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41 files changed, 4945 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/awk/forth/f.awk b/awk/forth/f.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..16de171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/forth/f.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# I wanted to implement something non-trivial using awk. 
+# If I was clever I wouldn’t implement forth directly in awk,
+# instead I’d implement a simple virtual machine using awk, 
+# and then implement the forth using the virtual machine’s byte code
+# ...but there is only so much brain power I can exert on such a silly project.
+    # Initialize stacks and dictionaries
+    stack_ptr = 0
+    dict_size = 0
+    # Built-in words, and some documentation (I could use stack comments,
+    # but I find those sort of unintuitive)
+    dict["+"] = "+     : Adds the top two numbers on the stack."
+    dict["-"] = "-     : Subtracts the top number from the second top number on the stack."
+    dict["*"] = "*     : Multiplies the top two numbers on the stack."
+    dict["/"] = "/     : Divides the second top number by the top number on the stack."
+    dict["."] = ".     : Prints the top of the stack."
+    dict[".s"] = ".s    : Shows all values on the stack."
+    dict["dup"] = "dup   : Duplicates the top value on the stack."
+    dict["drop"] = "drop  : Removes the top value from the stack."
+    dict["swap"] = "swap  : Swaps the top two values on the stack."
+    dict["over"] = "over  : Copies the second top value to the top of the stack."
+    dict["rot"] = "rot   : Rotates the top three values on the stack."
+    dict["="] = "=     : Compares the top two values for equality."
+    dict["<"] = "<     : Checks if the second top value is less than the top value."
+    dict[">"] = ">     : Checks if the second top value is greater than the top value."
+    dict["bye"] = "bye   : Exits the interpreter."
+    dict["words"] = "words : Lists all available words and their documentation."
+    # State flags
+    compiling = 0
+    current_def = ""
+    def_name = ""
+    # If an input file isn't specified, enter REPL mode
+    if (ARGC == 1) {
+        repl()
+    }
+# Handle file input
+    if (FILENAME ~ /\.forth$/) {
+        interpret($0)
+    }
+function repl() {
+    print "f.awk! A forth interpreter.\nUse 'bye' to exit.\nUse 'words' to list all available words.\n"
+    while (1) {
+        printf "f> "
+        if (getline input < "/dev/tty" <= 0) break
+        interpret(input)
+    }
+function interpret(line) {
+    gsub(/\(.*\)/, "", line)  # Remove everything from ( to )
+    gsub(/\\.*$/, "", line)   # Remove backslash comments, too
+    n = split(line, words, /[ \t]+/)
+    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+        word = words[i]
+        if (word == "") continue
+        # print "Processing word: " word
+        if (word == ":") {
+            compiling = 1
+            i++
+            def_name = words[i]
+            current_def = ""
+            continue
+        }
+        if (compiling) {
+            if (word == ";") {
+                # Store user-defined word with its name and definition
+                dict[def_name] = "word " current_def
+                compiling = 0
+                continue
+            }
+            current_def = current_def " " word
+            continue
+        }
+        # Execute the word and skip further processing if it's .s
+        if (word == ".s") {
+            execute_word(word)
+            break  # Exit the loop after executing .s
+        }
+        execute_word(word)
+    }
+function execute_word(word) {
+    if (word ~ /^-?[0-9]+$/) {
+        push(word + 0)
+    } else if (word in dict) {
+        if (dict[word] ~ /^word /) {
+            # User-defined word
+            sequence = substr(dict[word], 6)
+            split(sequence, subwords, " ")
+            for (sw in subwords) {
+                if (subwords[sw] != "") {
+                    execute_word(subwords[sw])
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            # Built-in words
+            if (word == "+") math_add()
+            else if (word == "-") math_sub()
+            else if (word == "*") math_mul()
+            else if (word == "/") math_div()
+            else if (word == ".") stack_print()
+            else if (word == ".s") {
+                # print "Executing .s command"
+                stack_show()
+            }
+            else if (word == "dup") stack_dup()
+            else if (word == "drop") stack_drop()
+            else if (word == "swap") stack_swap()
+            else if (word == "over") stack_over()
+            else if (word == "rot") stack_rot()
+            else if (word == "=") compare_eq()
+            else if (word == "<") compare_lt()
+            else if (word == ">") compare_gt()
+            else if (word == "bye") exit_program()
+            else if (word == "words") list_words()
+            else if (word == "if") {
+                # Handle the if statement
+                if_condition = pop()
+                if (if_condition == 0) {
+                    # Skip to the next part until we find 'then' or 'else'
+                    skip_if = 1
+                }
+            }
+            else if (word == "else") {
+                # Handle the else statement
+                if (skip_if) {
+                    skip_if = 0  # Reset the skip flag
+                } else {
+                    # Skip to the next part until we find 'then'
+                    skip_else = 1
+                }
+            }
+            else if (word == "then") {
+                # End of the conditional
+                skip_if = 0
+                skip_else = 0
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        print "Error: Unknown word '" word "'"
+    }
+function push(val) {
+    stack[stack_ptr++] = val
+function pop() {
+    if (stack_ptr <= 0) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return 0
+    }
+    return stack[--stack_ptr]
+function math_add() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a + b)
+function math_sub() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a - b)
+function math_mul() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a * b)
+function math_div() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    if (b == 0) {
+        print "Error: Division by zero"
+        return
+    }
+    a = pop()
+    push(int(a / b))
+function stack_print() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 1) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    print pop()
+function stack_show() {
+    print "<", stack_ptr, "> "
+    for (i = 0; i < stack_ptr; i++) {
+        printf "%s ", stack[i]
+    }
+    print ""
+    # print "Stack state after .s: "
+    # for (i = 0; i < stack_ptr; i++) {
+    #     print stack[i]
+    # }
+    # print ""
+function stack_dup() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 1) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    val = stack[stack_ptr - 1]
+    push(val)
+function stack_drop() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 1) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    pop()
+function stack_swap() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(b)
+    push(a)
+function stack_over() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a)
+    push(b)
+    push(a)
+function stack_rot() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 3) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    c = pop()
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(b)
+    push(c)
+    push(a)
+function compare_eq() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a == b ? -1 : 0)
+function compare_lt() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a < b ? -1 : 0)
+function compare_gt() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return
+    }
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a > b ? -1 : 0)
+function exit_program() {
+    print "Exiting program."
+    exit 0
+function list_words() {
+    print "Available words:"
+    # Separate arrays to hold built-in and user-defined words
+    split("", built_in_words)
+    split("", user_defined_words)
+    for (w in dict) {
+        split(dict[w], parts, ": ")
+        if (parts[1] ~ /^word /) {
+            user_defined_words[w] = parts[2]
+        } else {
+            built_in_words[w] = parts[2]
+        }
+    }
+    # Sort built-in words manually because I'm picky
+    n = 0
+    for (w in built_in_words) {
+        sorted_words[n++] = w
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+        for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
+            if (sorted_words[i] > sorted_words[j]) {
+                temp = sorted_words[i]
+                sorted_words[i] = sorted_words[j]
+                sorted_words[j] = temp
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # First print the built-in words
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+        print sorted_words[i] ": " built_in_words[sorted_words[i]]
+    }
+    # Then print the user-defined words
+    for (w in user_defined_words) {
+        print w ": " user_defined_words[w] " ( User-defined )"
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/forth/old/f.awk b/awk/forth/old/f.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eed9774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/forth/old/f.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# Forth interpreter in AWK
+    print "Welcome to the AWK Forth Interpreter!"
+    print "Type your commands below. Use 'bye' to quit."
+    # Initialize variables
+    top = -1  # Initialize stack pointer
+    # Initialize the dictionary with basic words
+    words["+"] = "+"
+    words["-"] = "-"
+    words["*"] = "*"
+    words["/"] = "/"
+    words["dup"] = "dup"
+    words["over"] = "over"
+    words["swap"] = "swap"
+    words["."] = "."
+    words["bye"] = "bye"
+    words["rot"] = "rot"
+    words["drop"] = "drop"
+    words["nip"] = "nip"
+    words["tuck"] = "tuck"
+    words["roll"] = "roll"
+    words["pick"] = "pick"
+    words["negate"] = "negate"
+    words["abs"] = "abs"
+    words["max"] = "max"
+    words["min"] = "min"
+    words["mod"] = "mod"
+    words["="] = "="
+    words["see"] = "see"
+    words["if"] = "if"
+    words["then"] = "then"
+    words["else"] = "else"
+    words[">"] = ">"
+    words["<"] = "<"
+    # Add handlers for all words
+    handlers["+"] = "add"
+    handlers["-"] = "subtract"
+    handlers["*"] = "multiply"
+    handlers["/"] = "divide"
+    handlers["dup"] = "dup"
+    handlers["over"] = "over"
+    handlers["swap"] = "swap"
+    handlers["."] = "print_top"
+    handlers["<"] = "less_than"
+    handlers[">"] = "greater_than"
+    handlers["rot"] = "rot"
+    handlers["drop"] = "drop"
+    handlers["nip"] = "nip"
+    handlers["tuck"] = "tuck"
+    handlers["roll"] = "roll"
+    handlers["pick"] = "pick"
+    handlers["negate"] = "negate"
+    handlers["abs"] = "abs"
+    handlers["max"] = "max"
+    handlers["min"] = "min"
+    handlers["mod"] = "mod"
+    handlers["="] = "equals"
+    handlers["if"] = "handle_if"
+    handlers["then"] = "handle_then"
+    handlers["else"] = "handle_else"
+    handlers["bye"] = "bye"
+    handlers["see"] = "see"
+    # Add descriptions for words
+    desc["+"] = "( n1 n2 -- sum ) Add top two numbers"
+    desc["-"] = "( n1 n2 -- diff ) Subtract top number from second"
+    desc["*"] = "( n1 n2 -- prod ) Multiply top two numbers"
+    desc["/"] = "( n1 n2 -- quot ) Divide second by top"
+    desc["dup"] = "( n -- n n ) Duplicate top of stack"
+    desc["over"] = "( n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 ) Copy second item to top"
+    desc["swap"] = "( n1 n2 -- n2 n1 ) Swap top two items"
+    desc["rot"] = "( n1 n2 n3 -- n2 n3 n1 ) Rotate top three items"
+    desc["drop"] = "( n -- ) Discard top item"
+    desc["nip"] = "( n1 n2 -- n2 ) Remove second item"
+    desc["tuck"] = "( n1 n2 -- n2 n1 n2 ) Copy top item below second"
+    desc["roll"] = "( nk ... n1 n0 k -- nk-1 ... n1 n0 nk ) Move kth item to top"
+    desc["pick"] = "( nk ... n1 n0 k -- nk ... n1 n0 nk ) Copy kth item to top"
+    desc["negate"] = "( n -- -n ) Negate number"
+    desc["abs"] = "( n -- |n| ) Absolute value"
+    desc["max"] = "( n1 n2 -- max ) Maximum of top two numbers"
+    desc["min"] = "( n1 n2 -- min ) Minimum of top two numbers"
+    desc["mod"] = "( n1 n2 -- rem ) Remainder of n1/n2"
+    desc["="] = "( n1 n2 -- flag ) Test if equal, leaves 1 if true, 0 if false"
+    desc["if"] = "( flag -- ) Begin conditional execution"
+    desc["then"] = "( -- ) End conditional execution"
+    desc["else"] = "( -- ) Execute if previous condition was false"
+    desc[">"] = "( n1 n2 -- flag ) Returns true if n1 is greater than n2"
+    desc["<"] = "( n1 n2 -- flag ) Returns true if n1 is less than n2"
+    desc["bye"] = "( -- ) Exit the interpreter"
+    desc["see"] = "( -- ) Show definition of a word"
+    # Initialize condition stack
+    cond_top = -1
+    # Mark these as compile-only words
+    compile_only["if"] = 1
+    compile_only["then"] = 1
+    compile_only["else"] = 1
+# Stack operations
+function push(value) {
+    stack[++top] = value
+function pop() {
+    if (top < 0) {
+        print "Error: Stack underflow"
+        return 0
+    }
+    return stack[top--]
+function check_stack(min_items, error_msg) {
+    if (top < min_items - 1) {
+        print error_msg ? error_msg : "Error: Not enough values on stack"
+        return 0
+    }
+    return 1
+# Binary operations
+function binary_op(operation) {
+    if (!check_stack(2)) return
+    second = pop()
+    first = pop()
+    if (operation == "+") push(first + second)
+    else if (operation == "-") push(first - second)
+    else if (operation == "*") push(first * second)
+    else if (operation == "/") {
+        if (second == 0) {
+            print "Error: Division by zero"
+            push(first)
+            push(second)
+            return
+        }
+        push(first / second)
+    }
+    else if (operation == "mod") push(first % second)
+    else if (operation == "=") push(first == second ? 1 : 0)
+    else if (operation == "<") push(first < second ? 1 : 0)
+    else if (operation == ">") push(first > second ? 1 : 0)
+# Handler functions
+function add() { binary_op("+") }
+function subtract() { binary_op("-") }
+function multiply() { binary_op("*") }
+function divide() { binary_op("/") }
+function mod() { binary_op("mod") }
+function equals() { binary_op("=") }
+function less_than() { binary_op("<") }
+function greater_than() { binary_op(">") }
+function dup() {
+    if (!check_stack(1)) return
+    push(stack[top])
+function over() {
+    if (!check_stack(2)) return
+    push(stack[top - 1])
+function swap() {
+    if (!check_stack(2)) return
+    temp = pop()
+    second = pop()
+    push(temp)
+    push(second)
+function rot() {
+    if (!check_stack(3)) return
+    third = pop()
+    second = pop()
+    first = pop()
+    push(second)
+    push(third)
+    push(first)
+function drop() {
+    if (!check_stack(1)) return
+    top--
+function nip() {
+    if (!check_stack(2)) return
+    temp = stack[top]
+    drop()
+    drop()
+    push(temp)
+function tuck() {
