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authorelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
committerelioat <elioat@tilde.institute>2023-08-23 07:52:19 -0400
commit562a9a52d599d9a05f871404050968a5fd282640 (patch)
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parent5d012c6c011a9dedf7d0a098e456206244eb5a0f (diff)
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+<TITLE>Computer Science Logo Style vol 2 ch 4: Example: Solitaire</TITLE>
+<CITE>Computer Science Logo Style</CITE> volume 2:
+<CITE>Advanced Techniques</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1997 MIT
+<H1>Example: Solitaire</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../csls2.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/v2ch04.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../v2-toc2.html">Back to Table of Contents</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/v2ch3/v2ch3.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="../v2ch5/v2ch5.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/computer-science-logo-style-second-edition-volume-2">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Computer Science Logo Style</CITE></A>
+<P>Program file for this chapter: <A HREF="solitaire.lg"><CODE>solitaire</CODE></A>
+This program deals out a hand of solitaire and maintains a picture of
+the card layout as you play the game by entering commands to move cards.  It
+doesn't try to provide help with strategy, but it does know the rules for
+legal moves.
+This chapter follows Chapter 3 because the solitaire program uses
+<CODE>catch</CODE> and <CODE>throw</CODE> for three kinds of nonlocal exit.
+The program is an infinite loop that plays games repeatedly, so there is an
+exit command that is implemented as a <CODE>throw</CODE>.  Each game is
+itself an infinite loop, processing user commands repeatedly until either
+the game is won or the user asks to start a new game.  The command to start
+a new game is also implemented as a <CODE>throw</CODE>.  Finally, if the
+program detects an error in a user command, such as asking to move a card
+that isn't playable, the program rings a bell and <CODE>throw</CODE>s back
+to the command-reading loop.
+to solitaire
+catch "exit [forever [onegame]]
+to onegame
+catch "endgame [forever [catch "bell [parsecmd]]]
+<H2>The User Interface</H2>
+But what I actually find most interesting about this program is the way
+in which it interacts with the user.  By now, most people have seen
+computer solitaire programs in which the cards are drawn graphically on
+the screen, and the user moves cards by dragging with a mouse.  (A program
+of that kind is included with Microsoft Windows, and versions are also
+available for most other computer systems.)  The advantage of the mouse
+interface is that it's very easy to learn.  Once you've seen how dragging
+an object with the mouse works in a painting program or a word processor,
+it's immediately obvious how to drag cards in the solitaire program, without
+reading an instruction manual.
+This Logo solitaire program doesn't use a mouse.  Instead, you move cards
+with keyboard commands.  Most of the time it takes a single keystroke to
+tell the program which card to move, and where to move it.  The trouble
+is that you have to learn the command keys!  Given the choice, I think that
+most people would rather start playing right away with a mouse-driven
+program than take the time to learn to use mine.  But I actually find
+the Logo program <EM>easier</EM> to use.  Typing a single key is faster
+and easier on the wrist than moving the mouse to where the card is,
+holding down the mouse button, moving the mouse to where you want to put
+the card, and then releasing the button.
+There's no question that mouse-based graphical user interfaces
+have vastly increased the acceptance and use of computers by people who
+are not technical experts.  And I was happy to have a mouse-based drawing
+program to produce many of the illustrations in these books!  But I did
+the word processing with a keyboard-controlled text editor; I find it
+easier to use and more flexible than the mouse-based word processors.
+Maybe it's just incipient old age, but I'm still a holdout against the
+idea that <EM>everything</EM> is better done with a mouse.
+Play several games using this program, and several using a mouse-based
+solitaire program, and see what you think.
+<H2>The Game of Solitaire</H2>
+Here is a picture of a solitaire game in progress.
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="cards.gif" ALT="<P>figure: cards"></CENTER>
+In the center of the picture are seven <EM>stacks</EM> of cards.
+Each stack may include some <EM>hidden</EM> cards and some <EM>shown</EM>
+cards.  The hidden cards, if any, are beneath the shown cards.  If there are
+any cards at all in a stack, at least one must be shown.  Cards that are not
+part of this layout are held in the <EM>hand</EM> and dealt from the hand
+onto the <EM>pile</EM>; the cards in the hand are hidden, while the top card
+of the pile is visible.  At the top of the picture are four more piles of
+cards, one for each suit; I'll call these piles &quot;the <EM>top</EM>&quot; so that
+I can reserve the name <EM>pile</EM> for the one at the bottom.
+Here is how the same layout would be represented by the program:
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/v2ch4/solitaire.gif" ALT="<P>figure: solitaire"></CENTER>
+Shown cards are represented on the screen by the rank and suit of
+the card.  Several cards may be shown in each stack, while only one card is
+shown in the pile, and one of each suit in the top.  Each stack has a dash
+at the top of its display if there are any hidden cards in that stack; the
+hand is represented by the number of cards in it.
+In playing solitaire it's important to distinguish black cards from red
+cards, so the program does its best to present the color information to
+you.  The facilities for color display vary tremendously between computer
+models, both in what capabilities are available and in the means by which
+a program can use them.  Berkeley Logo sacrifices versatility for
+uniformity; there is a <CODE>standout</CODE> primitive operation that can
+be used to print text in &quot;reverse video,&quot; whichever of black-on-white
+and white-on-black isn't the usual presentation.
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="standout.gif" ALT="<P>figure: standout"></CENTER>
+The <CODE>solitaire</CODE> program displays red cards in normal text
+and black cards in reverse video.  The DOS version normally displays white
+text on a black background, while the Macintosh version normally displays
+black text on a white background, so the effect looks different on each
+kind of computer.
+There are many variations in the rules of solitaire, so I should describe
+in detail the version this program knows.  In the initial layout, there are
+seven stacks.  The first stack (on the left) has one shown card.  The second
+has one shown and one hidden.  The third has one shown and two hidden.  Each
+stack has one more hidden card than the one before it, so the seventh stack,
+at the right, has one shown card and six hidden cards.  There are 28 cards
+altogether on the board; the remaining 24 cards are in the hand.
+Here are the legal moves:
+<LI>Three cards at a time may be dealt from the hand to the pile.  The
+cards are turned face up, so that the last one dealt is shown.  If there are
+fewer than three cards in the hand, however many cards are left may be dealt
+in this way.  If there are no cards in the hand at all, the entire pile may
+be picked up and turned upside down, so that they return to the hand in the
+same order they were in at the beginning.
