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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
commit562a9a52d599d9a05f871404050968a5fd282640 (patch)
tree7d3305c1252c043bfe246ccc7deff0056aa6b5ab /js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/stop.html
parent5d012c6c011a9dedf7d0a098e456206244eb5a0f (diff)
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+<TITLE>Stop Saying ``Computer Literacy''!</TITLE>
+<H1>Stop Saying ``Computer Literacy''!</H1>
+<CITE>Brian Harvey<BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<P>[A version of this paper was published in <EM>Classroom Computer
+News</EM> in 1983.]
+<P>As computers become more widely used in schools, educators have invented
+many different ways to use them.  The different uses for computers
+are based on quite diverse models of what the purposes of computer
+education should be.  One very common approach is based on the notion
+of ``computer literacy'': the idea that there is some basic familiarity
+with computers which <EM>all</EM> students need in order to compete in
+the job market, or to be informed citizens.  The purpose of this paper
+is to question whether that notion is valid.
+<H2>The Importance of Metaphor</H2>
+<P>Several educators have questioned the specific details of particular
+``literacy'' plans, while accepting the overall concept.  ``Computer
+literacy doesn't mean X,'' they say, ``it means Y.''  For example,
+Arthur Luehrmann says, ``[C]omputer literacy must also mean the ability
+to <EM>do</EM> computing, and not merely to recognize, identify, or be
+aware of alleged facts about computing.''  (Luehrmann, 1981)  His
+argument is that a computer curriculum should give students actual
+programming experience, not just reading about computers in a book.
+But Luehrmann accepts the concept of computer literacy itself, the
+idea that there is <EM>something</EM> which every student must learn.
+He questions only the details of just what this something is.
+<P>What I would like to do is call into question the claim that there
+is anything about computers which belongs in the school experience
+of <EM>every</EM> student.  I agree with Luehrmann that programming can
+be a valuable experience.  But the word ``literacy'' means more than
+that; it means that everyone must have the experience in order to
+be able to function at all in society.
+<P>Many people, hearing me make this argument, have complained that it
+is foolish to argue about a word.  ``Call it something else,
+then, and let's get on with deciding what it should be.''  This complaint
+misses the point, and indeed could be said to prove the point.  People
+who have become accustomed to the ``literacy'' idea find it very difficult
+even to entertain the question of whether there is any universally
+required computer experience.
+<P>The trouble is that the word ``literacy'' is a magic word, which conjures
+up a very strong metaphor.  Literacy in its original sense, knowing
+how to read, really <EM>is</EM> universally required in our society.
+Any educator who suggested eliminating reading from the curriculum
+would be laughed at, if not tarred and feathered.  Merely to say the
+phrase ``computer literacy'' definitively answers a question which
+has not explicitly been asked.  It's like the classic ``When
+did you stop beating your wife,'' but harder to recognize because
+it is so widely used.
+<P>One practical result of the literacy metaphor is that many decisions about
+computer education have been made in a kind of panic.  Parents call up the
+school committee to ask why their children are not being trained for the
+vital computer job skill.  These parents may not know just what that skill
+is, and neither does the school committee.  But they do know that the
+private school down the road has computers.
+<H2>What Everyone Needs to Know</H2>
+<P>It's quite true that more and more jobs involve the use of computers.
+That's different from saying that these jobs involve computer
+<EM>expertise</EM>.  Let's look at some examples.
+<P>A good example of a computer-using job
+is that of selling hamburgers at McDonald's.
+That machine behind the counter which looks like a cash register is
+actually a computer terminal.  When you order a Quarter-pounder with
+cheese, instead of ringing up whatever the price is, the counter person
+pushes a button which says ``Quarter-pounder with cheese.'' 
+The computer displays the price, but it also keeps track of how many
+of this item are sitting under the heat lamps.  If they're running
+short, the computer tells the cooks in the back to make more.  The
+same computer can tell the manager to buy more hamburger buns at the
+right time.  It's a pretty sophisticated system, and helps make McDonald's
+a low-overhead operation.
+<P>Now, what does the person behind the McDonald's counter need to know
+about computers?  He only needs to know that when you ask for a
+Quarter-pounder with cheese, he should push the button which says
+``Quarter-pounder with cheese.''  That's it.  Nothing about input
+unit, output unit, processor, and memory; nothing about programming
+<P>Perhaps a more common example is that of computer word processing.