+    if (!check_stack(2)) return
+    temp = pop()
+    second = pop()
+    push(temp)
+    push(second)
+    push(temp)
+function roll() {
+    if (!check_stack(1)) return
+    n = int(pop())
+    if (!check_stack(n)) return
+    if (n <= 0) return
+    temp = stack[top - n + 1]
+    for (i = top - n + 1; i < top; i++) {
+        stack[i] = stack[i + 1]
+    }
+    stack[top] = temp
+function pick() {
+    if (!check_stack(1)) return
+    n = int(pop())
+    if (!check_stack(n)) return
+    if (n < 0) return
+    push(stack[top - n])
+function negate() {
+    if (!check_stack(1)) return
+    push(-pop())
+function abs() {
+    if (!check_stack(1)) return
+    n = pop()
+    push(n < 0 ? -n : n)
+function max() {
+    if (!check_stack(2)) return
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a > b ? a : b)
+function min() {
+    if (!check_stack(2)) return
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    push(a < b ? a : b)
+function print_top() {
+    if (!check_stack(1)) return
+    print stack[top]
+    drop()
+function bye() {
+    exit
+function see(word) {
+    if (!(word in words)) {
+        print "Error: Word '" word "' not found"
+        return
+    }
+    if (word in desc) {
+        print desc[word]
+    }
+    if (word in raw_definitions) {
+        print ": " word " " raw_definitions[word] " ;"
+    }
+# Main processing function
+function execute_word(word) {
+    if (word in handlers) {
+        handler = handlers[word]
+        if (handler == "bye") exit
+        else if (handler == "see") {
+            if (i + 1 <= NF) see($(++i))
+            else print "Error: see requires a word name"
+        }
+        else if (handler == "add") add()
+        else if (handler == "subtract") subtract()
+        else if (handler == "multiply") multiply()
+        else if (handler == "divide") divide()
+        else if (handler == "dup") dup()
+        else if (handler == "over") over()
+        else if (handler == "swap") swap()
+        else if (handler == "print_top") print_top()
+        else if (handler == "less_than") less_than()
+        else if (handler == "greater_than") greater_than()
+        else if (handler == "rot") rot()
+        else if (handler == "drop") drop()
+        else if (handler == "nip") nip()
+        else if (handler == "tuck") tuck()
+        else if (handler == "roll") roll()
+        else if (handler == "pick") pick()
+        else if (handler == "negate") negate()
+        else if (handler == "abs") abs()
+        else if (handler == "max") max()
+        else if (handler == "min") min()
+        else if (handler == "mod") mod()
+        else if (handler == "equals") equals()
+        else if (handler == "handle_if") handle_if()
+        else if (handler == "handle_then") handle_then()
+        else if (handler == "handle_else") handle_else()
+        else {
+            print "Error: Handler '" handler "' not implemented"
+            return 0
+        }
+        return 1
+    }
+    return 0
+# Process each line of input
+    if (NF > 0) {
+        # Remove comments and normalize whitespace
+        gsub(/\(.*\)/, "")
+        gsub(/^[[:space:]]+/, "")
+        gsub(/[[:space:]]+$/, "")
+        gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, " ")
+        # Process each token
+        for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
+            if ($i ~ /^-?[0-9]+$/) {
+                push($i)
+            } else if ($i in words) {
+                if (!execute_word($i)) {
+                    print "Error: Failed to execute word '" $i "'"
+                }
+            } else {
+                print "Error: Unknown word '" $i "'"
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/forth/old/test.forth b/awk/forth/old/test.forth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1f4f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/forth/old/test.forth
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+( Basic arithmetic operations )
+2 3 + . ( expect: 5 )
+10 3 - . ( expect: 7 )
+4 5 * . ( expect: 20 )
+20 4 / . ( expect: 5 )
+7 3 mod . ( expect: 1 )
+( Stack manipulation operations )
+5 dup . . ( expect: 5 5 )
+1 2 swap . . ( expect: 2 1 )
+1 2 over . . . ( expect: 1 2 1 )
+1 2 3 rot . . . ( expect: 2 3 1 )
+1 2 3 4 2 roll . . . . ( expect: 1 3 4 2 )
+5 drop
+1 2 nip . ( expect: 2 )
+1 2 tuck . . . ( expect: 2 1 2 )
+( Comparison operations )
+5 3 > . ( expect: 1 )
+3 5 < . ( expect: 1 )
+4 4 = . ( expect: 1 )
+5 3 < . ( expect: 0 )
+3 5 > . ( expect: 0 )
+4 5 = . ( expect: 0 )
+( Math operations )
+5 negate . ( expect: -5 )
+-7 abs . ( expect: 7 )
+5 2 max . ( expect: 5 )
+5 2 min . ( expect: 2 )
+( Complex stack manipulations )
+1 2 3 4 5 \ Put 5 numbers on stack
+3 pick . ( expect: 2 )
+2 roll . ( expect: 4 )
+. . . . ( expect: 5 3 1 )
+( Error handling tests )
+drop drop drop drop drop \ Clear stack
+drop ( expect: Error: Stack underflow )
+. ( expect: Error: Stack underflow )
+5 0 / ( expect: Error: Division by zero )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/forth/test.forth b/awk/forth/test.forth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daa6943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/forth/test.forth
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\ Test arithmetic operations
+10 5 + .          \ Should print 15
+10 5 - .          \ Should print 5
+10 5 * .          \ Should print 50
+10 5 / .          \ Should print 2
+\ Test stack manipulation
+1 2 3 .s          \ Should show 3 values: 1 2 3
+dup .             \ Should print 3 again
+drop .            \ Should print 2
+swap .s           \ Should show 2 1
+over .s           \ Should show 2 1 2
+rot .s            \ Should show 1 2 3
+\ Test comparisons
+5 5 = .           \ Should print -1 (true)
+5 3 < .          \ Should print 0 (false)
+3 5 > .          \ Should print 0 (false)
+\ Test conditionals within user-defined words
+: test_if 10 20 if .s then ;  \ Should print 1 2 (since the condition is true)
+: test_else 10 5 if .s else 1 then ;  \ Should print 1 (since the condition is false)
+\ Test user-defined words
+: square dup * ;   \ Define a word to square a number
+4 square .         \ Should print 16
+: add_three 1 2 + + ;  \ Define a word to add three numbers
+1 2 add_three .    \ Should print 6
+\ List all words
+words              \ Should list all available words
+bye                \ Exit the interpreter 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/retro/retro.awk b/awk/retro/retro.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2a14ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/retro/retro.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# Constants and VM setup
+    IMAGE_SIZE = 524288    # Amount of simulated RAM
+    DATA_DEPTH = 8192      # Depth of data stack
+    ADDRESS_DEPTH = 32768  # Depth of the stacks
+    # Initialize stacks
+    data_sp = 0
+    addr_sp = 0
+    # VM state
+    ip = 0
+    # Opcode definitions
+    OP_NOP = 0
+    OP_LIT = 1
+    OP_DUP = 2
+    OP_DROP = 3
+    OP_SWAP = 4
+    OP_PUSH = 5
+    OP_POP = 6
+    OP_JUMP = 7
+    OP_CALL = 8
+    OP_CCALL = 9
+    OP_RETURN = 10
+    OP_EQ = 11
+    OP_NEQ = 12
+    OP_LT = 13
+    OP_GT = 14
+    OP_FETCH = 15
+    OP_STORE = 16
+    OP_ADD = 17
+    OP_SUB = 18
+    OP_MUL = 19
+    OP_DIVMOD = 20
+    OP_AND = 21
+    OP_OR = 22
+    OP_XOR = 23
+    OP_SHIFT = 24
+    OP_ZERO_EXIT = 25
+    OP_HALT = 26
+    # Initialize VM
+    prepare_vm()
+    # Load and run test program
+    load_test_program()
+    execute(0)
+    # Print results
+    print "Stack contents after execution:"
+    print_stack()
+# Stack operations
+function stack_push(stack_name, value) {
+    if (stack_name == "data") {
+        data_sp++
+        data_stack[data_sp] = value
+    } else if (stack_name == "addr") {
+        addr_sp++
+        addr_stack[addr_sp] = value
+    }
+function stack_pop(stack_name) {
+    if (stack_name == "data") {
+        if (data_sp > 0) {
+            value = data_stack[data_sp]
+            data_sp--
+            return value
+        }
+    } else if (stack_name == "addr") {
+        if (addr_sp > 0) {
+            value = addr_stack[addr_sp]
+            addr_sp--
+            return value
+        }
+    }
+    return 0
+function stack_tos(stack_name) {
+    if (stack_name == "data" && data_sp > 0) {
+        return data_stack[data_sp]
+    }
+    return 0
+function stack_nos(stack_name) {
+    if (stack_name == "data" && data_sp > 1) {
+        return data_stack[data_sp - 1]
+    }
+    return 0
+# Bitwise operations
+function bitwise_and(x, y,    i, result, a, b) {
+    result = 0
+    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+        a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        if (a == 1 && b == 1)
+            result += 2 ^ i
+    }
+    return result
+function bitwise_or(x, y,    i, result, a, b) {
+    result = 0
+    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+        a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        if (a == 1 || b == 1)
+            result += 2 ^ i
+    }
+    return result
+function bitwise_xor(x, y,    i, result, a, b) {
+    result = 0
+    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+        a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        if (a != b)
+            result += 2 ^ i
+    }
+    return result
+# Helper functions
+function abs(x) {
+    return x < 0 ? -x : x
+function lshift(x, n) {
+    return int(x * (2 ^ n))
+function rshift(x, n) {
+    return int(x / (2 ^ n))
+# VM core functions
+function process_opcode(opcode) {
+    if (opcode == OP_NOP) {
+        return
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_LIT) {
+        ip++
+        stack_push("data", image[ip])
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_DUP) {
+        stack_push("data", stack_tos("data"))
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_DROP) {
+        stack_pop("data")
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_SWAP) {
+        temp = stack_pop("data")
+        temp2 = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", temp)
+        stack_push("data", temp2)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_ADD) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", x + y)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_SUB) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", y - x)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_MUL) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", x * y)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_HALT) {
+        ip = IMAGE_SIZE
+    }
+function check_stack() {
+    if (data_sp < 0 || addr_sp < 0 || 
+        data_sp > DATA_DEPTH || addr_sp > ADDRESS_DEPTH) {
+        ip = 0
+        data_sp = 0
+        addr_sp = 0
+    }
+function process_packed_opcodes(packed) {
+    ops[0] = bitwise_and(packed, 255)
+    ops[1] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 8), 255)
+    ops[2] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 16), 255)
+    ops[3] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 24), 255)
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+        if (ops[i] != 0) {
+            process_opcode(ops[i])
+        }
+    }
+function execute(offset) {
+    addr_sp = 1
+    ip = offset
+    while (ip < IMAGE_SIZE) {
+        opcode = image[ip]
+        process_packed_opcodes(opcode)
+        if (addr_sp == 0)
+            ip = IMAGE_SIZE
+        ip++
+    }
+function prepare_vm() {
+    ip = 0
+    data_sp = 0
+    addr_sp = 0
+# Test program loader
+function pack_opcodes(op1, op2, op3, op4) {
+    return op1 + (op2 * 256) + (op3 * 65536) + (op4 * 16777216)
+function load_test_program() {
+    # Simple test program that adds 10 and 5
+    image[0] = pack_opcodes(OP_LIT, 0, 0, 0)  # Push literal
+    image[1] = 10                             # Value 10
+    image[2] = pack_opcodes(OP_LIT, 0, 0, 0)  # Push literal
+    image[3] = 5                              # Value 5
+    image[4] = pack_opcodes(OP_ADD, 0, 0, 0)  # Add them
+    image[5] = pack_opcodes(OP_HALT, 0, 0, 0) # Halt
+# Debug helper
+function print_stack() {
+    for (i = 1; i <= data_sp; i++) {
+        print "Item", i ":", data_stack[i]
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/retro/test.awk b/awk/retro/test.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..191fa5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/retro/test.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+@include "vm.awk"
+# Complex test program
+    # Test program to calculate factorial of 5
+    i = 0
+    # Push 5 onto stack
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_LIT, 0, 0, 0)
+    image[i++] = 5
+    # Push 1 onto stack (accumulator)
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_LIT, 0, 0, 0)
+    image[i++] = 1
+    # Start of multiplication loop
+    loop_start = i
+    # Duplicate top number (counter)
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_DUP, 0, 0, 0)
+    # Test if counter is zero
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_ZERO_EXIT, 0, 0, 0)
+    # Multiply accumulator by counter
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_MUL, 0, 0, 0)
+    # Decrement counter
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_LIT, 0, 0, 0)
+    image[i++] = 1
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_SUB, 0, 0, 0)
+    # Jump back to start of loop
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_LIT, 0, 0, 0)
+    image[i++] = loop_start
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_JUMP, 0, 0, 0)
+    # Halt
+    image[i++] = pack_opcodes(OP_HALT, 0, 0, 0)
+    # Execute program
+    execute(0)
+    # Print result (should be 120 - factorial of 5)
+    print "Factorial of 5:", stack_tos("data")
+function pack_opcodes(op1, op2, op3, op4) {
+    return op1 + (op2 * 256) + (op3 * 65536) + (op4 * 16777216)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/retro/vm.awk b/awk/retro/vm.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd894c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/retro/vm.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# Constants
+    IMAGE_SIZE = 524288    # Amount of simulated RAM
+    DATA_DEPTH = 8192      # Depth of data stack
+    ADDRESS_DEPTH = 32768  # Depth of the stacks
+    # Initialize stacks
+    data_sp = 0
+    addr_sp = 0
+    # VM state
+    ip = 0
+    # Opcode definitions
+    OP_NOP = 0
+    OP_LIT = 1
+    OP_DUP = 2
+    OP_DROP = 3
+    OP_SWAP = 4
+    OP_PUSH = 5
+    OP_POP = 6
+    OP_JUMP = 7
+    OP_CALL = 8
+    OP_CCALL = 9
+    OP_RETURN = 10
+    OP_EQ = 11
+    OP_NEQ = 12
+    OP_LT = 13
+    OP_GT = 14
+    OP_FETCH = 15
+    OP_STORE = 16
+    OP_ADD = 17
+    OP_SUB = 18
+    OP_MUL = 19
+    OP_DIVMOD = 20
+    OP_AND = 21
+    OP_OR = 22
+    OP_XOR = 23
+    OP_SHIFT = 24
+    OP_ZERO_EXIT = 25
+    OP_HALT = 26
+    OP_IE = 27
+    OP_IQ = 28
+    OP_II = 29
+# Stack operations
+function stack_push(stack_name, value) {
+    if (stack_name == "data") {
+        data_sp++
+        data_stack[data_sp] = value
+    } else if (stack_name == "addr") {
+        addr_sp++
+        addr_stack[addr_sp] = value
+    }
+function stack_pop(stack_name) {
+    if (stack_name == "data") {
+        if (data_sp > 0) {
