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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
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parent5d012c6c011a9dedf7d0a098e456206244eb5a0f (diff)
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+<TITLE>Computer Science Logo Style vol 1 ch 5: Functions of Functions</TITLE>
+<CITE>Computer Science Logo Style</CITE> volume 1:
+<CITE>Symbolic Computing</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1997 MIT
+<H1>Functions of Functions</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../csls1.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/v1ch05.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
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+chapter thread <A HREF="../v1ch6/v1ch6.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/computer-science-logo-style-second-edition-volume-1">MIT
+Press web page for Computer Science Logo Style</A>
+We now have many of the tools we need to write computer programs.  We have
+the primitive operations for arithmetic computation, the primitive
+operations to manipulate words and sentences, and a way to choose between
+alternative computations.  One thing that we still lack is a way to deal
+systematically with data <EM>aggregates</EM>--collections of data.  We want
+to be able to say &quot;carry out this computation for each member of that
+aggregate.&quot;  Processing large amounts of data uniformly is one of the
+abilities that distinguish computers from mere pocket calculators.
+<H2>The Problem: <CODE>Initials</CODE></H2>
+To make this concrete, we'll look at a very simple example.  I'd like to
+write a procedure that can figure out a person's initials, like this:
+? <U>show initials [George Harrison]</U>
+[G H]
+One obvious approach is to find the initials of the first name and the
+last name:
+to initials :name
+output sentence (first first :name) (first last :name)
+The trouble is that this approach doesn't work for people with middle
+names.  We'd like our <CODE>initials</CODE> procedure to be able to handle
+any length name.  But it doesn't:
+? <U>show initials [John Alec Entwistle]</U>
+[J E]
+? <U>show initials [Peter Blair Denis Bernard Noone]</U>
+[P N]
+What we want is this:
+? <U>show initials.in.our.dreams [John Alec Entwistle]</U>
+[J A E]
+? <U>show initials.in.our.dreams [Peter Blair Denis Bernard Noone]</U>
+[P B D B N]
+If we knew that the input would have exactly five names, we
+could extract the first letter of each of them explicitly.  But you never
+know when some smart alec will ask you to
+show initials [Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca ~
+               Banana Fana Bo Besca the Third]
+<H2>One Solution: Numeric Iteration</H2>
+If you've programmed before in other languages, then one solution will
+immediately occur to you.  You create a variable <CODE>n</CODE> whose value
+is the number of words in the input, then you have a variable <CODE>i</CODE>
+that takes on all possible values from 1 to <CODE>n</CODE>, and you select
+the <CODE>i</CODE>th word from the input and pull out its first letter.
+Most languages have a special notation for this sort of computation:
+for i = 1 to n : ... : next i                <I>(BASIC)</I>
+for 1 := 1 to n do begin ... end             <I>(Pascal)</I>
+for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { ... }                 <I>(C)</I>
+All of these have the same meaning:  Carry out some instructions
+(the part shown as <CODE>...</CODE> above) repeatedly, first with the variable
+named <CODE>i</CODE> having the value <CODE>1</CODE>, then with <CODE>i</CODE> equal to <CODE>2</CODE>,
+and so on, up to <CODE>i</CODE> equal to <CODE>n</CODE>.  This technique is called
+<EM>numeric iteration.</EM>  &quot;Iteration&quot; means repetition, and it's
+&quot;numeric&quot; iteration because the repetition is controlled by a variable
+that takes on a sequence of numeric values.
+We can do the same thing in Logo, although, as we'll soon learn, it's not
+the usual approach that Logo programmers take to this problem.
+to initials :name
+local "result
+make "result []
+for [i 1 [count :name]] ~
+    [make "result sentence :result first (item :i :name)]
+output :result
+(The reason I declare <CODE>result</CODE> as local, but not <CODE>i</CODE>,
+is that Logo's <CODE>for</CODE> automatically makes its index variable local
+to the <CODE>for</CODE> itself.  There is no variable <CODE>i</CODE> outside
+of the <CODE>for</CODE> instruction.)
+The command <CODE>for</CODE> takes two inputs.  The second input is an
+instruction list that will be carried out repeatedly.  The first input
+controls the repetition; it is a list of either three or four members: a
+variable name, a starting value, a limit value, and an optional increment.
+(The variable named by the first member of the list is called the <EM>index
+variable.</EM> For example:
+? <U>for [number 4 7] [print :number]</U>
+? <U>for [value 4 11 3] [print :value]</U>
+In the first example, <CODE>number</CODE> takes on all integer values
+between 4 and 7.  In the second, <CODE>value</CODE>'s starting value is 4,
+and on each repetition its new value is 3 more than last time.
+<CODE>Value</CODE> never actually has its limiting value of 11; the next
+value after 10 would have been 13, but that's bigger than the limit.
+<CODE>For</CODE> can count downward instead of upward:
+? <U>for [i 7 5] [print :i]</U>
+? <U>for [n 15 2 -6] [print :n]</U>
+? <U>for [x 15 2 6] [print :x]</U>
+<P> The last example has no effect.  Why?  The increment of 6 implies that
+this invocation of <CODE>for</CODE> should count upward, which means that the
+<CODE>for</CODE> continues until the value of <CODE>x</CODE> is greater than
+the limit, 2.  But the starting value, 15, is <EM>already</EM> greater than
+<P> If no increment is given in the first input to <CODE>for</CODE>, then
+<CODE>for</CODE> will use either <CODE>1</CODE> or <CODE>-1</CODE> as the
+increment, whichever is compatible with the starting and limit values.