+<LI>The top card of the pile, or the topmost card of any stack, may be
+moved to the top if (a) it is an ace, <EM>or</EM> (b) the card of the same
+suit and the immediately preceding rank is visible at the top.  For example,
+the four of clubs can be played onto the three of clubs at the top.
+<LI>The top card of the pile, or any shown card in any stack, may be
+moved onto a stack if the topmost card of that stack is (a) of the opposite
+color, <EM>and</EM> (b) of the immediately following rank as the card you are
+moving.  For example, the four of clubs can be played onto the five of
+hearts or the five of diamonds on a stack.
+<LI> When a card is moved onto a stack, it is placed so that it does not
+completely cover any other shown cards on that stack.  Any such shown cards
+remain shown.
+<LI>When moving a shown card from a stack, any other cards that are
+above it (partly covering it, because they were moved onto it earlier) must
+be moved along with it.
+<LI>When all shown cards are removed from a stack, the topmost hidden
+card is turned over so that it becomes a shown card.  If there are no hidden
+cards in that stack, the stack becomes empty.  (At the beginning of the
+game, there are no empty stacks.)
+<LI>Any king that is the top card of the pile, or a shown card in any
+stack, may be moved onto an empty stack.
+<LI>The game is won if all cards are moved to the top.  The game is
+lost if there are no legal moves and not all cards are moved to the top.
+I've expressed these rules in more formal language than would usually be
+used.  Card players have shorthand ways of speaking, like &quot;play up in the
+same suit at the top&quot; or &quot;play down in the opposite color on the stacks.&quot;
+I wanted to be very precise in stating the rules because each part of a rule
+must be reflected in the computer program.  Even so, I've left out some
+details.  For example, my list of rules talks about concepts like &quot;suit&quot; and
+&quot;rank&quot; without defining them.  I haven't specified the rank order, namely
+ace-low.  (That is, ace comes before two, not after king.)  What other
+details, if any, have I forgotten?
+<H2>Running the Program</H2>
+To use the program, invoke the command <CODE>solitaire</CODE> with no inputs.
+(Being as I am a lazy typist, I've also defined an abbreviation <CODE>s</CODE>
+for this command.)  The program prints an initial screenful of instructions,
+and then repeatedly deals solitaire hands until you give the exit command.
+Here are the instructions:
+Welcome to solitaire
+Here are the commands you can type:
+    <U>+ =</U>  Deal three cards onto pile
+    <U>P</U>    Play top card from pile
+    <U>R</U>    Redisplay the board
+    <U>?</U>    Retype these instructions
+    <U>card</U> Play that card
+    <U>M</U>    Move same card again
+    <U>W</U>    Play up as much as possible (Win)
+    <U>G</U>    Give up (start a new game)
+    <U>X</U>    Exit to Logo
+A card consists of a rank:
+   <U>A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K</U>  or <U>T</U> for 10
+followed by a suit:
+   <U>H S D C</U>
+or followed by <U>.</U> to play all possible suits up
+If you make a mistake, hit delete or backspace.
+To move an entire stack,
+   hit the shifted stack number:
+     <U>! @ # $ % ^ &</U> for stacks
+     1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+My goal in designing the &quot;human interface&quot; for this program was that most
+moves should require typing only a single character.  My idea is that the
+most common moves are to play a card from the pile and to move an entire
+stack (that is, the entire shown part of a stack) at once.  There are
+one-character commands for all these.  If you want to move only part of a
+stack, then you must type the name of the card, in the form <CODE>8S</CODE>
+for the eight of spades.
+As it turns out, in this case what's easy for the user is also easiest for
+the program.  When you refer to a card by its position, it's easy for the
+program to look up which card you mean.  For example, when you say
+<CODE>P</CODE> to play the top card from the pile, it's easy for the program
+to find out what card that is.  But when you specify a card by typing its
+rank and suit, it's harder for the program to know <EM>where</EM> that card
+is.  The program must check the pile and all the stacks to see if your card
+is a member of each one.  So the program runs faster if you use the
+single-keystroke commands.
+The instructions don't say how to let the program know where you want to
+move the chosen card <EM>onto.</EM> The reason is that in most cases there is
+only one possible place, and the program finds that place itself.  (This is
+the most complicated part of the program.)  Sometimes the chosen card can be
+moved to two different places.  If so, the program picks a stack to move the
+card onto, and if you don't like the program's choice, you can type
+<CODE>M</CODE> to move the same card again until it ends up where you wanted
+The program makes no effort to help you with strategic decisions. For
+example, some people like to play cards to the top as soon as possible,
+while other people prefer to keep cards visible on the stacks as long as
+possible.  Such choices are up to you.  Also, the program does not detect
+losing the game.  (Detecting winning is easy--all four tops have kings
+showing--but you haven't lost the game until no further moves are possible,
+which is harder for the program to figure out.)  When you decide the game is
+over, you just type <CODE>G</CODE> to start another game.
+<H2>Program Structure</H2>
+There are about 60 procedures in this program.  These procedures can be
+roughly divided into several purposes:
+<LI>reading and interpreting keyboard commands
+<LI>finding the chosen card in the layout
+<LI>finding where the chosen card can move
+<LI>moving the card
+<LI>displaying the card layout
+<LI>miscellaneous user commands
+<LI>data abstraction
+In the procedures that move cards, the most interesting part of
+the program, a few important variables are used to communicate what moves
+should be made:
+<DT><CODE>card</CODE><DD>The card that the user asked to move.
+<DT><CODE>cards</CODE><DD>All the cards that must be moved.  (There may be more
+than one if the requested card is in the middle of a stack.)
+<DT><CODE>where</CODE><DD>The location (before moving) of the chosen card.
+<DT><CODE>onto</CODE><DD>A list of all possible locations to which the card
+can be moved.
+As we'll see later in more detail, the card locations in <CODE>:where</CODE>
+and <CODE>:onto</CODE> are represented in the form of Logo instructions that
+can be <CODE>run</CODE> to perform the desired move.
+The overall program structure is two nested loops.  The top-level procedure
+<A HREF="v2ch4.html#solitaire"><CODE>solitaire</CODE></A>
+repeatedly invokes <CODE>onegame</CODE>.  As its name
+suggests, each invocation of <A HREF="v2ch4.html#onegame"><CODE>onegame</CODE></A>
+plays one solitaire game.
+It shuffles and deals the cards, then repeatedly invokes
+<A HREF="v2ch4.html#parsecmd"><CODE>parsecmd</CODE></A>,
+which reads a character from the keyboard and chooses
+the appropriate procedure to carry out the user's command.