+            value = data_stack[data_sp]
+            data_sp--
+            return value
+        }
+    } else if (stack_name == "addr") {
+        if (addr_sp > 0) {
+            value = addr_stack[addr_sp]
+            addr_sp--
+            return value
+        }
+    }
+    return 0
+function stack_tos(stack_name) {
+    if (stack_name == "data" && data_sp > 0) {
+        return data_stack[data_sp]
+    }
+    return 0
+function stack_nos(stack_name) {
+    if (stack_name == "data" && data_sp > 1) {
+        return data_stack[data_sp - 1]
+    }
+    return 0
+# Bitwise operation implementations
+function bitwise_and(x, y,    i, result, a, b) {
+    result = 0
+    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+        a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        if (a == 1 && b == 1)
+            result += 2 ^ i
+    }
+    return result
+function bitwise_or(x, y,    i, result, a, b) {
+    result = 0
+    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+        a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        if (a == 1 || b == 1)
+            result += 2 ^ i
+    }
+    return result
+function bitwise_xor(x, y,    i, result, a, b) {
+    result = 0
+    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+        a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2
+        if (a != b)
+            result += 2 ^ i
+    }
+    return result
+function lshift(x, n) {
+    return int(x * (2 ^ n))
+function rshift(x, n) {
+    return int(x / (2 ^ n))
+# VM instruction implementations
+function process_opcode(opcode) {
+    if (opcode == OP_NOP) {
+        return
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_LIT) {
+        ip++
+        stack_push("data", image[ip])
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_DUP) {
+        stack_push("data", stack_tos("data"))
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_DROP) {
+        stack_pop("data")
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_SWAP) {
+        temp = stack_pop("data")
+        temp2 = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", temp)
+        stack_push("data", temp2)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_PUSH) {
+        stack_push("addr", stack_pop("data"))
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_POP) {
+        stack_push("data", stack_pop("addr"))
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_JUMP) {
+        ip = stack_pop("data") - 1
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_CALL) {
+        stack_push("addr", ip)
+        ip = stack_pop("data") - 1
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_CCALL) {
+        a = stack_pop("data")
+        b = stack_pop("data")
+        if (b != 0) {
+            stack_push("addr", ip)
+            ip = a - 1
+        }
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_RETURN) {
+        ip = stack_pop("addr")
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_EQ) {
+        a = stack_pop("data")
+        b = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", (b == a) ? -1 : 0)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_NEQ) {
+        a = stack_pop("data")
+        b = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", (b != a) ? -1 : 0)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_LT) {
+        a = stack_pop("data")
+        b = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", (b < a) ? -1 : 0)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_GT) {
+        a = stack_pop("data")
+        b = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", (b > a) ? -1 : 0)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_FETCH) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        if (x == -1)
+            stack_push("data", data_sp)
+        else if (x == -2)
+            stack_push("data", addr_sp)
+        else if (x == -3)
+            stack_push("data", IMAGE_SIZE)
+        else if (x == -4)
+            stack_push("data", -2147483648)
+        else if (x == -5)
+            stack_push("data", 2147483647)
+        else
+            stack_push("data", image[x])
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_STORE) {
+        addr = stack_pop("data")
+        value = stack_pop("data")
+        image[addr] = value
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_ADD) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", x + y)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_SUB) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", y - x)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_MUL) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", y * x)
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_DIVMOD) {
+        b = stack_pop("data")
+        a = stack_pop("data")
+        if (b == 0) {
+            ip = 0
+            data_sp = 0
+            addr_sp = 0
+        } else {
+            x = abs(b)
+            y = abs(a)
+            q = int(y / x)
+            r = y % x
+            if (a < 0 && b < 0)
+                r = r * -1
+            if (a > 0 && b < 0)
+                q = q * -1
+            if (a < 0 && b > 0) {
+                r = r * -1
+                q = q * -1
+            }
+            stack_push("data", r)
+            stack_push("data", q)
+        }
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_AND) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", bitwise_and(x, y))
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_OR) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", bitwise_or(x, y))
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_XOR) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        stack_push("data", bitwise_xor(x, y))
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_SHIFT) {
+        x = stack_pop("data")
+        y = stack_pop("data")
+        if (x < 0)
+            stack_push("data", lshift(y, -x))
+        else
+            stack_push("data", rshift(y, x))
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_ZERO_EXIT) {
+        if (stack_tos("data") == 0) {
+            stack_pop("data")
+            ip = stack_pop("addr")
+        }
+    }
+    else if (opcode == OP_HALT) {
+        ip = IMAGE_SIZE
+    }
+    check_stack()
+# Helper functions
+function abs(x) {
+    return x < 0 ? -x : x
+function check_stack() {
+    if (data_sp < 0 || addr_sp < 0 || 
+        data_sp > DATA_DEPTH || addr_sp > ADDRESS_DEPTH) {
+        ip = 0
+        data_sp = 0
+        addr_sp = 0
+    }
+function process_packed_opcodes(packed) {
+    ops[0] = bitwise_and(packed, 255)
+    ops[1] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 8), 255)
+    ops[2] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 16), 255)
+    ops[3] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 24), 255)
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+        if (ops[i] != 0) {
+            process_opcode(ops[i])
+        }
+    }
+# Main execution function
+function execute(offset) {
+    addr_sp = 1
+    ip = offset
+    while (ip < IMAGE_SIZE) {
+        opcode = image[ip]
+        process_packed_opcodes(opcode)
+        if (addr_sp == 0)
+            ip = IMAGE_SIZE
+        ip++
+    }
+# String handling functions
+function string_inject(str, buffer,    i, len) {
+    len = length(str)
+    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
+        image[buffer + i - 1] = ord(substr(str, i, 1))
+        image[buffer + i] = 0
+    }
+function string_extract(at,    str, i) {
+    str = ""
+    i = at
+    while (image[i] != 0) {
+        str = str chr(image[i])
+        i++
+    }
+    return str
+# Initialize VM
+    prepare_vm()
+function prepare_vm() {
+    ip = 0
+    data_sp = 0
+    addr_sp = 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/s.awk b/awk/scheme/s.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c8bba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/s.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# Set debug mode
+DEBUG = 1  # Change to 0 to disable debug output
+# Environment to store variable bindings
+    print "Welcome to the AWK Scheme Interpreter!"
+    print "Type your Scheme expressions below (type 'exit' to quit):"
+    while (1) {
+        printf "> "
+        if (getline input <= 0) {
+            print "Error reading input. Exiting."
+            break
+        }
+        if (input == "exit") {
+            print "Exiting the interpreter."
+            exit
+        }
+        if (input == "") {
+            print "Empty input received, continuing..."
+            continue
+        }
+        print "Input received: " input  # Echo the input
+        ast = parse(input)  # Parse the input
+        # Print the entire AST for debugging
+        for (i = 1; i <= length(ast); i++) {
+            print "AST[" i "] = " ast[i]
+        }
+        # Evaluate the AST
+        if (length(ast) > 0) {
+            result = eval(ast)  # Evaluate the AST
+            print "Result: " result  # Print the result
+        } else {
+            print "Parsed AST is empty."
+        }
+    }
+# Function to parse input into an AST
+function parse(input) {
+    # Remove outer whitespace
+    gsub(/^\s+|\s+$/, "", input)
+    # Check if input is empty after trimming
+    if (input == "") {
+        print "Input is empty after trimming"
+        return ""
+    }
+    # Debugging: Print input before processing
+    print "Debug: Raw input for parsing: " input
+    # Remove parentheses at start and end
+    if (substr(input, 1, 1) == "(") {
+        input = substr(input, 2)
+    }
+    if (substr(input, length(input), 1) == ")") {
+        input = substr(input, 1, length(input) - 1)
+    }
+    # Debugging: Print input after removing outer parentheses
+    print "Debug: Input after removing outer parentheses: " input
+    # Split the input into tokens
+    gsub(/\(/, " ( ", input)
+    gsub(/\)/, " ) ", input)
+    gsub(/\s+/, " ", input)  # normalize whitespace
+    gsub(/^\s+|\s+$/, "", input)  # trim
+    # Debugging: Print input after tokenization
+    print "Debug: Input after tokenization: " input
+    n = split(input, ast, " ")
+    # Debugging: Print the number of tokens
+    print "Debug: Number of tokens: " n
+    return ast
+# Function to evaluate the AST
+function eval(ast,    i, result) {
+    # Debugging: Print the current AST being evaluated
+    print "Debug: Evaluating AST: " ast[1] " " ast[2] " " ast[3]
+    # Handle numbers directly
+    if (ast[1] ~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/) {
+        print "Debug: Returning number: " ast[1]
+        return ast[1] + 0  # Convert string to number
+    }
+    # Handle addition
+    if (ast[1] == "+") {
+        result = 0
+        for (i = 2; i <= length(ast); i++) {
+            print "Debug: Adding operand: " ast[i]
+            result += eval(ast[i])  # Recursively evaluate operands
+        }
+        return result
+    }
+    # Handle subtraction
+    if (ast[1] == "-") {
+        result = eval(ast[2])  # Start with the first operand
+        for (i = 3; i <= length(ast); i++) {
+            print "Debug: Subtracting operand: " ast[i]
+            result -= eval(ast[i])  # Subtract subsequent operands
+        }
+        return result
+    }
+    # Handle multiplication
+    if (ast[1] == "*") {
+        result = 1
+        for (i = 2; i <= length(ast); i++) {
+            print "Debug: Multiplying operand: " ast[i]
+            result *= eval(ast[i])  # Multiply operands
+        }
+        return result
+    }
+    # Handle division
+    if (ast[1] == "/") {
+        result = eval(ast[2])  # Start with the first operand
+        for (i = 3; i <= length(ast); i++) {
+            print "Debug: Dividing by operand: " ast[i]
+            result /= eval(ast[i])  # Divide by subsequent operands
+        }
+        return result
+    }
+    # If we reach here, the operation is not recognized
+    return "Error: Unknown operation " ast[1]
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/README.md b/awk/scheme/scheme/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fcafe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# Awk-Scheme
+## Overview
+This is a minimal Scheme implementation supporting basic arithmetic operations, list manipulation, and comparisons. All values are displayed with type tags (e.g., "N:42" for numbers).
+## Data Types
+### Numbers
+- Represented as: `N:value`
+- Examples: `42`, `-5`, `123`
+scheme> 42
+### Booleans
+- Represented as: `B:value` (1 for true, 0 for false)
+- Generated by comparison operations
+scheme> (< 1 2)
+### Nil (Empty List)
+- Represented as: `NIL:`
+- Used for list termination
+scheme> nil
+### Pairs
+- Represented as: `P:index`
+- Created using cons
+- Stored in heap with car and cdr values
+## Supported Operations
+### Arithmetic Operations
+1. Addition: `(+ x y ...)`
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (+ 1 2)
+   N:3
+   scheme> (+ 1 2 3)
+   N:6
+   ```
+2. Subtraction: `(- x y ...)`
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (- 5 3)
+   N:2
+   scheme> (- 10 2 3)  ; 10 - 2 - 3
+   N:5
+   ```
+3. Multiplication: `(* x y ...)`
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (* 3 4)
+   N:12
+   scheme> (* 2 3 4)
+   N:24
+   ```
+4. Division: `(/ x y)`
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (/ 10 2)
+   N:5
+   ```
+### Comparison Operations
+1. Less Than: `(< x y)`
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (< 1 2)
+   B:1
+   scheme> (< 2 1)
+   B:0
+   ```
+2. Equality: `(= x y)`
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (= 42 42)
+   B:1
+   ```
+### List Operations
+1. Cons: `(cons x y)`
+   - Creates a pair from two values
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (cons 1 2)
+   P:1
+   scheme> (cons 1 nil)
+   P:1
+   ```
+2. Car: `(car pair)`
+   - Gets the first element of a pair
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (car (cons 1 2))
+   N:1
+   ```
+3. Cdr: `(cdr pair)`
+   - Gets the second element of a pair
+   ```scheme
+   scheme> (cdr (cons 1 2))
+   N:2
+   ```
+### Building Lists
+Lists can be built using nested cons operations with nil as the terminator:
+scheme> (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
+P:1  ; This represents the list (1 2 3)
+### Define
+- Define a new variable or function
+scheme> (define x 10)
+scheme> (define add (x y) (+ x y))
+### Let
+- Define local bindings within a let expression
+scheme> (let ((x 10) (y 20)) (+ x y))
+## Expression Structure
+- All expressions must be properly parenthesized
+- Operators come first in a form (prefix notation)
+- Multiple expressions can be evaluated in sequence
+## REPL Features
+- Multi-line input supported (continues with "..." prompt until parentheses balance)
+- Ctrl+D to exit
+- Comments start with semicolon (;)
+## Error Handling
+The system will report errors for:
+- Stack underflow
+- Type mismatches
+- Unknown operations
+- Division by zero
+- Invalid list operations
+- Malformed expressions
+## Examples
+Here are some more complex examples:
+1. Nested arithmetic:
+scheme> (+ (* 3 4) (- 10 5))
+2. List construction and manipulation:
+scheme> (cons (+ 1 2) (cons (* 3 4) nil))
+P:1  ; Represents (3 12)
+3. Combined operations:
+scheme> (car (cons (* 2 3) (+ 4 5)))
+## Limitations
+Current implementation does not support:
