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+<TITLE>Computer Science Logo Style vol 1 ch 13: Planning</TITLE>
+<CITE>Computer Science Logo Style</CITE> volume 1:
+<CITE>Symbolic Computing</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1997 MIT
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../csls1.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
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+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/computer-science-logo-style-second-edition-volume-1">MIT
+Press web page for Computer Science Logo Style</A>
+<HR><P>Program file for this chapter: <A HREF="poker.lg"><CODE>poker</CODE></A>
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="ucb.jpg" ALT="figure: ucb"></CENTER>
+<P>The picture above shows some of the architecture on the University of
+California campus at Berkeley.  At the left of the picture is South
+Hall, one of the original campus buildings, with red brick, ivy, and
+many chimneys.  The white brick clock tower that dominates the center
+of the picture is Sather Tower, popularly called the Campanile after
+the building in Venice, Italy, on which it is modeled.  Just to its
+left is Evans Hall, the concrete fortress that houses the Mathematics
+Department.  Andrews Hall, at the very front of the picture,
+is a small, one-floor building with an unusually shaped roof.
+Stephens Hall, mostly hidden by the trees behind Andrews, is a
+yellow-green zigzag.
+<CENTER><IMG SRC="su1.jpg" ALT="figure: su1"></CENTER>
+<CENTER><IMG SRC="su2.jpg" ALT="figure: su2"></CENTER>
+<P>And here is a similar view of the Stanford University campus in
+Palo Alto, California.  Compared to the Berkeley buildings, the ones
+you see here look very uniform.  At the left in the first photo is
+a corner of the Quadrangle, the central building complex of the campus.
+The School of Education, down the path on the left, follows the same
+pattern of rough tan stone with a sloping orange roof.  The Meyer Library,
+at the rear of the photo, follows the same color scheme, even though it's
+obviously a more recent building.  The second photo shows the new School
+of Law.  In this building the architect has clearly worked to combine
+the same tan stone, orange roof theme with more modern details: the texture
+of the stone is more uniform and the arches are less ornate.
+Both of these campuses are the result of architectural planning, but
+they illustrate two different <EM>styles</EM> of planning.  The
+Stanford campus was planned <EM>top-down;</EM> first came an overall
+concept and then the details to fill in that concept.  The Berkeley
+campus was planned <EM>bottom-up;</EM> each new building was designed
+to fit its architect's idea of the immediate, local situation.  Some
+of the individual buildings are quite beautiful, but it's those
+buildings, rather than the campus as a unit, that attract attention.
+<P>(I'm oversimplifying, of course.  In a strictly top-down approach, the
+entire campus would be laid out on paper before any building was
+built.  Adding new buildings later, even if they're made to fit in
+with the old ones, means that the original plan was defective.
+Instead of patching it up, a top-down purist would have the architects
+begin all over again, allowing for more buildings from the beginning
+of the design process.  And in fact the original Berkeley campus was
+much more uniform than the campus today, but very rapid growth led to
+widespread changes in the original plan.  Still, the difference in
+architectural planning styles is striking and suggestive.)
+<P>The same two planning strategies are possible in computer
+programming.  Suppose you want to write a program to play
+tic-tac-toe, as I did in Chapter 6.  You can start by saying,
+&quot;Let's see if I can draw the board.&quot; You'd write a procedure to draw the
+four lines that make up the tic-tac-toe grid.  Then you might write
+procedures to draw an X and an O in the right size for the boxes you've
+made.  And so on.  That would be a bottom-up design.  Alternatively, you
+might start by deciding on the major tasks that your program will have to
+carry out.  You might then write a top-level procedure like this:
+<P><PRE>to ttt
+to playgame
+move &quot;x
+if winp &quot;x [stop]
+move &quot;o
+if winp &quot;o [stop]
+<P>In writing <CODE>ttt</CODE> and <CODE>playgame</CODE>, I've freely used
+subprocedures that I haven't written yet.  Later I could fill in the
+gaps, writing procedures that will do exactly what's needed to fill
+their places in the main procedure.
+<P><H2>Structured Programming</H2>
+<P>In recent years the majority of computer scientists have adopted a
+school of thought called structured programming.  This
+phrase--the title of a 1972 book by O. J. Dahl,
+Edsger Dijkstra,
+and C. A. R. Hoare--describes an
+uncompromising top-down philosophy of programming.  Structured
+programming is more than just the top-down idea, though; it also
+includes rules for each step in the program development process.  For
+example, one potential problem with top-down programming is that it's
+hard to test a procedure you've written until its subprocedures are
+written also.  (By contrast, a subprocedure can be tested before its
+superprocedures are written.) Structured programming solves this
+problem by recommending the use of <EM>stubs</EM>--preliminary
+versions of the subprocedures that don't really do the job but
+provide some result that allows the higher-level procedures to be
+tested.  For example, an operation that hasn't been written yet might
+be replaced by a stub that always outputs zero, or the empty list, or
+some other simple, appropriate value.
