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path: root/js/blotbotboot/node_modules/irc/lib/irc.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/blotbotboot/node_modules/irc/lib/irc.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1162 deletions
diff --git a/js/blotbotboot/node_modules/irc/lib/irc.js b/js/blotbotboot/node_modules/irc/lib/irc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 23ccfe0..0000000
--- a/js/blotbotboot/node_modules/irc/lib/irc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1162 +0,0 @@
-    irc.js - Node JS IRC client library
-    (C) Copyright Martyn Smith 2010
-    This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-exports.Client = Client;
-var net  = require('net');
-var tls  = require('tls');
-var util = require('util');
-var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
-var colors = require('./colors');
-var parseMessage = require('./parse_message');
-exports.colors = colors;
-var CyclingPingTimer = require('./cycling_ping_timer.js');
-var lineDelimiter = new RegExp('\r\n|\r|\n')
-function Client(server, nick, opt) {
-    var self = this;
-    self.opt = {
-        server: server,
-        nick: nick,
-        password: null,
-        userName: 'nodebot',
-        realName: 'nodeJS IRC client',
-        port: 6667,
-        localAddress: null,
-        debug: false,
-        showErrors: false,
-        autoRejoin: false,
-        autoConnect: true,
-        channels: [],
-        retryCount: null,
-        retryDelay: 2000,
-        secure: false,
-        selfSigned: false,
-        certExpired: false,
-        floodProtection: false,
-        floodProtectionDelay: 1000,
-        sasl: false,
-        stripColors: false,
-        channelPrefixes: '&#',
-        messageSplit: 512,
-        encoding: false,
-        webirc: {
-          pass: '',
-          ip: '',
-          host: ''
-        },
-        millisecondsOfSilenceBeforePingSent: 15 * 1000,
-        millisecondsBeforePingTimeout: 8 * 1000
-    };
-    // Features supported by the server
-    // (initial values are RFC 1459 defaults. Zeros signify
-    // no default or unlimited value)
-    self.supported = {
-        channel: {
-            idlength: [],
-            length: 200,
-            limit: [],
-            modes: { a: '', b: '', c: '', d: ''},
-            types: self.opt.channelPrefixes
-        },
-        kicklength: 0,
-        maxlist: [],
-        maxtargets: [],
-        modes: 3,
-        nicklength: 9,
-        topiclength: 0,
-        usermodes: ''
-    };
-    if (typeof arguments[2] == 'object') {
-        var keys = Object.keys(self.opt);
-        for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
-            var k = keys[i];
-            if (arguments[2][k] !== undefined)
-                self.opt[k] = arguments[2][k];
-        }
-    }
-    if (self.opt.floodProtection) {
-        self.activateFloodProtection();
-    }
-    self.hostMask = '';
-    // TODO - fail if nick or server missing
-    // TODO - fail if username has a space in it
-    if (self.opt.autoConnect === true) {
-        self.connect();
-    }
-    self.addListener('raw', function(message) {
-        var channels = [],
-            channel,
-            nick,
-            from,
-            text,
-            to;
-        switch (message.command) {
-            case 'rpl_welcome':
-                // Set nick to whatever the server decided it really is
-                // (normally this is because you chose something too long and
-                // the server has shortened it
-                self.nick = message.args[0];
-                // Note our hostmask to use it in splitting long messages.
-                // We don't send our hostmask when issuing PRIVMSGs or NOTICEs,
-                // of course, but rather the servers on the other side will
-                // include it in messages and will truncate what we send if
-                // the string is too long. Therefore, we need to be considerate
-                // neighbors and truncate our messages accordingly.