+- Variables or definition
+- Functions or lambda expressions
+- Control structures (if, cond)
+- Quote or quasiquote
+- String data type
+- Input/output operations
+- Standard library functions
+## Future Enhancements
+Possible additions could include:
+1. Let expressions for local bindings
+2. Function definitions
+3. Conditional expressions
+4. More numeric operations
+5. String support
+6. Additional list operations
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/TODO.md b/awk/scheme/scheme/TODO.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52218a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/TODO.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Limitations
+Current implementation does not support:
+- Variables or definition
+- Functions or lambda expressions
+- Control structures (if, cond)
+- Quote or quasiquote
+- String data type
+- Input/output operations
+- Standard library functions
+# Future Enhancements
+Possible additions could include:
+- Let expressions for local bindings
+- Function definitions
+- Conditional expressions
+- More numeric operations
+- String support
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/compiler.awk b/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/compiler.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7e8081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/compiler.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+    # Compiler state
+    curr_token = ""
+    input_buffer = ""
+    next_label = 0
+    program = ""
+    # Debug mode
+    DEBUG = 0
+function debug(msg) {
+    if (DEBUG) printf("[DEBUG] %s\n", msg) > "/dev/stderr"
+# Process input line - just accumulate the raw input
+    if (program != "") program = program "\n"
+    program = program $0
+END {
+    debug("Raw program:\n" program)
+    if (program == "") exit
+    # Split program into expressions and compile each one
+    split_expressions(program)
+# New function to handle multiple expressions
+function split_expressions(prog,    current, paren_count, i, c, expr, cleaned) {
+    current = ""
+    paren_count = 0
+    # Extract expressions between parentheses
+    cleaned = prog
+    gsub(/;[^(]*\(/, "(", cleaned)  # Remove comments before expressions
+    gsub(/\)[^)]*;/, ")", cleaned)  # Remove comments after expressions
+    gsub(/[ \t\n]+/, " ", cleaned)  # Normalize whitespace
+    sub(/^[ \t\n]+/, "", cleaned)   # Trim leading whitespace
+    sub(/[ \t\n]+$/, "", cleaned)   # Trim trailing whitespace
+    debug("Cleaned program: [" cleaned "]")
+    if (cleaned == "") return
+    for (i = 1; i <= length(cleaned); i++) {
+        c = substr(cleaned, i, 1)
+        if (c == "(") {
+            if (paren_count == 0) current = ""
+            paren_count++
+        }
+        current = current c
+        if (c == ")") {
+            paren_count--
+            if (paren_count == 0) {
+                # Found complete expression
+                expr = current
+                sub(/^\s+/, "", expr)
+                sub(/\s+$/, "", expr)
+                debug("Processing expression: [" expr "]")
+                program = expr  # Set for parser
+                expr = parse_expr()
+                compile_expr(expr)
+                current = ""
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    print "HALT"
+# Lexer functions
+function is_digit(c) { return c >= "0" && c <= "9" }
+function is_whitespace(c) { return c == " " || c == "\t" || c == "\n" }
+function next_token() {
+    # Initialize input_buffer if this is first call
+    if (input_buffer == "") input_buffer = program
+    # Skip whitespace
+    while (length(input_buffer) > 0 && is_whitespace(substr(input_buffer, 1, 1)))
+        input_buffer = substr(input_buffer, 2)
+    if (length(input_buffer) == 0) return "EOF"
+    c = substr(input_buffer, 1, 1)
+    if (c == "(" || c == ")") {
+        input_buffer = substr(input_buffer, 2)
+        return c
+    }
+    # Handle numbers
+    if (is_digit(c) || c == "-" && length(input_buffer) > 1 && is_digit(substr(input_buffer, 2, 1))) {
+        num = ""
+        while (length(input_buffer) > 0) {
+            c = substr(input_buffer, 1, 1)
+            if (!is_digit(c) && c != "-") break
+            num = num c
+            input_buffer = substr(input_buffer, 2)
+        }
+        return num
+    }
+    # Handle symbols
+    sym = ""
+    while (length(input_buffer) > 0) {
+        c = substr(input_buffer, 1, 1)
+        if (is_whitespace(c) || c == "(" || c == ")") break
+        sym = sym c
+        input_buffer = substr(input_buffer, 2)
+    }
+    return sym
+# Parser functions
+function parse_expr(    token, result) {
+    token = next_token()
+    if (token == "EOF") return ""
+    if (token == "(") {
+        result = parse_list()
+        debug("Parsed list: " result)
+        return result
+    }
+    debug("Parsed token: " token)
+    return token
+function parse_list(    result, expr) {
+    result = ""
+    while (1) {
+        expr = parse_expr()
+        if (expr == "" || expr == ")") break
+        if (result != "") result = result " "
+        result = result expr
+    }
+    if (expr == "") error("Unexpected end of input in list")
+    return "(" result ")"
+# Split expression into operator and arguments
+function split_expr(expr,    i, len, c, op, args, paren_count) {
+    len = length(expr)
+    paren_count = 0
+    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
+        c = substr(expr, i, 1)
+        if (c == " " && paren_count == 0) {
+            op = substr(expr, 1, i - 1)
+            args = substr(expr, i + 1)
+            break
+        }
+        if (c == "(") paren_count++
+        if (c == ")") paren_count--
+    }
+    if (!op) {
+        op = expr
+        args = ""
+    }
+    debug("Split expr: op=" op " args=" args)
+    return op SUBSEP args
+# Split arguments handling nested parentheses
+function split_args(args, arg_array,    len, i, c, current, paren_count, arg_count) {
+    len = length(args)
+    current = ""
+    paren_count = 0
+    arg_count = 0
+    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
+        c = substr(args, i, 1)
+        if (c == "(") paren_count++
+        if (c == ")") paren_count--
+        if (c == " " && paren_count == 0 && current != "") {
+            arg_array[++arg_count] = current
+            current = ""
+        } else if (c != " " || paren_count > 0) {
+            current = current c
+        }
+    }
+    if (current != "") {
+        arg_array[++arg_count] = current
+    }
+    return arg_count
+# Code generation functions
+function compile_number(num) {
+    debug("Compiling number: " num)
+    print "PUSH_CONST N:" num
+function compile_primitive_call(op, args,    arg_array, nargs, i) {
+    debug("Primitive call: op=" op " args=" args)
+    nargs = split_args(args, arg_array)
+    # Compile arguments for all operations
+    for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
+        compile_expr(arg_array[i])
+    }
+    if (op == "+") {
+        for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
+            print "ADD"
+    }
+    else if (op == "-") {
+        if (nargs == 1) {
+            print "PUSH_CONST N:0"
+            print "SWAP"
+        }
+        for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
+            print "SUB"
+    }
+    else if (op == "*") {
+        for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
+            print "MUL"
+    }
+    else if (op == "cons") {
+        if (nargs != 2) error("cons requires 2 arguments")
+        print "CONS"
+    }
+    else if (op == "car") {
+        if (nargs != 1) error("car requires 1 argument")
+        print "CAR"
+    }
+    else if (op == "cdr") {
+        if (nargs != 1) error("cdr requires 1 argument")
+        print "CDR"
+    }
+    else if (op == "<") {
+        if (nargs != 2) error("< requires 2 arguments")
+        print "LT"
+    }
+    else if (op == "=") {
+        if (nargs != 2) error("= requires 2 arguments")
+        print "EQ"
+    }
+    else {
+        # Function call
+        debug("Function call: " op)
+        print "CALL " op
+    }
+function split_bindings(bindings, binding_array,    count, current, paren_count, i, c) {
+    count = 0
+    current = ""
+    paren_count = 0
+    for (i = 1; i <= length(bindings); i++) {
+        c = substr(bindings, i, 1)
+        # Track parentheses
+        if (c == "(") {
+            paren_count++
+            if (paren_count == 1) {
+                current = ""  # Start new binding
+                continue
+            }
+        }
+        if (c == ")") {
+            paren_count--
+            if (paren_count == 0) {
+                # End of binding
+                binding_array[++count] = current
+                current = ""
+                continue
+            }
+        }
+        # Only add character if we're inside a binding
+        if (paren_count > 0) {
+            current = current c
+        }
+    }
+    return count
+function compile_let(args,    bindings, body, binding_array, nbindings, i, var, val, binding_parts) {
+    # Split into bindings and body
+    if (substr(args, 1, 1) != "(") error("Malformed let expression")
+    # Find matching closing parenthesis for bindings
+    paren_count = 1
+    i = 2
+    while (paren_count > 0 && i <= length(args)) {
+        if (substr(args, i, 1) == "(") paren_count++
+        if (substr(args, i, 1) == ")") paren_count--
+        i++
+    }
+    if (paren_count > 0) error("Unmatched parenthesis in let bindings")
+    bindings = substr(args, 2, i - 3)  # Remove outer parentheses
+    body = substr(args, i)
+    # Trim whitespace from body
+    sub(/^[ \t\n]+/, "", body)
+    sub(/[ \t\n]+$/, "", body)
+    debug("Let bindings: " bindings)
+    debug("Let body: " body)
+    # Compile each binding
+    nbindings = split_bindings(bindings, binding_array)
+    for (i = 1; i <= nbindings; i++) {
+        debug("Processing binding: " binding_array[i])
+        split(binding_array[i], binding_parts, " ")
+        var = binding_parts[1]
+        val = binding_parts[2]
+        debug("Binding var: " var " val: " val)
+        # Compile the value
+        compile_expr(val)
+        # Store in environment
+        print "STORE " var
+    }
+    # Compile the body
+    compile_expr(body)
+    # Clean up bindings AFTER evaluating body
+    for (i = nbindings; i >= 1; i--) {
+        print "POP_ENV"
+    }
+function compile_define(args,    name, params, body, param_array, nparams, i, paren_start, paren_end) {
+    # Set flag for global definition
+    print "PUSH_CONST B:1"
+    print "STORE from_define"  # Must match exactly what vm_store checks for
+    # Find the function name (everything up to the first space)
+    i = index(args, " ")
+    if (i == 0) error("Malformed define expression")
+    name = substr(args, 1, i - 1)
+    args = substr(args, i + 1)
+    # Check if it's a function or variable definition
+    if (substr(args, 1, 1) == "(") {
+        # It's a function definition
+        paren_count = 1
+        i = 2
+        while (paren_count > 0 && i <= length(args)) {
+            if (substr(args, i, 1) == "(") paren_count++
+            if (substr(args, i, 1) == ")") paren_count--
+            i++
+        }
+        if (paren_count > 0) error("Unmatched parenthesis in parameter list")
+        params = substr(args, 2, i - 3)  # Remove parentheses
+        body = substr(args, i + 1)
+        # Create function label
+        print "LABEL " name
+        # Process parameters
+        nparams = split(params, param_array, " ")
+        for (i = 1; i <= nparams; i++) {
+            print "STORE " param_array[i]
+        }
+        # Compile function body
+        compile_expr(body)
+        # Clean up parameters and return
+        for (i = nparams; i >= 1; i--) {
+            print "POP_ENV"
+        }
+        print "RETURN"
+    } else {
+        # Variable definition
+        debug("Defining variable: " name " with value: " args)
+        compile_expr(args)  # Compile the value
+        print "STORE " name  # Store the variable
+    }
+function compile_expr(expr,    split_result, op, args) {
+    debug("Compiling expression: " expr)
+    if (expr ~ /^-?[0-9]+$/) {
+        compile_number(expr)
+        return
+    }
+    if (expr == "nil") {
+        print "PUSH_CONST NIL:"
+        return
+    }
+    # Add variable lookup
+    if (expr ~ /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/) {
+        print "LOOKUP " expr
+        return
+    }
+    if (substr(expr, 1, 1) == "(") {
+        expr = substr(expr, 2, length(expr) - 2)
+        split_result = split_expr(expr)
+        op = substr(split_result, 1, index(split_result, SUBSEP) - 1)
+        args = substr(split_result, index(split_result, SUBSEP) + 1)
+        if (op == "define") {
+            compile_define(args)
+        } else if (op == "let") {
+            compile_let(args)
+        } else {
+            compile_primitive_call(op, args)
+        }
+        return
+    }
+    error("Unknown expression type: " expr)
+function error(msg) {
+    print "Error: " msg > "/dev/stderr"
+    exit 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/repl b/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/repl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14a10cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/repl
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Enable debug tracing
+debug() {
+    if [ "$DEBUG" = "1" ]; then
+        echo "[DEBUG] $*" >&2
+    fi
+# Find the directory containing this script and the components
+DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+debug "Using compiler: $COMPILER"
+debug "Using VM: $VM"
+# Verify components exist and are executable
+for component in "$COMPILER" "$VM"; do
+    if [ ! -f "$component" ]; then
+        echo "Error: Cannot find $component" >&2
+        echo "Please ensure all components are present" >&2
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    chmod +x "$component"
+# Set up temporary files and state
+TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+debug "Created temp dir: $TMPDIR"
+cleanup() {
+    debug "Cleaning up temp dir: $TMPDIR"
+    rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
+    if [ "$1" != "keep_state" ]; then
+        rm -f "$STATE_FILE"
+        rm -f "/tmp/scheme_vm.env"
+    fi
+trap "cleanup" EXIT
+# Set up temporary files
+# Initialize/clear state files at REPL start
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then  # Only for interactive mode
+    : > "/tmp/scheme_vm.state"
+    : > "/tmp/scheme_vm.env"
+# Function to handle evaluation
+evaluate_expression() {
+    local input="$1"
+    local result
+    # Skip empty lines
+    if [ -z "$input" ]; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    debug "Evaluating expression: $input"
+    echo "$input" > "$INPUT_FILE"
+    debug "Input file contents:"
+    cat "$INPUT_FILE" >&2
+    # Show compilation output even if it fails
+    debug "Running compiler..."
+    if awk -f "$COMPILER" "$INPUT_FILE" > "$ASM_FILE" 2> "$DEBUG_FILE"; then
+        debug "Compilation successful. Debug output:"
+        cat "$DEBUG_FILE" >&2
+        debug "Generated assembly:"
+        cat "$ASM_FILE" >&2
+        debug "Running VM..."