+The word processor involves a much more intimate interaction with
+the computer than selling hamburgers.  Still, the manufacturers of
+word processing systems take pains to <EM>hide</EM> the computer, to
+make the way you operate the machine as much as possible like operating
+an ordinary typewriter.  What skills does a word processing operator
+need?  For the most part, exactly the same skills a secretary needed
+before word processing: good spelling and punctuation, touch typing,
+being able to read the boss's handwriting.  What the computer adds
+is mostly a matter of pushing the ``paragraph'' button instead of
+the carriage return and the tab.
+<P>There are more specifically computer-related skills, of course, like
+threading the fanfold paper into the printer.  But that's the sort
+of thing which is done differently for each specific model, and which
+is part of a very specific job training program.  It isn't what you'd
+teach in a ``computer literacy'' course for everyone.
+<P>Perhaps the point really is that there are too many <EM>different</EM>
+computer-related skills to teach all of them to every student.  Using
+a spreadsheet program, for example, is very different from using a
+word processor.  Using a microprocessor-controlled automobile engine
+tester is very different from either.  Neither ``this is the return
+key'' nor actual programming will help much with any of those job
+<H2>An Analogy</H2>
+<P>Virtually everyone in our society deals with automobiles.  Each of
+us would do well to know about what goes on under the hood, and many
+people do.  But many don't, and they function okay.  When the car
+breaks down, they call the AAA.  Some people drive in unusual conditions,
+far from help, and those people may need to be self-reliant in the
+field of automobile repair.  But it would be silly to require an auto
+mechanics course for every student.  It would be even sillier to require
+an ``automobile literacy'' course in which students read about cars
+without using one.  Many students do find driver training worthwhile,
+but even that isn't required.  Some people don't drive; some grow
+up on farms and start driving tractors long before the official driver
+training age; some are taught by their parents.
+<H2>Reasons for Computer Literacy</H2>
+<P>I think the notion of computer literacy grew up in the first place
+as an accident of history, because of the great speed with which computers
+have become important.  Curriculum developers are, by and large, 30
+or 40 or 50 years old.  They grew up in a world without computers.
+Suddenly, they have had to face up to a shocking change in the very
+nature of the world around them.  In inventing computer literacy courses,
+they have designed a curriculum <EM>for themselves</EM>, not for the
+kids who have grown up with Pacman, automated bank tellers, and bar
+code readers in the supermarket.
+<P>Another, more sophisticated reason is a confusion about the role of
+education in social mobility.  Many people think that by learning
+to program computers one can get a good job.  The problem with this
+idea is that what works for a few people stops working when everyone
+does it.  Many years ago, hardly anyone had a high school diploma.
+Those who did have one could get the cream of the jobs.  A few decades
+ago, about half the population of the United States graduated from
+high school.  They didn't get the very best jobs--by then, you needed
+a <EM>college</EM> diploma for that--but they did get decent and fairly
+secure jobs.  Now, almost everyone has a high school diploma, and
+it's worthless.
+<P>Similarly, the day of the matchbook-cover computer school as the route
+to riches is already over.  There are many openings for computer programmers,
+but the jobs go to people with Computer Science doctorates, preferably
+with experience.  There is still room for the programming entrepreneur,
+but the people who succeed in that role are not the product of computer
+literacy courses.  They are computer enthusiasts who do it <EM>because it's
+fun</EM>, not because it's homework.
+<P>I believe that the effect of the ``computer literacy'' movement will
+be the opposite of what is intended.  In the early days, when very
+few schools offered such courses, their alumni really did have a competitive
+edge in the job market.  But as we approach the day when every school
+offers ``literacy'' courses, a day eagerly sought by those who believe
+in the literacy metaphor, there will be more ``literates'' than jobs.
+Those who have taken the courses won't find easy jobs.  But those
+who <EM>haven't</EM> taken the courses will be completely out of luck.
+Ironically, the literacy metaphor will become self-fulfilling, not
+because there is any real need for such training, but because employers
+will start demanding it as a filter for job applicants, just as there
+is no <EM>real</EM> basis for requiring a high school diploma for many
+jobs today.