+Although I've been using constant numbers as the starting value, limit
+value, and increment in these examples, <CODE>for</CODE> can handle any Logo
+expression, represented as a list, for each of these:
+to spread :ends
+for [digit [first :ends] [last :ends]] [type :digit]
+print []
+? <U>spread 19</U>
+? <U>spread 83</U>
+More formally, the effect of <CODE>for</CODE> is as follows.  First it creates the
+local index variable and assigns it the starting value.  Then <CODE>for</CODE>
+carries out three steps repeatedly: testing, action, and incrementing.  The
+testing step is to compare the current value of the index variable with the
+limit value.  If the index variable has passed the limit, then the <CODE>for</CODE>
+is finished.  (&quot;Passed&quot; means that the index variable is greater than the
+limit, if the increment is positive, or that the index variable is less than
+the limit, if the increment is negative.)  The action step is to evaluate
+the instructions in the second input to <CODE>for</CODE>.  The incrementing step is
+to assign a new value to the index variable by adding the increment to the
+old value.  Then comes another round of testing, action, and incrementing.
+So, for example, if we give Logo the instruction
+show initials [Raymond Douglas Davies]
+then the <CODE>for</CODE> instruction within <CODE>initials</CODE> is equivalent
+to this sequence of instructions:
+local "i                                  ; initialize index variable
+make "i 1
+if (:i > 3) [stop]                        ; testing
+make "result (se :result first "Raymond)  ; action  (result is [R])
+make "i :i+1                              ; incrementing  (i is 2)
+if (:i > 3) [stop]                        ; testing
+make "result (se :result first "Douglas)  ; action  (result is [R D])
+make "i :i+1                              ; incrementing  (i is 3)
+if (:i > 3) [stop]                        ; testing
+make "result (se :result first "Davies)   ; action  (result is [R D D])
+make "i :i+1                              ; incrementing  (i is 4)
+if (:i > 3) [stop]                        ; testing
+except that the <CODE>stop</CODE> instruction in the testing step stops
+only the <CODE>for</CODE> instruction, not the <CODE>initials</CODE> procedure.
+<H2>Critique of Numeric Iteration</H2>
+Computers were originally built to deal with numbers.  Numeric iteration
+matches closely the behind-the-scenes sequence of steps by which computers
+actually work.  That's why just about every programming language supports
+this style of programming.
+Nevertheless, a <CODE>for</CODE> instruction isn't anything like the way
+you, a human being, would solve the <CODE>initials</CODE> problem without a
+computer.  First of all, you wouldn't begin by counting the number of words
+in the name; you really don't have to know that.  You'd just say, for
+example, &quot;First of Raymond is R; first of Douglas is D; first of Davies is
+D.&quot; When you ran out of names, you'd stop.
+The manipulation of the <CODE>result</CODE> variable to collect the results also
+seems unnatural.  You wouldn't think, &quot;I'm going to start with an empty
+result; then, whatever value <CODE>result</CODE> has, I'll throw in an R; then,
+whatever value <CODE>result</CODE> now has, I'll throw in a D&quot; and so on.
+In fact, if you had to explain to someone else how to solve this problem,
+you probably wouldn't talk about a sequence of steps at all.  Rather, you'd
+draw a picture like this one:
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="initials.gif" ALT="<P>figure: initials"></CENTER>
+To explain the picture, you'd say something like &quot;Just take the
+<CODE>first</CODE> of each word.&quot; You wouldn't even mention the need to put the
+results together into a sentence; you'd take that for granted.
+In Logo we can write an <CODE>initials</CODE> procedure using the same way of
+thinking that you'd use in English:
+to initials :name
+output map "first :name
+The <CODE>map</CODE> procedure means &quot;collect the results of
+doing <EM>this</EM> for each of <EM>those.</EM>&quot;
+As this example illustrates, <CODE>map</CODE> is easy to use.  But it's a
+little hard to talk about, because it's a function of a function.  So first
+we'll take a detour to talk more precisely about functions in general.
+<H2>What's a Function?</H2>
+A <EM>function</EM> is a rule for turning one value (called the
+<EM>argument</EM>) into another.  If
+you've studied algebra you'll remember numeric function rules such as
+<P><CENTER><I>f</I>(<I>x</I>) = 3<I>x</I>-6</CENTER>
+but not all functions are numeric, and not all rules need be expressed as
+algebraic formulas.  For example, here is the Instrument function, which
+takes a Beatle as its argument and returns his instrument:
+<TR align="left">
+<TH><U>argument</U> &#160; &#160; &#160; </TH>
+<TD>rhythm guitar</TD>
+<TD>bass guitar</TD>
+<TD>lead guitar</TD>
+This particular function has only four possible arguments.  Other
+functions, like <I>f</I>(<I>x</I>) above, may have infinitely many possible arguments.
+The set of possible arguments is called the <EM>domain</EM> of the
+function.  Similarly, the set of possible result values is called the
+<EM>range</EM> of the function.*
+<SMALL><BLOCKQUOTE><SMALL><SUP>*</SUP>It's a little awkward to talk about
+the domain of a function that takes two arguments.  That is, it's easy to
+say that the domain of the function represented by the <CODE>first</CODE> operation
+is words or lists, but how do we describe <CODE>item</CODE>?  We could loosely say
+&quot;its domain is numbers and words or lists,&quot; but that sounds as if either
+argument could be any of those.  The most precise way to say it is this:
+&quot;The domain of <CODE>item</CODE> is pairs of values, in which the first member of
+the pair is a positive integer and the second member is a word or list of
+length greater than or equal to the first member of the pair.&quot; But for
+ordinary purposes we just rephrase the sentence to avoid the word &quot;domain&quot;
+altogether:  &quot;<CODE>Item</CODE> takes two inputs; the first must be a positive
+integer and the second must be a word or list...&quot;</SMALL></BLOCKQUOTE></SMALL>
+Functions can be represented in many ways.  (We've seen two in this
+section: formulas and tables.)  One way to represent a function is with a
+Logo operation.  Here are Logo representations of the two functions we've
+to f :x
+output 3*:x - 6
+to instrument :beatle
+if :beatle = "John [output [rhythm guitar]]
+if :beatle = "Paul [output [bass guitar]]
+if :beatle = "George [output [lead guitar]]
+if :beatle = "Ringo [output [drums]]
+(What if we give <CODE>instrument</CODE> an input that's not in the
+domain of the function?  In that case, it won't output any value, and a Logo
+error message will result.  Some people would argue that the procedure
+should provide its own, more specific error message.)