+        # Use persistent VM state
+        result=$(awk -v PERSIST=1 -f "$VM" "$ASM_FILE" 2>&1)
+        debug "VM output: $result"
+        if [ -n "$result" ]; then
+            echo "$result"
+        fi
+        return 0
+    else
+        echo "Compilation error" >&2
+        debug "Compiler output:"
+        cat "$DEBUG_FILE" >&2
+        return 1
+    fi
+# Check if a file argument is provided
+if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
+    if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+        echo "Error: File not found: $1" >&2
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    debug "Reading file: $1"
+    file_content=$(cat "$1" | tr '\n' ' ')
+    debug "File content: $file_content"
+    evaluate_expression "$file_content"
+    cleanup "keep_state"  # Keep state after file execution
+    exit 0
+# REPL state
+# Print welcome message
+echo "Scheme REPL (Press Ctrl+D to exit)"
+# Main REPL loop
+while true; do
+    if [ $paren_count -eq 0 ]; then
+        printf "scheme> "
+    else
+        printf "... "
+    fi
+    read -r line || exit 0
+    # Skip empty lines
+    if [ -z "$line" ]; then
+        continue
+    fi
+    # Count parentheses
+    open_parens=$(echo "$line" | tr -cd '(' | wc -c)
+    close_parens=$(echo "$line" | tr -cd ')' | wc -c)
+    paren_count=$((paren_count + open_parens - close_parens))
+    if [ -n "$current_input" ]; then
+        current_input="$current_input $line"
+    else
+        current_input="$line"
+    fi
+    if [ $paren_count -eq 0 ]; then
+        evaluate_expression "$current_input"
+        current_input=""
+    fi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/vm.awk b/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/vm.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cb2b992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/bin/vm.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# VM State Initialization
+    # Type tags
+    T_NUMBER = "N"
+    T_BOOLEAN = "B"
+    T_SYMBOL = "S"
+    T_PAIR = "P"
+    T_FUNCTION = "F"
+    T_NIL = "NIL"
+    # VM registers
+    stack_ptr = 0    # Stack pointer
+    heap_ptr = 0     # Heap pointer
+    pc = 0           # Program counter
+    # Debug mode
+    DEBUG = 0
+    # Environment for variables
+    env_size = 0
+    # Function table (make it persistent)
+    delete func_name
+    delete func_pc
+    delete func_code
+    func_size = 0
+    # Call stack
+    call_stack_ptr = 0
+    # State persistence
+    STATE_FILE = "/tmp/scheme_vm.state"
+    if (PERSIST) {
+        debug("Loading state from: " STATE_FILE)
+        if ((getline line < STATE_FILE) >= 0) {  # Check if file exists and is readable
+            do {
+                if (line ~ /^FUNC /) {
+                    sub(/^FUNC /, "", line)
+                    name = line
+                    sub(/ .*$/, "", name)
+                    code = line
+                    sub(/^[^ ]+ /, "", code)
+                    debug("Loaded function: " name)
+                    debug("Code: " code)
+                    func_name[func_size] = name
+                    func_code[func_size] = code
+                    func_size++
+                }
+            } while ((getline line < STATE_FILE) > 0)
+            close(STATE_FILE)
+        }
+    }
+    # Function environments
+    delete func_env_names
+    delete func_env_vals
+    delete func_env_sizes
+    # Global function storage
+    delete FUNCTIONS  # Our own function storage array
+    # Environment persistence
+    ENV_STATE_FILE = "/tmp/scheme_vm.env"
+    if (PERSIST) {
+        debug("Loading environment state from: " ENV_STATE_FILE)
+        if ((getline line < ENV_STATE_FILE) >= 0) {
+            do {
+                if (line ~ /^ENV /) {
+                    sub(/^ENV /, "", line)
+                    name = line
+                    sub(/ .*$/, "", name)
+                    val = line
+                    sub(/^[^ ]+ /, "", val)
+                    debug("Loaded env var: " name " = " val)
+                    env_name[env_size] = name
+                    env_val[env_size] = val
+                    env_size++
+                }
+            } while ((getline line < ENV_STATE_FILE) > 0)
+            close(ENV_STATE_FILE)
+        }
+    }
+    normal_exit = 0  # Track if we exited normally via HALT
+# Debug output function
+function debug(msg) {
+    if (DEBUG) printf("[DEBUG] %s\n", msg) > "/dev/stderr"
+# Value construction and access
+function makeValue(type, val) {
+    return type ":" val
+function getType(val) {
+    return substr(val, 1, index(val, ":") - 1)
+function getValue(val) {
+    return substr(val, index(val, ":") + 1)
+# Type checking
+function isNumber(val) { return getType(val) == T_NUMBER }
+function isBoolean(val) { return getType(val) == T_BOOLEAN }
+function isSymbol(val) { return getType(val) == T_SYMBOL }
+function isPair(val) { return getType(val) == T_PAIR }
+function isFunction(val) { return getType(val) == T_FUNCTION }
+function isNil(val) { return getType(val) == T_NIL }
+# Stack operations
+function push(val) {
+    stack[++stack_ptr] = val
+    debug("Push: " val " (SP: " stack_ptr ")")
+function pop() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 1) error("Stack underflow")
+    val = stack[stack_ptr--]
+    debug("Pop: " val " (SP: " stack_ptr ")")
+    return val
+function peek() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 1) error("Stack empty")
+    return stack[stack_ptr]
+# Heap operations
+function allocate(val) {
+    heap[++heap_ptr] = val
+    refs[heap_ptr] = 1
+    debug("Allocate: " val " at " heap_ptr)
+    return heap_ptr
+function getHeap(idx) {
+    if (!(idx in heap)) {
+        error("Invalid heap access: " idx)
+        return ""
+    }
+    return heap[idx]
+# Error handling
+function error(msg) {
+    print "Error at PC " pc ": " msg > "/dev/stderr"
+    exit 1
+# Arithmetic operations
+function vm_add() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) error("ADD requires two operands")
+    val2 = pop()
+    val1 = pop()
+    if (!isNumber(val1) || !isNumber(val2)) 
+        error("ADD requires numeric operands")
+    result = getValue(val1) + getValue(val2)
+    push(makeValue(T_NUMBER, result))
+function vm_subtract() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) error("SUB requires two operands")
+    val2 = pop()
+    val1 = pop()
+    if (!isNumber(val1) || !isNumber(val2))
+        error("SUB requires numeric operands")
+    result = getValue(val1) - getValue(val2)
+    push(makeValue(T_NUMBER, result))
+function vm_multiply() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) error("MUL requires two operands")
+    val2 = pop()
+    val1 = pop()
+    if (!isNumber(val1) || !isNumber(val2))
+        error("MUL requires numeric operands")
+    result = getValue(val1) * getValue(val2)
+    push(makeValue(T_NUMBER, result))
+function vm_divide() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) error("DIV requires two operands")
+    val2 = pop()
+    val1 = pop()
+    if (!isNumber(val1) || !isNumber(val2))
+        error("DIV requires numeric operands")
+    if (getValue(val2) == 0)
+        error("Division by zero")
+    result = getValue(val1) / getValue(val2)
+    push(makeValue(T_NUMBER, result))
+# List operations
+function vm_cons() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) error("CONS requires two operands")
+    val2 = pop()
+    val1 = pop()
+    pair_val = val1 "," val2
+    pair_idx = allocate(pair_val)
+    push(makeValue(T_PAIR, pair_idx))
+function vm_car() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 1) error("CAR requires one operand")
+    val = pop()
+    if (!isPair(val)) error("CAR requires pair operand")
+    pair_idx = getValue(val)
+    pair = getHeap(pair_idx)
+    car_val = substr(pair, 1, index(pair, ",") - 1)
+    push(car_val)
+function vm_cdr() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 1) error("CDR requires one operand")
+    val = pop()
+    if (!isPair(val)) error("CDR requires pair operand")
+    pair_idx = getValue(val)
+    pair = getHeap(pair_idx)
+    cdr_val = substr(pair, index(pair, ",") + 1)
+    push(cdr_val)
+# Comparison operations
+function vm_equal() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) error("EQ requires two operands")
+    val2 = pop()
+    val1 = pop()
+    result = (val1 == val2) ? "1" : "0"
+    push(makeValue(T_BOOLEAN, result))
+function vm_less_than() {
+    if (stack_ptr < 2) error("LT requires two operands")
+    val2 = pop()
+    val1 = pop()
+    if (!isNumber(val1) || !isNumber(val2))
+        error("LT requires numeric operands")
+    result = (getValue(val1) < getValue(val2)) ? "1" : "0"
+    push(makeValue(T_BOOLEAN, result))
+# Instruction execution
+function execute(instr) {
+    split(instr, parts, " ")
+    op = parts[1]
+    debug("Execute: " instr)
+    if (op == "PUSH_CONST") {
+        push(parts[2])
+    }
+    else if (op == "POP") {
+        pop()
+    }
+    else if (op == "DUP") {
+        val = peek()
+        push(val)
+    }
+    else if (op == "SWAP") {
+        if (stack_ptr < 2) error("SWAP requires two operands")
+        val2 = pop()
+        val1 = pop()
+        push(val2)
+        push(val1)
+    }
+    else if (op == "ADD") {
+        vm_add()
+    }
+    else if (op == "SUB") {
+        vm_subtract()
+    }
+    else if (op == "MUL") {
+        vm_multiply()
+    }
+    else if (op == "DIV") {
+        vm_divide()
+    }
+    else if (op == "CONS") {
+        vm_cons()
+    }
+    else if (op == "CAR") {
+        vm_car()
+    }
+    else if (op == "CDR") {
+        vm_cdr()
+    }
+    else if (op == "EQ") {
+        vm_equal()
+    }
+    else if (op == "LT") {
+        vm_less_than()
+    }
+    else if (op == "PRINT") {
+        if (stack_ptr < 1) error("PRINT requires one operand")
+        print peek()
+    }
+    else if (op == "HALT") {
+        normal_exit = 1  # Mark that we're exiting normally
+        if (stack_ptr > 0) {
+            result = peek()
+        }
+        if (PERSIST) {
+            save_state()
+        }
+        if (result) {
+            print result
+        }
+        exit(0)
+    }
+    else if (op == "STORE") {
+        vm_store(parts[2])
+    }
+    else if (op == "POP_ENV") {
+        vm_pop_env()
+    }
+    else if (op == "LOOKUP") {
+        vm_lookup(parts[2])
+    }
+    else if (op == "LABEL") {
+        vm_define_function(parts[2], pc)
+    }
+    else if (op == "CALL") {
+        vm_call_function(parts[2])
+    }
+    else if (op == "RETURN") {
+        vm_return()
+    }
+    else {
+        error("Unknown instruction: " op)
+    }
+# Program loading
+    # Store each line as an instruction
+    program[NR-1] = $0
+# Program execution
+END {
+    # Execute program
+    while (pc < length(program)) {
+        execute(program[pc++])
+    }
+    # Only save state if we didn't halt normally
+    if (!normal_exit && PERSIST) {
+        save_state()
+    }
+# Modify vm_store to handle global variables more consistently
+function vm_store(name) {
+    debug("Storing " peek() " as " name " at env_size: " env_size)
+    # If this is from a define, mark it as global
+    if (lookup_no_error("from_define")) {  # Check if from_define is set
+        name = "__global_" name
+        # Clear the flag
+        for (i = env_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            if (env_name[i] == "from_define") {
+                env_size--  # Remove the flag
+                break
+            }
+        }
+        # Remove any previous definition of this global
+        for (i = env_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+            if (env_name[i] == name) {
+                # Shift everything down to remove the old definition
+                for (j = i; j < env_size - 1; j++) {
+                    env_name[j] = env_name[j + 1]
+                    env_val[j] = env_val[j + 1]
+                }
+                env_size--
+                break
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # Store in current environment frame
+    env_name[env_size] = name
+    env_val[env_size] = peek()
+    env_size++
+    debug("Environment after store:")
+    dump_env()
+function vm_pop_env() {
+    if (env_size <= 0) error("Environment underflow")
+    debug("Popping environment at size: " env_size)
+    # Don't pop if this is a global definition (from define)
+    if (env_name[env_size-1] ~ /^__global_/) {
+        debug("Keeping global definition: " env_name[env_size-1])
+        return
+    }
+    debug("Removing: " env_name[env_size-1] " = " env_val[env_size-1])
+    env_size--
+# Modify vm_lookup to be more explicit about global lookups
+function vm_lookup(name,    i, global_name) {
+    debug("Looking up " name " in environment of size: " env_size)
+    dump_env()
+    # First try looking up with global prefix
+    global_name = "__global_" name
+    for (i = env_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        if (env_name[i] == global_name) {
+            debug("Found global " name " = " env_val[i] " at position " i)
+            push(env_val[i])
+            return
+        }
+        if (env_name[i] == name) {
+            debug("Found local " name " = " env_val[i] " at position " i)
+            push(env_val[i])
+            return
+        }
+    }
+    error("Undefined variable: " name)
+function vm_define_function(name, start_pc) {
+    debug("Defining function: " name " at " start_pc)
+    # Build function code
+    code = ""
+    i = start_pc
+    while (i < length(program) && program[i] != "RETURN") {
+        if (code != "") code = code "\n"
+        code = code program[i]
+        i++
+    }
+    code = code "\nRETURN"
+    # Store in our function array
+    debug("Storing function: " name " = " code)
+    FUNCTIONS[name] = code
+    pc = i + 1
+function vm_call_function(name,    code_lines, j, saved_pc, saved_env_size, arg, param_name) {
+    debug("Calling function: " name)
+    if (!(name in FUNCTIONS)) {
+        error("Undefined function: " name)
+    }
+    # Get argument from stack before modifying program
+    arg = pop()
+    debug("Function argument: " arg)
+    saved_pc = pc
+    saved_env_size = env_size
+    # Split function code into lines
+    split(FUNCTIONS[name], code_lines, "\n")
+    # Extract parameter name from first STORE instruction
+    if (code_lines[1] ~ /^STORE /) {
+        param_name = substr(code_lines[1], 7)  # Skip "STORE "
+        debug("Found parameter name: " param_name)
+    } else {
+        error("Function missing parameter definition")
+    }
+    # Create new environment frame with correct parameter name
+    debug("Creating new environment frame at size: " env_size)
+    env_name[env_size] = param_name
+    env_val[env_size] = arg
+    env_size++
+    # Add function code to program
+    for (j in code_lines) {
+        program[length(program)] = code_lines[j]
+    }
+    # Jump to function code
+    pc = length(program) - length(code_lines)
+    call_stack[++call_stack_ptr] = saved_pc
+    env_stack[call_stack_ptr] = saved_env_size
+    debug("Function found, jumping to PC: " pc " with env_size: " saved_env_size)
+    dump_env()
+function vm_return() {
+    if (call_stack_ptr > 0) {
+        # Save return value
+        ret_val = pop()
+        # Restore environment
+        while (env_size > env_stack[call_stack_ptr]) {
+            debug("Popping environment at size: " env_size)
+            vm_pop_env()
+        }
+        # Restore program counter
+        pc = call_stack[call_stack_ptr--]
+        # Push return value back
+        push(ret_val)
+        debug("Returned with value: " ret_val " and env_size: " env_size)
+    }
+# Add debug function to dump environment in a more readable format
+function dump_env(    i) {
+    debug("Environment dump:")
+    for (i = 0; i < env_size; i++) {
+        debug(sprintf("  %d: %s = %s", i, env_name[i], env_val[i]))
+    }
+# Add flag for define statements
+function compile_define(args,    name, params, body, param_array, nparams, i, paren_start, paren_end) {
+    # Set flag to mark this as a global definition
+    print "PUSH_CONST B:1"  # Push true
+    print "STORE __from_define"
+    # ... rest of existing compile_define function ...
+# Add helper function for looking up without error
+function lookup_no_error(name,    i) {
+    for (i = env_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+        if (env_name[i] == name) {
+            return 1
+        }
+    }
+    return 0
+# Add new function to handle state saving
+function save_state() {
+    debug("Saving state to: " STATE_FILE)
+    for (i = 0; i < func_size; i++) {
+        debug("Saving function: " func_name[i])
+        print "FUNC " func_name[i] " " func_code[i] > STATE_FILE
+    }
+    close(STATE_FILE)
+    # Save environment state
+    debug("Saving environment state to: " ENV_STATE_FILE)
+    for (i = 0; i < env_size; i++) {
+        if (env_name[i] ~ /^__global_/) {  # Only save global variables
+            debug("Saving env var: " env_name[i] " = " env_val[i])
+            print "ENV " env_name[i] " " env_val[i] > ENV_STATE_FILE
+        }
+    }
+    close(ENV_STATE_FILE)
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c48d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/diagram.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Awk-Scheme Diagram
+How this is all orchestrated.
++----------------+     Scheme Code      +----------------+    Assembly     +----------------+
+|                | ----------------->   |                | ------------->  |                |
+|      REPL      |   "(+ 1 2)"          |    Compiler    |  "PUSH_CONST    |       VM       |
+|   (bin/repl)   |                      | compiler.awk   |   N:1           |    vm.awk      |
+|                |                      |                |   PUSH_CONST    |                |
+|  User Input    |                      | Translates     |   N:2           |  Stack-based   |
+|  Interface     |                      | Scheme to      |   ADD           |  Interpreter   |
+|                |                      | VM Assembly    |   HALT"         |                |
+|                | <------------------  |                | <-------------  |                |
+|                |  Output: "N:3"       |                |   Result        |                |
++----------------+                      +----------------+                 +----------------+
+       ^                                                                       |
+       |                                                                       |
+       |                              Data Flow                                |
+       |                                                                       v
+|                                                                                |
+|  1. REPL (bin/repl) reads Scheme expression from user                          |
+|  2. Expression sent to compiler (bin/compiler.awk)                             |
+|  3. Compiler generates VM assembly instructions                                |
+|  4. VM (bin/vm.awk) executes assembly and maintains:                           |
+|     - Stack: For operation values                                              |
+|     - Heap: For storing pairs/lists                                            |
+|     - Type tags: N:(number), B:(boolean), P:(pair), NIL:                       |
+|  5. Result returned through REPL to user                                       |
+|                                                                                |
+Example Flow:
+┌─────────────┐         ┌─────────────┐         ┌─────────────┐
+│   Input:    │         │  Compiler   │         │     VM      │
+│  (+ 1 2)    │    →    │ PUSH_CONST  │    →    │ Stack:      │
+│             │         │   N:1       │         │  [N:1]      │
+│             │         │ PUSH_CONST  │         │  [N:1,N:2]  │
+│             │         │   N:2       │         │  [N:3]      │
+│             │         │ ADD         │         │             │
+└─────────────┘         └─────────────┘         └─────────────┘
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/awk-scheme-prompt.md b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/awk-scheme-prompt.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7e0414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/awk-scheme-prompt.md
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# Implementation Request for AWK-based Scheme Virtual Machine
+I need help implementing a stack-based virtual machine for a minimal Scheme implementation in AWK. The implementation should work with standard AWK (gawk features optional).
+## Core Data Structures
+### Value Representation
+Values in AWK will be represented as strings with type tags. Each value should be a string with format "TYPE:VALUE" where:
+- Numbers: "N:123.45"
+- Booleans: "B:1" or "B:0"
+- Symbols: "S:symbol-name"
+- Pairs: "P:car_idx,cdr_idx" (indices into heap array)
+- Functions: "F:addr,env_idx" (instruction address and environment index)
+- Nil: "NIL:"
+### Memory Model
+Using AWK's associative arrays:
+# Stack - numeric indexed array
+# Heap - numeric indexed array for allocated objects
+# Environments - numeric indexed array of frames
+# Each environment frame is stored as concatenated strings:
+# "name1:val1,name2:val2,..."
