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path: root/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Lib/berkeley.scmm
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Lib/berkeley.scmm')
1 files changed, 1918 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Lib/berkeley.scmm b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Lib/berkeley.scmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dec781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/61a-pages/Lib/berkeley.scmm
@@ -0,0 +1,1918 @@
+;;; berkeley.scm 3.14 9/23/98
+;;; This version purports to work on Unix SCM, PC SCM, and Mac Gambit
+;;; all without the least little version skew!
+;; 3.1 add uniform graphics interface
+;; 3.2 fix scm untrace messing up butlast
+;; 3.3 fix setheading in scm
+;; 3.4 number->string doesn't blow up if given string (for trace)
+;; 3.5 fix (/) without breaking (/ 3)
+;; 3.6 fix number->string in MIT Scheme (don't set! it)
+;; 3.7 big rewrite for SICP second edition changes
+;; 3.8 SICP concurrency features added
+;; 3.9 define-handler hacked for obscure scm bug
+;; 3.10 fix scm parallel-execute to start the timer!
+;; 3.11 not enough primitives protected in redefinition of define in scm
+;; 3.12 stream-map with multiple streams
+;; 3.13 number->string extra args
+;; 3.14 protect define against redefining map
+;;; This file makes SCM 4e1 and Gambit 2.2 compatible with both
+;;; Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Abelson,
+;;; Sussman, and Sussman) and Simply Scheme (Harvey and Wright).
+;;; This should be sufficient to make Scheme fully compatible with
+;;; Harvey and Wright, and compatible with SICP with the exception of
+;;; first-class environments and pre-R4RS stuff like false empty lists.
+;;; (It should be fully compatible with SICP second edition.)
+(if (equal? 'foo (symbol->string 'foo))
+    (error "Berkeley.scm already loaded!!")
+    #f)
+(define scm? (not (exact? (/ 1 3))))
+;;; Notice that *after* loading this file, (/ 1 3) is never exact,
+;;; so we have to check first thing.  Naked Gambit has exact rationals,
+;;; but naked SCM doesn't.
+;;; Let's not have any random messages please.
+(if scm?
+    (begin
+     (eval '(define *dev-null* (make-soft-port (vector (lambda (x) #f)
+						       (lambda (x) #f)
+						       #f #f #f)
+					       OPEN_WRITE)))
+     (set-current-error-port *dev-null*)))
+(define nil '())
+(define true #t)
+(define false #f)
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define (runtime)
+	     (/ (get-internal-run-time) internal-time-units-per-second))))
+;; crude timing program  (time (foo..))
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define time (procedure->macro
+			 (lambda(x env)
+			   `(let*((start (runtime))
+				  (result ,(cadr x))
+				  (end (- (runtime) start)))
+			      (write end)(display " seconds")(newline)
+			      result)))))
+    (eval '(define-macro (time . args) `(let*((start (runtime))
+						(result ,(car args))
+						(end (- (runtime) start)))
+					    (write end)
+					    (display " seconds")
+					    (newline)
+					    result))))
+;; Originally from Jolly Chen.  Modified by Justin Gibbs.
+(if (and scm? (eq? (software-type) 'unix))
+    (begin
+     (eval '(define (expand-name st)
+	      ;; given a string like "~cs60a/lib" expand it to
+	      ;; "home/po/k/classes../cs60a/lib"
+	      (let ((file (tmpnam))
+		    (res '()))
+		(system (string-append "/bin/csh -cf \"glob " st " > " file "\""))
+		;; Why read-line won't work here, I don't know
+		(let ((port (open-io-file file)))
+		  (set! res (read-string port))
+		  (system (string-append "/bin/rm " file))
+		  (close-io-port port)
+		  res))))
+     ;;; Load.
+     ;;; Original Code from default SCM Init.scm.  Modified by Justin Gibbs.
+     ;;; This load is identical to the load in Init.scm save that we use
+     ;;; csh to glob our file names for us.  This leaves open the option
+     ;;; of using wild cards and "~" in the argument to load.  Load does
+     ;;; not understand multifile arguments -- a feature that would be nice
+     ;;; to add later, since we already can glob on '*'s and '?'s.
+     (eval '(define (load file)
+	      ;;; Only change is the addition of the following line.
+	      (define filesuf (expand-name file))
+	      (define cep (current-error-port))
+	      (set! file filesuf) 
+	      (cond ((> (verbose) 1)
+		     (display ";loading " cep) (write file cep) (newline cep)))
+	      (force-output cep)
+	      (or (try-load file)
+		  ;;HERE is where the suffix gets specified
+		  (begin (set! filesuf (string-append file (scheme-file-suffix)))
+			 (try-load filesuf))
+		  (and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f)
+		  (error "LOAD couldn't find file " file))
+	      (errno 0)
+	      (cond ((> (verbose) 1)
+		     (display ";done loading " cep)
+		     (write filesuf cep)
+		     (newline cep)
+		     (force-output cep)))))))
+;;; SICP stuff:
+(define (print x)
+  (display x)
+  (newline))
+;; Define tagged data ADT:
+(define (attach-tag type-tag contents)
+  (cons type-tag contents))
+(define (type-tag datum)
+  (if (pair? datum)
+      (car datum)
+      (error "Bad tagged datum -- TYPE-TAG" datum)))
+(define (contents datum)
+  (if (pair? datum)
+      (cdr datum)
+      (error "Bad tagged datum -- CONTENTS" datum)))
+;;For Section 3.1.2 -- written as suggested in footnote,
+;; though the values of a, b, m may not be very "appropriately chosen"
+(define (rand-update x)
+  (let ((a 27) (b 26) (m 127))
+    (modulo (+ (* a x) b) m)))
+;;For Section 3.3.4, used by and-gate
+;;Note: logical-and should test for valid signals, as logical-not does
+(define (logical-and x y)
+  (if (and (= x 1) (= y 1))
+      1
+      0))
+;; concurrency stuff
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define test-and-set!