+I've been careful to say that the Logo operation <EM>represents</EM> the
+function, not that it <EM>is</EM> the function.  In particular, two Logo
+procedures can compute the same function--the same relationship between
+input and output values--by different methods.  For example,
+consider these Logo operations:
+to f :x                       to g :x
+output 3*:x - 6               output 3 * (:x-2)
+end                           end
+The Logo operations <CODE>f</CODE> and <CODE>g</CODE> carry out two different
+computations, but they represent the same function.  For example, to compute
+<CODE>f 10</CODE> we say 3&#215;10=30, 30-6=24; to compute
+<CODE>g 10</CODE> we say 10-2=8, 3&#215;8=24.  Different computations,
+but the same answer.  Functional programming means, in part, focusing our
+attention on the inputs and outputs of programs rather than on the sequence
+of computational steps.
+Just as a Logo operation represents a function, the procedure's inputs
+similarly <EM>represent</EM> the arguments to the corresponding function.
+For example, that instrument function I presented earlier has Beatles (that
+is to say, people) as its domain and has musical instruments as its range.
+But Logo doesn't have people or instruments as data types, and so the
+procedure <CODE>instrument</CODE> takes as its input <EM>the name of</EM> a
+Beatle (that is, a word) and returns as its output <EM>the name of</EM> an
+instrument (a sentence).  Instrument is a function from Beatles to
+instruments, but <CODE>instrument</CODE> is an operation from words to
+We're about to see a similar situation when we explore <CODE>map</CODE>.
+The map function--that is, the function that <CODE>map</CODE>
+represents--is a <EM>function of functions.</EM> One of the arguments to
+the map function is itself a function.  The corresponding input to Logo's
+<CODE>map</CODE> procedure should be a procedure.  But it turns out that
+Logo doesn't quite allow a procedure to be an input to another procedure;
+instead, we must use the <EM>name</EM> of the procedure as the input, just as
+we use the name of a Beatle as the input to <CODE>instrument</CODE>.
+I know this sounds like lawyer talk, and we haven't written any programs for
+a while.  But here's why this is important:  In order to understand the
+<EM>purpose</EM> of <CODE>map</CODE>, you have to think about the map
+function, whose domain is functions (and other stuff, as we'll see in a
+moment).  But in order to understand the <EM>notation</EM> that you use with
+<CODE>map</CODE> in Logo, you have to think in terms of the Logo operation,
+whose input is words (names of procedures).  You have to be clear about this
+representation business in order to be able to shift mentally between these
+<H2>Functions of Functions: <CODE>Map</CODE></H2>
+<CODE>Map</CODE> takes two inputs.  The first is a word, which must be the name
+of a one-input Logo operation.  The second can be any datum.  The output
+from <CODE>map</CODE> is either a word or a list, whichever is the type of the
+second input.  The members of the output are the results of applying the
+named operation to the members of the second input.
+? <U>show map "first [Rod Argent]</U>
+[R A]
+In this example, the output is a list of two members, just as the second
+input is a list of two members.  Each member of the output is the result of
+applying <CODE>first</CODE> to one of the members of <CODE>map</CODE>'s
+second input.
+Many people, when they first meet <CODE>map</CODE>, are confused by the
+quoting of its first input.  After all, I made a fuss back in Chapter
+2 about the difference between these two examples:
+? <U>print Hello</U>
+I don't know how  to Hello
+? <U>print "Hello</U>
+You learned that a quoted word means the word itself, while an unquoted word
+asks Logo to invoke a procedure.  But now, when I want to use the
+<CODE>first</CODE> procedure as input to <CODE>map</CODE>, I'm quoting its
+name.  Why?
+All that effort about the domains of functions should help you understand
+the notation used here.  Start by ignoring the Logo notation and think about
+the domain of the map function.  We want the map function to have
+<EM>another function,</EM> the function &quot;first&quot; in this case, as one of its
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/v1ch5/mapfun.gif" ALT="<P>figure: mapfun"></CENTER>
+It's tempting to say that in Logo, a function is represented by a procedure,
+so <CODE>map</CODE> represents map, and <CODE>first</CODE> represents first.
+If this were algebra notation, I'd say <I>map</I>(<I>first</I>, <I>Rod Argent</I>),
+so in Logo I'll say
+show map first [Rod Argent]            ;; wrong!
+But when a Logo instruction has two unquoted procedure names in a row, that
+doesn't mean that the second function is used as argument to the first!
+Instead, it means that <EM>the output from invoking</EM> the second function
+is used as the argument to the first.  In this case, we'd be
+<EM>composing</EM> <CODE>map</CODE> and <CODE>first</CODE>:
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="maperror.gif" ALT="<P>figure: maperror"></CENTER>
+As the plumbing diagram shows, the list that we intended as the second input
+to <CODE>map</CODE> actually ends up as the input to <CODE>first</CODE>, and
+Logo will complain because <CODE>map</CODE> isn't given enough inputs.