+(Most user commands require only one character.  The situation is a little
+more complicated if the user types the name of a card, such as
+<CODE>10H</CODE> for the ten of hearts, as a command.  <CODE>Parsecmd</CODE>
+actually treats this as three separate commands.  The <CODE>1</CODE> and the
+<CODE>0</CODE> merely record the card's rank in a variable named
+<CODE>digit</CODE>.  When <CODE>parsecmd</CODE> sees the letter
+<CODE>H</CODE>, which selects the card's suit, it invokes
+<CODE>play.by.name</CODE>, which combines the remembered rank with the
+just-typed suit to determine the desired card.)
+Both <CODE>solitaire</CODE> and <CODE>onegame</CODE> include initialization
+instructions.  That's because some actions are only required once, such as
+computing the 52 names of cards in the deck, while others are required for
+each game, such as shuffling those cards.
+Many initialization actions use the Berkeley Logo primitive command
+<CODE>localmake</CODE>, which is an abbreviation for a <CODE>local</CODE>
+command followed by a <CODE>make</CODE> command.  The program uses no global
+variables, although the variables that are local to these top-level
+procedures are available to any procedure within the solitaire program.
+For most purposes, the most convenient representation of the deck of cards
+is as a list.  That's because what the program most often does with the deck
+is to deal a card from it to somewhere else.  If the deck is represented as
+a list in the variable <CODE>hand</CODE>, then dealing a card is roughly
+equivalent to these instructions:
+do.something.with first :hand
+make "hand butfirst :hand
+A list is convenient because <CODE>butfirst</CODE> can be used to remove a
+card from the deck.  It turns out, however, that <EM>shuffling</EM> the deck
+is easiest if it's represented as an array.  That's because the technique
+used to shuffle the deck is to exchange pairs of cards repeatedly.  In the
+first step, we swap the 52nd card of the deck with a randomly chosen card
+(perhaps itself).  The newly chosen last card is now exempt from further
+exchanges.  In the second step, the 51st card of the deck is swapped with
+some card in the remainder of the deck, and so on, for 51 steps.  The
+<CODE>setitem</CODE> primitive makes it easy to change the value of a member
+partway through an array.  If the deck were represented as a list, each
+exchange would require making a (slightly changed) copy of the entire list.
+The solution to this problem is that both representations, list and array,
+are used in the program.  The <CODE>solitaire</CODE> procedure creates an
+array containing the 52 cards.  For each game, <CODE>onegame</CODE> invokes
+<CODE>shuffle</CODE>, which shuffles the cards in the array and then uses
+the primitive <CODE>arraytolist</CODE> to output a list containing the cards
+in their new order.  That list is used by the other parts of the program.
+to shuffle :len :array
+if :len=0 [output arraytolist :array]
+localmake "choice random :len
+localmake "temp item :choice :array
+setitem :choice :array (item :len-1 :array)
+setitem :len-1 :array :temp
+output shuffle :len-1 :array
+<H2>Data Abstraction</H2>
+As in most large programs, the solitaire program uses selectors like
+<CODE>first</CODE> and <CODE>last</CODE> for several different purposes in
+different contexts.  To make the program easier to read and maintain, more
+meaningful names are used in each context.
+For example, cards are represented in the program as words containing the
+rank and the suit, so the word <CODE>8C</CODE> represents the eight of
+clubs.  To find the rank of a card, the program must take the
+<CODE>butlast</CODE> of the word, and to find the suit, it must take the
+<CODE>last</CODE> of the word.  (Why not use <CODE>first</CODE> instead of
+<CODE>butlast</CODE> to get the rank?  Because if the card happens to be a
+ten, there are two digits in its rank.  The suit is always a single
+character.)  Instead of using these primitive selectors directly, I've
+defined synonyms:
+to rank :card
+output butlast :card
+to suit :card
+output last :card
+When considering playing a card onto a stack, the program does
+not have to know the precise suit of the card, but must know whether it's
+red or black:
+to redp :card
+output memberp (suit :card) :reds
+One complication in dealing with cards is that the program wants to use a
+card's rank in two different ways.  For user interaction (reading commands
+and displaying cards on the screen) the ranks should be represented using
+the names for aces and picture cards (<CODE>A</CODE>, <CODE>J</CODE>,
+<CODE>Q</CODE>, and <CODE>K</CODE>).  But for comparison purposes (such as
+deciding whether a card can be played on top of another card), it's more
+convenient to represent all ranks as numbers: 1 for ace, 11 for jack, 12 for
+queen, and 13 for king.  A conversion function <CODE>ranknum</CODE> makes
+this possible:
+to ranknum :rank
+if emptyp :rank [output 0]
+if numberp :rank [output :rank]
+if :rank = "A [output 1]
+if :rank = "J [output 11]
+if :rank = "Q [output 12]
+if :rank = "K [output 13]
+(When would a rank be empty?  The <CODE>emptyp</CODE> test is useful in
+the case of deciding whether a card can be played onto an empty &quot;top.&quot;
+In general, the only card that can be played onto a top is the rank after
+the one that's already visible there; for example, if a five is showing,
+then a six can be played.  Treating an empty top as having a rank of zero
+means that the following rank, an ace, is permitted, just as the rules
+In an actual solitaire game, a top is a pile of several cards of the same
+suit, with an ace on the bottom and other cards over it in sequence.  But in
+the program, there is no need to represent any but the topmost card, since
+the lower cards have no further role in the game.  In this program, the tops
+are represented by four variables <CODE>toph</CODE>, <CODE>tops</CODE>,
+<CODE>topd</CODE>, and <CODE>topc</CODE>.  (The last letter indicates the
+suit.)  The value of each variable is the empty word if that top is empty,
+or the rank of the topmost card if not.  Instead of using these variables
+directly, the program uses data abstraction procedures <CODE>top</CODE> and
+<CODE>settop</CODE> to examine and modify the values:
+to top :suit
+output thing word "top :suit
+to settop :suit :value
+make (word "top :suit) :value
+For example, part of the initialization in <CODE>onegame</CODE> is to
+make all four tops empty:
+foreach :suits [settop ? "]
+A <EM>stack</EM> (also called a <EM>pushdown list</EM>) is a data
+structure that is used to remember things and recall them later.  A stack
+uses the rule &quot;Last In, First Out.&quot; That is, when you take something out
+of a stack, the one you get is the one you put in most recently.  The name
+&quot;stack&quot; is based on the metaphor of the spring-loaded stack of trays you
+find in a self-service cafeteria.  You add a tray to the stack by pushing
+down the trays that were already there, adding the new tray at the top of
+the pile.  When you remove a tray, you take the one at the top of the
+pile--the one most recently added to the stack.