+### Instruction Format
+Instructions stored in array with format:
+instr[addr] = "OPCODE OPERAND1 OPERAND2..."
+## Core Components Needed
+1. Value Handling
+# Type checking
+function isNumber(val) { return substr(val, 1, 2) == "N:" }
+function isSymbol(val) { return substr(val, 1, 2) == "S:" }
+# etc.
+# Value extraction
+function getValue(val) { return substr(val, 3) }
+2. Memory Management
+- Simple reference counting using an additional array
+- Object allocation through heap_ptr increment
+- Basic sweep of unreferenced heap cells
+3. Stack Operations
+# Push and pop
+function push(val) { stack[++stack_ptr] = val }
+function pop() { return stack[stack_ptr--] }
+4. Environment Management
+- Environment represented as chain of frames in env[] array
+- Each frame is a string of name:value pairs
+- Lookup walks the chain for variable resolution
+## Implementation Steps
+1. Parser/Tokenizer:
+   - Read instruction format from input file
+   - Parse into instruction array
+   - Handle basic syntax for immediate values
+2. Value System:
+   - Type tag handling
+   - Value construction
+   - Type checking
+   - Value extraction
+3. Core VM:
+   - Instruction dispatch
+   - Stack manipulation
+   - Basic arithmetic
+   - Flow control
+4. Memory Management:
+   - Heap allocation
+   - Reference counting
+   - Basic garbage collection
+5. Function Handling:
+   - Call frames
+   - Return handling
+   - Tail call optimization
+## Initial Implementation Structure
+    # Initialize VM state
+    stack_ptr = 0
+    heap_ptr = 0
+    env_ptr = 0
+    pc = 0  # Program counter
+# Main instruction dispatch
+function execute(instr) {
+    split(instr, parts, " ")
+    op = parts[1]
+    if (op == "PUSH_CONST")
+        push(parts[2])
+    else if (op == "ADD") {
+        b = pop()
+        a = pop()
+        push(add(a, b))
+    }
+    # etc.
+# Main execution loop
+    # Load instruction into array
+    instr[$1] = $0
+END {
+    # Execute loaded program
+    while (pc < length(instr)) {
+        execute(instr[pc++])
+    }
+## Testing Strategy
+1. Input File Format:
+2 ADD
+2. Test Cases:
+- Basic arithmetic
+- Stack operations
+- Function calls
+- Error handling
+- Memory management
+## AWK-Specific Considerations
+1. String Operations:
+- Use split() for parsing
+- substr() for type tags
+- string concatenation for compound values
+2. Limitations:
+- No native types besides numbers and strings
+- No recursive function calls in AWK
+- Limited stack size
+- Memory management needs care
+3. Advantages:
+- Associative arrays simplify environment handling
+- Built-in string operations help with parsing
+- Line-oriented processing suits instruction loading
+## Style Guidelines
+1. Use clear function names:
+   - makeNumber(n)
+   - makeSymbol(s)
+   - etc.
+2. Consistent error handling:
+   - Set ERRNO
+   - Print to STDERR
+   - Exit codes
+3. Document array usage:
+   - Purpose of each array
+   - Format of entries
+   - Lifetime management
+Please start with implementing the value type system and basic stack operations, showing how to represent and manipulate Scheme values in AWK's string-based environment.
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/awk-vm-implementation-prompt.md b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/awk-vm-implementation-prompt.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6596589
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+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/awk-vm-implementation-prompt.md
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# AWK-based Scheme VM Implementation Guide
+I need help implementing a stack-based virtual machine in AWK that will support a minimal Scheme implementation. Please focus on AWK-specific approaches and limitations.
+## VM Architecture Overview
+The VM should be stack-based with these key components:
+1. An instruction array storing the program
+2. A value stack using numeric-indexed arrays
+3. A heap for pairs and closures using associative arrays
+4. An environment chain for variable lookup
+## Core Data Types
+Each value should be represented as a string with format "TYPE:VALUE":
+# Examples
+"N:42"      # Number
+"B:1"       # Boolean true
+"B:0"       # Boolean false
+"S:x"       # Symbol 'x'
+"P:1,2"     # Pair (cons cell) with heap indices
+"F:100,1"   # Function (instruction addr, env index)
+"NIL:"      # Empty list
+## Instruction Set
+### Stack Operations
+PUSH_CONST val   # Push constant onto stack
+                 # Example: "PUSH_CONST N:42"
+POP             # Remove top value from stack
+DUP             # Duplicate top stack value
+                # Before: [a]
+                # After:  [a a]
+SWAP            # Swap top two stack values
+                # Before: [a b]
+                # After:  [b a]
+### Memory Operations
+LOAD_LOCAL idx  # Load local variable at index
+                # Example: "LOAD_LOCAL 0"
+STORE_LOCAL idx # Store into local variable
+                # Example: "STORE_LOCAL 1"
+MAKE_ENV n      # Create new environment frame with n slots
+                # Example: "MAKE_ENV 2"
+LOAD_FREE idx   # Load from closure's environment
+                # Example: "LOAD_FREE 0"
+STORE_FREE idx  # Store into closure's environment
+                # Example: "STORE_FREE 1"
+### Function Operations
+CALL n          # Call function with n arguments
+                # Example: "CALL 2"
+TAIL_CALL n     # Tail-call with n arguments
+                # Example: "TAIL_CALL 1"
+RETURN          # Return from function
+MAKE_FUNCTION addr # Create function object
+                  # Example: "MAKE_FUNCTION 100"
+### List Operations
+CONS            # Create pair from two stack values
+                # Before: [a b]
+                # After:  [(a . b)]
+CAR             # Get first element of pair
+                # Before: [(a . b)]
+                # After:  [a]
+CDR             # Get second element of pair
+                # Before: [(a . b)]
+                # After:  [b]
+### Arithmetic Operations
+ADD             # Add top two numbers
+                # Before: [N:3 N:4]
+                # After:  [N:7]
+SUB             # Subtract
+MUL             # Multiply
+DIV             # Divide
+### Comparison Operations
+EQ              # Generic equality test
+NUM_LT          # Numeric less than
+NUM_GT          # Numeric greater than
+### Control Flow
+JUMP offset     # Unconditional jump
+                # Example: "JUMP 100"
+JUMP_IF_FALSE offset  # Jump if top of stack is false
+                     # Example: "JUMP_IF_FALSE 200"
+## Implementation Requirements
+1. Instruction Format:
+# Each instruction stored as string in instr[] array
+instr[addr] = "OPCODE [operand1] [operand2]..."
+2. Value Handling:
+# Type checking functions
+function isNumber(val) { return substr(val, 1, 2) == "N:" }
+function isPair(val) { return substr(val, 1, 2) == "P:" }
+# etc.
+# Value constructors
+function makeNumber(n) { return "N:" n }
+function makePair(car_idx, cdr_idx) { return "P:" car_idx "," cdr_idx }
+# etc.
+3. Stack Operations:
+# Basic stack manipulation
+function push(val) { stack[++stack_ptr] = val }
+function pop() { if (stack_ptr < 1) error("stack underflow"); return stack[stack_ptr--] }
+4. Memory Management:
+# Heap allocation
+function allocate(val) {
+    heap[++heap_ptr] = val
+    refs[heap_ptr] = 1
+    return heap_ptr
+# Reference counting
+function incref(idx) { if (idx > 0) refs[idx]++ }
+function decref(idx) { if (idx > 0 && --refs[idx] == 0) free_cell(idx) }
+## Starting Implementation
+Please help implement this VM following these steps:
+1. Core VM loop:
+    # Initialize VM state
+    stack_ptr = 0
+    heap_ptr = 0
+    pc = 0
+# Load program
+    instr[NR-1] = $0
+END {
+    # Main execution loop
+    while (pc < length(instr)) {
+        execute(instr[pc++])
+    }
+2. Instruction execution:
+function execute(instr) {
+    split(instr, parts, " ")
+    op = parts[1]
+    if (op == "PUSH_CONST")
+        push(parts[2])
+    else if (op == "ADD") {
+        b = pop()
+        a = pop()
+        push(add(a, b))
+    }
+    # etc.
+Please start by implementing:
+1. The basic VM loop
+2. Stack operations
+3. Arithmetic operations
+4. Simple control flow
+Then we can move on to:
+1. Function calls and returns
+2. Environment handling
+3. Cons cells and list operations
+4. Garbage collection
+Focus on AWK's strengths:
+- Associative arrays for memory management
+- String operations for value handling
+- Line-oriented processing for instruction loading
+And handle AWK's limitations:
+- No native complex types
+- Limited recursion
+- String-based value representation
+- Memory management constraints
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43bae3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/scheme-compilation-examples.md
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Scheme to VM Instruction Examples
+## Basic Arithmetic
+### Simple Addition
+(+ 1 2)
+# VM Instructions
+2 ADD
+### Nested Arithmetic
+(+ (* 3 4) (- 10 5))
+# VM Instructions
+2 MUL           # Stack now has 12
+5 SUB           # Stack now has 5
+6 ADD           # Final result 17
+## Variable Binding and Use
+### Let Expression
+(let ((x 5))
+  (+ x 1))
+# VM Instructions
+0 MAKE_ENV 1        # Create environment with 1 slot
+1 PUSH_CONST N:5    # Push initial value
+2 STORE_LOCAL 0     # Store into x's slot
+3 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load x
+5 ADD
+### Nested Let
+(let ((x 5))
+  (let ((y (+ x 1)))
+    (* x y)))
+# VM Instructions
+0 MAKE_ENV 1        # Environment for x
+2 STORE_LOCAL 0     # Store x
+3 MAKE_ENV 1        # Environment for y
+4 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load x
+6 ADD
+7 STORE_LOCAL 0     # Store y
+8 LOAD_LOCAL 1      # Load x (from outer env)
+9 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load y
+10 MUL
+## Function Definition and Call
+### Simple Function
+(define (add1 x)
+  (+ x 1))
+# VM Instructions
+0 MAKE_FUNCTION 2   # Create function pointing to instruction 2
+1 STORE_GLOBAL 0    # Store in global env slot for add1
+2 MAKE_ENV 1        # Function body starts here
+3 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load parameter x
+5 ADD
+### Function Call
+(add1 5)
+# VM Instructions
+0 PUSH_CONST N:5    # Push argument
+1 LOAD_GLOBAL 0     # Load add1 function
+2 CALL 1            # Call with 1 argument
+## List Operations
+### List Construction
+(cons 1 (cons 2 '()))
+# VM Instructions
+3 CONS            # Creates (2 . nil)
+4 CONS            # Creates (1 . (2 . nil))
+### List Operations
+(car (cons 1 2))
+# VM Instructions
+3 CAR
+## Conditionals
+### If Expression
+(if (< x 0)
+    (- 0 x)
+    x)
+# VM Instructions
+0 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load x
+2 NUM_LT           # Compare x < 0
+3 JUMP_IF_FALSE 7  # Skip to else branch if false
+5 LOAD_LOCAL 0     # Load x again
+6 SUB             # Compute 0 - x
+7 JUMP 9          # Skip else branch
+8 LOAD_LOCAL 0    # Else branch: just load x
+9 NOP             # Continue here
+## Closures
+### Create Closure
+(let ((x 1))
+  (lambda (y) (+ x y)))
+# VM Instructions
+0 MAKE_ENV 1        # Environment for x
+2 STORE_LOCAL 0     # Store x
+3 MAKE_FUNCTION 5   # Create function
+4 MAKE_CLOSURE 1    # Capture current env
+5 MAKE_ENV 1        # Function body starts here
+6 LOAD_FREE 0       # Load captured x
+7 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load parameter y
+8 ADD
+## Recursive Function
+### Factorial
+(define (factorial n)
+  (if (= n 0)
+      1
+      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
+# VM Instructions
+0 MAKE_FUNCTION 2    # Create factorial function
+1 STORE_GLOBAL 0     # Store in global env
+2 MAKE_ENV 1         # Function body starts
+3 LOAD_LOCAL 0       # Load n
+5 NUM_EQ            # Compare n = 0
+6 JUMP_IF_FALSE 9   # Skip to else branch
+7 PUSH_CONST N:1    # Return 1 for base case
+9 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load n
+10 LOAD_LOCAL 0     # Load n again
+12 SUB             # Compute n - 1
+13 LOAD_GLOBAL 0   # Load factorial function
+14 TAIL_CALL 1     # Tail call factorial(n-1)
+15 MUL             # Multiply n * factorial(n-1)
+## Implementation Notes
+1. Environment Chain
+- Each MAKE_ENV creates a new frame
+- LOAD_LOCAL counts down the chain for outer references
+- STORE_LOCAL works similarly
+2. Closure Creation
+- MAKE_CLOSURE captures current environment
+- LOAD_FREE accesses captured variables
+3. Tail Calls
+- TAIL_CALL reuses current stack frame
+- Essential for recursive functions
+4. Memory Management
+- CONS allocates in heap
+- Reference counting needed for heap objects
+- Environment frames need reference counting too
+These examples show typical compilation patterns. The actual compiler would need to:
+1. Track variable locations
+2. Manage label generation
+3. Detect tail call positions
+4. Handle lexical scoping properly
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/scheme-compiler-impl.md b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/scheme-compiler-impl.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db8a204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/scheme-compiler-impl.md
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Scheme Compiler Implementation in AWK
+## Basic Compiler Structure
+We'll implement the compiler as a recursive descent processor that converts Scheme expressions into VM instructions. Here's the core structure:
+# Global state
+    next_label = 0      # For generating unique labels
+    next_address = 0    # Current instruction address
+    depth = 0           # Current environment depth
+# Main compile function
+function compile(expr,    parts, len) {
+    if (isAtom(expr))
+        return compileAtom(expr)
+    split(expr, parts, " ")
+    len = length(parts)
+    # Strip parentheses
+    parts[1] = substr(parts[1], 2)      # Remove leading (
+    parts[len] = substr(parts[len], 1, length(parts[len])-1)  # Remove trailing )
+    # Dispatch based on first element
+    if (parts[1] == "+")
+        return compileAdd(parts, len)
+    else if (parts[1] == "let")
+        return compileLet(parts, len)
+    else if (parts[1] == "lambda")
+        return compileLambda(parts, len)
+    else if (parts[1] == "if")
+        return compileIf(parts, len)
+    else
+        return compileCall(parts, len)
+# Utility functions
+function isAtom(expr) {
+    return substr(expr, 1, 1) != "("
+function newLabel() {
+    return "L" next_label++
+function emit(instr) {
+    program[next_address++] = instr
+## Compilation Patterns
+### 1. Basic Arithmetic
+function compileAdd(parts, len,    i) {
+    # Compile each argument
+    for (i = 2; i <= len; i++)
+        compile(parts[i])
+    # Emit adds between each value
+    for (i = 3; i <= len; i++)
+        emit("ADD")
+    return next_address - 1
+# Example usage:
+# Input: (+ 1 2 3)
+# Output:
+# ADD
+# ADD
+### 2. Let Expressions
+function compileLet(parts, len,    bindings, body, i, num_bindings) {
+    # Parse let structure
+    bindings = parts[2]
+    body = parts[3]
+    # Count bindings
+    split(bindings, binding_parts, " ")
+    num_bindings = (length(binding_parts) - 2) / 2  # Account for parentheses
+    # Create new environment frame
+    emit("MAKE_ENV " num_bindings)
+    # Compile each binding value and store
+    for (i = 1; i <= num_bindings; i++) {
+        compile(binding_parts[i * 2])
+        emit("STORE_LOCAL " (i - 1))
+    }
+    # Compile body in new environment
+    depth++
+    compile(body)
+    depth--
+    return next_address - 1
+# Example usage:
+# Input: (let ((x 5)) (+ x 1))
+# Output:
+# ADD
+### 3. Lambda Expressions
+function compileLambda(parts, len,    param_list, body, label_start, label_end) {
+    label_start = newLabel()