+<P>More importantly, the structured programming approach tells us not to write
+any procedures at all until we've first written a detailed specification of
+the how the program should behave, and then a detailed plan of how it will
+be organized to achieve that goal.
+<P>The programming language Pascal was designed
+by Niklaus Wirth in 1970
+to promote a programming style and philosophy like that of
+structured programming.  Pascal is meant to teach
+a top-down structured style by providing just the tools needed
+for that approach but making it hard to program in other styles.
+The widespread use of Pascal in college programming courses reflects
+the popularity of the structured programming approach.
+<P>(As I am preparing the second edition of this book in 1995, Pascal
+is just beginning to lose ground as a teaching language; several competing
+schools of thought about programming have led to diverse language choices.
+The best known right now is the language C++, which exemplifies an <EM>
+object oriented</EM> approach to program structure.  Others are Ada and
+Modula, two languages more or less in the Pascal tradition, and Scheme,
+which is, like Logo, a dialect of Lisp and represents the artificial
+intelligence tradition.)
+<P><H2>Critique of Structured Programming</H2>
+<P>One area of computer science in which the top-down approach has not
+been accepted so enthusiastically is artificial intelligence.  AI
+researchers try to program computers to carry out ill-defined, complex
+tasks (playing chess is a prototypical example) for which there is no
+single, obvious method.  In that kind of research project you can't
+start by writing down on paper a complete specification of how the
+finished program will be organized.  Instead you start with a more or
+less vague idea, you try programming it, and then you play around with
+it to try to improve the results.  That's one reason why the majority
+of AI programs are written in Lisp, a language that is interactive,
+so it encourages you to &quot;program at the keyboard.&quot; Pascal, on the
+other hand, was designed to
+be a <EM>compiled</EM> language, in which you must write
+an entire program before you can carry out a single instruction.
+<P>Logo, a dialect of Lisp, was developed by artificial intelligence
+researchers.  Their idea was to see if they could use some of their
+experience with the problem of trying to get computers to think in
+order to help human beings learn to think more effectively--at least
+about certain kinds of problems.  You shouldn't be surprised,
+therefore, to learn that Logoites tend not to be enthusiastic about
+structured programming.
+<P>It's not that we're against planning.  On the contrary!  Planning is
+one of the most fundamental problem-solving skills.  But there are
+many kinds of planning.  The kind in which every part of your
+program's behavior is written down before you begin programming isn't
+very realistic in many contexts.  Even in the large-scale business or
+government projects that structured programmers like to talk about,
+it's very common that the ultimate users of a program change their
+minds about how it should work, once they have some experience with
+using it.  The wise programmer will anticipate these changing
+requirements in the original planning process.  Still, one never
+anticipates everything; a sensible person faced with an unexpected
+change in requirements will be flexible
+enough to modify the initial plan, not start all over again.  And it's
+even more true for people like you, who are just learning to program,
+that the &quot;goal&quot; of a programming project is exploratory rather than
+<P>Sometimes human lives depend on the correct operation of a computer
+program.  In one famous example, just about the time that the first edition
+of this book was published, one person died and others were injured because
+the program controlling a medical X-ray machine gave patients massive
+overdoses of radiation.  Certainly, any programming techniques that can help
+prevent such accidents are valuable.  Still, the techniques applicable to
+life-or-death programming situations are not necessarily the best techniques
+for beginning learners, nor even for experienced researchers who are
+exploring a new area rather than writing production programs.
+<P><H2>A Sample Project: Counting Poker Hands</H2>
+<P>To make all this more concrete, I'd like to show you an actual planning
+process for a programming project.  I'm going to write a Logo program and
+tell you what I'm doing as I go along.  I am sitting at a rather crowded
+desk; on my left is a microcomputer running Logo, and on my right is the
+terminal with which I call up the large computer I use for text editing.
+I'll switch back and
+forth as I work.<SUP>*</SUP> Please understand
+that I'm not showing you the Official Logo Programming Style.  I'm showing
+you one way in which one Logo programmer approaches a particular project.
+<P><SMALL><BLOCKQUOTE><SMALL><SUP>*</SUP>Home computers have become more
+powerful since I wrote that in 1984.  I can now run Logo in one window and
+edit the book in another window on the same computer.</SMALL></BLOCKQUOTE></SMALL><P>The project I have in mind is to announce the value of a poker hand.
+That is, the program should behave something like this:
+<P><PRE>? <U>pokerhand [3s qc 3d 3h qd]</U>
+full house (threes and queens)
+? <U>pokerhand [4c 7h 5d 3c 6d]</U>
+straight (seven high)
+? <U>pokerhand [2h 10d 5s 6s 10s]</U>
+pair of tens
+<P>In imagining this sample dialogue, I'm doing a kind of
+top-down planning.  I've specified, for example, the form in which I
+intend to represent a hand (a list of five cards) and a card (a word
+combining a rank from
+<P><PRE>[a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 j q k]
+<P>with a suit from
+<P><PRE>[h s d c]
+<P>standing for hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs).  I
+suppose that means that I've decided we're playing five-card draw
+poker rather than seven-card stud.  But later I may want to think
+again about that choice.  I've also written down a few of the specific
+messages the program can print, although I'm much less certain about
+these.  I may or may not actually bother with the details in
+parentheses, for example.