+A pile of cards in a solitaire game works just like a pile of trays in a
+cafeteria.  You add cards to the top of the pile, and you remove cards from
+the top of the pile.  I've used the name &quot;stack&quot; for some of the piles of
+cards in this project partly because those groups of cards are represented
+in the program by stacks in the technical sense.
+Berkeley Logo provides primitive procedures <CODE>push</CODE> and
+<CODE>pop</CODE> to implement stacks.  Each stack is represented as a list.
+To push something onto the stack, Logo uses <CODE>fput</CODE>; to pop
+something off the stack, it uses <CODE>first</CODE>.  (Actually, it's
+slightly more complicated, as you'll see in a moment.  But this is
+essentially true.)  For example, each of the seven numbered card stacks in
+the solitaire layout is represented by two lists, one for the shown cards
+and one for the hidden cards.  The lists for the third stack are kept in
+variables named <CODE>shown3</CODE> and <CODE>hidden3</CODE>.  To
+<EM>push</EM> a new card onto the hidden stack without using the
+<CODE>push</CODE> primitive, you could say
+make "hidden3 fput :card :hidden3
+To <EM>pop</EM> a card from that stack, you'd say
+make "card first :hidden3
+make "hidden3 butfirst :hidden3
+In this case, the first instruction reads the top of the stack,
+while the second removes that entry from the stack.
+Berkeley Logo provides <CODE>push</CODE> and <CODE>pop</CODE> as a data
+abstraction mechanism.  <CODE>Push</CODE> is a command that takes two
+inputs.  The first input is a word, the <EM>name</EM> of a stack.  The
+second input is any Logo datum.  <CODE>Pop</CODE> is an operation with one
+input, the name of a stack.  Its output is the first datum on the stack.  It
+also has the effect of removing that datum from the stack.  Instead of the
+instructions above, you can say
+push "hidden3 :card
+make "card pop "hidden3
+If Berkeley Logo didn't already provide these procedures, it would be easy
+to write them:
+to push :stack :thing
+make :stack fput :thing (thing :stack)
+to pop :stack
+local "result
+make "result first thing :stack
+make :stack butfirst thing :stack
+output :result
+Within the definition of <CODE>push</CODE>, the expression
+<CODE>:stack</CODE> represents the name of the stack, while the expression
+<CODE>thing :stack</CODE> represents the stack itself.  The
+<CODE>make</CODE> instruction is an example of indirect assignment; it does
+not give a new value to the variable <CODE>stack</CODE> but rather to the
+variable whose name is contained in <CODE>stack</CODE>.
+<CODE>Pop</CODE> is an unusual Logo procedure in that it's an operation that
+also has an effect.  Most operations don't have effects.  They compute
+some value, but they don't make any permanent change in the state of the
+computer.  Another way of looking at this is to say that for most
+operations, if you apply the same operation to the same inputs repeatedly,
+you'll get the same result every time.
+? <U>make "cards [AH 5C 10S]</U>
+? <U>print first :cards</U>
+? <U>print first :cards</U>
+? <U>print first :cards</U>
+But if you apply <CODE>pop</CODE> to the same input repeatedly, you'll
+get a different output each time.
+? <U>print pop "cards</U>
+? <U>print pop "cards</U>
+? <U>print pop "cards</U>
+The combination of output and effect in <CODE>pop</CODE> is a powerful
+technique, but a potentially confusing one.  It's important for anyone who
+tries to read this program to be aware that <CODE>pop</CODE> has an effect.
+Fortunately, the concept of a stack is a standard, well-known convention in
+computer science, and the names <CODE>push</CODE> and <CODE>pop</CODE> are
+the traditional ones for this purpose, so <CODE>pop</CODE> is somewhat
+Before a stack can be used, it must be initialized.  Generally a stack
+starts out with no data in it.  That is, it's initially an empty list.  This
+initialization could be done with an explicit <CODE>make</CODE> instruction,
+but instead I invented a procedure for the purpose:
+to setempty :stack
+make :stack []
+I think this makes the program slightly more elegant.
+It is an error to try to pop more items from a stack than you've pushed onto
+it.  If you try to do this, you'll get an error message something like
+First doesn't like [] as input
+Often the logic of a program ensures automatically that you never
+try to overpop a stack.  But in the solitaire program I sometimes have to
+check for this possibility explicitly, with an instruction like
+if not emptyp :hidden3 [make "card pop "hidden3]
+I've been using the name <CODE>hidden3</CODE> as an example in this
+discussion, typing <CODE>"hidden3</CODE> when the name of the stack was
+needed or <CODE>:hidden3</CODE> when its value was needed.  In fact, such
+names do not appear explicitly in the program.  There are no instructions
+that are directed exclusively to the third stack.  Instead, stack
+instructions are applied either to all seven stacks or to a stack chosen by
+the user through keyboard commands.  The name of a stack must be
+<EM>computed</EM> using an expression like
+word "hidden :num
+The contents of the stack would be examined by applying <CODE>thing</CODE>
+to that expression.  To make the program cleaner I created procedures to
+generate these variable names.
+to shown :num
+output word "shown :num
+to hidden :num
+output word "hidden :num
+Remember that these operations output the <EM>name</EM> of a stack
+variable, not the contents of a stack.  So, for example, you can use them in
+instructions like these:
+push (shown 5) :card
+make "card pop shown 5
+setempty shown 5
+There are only a few places in the program where a procedure needs to refer
+to the entire contents of a stack, rather than just pushing or popping a
+single datum at a time.  (One such place, for example, is
+<CODE>remshown</CODE>, which has the job of removing perhaps several cards
+from a stack.)  In those places, there is an explicit use of
+<CODE>thing</CODE> to examine the contents of a stack selected by
+<CODE>shown</CODE> or <CODE>hidden</CODE>.  An expression that occurred
+often in the program was
+emptyp thing shown :num
+to see if a stack is empty; I cleaned up these expressions
+somewhat by inventing a special procedure for this test.
+to stackemptyp :name
+output emptyp thing :name
+This is used in an expression like
+stackemptyp shown :num
+Note that when a stack <EM>is</EM> mentioned explicitly by name in the
+program, like <CODE>:hand</CODE> or <CODE>:pile</CODE>, it is tested for
+emptiness with the ordinary <CODE>emptyp</CODE>.  In this case the colon
+abbreviates the invocation of <CODE>thing</CODE>; for the <CODE>shown</CODE>
+or <CODE>hidden</CODE> names, <CODE>stackemptyp</CODE> abbreviates the
+invocation of <CODE>thing</CODE>.