+<P>It used to be that computer companies like IBM ran their own training
+program for their employees.  A friend of my family was a high school
+dropout who was hired by IBM as a keypunch operator, and through IBM's
+training courses learned to program.  She is now a very successful
+senior programmer.  That sort of opportunity isn't available any more;
+you need both a diploma and data processing experience to get hired
+at IBM.  The poor and the black, who are disproportionately high school
+dropouts, will find one more barrier to employment as ``computer literacy''
+joins the list of school subjects which some people pass and some
+<H2>Another Analogy</H2>
+<P>For a moment, forget about the idea of survival skills, like reading,
+and think instead about the high school newspaper.  Some kids work
+on the newspaper and some don't.  For those who do, it is an incredibly
+valuable experience.  The value is <EM>not</EM> realized only for those
+students who go on to become professional journalists.  Everyone who
+participates learns writing skills, critical thinking skills, and
+the subtler skills of meeting deadlines, getting the job done, depending
+on themselves instead of on some adult.  I would recommend the experience
+to any young person.
+<P>But those who don't join the newspaper staff aren't unemployable.
+There are other ways to learn the same skills.  Also, some people
+may not learn those skills at all, but may learn different skills,
+in a different setting, perhaps even out of school.
+<P>Now imagine that for some reason there grew up a national movement
+for ``journalism literacy.''  Need I describe the results?  Aside
+from the economic and political disaster I've already mentioned, the
+quality of the newspapers themselves would go down.  The learning
+experience would become a much less valuable one, intrinsically, job
+status aside.
+<H2>So What Should We Be Doing?</H2>
+<P>If computer literacy is the wrong idea, what's the right idea?
+<P>One right idea, I think, is suggested by the newspaper analogy.  The
+computer can be an appealing medium for learning for some students,
+without being forced upon every student.  Computers are a general-purpose
+tool; they may appeal to different students in different ways.  One
+student may like graphics and animation.  Another may like electronic
+mail.  Another may prefer video games.  The architecture and scheduling
+of a computer facility should encourage all these diverse uses.
+<P>Another right idea is to make the computer available to students as
+a serious tool, in their lives <EM>right now</EM>, not as something they'll
+need later.  Probably the most important example of this approach
+is word processing.  Students have to write many papers, for English
+teachers, history teachers, and so on.  Word processing can make the
+mechanics of this task much easier, encouraging second drafts.  Instead
+of setting up a required course, try just letting students know that
+this facility is available to them if they want it.  But provide enough
+printers to handle the load!
+<P>Finally, for students who are interested, the computer can be valuable
+not as narrow job training, but as a medium for developing problem-solving
+skills.  It can also be a medium for developing independence, since
+not every student need be doing the same programming project at the
+same time.  This educational use of computer <EM>programming</EM> is
+the central idea behind the Logo approach to computer education
+(Papert, 1980).
+<P>What's in a name?  A great deal, when the name brings in a strong
+hidden assumption about the sociology and economics of the job market.
+``Computer literacy'' implies some skill or knowledge which is
+necessary for every person to be able to cope with the computer-centered
+society.  This implication leads to certain specific policy decisions
+about computer education; for example, it leads to spreading out the
+available computer time (of which there is never enough) among a very
+large number of students, some of whom aren't interested.  The ones
+who <EM>are</EM> interested then don't get enough time to pursue their
+interest in any meaningful way.
+<P>The model implied by the literacy metaphor is false.  There are
+<EM>no</EM> universally valuable computer skills, or universally important
+facts about computers.  Changing the definition of ``computer literacy''
+to contain more programming experience, or more study of social implications,
+or more study of binary numbers, is missing the point.
+<P>The bad drives out the good.  As more and more schools adopt the ``literacy''
+metaphor, other schools are under terrible pressure to go along. 
+The day will come when the metaphor becomes self-fulfilling.  To prevent
+that, we must decide explicitly to reject this model
+for computer education.
+<P>Luehrmann, Arthur.  "Computer Literacy--What Should It Be?"
+<CITE>The Mathematics Teacher</CITE> vol 74 no 9, Dec 1981.
+<P>Papert, Seymour.  <CITE>Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas</CITE>
+Basic Books, 1980.
+<A HREF="index.html"><CODE>www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh</CODE></A>