+Instead, as I said earlier, we must use <EM>the name of</EM> the
+<CODE>first</CODE> procedure to represent it.  That gives this diagram:
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="mapoper.gif" ALT="<P>figure: mapoper"></CENTER>
+Here's another simple example.  Logo has a primitive operation
+<CODE>uppercase</CODE> that takes a word as input, and outputs the same word
+but in all capital letters:
+? <U>print uppercase "young</U>
+What if we want to translate an entire sentence to capital letters?  The
+<CODE>uppercase</CODE> primitive doesn't accept a sentence as its input:
+? <U>show uppercase [neil young]</U>
+uppercase doesn't like [neil young] as input.
+But we can use <CODE>map</CODE> to translate each word separately and
+combine the results:
+? <U>show map "uppercase [neil young]</U>
+Ordinarily <CODE>map</CODE> works with one-argument functions.  But we can
+give <CODE>map</CODE> extra arguments (by enclosing the invocation of
+<CODE>map</CODE> in parentheses, as usual) so that it can work with
+functions of more than one argument.
+? <U>show (map "item [2 1 2 3] [john paul george ringo])</U>
+[o p e n]
+? <U>show (map "sum [1 2 3] [40 50 60] [700 800 900])</U>
+[741 852 963]
+Each input after the first provides values for one input to the mapped
+function.  For example, <CODE>[2 1 2 3]</CODE> provides four values for the
+first input to <CODE>item</CODE>.  The input lists must all have the same
+length (two lists of length four in the <CODE>item</CODE> example, three
+lists of length three in the <CODE>sum</CODE> example).
+In the examples so far, the input data have been lists.  Here's an example
+in which we use <CODE>map</CODE> with words.  Let's say we're writing a
+program to play Hangman, the word game in which one player guesses letters
+in a secret word chosen by the other player.  At first the guesser sees only
+a row of dashes indicating the number of letters in the word; for each
+guess, more letters are revealed.  We aren't going to write the entire
+program yet, but we're ready to write the operation that takes the secret
+word, and a list of the letters that have been guessed so far, and outputs a
+row of letters and dashes as appropriate.
+to hangword :secret :guessed
+output map "hangletter :secret
+to hangletter :letter
+output ifelse memberp :letter :guessed [:letter] ["_]
+? <U>print hangword "potsticker [e t a o i n]</U>
+? <U>print hangword "gelato [e t a o i n]</U>
+Notice that <CODE>hangletter</CODE> depends on Logo's dynamic scope to have
+access to <CODE>hangword</CODE>'s local variable named <CODE>guessed</CODE>.
+&raquo; Write an operation <CODE>exaggerate</CODE> that takes a sentence as
+input and outputs an exaggerated version:
+? <U>print exaggerate [I ate 3 potstickers]</U>
+I ate 6 potstickers
+? <U>print exaggerate [The chow fun is good here]</U>
+The chow fun is great here
+It should double all the numbers in the sentence, and replace
+&quot;good&quot; with &quot;great,&quot; &quot;bad&quot; with &quot;terrible,&quot; and so on.
+A function whose domain or range includes functions is called a
+<EM>higher order function.</EM> The function represented by
+<CODE>map</CODE> is a higher order function.  (We may speak loosely and say
+that <CODE>map</CODE> is a higher order function, as long as you remember
+that Logo procedures aren't really functions!)  It's tempting to say that the
+<CODE>map</CODE> procedure itself is a &quot;higher order procedure,&quot; but in
+Logo that isn't true.  Procedures aren't data in Logo; the only data types
+are words and lists.  That's why the input to <CODE>map</CODE> is a word,
+the name of a procedure, and not the procedure itself.  Some languages do
+treat procedures themselves as data.  In particular, the language Scheme is
+a close relative of Logo that can handle procedures as data.  If this way of
+thinking appeals to you, consider learning Scheme next!
+<H2>Higher Order Selection: <CODE>Filter</CODE></H2>
+The purpose of <CODE>map</CODE> is to <EM>transform</EM> each member of an
+aggregate (a list or a word) by applying some function to it.  Another
+higher order function, <CODE>filter</CODE>, is used to <EM>select</EM> some
+members of an aggregate, but not others, based on a criterion expressed as a
+predicate function.  For example:
+? <U>show filter "numberp [76 trombones, 4 calling birds, and 8 days]</U>
+[76 4 8]
+to vowelp :letter
+output memberp :letter "aeiou
+? <U>show filter "vowelp "spaghetti</U>
+to beatlep :person
+output memberp :person [John Paul George Ringo]
+? <U>show filter "beatlep [Bob George Jeff Roy Tom]</U>
+What happens if we use the <CODE>initials</CODE> procedure that we wrote with
+people's names in mind for other kinds of names, such as organizations or
+book titles?  Some of them work well:
+? <U>show initials [Computer Science Logo Style]</U>
+[C S L S]
+? <U>show initials [American Civil Liberties Union]</U>
+[A C L U]
+but others don't give quite the results we'd like:
+? <U>show initials [Association for Computing Machinery]</U>
+[A f C M]
+? <U>show initials [People's Republic of China]</U>
+[P R o C]
+We'd like to eliminate words like &quot;for&quot; and &quot;of&quot; before taking the first
+letters of the remaining words.  This is a job for <CODE>filter</CODE>:
+to importantp :word
+output not memberp :word [the an a of for by with in to and or]
+to initials :name
+output map "first (filter "importantp :name)
+? <U>show initials [Association for Computing Machinery]</U>
+[A C M]
+? <U>show initials [People's Republic of China]</U>
+[P R C]
+<H2>Many to One: <CODE>Reduce</CODE></H2>
+Of course, what we'd <EM>really</EM> like is to have those initials in the
+form of a single word: ACLU, CSLS, ACM, and so on.  For this purpose we
+need yet another higher order function, one that invokes a combining
+function to join the members of an aggregate.
