)
+&gt; (last 'something)
+&gt; (last '(eight days a week))
+&gt; (last 910)
+&gt; (butfirst 'something)
+&gt; (butfirst '(eight days a week))
+&gt; (butfirst 910)
+&gt; (butlast 'something)
+&gt; (butlast '(eight days a week))
+&gt; (butlast 910)
+<P>Notice that the <A NAME="g9"></A><CODE>first</CODE> of a sentence is a word, while the
+<CODE>first</CODE> of a word is a letter.  (But there's no separate data type
+called &quot;letter&quot;; a letter is the same as a one-letter word.)  The
+<A NAME="g10"></A><CODE>butfirst</CODE> of a sentence is a sentence, and the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> of a
+word is a word.  The corresponding rules hold for <A NAME="g11"></A><CODE>last</CODE> and
+<A NAME="g12"></A><CODE>butlast</CODE>.
+<P>The names <CODE>butfirst</CODE> and <CODE>butlast</CODE> aren't meant to describe ways to
+sled; they abbreviate &quot;all <CODE>but</CODE> the <CODE>first</CODE>&quot; and &quot;all <CODE>but</CODE>
+the <CODE>last</CODE>.&quot;
+<P>You may be wondering why we're given ways to find the first and last
+elements but not the 42nd element.  It turns out that the ones we have are
+enough, since we can use these primitive selectors to define others:
+<PRE>(define (<A NAME="g13"></A>second thing)
+  (first (butfirst thing)))
+&gt; (second '(like dreamers do))
+&gt; (second 'michelle)
+<P>There is, however, a primitive selector <CODE>item</CODE> that takes
+two arguments, a number <EM>n</EM> and a word or sentence, and returns the <EM>n</EM>th
+element of the second argument.
+<PRE>&gt; (item 4 '(being for the benefit of mister kite!))
+&gt; (item 4 'benefit)
+<P>Don't forget that a sentence containing exactly one word is different from
+the word itself, and selectors operate on the two differently:
+<PRE>&gt; (first 'because)
+&gt; (first '(because))
+<PRE>&gt; (butfirst 'because)
+<A NAME="g14"></A><A NAME="g15"></A>&gt; (butfirst '(because))
+<P>The value of that last expression is the <EM>empty sentence.</EM>  You can tell it's a sentence because of the
+parentheses, and you can tell it's empty because there's nothing between
+<P><PRE>&gt; (butfirst 'a)
+&gt; (butfirst 1024)
+<P>As these examples show, sometimes <CODE>butfirst</CODE> returns a word
+that has to have double-quote marks around it.  The first example
+shows the <EM><A NAME="g16"></A>empty word,</EM> while the second shows a number
+that's not in its ordinary form.  (Its numeric value is 24, but you don't
+usually see a zero in front.)
+<P><PRE>&gt; 024
+&gt; &quot;024"
+<P>We're going to try to avoid printing these funny words.  But don't
+be surprised if you see one as the return value from one of the selectors
+for words.  (Notice that you don't have to put a single quote in front of
+the double quotes.  Strings are self-evaluating, just as numbers are.)
+<A NAME="g17"></A>
+<A NAME="g18"></A>
+<A NAME="g19"></A>
+<P>Since <CODE>butfirst</CODE> and <CODE>butlast</CODE> are so hard to type, there are
+abbreviations <A NAME="g20"></A><CODE>bf</CODE> and <A NAME="g21"></A><CODE>bl</CODE>.  You can figure out which is which.