+	     (let ((arb (make-arbiter 'scratchnsniff)))
+	       (lambda (cell)
+		 (if (try-arbiter arb)
+		     (begin (process:schedule!)
+			    (test-and-set! cell))
+		     (let ((result (car cell)))
+		       (set-car! cell #t)
+		       (release-arbiter arb)
+		       result))))))
+    (eval '(define test-and-set!
+	     (let ((sem (make-semaphore)))
+	       (lambda (cell)
+		 (semaphore-wait sem)
+		 (let ((result (car cell)))
+		   (set-car! cell #t)
+		   (semaphore-signal sem)
+		   result))))))
+(if scm? (eval '(require 'process)))
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define (parallel-execute . thunks)
+	     (for-each (lambda (thunk) (add-process! (lambda (foo) (thunk))))
+		       thunks)
+	     (alarm-interrupt)
+	     (process:schedule!)))
+    (eval '(define (parallel-execute . thunks)
+	     (for-each (lambda (thunk) (future (thunk))) thunks))))
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define (stop) (alarm 0) (set! process:queue (make-queue)))))
+;;For Section 3.5.2, to check power series (exercises 3.59-3.62)
+;;Evaluate and accumulate n terms of the series s at the given x
+;;Uses horner-eval from ex 2.34
+(define (eval-power-series s x n)
+  (horner-eval x (first-n-of-series s n)))
+(define (first-n-of-series s n)
+  (if (= n 0)
+      '()
+      (cons (stream-car s) (first-n-of-series (stream-cdr s) (- n 1)))))
+;; Streams:
+;; Reimplement delay so that promises are procedures
+(define (memo-proc proc)
+  (let ((already-run? #f) (result #f))
+    (lambda ()
+      (if (not already-run?)
+	  (begin (set! result (proc))
+		 (set! already-run? #t)
+		 result)
+	  result))))
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define delay (procedure->macro
+			  (lambda (x env)
+			    `(memo-proc (lambda () ,(cadr x)))))))
+    (eval '(define-macro (delay . args)
+	      `(memo-proc (lambda () ,(car args))))))
+(define (force delayed-object)
+  (delayed-object))
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define cons-stream
+	     (procedure->macro
+	      (lambda(x env)`(cons ,(cadr x) (delay ,(caddr x)))))))
+    (eval '(define-macro (cons-stream . args) 
+              `(cons ,(car args) (delay ,(cadr args))))))
+(define (stream-car stream) (car stream))
+(define (stream-cdr st)
+  (force (cdr st)))
+(define the-empty-stream '())
+(define (stream-null? stream) (eq? stream the-empty-stream))
+(define (stream? obj)
+  (or (stream-null? obj)
+      (and (pair? obj) (procedure? (cdr obj)))))
+(define (stream-accumulate combiner initial-value stream)
+  (if (stream-null? stream)
+      initial-value
+      (combiner (stream-car stream)
+		(stream-accumulate combiner
+				   initial-value
+				   (stream-cdr stream)))))
+(define (accumulate-delayed combiner initial-value stream)
+  (if (stream-null? stream)
+      initial-value
+      (combiner (stream-car stream)
+                (delay
+                 (accumulate-delayed combiner
+                                     initial-value
+                                     (stream-cdr stream))))))
+(define (interleave s1 s2)
+  (if (stream-null? s1)
+      s2
+      (cons-stream (stream-car s1)
+                   (interleave s2 (stream-cdr s1)))))
+(define (interleave-delayed s1 delayed-s2)
+  (if (stream-null? s1)
+      (force delayed-s2)
+      (cons-stream (stream-car s1)
+                   (interleave-delayed (force delayed-s2)
+                                       (delay (stream-cdr s1))))))
+(define (stream-flatten stream)
+  (accumulate-delayed interleave-delayed
+                      the-empty-stream
+                      stream))
+(define (stream-ref s n)
+  (if (= n 0)
+      (stream-car s)
+      (stream-ref (stream-cdr s) (- n 1))))
+(define (stream-map proc . s)
+  (if (stream-null? (car s))
+      the-empty-stream
+      (cons-stream (apply proc (map stream-car s))
+                   (apply stream-map proc (map stream-cdr s)))))
+(define (stream-for-each proc s)
+  (if (stream-null? s)
+      'done
+      (begin
+       (proc (stream-car s))
+       (stream-for-each proc (stream-cdr s)))))
+(define (display-stream s)
+  (stream-for-each
+   (lambda (element) (newline) (display element))
+   s))
+(define (stream-flatmap f s)
+  (stream-flatten (stream-map f s)))
+(define (stream-append s1 s2)
+  (if (stream-null? s1)
+      s2
+      (cons-stream (stream-car s1)
+                   (stream-append (stream-cdr s1) s2))))
+(define (list->stream l)
+  (if (null? l)
+      the-empty-stream
+      (cons-stream (car l) (list->stream (cdr l))) ))
+(define (make-stream . elements)
+  (list->stream elements))
+(define (enumerate-interval low high)
+  (if (> low high)
+      '()
+      (cons low (enumerate-interval (+ low 1) high))))
+(define (flatmap proc seq)
+  (accumulate append '() (map proc seq)))
+(define (stream-enumerate-interval low high)
+  (if (> low high)
+      the-empty-stream
+      (cons-stream low (stream-enumerate-interval (+ low 1) high))))
+(define range stream-enumerate-interval)
+(define (stream-filter pred stream)
+  (cond ((stream-null? stream) the-empty-stream)
+	((pred (stream-car stream))
+	 (cons-stream (stream-car stream)
+		      (stream-filter pred (stream-cdr stream))))
+	(else (stream-filter pred (stream-cdr stream)))))
+(define (show-stream strm . args)
+  (if (null? args)
+      (ss1 strm 10 10)
+      (ss1 strm (car args) (car args))))
+(define ss show-stream)
+(define (ss1 strm this all)
+  (cond ((null? strm) '())
+	((= this 0) '(...))