+? <U>show reduce "word [C S L S]</U>
+? <U>show reduce "sum [3 4 5 6]</U>
+? <U>show reduce "sentence "UNICEF</U>
+[U N I C E F]
+<CODE>Reduce</CODE> takes two inputs.  The first must be the name of a
+two-input operation; the second can be any <EM>nonempty</EM> word or list.
+to acronym :name
+output reduce "word initials :name
+In practice, the first input to <CODE>reduce</CODE> won't be any old
+operation; it'll be a <EM>constructor.</EM> It'll be something that doesn't
+care about the grouping of operands; for example, <CODE>sum</CODE> is a good
+choice but <CODE>difference</CODE> is problematic because we don't know
+reduce "difference [5 6 7]
+means 5-(6-7) or (5-6)-7, and the grouping affects the answer.  Almost
+all the time, the constructor will be <CODE>word</CODE>,
+<CODE>sentence</CODE>, <CODE>sum</CODE>, or <CODE>product</CODE>.  But
+here's an example of another one:
+to bigger :a :b
+output ifelse :a > :b [:a] [:b]
+to biggest :nums
+output reduce "bigger :nums
+? <U>show biggest [5 7 781 42 8]</U>
+<H2>Choosing the Right Tool</H2>
+So far you've seen three higher order functions: <CODE>map</CODE>,
+<CODE>filter</CODE>, and <CODE>reduce</CODE>.  How do you decide which one to
+use for a particular problem?  
+<CODE>Map</CODE> transforms each member of a word or list individually.  The
+result contains as many members as the input.
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/v1ch5/map.gif" ALT="<P>figure: map"></CENTER>
+<CODE>Filter</CODE> selects certain members of a word or list and discards the
+others.  The members of the result are members of the input, without
+transformation, but the result may be smaller than the original.
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="filter.gif" ALT="<P>figure: filter"></CENTER>
+<CODE>Reduce</CODE> transforms the entire word or list into a single result
+by combining all of the members in some way.
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/v1ch5/reduce.gif" ALT="<P>figure: reduce"></CENTER>
+<H2>Anonymous Functions</H2>
+In several of the examples in this chapter, I've had to write &quot;helper&quot;
+procedures such as <CODE>hangletter</CODE>, <CODE>importantp</CODE>, and
+<CODE>bigger</CODE> that will never be used independently, but are needed
+only to provide the function argument to a higher order function.  It would
+be simpler if we could avoid writing these as separate procedures.
+Does that sound confusing?  This is one of those ideas for which an example
+is worth 1000 words:
+to hangword :secret :guessed
+output map [ifelse memberp ? :guessed [?] ["_]] :secret
+Until now, the first input to <CODE>map</CODE> has always been a word,
+used to represent the function with that word as its name.  In this example
+we see how a nameless function can be represented: as a list containing a
+Logo expression, but with question marks where the function's argument
+belongs.  Such a list is called a <EM>template.</EM>
+? <U>show filter [memberp ? [John Paul George Ringo]] ~</U>
+              <U>[Bob George Jeff Roy Tom]</U>
+Anonymous functions of more than one argument are a little uglier.  Instead
+of <CODE>?</CODE> for the argument, you must use <CODE>?1</CODE> for the
+first, <CODE>?2</CODE> for the second, and so on.
+to biggest :nums
+output reduce [ifelse ?1 > ?2 [?1] [?2]] :nums
+Notice that the templates don't say <CODE>output</CODE>, as the named
+procedures did.  That's because procedures are made of
+<EM>instructions,</EM> whereas these are <EM>expression</EM> templates.
+When input values are &quot;plugged in&quot; for the question marks, the template
+becomes a Logo expression, which means that when evaluated it has a value.
+If the template said <CODE>output</CODE>, it would be saying to use that
+value as the output <EM>from the procedure containing it!</EM> (I'm just
+repeating the point made earlier that <CODE>output</CODE> immediately stops
+the procedure it's in, even if there are more instructions below it.)
+<H2>Higher Order Miscellany</H2>
+<CODE>Map</CODE> combines the partial results into a list, if the second
+argument is a list, or into a word, if it's a word.  Sometimes this behavior
+isn't quite what you want.  An alternative is <CODE>map.se</CODE> (map to
+sentence), which makes a sentence of the results.  Here are some examples.
+? <U>make "numbers [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine]</U>
+? <U>show map [item ?+1 :numbers] 5789</U>
+? <U>show map.se [item ?+1 :numbers] 5789</U>
+[five seven eight nine]
+? <U>show map [sentence (word "With ?) "You] [in out]</U>
+[[Within You] [Without You]]
+? <U>show map.se [sentence (word "With ?) "You] [in out]</U>
+[Within You Without You]
+? <U>show map.se [sentence ? "Warner] [Yakko Wakko Dot]</U>
+[Yakko Warner Wakko Warner Dot Warner]
+? <U>show map [sentence ? "Warner] [Yakko Wakko Dot]</U>
+[[Yakko Warner] [Wakko Warner] [Dot Warner]]
+As these examples show, sometimes <CODE>map</CODE> does what you want, but
+sometimes <CODE>map.se</CODE> does, depending on the &quot;shape&quot; you want your
+result to have.  Do you want a word, a sentence, or a structured list?