-                var welcomeStringWords = message.args[1].split(/\s+/);
-                self.hostMask = welcomeStringWords[welcomeStringWords.length - 1];
-                self._updateMaxLineLength();
-                self.emit('registered', message);
-                self.whois(self.nick, function(args) {
-                    self.nick = args.nick;
-                    self.hostMask = args.user + '@' + args.host;
-                    self._updateMaxLineLength();
-                });
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_myinfo':
-                self.supported.usermodes = message.args[3];
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_isupport':
-                message.args.forEach(function(arg) {
-                    var match;
-                    match = arg.match(/([A-Z]+)=(.*)/);
-                    if (match) {
-                        var param = match[1];
-                        var value = match[2];
-                        switch (param) {
-                            case 'CHANLIMIT':
-                                value.split(',').forEach(function(val) {
-                                    val = val.split(':');
-                                    self.supported.channel.limit[val[0]] = parseInt(val[1]);
-                                });
-                                break;
-                            case 'CHANMODES':
-                                value = value.split(',');
-                                var type = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
-                                for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
-                                    self.supported.channel.modes[type[i]] += value[i];
-                                }
-                                break;
-                            case 'CHANTYPES':
-                                self.supported.channel.types = value;
-                                break;
-                            case 'CHANNELLEN':
-                                self.supported.channel.length = parseInt(value);
-                                break;
-                            case 'IDCHAN':
-                                value.split(',').forEach(function(val) {
-                                    val = val.split(':');
-                                    self.supported.channel.idlength[val[0]] = val[1];
-                                });
-                                break;
-                            case 'KICKLEN':
-                                self.supported.kicklength = value;
-                                break;
-                            case 'MAXLIST':
-                                value.split(',').forEach(function(val) {
-                                    val = val.split(':');
-                                    self.supported.maxlist[val[0]] = parseInt(val[1]);
-                                });
-                                break;
-                            case 'NICKLEN':
-                                self.supported.nicklength = parseInt(value);
-                                break;
-                            case 'PREFIX':
-                                match = value.match(/\((.*?)\)(.*)/);
-                                if (match) {
-                                    match[1] = match[1].split('');
-                                    match[2] = match[2].split('');
-                                    while (match[1].length) {
-                                        self.modeForPrefix[match[2][0]] = match[1][0];
-                                        self.supported.channel.modes.b += match[1][0];
-                                        self.prefixForMode[match[1].shift()] = match[2].shift();
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                break;
-                            case 'STATUSMSG':
-                                break;
-                            case 'TARGMAX':
-                                value.split(',').forEach(function(val) {
-                                    val = val.split(':');
-                                    val[1] = (!val[1]) ? 0 : parseInt(val[1]);
-                                    self.supported.maxtargets[val[0]] = val[1];
-                                });
-                                break;
-                            case 'TOPICLEN':
-                                self.supported.topiclength = parseInt(value);
-                                break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                });
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_yourhost':
-            case 'rpl_created':
-            case 'rpl_luserclient':
-            case 'rpl_luserop':
-            case 'rpl_luserchannels':
-            case 'rpl_luserme':
-            case 'rpl_localusers':
-            case 'rpl_globalusers':
-            case 'rpl_statsconn':
-            case 'rpl_luserunknown':
-            case '396':
-            case '042':
-                // Random welcome crap, ignoring
-                break;
-            case 'err_nicknameinuse':
-                if (typeof (self.opt.nickMod) == 'undefined')
-                    self.opt.nickMod = 0;
-                self.opt.nickMod++;
-                self.send('NICK', self.opt.nick + self.opt.nickMod);
-                self.nick = self.opt.nick + self.opt.nickMod;
-                self._updateMaxLineLength();
-                break;
-            case 'PING':
-                self.send('PONG', message.args[0]);
-                self.emit('ping', message.args[0]);
-                break;
-            case 'PONG':
-                self.emit('pong', message.args[0]);
-                break;
-            case 'NOTICE':
-                from = message.nick;
-                to = message.args[0];
-                if (!to) {
-                    to = null;
-                }
-                text = message.args[1] || '';
-                if (text[0] === '\u0001' && text.lastIndexOf('\u0001') > 0) {
-                    self._handleCTCP(from, to, text, 'notice', message);
-                    break;
-                }
-                self.emit('notice', from, to, text, message);
-                if (self.opt.debug && to == self.nick)
-                    util.log('GOT NOTICE from ' + (from ? '"' + from + '"' : 'the server') + ': "' + text + '"');
-                break;
-            case 'MODE':
-                if (self.opt.debug)
-                    util.log('MODE: ' + message.args[0] + ' sets mode: ' + message.args[1]);
-                channel = self.chanData(message.args[0]);
-                if (!channel) break;
-                var modeList = message.args[1].split('');
-                var adding = true;
-                var modeArgs = message.args.slice(2);
-                modeList.forEach(function(mode) {
-                    if (mode == '+') {
-                        adding = true;
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    if (mode == '-') {
-                        adding = false;
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    var eventName = (adding ? '+' : '-') + 'mode';
-                    var supported = self.supported.channel.modes;
-                    var modeArg;
-                    var chanModes = function(mode, param) {
-                        var arr = param && Array.isArray(param);
-                        if (adding) {
-                            if (channel.mode.indexOf(mode) == -1) {
-                                channel.mode += mode;
-                            }
-                            if (param === undefined) {
-                                channel.modeParams[mode] = [];
-                            } else if (arr) {
-                                channel.modeParams[mode] = channel.modeParams[mode] ?