+	((and (pair? strm) (procedure? (cdr strm)))
+	 (cons (ss1 (stream-car strm) all all)
+	       (ss1 (stream-cdr strm) (- this 1) all)))
+	(else strm)))
+(define div quotient)
+(define /
+  (let ((old/ /))
+    (lambda args
+      (let ((quo (apply old/ args)))
+	(if (integer? quo)
+	    quo
+	    (exact->inexact quo))))))
+(define 1+
+  (let ((+ +))
+    (lambda (x) (+ x 1))))
+(define (-1+ x) (- x 1))
+(define (nth n l) (list-ref l n))
+(define (load-noisily file-name)
+  (define (iter port)
+    (let ((the-expression (read port)))
+      (cond ((eof-object? the-expression) #t)
+	    (else
+	     (display (eval the-expression))
+	     (newline)
+	     (iter port)))))
+  (let ((port (open-input-file file-name)))
+    (iter port)
+    (close-input-port port)
+    'ok))
+;;;  Get and put for section 2.3
+(define (get key1 key2)
+  (let ((subtable (assoc key1 (cdr the-get/put-table))))
+	(if (not subtable)
+		#f
+		(let ((record (assoc key2 (cdr subtable))))
+		  (if (not record)
+			  #f
+			  (cdr record))))))
+(define (put key1 key2 value)
+  (let ((subtable (assoc key1 (cdr the-get/put-table))))
+    (if (not subtable)
+        (set-cdr! the-get/put-table
+                  (cons (list key1
+                              (cons key2 value))
+                        (cdr the-get/put-table)))
+        (let ((record (assoc key2 (cdr subtable))))
+          (if (not record)
+              (set-cdr! subtable
+                        (cons (cons key2 value)
+                              (cdr subtable)))
+              (set-cdr! record value)))))
+  'ok)
+(define the-get/put-table (list '*table*))
+;;; simply.scm version 3.6 (4/13/94)
+;;; This file uses Scheme features we don't talk about in _Simply_Scheme_.
+;;; Read at your own risk.
+;; Make number->string remove leading "+" if necessary
+(if (char=? #\+ (string-ref (number->string 1.0) 0))
+    (let ((old-ns number->string)
+	  (char=? char=?)
+	  (string-ref string-ref)
+	  (substring substring)
+	  (string-length string-length))
+      (set! number->string
+	    (lambda args
+	      (let ((result (apply old-ns args)))
+		(if (char=? #\+ (string-ref result 0))
+		    (substring result 1 (string-length result))
+		    result)))))
+    'no-problem)
+(define number->string
+  (let ((old-ns number->string)
+	(string? string?))
+    (lambda args
+      (if (string? (car args))
+	  (car args)
+	  (apply old-ns args)))))
+;; Get strings in error messages to print nicely (especially "")
+(define whoops
+  (let ((string? string?)
+	(string-append string-append)
+	(error error)
+	(cons cons)
+	(map map)
+	(apply apply))
+    (define (error-printform x)
+      (if (string? x)
+	  (string-append "\"" x "\"")
+	  x))
+    (lambda (string . args)
+      (apply error (cons string (map error-printform args))))))
+;; ROUND returns an inexact integer if its argument is inexact,
+;; but we think it should always return an exact integer.
+;; (It matters because some Schemes print inexact integers as "+1.0".)
+;; The (exact 1) test is for PC Scheme, in which nothing is exact.
+(if (and (inexact? (round (sqrt 2))) (exact? 1))
+    (let ((old-round round)
+	  (inexact->exact inexact->exact))
+      (set! round
+	    (lambda (number)
+	      (inexact->exact (old-round number)))))
+    'no-problem)
+;; Remainder and quotient blow up if their argument isn't an integer.
+;; Unfortunately, in SCM, (* 365.25 24 60 60) *isn't* an integer.
+(if (inexact? (* .25 4))
+    (let ((rem remainder)
+	  (quo quotient)
+	  (inexact->exact inexact->exact)
+	  (integer? integer?))
+      (set! remainder
+	    (lambda (x y)
+	      (rem (if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x)
+		   (if (integer? y) (inexact->exact y) y))))
+      (set! quotient
+	    (lambda (x y)
+	      (quo (if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x)
+		   (if (integer? y) (inexact->exact y) y)))))
+    'done)
+;; Random
+;; If your version of Scheme has RANDOM, you should take this out.
+;; (It gives the same sequence of random numbers every time.) 
+(define random
+  (let ((*seed* 1) (quotient quotient) (modulo modulo) (+ +) (- -) (* *) (> >))
+    (lambda (x)
+      (let* ((hi (quotient *seed* 127773))
+	     (low (modulo *seed* 127773))
+	     (test (- (* 16807 low) (* 2836 hi))))
+	(if (> test 0)
+	    (set! *seed* test)
+	    (set! *seed* (+ test 2147483647))))
+      (modulo *seed* x))))
+;;; Logo-style word/sentence implementation
+(define word?
+  (let ((number? number?)
+	(symbol? symbol?)
+	(string? string?))
+    (lambda (x)
+      (or (symbol? x) (number? x) (string? x)))))
+(define sentence?
+  (let ((null? null?)
+	(pair? pair?)
+	(word? word?)
+	(car car)
+	(cdr cdr))    
+    (define (list-of-words? l)
+      (cond ((null? l) #t)
+	    ((pair? l)
+	     (and (word? (car l)) (list-of-words? (cdr l))))
+	    (else #f)))
+    list-of-words?))
+(define empty?
+  (let ((null? null?)
+	(string? string?)
+	(string=? string=?))
+    (lambda (x)
+      (or (null? x)
+	  (and (string? x) (string=? x ""))))))
+(define char-rank
+  ;; 0 Letter in good case or special initial
+  ;; 1 ., + or -
+  ;; 2 Digit
+  ;; 3 Letter in bad case or weird character
+  (let ((*the-char-ranks* (make-vector 256 3))
+	(= =)
+	(+ +)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(vector-set! vector-set!)