+<P>Functions for putting things together are called <EM>constructors.</EM>
+For now, we just have two of them: <A NAME="g22"></A><CODE>word</CODE> and <A NAME="g23"></A><CODE>sentence</CODE>.  <CODE>Word</CODE> takes any number of words as arguments and joins them all together
+into one humongous word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (word 'ses 'qui 'pe 'da 'lian 'ism)
+&gt; (word 'now 'here)
+&gt; (word 35 893)
+<P><CODE>Sentence</CODE> is similar, but slightly different, since it can take both 
+words and sentences as arguments:
+<P><PRE>&gt;  (sentence 'carry 'that 'weight)
+&gt; (sentence '(john paul) '(george ringo))
+<P><CODE>Sentence</CODE> is also too hard to type, so there's the
+abbreviation <A NAME="g24"></A><CODE>se</CODE>.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (se '(one plus one) 'makes 2)
+<P>By the way, why did we have to quote <CODE>makes</CODE> in the last example, but
+not <CODE>2</CODE>?  It's because numbers are self-evaluating, as we said
+<A NAME="g25"></A>
+<A NAME="g26"></A>
+in Chapter 3.  We have to quote <CODE>makes</CODE> because otherwise Scheme
+would look for something named <CODE>makes</CODE> instead of using the word
+itself.  But numbers can't be the names of things; they represent
+themselves.  (In fact, you could quote the <CODE>2</CODE> and it wouldn't make any
+difference&mdash;do you see why?)
+<P><H2>First-Class Words and Sentences</H2>
+<P>If Scheme isn't your first programming language, you're probably accustomed
+to dealing with English text on a computer quite differently.  Many other
+languages treat a sentence, for example, as simply a collection (a
+&quot;string&quot;) of <EM>characters</EM> such as letters, spaces, and punctuation.
+Those languages don't help you maintain the two-level nature of English
+text, in which a sentence is composed of words, and a word is composed of
+<P>Historically, computers just dealt with numbers.  You could add two numbers,
+move a number from one place in the computer's memory to another place, and
+so on.  Since each instruction in the computer's native <EM>machine
+language</EM> couldn't process anything larger than a number, programmers
+developed the attitude that a single number is a &quot;real thing&quot; while
+anything more complicated has to be considered as a collection of things,
+rather than as a single thing in itself.
+<P>The computer represents a text character as a single number.  In many
+programming languages, therefore, a character is a &quot;real thing,&quot; but
+a word or sentence is understood only as a collection of these
+character-code numbers.
+<P>But this isn't the way in which human beings normally think about their own
+language.  To you, a word isn't primarily a string of characters (although
+it may temporarily seem like one if you're competing in a spelling bee).
+It's more like a single unit of meaning.  Similarly, a sentence is a
+linguistic structure whose parts are words, not letters and spaces.
+<P>A programming language should let you express your ideas in terms that match
+<EM>your</EM> way of thinking, not the computer's way.  Technically, we say
+that words and sentences should be <EM>first-class data</EM> in our
+language.  This means that a sentence, for example, can be an argument to a
+procedure; it can be the value returned by a procedure; we can give it a name;
+and we can build aggregates whose elements are sentences.  So far we've seen
+how to do the first two of these.  We'll finish the job in Chapter
+7 (on <EM>variables</EM>) and Chapter 17 (on <EM>lists</EM>).
+<P>We've been avoiding apostrophes in our words and sentences because
+they're abbreviations for the <CODE>quote</CODE> special form.  You must also avoid
+periods, commas, semicolons, quotation marks, vertical bars, and, of course,
+parentheses, since all of these have special meanings in Scheme.  You may,
+however, use question marks and exclamation points.
+<P>Although we've already mentioned the need to avoid names of primitives
+when choosing formal parameters, we want to remind you specifically about the
+names <CODE>word</CODE> and <CODE>sentence</CODE>.  These are often very tempting formal
+parameters, because many procedures have words or sentences as their
+domains.  Unfortunately, if you choose these names for parameters, you won't
+be able to use the corresponding procedures within your definition.
+<P><PRE>(define (plural word)                        ;; wrong!
+  (word word 's))
+&gt; (plural 'george)
+ERROR: GEORGE isn't a procedure
+<P>The result of substitution was not, as you might think,
+<P><PRE>(word 'george 's)
+<P>but rather
+<P><PRE>('george 'george 's)
+<P>We've been using <CODE>wd</CODE> and <CODE>sent</CODE> as formal parameters
+instead of <CODE>word</CODE> and <CODE>sentence</CODE>, and we recommend that practice.