+    label_end = newLabel()
+    # Emit jump around function body
+    emit("JUMP " label_end)
+    # Mark function start
+    emit(label_start ":")
+    # Parse parameters
+    param_list = parts[2]
+    body = parts[3]
+    # Compile function body
+    depth++
+    compile(body)
+    emit("RETURN")
+    depth--
+    # Mark function end
+    emit(label_end ":")
+    # Create function object
+    emit("MAKE_FUNCTION " label_start)
+    return next_address - 1
+# Example usage:
+# Input: (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
+# Output:
+# JUMP L1
+# L0:
+# ADD
+# L1:
+### 4. If Expressions
+function compileIf(parts, len,    condition, true_branch, false_branch, label_else, label_end) {
+    label_else = newLabel()
+    label_end = newLabel()
+    # Compile condition
+    compile(parts[2])
+    # Jump to else if false
+    emit("JUMP_IF_FALSE " label_else)
+    # Compile true branch
+    compile(parts[3])
+    emit("JUMP " label_end)
+    # Compile false branch
+    emit(label_else ":")
+    if (len > 4)  # If there is an else branch
+        compile(parts[4])
+    emit(label_end ":")
+    return next_address - 1
+# Example usage:
+# Input: (if (< x 0) (- 0 x) x)
+# Output:
+# SUB
+# JUMP L1
+# L0:
+# L1:
+### 5. Function Calls
+function compileCall(parts, len,    i, num_args) {
+    num_args = len - 1
+    # Compile each argument
+    for (i = 2; i <= len; i++)
+        compile(parts[i])
+    # Compile function reference
+    compile(parts[1])
+    # Emit call instruction
+    emit("CALL " num_args)
+    return next_address - 1
+# Example usage:
+# Input: (add1 5)
+# Output:
+# CALL 1
+## Symbol Table Management
+# Track variables and their locations
+function enterScope() {
+    scope_depth++
+    next_local = 0
+function leaveScope() {
+    scope_depth--
+function addLocal(name) {
+    symbols[scope_depth "," name] = next_local++
+function findVariable(name,    i) {
+    for (i = scope_depth; i >= 0; i--)
+        if ((i "," name) in symbols)
+            return "LOCAL " i "," symbols[i "," name]
+    return "GLOBAL " name
+## Example Usage
+Here's how to use the compiler:
+    # Initialize compiler
+    next_label = 0
+    next_address = 0
+    depth = 0
+    # Compile some example code
+    expr = "(let ((x 5)) (+ x 1))"
+    compile(expr)
+    # Print generated code
+    for (i = 0; i < next_address; i++)
+        print i ": " program[i]
+## Implementation Notes
+1. Variable Resolution
+   - Track scope depth for proper variable lookup
+   - Generate appropriate LOAD/STORE instructions
+   - Handle closure captures
+2. Label Generation
+   - Use unique labels for control flow
+   - Track label addresses for jumps
+3. Environment Management
+   - Track environment depth
+   - Generate correct frame sizes
+   - Handle nested scopes
+4. Error Handling
+   - Check for syntax errors
+   - Validate number of arguments
+   - Report meaningful errors
+5. Optimization Opportunities
+   - Tail call detection
+   - Constant folding
+   - Peephole optimization
+   - Dead code elimination
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+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/scheme-vm-prompt.md
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Implementation Request for Scheme Virtual Machine
+I need help implementing a stack-based virtual machine for a minimal Scheme implementation in JavaScript. The implementation should follow these requirements:
+## Core Data Structures
+### Value Representation
+Please help me implement a tagged union type for Scheme values with these cases:
+- Numbers (using JavaScript numbers)
+- Booleans (using JavaScript booleans)
+- Symbols (as strings)
+- Pairs (cons cells)
+- Functions (closures)
+- Nil
+Each value should include a type tag and the actual value data. The implementation should be memory efficient while still being easy to debug.
+### Stack Frame
+Design a stack frame structure that includes:
+- An array for local variables
+- An operand stack (array)
+- Return address (number)
+- Previous frame pointer
+- Captured environment reference (for closures)
+### Instruction Format
+Each instruction should be represented as an object with:
+- opcode (string or number)
+- operands (if any)
+- source position (for debugging)
+## Core Components Needed
+1. Value Constructor/Accessors
+- Functions to create each type of value
+- Type predicates (isNumber, isPair, etc.)
+- Safe accessors that check types
+2. Memory Management
+- A simple mark-and-sweep garbage collector
+- Root set scanning of VM stack and global environment
+- Object allocation interface
+3. Environment Management
+- Environment chain implementation
+- Closure creation and variable capture
+- Variable lookup and storage
+4. Instruction Interpreter
+- Main instruction dispatch loop
+- Stack manipulation helpers
+- Error handling with meaningful messages
+- Debugging support (stack traces)
+## Initial Implementation Steps
+Please help me implement these components in this order:
+1. Value type system and basic operations
+2. Stack frame and basic stack operations
+3. Main instruction interpreter loop
+4. Simple arithmetic and comparison operations
+5. Function calls and returns
+6. Closure creation and environment handling
+7. Cons cells and list operations
+8. Basic garbage collection
+## Starting Point
+Please start by showing me how to implement:
+1. The tagged value type system
+2. Basic stack operations (push, pop)
+3. A simple instruction interpreter that can handle:
+   - POP
+   - ADD
+   - RETURN
+The code should be in a functional style, avoiding mutation where practical, and should use modern JavaScript features. Please include basic error checking and type safety.
+## Testing Approach
+For each component, I'd like to see:
+1. Basic unit tests
+2. Example instruction sequences
+3. Error cases to handle
+4. Edge cases to consider
+The implementation should prioritize correctness and clarity over performance initially.
+## Additional Considerations
+Please also consider:
+1. How to handle tail calls efficiently
+2. Debug information tracking
+3. Error recovery strategies
+4. Performance bottlenecks to watch for
+5. Future extensibility
+## Style Preferences
+The implementation should:
+- Use functional programming patterns where appropriate
+- Minimize state mutation
+- Use clear naming conventions
+- Include detailed comments explaining non-obvious code
+- Use TypeScript-style JSDoc comments for better tooling support
+- Target modern browsers without external dependencies
+- Use ES modules for code organization
+Please start with the value type system implementation, showing how to create and manipulate Scheme values in a type-safe way.
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index 0000000..424602e
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+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/scheme-vm-spec.md
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Scheme Virtual Machine Specification
+## Stack and Memory Model
+The VM uses a stack-based architecture with a separate heap for storing longer-lived objects. Each stack frame contains:
+- Local variable space
+- Operand stack
+- Return address
+## Data Types
+- Numbers (implemented as JavaScript numbers)
+- Booleans
+- Symbols (interned strings)
+- Pairs (cons cells)
+- Functions (closures)
+- Nil
+## Instructions
+### Stack Operations
+- PUSH_CONST value    ; Push constant onto stack
+- POP                 ; Remove top value from stack
+- DUP                 ; Duplicate top stack value
+- SWAP                ; Swap top two stack values
+### Environment Operations
+- LOAD_LOCAL idx      ; Load local variable at index
+- STORE_LOCAL idx     ; Store into local variable
+- MAKE_CLOSURE n      ; Create closure with n free variables
+- LOAD_FREE idx       ; Load from closure's environment
+- STORE_FREE idx      ; Store into closure's environment
+### Function Operations
+- CALL n              ; Call function with n arguments
+- TAIL_CALL n         ; Tail-call with n arguments
+- RETURN              ; Return from function
+- MAKE_FUNCTION addr  ; Create function object
+### Pair Operations
+- CONS                ; Create pair from two stack values
+- CAR                 ; Get first element of pair
+- CDR                ; Get second element of pair
+- SET_CAR            ; Set first element of pair
+- SET_CDR            ; Set second element of pair
+### Arithmetic Operations
+- ADD                ; Add top two numbers
+- SUB                ; Subtract
+- MUL                ; Multiply
+- DIV                ; Divide
+- REMAINDER          ; Modulo operation
+### Comparison Operations
+- EQ                 ; Generic equality test
+- NUM_EQ             ; Numeric equality
+- NUM_LT             ; Less than
+- NUM_GT             ; Greater than
+### Control Flow
+- JUMP offset        ; Unconditional jump
+- JUMP_IF_FALSE offset ; Conditional jump
+- JUMP_IF_TRUE offset  ; Conditional jump
+### Type Operations
+- TYPE_OF            ; Get type of value
+- IS_PAIR            ; Test if value is pair
+- IS_NUMBER          ; Test if value is number
+- IS_SYMBOL          ; Test if value is symbol
+## Example Instruction Sequences
+### Function Definition
+(define (add1 x) (+ x 1))
+Compiles to:
+  LOAD_LOCAL 0     ; Load x
+  ADD
+### List Creation
+(cons 1 (cons 2 '()))
+Compiles to:
+### Closure Creation
+(let ((x 1))
+  (lambda (y) (+ x y)))
+Compiles to:
+PUSH_CONST 1      ; Push initial value of x
+MAKE_FUNCTION L1  ; Create function body
+MAKE_CLOSURE 1    ; Create closure capturing x
+  LOAD_FREE 0     ; Load captured x
+  LOAD_LOCAL 0    ; Load parameter y
+  ADD
+## Implementation Notes
+1. The VM should implement proper tail-call optimization using the TAIL_CALL instruction.
+2. Garbage collection can be implemented using a simple mark-and-sweep collector, scanning the stack and heap for reachable objects.
+3. For efficiency, common constants (small integers, nil, etc.) can be preallocated and shared.
+4. The environment model uses static scope, with closures capturing their creation environment.
+5. Function calls maintain their own stack frame with local variables and operand stack.
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/test-program.md b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/test-program.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee20e32
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+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/test-program.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Test Program
+Save this as `test.scm.asm`:
+Run with:
+awk -f vm.awk test.scm.asm
+Expected output:
+Result: N:6
+# Additional Test Cases
+## List Operations
+## Error Cases
+# Stack underflow
+# Type error
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/cons.test.scm b/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/cons.test.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e3847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/cons.test.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(cons (+ 1 2)
+      (cons (* 3 4)
+            nil))
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/define.test.scm b/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/define.test.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec66b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/define.test.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(define add2 (x) (+ x 2))
+(add2 40) 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/let-and-define.test.scm b/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/let-and-define.test.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fade30b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/let-and-define.test.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+; Let expression example
+(let ((x 5) (y 3))
+  (+ x y))
+; Function definition example
+(define add2 (x)
+  (+ x 2))
+(add2 40)  ; Returns 42
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/let.test.scm b/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/let.test.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cdc3b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/examples/let.test.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(let ((x 5))
+  (+ x 2))
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/scheme b/awk/scheme/scheme/scheme
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cec35d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/scheme
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+exec "$DIR/bin/repl" "$@"
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/complex_test.scm.asm b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/complex_test.scm.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67870c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/complex_test.scm.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Test proper list construction (3 2 1)
+# Building the list in proper order: car points to value, cdr points to next pair
+# Start with empty list
+PUSH_CONST NIL:           # [nil]
+PRINT                     # Print nil
+# Build (1 . nil)
+PUSH_CONST NIL:          # [nil]
+PUSH_CONST N:1          # [nil 1]
+SWAP                    # [1 nil]
+CONS                    # [(1 . nil)]
+PRINT                   # Print (1 . nil)
+# Build (2 . (1 . nil))
+PUSH_CONST N:2         # [(1.nil) 2]
+SWAP                   # [2 (1.nil)]
+CONS                   # [(2 . (1.nil))]
+PRINT                  # Print (2 . (1.nil))
+# Build (3 . (2 . (1 . nil)))
+PUSH_CONST N:3        # [(2.(1.nil)) 3]
+SWAP                  # [3 (2.(1.nil))]
+CONS                  # [(3 . (2.(1.nil)))]
+PRINT                 # Print full structure
+# Test CAR/CDR operations
+DUP                   # Keep a copy of the list for later
+DUP                   # Another copy for CAR
+CAR                   # Get first element (3)
+PRINT                 # Should print 3
+SWAP                  # Bring back our spare list copy
+CDR                   # Get rest of list ((2 . (1 . nil)))
+PRINT                 # Print rest of list
+CAR                   # Get first of rest (2)
+PRINT                 # Should print 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/run.sh b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/run.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0afdb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Compile Scheme to VM instructions
+awk -f compiler.awk test.scm > test.asm
+# Run VM instructions
+awk -f vm.awk test.asm
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.asm b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e7d8df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.scm b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a01b174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;; Build a list of calculated values
+(cons (+ 1 2)           ; First element: 1 + 2 = 3
+      (cons (* 3 4)     ; Second element: 3 * 4 = 12
+            (cons (- 10 
+                    (+ 2 3))  ; Third element: 10 - (2 + 3) = 5
+                  nil)))      ; End of list
+;; This should create a list: (3 12 5)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.scm.asm b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.scm.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..526e2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/scheme/scheme/scratch/test.scm.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+PRINT # should output N:16
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83a35fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Stack-Based Virtual Machine in AWK
+A simple stack-based virtual machine implementation in AWK, inspired by Forth. The VM provides basic stack manipulation, arithmetic operations, register access, and memory operations.
