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1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/forth/wmaze.fs b/forth/wmaze.fs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e70a003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forth/wmaze.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env gforth
+\ Game to wander a maze finding treasure until a victory animation.
+\ : gamename c" wmaze" ; gamename find [if] wmaze [endif] drop marker wmaze
+\ Near-minimal roguelike?
+\ This program is in the public domain.  To the extent possible under
+\ law, Kragen Javier Sitaker has waived all copyright and related or
+\ neighboring rights to the wmaze.fs roguelike.  This work is published
+\ from Argentina; see
+\ <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/> for details.
+: csi 27 emit ." [" ;
+( \ To run in pforth, comment out the #! at the top and uncomment this block:
+: time&date 53 0 0 0 0 0 ;  : form 23 80 ;
+: at-xy csi 1+ 0 .r ." ;" 1+ 0 .r ." H" ;
+\ )
+\ Linear congruential random number generator MINSTD for 32+-bit Forths:
+time&date - - - - - value seed
+decimal : rand seed 48271 m* 2147483647 sm/rem drop dup to seed swap mod ;
+\ Match dungeon size to screen.
+form value width 1- value height  : size width height * ;
+0 value array  : at@ cells array + @ ;  : at! cells array + ! ;  \ array access
+: iota 0 ?do i , loop ;  : ints 0 ?do i at@ . loop ; \ filling and dumping
+\ Fisher-Yates shuffle for randomizing the maze generation
+-1 value x  : shuffle  0 ?do  i 1+ rand to x  x at@  i at@  x at!  i at!  loop ;
+create deck size iota   deck to array  size shuffle
+\ Union-find to make a good maze
+create dads size iota
+: family dads to array dup dup at@ <> if dup at@ recurse tuck swap at! then ;
+: connected? family swap family = ;
+char ! value wall  create board size allot  board size wall fill
+0 value lastcolor  : nocolor csi ." m" 0 to lastcolor ;
+: color csi 0 .r ." ;1m" ;
+: color? 8 mod 30 + dup lastcolor <> if dup color then to lastcolor ;
+: colorize 0 ?do dup i + c@ dup 7 +  color? emit loop drop ;
+: .board  board  height 0 ?do  dup width colorize cr  width +  loop drop ;
+: put board + c! ; : redraw 0 0 at-xy .board ; : row width / ; : col width mod ;
+: lr? col dup 0= swap width 1- = or ;   : -> 1+ ; : <- 1- ; \ positions
+: tb? row dup 0= swap height 1- = or ;  : >u width - ;  : >d width + ;
+: tblink? dup >u swap >d connected? ;  : lrlink? dup <- swap -> connected? ;
+: connect? dup board + c@ bl = if family at! else 2drop then ;
+: connect-l dup <- connect? ;  : connect-r dup -> connect? ;
+: connect-u dup >u connect? ;  : connect-d dup >d connect? ;
+: dig bl over put  dup connect-l dup connect-r dup connect-u connect-d ;
+: digin? dup tblink? if drop exit then dup lrlink? if drop exit then dig ;
+: dig? dup lr? if drop exit then dup tb? if drop exit then digin? ;
+64 value frame : animate ( n -- ) frame mod 0= if redraw 16 ms then ;
+: amaze size 0 ?do deck to array i at@ dig? i animate loop ;
+\ Plant treasure to provide an artificial objective to strive for
+: randcell ( -- index borderflag ) size rand dup dup lr? swap tb? or ;
+: enrich height 0 ?do randcell if drop else [char] $ swap put then loop ;
+: treasure 0 size 0 ?do i board + c@ [char] $ = if 1+ then loop ;
+height 2/ width * width 2/ + value dude
+: mvaddch 2dup put dup col swap row at-xy dup 7 + color? emit ;
+: draw-dude [char] @ dude mvaddch ;  : erase-dude [char] . dude mvaddch ;
+: try-move dup board + c@ wall <>
+    if erase-dude to dude draw-dude else drop then ;
+: act ( c -- ) case                       \ Dispatch key command.
+        [char] w of dude <- try-move endof  [char] d of dude -> try-move endof
+        [char] s of dude >d try-move endof  [char] a of dude >u try-move endof
+        [char] q of drop 0 endof
+    endcase ;
+: victory size 0 ?do dup i deck to array at@ put  i animate loop drop
+    frame 2* to frame ;
+: wander amaze enrich redraw draw-dude  1 begin dup treasure min while
+            0 height at-xy nocolor ." [wasd] " treasure .  key act  repeat drop
+    treasure 0= if frame 8 / to frame
+        [char] * victory [char] ! victory [char] $ victory bl victory
+        redraw then ;
+page wander cr nocolor bye