+<P>There's a difference between a word and a single-word sentence.  For
+example, people often fall into the trap of thinking that the <CODE>butfirst</CODE>
+of a two-word sentence such as <CODE>(sexy sadie)</CODE> is the second word, but it's
+not.  It's a one-word-long sentence.  For example, its <CODE>count</CODE> is one,
+not five.<A NAME="text3" HREF="words.html#ft3">[3]</A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (bf '(sexy sadie))
+&gt; (first (bf '(sexy sadie)))
+<P>We mentioned earlier that sometimes Scheme has to put double-quote marks
+around words.  Just ignore them; don't get upset if your procedure returns
+<CODE>&quot;6-of-hearts&quot;</CODE> instead of just <CODE>6-of-hearts</CODE>.
+<P><CODE>Quote</CODE> doesn't mean &quot;print.&quot; Some people look at interactions
+like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; '(good night)
+<P>and think that the quotation mark was an instruction telling
+Scheme to print what comes after it.  Actually, Scheme <EM>always</EM> prints
+the value of each expression you type, as part of the read-eval-print loop.
+In this case, the value of the entire expression is the subexpression that's
+being quoted, namely, the sentence <CODE>(good night)</CODE>.  That value wouldn't
+be printed if the quotation were part of some larger expression:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (bf '(good night))
+<P>If you see an error message like
+<P><PRE>&gt; (+ 3 (bf 1075))
+<P>try entering the expression
+<P><PRE>&gt; (strings-are-numbers #t)
+<P>and try again.  (The extension to Scheme that allows arithmetic
+operations to work on nonstandard numbers like <CODE>&quot;075&quot;</CODE> makes ordinary
+arithmetic slower than usual.  So we've provided a way to turn the extension
+on and off.  Invoking <CODE>strings-are-numbers</CODE> with the argument <CODE>#f</CODE>
+turns off the extension.)<A NAME="text4" HREF="words.html#ft4">[4]</A>
+<P><H2>Boring Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>5.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What values are printed when you type these expressions to Scheme?  (Figure
+it out in your head before you try it on the computer.)
+<P><PRE>(sentence 'I '(me mine))
+(sentence '() '(is empty))
+(word '23 '45)
+(se '23 '45)
+(bf 'a)
+(bf '(aye))
+(count (first '(maggie mae)))
+(se &quot;&quot; '() &quot;&quot; '())
+(count (se &quot;&quot; '() &quot;&quot; '()))
+<P><B>5.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;For each of the following examples, write a procedure of two arguments
+that, when applied to the sample arguments, returns the sample result.
+Your procedures may not include any quoted data.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (f1 '(a b c) '(d e f))
+(B C D E)
+&gt; (f2 '(a b c) '(d e f))
+(B C D E AF)
+&gt; (f3 '(a b c) '(d e f))
+(A B C A B C)
+&gt; (f4 '(a b c) '(d e f))
+<B>5.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference in meaning between <CODE>(first 'mezzanine)</CODE> and
+<CODE>(first '(mezzanine))</CODE>.
+<B>5.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference between the two expressions <CODE>(first (square 7))</CODE> and
+<CODE>(first '(square 7))</CODE>.
+<B>5.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference between <CODE>(word 'a 'b 'c)</CODE> and <CODE>(se 'a 'b 'c)</CODE>.
+<B>5.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference between <CODE>(bf 'zabadak)</CODE> and <CODE>(butfirst
+<B>5.7</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Explain the difference between <CODE>(bf 'x)</CODE> and <CODE>(butfirst '(x))</CODE>.
+<B>5.8</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Which of the following are legal Scheme sentences?
+<P><PRE>(here, there and everywhere)
+(all i've got to do)
+(you know my name (look up the number))
+<B>5.9</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Figure out what values each of the following will return <EM>before</EM>
+you try them on the computer:
+<P><PRE>(se (word (bl (bl (first '(make a))))
+          (bf (bf (last '(baseball mitt)))))
+    (word (first 'with) (bl (bl (bl (bl 'rigidly))))
+          (first 'held) (first (bf 'stitches))))
+(se (word (bl (bl 'bring)) 'a (last 'clean))
+    (word (bl (last '(baseball hat))) (last 'for) (bl (bl 'very))
+	  (last (first '(sunny days)))))
+<P><B>5.10</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What kinds of argument can you give <CODE>butfirst</CODE> so that it
+returns a word?  A sentence?