+	(char->integer char->integer)
+	(symbol->string symbol->string)
+	(vector-ref vector-ref))
+    (define (rank-string str rank)
+      (define (helper i len)
+	(if (= i len)
+	    'done
+	    (begin (vector-set! *the-char-ranks*
+				(char->integer (string-ref str i))
+				rank)
+		   (helper (+ i 1) len))))
+      (helper 0 (string-length str)))
+    (rank-string (symbol->string 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) 0)
+    (rank-string "!$%&*/:<=>?~_^" 0)
+    (rank-string "+-." 1)
+    (rank-string "0123456789" 2)
+    (lambda (char)		    ;; value of char-rank
+      (vector-ref *the-char-ranks* (char->integer char)))))
+(define string->word
+  (let ((= =) (<= <=) (+ +) (- -)
+	(char-rank char-rank)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(string=? string=?)
+	(not not)
+	(char=? char=?)
+	(string->number string->number)
+	(string->symbol string->symbol))
+    (lambda (string)
+      (define (subsequents? string i length)
+	(cond ((= i length) #t)
+	      ((<= (char-rank (string-ref string i)) 2)
+	       (subsequents? string (+ i 1) length))
+	      (else #f)))
+      (define (special-id? string)
+	(or (string=? string "+")
+	    (string=? string "-")
+	    (string=? string "...")))
+      (define (ok-symbol? string)
+	(if (string=? string "")
+	    #f
+	    (let ((rank1 (char-rank (string-ref string 0))))
+	      (cond ((= rank1 0) (subsequents? string 1 (string-length string)))
+		    ((= rank1 1) (special-id? string))
+		    (else #f)))))
+      (define (nn-helper string i len seen-point?)
+	(cond ((= i len)
+	       (if seen-point?
+		   (not (char=? (string-ref string (- len 1)) #\0))
+		   #t))
+	      ((char=? #\. (string-ref string i))
+	       (cond (seen-point? #f)
+		     ((= (+ i 2) len) #t)  ; Accepts "23.0"
+		     (else (nn-helper string (+ i 1) len #t))))
+	      ((= 2 (char-rank (string-ref string i)))
+	       (nn-helper string (+ i 1) len seen-point?))
+	      (else #f)))
+      (define (narrow-number? string)
+	(if (string=? string "")
+	    #f
+	    (let* ((c0 (string-ref string 0))
+		   (start 0)
+		   (len (string-length string))
+		   (cn (string-ref string (- len 1))))
+	      (if (and (char=? c0 #\-) (not (= len 1)))
+		  (begin
+		   (set! start 1)
+		   (set! c0 (string-ref string 1)))
+		  #f)
+	      (cond ((not (= (char-rank cn) 2)) #f)  ; Rejects "-" among others
+		    ((char=? c0 #\.) #f)
+		    ((char=? c0 #\0)
+		     (cond ((= len 1) #t)  ; Accepts "0" but not "-0"
+			   ((= len 2) #f)  ; Rejects "-0" and "03"
+			   ((char=? (string-ref string (+ start 1)) #\.)
+			    (nn-helper string (+ start 2) len #t))
+			   (else #f)))
+		    (else (nn-helper string start len #f)))))) 
+      ;; The body of string->word:
+      (cond ((narrow-number? string) (string->number string))
+	    ((ok-symbol? string) (string->symbol string))
+	    (else string)))))
+(define char->word
+  (let ((= =)
+	(char-rank char-rank)
+	(make-string make-string)
+	(string->symbol string->symbol)
+	(string->number string->number)
+	(char=? char=?))
+    (lambda (char)
+      (let ((rank (char-rank char))
+	    (string (make-string 1 char)))
+	(cond ((= rank 0) (string->symbol string))
+	      ((= rank 2) (string->number string))
+	      ((char=? char #\+) '+)
+	      ((char=? char #\-) '-)
+	      (else string))))))
+(define word->string
+  (let ((number? number?)
+	(string? string?)
+	(number->string number->string)
+	(symbol->string symbol->string))
+    (lambda (wd)
+      (cond ((string? wd) wd)
+	    ((number? wd) (number->string wd))
+	    (else (symbol->string wd))))))
+(define count
+  (let ((word? word?)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(length length))
+    (lambda (stuff)
+      (if (word? stuff)
+	  (string-length (word->string stuff))
+	  (length stuff)))))
+(define word
+  (let ((string->word string->word)
+	(apply apply)
+	(string-append string-append)
+	(map map)
+	(word? word?)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(whoops whoops))
+    (lambda x
+      (string->word
+       (apply string-append
+	      (map (lambda (arg)
+		     (if (word? arg)
+			 (word->string arg)
+			 (whoops "Invalid argument to WORD: " arg)))
+		   x))))))
+(define se
+  (let ((pair? pair?)
+	(null? null?)
+	(word? word?)
+	(car car)
+	(cons cons)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(whoops whoops))
+    (define (paranoid-append a original-a b)
+      (cond ((null? a) b)
+	    ((word? (car a))
+	     (cons (car a) (paranoid-append (cdr a) original-a b)))
+	    (else (whoops "Argument to SENTENCE not a word or sentence"
+			 original-a ))))
+    (define (combine-two a b)                ;; Note: b is always a list
+      (cond ((pair? a) (paranoid-append a a b))
+	    ((null? a) b)
+	    ((word? a) (cons a b))
+	    (else (whoops "Argument to SENTENCE not a word or sentence:" a))))
+    ;; Helper function so recursive calls don't show up in TRACE
+    (define (real-se args)
+      (if (null? args)
+	  '()
+	  (combine-two (car args) (real-se (cdr args)))))
+    (lambda args
+      (real-se args))))
+(define sentence se)
+(define first
+  (let ((pair? pair?)
+	(char->word char->word)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(car car)
+	(empty? empty?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(word? word?))