-                                    channel.modeParams[mode].concat(param) : param;
-                            } else {
-                                channel.modeParams[mode] = [param];
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            if (arr) {
-                                channel.modeParams[mode] = channel.modeParams[mode]
-                                    .filter(function(v) { return v !== param[0]; });
-                            }
-                            if (!arr || channel.modeParams[mode].length === 0) {
-                                channel.mode = channel.mode.replace(mode, '');
-                                delete channel.modeParams[mode];
-                            }
-                        }
-                    };
-                    if (mode in self.prefixForMode) {
-                        modeArg = modeArgs.shift();
-                        if (channel.users.hasOwnProperty(modeArg)) {
-                            if (adding) {
-                                if (channel.users[modeArg].indexOf(self.prefixForMode[mode]) === -1)
-                                    channel.users[modeArg] += self.prefixForMode[mode];
-                            } else channel.users[modeArg] = channel.users[modeArg].replace(self.prefixForMode[mode], '');
-                        }
-                        self.emit(eventName, message.args[0], message.nick, mode, modeArg, message);
-                    } else if (supported.a.indexOf(mode) !== -1) {
-                        modeArg = modeArgs.shift();
-                        chanModes(mode, [modeArg]);
-                        self.emit(eventName, message.args[0], message.nick, mode, modeArg, message);
-                    } else if (supported.b.indexOf(mode) !== -1) {
-                        modeArg = modeArgs.shift();
-                        chanModes(mode, modeArg);
-                        self.emit(eventName, message.args[0], message.nick, mode, modeArg, message);
-                    } else if (supported.c.indexOf(mode) !== -1) {
-                        if (adding) modeArg = modeArgs.shift();
-                        else modeArg = undefined;
-                        chanModes(mode, modeArg);
-                        self.emit(eventName, message.args[0], message.nick, mode, modeArg, message);
-                    } else if (supported.d.indexOf(mode) !== -1) {
-                        chanModes(mode);
-                        self.emit(eventName, message.args[0], message.nick, mode, undefined, message);
-                    }
-                });
-                break;
-            case 'NICK':
-                if (message.nick == self.nick) {
-                    // the user just changed their own nick
-                    self.nick = message.args[0];
-                    self._updateMaxLineLength();
-                }
-                if (self.opt.debug)
-                    util.log('NICK: ' + message.nick + ' changes nick to ' + message.args[0]);
-                channels = [];
-                // TODO better way of finding what channels a user is in?
-                Object.keys(self.chans).forEach(function(channame) {
-                    var channel = self.chans[channame];
-                    channel.users[message.args[0]] = channel.users[message.nick];
-                    delete channel.users[message.nick];
-                    channels.push(channame);
-                });
-                // old nick, new nick, channels
-                self.emit('nick', message.nick, message.args[0], channels, message);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_motdstart':
-                self.motd = message.args[1] + '\n';
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_motd':
-                self.motd += message.args[1] + '\n';
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_endofmotd':
-            case 'err_nomotd':
-                self.motd += message.args[1] + '\n';
-                self.emit('motd', self.motd);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_namreply':
-                channel = self.chanData(message.args[2]);
-                var users = message.args[3].trim().split(/ +/);
-                if (channel) {
-                    users.forEach(function(user) {
-                        var match = user.match(/^(.)(.*)$/);
-                        if (match) {
-                            if (match[1] in self.modeForPrefix) {
-                                channel.users[match[2]] = match[1];
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                channel.users[match[1] + match[2]] = '';
-                            }
-                        }
-                    });
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_endofnames':
-                channel = self.chanData(message.args[1]);
-                if (channel) {
-                    self.emit('names', message.args[1], channel.users);
-                    self.emit('names' + message.args[1], channel.users);
-                    self.send('MODE', message.args[1]);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_topic':
-                channel = self.chanData(message.args[1]);
-                if (channel) {
-                    channel.topic = message.args[2];
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_away':
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'away', message.args[2], true);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_whoisuser':
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'user', message.args[2]);
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'host', message.args[3]);
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'realname', message.args[5]);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_whoisidle':
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'idle', message.args[2]);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_whoischannels':
-               // TODO - clean this up?
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'channels', message.args[2].trim().split(/\s+/));
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_whoisserver':
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'server', message.args[2]);
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'serverinfo', message.args[3]);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_whoisoperator':
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'operator', message.args[2]);
-                break;
-            case '330': // rpl_whoisaccount?