+<P>Okay, how will the program work?  I envision a series of tests for
+particular kinds of poker hands.  So in my head there is a vague
+procedure template like this:
+<P><PRE>to pokerhand :cards
+if royal.flushp :cards [print [royal flush] stop]
+if fourp :cards [print [four of a kind] stop]
+if straight.flushp :cards [print [straight flush] stop]
+print [I suggest you fold.]
+<P>This isn't something I'm ready to type into my computer.
+I'm still thinking about how the details are likely to work out.  One
+thing that comes to mind is that, as it stands, there will be a great
+duplication of effort.  The test for a royal flush is just like the
+test for a straight flush, plus a particular special condition (ace
+high).  I shouldn't really make that test twice.  For that matter the
+test for a straight flush is the test for a straight combined with
+the test for a flush.  I shouldn't have another instruction starting
+<CODE>if straightp</CODE> repeating the same test.
+<P><H2>An Initialization Procedure</H2>
+<P>I also shouldn't read through the list representing the hand a million
+times, each time pulling out the rank without the suit or vice versa.
+It seems that I should begin by going through the hand <EM>once,</EM>
+extracting various kinds of information into a bunch of variables.
+I'll probably have <CODE>ranks</CODE> and <CODE>suits</CODE>, along with things like
+<CODE>pairs</CODE>, which will list the ranks that appear twice in the
+hand.  I'm not sure exactly what variables I'll need, but I am now
+impatient to start programming.  What I'm going to do is write an
+initialization procedure to set up all this information.
+<P>In revising this chapter for the second edition, I find that I have
+very different ideas about how to write this initialization procedure.  But
+I think that it's worthwhile, since this is a chapter about planning a
+program and not about the finished product, to preserve my original version
+and the reasoning that led me to write it.  In the next section I'll show
+another approach.
+<P><PRE>to poker.init :cards                  ;; first edition version
+make &quot;ranks []
+make &quot;suits []
+make &quot;pairs []
+make &quot;threes []
+make &quot;fours []
+read.cards :cards
+<P><CODE>Read.cards</CODE>, when I write it, will insert new members into the lists
+that <CODE>poker.init</CODE> sets up as empty lists.  Why <CODE>pairs</CODE>, <CODE>
+threes</CODE>, and <CODE>fours</CODE> but not, for example, <CODE>straights</CODE> and <CODE>
+flushes</CODE>?  Pairhood is a property of just part of a hand, whereas
+straighthood is a property of the entire hand.  It doesn't make sense to say
+that three of the five cards form a straight.  But the lists <CODE>:ranks</CODE>
+and <CODE>:suits</CODE> will help in determining whether the hand is a straight or
+a flush, respectively.  For instance, a flush is a hand in which there is
+only one suit, so if <CODE>:suits</CODE> turns out to be a list of length one, the
+hand is a flush.  A full house is a hand with one rank listed in <CODE>
+:threes</CODE> and another listed in <CODE>:pairs</CODE>.
+<P>I seem to be violating my own rules here, with all these explicit
+assignments to variables that are not made <CODE>local</CODE>.  But of
+course the whole point of an initialization procedure is that the
+variables will be used later by some other procedure, not this one or
+one of its subprocedures.  In a large project, it's typical for an
+initialization procedure to assign values to nonlocal variables.  If
+I'm being careful, when I get around to writing the top-level <CODE>
+pokerhand</CODE> I'll probably put <CODE>local</CODE> instructions for these
+variables there.
+<P>I can write <CODE>read.cards</CODE> without thinking about it at all, and I hope you
+can too.  It's one of the standard templates: &quot;Do something to each
+member of a list.&quot;
+<P><PRE>to read.cards :cards
+foreach :cards &quot;read.card
+<P>It's not obvious what goes inside <CODE>read.card</CODE>, but I can imagine
+some of the instructions.  So I'll start writing it anyway.
+<P><PRE>to read.card :card
+make &quot;ranks fput butlast :card :ranks
+make &quot;suits fput last :card :suits
+<P>Okay, time to do some thinking.  I can see that there are going to be
+a lot of those <CODE>make</CODE>, <CODE>fput</CODE> instructions.  I should have a
+subprocedure to handle it.
+<P><PRE>to read.card :card
+insert butlast :card &quot;ranks
+insert last :card &quot;suits
+<P>(By the way, do you see why I extract the rank of a card
+with <CODE>butlast</CODE> rather than <CODE>first</CODE>?  It wouldn't matter,
+except for the tens where the rank is two digits.  That is, the ten
+of spades is represented by the word <CODE>10s</CODE>.  The <CODE>first</CODE> of
+that word is the single digit <CODE>1</CODE>; its <CODE>butlast</CODE> is <CODE>10</CODE>,
+the number we really want.)  