+<B>5.11</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What kinds of argument can you give <CODE>last</CODE> so that it returns a word?  A
+<B>5.12</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Which of the functions <CODE>first</CODE>, <CODE>last</CODE>, <CODE>butfirst</CODE>, and
+<CODE>butlast</CODE> can return an empty word?  For what arguments?  What about
+returning an empty sentence?
+<H2>Real Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>5.13</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <CODE>'</CODE>&thinsp;<CODE>'banana</CODE> stand for?
+<P>What is <CODE>(first '</CODE>&thinsp;<CODE>'banana)</CODE> and why?
+<B>5.14</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g27"></A>third</CODE> that selects the third letter of a word
+(or the third word of a sentence).
+<B>5.15</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A NAME="firsttwo"></A>
+Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g28"></A>first-two</CODE> that takes a word as its argument,
+returning a two-letter word containing the first two letters of the argument.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (first-two 'ambulatory)
+<B>5.16</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g29"></A>two-first</CODE> that takes two words as arguments,
+returning a two-letter word containing the first letters of the two
+<P><PRE>&gt; (two-first 'brian 'epstein)
+<P>Now write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g30"></A>two-first-sent</CODE> that takes a two-word
+sentence as argument, returning a two-letter word containing the first
+letters of the two words.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (two-first-sent '(brian epstein))
+<B>5.17</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g31"></A>knight</CODE> that takes a person's name as its
+argument and returns the name with &quot;Sir&quot; in front of it.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (knight '(david wessel))
+<B>5.18</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Try the following and explain the result:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g32"></A>ends word)
+  (word (first word) (last word)))
+&gt; (ends 'john)
+<B>5.19</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g33"></A>insert-and</CODE> that takes a sentence of items and
+returns a new sentence with an &quot;and&quot; in the right place:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (insert-and '(john bill wayne fred joey))
+<B>5.20</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Define a procedure to find somebody's middle names:
+&gt; (<A NAME="g34"></A>middle-names '(james paul mccartney))
+&gt; (middle-names '(john ronald raoul tolkien))
+&gt; (middle-names '(bugs bunny))
+&gt; (middle-names '(peter blair denis bernard noone))
+<B>5.21</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g35"></A>query</CODE> that turns a statement into a question
+by swapping the first two words and adding a question mark to the last word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (query '(you are experienced))
+&gt; (query '(i should have known better))
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="words.html#text1">[1]</A> Actually, it <EM>is</EM> possible to put punctuation
+inside words as long as the entire word is enclosed in double-quote
+marks, like this:
+<A NAME="g6"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; '(&quot;can't&quot; buy me love)
+(&quot;can't&quot; BUY ME LOVE)
+<P>Words like that are called <EM>strings.</EM> We're not going
+to use them in any examples until almost the end of the book.  Stay away from
+punctuation and you won't get in trouble.  However, question marks and
+exclamation points are okay.  (Ordinary words, the ones that are neither
+strings nor numbers, are officially called <EM>symbols.</EM>)<P>
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="words.html#text2">[2]</A><A NAME="g7"></A>
+<A NAME="g8"></A> The procedures we're about to show you are not part of
+standard, official Scheme.  Scheme does provide ways to do these things, but
+the regular ways are somewhat more complicated and error-prone for
+beginners.  We've provided a simpler way to do symbolic computing, using
+ideas developed as part of the Logo programming language.<P>
+<A NAME="ft3" HREF="words.html#text3">[3]</A> You met <CODE>count</CODE> in Chapter 2.  It takes a word
+or sentence as its argument, returning either the number of letters in the
+word or the number of words in the sentence.<P>
+<A NAME="ft4" HREF="words.html#text4">[4]</A> See Appendix A for a fuller explanation.<P>
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