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'account', message.args[2]);
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[1], 'accountinfo', message.args[3]);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_endofwhois':
-                self.emit('whois', self._clearWhoisData(message.args[1]));
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_whoreply':
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[5], 'user', message.args[2]);
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[5], 'host', message.args[3]);
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[5], 'server', message.args[4]);
-                self._addWhoisData(message.args[5], 'realname', /[0-9]+\s*(.+)/g.exec(message.args[7])[1]);
-                // emit right away because rpl_endofwho doesn't contain nick
-                self.emit('whois', self._clearWhoisData(message.args[5]));
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_liststart':
-                self.channellist = [];
-                self.emit('channellist_start');
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_list':
-                channel = {
-                    name: message.args[1],
-                    users: message.args[2],
-                    topic: message.args[3]
-                };
-                self.emit('channellist_item', channel);
-                self.channellist.push(channel);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_listend':
-                self.emit('channellist', self.channellist);
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_topicwhotime':
-                channel = self.chanData(message.args[1]);
-                if (channel) {
-                    channel.topicBy = message.args[2];
-                    // channel, topic, nick
-                    self.emit('topic', message.args[1], channel.topic, channel.topicBy, message);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'TOPIC':
-                // channel, topic, nick
-                self.emit('topic', message.args[0], message.args[1], message.nick, message);
-                channel = self.chanData(message.args[0]);
-                if (channel) {
-                    channel.topic = message.args[1];
-                    channel.topicBy = message.nick;
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_channelmodeis':
-                channel = self.chanData(message.args[1]);
-                if (channel) {
-                    channel.mode = message.args[2];
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_creationtime':
-                channel = self.chanData(message.args[1]);
-                if (channel) {
-                    channel.created = message.args[2];
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'JOIN':
-                // channel, who
-                if (self.nick == message.nick) {
-                    self.chanData(message.args[0], true);
-                }
-                else {
-                    channel = self.chanData(message.args[0]);
-                    if (channel && channel.users) {
-                        channel.users[message.nick] = '';
-                    }
-                }
-                self.emit('join', message.args[0], message.nick, message);
-                self.emit('join' + message.args[0], message.nick, message);
-                if (message.args[0] != message.args[0].toLowerCase()) {
-                    self.emit('join' + message.args[0].toLowerCase(), message.nick, message);
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'PART':
-                // channel, who, reason
-                self.emit('part', message.args[0], message.nick, message.args[1], message);
-                self.emit('part' + message.args[0], message.nick, message.args[1], message);
-                if (message.args[0] != message.args[0].toLowerCase()) {
-                    self.emit('part' + message.args[0].toLowerCase(), message.nick, message.args[1], message);
-                }
-                if (self.nick == message.nick) {
-                    channel = self.chanData(message.args[0]);
-                    delete self.chans[channel.key];
-                }
-                else {
-                    channel = self.chanData(message.args[0]);
-                    if (channel && channel.users) {
-                        delete channel.users[message.nick];
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'KICK':
-                // channel, who, by, reason
-                self.emit('kick', message.args[0], message.args[1], message.nick, message.args[2], message);
-                self.emit('kick' + message.args[0], message.args[1], message.nick, message.args[2], message);
-                if (message.args[0] != message.args[0].toLowerCase()) {
-                    self.emit('kick' + message.args[0].toLowerCase(),
-                              message.args[1], message.nick, message.args[2], message);
-                }
-                if (self.nick == message.args[1]) {
-                    channel = self.chanData(message.args[0]);
-                    delete self.chans[channel.key];
-                }
-                else {
-                    channel = self.chanData(message.args[0]);
-                    if (channel && channel.users) {
-                        delete channel.users[message.args[1]];
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'KILL':
-                nick = message.args[0];
-                channels = [];
-                Object.keys(self.chans).forEach(function(channame) {
-                    var channel = self.chans[channame];
-                    channels.push(channame);
-                    delete channel.users[nick];
-                });
-                self.emit('kill', nick, message.args[1], channels, message);
-                break;
-            case 'PRIVMSG':
-                from = message.nick;
-                to = message.args[0];
-                text = message.args[1] || '';
-                if (text[0] === '\u0001' && text.lastIndexOf('\u0001') > 0) {
-                    self._handleCTCP(from, to, text, 'privmsg', message);
-                    break;
-                }
-                self.emit('message', from, to, text, message);
-                if (self.supported.channel.types.indexOf(to.charAt(0)) !== -1) {
-                    self.emit('message#', from, to, text, message);
-                    self.emit('message' + to, from, text, message);
-                    if (to != to.toLowerCase()) {
-                        self.emit('message' + to.toLowerCase(), from, text, message);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (to.toUpperCase() === self.nick.toUpperCase()) self.emit('pm', from, text, message);
-                if (self.opt.debug && to == self.nick)
-                    util.log('GOT MESSAGE from ' + from + ': ' + text);
-                break;
-            case 'INVITE':
-                from = message.nick;
-                to = message.args[0];
-                channel = message.args[1];
-                self.emit('invite', channel, from, message);
-                break;
-            case 'QUIT':
-                if (self.opt.debug)
-                    util.log('QUIT: ' + message.prefix + ' ' + message.args.join(' '));
-                if (self.nick == message.nick) {
-                    // TODO handle?