+One small detail that's easy to miss is that in a non-computer game of
+solitaire, when a hand is completely dealt out, you pick up the pile from
+the table and <EM>turn it over</EM> to form a new hand.  What was the top
+card of the pile becomes the bottom card of the hand.  The program achieves
+the same effect while dealing cards:
+to deal 
+if emptyp :hand [make "hand <U>reverse</U> :pile setempty "pile]
+if emptyp :hand [output []]
+output pop "hand
+The Berkeley Logo primitive operation <CODE>reverse</CODE> is used
+to reverse the order of the cards as they are moved from the pile to
+the hand.
+<H2>Program as Data</H2>
+In order for the program to move a card, it must first make sure that the
+requested move is legal.  The first step is to find the card's current
+position.  (That's easy if the move is requested by position, using the
+<CODE>P</CODE> command to play the card at the top of the pile, or a shifted
+stack number to move the entire shown stack; it's a little harder if the
+card is requested by its rank and suit.  Even then, in order to be playable
+the card must be either on top of the pile or somewhere in a shown stack.)
+The next step is to look for another position into which the card can be
+moved; the only possibilities are a stack or a top.  Only after both old and
+new positions have been verified can the program actually modify its data
+structures (and the screen display) to move the card.
+When you type a card-moving command, <CODE>parsecmd</CODE> invokes one of
+three procedures: <CODE>playpile</CODE> for the <CODE>P</CODE> command,
+<CODE>playstack</CODE> for one of the shifted stack numbers (such as
+<CODE>#</CODE> for stack 3), or <CODE>play.by.name</CODE> for a rank and
+suit (such as <CODE>7D</CODE>).  The first two of these must figure out
+which card is desired, and ensure that there is in fact a card in the
+requested position; <CODE>play.by.name</CODE> has the opposite job, since it
+already knows the card and must determine that it's in a playable position.
+But in either case, these procedures do not actually move the card.  They
+ensure that the variable <CODE>card</CODE> has the desired card as its
+value, and that the variable <CODE>where</CODE> has as its value a
+representation of the card's current position.  Then they call
+<CODE>playcard</CODE>, whose job is to ensure that there is a valid
+destination for the card, and if so, to move it:
+to playcard
+setempty "onto
+if not coveredp [checktop]
+if and not :upping ~
+       or (emptyp :onto) (not upsafep rank :card) ~
+   [checkonto]
+if emptyp :onto [bell]
+run :where
+run first :onto
+Subprocedures <CODE>checktop</CODE> and <CODE>checkonto</CODE> determine
+whether the requested card can be moved to the top or to a stack.  (Each of
+these is called only if certain conditions are met.  For
+<CODE>checktop</CODE>, the condition is that the desired card must not be in
+the middle of a shown stack; it must be either the bottommost card of a
+shown stack or visible on the pile.  The condition for calling
+<CODE>checkonto</CODE> is more complicated.  If the user's command was
+<CODE>.</CODE> or <CODE>W</CODE>, then cards are played only into the top,
+so there is no need to check the stacks.  In other cases, to make the game
+move more quickly, the program will always move the card to the top if it is
+both possible and <EM>safe</EM> to do so.  Such a move is considered safe if
+every card whose rank is less than that of the requested card by two or more
+is already in the top, because then any card of rank one less than the
+chosen card can be played to the top, and so the chosen card is not needed
+in the stacks.)
+Just as <CODE>:where</CODE> identifies the card's current position,
+<CODE>:onto</CODE> will hold all of the possible destination positions.
+<CODE>Checktop</CODE> and <CODE>checkonto</CODE> add possible positions to
+this variable, which is a list.  If <CODE>:onto</CODE> is empty after
+<CODE>checktop</CODE> and <CODE>checkonto</CODE> have been invoked, then
+there is no legal way to move this card.
+I want to focus attention on the two <CODE>run</CODE> instructions.  They
+are the ones that actually do the work of moving a card from one place to
+another; the first removes the card from its original position and the
+second inserts the card at its new position.
+The value of the variable <CODE>where</CODE> is not merely a number or word
+indicating where the card is to be found, but a Logo instruction that
+invokes the procedure needed to remove the card.  For example, suppose you
+type the letter <CODE>P</CODE> to play a card from the top of the pile.
+<CODE>Parsecmd</CODE> then invokes <CODE>playpile</CODE>:
+to playpile 
+if emptyp :pile [bell]
+if not emptyp :digit [bell]
+make "card first :pile
+make "where [rempile]
+carddis :card
+The first two instructions check for errors.  The first checks for trying to
+play a card from the pile when there are no cards in the pile.  The second
+checks for the <EM>syntax</EM> error of typing a rank and then typing
+<CODE>P</CODE> instead of a suit.  Having cleared those hurdles, the next
+instruction finds the actual card (rank and suit) you want to play from the
+pile.  The interesting part for the present discussion is that the variable
+<CODE>where</CODE> is given as its value the list
+<CODE>Rempile</CODE> is the name of a procedure with no inputs, so this
+list contains a valid Logo instruction.  The corresponding instruction in
+<CODE>playstack1</CODE> is
+make "where sentence "remshown :num
+which gives <CODE>where</CODE> a value like
+[remshown 4]
+if you've selected stack four.  In either case, <CODE>playcard</CODE> can
+later remove the card from its original location just by <CODE>run</CODE>ning
+<CODE>:where</CODE>.  At the same time, this Logo <EM>instruction</EM> can
+be examined as a <EM>datum.</EM> For example, <CODE>coveredp</CODE> contains
+the instruction
+if equalp :where [rempile] [output "false]
+Most programming languages don't have a facility like Logo's
+<CODE>run</CODE> command.  In those languages, the variable
+<CODE>where</CODE> would have to contain, for example, a number indicating
+where the card is to be found.  <CODE>Playcard</CODE> would then use this
+number to choose a course of action with a series of instructions like this:
+if :where = 0 [rempile]
+if :where = 1 [remshown 1]
+if :where = 2 [remshown 2]
+... and so on.