+    (define (word-first wd)
+      (char->word (string-ref (word->string wd) 0)))
+    (lambda (x)
+      (cond ((pair? x) (car x))
+	    ((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to FIRST: " x))
+	    ((word? x) (word-first x))
+	    (else (whoops "Invalid argument to FIRST: " x))))))
+(define last
+  (let ((pair? pair?)
+	(- -)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(char->word char->word)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(empty? empty?)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(car car)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(word? word?))
+    (define (word-last wd)
+      (let ((s (word->string wd)))
+	(char->word (string-ref s (- (string-length s) 1)))))
+    (define (list-last lst)      
+      (if (empty? (cdr lst))
+	  (car lst)
+	  (list-last (cdr lst))))
+    (lambda (x)
+      (cond ((pair? x) (list-last x))
+	    ((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to LAST: " x))
+	    ((word? x) (word-last x))
+	    (else (whoops "Invalid argument to LAST: " x))))))
+(define bf
+  (let ((pair? pair?)
+	(substring substring)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(string->word string->word)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(empty? empty?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(word? word?))
+    (define string-bf
+      (lambda (s)
+      (substring s 1 (string-length s))))
+    (define (word-bf wd)
+      (string->word (string-bf (word->string wd))))
+    (lambda (x)
+      (cond ((pair? x) (cdr x))
+	    ((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTFIRST: " x))
+	    ((word? x) (word-bf x))
+	    (else (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTFIRST: " x))))))
+(define butfirst bf)
+(define bl
+  (let ((pair? pair?) (- -)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(cons cons)
+	(car car)
+	(substring substring)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(string->word string->word)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(empty? empty?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(word? word?))
+    (define (list-bl list)
+      (if (null? (cdr list))
+	  '()
+	  (cons (car list) (list-bl (cdr list)))))
+    (define (string-bl s)
+      (substring s 0 (- (string-length s) 1)))  
+    (define (word-bl wd)
+      (string->word (string-bl (word->string wd))))
+    (lambda (x)
+      (cond ((pair? x) (list-bl x))
+	    ((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTLAST: " x))
+	    ((word? x) (word-bl x))
+	    (else (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTLAST: " x))))))
+(define butlast bl)
+(define item
+  (let ((> >) (- -) (< <) (integer? integer?) (list-ref list-ref)
+	(char->word char->word)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(not not)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(count count)
+	(word? word?)
+	(list? list?))
+    (define (word-item n wd)
+      (char->word (string-ref (word->string wd) (- n 1))))
+    (lambda (n stuff)
+      (cond ((not (integer? n))
+	     (whoops "Invalid first argument to ITEM (must be an integer): "
+		     n))
+	    ((< n 1)
+	     (whoops "Invalid first argument to ITEM (must be positive): "
+		     n))
+	    ((> n (count stuff))
+	     (whoops "No such item: " n stuff))
+	    ((word? stuff) (word-item n stuff))
+	    ((list? stuff) (list-ref stuff (- n 1)))
+	    (else (whoops "Invalid second argument to ITEM: " stuff))))))
+(define equal?
+  ;; Note that EQUAL? assumes strings are numbers.
+  ;; (strings-are-numbers #f) doesn't change this behavior.
+  (let ((vector-length vector-length)
+	(= =)
+	(vector-ref vector-ref)
+	(+ +)
+	(string? string?)
+	(symbol? symbol?)
+	(null? null?)
+	(pair? pair?)
+	(car car)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(eq? eq?)
+	(string=? string=?)
+	(symbol->string symbol->string)
+	(number? number?)
+	(string->word string->word)
+	(vector? vector?)
+	(eqv? eqv?))
+    (define (vector-equal? v1 v2)
+      (let ((len1 (vector-length v1))
+	    (len2 (vector-length v2)))
+	(define (helper i)
+	  (if (= i len1)
+	      #t
+	      (and (equal? (vector-ref v1 i) (vector-ref v2 i))
+		   (helper (+ i 1)))))
+	(if (= len1 len2)
+	    (helper 0)
+	    #f)))
+    (lambda (x y)
+      (cond ((null? x) (null? y))
+	    ((null? y) #f)
+	    ((pair? x)
+	     (and (pair? y)
+		  (equal? (car x) (car y))
+		  (equal? (cdr x) (cdr y))))
+	    ((pair? y) #f)
+	    ((symbol? x)
+	     (or (and (symbol? y) (eq? x y))
+		 (and (string? y) (string=? (symbol->string x) y))))
+	    ((symbol? y)
+	     (and (string? x) (string=? x (symbol->string y))))
+	    ((number? x)
+	     (or (and (number? y) (= x y))
+		 (and (string? y)
+		      (let ((possible-num (string->word y)))
+			(and (number? possible-num)
+			     (= x possible-num))))))
+	    ((number? y)
+	     (and (string? x)
+		  (let ((possible-num (string->word x)))
+		    (and (number? possible-num)
+			 (= possible-num y)))))
+	    ((string? x) (and (string? y) (string=? x y)))
+	    ((string? y) #f)
+	    ((vector? x) (and (vector? y) (vector-equal? x y)))
+	    ((vector? y) #f)
+	    (else (eqv? x y))))))
+(define member?
+  (let ((> >) (- -) (< <)
+	(null? null?)
+	(symbol? symbol?)
+	(eq? eq?)
+	(car car)
+	(not not)
+	(symbol->string symbol->string)
+	(string=? string=?)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(equal? equal?)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(char=? char=?)
+	(list? list?)
+	(number? number?)
+	(empty? empty?)
+	(word? word?)
+	(string? string?))