+Suppose we have two sets of things, and we want all the pairings of one of
+these with one of those.  An example will make clear what's desired:
+? <U>show crossproduct [red blue green] [shirt pants]</U>
+[[red shirt] [blue shirt] [green shirt] [red pants] [blue pants]
+ [green pants]]
+This is a tricky example because there are two different mistakes
+we could make.  We don't want to &quot;flatten&quot; the result into a sentence:
+[red shirt blue shirt green shirt red pants blue pants green pants]
+but we also don't want all the shirts in one list and all the
+pants in another:
+[[[red shirt] [blue shirt] [green shirt]]
+ [[red pants] [blue pants] [green pants]]]
+Here's the solution:
+to crossproduct :these :those
+output map.se [prepend.each :these ?] :those
+to prepend.each :these :that
+output map [sentence ? :that] :these
+<P>&raquo; Notice that this solution uses both <CODE>map</CODE> and
+<CODE>map.se</CODE>.  Try to predict what would happen if you used
+<CODE>map</CODE> both times, or <CODE>map.se</CODE> both times, or
+interchanged the two.  Then try it on the computer and be sure you
+understand what happens and why!
+By the way, this is a case in which we still need a named helper function
+despite the use of templates, because otherwise we'd have one template
+inside the other, and Logo couldn't figure out which <CODE>?</CODE> to
+replace with what:
+to crossproduct :these :those
+output map.se [map [sentence ? ?] :these] :those     ; (wrong!)
+Just as <CODE>map.se</CODE> is a variant of <CODE>map</CODE>,
+<CODE>find</CODE> is a variant of <CODE>filter</CODE>, for the situations in
+which you only want to find <EM>one</EM> member that meets the criterion,
+rather than all the members.  (Perhaps you know in advance that there will
+only be one, or perhaps if there are more than one, you don't care which you
+to spellout :card
+output (sentence (butlast :card) "of
+                 (find [equalp last :card first ?]
+                       [hearts spades diamonds clubs]))
+? <U>print spellout "5d</U>
+5 of diamonds
+? <U>print spellout "10h</U>
+10 of hearts
+Sometimes what you want isn't a function at all.  You want to take some
+<EM>action</EM> for each member of an aggregate.  The most common one is to
+print each member on a separate line, in situations where you've computed a
+long list of things.  You can use <CODE>foreach</CODE> with an
+<EM>instruction</EM> template, rather than an expression template as used
+with the others.  The template is the last argument, rather than the first,
+to follow the way in which the phrase &quot;for each&quot; is used in English:  For
+each of these things, do that.
+? <U>foreach (crossproduct [[ultra chocolate] pumpkin [root beer swirl]</U>
+      <U>ginger] [cone cup]) "print</U>
+ultra chocolate cone
+pumpkin cone
+root beer swirl cone
+ginger cone
+ultra chocolate cup
+pumpkin cup
+root beer swirl cup
+ginger cup
+If you look closely at the letters on your computer screen you'll see that
+they are made up of little dots.  One simple pattern represents each letter
+in a rectangle of dots five wide and seven high, like this:
+  *    *****  *****  ****   *****
+ * *   *   *  *      *   *  *
+*   *  *   *  *      *   *  *
+*****  ****   *      *   *  ***
+*   *  *   *  *      *   *  *
+*   *  *   *  *      *   *  *
+*   *  *****  *****  ****   *****
+The following program allows you to spell words on the screen in big letters
+like these.  Each letter's shape is kept as the value of a global variable
+with the letter as its name.  (I haven't actually listed all 26 letters.)
+The value is a list of seven words, each of which contains five characters,
+some combination of spaces and asterisks.
+<A name="say">to say :word</A>
+for [row 1 7] [foreach :word [sayrow :row ?] print []]
+print []
+to sayrow :row :letter
+type item :row thing :letter
+type "|  |
+make "b [|*****| |*   *| |*   *| |**** | |*   *| |*   *| |*****|]
+make "r [|*****| |*   *| |*   *| |*****| |* *  | |*  * | |*   *|]
+make "i [|*****| |  *  | |  *  | |  *  | |  *  | |  *  | |*****|]
+make "a [|  *  | | * * | |*   *| |*****| |*   *| |*   *| |*   *|]
+make "n [|*   *| |**  *| |**  *| |* * *| |*  **| |*  **| |*   *|]
+? <U>say "brian</U>
+*****  *****  *****    *    *   *
+*   *  *   *    *     * *   **  *
+*   *  *   *    *    *   *  **  *
+****   *****    *    *****  * * *
+*   *  * *      *    *   *  *  **
+*   *  *  *     *    *   *  *  **
+*****  *   *  *****  *   *  *   *
+<P>&raquo; Modify the program so that <CODE>say</CODE> takes another input, a
+number representing the size in which you want to print the letters.  If the
+number is 1, then the program should work as before.  If the number is 2,
+each dot should be printed as a two-by-two square of spaces or asterisks; if
+the number is 3, a three-by-three square, and so on.
+<H2>Repeated Invocation: <CODE>Cascade</CODE></H2>
+Finally, sometimes you want to compose a function with itself several times:
+? <U>print first bf bf bf bf [The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill]</U>
+? <U>print first (cascade 4 "bf [The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill])</U>
+<CODE>Cascade</CODE> takes three inputs.  The first is a number,
+indicating how many times to invoke the function represented by the second
+argument.  The third argument is the starting value.