+## Architecture
+The VM consists of:
+- A data stack (100 elements)
+- Main memory (1000 cells)
+- Three registers:
+  - A: General purpose register
+  - B: Often used as memory pointer
+  - P: Program pointer, used for sequential memory operations
+## Instruction Set
+### Stack Operations
+- `DROP` - Remove top item from stack
+- `DUP` - Duplicate top stack item
+- `OVER` - Copy second item to top of stack
+- `SWAP` - Exchange top two stack items
+- Numbers are automatically pushed onto the stack
+### Arithmetic Operations
+- `+` - Add top two stack items (a b -- a+b)
+- `*` - Multiply top two stack items (a b -- a*b)
+- `AND` - Bitwise AND of top two items
+- `XOR` - Bitwise XOR of top two items
+- `NOT` - Bitwise NOT of top item
+- `2*` - Multiply top item by 2 (shift left)
+- `2/` - Divide top item by 2 (shift right)
+### Register Operations
+- `A` - Push value of A register onto stack
+- `A!` - Store top stack value into A register
+- `B!` - Store top stack value into B register
+### Memory Operations
+- `@` - Fetch from memory address on stack (addr -- value)
+- `!` - Store to memory address on stack (value addr --)
+- `@+` - Fetch from memory at P, then increment P
+- `!+` - Store to memory at P, then increment P
+- `@B` - Fetch from memory address in B register
+- `!B` - Store to memory address in B register
+- `@P` - Fetch from memory address in P register
+- `!P` - Store to memory address in P register
+### Debug & Control
+- `.` - NO-OP (does nothing)
+- `BYE` - Exit program
+- `SHOW` - Display current machine state (stack, registers, memory)
+## Memory Model
+- Memory is zero-based
+- Each cell can hold a numeric value
+- Memory is accessed either directly (using @ and !) or through registers
+- P register is typically used for sequential memory operations
+- B register is typically used as a memory pointer
+## Example Programs
+### Store and retrieve a value
+5 DUP 0 ! # Store 5 at address 0
+3 DUP 1 ! # Store 3 at address 1
+0 @ 1 @ + # Load both values and add them
+2 ! # Store result at address 2
+### Using registers
+42 A! # Store 42 in A register
+A # Push A's value onto stack
+100 B! # Set B to address 100
+42 !B # Store 42 at address 100
+@B # Read from address 100
+## Usage
+# Run a program directly
+echo "5 3 + SHOW" | awk -f vm.awk
+# Compile and run a program
+./compiler.py program.coffee | awk -f vm.awk
+# Run test suite
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/vm/compiler.py b/awk/vm/compiler.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a406779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/compiler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+A simple compiler that translates CoffeeScript-like syntax to VM instructions.
+Example input:
+    # Simple arithmetic
+    x = 5
+    y = 3
+    z = x + y
+    # Using memory
+    array = []
+    array[0] = 42
+    array[1] = array[0] * 2
+Will compile to VM instructions like:
+    5 A!              # store 5 in A register
+    3 B!              # store 3 in B register
+    A @B +            # add them
+import sys
+import re
+class Compiler:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.variables = {}  # Maps variable names to memory locations
+        self.next_memory = 0  # Next available memory location
+    def allocate_variable(self, name):
+        """Allocate memory location for a variable"""
+        if name not in self.variables:
+            self.variables[name] = self.next_memory
+            self.next_memory += 1
+        return self.variables[name]
+    def compile_assignment(self, line):
+        """Compile assignment statements like 'x = 5' or 'x = y + z'"""
+        # Remove any comments from the line
+        line = line.split('#')[0].strip()
+        match = re.match(r'(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)', line)
+        if not match:
+            return None
+        var_name = match.group(1)
+        expression = match.group(2)
+        print(f"# Compiling assignment: {var_name} = {expression}", file=sys.stderr)
+        # First get the memory location
+        mem_loc = self.allocate_variable(var_name)
+        # Then compile the expression
+        expr_code = self.compile_expression(expression)
+        if not expr_code:
+            print(f"# Error: Failed to compile expression: {expression}", file=sys.stderr)
+            return None
+        # Generate code that:
+        # 1. Evaluates the expression
+        # 2. Duplicates the result (for storing and leaving on stack)
+        # 3. Stores at memory location
+        vm_code = []
+        vm_code.extend(expr_code)     # Evaluate expression
+        vm_code.append("DUP")         # Make a copy
+        vm_code.append(str(mem_loc))  # Push memory location
+        vm_code.append("@")           # Read current value (for debugging)
+        vm_code.append("DROP")        # Drop the old value
+        vm_code.append("!")           # Store new value
+        return vm_code
+    def compile_expression(self, expr):
+        """Compile expressions like '5', 'x + y', etc."""
+        vm_code = []
+        # Remove any comments from the expression
+        expr = expr.split('#')[0].strip()
+        # Handle simple number
+        if expr.isdigit():
+            vm_code.append(expr)
+            return vm_code
+        # Handle variable reference
+        if expr in self.variables:
+            vm_code.append(str(self.variables[expr]))
+            vm_code.append("@")
+            return vm_code
+        # Handle binary operations
+        ops = {
+            '+': '+',
+            '*': '*',
+            '-': 'NOT +',
+        }
+        # Try each operator
+        for op in ops:
+            if op in expr:
+                parts = expr.split(op, 1)
+                if len(parts) == 2:
+                    left = parts[0].strip()
+                    right = parts[1].strip()
+                    print(f"# Debug: left={left}, right={right}", file=sys.stderr)
+                    # Generate code for left operand
+                    left_code = self.compile_expression(left)
+                    if not left_code:
+                        continue
+                    vm_code.extend(left_code)
+                    # Generate code for right operand
+                    right_code = self.compile_expression(right)
+                    if not right_code:
+                        continue
+                    vm_code.extend(right_code)
+                    # Add the operation
+                    vm_code.append(ops[op])
+                    return vm_code
+        return vm_code
+    def compile(self, source):
+        """Compile source code to VM instructions"""
+        output = []
+        debug_output = []
+        for line in source.split('\n'):
+            line = line.strip()
+            if not line or line.startswith('#'):
+                continue
+            if line == "SHOW":
+                output.append("SHOW")
+                continue
+            if '=' in line:
+                vm_code = self.compile_assignment(line)
+                if vm_code:
+                    output.extend(vm_code)
+                    debug_output.append(f"{' '.join(vm_code)}  # {line}")
+                    if not line.startswith('result ='):  # If not final result
+                        output.append("DROP")  # Drop the duplicate we left on stack
+                    continue
+        print("# Generated VM code:", file=sys.stderr)
+        for line in debug_output:
+            print(f"# {line}", file=sys.stderr)
+        # Add final SHOW to see the result
+        output.append("SHOW")
+        return ' '.join(output)
+def main():
+    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+        with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
+            source = f.read()
+    else:
+        source = sys.stdin.read()
+    compiler = Compiler()
+    vm_code = compiler.compile(source)
+    print(vm_code)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main() 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/vm/debug.coffee b/awk/vm/debug.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0663cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/debug.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+x = 5
+y = 3
+z = x + y
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/vm/simple.coffee b/awk/vm/simple.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a596a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/simple.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+x = 5
+y = 3
+z = x + y
+result = z * 2 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/vm/simple_test.coffee b/awk/vm/simple_test.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fec5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/simple_test.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+x = 5
+y = 3
+z = x + y  # Should be 8
+result = z * 2  # Should be 16
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/vm/stack_test.coffee b/awk/vm/stack_test.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab29e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/stack_test.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# First store 5 in memory location 0
+x = 5
+# Then store 3 in memory location 1
+y = 3
+# Add them: load 5, load 3, add them
+z = x + y
+# Double z: load 8, multiply by 2
+result = z * 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/vm/test.coffee b/awk/vm/test.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aecda14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/test.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Calculate sum
+x = 5
+y = 3
+z = x + y
+# Double it
+result = z * 2
diff --git a/awk/vm/test_steps.coffee b/awk/vm/test_steps.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1d0415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/test_steps.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Step 1: Initialize x
+x = 5
+# Step 2: Initialize y
+y = 3
+# Step 3: Add x and y
+z = x + y
+# Step 4: Double z
+result = z * 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/awk/vm/vm.awk b/awk/vm/vm.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..67da3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/vm.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# Math:	+ AND XOR NOT 2* 2/ multiply-step
+# Register:	A A! B!
+# Memory: @ ! @+ !+ @B !B @P !P
+# NO-OP: .
+    # Initialize VM state
+    stack_pointer = 0    # Points to next free position
+    pc = 0               # Program counter
+    MAX_STACK = 100      # Maximum stack size
+    MAX_MEM = 1000       # Memory size
+    # Initialize registers
+    A = 0              # A register
+    B = 0              # B register
+    P = 0              # P register (auxiliary pointer)
+    # Stack operations
+    split("", stack)   # Initialize stack array
+    split("", memory)  # Initialize memory array
+# Stack operations
+function push(value) {
+    if (stack_pointer >= MAX_STACK) {
+        print "Stack overflow!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    printf "# DEBUG: Pushing %d onto stack\n", value > "/dev/stderr"
+    stack[stack_pointer++] = value
+function pop() {
+    if (stack_pointer <= 0) {
+        print "Stack underflow!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    value = stack[--stack_pointer]
+    printf "# DEBUG: Popping %d from stack\n", value > "/dev/stderr"
+    return value
+# Basic stack manipulation
+function op_drop() {
+    pop()
+function op_dup() {
+    if (stack_pointer <= 0) {
+        print "Stack underflow on DUP!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    push(stack[stack_pointer - 1])
+function op_over() {
+    if (stack_pointer <= 1) {
+        print "Stack underflow on OVER!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    push(stack[stack_pointer - 2])
+# Basic arithmetic operations
+function op_add() {
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    result = a + b
+    printf "# DEBUG: Adding %d + %d = %d\n", a, b, result > "/dev/stderr"
+    push(result)
+function op_and() {
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    # For now, we'll just multiply as a placeholder
+    # In a real implementation, we'd need to implement proper bitwise AND
+    push(a * b)
+function op_xor() {
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    # For now, we'll just add as a placeholder
+    # In a real implementation, we'd need to implement proper bitwise XOR
+    push(a + b)
+function op_not() {
+    a = pop()
+    # For now, we'll just negate as a placeholder
+    # In a real implementation, we'd need to implement proper bitwise NOT
+    push(-a - 1)
+function op_2times() {
+    a = pop()
+    push(a * 2)
+function op_2div() {
+    a = pop()
+    push(int(a / 2))
+function op_multiply() {
+    b = pop()
+    a = pop()
+    result = a * b
+    printf "# DEBUG: Multiplying %d * %d = %d\n", a, b, result > "/dev/stderr"
+    push(result)
+# Register operations
+function op_a() {
+    push(A)
+function op_astore() {
+    A = pop()
+function op_bstore() {
+    B = pop()
+# Memory operations
+function op_fetch() {
+    addr = pop()
+    value = memory[addr]
+    printf "# DEBUG: Fetching %d from memory[%d]\n", value, addr > "/dev/stderr"
+    push(value)
+function op_store() {
+    addr = pop()  # First pop the address
+    value = pop() # Then pop the value
+    printf "# DEBUG: Storing %d at memory[%d]\n", value, addr > "/dev/stderr"
+    memory[addr] = value
+function op_fetchplus() {
+    push(memory[P++])
+function op_storeplus() {
+    memory[P++] = pop()
+function op_fetchb() {
+    push(memory[B])
+function op_storeb() {
+    memory[B] = pop()
+function op_fetchp() {
+    push(memory[P])
+function op_storep() {
+    memory[P] = pop()
+function print_stack() {
+    printf "Stack: "
+    for (i = 0; i < stack_pointer; i++) {
+        printf "%d ", stack[i]
+    }
+    printf "\n"
+function print_state() {
+    print_stack()
+    printf "Registers: A=%d B=%d P=%d\n", A, B, P
+    printf "Memory[P]=%d Memory[B]=%d\n", memory[P], memory[B]
+    printf "Memory: "
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {  # Show first 4 memory locations
+        printf "[%d]=%d ", i, memory[i]
+    }
+    printf "\n-------------------\n"
+function op_swap() {
+    if (stack_pointer < 2) {
+        print "Stack underflow on SWAP!" > "/dev/stderr"
+        exit 1
+    }
+    # Swap the top two elements on the stack
+    temp = stack[stack_pointer - 1]
+    stack[stack_pointer - 1] = stack[stack_pointer - 2]
+    stack[stack_pointer - 2] = temp
+    printf "# DEBUG: Swapping top two stack elements\n" > "/dev/stderr"
+function execute_instruction(inst) {
+    if (inst ~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+        # Numbers are pushed onto the stack
+        push(int(inst))
+        return
+    }
+    if (inst == "BYE")      { exit 0 } # not really in the minimal spec as set out by Chuck Moore, but useful for a graceful exit.
+    if (inst == "DROP")     { op_drop(); return }
+    if (inst == "DUP")      { op_dup(); return }
+    if (inst == "OVER")     { op_over(); return } # copy second item to top of stack
+    if (inst == "SWAP")     { op_swap(); return } # swap top two stack items
+    if (inst == "+")        { op_add(); return }
+    if (inst == "AND")      { op_and(); return }
+    if (inst == "XOR")      { op_xor(); return }
+    if (inst == "NOT")      { op_not(); return }
+    if (inst == "2*")       { op_2times(); return } # multiply-step
+    if (inst == "2/")       { op_2div(); return } # divide-step
+    if (inst == "*")        { op_multiply(); return }
+    if (inst == "A")        { op_a(); return } # push A register
+    if (inst == "A!")       { op_astore(); return } # store A register
+    if (inst == "B!")       { op_bstore(); return } # store B register
+    if (inst == "@")        { op_fetch(); return } # fetch from memory
+    if (inst == "!")        { op_store(); return } # store to memory
+    if (inst == "@+")       { op_fetchplus(); return } # fetch from memory at P+
+    if (inst == "!+")       { op_storeplus(); return } # store to memory at P+
+    if (inst == "@B")       { op_fetchb(); return } # fetch from memory at B
+    if (inst == "!B")       { op_storeb(); return } # store to memory at B
+    if (inst == "@P")       { op_fetchp(); return } # fetch from memory at P
+    if (inst == "!P")       { op_storep(); return } # store to memory at P
+    if (inst == ".")        { return }  # NO-OP
+    if (inst == "SHOW")     { print_state(); return } # show state info
+    print "Unknown instruction: " inst > "/dev/stderr"
+    exit 1
+# Main execution loop
+    # Remove comments (everything after #)
+    sub(/#.*$/, "")
+    # Skip empty lines after comment removal
+    if (NF == 0) next
+    # Split the input line into words
+    n = split($0, words)
+    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+        execute_instruction(words[i])
+    }
diff --git a/awk/vm/vm_tests.sh b/awk/vm/vm_tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6244c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awk/vm/vm_tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+echo "Running VM tests..."
+echo "Test 1: Basic register A operations"
+echo "42 A! A A     # Store 42 in A, then read A twice" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 2: Register A and B with memory operations"
+echo "100 A! 200 B! 42 @B     # Store 100 in A, 200 in B, read from B's address" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 3: Sequential memory operations using P register"
+echo "0 !P 1 !+ 2 !+ 3 !+ 4 !+ 5 !+     # Store 1-5 sequentially using P" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "0 !P @+ @+ @+ @+ @+     # Read back values using P" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 4: Complex register manipulation"
+echo "42 A! A DUP B! @B     # Store 42 in A, copy to B, read via B" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 5: Register arithmetic"
+echo "5 A! 3 B! A @B +     # Store 5 in A, 3 in B, add A + mem[B]" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 6: Memory pointer operations"
+echo "42 0 ! 1 !P @P     # Store 42 at addr 0, point P to 1, read P" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 7: Register and memory interaction"
+echo "10 A! 20 B! A @B !     # Store A's value at B's address" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "@B     # Read from memory at B's address" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Test 8: Demonstrating B! vs !B"
+echo "100 B!     # Set B register to 100" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "42 !B      # Store 42 at memory location 100" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "@B         # Read from memory location 100" | awk -f vm.awk
+echo "Tests completed." 
\ No newline at end of file