+<P>I know that the second input to <CODE>insert</CODE> has to be the name of the
+variable (like <CODE>&quot;ranks</CODE>) and not the value of the variable (like <CODE>
+:ranks</CODE>) because I've used techniques like this before.  That input is going
+to be used, among other things, as the first input to a <CODE>make</CODE>
+invocation.  <CODE>Make</CODE> needs the <EM>name</EM> of the variable in order to
+be able to change its value.  Although this particular notation is specific
+to Logo, most programming languages have some way to distinguish between
+<EM>call by value</EM> (<CODE>:ranks</CODE>) and <EM>call by name</EM> (<CODE>&quot;ranks</CODE>)
+or some similar mechanism to handle the special cases in which a
+subprocedure must be able to modify a superprocedure's variable.
+<P>What about <CODE>pairs</CODE> and so on?  The idea is that if I've seen this
+particular rank before, I should insert it in <CODE>pairs</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>if memberp butlast :card :ranks [insert butlast :card &quot;pairs]
+<P>But there's a bug.  If I put that instruction after the ones
+I've already written, the rank will <EM>always</EM> be found in <CODE>
+:ranks</CODE> because I've just put it there!  Instead I have to put this
+instruction <EM>before</EM> the one that inserts into <CODE>:ranks</CODE>.
+In fact, the same problem will arise with the other lists.  I have to
+start by testing <CODE>:threes</CODE> and inserting into <CODE>:fours</CODE>, and
+work my way down to <CODE>:ranks</CODE>.  This illustrates a general rule:
+<EM>Always make the most restrictive test first.</EM> I learned that
+rule through hours of debugging earlier projects; now I recognize the
+situation right away.  Here's the finished procedure:
+<P><PRE>to read.card :card
+insert last :card &quot;suits
+if memberp butlast :card :threes [insert butlast :card &quot;fours stop]
+if memberp butlast :card :pairs [insert butlast :card &quot;threes stop]
+if memberp butlast :card :ranks [insert butlast :card &quot;pairs stop]
+insert butlast :card &quot;ranks
+<P>The <CODE>stop</CODE> commands are just for efficiency.  Suppose
+I've found a particular rank three times already in this poker hand,
+and the card I'm looking at now is the fourth of the same rank.  Then
+the first <CODE>if</CODE> will succeed, since the rank was already a member
+of <CODE>:threes</CODE>.  If the <CODE>stop</CODE> command were omitted, I'd go on
+to the next <CODE>if</CODE> instruction, which would find the rank in <CODE>
+:pairs</CODE> and therefore insert it into <CODE>:threes</CODE>.  But that's
+unnecessary; if I've found the rank in <CODE>:threes</CODE>, there is no need
+to insert it there again!  In other words, if I'm
+about to insert this card in the list of <CODE>fours</CODE>, there is no need
+to check to see if it's in the lists of smaller runs of the same
+rank.  (Of course, it's sort of funny having <CODE>threes</CODE> and <CODE>
+fours</CODE> as lists, since there can't be more than one of them in a
+five-card poker hand!  But this structure makes the instructions
+pleasingly similar.)
+<P>I notice another potential bug.  When I add a rank to, for example,
+<CODE>:threes</CODE>, I don't remove it from <CODE>:pairs</CODE>.  So my data base
+will claim that I have a pair as well as three of a kind.  I could
+write a <CODE>remove</CODE> procedure analogous to <CODE>insert</CODE>, but my guess
+is that it won't be necessary.  If I follow the &quot;most restrictive
+test first&quot; principle later in the program, I'll know I have three of
+a kind before I ever look at <CODE>:pairs</CODE>.  If it turns out to be a
+problem later, I'll fix it then.
+I'm slightly annoyed that this procedure computes <CODE>butlast :card</CODE> so
+many times.  Perhaps it should be
+<P><PRE>to read.card :card
+local &quot;rank
+make &quot;rank butlast :card
+<P>But in fact I haven't bothered making that change.
+<P>Finally, here is the missing subprocedure <CODE>insert</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>to insert :item :list
+if memberp :item thing :list [stop]
+make :list fput :item thing :list
+<P>The first instruction is there to ensure that nothing is
+added to the same list twice.  The <CODE>stop</CODE> commands I mentioned
+earlier ought to ensure the same thing, except for the list <CODE>
+:suits</CODE>.  But since I need the instruction for that case anyway, I'll
+take a &quot;belt and suspenders&quot; approach for all the lists.
+<P>The input that I've called <CODE>item</CODE> here used to be called <CODE>
+thing</CODE>, because I was thinking, &quot;Insert a thing into a list.&quot; But I
+found that using the procedure <CODE>thing</CODE> next to the variable <CODE>
+thing</CODE> looked too confusing to me, even though it wouldn't have
+bothered the Logo interpreter.