-                    break;
-                }
-                // handle other people quitting
-                channels = [];
-                // TODO better way of finding what channels a user is in?
-                Object.keys(self.chans).forEach(function(channame) {
-                    var channel = self.chans[channame];
-                    delete channel.users[message.nick];
-                    channels.push(channame);
-                });
-                // who, reason, channels
-                self.emit('quit', message.nick, message.args[0], channels, message);
-                break;
-            // for sasl
-            case 'CAP':
-                if (message.args[0] === '*' &&
-                     message.args[1] === 'ACK' &&
-                     message.args[2] === 'sasl ') // there's a space after sasl
-                    self.send('AUTHENTICATE', 'PLAIN');
-                break;
-            case 'AUTHENTICATE':
-                if (message.args[0] === '+') self.send('AUTHENTICATE',
-                    new Buffer(
-                        self.opt.nick + '\0' +
-                        self.opt.userName + '\0' +
-                        self.opt.password
-                    ).toString('base64'));
-                break;
-            case '903':
-                self.send('CAP', 'END');
-                break;
-            case 'err_umodeunknownflag':
-                if (self.opt.showErrors)
-                    util.log('\u001b[01;31mERROR: ' + util.inspect(message) + '\u001b[0m');
-                break;
-            case 'err_erroneusnickname':
-                if (self.opt.showErrors)
-                    util.log('\u001b[01;31mERROR: ' + util.inspect(message) + '\u001b[0m');
-                self.emit('error', message);
-                break;
-            // Commands relating to OPER
-            case 'err_nooperhost':
-                if (self.opt.showErrors) {
-                    self.emit('error', message);
-                    if (self.opt.showErrors)
-                        util.log('\u001b[01;31mERROR: ' + util.inspect(message) + '\u001b[0m');
-                }
-                break;
-            case 'rpl_youreoper':
-                self.emit('opered');
-                break;
-            default:
-                if (message.commandType == 'error') {
-                    self.emit('error', message);
-                    if (self.opt.showErrors)
-                        util.log('\u001b[01;31mERROR: ' + util.inspect(message) + '\u001b[0m');
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (self.opt.debug)
-                        util.log('\u001b[01;31mUnhandled message: ' + util.inspect(message) + '\u001b[0m');
-                    break;
-                }
-        }
-    });
-    self.addListener('kick', function(channel, who, by, reason) {
-        if (self.opt.autoRejoin)
-            self.send.apply(self, ['JOIN'].concat(channel.split(' ')));
-    });
-    self.addListener('motd', function(motd) {
-        self.opt.channels.forEach(function(channel) {
-            self.send.apply(self, ['JOIN'].concat(channel.split(' ')));
-        });
-    });
-    EventEmitter.call(this);
-util.inherits(Client, EventEmitter);
-Client.prototype.conn = null;
-Client.prototype.prefixForMode = {};
-Client.prototype.modeForPrefix = {};
-Client.prototype.chans = {};
-Client.prototype._whoisData = {};
-Client.prototype.connectionTimedOut = function(conn) {
-    var self = this;
-    if (conn !== self.conn) {
-        // Only care about a timeout event if it came from the connection
-        // that is most current.
-        return;
-    }
-    self.end();
-(function() {
-    var pingCounter = 1;
-    Client.prototype.connectionWantsPing = function(conn) {
-        var self = this;
-        if (conn !== self.conn) {
-            // Only care about a wantPing event if it came from the connection
-            // that is most current.