+    (define (symbol-in-list? symbol string lst)
+      (cond ((null? lst) #f)
+	    ((and (symbol? (car lst))
+		  (eq? symbol (car lst))))
+	    ((string? (car lst))
+	     (cond ((not string)
+		    (symbol-in-list? symbol (symbol->string symbol) lst))
+		   ((string=? string (car lst)) #t)
+		   (else (symbol-in-list? symbol string (cdr lst)))))
+	    (else (symbol-in-list? symbol string (cdr lst)))))
+    (define (word-in-list? wd lst)
+      (cond ((null? lst) #f)
+	    ((equal? wd (car lst)) #t)
+	    (else (word-in-list? wd (cdr lst)))))
+    (define (word-in-word? small big)
+      (let ((one-letter-str (word->string small)))
+	(if (> (string-length one-letter-str) 1)
+	    (whoops "Invalid arguments to MEMBER?: " small big)
+	    (let ((big-str (word->string big)))
+	      (char-in-string? (string-ref one-letter-str 0)
+			       big-str
+			       (- (string-length big-str) 1))))))
+    (define (char-in-string? char string i)
+      (cond ((< i 0) #f)
+	    ((char=? char (string-ref string i)) #t)
+	    (else (char-in-string? char string (- i 1)))))
+    (lambda (x stuff)
+      (cond ((empty? stuff) #f)
+	    ((word? stuff) (word-in-word? x stuff))
+	    ((not (list? stuff))
+	     (whoops "Invalid second argument to MEMBER?: " stuff))
+	    ((symbol? x) (symbol-in-list? x #f stuff))
+	    ((or (number? x) (string? x))
+	     (word-in-list? x stuff))
+	    (else (whoops "Invalid first argument to MEMBER?: " x))))))
+(define before?
+  (let ((not not)
+	(word? word?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(string<? string<?)
+	(word->string word->string))
+    (lambda (wd1 wd2)
+      (cond ((not (word? wd1))
+	     (whoops "Invalid first argument to BEFORE? (not a word): " wd1))
+	    ((not (word? wd2))
+	     (whoops "Invalid second argument to BEFORE? (not a word): " wd2))
+	    (else (string<? (word->string wd1) (word->string wd2)))))))
+;;; Higher Order Functions
+(define filter
+  (let ((null? null?)
+	(car car)
+	(cons cons)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(not not)
+	(procedure? procedure?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(list? list?))
+    (lambda (pred l)
+      ;; Helper function so recursive calls don't show up in TRACE
+      (define (real-filter l)
+	(cond ((null? l) '())
+	      ((pred (car l))
+	       (cons (car l) (real-filter (cdr l))))
+	      (else (real-filter (cdr l)))))
+      (cond ((not (procedure? pred))
+	     (whoops "Invalid first argument to FILTER (not a procedure): "
+		     pred))
+	    ((not (list? l))
+	     (whoops "Invalid second argument to FILTER (not a list): " l))
+	    (else (real-filter l))))))
+(define keep
+  (let ((+ +) (= =) (pair? pair?)
+	(substring substring)
+	(char->word char->word)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(string-set! string-set!)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(string->word string->word)
+	(make-string make-string)
+	(procedure? procedure?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(word? word?)
+	(null? null?))
+    (lambda (pred w-or-s)
+      (define (keep-string in i out out-len len)
+	(cond ((= i len) (substring out 0 out-len))
+	      ((pred (char->word (string-ref in i)))
+	       (string-set! out out-len (string-ref in i))
+	       (keep-string in (+ i 1) out (+ out-len 1) len))
+	      (else (keep-string in (+ i 1) out out-len len))))
+      (define (keep-word wd)
+	(let* ((string (word->string wd))
+	       (len (string-length string)))
+	  (string->word
+	   (keep-string string 0 (make-string len) 0 len))))
+      (cond ((not (procedure? pred))
+	     (whoops "Invalid first argument to KEEP (not a procedure): "
+		    pred))
+	    ((pair? w-or-s) (filter pred w-or-s))
+	    ((word? w-or-s) (keep-word w-or-s))
+	    ((null? w-or-s) '())
+	    (else
+	     (whoops "Bad second argument to KEEP (not a word or sentence): "
+		     w-or-s))))))
+(define appearances
+  (let ((count count)
+	(keep keep)
+	(equal? equal?))
+    (lambda (item aggregate)
+      (count (keep (lambda (element) (equal? item element)) aggregate)))))
+(define every
+  (let ((= =) (+ +)
+	(se se)
+	(char->word char->word)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(empty? empty?)
+	(first first)
+	(bf bf)
+	(not not)
+	(procedure? procedure?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(word? word?)
+	(word->string word->string)
+	(string-length string-length))
+    (lambda (fn stuff)
+      (define (string-every string i length)
+	(if (= i length)
+	    '()
+	    (se (fn (char->word (string-ref string i)))
+		(string-every string (+ i 1) length))))
+      (define (sent-every sent)
+	;; This proc. can't be optimized or else it will break the
+	;; exercise where we ask them to reimplement sentences as
+	;; vectors and then see if every still works.
+	(if (empty? sent)
+	    sent		; Can't be '() or exercise breaks.
+	    (se (fn (first sent))    
+		(sent-every (bf sent)))))
+      (cond ((not (procedure? fn))
+	     (whoops "Invalid first argument to EVERY (not a procedure):"
+		     fn))
+	    ((word? stuff)
+	     (let ((string (word->string stuff)))
+	       (string-every string 0 (string-length string))))
+	    (else (sent-every stuff))))))
+;; In _Simply Scheme_, accumulate works on words and sentences, and takes
+;; two arguments.  In SICP, accumulate works on lists, and takes three
+;; arguments.  This version does both.  Sorry.
+(define accumulate
+  (let ((not not)
+	(empty? empty?)