+The situation concerning the variable <CODE>onto</CODE> is similar, except
+that there is a slight complication because there may be more than one legal
+destination for a card.  (By contrast, every card starts out in exactly one
+place!)  Therefore, <CODE>checktop</CODE> and <CODE>checkonto</CODE> set up
+<CODE>:onto</CODE> as a <EM>list</EM> of Logo instructions, one for every
+possible destination.  If a card could be played onto stack 3, stack 6, or
+the top, <CODE>:onto</CODE> will be
+[[playonto 3] [playonto 6] [playtop]]
+<CODE>Playcard</CODE> runs the first member of this list.  Why bother saving
+the other members?  After a successful move, the user can type
+<CODE>M</CODE> to move the same card to a different destination.  Here's how
+that is done:
+to again
+if not emptyp :digit [bell]
+if emptyp :onto [bell]
+make "where list "remshown last pop "onto
+if emptyp :onto [bell]
+carddis :card
+run :where
+run first :onto
+This procedure uses the values that are still left over in
+<CODE>:card</CODE> and <CODE>:onto</CODE> from the last move.  The first
+member of <CODE>:onto</CODE> is the instruction that moved the card onto a
+stack.  (If the card was moved to the top, it's because there were no
+alternatives in <CODE>:onto</CODE>, because <CODE>playtop</CODE> is always
+the last choice in the list.)  That stack is now the card's position of
+origin!  If <CODE>:onto</CODE> was
+[[playonto 3] [playonto 6] [playtop]]
+then the instruction
+make "where list "remshown last pop "onto
+will give <CODE>where</CODE> the value
+[remshown 3]
+and, because <CODE>pop</CODE> removes the first datum from the stack,
+leaves <CODE>onto</CODE> with the value
+[[playonto 6] [playtop]]
+The chosen card will be moved from stack three to stack six.  If the user
+types <CODE>M</CODE> again, then the card will be moved from stack six to
+the top.
+<H2>Multiple Branching</H2>
+Consider the procedure that interprets what you type at the keyboard while
+running the solitaire program:
+to parsecmd                ;; abbreviated version
+local "char
+make "char uppercase readchar
+if equalp :char "T [parsedigit 1 parsezero stop]
+if memberp :char [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A J Q K] [parsedigit :char stop]
+if equalp :char "0 [parsezero stop]
+if memberp :char :suits [play.by.name :char stop]
+if equalp :char ". [allup stop]
+if equalp :char "W [wingame stop]
+if equalp :char "M [again stop]
+; several more possibilities omitted...
+This sort of thing is common in Logo programming: a string of
+<CODE>if</CODE>s in which each conditional instruction list ends with
+<CODE>stop</CODE> because the choices are mutually exclusive.
+Some people find this use of <CODE>stop</CODE> offensive because it doesn't
+make it graphically apparent when reading the program that the choices are
+exclusive.  The form of the program makes it seem that each decision (that
+is, each <CODE>if</CODE> instruction) is independent of the others.
+It would be possible to meet this objection by using <CODE>ifelse</CODE>,
+putting each new test in the false part of the previous one:
+to parsecmd
+local "char
+make "char uppercase readchar
+ifelse equalp :char "T ~
+       [parsedigit 1 parsezero]
+       [ifelse memberp :char [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A J Q K]
+               [parsedigit :char]
+               [ifelse equalp :char "0 [parsezero]
+                       ; ...
+                                       bell]]
+It's not clear that this is an improvement, although the use of
+<CODE>ifelse</CODE> makes more sense as an alternative to
+<CODE>stop</CODE> when only a single decision is involved.
+Some programming languages provide a special representation for such a
+<EM>multiple branching</EM> decision.  A Logo equivalent might look like this:
+to parsecmd
+local "char
+make "char uppercase readchar
+branch [
+  [[equalp :char "T] [parsedigit 1 parsezero]]
+  [[memberp :char [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A J Q K]] [parsedigit :char]]
+  [[equalp :char "0] [parsezero]]
+  [[memberp :char :suits] [play.by.name :char]]
+  [[equalp :char ".] [allup]]
+  [[equalp :char "W] [wingame]]
+  [[equalp :char "M] [again]]
+  ; several more possibilities omitted...
+  [["true] [bell]] ]
+<CODE>Branch</CODE> is a hypothetical command that takes a single input, a
+list of lists.  Each member of the input is a list with two members.  The
+first member must be a Logo predicate expression; the second must be a Logo
+instruction.  <CODE>Branch</CODE> evaluates the first half of each pair.  If
+the value is <CODE>true</CODE>, <CODE>branch</CODE> then carries out the
+instruction in the second half of that pair, and then stops without
+evaluating the remaining pairs.  If the value is <CODE>false</CODE>,
+<CODE>branch</CODE> goes on to the next pair.  <CODE>Branch</CODE> is not a
+Logo primitive, but it can easily be written in Logo:
+to branch :conditions
+if emptyp :conditions [stop]
+if (run first first :conditions) [run last first :conditions stop]
+branch butfirst :conditions
+Inventing control structures like this is the sort of thing Logo
+makes easy and other languages make impossible.
+The trouble with this particular control structure in Logo is that the input
+to <CODE>branch</CODE> is typically a very long list, extending over several
+lines on the screen.  Traditional Logo dialects have not done a good job of
+presenting such long lists with clear formatting.  More recent versions can,
+however, handle instructions like that multi-line <CODE>branch</CODE>
+<H2>Further Explorations</H2>
+I keep thinking of new features I'd like in this program.  I think the most
+important is an Undo command, which would undo the effect of the previous
+user command.  This should be pretty easy to implement; every time the
+program changes the value of a variable that represents card positions, it
+should make a list of the variable's name and its old value, and push that
+onto a changes list.  For example, here's the procedure that removes a card
+from the pile:
+to rempile 
+make "cards (list (pop "pile))
+And here's how I'd change it for the undo command:
+to rempile 
+<U>push "undo.list (list "pile :pile)</U>
+make "cards (list (pop "pile))
+The undo command itself would go through the list, restoring the values of
+all the variables it finds, and then call <CODE>redisplay</CODE> to make the
+display match the program's state.  <CODE>Playcard</CODE> would
+<CODE>setempty</CODE> the undo list before moving any cards.
+Another possibility is to improve the display.  One person who tried this
+program commented that it's not enough to indicate whether the hidden part
+of a stack is empty or nonempty; he wanted to see exactly how many cards
+are present.  Novice users might be helped by keeping an abbreviated command
+list in the empty space toward the right side of the screen.
+A more ambitious direction you could pursue is to write a similar program
+for a different solitaire game.  There are books of card games that include
+several variations on this kind of solitaire as well as versions of
+solitaire that are totally different in their rules and layouts.
+Another direction would be to try to have the program offer strategic
+suggestions, or even play the game entirely by itself.  As with any strategy
+game, you would have to choose between determining the strategy for the
+program in advance and letting it learn from its experience and modify its
+strategy.  Which is better, playing cards to the top quickly or saving them
+in the stacks as long as possible?  Which is better, playing a card from the
+pile or playing a card of the same rank and color from the stacks?  You
+could research these questions by writing versions of the program with
+different strategies and collecting statistics on their performance.