+<P>I hope you noticed that the second instruction starts with <CODE>make :list</CODE>
+rather than <CODE>make &quot;list</CODE>.  This is the indirect assignment technique
+that I mentioned briefly in Chapter 3.  Remember that the variable
+<CODE>list</CODE> contains the <EM>name</EM> of another variable, such as <CODE>
+threes</CODE>.  It is that second variable whose value is changed.
+For example,
+<P><PRE>insert butlast :card &quot;fours
+<P>invokes <CODE>insert</CODE> with an input whose name is <CODE>list</CODE>
+and whose value is <CODE>fours</CODE>.  In this case, the <CODE>make</CODE>
+instruction inside <CODE>insert</CODE> is equivalent to
+<P><PRE>make &quot;fours fput :item thing &quot;fours
+<P><PRE>make &quot;fours fput :item :fours
+<P><H2>Second Edition Second Thoughts</H2>
+<P>I wrote the first edition using versions of Logo without higher order
+functions.  These functions can be written in Logo, and in fact I did write
+them later in the book, but I wasn't using them in this chapter.  But in
+retrospect, the style of creating a variable named <CODE>ranks</CODE> whose value
+is an empty list, and then adding the rank of each card by reassigning a new
+value to the variable, seems much harder to understand than this:
+<P><PRE>to poker.init :cards
+make &quot;ranks map &quot;butlast :cards
+make &quot;suits remdup map &quot;last :cards
+<P><CODE>Remdup</CODE> is an operation, primitive in Berkeley Logo, whose
+output is the same as its input, but with duplicate members removed.
+<P>As for <CODE>pairs</CODE>, <CODE>threes</CODE>, and <CODE>fours</CODE>, I think they are most
+easily replaced by an array that keeps track of the number of times each
+rank appears in the hand.
+<P><PRE>to poker.init :cards                         ;; second edition version
+make &quot;ranks map [ranknum butlast ?] :cards
+make &quot;suits remdup map &quot;last :cards
+make &quot;rankarray {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
+foreach :ranks [setitem ? :rankarray (item ? :rankarray)+1]
+to ranknum :rank                             ;; turn rank to number
+if :rank = &quot;a [output 1]
+if :rank = &quot;j [output 11]
+if :rank = &quot;q [output 12]
+if :rank = &quot;k [output 13]
+output :rank
+<P>Since I want to use the card's rank as an index into an array,
+I have to use a number from 1 to 13 to represent the ranks inside the
+program, even though the person using the program will still represent a
+rank in the more human-readable form of A for ace and so on.
+<P>Where the first version of the program would test for four of a kind with
+<P><PRE>if not emptyp :fours ...
+<P>this new version will say
+<P><PRE>if memberp 4 :rankarray ...
+<P>Notice that my second thoughts are about low-level details of the program.
+I haven't changed my mind about the big idea, which is to have a procedure
+<CODE>poker.init</CODE> that examines the hand and converts the information into a
+format in which the rest of the program can use it more easily.  This is the
+same idea I used in the tic-tac-toe program of Chapter 6, in which I
+converted a human-readable &quot;position&quot; such as
+<P><PRE>{x o 3 x x 6 7 8 o}
+<P>into an internal list of &quot;triples&quot;:
+<P><PRE>[xo3 xx6 78o xx7 ox8 36o xxo 3x7]
+<P>From now on, I won't show two versions of every procedure.  I'll use the
+revised data representation, even though the chapter tells the story of
+how I wrote the older version of the program.
+<P><H2>Planning and Debugging</H2>
+<P>Ideally, according to structured programming, you should never have to
+do any debugging.  You should start with a complete, clear program
+specification.  Then you should use the approved style to translate
+that specification into a program.  Then you should be able to <EM>
+prove</EM> mathematically that your program is correct!  Debugging is a
+relic of the dark ages.
+<P>That's not the Logo approach.  I've already done some debugging in
+this project.  Programming is sort of like real life: you don't always
+get it right the first time.  Structured programmers don't get it
+right the first time either; the difference is that Logoites aren't
+embarrassed about it.  We think of debugging as part of the process of
+solving problems in general.
+<P>If you're a student in a school, the odds are that you aren't often
+encouraged to accept debugging as valuable.  When you hand in a paper
+or a quiz, the teacher doesn't point out errors and invite you to try
+again.  Instead he marks your errors in red ink and takes off points
+for them.  You're taught that your work has to be perfect the first
+time.  One of the strong contributions that computer programming in
+general, and Logo in particular, has made to education is to provide
+one context in which you are shown a more realistic approach to making
+and correcting mistakes.
+<P><H2>Classifying Poker Hands</H2>
+<P>The main thing remaining to be done in my project is the collection of
+predicates like <CODE>fourp</CODE> and <CODE>royal.flushp</CODE> to check for
+particular kinds of poker hands.  I decided to write some of the easy
+ones, namely the ones for multiples of the same rank.
+<P><PRE>to fourp
+output memberp 4 :rankarray
+to threep
+output memberp 3 :rankarray
+to pairp
+output memberp 2 :rankarray
+to full.housep
+output and threep pairp
+<P>These are all pretty obvious.  Notice, though, that one thing has
+changed since my initial idea: these procedures don't take <CODE>:cards</CODE> as
+an input.  They don't examine the poker hand directly; they
+examine the variables set up by the initialization procedure.