-            return;
-        }
-        self.send('PING', (pingCounter++).toString());
-    };
-Client.prototype.chanData = function(name, create) {
-    var key = name.toLowerCase();
-    if (create) {
-        this.chans[key] = this.chans[key] || {
-            key: key,
-            serverName: name,
-            users: {},
-            modeParams: {},
-            mode: ''
-        };
-    }
-    return this.chans[key];
-Client.prototype._connectionHandler = function() {
-    if (this.opt.webirc.ip && this.opt.webirc.pass && this.opt.webirc.host) {
-        this.send('WEBIRC', this.opt.webirc.pass, this.opt.userName, this.opt.webirc.host, this.opt.webirc.ip);
-    }
-    if (this.opt.sasl) {
-        // see http://ircv3.atheme.org/extensions/sasl-3.1
-        this.send('CAP REQ', 'sasl');
-    } else if (this.opt.password) {
-        this.send('PASS', this.opt.password);
-    }
-    if (this.opt.debug)
-        util.log('Sending irc NICK/USER');
-    this.send('NICK', this.opt.nick);
-    this.nick = this.opt.nick;
-    this._updateMaxLineLength();
-    this.send('USER', this.opt.userName, 8, '*', this.opt.realName);
-    this.conn.cyclingPingTimer.start();
-    this.emit('connect');
-Client.prototype.connect = function(retryCount, callback) {
-    if (typeof (retryCount) === 'function') {
-        callback = retryCount;
-        retryCount = undefined;
-    }
-    retryCount = retryCount || 0;
-    if (typeof (callback) === 'function') {
-        this.once('registered', callback);
-    }
-    var self = this;
-    self.chans = {};
-    // socket opts
-    var connectionOpts = {
-        host: self.opt.server,
-        port: self.opt.port
-    };
-    // local address to bind to
-    if (self.opt.localAddress)
-        connectionOpts.localAddress = self.opt.localAddress;
-    // try to connect to the server
-    if (self.opt.secure) {
-        connectionOpts.rejectUnauthorized = !self.opt.selfSigned;
-        if (typeof self.opt.secure == 'object') {
-            // copy "secure" opts to options passed to connect()
-            for (var f in self.opt.secure) {
-                connectionOpts[f] = self.opt.secure[f];
-            }
-        }
-        self.conn = tls.connect(connectionOpts, function() {
-            // callback called only after successful socket connection
-            self.conn.connected = true;
-            if (self.conn.authorized ||
-                (self.opt.selfSigned &&
-                    (self.conn.authorizationError   === 'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT' ||
-                     self.conn.authorizationError === 'UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE' ||
-                     self.conn.authorizationError === 'SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN')) ||
-                (self.opt.certExpired &&
-                 self.conn.authorizationError === 'CERT_HAS_EXPIRED')) {
-                // authorization successful
-                if (!self.opt.encoding) {
-                    self.conn.setEncoding('utf-8');
-                }
-                if (self.opt.certExpired &&
-                    self.conn.authorizationError === 'CERT_HAS_EXPIRED') {
-                    util.log('Connecting to server with expired certificate');
-                }
-                self._connectionHandler();
-            } else {
-                // authorization failed
-                util.log(self.conn.authorizationError);
-            }
-        });
-    } else {
-        self.conn = net.createConnection(connectionOpts, self._connectionHandler.bind(self));
-    }
-    self.conn.requestedDisconnect = false;
-    self.conn.setTimeout(0);
-    // Each connection gets its own CyclingPingTimer. The connection forwards the timer's 'timeout' and 'wantPing' events
-    // to the client object via calling the connectionTimedOut() and connectionWantsPing() functions.
-    //
-    // Since the client's "current connection" value changes over time because of retry functionality,
-    // the client should ignore timeout/wantPing events that come from old connections.
-    self.conn.cyclingPingTimer = new CyclingPingTimer(self);
-    (function(conn) {
-        conn.cyclingPingTimer.on('pingTimeout', function() {
-            self.connectionTimedOut(conn);
-        });
-        conn.cyclingPingTimer.on('wantPing', function() {
-            self.connectionWantsPing(conn);
-        });
-    }(self.conn));
-    if (!self.opt.encoding) {
-        self.conn.setEncoding('utf8');
-    }
-    var buffer = new Buffer('');
-    function handleData(chunk) {
-        self.conn.cyclingPingTimer.notifyOfActivity();
-        if (typeof (chunk) === 'string') {
-            buffer += chunk;
-        } else {
-            buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk]);
-        }
-        var lines = self.convertEncoding(buffer).toString().split(lineDelimiter);
-        if (lines.pop()) {
-            // if buffer is not ended with \r\n, there's more chunks.
-            return;
-        } else {
-            // else, initialize the buffer.