+Another possibility would be to abandon solitaire and program the computer
+to play one side of a two-player game with you.  Blackjack is a simple
+example; poker is a harder one.
+A different kind of exploration would be to try to speed up the running of
+this program.  Earlier I suggested the possibility that the program might
+benefit from remembering explicitly the position of each card.  You could
+find out whether or not that would really help.  (It would speed up the
+searching process for a card, but it would also slow down the moving of
+cards because the program would have to remember the new location instead of
+the old one.  My guess is that the speedup would be substantial and the
+slowdown minimal, but I'm not sure.)  What other bottlenecks can you find in
+this program, and how can you improve them?
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+chapter thread <A HREF="../v2ch5/v2ch5.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<H2>Program Listing</H2>
+If you trace the progress of a user command, let's say <CODE>P</CODE> to
+play from the pile, from <CODE>parsecmd</CODE> through <CODE>playpile</CODE>
+and <CODE>playcard</CODE> to <CODE>rempile</CODE> and then either
+<CODE>playtop</CODE> or <CODE>playonto</CODE>, you'll understand most of the
+program.  There are a few slightly complicated details in moving several
+cards from one stack to another (<CODE>remshown</CODE> and
+<CODE>playonto</CODE>) but nothing really hard to understand.
+to <A NAME="solitaire">solitaire</A>
+print [Welcome to solitaire]
+localmake "allranks [A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K]
+localmake "numranks map "ranknum :allranks
+localmake "suits [H S D C]
+localmake "reds [H D]
+localmake "deckarray (listtoarray (crossmap "word :allranks :suits) 0)
+localmake "upping "false
+catch "exit [forever [onegame cleartext]]
+to s
+to <A NAME="onegame">onegame</A>
+print [Shuffling, please wait...]
+local [card cards digit pile where]
+localmake "onto []
+local map [word "top ?] :suits
+local cascade 9 [(sentence (word "shown #) (word "hidden #) ?)] []
+localmake "ranks :allranks
+localmake "numstacks 7
+local map [word "num ?] :numranks
+foreach :numranks [make word "num ? 4]
+localmake "hand shuffle 52 :deckarray
+setempty "pile
+foreach :suits [settop ? "]
+catch "endgame [forever [catch "bell [parsecmd]]]
+;; Initialization
+to instruct 
+print [] print [Here are the commands you can type:]
+type "|    | type (sentence standout "+ standout "=)
+type "|  | print [Deal three cards onto pile]
+instruct1 "P [Play top card from pile]
+instruct1 "R [Redisplay the board]
+instruct1 "? [Retype these instructions]
+instruct1 "card [Play that card]
+instruct1 "M [Move same card again]
+instruct1 "W [Play up as much as possible (Win)]
+instruct1 "G [Give up (start a new game)]
+instruct1 "X [Exit to Logo]
+print [A card consists of a rank:]
+type "|   | print (sentence standout [A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K]
+                            "or standout "T [for 10])
+print [followed by a suit:]
+type "|   | print standout [H S D C]
+print (sentence [or followed by] standout ".
+                [to play all possible suits up])
+print [] print [If you make a mistake, hit delete or backspace.]
+print [] print [To move an entire stack,]
+type "|   | print [hit the shifted stack number:]
+type "|     | print (sentence standout [! @ # $ % ^ &] [for stacks])
+type "|     | print [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
+print []
+to instruct1 :key :meaning
+type "|    |
+type standout :key
+repeat 5-count :key [type "| |]
+print :meaning
+to shuffle :len :array
+if :len=0 [output arraytolist :array]
+localmake "choice random :len
+localmake "temp item :choice :array
+setitem :choice :array (item :len-1 :array)
+setitem :len-1 :array :temp
+output shuffle :len-1 :array
+to initstacks
+for [num 1 7] [inithidden :num
+               turnup :num]
+to inithidden :num
+localmake "name hidden :num
+setempty :name
+repeat :num [push :name deal]
+;; Reading and interpreting user commands
+to <A NAME="parsecmd">parsecmd</A>
+if emptyp :digit [setcursor [1 22] type "|      | setcursor [1 22]]
+local "char
+make "char uppercase readchar
+if equalp :char "T [parsedigit 1 parsezero stop]
+if memberp :char [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A J Q K] [parsedigit :char stop]
+if equalp :char "0 [parsezero stop]
+if memberp :char :suits [play.by.name :char stop]
+if equalp :char ". [allup stop]
+if equalp :char "W [wingame stop]
+if equalp :char "M [again stop]
+if memberp :char [+ =] [hand3 stop]
+if equalp :char "R [redisplay stop]
+if equalp :char "? [helper stop]
+if equalp :char "P [playpile stop]
+if and equalp :char "|(| not emptyp :digit [cheat stop]
+if and equalp :char "|)| not emptyp :digit [newstack stop]
+if memberp :char [! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )] ~
+   [playstack :char [! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )] stop]
+if memberp :char (list "| | char 8 char 127) [rubout stop]
+if equalp :char "G [throw "endgame]
+if equalp :char "X [throw "exit]
+to parsedigit :char
+if not emptyp :digit [bell]
+make "digit :char
+type :digit
+to parsezero 
+if not equalp :digit 1 [bell]
+make "digit 10
+type 0
+to rubout 
+setcursor [1 22]
+type "|    |
+setcursor [1 22]
+setempty "digit
+to bell
+if not :upping [type char 7]
+setempty "digit
+throw "bell
+;; Deal three cards from the hand
+to hand3 
+if not emptyp :digit [bell]
+if and emptyp :hand emptyp :pile [bell]
+push "pile deal
+repeat 2 [if not emptyp :hand [push "pile deal]]
+dispile dishand
+to deal 
+if emptyp :hand [make "hand reverse :pile setempty "pile]
+if emptyp :hand [output []]
+output pop "hand
+;; Select card to play by position (pile or stack) or by name
+to playpile 
+if emptyp :pile [bell]
+if not emptyp :digit [bell]
+make "card first :pile
+make "where [rempile]
+carddis :card
+to playstack :which :list
+if not emptyp :digit [bell]