+<P>Now I want to start putting all these pieces together, so I'm going to
+write a preliminary version of <CODE>pokerhand</CODE>.
+<P><PRE>to pokerhand :cards
+poker.init :cards
+if fourp [print [four of a kind] stop]
+if full.housep [print [full house] stop]
+if threep [print [three of a kind] stop]
+if pairp [print ifelse paircount = 1 [one pair] [two pairs] stop]
+print [something else]
+to paircount
+output count locate 2 1
+to locate :number :index
+if :index &gt; 13 [output []]
+if (item :index :rankarray) = :number ~
+   [output fput :index (locate :number :index+1)]
+output locate :number :index+1
+<P>If there's a pair, I can't simply use <CODE>memberp</CODE> to find out
+how many pairs are in the hand.  Instead, the procedure <CODE>locate</CODE> looks
+at each member of <CODE>:rankarray</CODE> and outputs a list of all the ranks of
+which there are exactly two cards in the hand.  For this purpose I could
+have had <CODE>locate</CODE> output the number of pairs, which would be a little
+easier than computing the list of ranks of pairs.  But I recall that I want
+to be able to say things like &quot;pair of sevens,&quot; and for that I'll need the
+actual ranks.
+<P>Let's try it:
+<P><PRE>? <U>pokerhand [ah 2c 4d 2s 6h]</U>
+I don't know how  to one  in pokerhand
+[if pairp [print ifelse paircount = 1 [one pair] [two pairs] stop]]
+<P>Looks like a bug.  (This really happened; I'm not just making it
+up to be able to talk about debugging!)  The first step in solving a
+problem like this is to read the error message carefully.  This message
+tells me that when the error happened, the immediately active procedure was
+<CODE>pokerhand</CODE>.  So that's where I should look for a mistake.  (The exact
+form of the message will be different in different versions of Logo, but
+they'll all give you that piece of information.  In Berkeley Logo, the error
+message also includes the instruction line in which the error occurred.)  I
+then edited <CODE>pokerhand</CODE> and looked for the word <CODE>one</CODE>.  I found it
+in the list
+<P><PRE>[one pair]
+<P>which is one of the inputs to an <CODE>ifelse</CODE> operation.  Aha!  The
+trouble is that <CODE>ifelse</CODE> <EM>evaluates</EM> whichever input is selected
+by its predicate input, so it's trying to evaluate that list as a
+Logo expression.  What I meant was this:
+<P><PRE>if pairp [print ifelse paircount = 1 [[one pair]] [[two pairs]] stop]
+<P>Now it should evaluate <CODE>[[one pair]]</CODE> and come up with the
+value <CODE>[one pair]</CODE> to use as the input to <CODE>print</CODE>.  Let's try again:
+<P><PRE>? <U>pokerhand [ah 2c 4d 2s 6h]</U>
+one pair
+? <U>pokerhand [2h 5d 2s 2c 7d]</U>
+three of a kind
+? <U>pokerhand [2h 5d 2s 2c 5h]</U>
+full house
+? <U>pokerhand [3h 4h 5h 6h 7h]</U>
+something else
+<P>So far so good, but of course there is more work to do.  We need to
+write <CODE>straightp</CODE>, <CODE>flushp</CODE>, and their combinations: straight
+flush and royal flush.  I think I shouldn't have an instruction in
+<CODE>pokerhand</CODE> testing <CODE>royal.flushp</CODE> as I originally planned;
+instead I should test for <CODE>straightp</CODE> and, if that's true, look
+for special cases within that.
+<P><PRE>to flushp
+output emptyp butfirst :suits
+<P>It's not so obvious how to write <CODE>straightp</CODE>.  Here's my
+plan:  First, find the lowest-rank card in the hand.  Then, in order to
+have a straight, the next four ranks must also be present in the hand.
+<P>&raquo;This isn't the only possible way to test for a straight; can you think
+of, and implement, another?
+<P><PRE>to straightp
+output nogap (reduce &quot;min :ranks) 5
+to min :a :b
+output ifelse :a &lt; :b [:a] [:b]
+to nogap :smallest :howmany
+if :howmany=0 [output &quot;true]
+if not equalp (item :smallest :rankarray) 1 [output &quot;false]
+output nogap :smallest+1 :howmany-1
+<P><CODE>Nogap</CODE> starts with the smallest rank in the hand and checks that there
+is exactly one card in each of that and the next four ranks.  It takes
+advantage of the fact that I'm representing ranks internally as numbers;
+it can just add 1 to a rank to get the next one in sequence.  If
+<CODE>:howmany</CODE> reaches zero, it means that we have indeed found all five
+consecutive ranks in the hand.  If one of the five desired ranks isn't in
+the hand, or if the hand has more than one card in any of the ranks, then
+the hand isn't a straight.