-            buffer = new Buffer('');
-        }
-        lines.forEach(function iterator(line) {
-            if (line.length) {
-                var message = parseMessage(line, self.opt.stripColors);
-                try {
-                    self.emit('raw', message);
-                } catch (err) {
-                    if (!self.conn.requestedDisconnect) {
-                        throw err;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    self.conn.addListener('data', handleData);
-    self.conn.addListener('end', function() {
-        if (self.opt.debug)
-            util.log('Connection got "end" event');
-    });
-    self.conn.addListener('close', function() {
-        if (self.opt.debug)
-            util.log('Connection got "close" event');
-        if (self.conn && self.conn.requestedDisconnect)
-            return;
-        if (self.opt.debug)
-            util.log('Disconnected: reconnecting');
-        if (self.opt.retryCount !== null && retryCount >= self.opt.retryCount) {
-            if (self.opt.debug) {
-                util.log('Maximum retry count (' + self.opt.retryCount + ') reached. Aborting');
-            }
-            self.emit('abort', self.opt.retryCount);
-            return;
-        }
-        if (self.opt.debug) {
-            util.log('Waiting ' + self.opt.retryDelay + 'ms before retrying');
-        }
-        setTimeout(function() {
-            self.connect(retryCount + 1);
-        }, self.opt.retryDelay);
-    });
-    self.conn.addListener('error', function(exception) {
-        self.emit('netError', exception);
-        if (self.opt.debug) {
-            util.log('Network error: ' + exception);
-        }
-    });
-Client.prototype.end = function() {
-    if (this.conn) {
-        this.conn.cyclingPingTimer.stop();
-        this.conn.destroy();
-    }
-    this.conn = null;
-Client.prototype.disconnect = function(message, callback) {
-    if (typeof (message) === 'function') {
-        callback = message;
-        message = undefined;
-    }
-    message = message || 'node-irc says goodbye';
-    var self = this;
-    if (self.conn.readyState == 'open') {
-        var sendFunction;
-        if (self.opt.floodProtection) {
-            sendFunction = self._sendImmediate;
-            self._clearCmdQueue();
-        } else {
-            sendFunction = self.send;
-        }
-        sendFunction.call(self, 'QUIT', message);
-    }
-    self.conn.requestedDisconnect = true;
-    if (typeof (callback) === 'function') {
-        self.conn.once('end', callback);
-    }
-    self.conn.end();
-Client.prototype.send = function(command) {
-    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
-    // Note that the command arg is included in the args array as the first element
-    if (args[args.length - 1].match(/\s/) || args[args.length - 1].match(/^:/) || args[args.length - 1] === '') {
-        args[args.length - 1] = ':' + args[args.length - 1];
-    }
-    if (this.opt.debug)
-        util.log('SEND: ' + args.join(' '));
-    if (!this.conn.requestedDisconnect) {
-        this.conn.write(args.join(' ') + '\r\n');
-    }
-Client.prototype.activateFloodProtection = function(interval) {
-    var cmdQueue = [],
-        safeInterval = interval || this.opt.floodProtectionDelay,
-        self = this,
-        origSend = this.send,
-        dequeue;
-    // Wrapper for the original function. Just put everything to on central
-    // queue.
-    this.send = function() {
-        cmdQueue.push(arguments);
-    };
-    this._sendImmediate = function() {
-        origSend.apply(self, arguments);
-    };
-    this._clearCmdQueue = function() {
-        cmdQueue = [];
-    };
-    dequeue = function() {
-        var args = cmdQueue.shift();
-        if (args) {
-            origSend.apply(self, args);
-        }
-    };
-    // Slowly unpack the queue without flooding.
-    setInterval(dequeue, safeInterval);
-    dequeue();
-Client.prototype.join = function(channel, callback) {
-    var channelName =  channel.split(' ')[0];
-    this.once('join' + channelName, function() {
-        // if join is successful, add this channel to opts.channels
-        // so that it will be re-joined upon reconnect (as channels
-        // specified in options are)
-        if (this.opt.channels.indexOf(channel) == -1) {
-            this.opt.channels.push(channel);
-        }
-        if (typeof (callback) == 'function') {
-            return callback.apply(this, arguments);
-        }
-    });
-    this.send.apply(this, ['JOIN'].concat(channel.split(' ')));
-Client.prototype.part = function(channel, message, callback) {
-    if (typeof (message) === 'function') {
-        callback = message;
-        message = undefined;
-    }
-    if (typeof (callback) == 'function') {
-        this.once('part' + channel, callback);
-    }
-    // remove this channel from this.opt.channels so we won't rejoin
-    // upon reconnect
-    if (this.opt.channels.indexOf(channel) != -1) {
-        this.opt.channels.splice(this.opt.channels.indexOf(channel), 1);
-    }
-    if (message) {
-        this.send('PART', channel, message);
-    } else {
-        this.send('PART', channel);
-    }
-Client.prototype.action = function(channel, text) {
-    var self = this;
-    if (typeof text !== 'undefined') {
-        text.toString().split(/\r?\n/).filter(function(line) {
-            return line.length > 0;
-        }).forEach(function(line) {
-            self.say(channel, '\u0001ACTION ' + line + '\u0001');
-        });
-    }
-Client.prototype._splitLongLines = function(words, maxLength, destination) {
-    maxLength = maxLength || 450; // If maxLength hasn't been initialized yet, prefer an arbitrarily low line length over crashing.