+foreach :list [if equalp :which ? [playstack1 # stop]]
+to playstack1 :num
+if greaterp :num :numstacks [bell]
+if stackemptyp shown :num [bell]
+make "card last thing shown :num
+make "where sentence "remshown :num
+carddis :card
+to play.by.name :char
+if emptyp :digit [bell]
+if equalp :digit 1 [make "digit "a]
+type :char
+wait 0
+make "card word :digit :char
+setempty "digit
+if not emptyp :where [playcard]
+to findcard 
+if findpile [stop]
+make "where findshown
+if emptyp :where [bell]
+to findpile 
+if emptyp :pile [output "false]
+if equalp :card first :pile [make "where [rempile] output "true]
+output "false
+to findshown
+for [num 1 :numstacks] ~
+    [if memberp :card thing shown :num [output sentence "remshown :num]]
+output []
+;; Figure out all possible places to play card, then pick one
+to playcard
+setempty "onto
+if not coveredp [checktop]
+if and not :upping ~
+       or (emptyp :onto) (not upsafep rank :card) ~
+   [checkonto]
+if emptyp :onto [bell]
+run :where
+run first :onto
+to coveredp 
+if equalp :where [rempile] [output "false]
+output not equalp :card first thing shown last :where
+to upsafep :rank
+if memberp :rank [A 2] [output "true]
+output equalp 0 thing word "num ((ranknum :rank)-2)
+to checktop 
+if (ranknum rank :card) = 1 + (ranknum top suit :card) ~
+   [push "onto (list "playtop word "" suit :card)]
+to checkonto
+for [num :numstacks 1] ~
+    [ifelse stackemptyp shown :num
+            [checkempty :num]
+            [checkfull :num thing shown :num]]
+to checkempty :num
+if equalp rank :card "k [push "onto (list "playonto :num)]
+to checkfull :num :stack
+if equalp (redp :card) (redp first :stack) [stop]
+if ((ranknum rank first :stack) = 1 + (ranknum rank :card)) ~
+   [push "onto (list "playonto :num)]
+;; Play card, step 1: remove from old position
+to rempile 
+make "cards (list (pop "pile))
+to remshown :num
+setempty "cards
+remshown1 :num (count thing shown :num)
+if stackemptyp shown :num [turnup :num disstack :num]
+to remshown1 :num :length
+do.until [push "cards (pop shown :num)] ~
+         [equalp :card first :cards]
+for [i 1 [count :cards]] ~
+    [setcursor list (5*:num - 4) (5+:length-:i) type "|   |]
+to turnup :num
+setempty shown :num
+if stackemptyp hidden :num [stop]
+push (shown :num) (pop hidden :num)
+;; Play card, step 2: put in new position 
+to playtop :suit
+localmake "var word "num ranknum rank :card
+settop :suit rank :card
+distop :suit
+make :var (thing :var)-1
+if (thing :var)=0 [make "ranks butfirst :ranks]
+to playonto :num
+localmake "row 4+count thing shown :num
+localmake "col 5*:num-4
+for [i 1 [count :cards]] ~
+    [localmake "card pop "cards
+     push (shown :num) :card
+     setcursor list :col :row+:i
+     carddis :card]
+;; Update screen display
+to redisplay 
+for [num 1 :numstacks] [disstack :num]
+foreach :suits "distop
+setcursor [1 22]
+setempty "digit
+to disstack :num
+setcursor list (-3 + 5 * :num) 4
+type ifelse stackemptyp hidden :num ["| |] ["-]
+if stackemptyp shown :num [setcursor list (-4 + 5 * :num) 5
+                           type "|   | stop]
+localmake "stack (thing shown :num)
+localmake "col 5*:num-4
+for [i [count :stack] 1] ~
+    [setcursor list :col :i+4
+     carddis pop "stack]
+to distop :suit
+if emptyp top :suit [stop]
+if equalp :suit "H [distop1 4 stop]
+if equalp :suit "S [distop1 11 stop]
+if equalp :suit "D [distop1 18 stop]
+distop1 25
+to distop1 :col
+setcursor list :col 2
+carddis word (top :suit) :suit
+to dispile 
+setcursor [32 23]
+ifelse emptyp :pile [type "|   |] [carddis first :pile]
+to dishand 
+setcursor [27 23]
+type count :hand
+type "| |
+to carddis :card
+ifelse memberp suit :card :reds [redtype :card] [blacktype :card]
+type "| |
+to redtype :word
+type :word
+to blacktype :word
+type standout :word
+;; Miscellaneous user commands
+to again
+if not emptyp :digit [bell]
+if emptyp :onto [bell]
+make "where list "remshown last pop "onto
+if emptyp :onto [bell]
+carddis :card
+run :where
+run first :onto
+to allup
+if emptyp :digit [bell]
+if equalp :digit 1 [make "digit "a]
+localmake "upping "true
+type ". wait 0
+foreach map [word :digit ?] [H S D C] ~
+        [catch "bell [make "card ?
+                      findcard
+                      if not emptyp :where [playcard]]]
+setempty "digit
+to helper
+print standout [type any key to continue]
+ignore rc
+to wingame
+type "W
+localmake "cursor cursor
+foreach :ranks [if not upsafep ? [stop]
+                make "digit ? ~
+                allup ~
+                setempty "digit ~
+                setcursor :cursor]
+if equalp (map "top [H S D C]) [K K K K] ~
+   [ct print [you win!] wait 120 throw "endgame]
+to newstack
+localmake "num :numstacks+1
+setcursor [1 22] type "|   |
+if not equalp :digit 9 [bell]
+setempty hidden :num
+setempty shown :num
+make "numstacks :num
+setempty "digit
+to cheat 
+setcursor [1 22] type "|   |
+if not equalp :digit 8 [bell]
+if and emptyp :hand emptyp :pile [bell]
+push "pile deal
+setempty "digit
+;; Data abstraction (ranks)
+to rank :card
+output butlast :card
+to ranknum :rank
+if emptyp :rank [output 0]
+if numberp :rank [output :rank]
+if :rank = "A [output 1]
+if :rank = "J [output 11]
+if :rank = "Q [output 12]
+if :rank = "K [output 13]
+;; Data abstraction (suits)
+to suit :card
+output last :card
+to redp :card
+output memberp (suit :card) :reds
+;; Data abstraction (tops)
+to top :suit
+output thing word "top :suit
+to settop :suit :value
+make (word "top :suit) :value
+;; Data abstraction (card stacks)
+to shown :num
+output word "shown :num
+to hidden :num
+output word "hidden :num
+;; Data abstraction (pushdown stacks)
+to stackemptyp :name
+output emptyp thing :name
+to setempty :stack
+make :stack []
+<P><A HREF="../v2-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A>
+<P><A HREF="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/v2ch3/v2ch3.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="../v2ch5/v2ch5.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 