+<P>There is one problem with this approach.  The ace
+can be used either high card (10-J-Q-K-A) or low card (A-2-3-4-5) in a
+straight.  <CODE>Straightp</CODE> thinks that the ace can only be the low card.
+We'll fix that later.
+<P>Now let's try some other cases.  I've just added the line
+<P><PRE>if straightp [print [straight] stop]
+<P>to <CODE>pokerhand</CODE>.  It doesn't much matter where I put that
+line, because there is no danger of a straight also being found as a
+multiple of any one rank.  This instruction will be changed,
+eventually, because we want to test for straight flush and so on.  But
+for now this will make it possible to debug <CODE>straightp</CODE>.
+<P><PRE>? <U>pokerhand [3h 6d 7h 5c 4d]</U>
+? <U>pokerhand [3h 6d 7h 5c 8d]</U>
+something else
+<P>I picked those examples pretty much at random.  It's a good idea,
+when testing a procedure, to pick test cases &quot;near the boundaries&quot; of what
+the program is supposed to accept.  For example, what about an ace-low
+straight, or a king-high?  What about a hand in which &quot;the next four
+ranks&quot; don't exist, because the lowest card is a Jack?
+<P><PRE>? <U>pokerhand [ah 2d 3c 4c 5h]</U>
+? <U>pokerhand [9d 10c jh qh kh]</U>
+? <U>pokerhand [js jh qs qh kd]</U>
+two pairs
+<P>(Actually, that last example may never invoke <CODE>
+straightp</CODE> at all, if the test for <CODE>pairp</CODE> comes first in <CODE>
+pokerhand</CODE>.)  Anyway, it
+looks okay.  I could try more examples but I think I believe it.  I
+now decide that the instruction I just put into <CODE>pokerhand</CODE> should
+<P><PRE>if straightp [print ifelse flushp [[straight flush]] [[straight]] stop]
+<P>and that it should be followed by
+<P><PRE>if flushp [print [flush] stop]
+<P>(The <CODE>if flushp</CODE> instruction has to come second because
+of the principle of &quot;most restrictive first.&quot; If that test came first,
+a straight flush would be reported as just a flush.) Time for more
+<P><PRE>? <U>pokerhand [3h 6h ah kh 7h]</U>
+? <U>pokerhand [3h 6h ad kh 7h]</U>
+something else
+? <U>pokerhand [3h 6h 4h 5h 7h]</U>
+straight flush
+? <U>pokerhand [3h 6h 4h 5s 7h]</U>
+<P>Now it's time to solve the problem of the ace-high straight.
+It turns out to be easy; if the hand has an ace, then
+I can use <CODE>nogap</CODE>, the subprocedure of <CODE>straightp</CODE> that
+checks for consecutive ranks, to check for the four ranks from 10 to king.
+<P><PRE>to ace.highp
+if not equalp (item 1 :rankarray) 1 [output &quot;false]
+output nogap 10 4
+<P>That's the end of the categories of poker hands, but to put it all
+together requires a little editing of <CODE>pokerhand</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>to pokerhand :cards
+local [ranks suits rankarray]
+poker.init :cards
+if fourp [print [four of a kind] stop]
+if full.housep [print [full house] stop]
+if threep [print [three of a kind] stop]
+if pairp [print ifelse paircount = 1 [[one pair]] [[two pairs]] stop]
+if ace.highp [print ifelse flushp [[royal flush]] [[straight]] stop]
+if straightp [print ifelse flushp [[straight flush]] [[straight]] stop]
+if flushp [print [flush] stop]
+print [nothing!]
+<P>I've now done more or less what I set out to do.  It took 14
+procedures.  I hope you have a feeling for the process of
+switching back and forth between thinking about a particular
+subproblem and thinking about the overall structure of the program.
+<P>I haven't done every detail of what I first suggested.  In particular,
+I don't have the information about particular ranks in what I print.
+I think perhaps that's more effort than this project seems worth to
+me.  (I'm not just being cute by saying &quot;to me&quot;; the point is that
+a real poker enthusiast might want to spend a lot of time on this
+program and make it as beautiful as possible.) But just to show how a
+completed program can be modified, I'll make it print things like
+<CODE>pair of sixes</CODE> instead of just <CODE>one pair</CODE>.
+<P>First I have to be able to find words like &quot;<CODE>sixes</CODE>&quot; starting
+with a rank indicator like <CODE>6</CODE>.
+<P><PRE>to plural :rank
+output item :rank [aces twos threes fours fives sixes
+                   sevens eights nines tens jacks queens kings]
+<P>The next step is to change one instruction in <CODE>pokerhand</CODE> to use
+this new tool:
+<P><PRE>if pairp [print ifelse paircount = 1
+                       [sentence [pair of] plural first locate 2 1]
+                       [[two pairs]]
+          stop]
+<P>(If you were confused about the double square brackets
+around <CODE>one pair</CODE> and <CODE>two pairs</CODE> before, seeing this new
+version in which one of the possibilities is the output from a
+procedure, not a literal list, might help.)