+to power :base :exponent
+output cascade :exponent [? * :base] 1
+? <U>print power 2 8</U>
+to range :from :to
+output cascade :to-:from [sentence ? (1+last ?)] (sentence :from)
+? <U>show range 3 8</U>
+[3 4 5 6 7 8]
+Like <CODE>map</CODE>, <CODE>cascade</CODE> can be used with extra inputs to
+deal with more than one thing at a time.  One example in which multi-input
+<CODE>cascade</CODE> is useful is the Fibonacci sequence.  Each number in
+the sequence is the sum of the two previous numbers; the first two numbers
+are 1.  So the sequence starts
+<P>A formal definition
+of the sequence looks like this:
+<TR><TD><I>F</I><SMALL><SUB>0</SUB></SMALL> = 1</TD>
+<TR><TD><I>F</I><SMALL><SUB>1</SUB></SMALL> = 1</TD>
+<TR><TD><I>F</I><SMALL><SUB>n</SUB></SMALL> = <I>F</I><SMALL><SUB>n-1</SUB></SMALL> +
+<I>F</I><SMALL><SUB>n-2</SUB></SMALL>, &#160;  &#160;  &#160; n&#62;1</TD>
+<P>In order to compute, say, <I>F</I><SMALL><SUB>23</SUB></SMALL>,
+we must know both <I>F</I><SMALL><SUB>22</SUB></SMALL> and
+As we work our way up, we must
+always remember the two most recent values, like this:
+<TH> </TH>
+<TH>Most recent value &#160; &#160; &#160;</TH>
+<TH>Next most recent value</TH>
+<TD>step 1</TD>
+<TD>step 2</TD>
+<TD>step 3</TD>
+<TD>step 4</TD>
+<TD>step 22 &#160; &#160; &#160;</TD>
+<TD>step 23</TD>
+To express this using <CODE>cascade</CODE>, we can use <CODE>?1</CODE> to
+mean the most recent value and <CODE>?2</CODE> to mean the next most
+recent.  Then at each step, we need a function to compute the new
+<CODE>?1</CODE> by adding the two known values, and a function to copy the
+old <CODE>?1</CODE> as the new <CODE>?2</CODE>:
+to fib :n
+output (cascade :n [?1+?2] 1 [?1] 0)
+? <U>print fib 5</U>
+? <U>print fib 23</U>
+Another situation in which multi-input <CODE>cascade</CODE> can be useful is
+to process every member of a list, using <CODE>?1</CODE> to remember the
+already-processed ones and <CODE>?2</CODE> to remember the still-waiting
+ones.  The simplest example is reversing the words in a sentence:
+to reverse :sent
+output (cascade (count :sent)
+                [sentence (first ?2) ?1] []
+		[butfirst ?2] :sent)
+? <U>print reverse [how now brown cow]</U>
+cow brown now how
+<TR align="left">
+<TH> </TH>
+<TD><CODE>[how now brown cow]</CODE></TD>
+<TD>step 1 &#160; &#160;</TD>
+<TD><CODE>[now brown cow]</CODE></TD>
+<TD>step 2</TD>
+<TD><CODE>[now how]</CODE></TD>
+<TD><CODE>[brown cow]</CODE></TD>
+<TD>step 3</TD>
+<TD><CODE>[brown now how]</CODE></TD>
+<TD>step 4</TD>
+<TD><CODE>[cow brown now how]</CODE>&#160; &#160;</TD>
+Here is the general notation for multi-input <CODE>cascade</CODE>:
+(cascade <U>howmany</U> <U>function1</U> <U>start1</U> <U>function2</U> <U>start2</U> ...)
+There must be as many <TT><U>function</U></TT> inputs as
+<TT><U>start</U></TT> inputs.  Suppose there are <I>n</I> pairs of inputs;
+then each of the <TT><U>function</U></TT>s must accept <I>n</I> inputs.  The
+<TT><U>start</U></TT>s provide the initial values for <CODE>?1</CODE>,
+<CODE>?2</CODE>, and so on; each function provides the next value for one of
+those.  <CODE>Cascade</CODE> returns the final value of <CODE>?1</CODE>.
+<H2>A Mini-project: Mastermind</H2>
+It's time to put these programming tools to work in a more substantial
+project.  You're ready to write a computer program that plays a family of
+games like Mastermind<SMALL><SUP>TM</SUP></SMALL>.  The
+computer picks a secret list of colors;
+the human player makes guesses.  (The number of possible colors can be
+changed to tune the difficulty of the game.)  At each turn, the program
+should tell the player how many colors in the guess are in the correct
+positions in the secret list and also how many are in the list, but not at
+the same positions.  For example, suppose the program's secret colors are
+red green blue violet
+and the player guesses
+red orange yellow green
+There is one correct-position match (red, because it's the first color in
+both lists) and one incorrect-position match (green, because it's second in
+the computer's list but fourth in the player's list).
+In the program, to reduce the amount of typing needed to play the game,
+represent each color as a single letter and each list of colors as a word.
+In the example above, the computer's secret list is represented as
+<CODE>rgbv</CODE> and the player's guess as <CODE>royg</CODE>.
+There are two possible variations in the rules, depending on whether or not
+color lists with duplications (such as <CODE>rgrb</CODE>, in which red
+appears twice) are allowed.  The program will accept a true-or-false input
+to determine whether or not duplicates are allowed.
+Here's an example of what an interaction with the program
+should look like:
+? <U>master "roygbiv 4 "false</U>
+What's your guess?
+You have 1 correct-position matches
+and 2 incorrect-position matches.
+What's your guess?
+You have 1 correct-position matches
+and 2 incorrect-position matches.
+What's your guess?
+You must guess exactly 4 colors.
+What's your guess?
+The available colors are: roygbiv
+What's your guess?
+No fair guessing the same color twice!
+What's your guess?
+You have 0 correct-position matches
+and 3 incorrect-position matches.
+What's your guess?