-    if (words.length == 0) {
-        return destination;
-    }
-    if (words.length <= maxLength) {
-        destination.push(words);
-        return destination;
-    }
-    var c = words[maxLength];
-    var cutPos;
-    var wsLength = 1;
-    if (c.match(/\s/)) {
-        cutPos = maxLength;
-    } else {
-        var offset = 1;
-        while ((maxLength - offset) > 0) {
-            var c = words[maxLength - offset];
-            if (c.match(/\s/)) {
-                cutPos = maxLength - offset;
-                break;
-            }
-            offset++;
-        }
-        if (maxLength - offset <= 0) {
-            cutPos = maxLength;
-            wsLength = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    var part = words.substring(0, cutPos);
-    destination.push(part);
-    return this._splitLongLines(words.substring(cutPos + wsLength, words.length), maxLength, destination);
-Client.prototype.say = function(target, text) {
-    this._speak('PRIVMSG', target, text);
-Client.prototype.notice = function(target, text) {
-    this._speak('NOTICE', target, text);
-Client.prototype._speak = function(kind, target, text) {
-    var self = this;
-    var maxLength = Math.min(this.maxLineLength - target.length, this.opt.messageSplit);
-    if (typeof text !== 'undefined') {
-        text.toString().split(/\r?\n/).filter(function(line) {
-            return line.length > 0;
-        }).forEach(function(line) {
-            var linesToSend = self._splitLongLines(line, maxLength, []);
-            linesToSend.forEach(function(toSend) {
-                self.send(kind, target, toSend);
-                if (kind == 'PRIVMSG') {
-                    self.emit('selfMessage', target, toSend);
-                }
-            });
-        });
-    }
-Client.prototype.whois = function(nick, callback) {
-    if (typeof callback === 'function') {
-        var callbackWrapper = function(info) {
-            if (info.nick.toLowerCase() == nick.toLowerCase()) {
-                this.removeListener('whois', callbackWrapper);
-                return callback.apply(this, arguments);
-            }
-        };
-        this.addListener('whois', callbackWrapper);
-    }
-    this.send('WHOIS', nick);
-Client.prototype.list = function() {
-    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
-    args.unshift('LIST');
-    this.send.apply(this, args);
-Client.prototype._addWhoisData = function(nick, key, value, onlyIfExists) {
-    if (onlyIfExists && !this._whoisData[nick]) return;
-    this._whoisData[nick] = this._whoisData[nick] || {nick: nick};
-    this._whoisData[nick][key] = value;
-Client.prototype._clearWhoisData = function(nick) {
-    // Ensure that at least the nick exists before trying to return
-    this._addWhoisData(nick, 'nick', nick);
-    var data = this._whoisData[nick];
-    delete this._whoisData[nick];
-    return data;
-Client.prototype._handleCTCP = function(from, to, text, type, message) {
-    text = text.slice(1);
-    text = text.slice(0, text.indexOf('\u0001'));
-    var parts = text.split(' ');
-    this.emit('ctcp', from, to, text, type, message);
-    this.emit('ctcp-' + type, from, to, text, message);
-    if (type === 'privmsg' && text === 'VERSION')
-        this.emit('ctcp-version', from, to, message);
-    if (parts[0] === 'ACTION' && parts.length > 1)
-        this.emit('action', from, to, parts.slice(1).join(' '), message);
-    if (parts[0] === 'PING' && type === 'privmsg' && parts.length > 1)
-        this.ctcp(from, 'notice', text);
-Client.prototype.ctcp = function(to, type, text) {
-    return this[type === 'privmsg' ? 'say' : 'notice'](to, '\u0001' + text + '\u0001');
-Client.prototype.convertEncoding = function(str) {
-    var self = this, out = str;
-    if (self.opt.encoding) {
-        try {
-            var charsetDetector = require('node-icu-charset-detector');
-            var Iconv = require('iconv').Iconv;
-            var charset = charsetDetector.detectCharset(str);
-            var converter = new Iconv(charset.toString(), self.opt.encoding);
-            out = converter.convert(str);
-        } catch (err) {
-            if (self.opt.debug) {
-                util.log('\u001b[01;31mERROR: ' + err + '\u001b[0m');
-                util.inspect({ str: str, charset: charset });
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return out;
-// blatantly stolen from irssi's splitlong.pl. Thanks, Bjoern Krombholz!
-Client.prototype._updateMaxLineLength = function() {
-    // 497 = 510 - (":" + "!" + " PRIVMSG " + " :").length;
-    // target is determined in _speak() and subtracted there
-    this.maxLineLength = 497 - this.nick.length - this.hostMask.length;