+<P><PRE>? <U>pokerhand [ah 7s 3d 10c 7c]</U>
+pair of sevens
+<P>&raquo;If you're motivated, you can modify the messages for other categories
+to include the specific rank information.  You might want to change
+&quot;<CODE>nothing</CODE>&quot; to &quot;<CODE>queen high</CODE>,&quot; for example.
+<P>&raquo;What if you wanted to use this program on a seven-card-stud hand?  In
+other words, instead of a list of five cards, you'd be given a list of
+seven, from which you'd have to pick the best five.  The main thing I
+can think of is that you'd have to be more careful about the order of
+the <CODE>if</CODE> instructions in <CODE>pokerhand</CODE>.  I've said that you can
+test <CODE>threep</CODE> either before or after <CODE>straightp</CODE> because they
+can't both be true.  But that's not the case for a seven-card hand:
+<P><PRE>[3h 3s 3d 4d 5s 6h 7c]
+<P>If you try this challenge, make sure your program announces
+<P><PRE>[8s 9s 10s js qs kh ad]
+<P>as a straight flush, not as an ace-high straight.
+<P><H2>Putting the Project in a Context</H2>
+<P>I wrote this program because I was looking for an example for this
+book that would be not too long, not too short.  That's kind of an
+artificial reason for starting a project.  In real life, if I wrote a
+program like this one, it would be part of a larger program that
+would actually <EM>play</EM> poker.
+<P>In that context the problem would become very different.  We wouldn't
+want merely to print the designation of a hand; we'd want to be able
+to compare several hands and announce a winner.  To do that, we'd have
+to attach something like a numerical ranking to the hand, which might
+become the output from <CODE>pokerhand</CODE>.  But it can't be just a single
+number; there are too many possible hands to have a list of all of
+them in rank order.  Instead, the ranking of a hand might be a list of
+numbers.  <CODE>[5 7 10]</CODE> might mean that the hand is a full house (I'm
+guessing that that would rank about fifth in value), with three sevens
+and two tens.  To compare two lists of numbers, compare their <CODE>
+first</CODE>s; if those are equal, go on to compare the next members.
+<P>The point is that I'm now back to something approaching top-down
+planning.  As the scale of the project becomes a lot bigger, that kind
+of advance planning seems necessary.  But this isn't really top-down
+because comparing two hands is just one subproblem of playing poker.
+Really, according to the top-down view, I should start by designing
+the top-level procedure <CODE>poker</CODE>.  Perhaps a first attempt might
+look like this:
+<P><PRE>to poker
+<P>But it would be premature to type this into a computer.  We
+have to think about issues like these: Is the computer a player or
+does it just deal and bank for the other players?  How many people can
+play?  What is a good strategy for bidding?
+<P>In the end it might turn out that the <CODE>pokerhand</CODE> we've just
+written wouldn't fit into the larger project; it might have to be
+rewritten for that context.  To a structured programmer, the effort
+we've put in would then be wasted.  But I think that even if every
+procedure had to be edited, I'd benefit from having taken the time to
+understand how to solve this subproblem.
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+<P><H2>Program Listing</H2>
+to pokerhand :cards
+local [ranks suits rankarray]
+poker.init :cards
+if fourp [print [four of a kind] stop]
+if full.housep [print [full house] stop]
+if threep [print [three of a kind] stop]
+if pairp [print ifelse paircount = 1 [[one pair]] [[two pairs]] stop]
+if ace.highp [print ifelse flushp [[royal flush]] [[straight]] stop]
+if straightp [print ifelse flushp [[straight flush]] [[straight]] stop]
+if flushp [print [flush] stop]
+print [nothing!]
+to poker.init :cards
+make "ranks map [ranknum butlast ?] :cards
+make "suits remdup map "last :cards
+make "rankarray {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}
+foreach :ranks [setitem ? :rankarray (item ? :rankarray)+1]
+to ranknum :rank
+if :rank = "a [output 1]
+if :rank = "j [output 11]
+if :rank = "q [output 12]
+if :rank = "k [output 13]
+output :rank
+to fourp
+output memberp 4 :rankarray
+to threep
+output memberp 3 :rankarray
+to pairp
+output memberp 2 :rankarray
+to full.housep
+output and threep pairp
+to paircount
+output count locate 2 1
+to locate :number :index
+if :index > 13 [output []]
+if (item :index :rankarray) = :number ~
+   [output fput :index (locate :number :index+1)]
+output locate :number :index+1
+to flushp
+output emptyp butfirst :suits
+to straightp
+output nogap (reduce "min :ranks) 5
+to min :a :b
+output ifelse :a < :b [:a] [:b]
+to nogap :smallest :howmany
+if :howmany=0 [output "true]
+if not equalp (item :smallest :rankarray) 1 [output "false]
+output nogap :smallest+1 :howmany-1
+to ace.highp
+if not equalp (item 1 :rankarray) 1 [output "false]
+output nogap 10 4
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