+You have 1 correct-position matches
+and 2 incorrect-position matches.
+What's your guess?
+You have 0 correct-position matches
+and 3 incorrect-position matches.
+What's your guess?
+You have 1 correct-position matches
+and 3 incorrect-position matches.
+What's your guess?
+You have 2 correct-position matches
+and 2 incorrect-position matches.
+What's your guess?
+You win in 8 guesses!
+If you prefer, just jump in and start writing the program.  But I have a
+particular design in mind, and you may find it easier to follow my plan.
+The core of my program is written sequentially, in the form of a
+<CODE>for</CODE> instruction that carries out a sequence of steps once for
+each guess the user makes.  But most of the &quot;smarts&quot; of the program are in
+a collection of subprocedures that use functional programming style.  That
+is, these procedures are operations, not commands; they merely compute and
+output a value without taking any actions.  Pay attention to how these two
+styles fit together.  In writing the operations, don't use <CODE>make</CODE>
+or <CODE>print</CODE>; each operation will consist of a single
+<CODE>output</CODE> instruction.
+<P>&raquo; The first task is for the computer to make a random selection from the
+available colors.  Write two versions: <CODE>choose.dup</CODE> that allows
+the same color to be chosen more than once, and <CODE>choose.nodup</CODE>
+that does not allow duplication.  Each of these operations should take two
+inputs: a number, indicating how many colors to choose, and a word of all
+the available colors.  For example, to choose four colors from the rainbow
+without duplication, you'd say
+? <U>print choose.nodup 4 "roygbiv</U>
+You'll find the Logo primitive <CODE>pick</CODE> helpful.  It takes a
+word or list as its input, and returns a randomly chosen member:
+? <U>print pick [Pete John Roger Keith]</U>
+? <U>print pick [Pete John Roger Keith]</U>
+? <U>print pick "roygbiv</U>
+Writing <CODE>choose.dup</CODE> is a straightforward combination of
+<CODE>pick</CODE> and <CODE>cascade</CODE>.
+<CODE>Choose.nodup</CODE> is a little harder.  Since we want to eliminate
+any color we choose from further consideration, it's plausible to use a
+multi-input <CODE>cascade</CODE> sort of like this:
+(cascade :number-wanted
+         [<U>add one color</U>] "
+	 [<U>remove that color</U>] :colors)
+If we always wanted to choose the first available color, this would be just
+like the <CODE>reverse</CODE> example earlier.  But we want to choose a
+color randomly each time.  One solution is to <EM>rotate</EM> the available
+colors by some random amount, then choose what is now the first color.  To
+use that idea you'll need a <CODE>rotate</CODE> operation that rotates a
+word some random number of times, like this:
+? <U>rotate "roygbiv</U>
+? <U>rotate "roygbiv</U>
+? <U>rotate "roygbiv</U>
+You can write <CODE>rotate</CODE> using <CODE>cascade</CODE> along with the
+Logo primitive operation <CODE>random</CODE>.  <CODE>Random</CODE> takes a
+positive integer as its input, and outputs a nonnegative integer less than
+its input.  For example, <CODE>random 3</CODE> will output <CODE>0</CODE>,
+<CODE>1</CODE>, or <CODE>2</CODE>.
+<P>&raquo; The second task is to evaluate the player's guess.  You'll need an
+operation called <CODE>exact</CODE> that takes two words as inputs (you may
+assume they are the same length) and outputs the number of correct-position
+matches, and another operation called <CODE>inexact</CODE> that computes the
+number of wrong-position matches.  (You may find it easier to write a helper
+procedure <CODE>anymatch</CODE> that takes two words as inputs, but outputs
+the total number of matches, regardless of position.)  Be sure to write
+these so that they work even with the duplicates-allowed rule in effect.
+For example, if the secret word is <CODE>rgrb</CODE> and the user guesses
+<CODE>yrrr</CODE>, then you must report one exact and one inexact match, not
+one exact and two inexact.
+? <U>print exact "rgrb "yrrr</U>
+? <U>print inexact "rgrb "yrrr</U>
+? <U>print inexact "royg "rgbo</U>
+<CODE>Exact</CODE> is a straightforward application of multi-input
+<CODE>map</CODE>, since you want to look at each letter of the secret word
+along with the same-position letter of the user's guess.  My solution to
+<CODE>anymatch</CODE> was to use <CODE>map</CODE> to consider each of the
+available colors.  For each color, the number of matches is the smaller of
+the number of times it appears in the secret word and the number of times it
+appears in the guess.  (You'll need a helper procedure <CODE>howmany</CODE>
+that takes two inputs, a letter and a word, and outputs the number of times
+that letter occurs in that word.)
+<P>&raquo; Up to this point, we've assumed that the player is making legitimate
+guesses.  A valid guess has the right number of colors, chosen from the set
+of available colors, and (perhaps, depending on the chosen rules) with no
+color duplicated.  Write a predicate <CODE>valid.guessp</CODE> that takes a
+guess as its input and returns <CODE>true</CODE> if the guess is valid,
+<CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.  In this procedure, for the first time in this
+project, it's a good idea to violate functional programming style by
+printing an appropriate error message when the output will be
+<P>&raquo; We now have all the tools needed to write the top-level game procedure
+<CODE>master</CODE>.  This procedure will take three inputs: a word of the
+available colors, the number of colors in the secret word, and a
+<CODE>true</CODE> or <CODE>false</CODE> to indicate whether or not duplicate
+colors are allowed.  After using either <CODE>choose.dup</CODE> or
+<CODE>choose.nodup</CODE> to pick the secret word, I used a <CODE>for</CODE>
+loop to carry out the necessary instructions for each guess.
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+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 