+	(bf bf)
+	(first first)
+	(procedure? procedure?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(member member)
+	(list list))
+    (lambda (combiner stuff . extra)
+      (define (real-accumulate stuff)
+	(if (empty? (bf stuff))
+	    (first stuff)
+	    (combiner (first stuff) (real-accumulate (bf stuff)))))
+      (define (sicp-accumulate initial stuff)
+	(if (null? stuff)
+	    initial
+	    (combiner (car stuff) (sicp-accumulate initial (cdr stuff)))))
+      (cond ((not (procedure? combiner))
+	     (whoops "Invalid first argument to ACCUMULATE (not a procedure):"
+		     combiner))
+	    ((null? extra)	; Simply Scheme version
+	     (cond ((not (empty? stuff)) (real-accumulate stuff))
+		   ((member combiner (list + * word se)) (combiner))
+		   (else
+		    (whoops "Can't accumulate empty input with that combiner"))))
+	    ((not (null? (cdr extra)))
+	     (whoops "Too many arguments to accumulate"))
+	    (else (sicp-accumulate stuff (car extra)))))))
+(define reduce
+  (let ((null? null?)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(car car)
+	(not not)
+	(procedure? procedure?)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(member member)
+	(list list))
+    (lambda (combiner stuff)
+      (define (real-reduce stuff)
+	(if (null? (cdr stuff))
+	    (car stuff)
+	    (combiner (car stuff) (real-reduce (cdr stuff)))))
+      (cond ((not (procedure? combiner))
+	     (whoops "Invalid first argument to REDUCE (not a procedure):"
+		     combiner))
+	    ((not (null? stuff)) (real-reduce stuff))
+	    ((member combiner (list + * word se append)) (combiner))
+	    (else (whoops "Can't reduce empty input with that combiner"))))))
+(define repeated
+  (let ((= =) (- -))
+    (lambda (fn number)
+      (if (= number 0)
+	  (lambda (x) x)
+	  (lambda (x)
+	    ((repeated fn (- number 1)) (fn x)))))))
+;; Tree stuff
+(define make-node cons)
+(define datum car)
+(define children cdr)
+;; I/O
+(define show
+  (let ((= =)
+	(length length)
+	(display display)
+	(car car)
+	(newline newline)
+	(not not)
+	(output-port? output-port?)
+	(apply apply)
+	(whoops whoops))
+    (lambda args
+      (cond
+       ((= (length args) 1)
+	(display (car args))
+	(newline))
+       ((= (length args) 2)
+	(if (not (output-port? (car (cdr args))))
+	    (whoops "Invalid second argument to SHOW (not an output port): "
+		    (car (cdr args))))
+	(apply display args)
+	(newline (car (cdr args))))
+       (else (whoops "Incorrect number of arguments to procedure SHOW"))))))
+(define show-line
+  (let ((>= >=)
+	(length length)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(null? null?)
+	(current-output-port current-output-port)
+	(car car)
+	(not not)
+	(list? list?)
+	(display display)
+	(for-each for-each)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(newline newline))
+    (lambda (line . args)
+      (if (>= (length args) 2)
+	  (whoops "Too many arguments to show-line")
+	  (let ((port (if (null? args) (current-output-port) (car args))))
+	    (cond ((not (list? line))
+		   (whoops "Invalid argument to SHOW-LINE (not a list):" line))
+		  ((null? line) #f)
+		  (else
+		   (display (car line) port)
+		   (for-each (lambda (wd) (display " " port) (display wd port))
+			     (cdr line))))
+	    (newline port))))))
+(define read-string
+  (let ((read-char read-char)
+	(eqv? eqv?)
+	(apply apply)
+	(string-append string-append)
+	(substring substring)
+	(reverse reverse)
+	(cons cons)
+	(>= >=) (+ +)
+	(string-set! string-set!)
+	(length length)
+	(whoops whoops)
+	(null? null?)
+	(current-input-port current-input-port)
+	(car car)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(eof-object? eof-object?)
+	(list list)
+	(make-string make-string)
+	(peek-char peek-char))
+    (define (read-string-helper chars all-length chunk-length port)
+      (let ((char (read-char port))
+	    (string (car chars)))
+	(cond ((or (eof-object? char) (eqv? char #\newline))
+	       (apply string-append
+		      (reverse
+		       (cons
+			(substring (car chars) 0 chunk-length)
+			(cdr chars)))))
+	      ((>= chunk-length 80)
+	       (let ((newstring (make-string 80)))
+		 (string-set! newstring 0 char)
+		 (read-string-helper (cons newstring chars)
+				     (+ all-length 1)
+				     1
+				     port)))
+	      (else
+	       (string-set! string chunk-length char)
+	       (read-string-helper chars
+				   (+ all-length 1)
+				   (+ chunk-length 1)
+				   port)))))
+    (lambda args
+      (if (>= (length args) 2)
+	  (whoops "Too many arguments to read-string")
+	  (let ((port (if (null? args) (current-input-port) (car args))))
+	    (if (eof-object? (peek-char port))
+		(read-char port)
+		(read-string-helper (list (make-string 80)) 0 0 port)))))))
+(define read-line
+  (let ((= =)
+	(list list)
+	(string->word string->word)
+	(substring substring)
+	(char-whitespace? char-whitespace?)
+	(string-ref string-ref)
+	(+ +)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(apply apply)
+	(read-string read-string))
+    (lambda args
+      (define (tokenize string)
+	(define (helper i start len)
+	  (cond ((= i len)
+		 (if (= i start)
+		     '()
+		     (list (string->word (substring string start i)))))
+		((char-whitespace? (string-ref string i))
+		 (if (= i start)
+		     (helper (+ i 1) (+ i 1) len)
+		     (cons (string->word (substring string start i))
+			   (helper (+ i 1) (+ i 1) len))))
+		(else (helper (+ i 1) start len))))
+        (if (eof-object? string)
+            string
+            (helper 0 0 (string-length string))))
+      (tokenize (apply read-string args)))))
+(define *the-open-inports* '())
+(define *the-open-outports* '())
+(define align
+  (let ((< <) (abs abs) (* *) (expt expt) (>= >=) (- -) (+ +) (= =)
+	(null? null?)
+	(car car)
+	(round round)
+	(number->string number->string)
+	(string-length string-length)
+	(string-append string-append)
+	(make-string make-string)
+	(substring substring)
+	(string-set! string-set!)
+	(number? number?)
+	(word->string word->string))
+    (lambda (obj width . rest)
+      (define (align-number obj width rest)
+	(let* ((sign (< obj 0))
+	       (num (abs obj))
+	       (prec (if (null? rest) 0 (car rest)))
+	       (big (round (* num (expt 10 prec))))
+	       (cvt0 (number->string big))
+	       (cvt (if (< num 1) (string-append "0" cvt0) cvt0))
+	       (pos-str (if (>= (string-length cvt0) prec)
+			    cvt
+			    (string-append
+			     (make-string (- prec (string-length cvt0)) #\0)
+			     cvt)))
+	       (string (if sign (string-append "-" pos-str) pos-str))
+	       (length (+ (string-length string)
+			  (if (= prec 0) 0 1)))
+	       (left (- length (+ 1 prec)))
+	       (result (if (= prec 0)
+			   string
+			   (string-append
+			    (substring string 0 left)
+			    "."
+			    (substring string left (- length 1))))))
+	  (cond ((= length width) result)
+		((< length width)
+		 (string-append (make-string (- width length) #\space) result))
+		(else (let ((new (substring result 0 width)))
+			(string-set! new (- width 1) #\+)
+			new)))))
+      (define (align-word string)
+	(let ((length (string-length string)))
+	  (cond ((= length width) string)
+		((< length width)
+		 (string-append string (make-string (- width length) #\space)))
+		(else (let ((new (substring string 0 width)))
+			(string-set! new (- width 1) #\+)
+			new)))))
+      (if (number? obj)
+	  (align-number obj width rest)
+	  (align-word (word->string obj))))))
+(define open-output-file
+  (let ((oof open-output-file)
+	(cons cons))
+    (lambda (filename)
+      (let ((port (oof filename)))
+	(set! *the-open-outports* (cons port *the-open-outports*))
+	port))))
+(define open-input-file
+  (let ((oif open-input-file)
+	(cons cons))
+    (lambda (filename)
+      (let ((port (oif filename)))
+	(set! *the-open-inports* (cons port *the-open-inports*))
+	port))))
+(define remove!
+  (let ((null? null?)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(eq? eq?)
+	(set-cdr! set-cdr!)
+	(car car))
+    (lambda (thing lst)
+      (define (r! prev)
+	(cond ((null? (cdr prev)) lst)
+	      ((eq? thing (car (cdr prev)))
+	       (set-cdr! prev (cdr (cdr prev)))
+	       lst)
+	      (else (r! (cdr prev)))))
+      (cond ((null? lst) lst)
+	    ((eq? thing (car lst)) (cdr lst))
+	    (else (r! lst))))))
+(define close-input-port
+  (let ((cip close-input-port)
+	(remove! remove!))
+    (lambda (port)
+      (set! *the-open-inports* (remove! port *the-open-inports*))
+      (cip port))))
+(define close-output-port
+  (let ((cop close-output-port)
+	(remove! remove!))
+    (lambda (port)
+      (set! *the-open-outports* (remove! port *the-open-outports*))
+      (cop port))))
+(define close-all-ports
+  (let ((for-each for-each)
+	(close-input-port close-input-port)
+	(close-output-port close-output-port))
+    (lambda ()
+      (for-each close-input-port *the-open-inports*)
+      (for-each close-output-port *the-open-outports*)
+      'closed)))
+;; Make arithmetic work on numbers in string form:
+(define maybe-num
+  (let ((string? string?)
+    	(string->number string->number))
+    (lambda (arg)
+      (if (string? arg)
+	  (let ((num (string->number arg)))
+	    (if num num arg))
+	  arg))))
+(define logoize
+  (let ((apply apply)
+	(map map)
+	(maybe-num maybe-num))
+    (lambda (fn)
+      (lambda args
+	(apply fn (map maybe-num args))))))
+;; special case versions of logoize, since (lambda args ...) is expensive
+(define logoize-1
+  (let ((maybe-num maybe-num))
+    (lambda (fn)
+      (lambda (x) (fn (maybe-num x))))))
+(define logoize-2
+  (let ((maybe-num maybe-num))
+    (lambda (fn)
+      (lambda (x y) (fn (maybe-num x) (maybe-num y))))))
+(define strings-are-numbers
+  (let ((are-they? #f)
+        (real-* *)
+        (real-+ +)
+        (real-- -)
+        (real-/ /)
+        (real-< <)
+        (real-<= <=)
+        (real-= =)
+        (real-> >)
+        (real->= >=)
+        (real-abs abs)
+        (real-acos acos)
+        (real-asin asin)
+        (real-atan atan)
+        (real-ceiling ceiling)
+        (real-cos cos)
+        (real-even? even?)
+        (real-exp exp)
+        (real-expt expt)
+        (real-floor floor)
+	(real-align align)
+        (real-gcd gcd)
+        (real-integer? integer?)
+        (real-item item)
+        (real-lcm lcm)
+        (real-list-ref list-ref)
+        (real-log log)
+        (real-make-vector make-vector)
+        (real-max max)
+        (real-min min)
+        (real-modulo modulo)
+        (real-negative? negative?)
+        (real-number? number?)
+        (real-odd? odd?)
+        (real-positive? positive?)
+        (real-quotient quotient)
+        (real-random random)
+        (real-remainder remainder)
+        (real-repeated repeated)
+        (real-round round)
+        (real-sin sin)
+        (real-sqrt sqrt)
+        (real-tan tan)
+        (real-truncate truncate)
+        (real-vector-ref vector-ref)
+        (real-vector-set! vector-set!)
+        (real-zero? zero?)
+	(maybe-num maybe-num)
+	(number->string number->string)
+	(cons cons)
+	(car car)
+	(cdr cdr)
+	(eq? eq?)
+	(show show)
+	(logoize logoize)
+	(logoize-1 logoize-1)
+	(logoize-2 logoize-2)
+	(not not)
+	(whoops whoops))
+    (lambda (yesno)
+      (cond ((and are-they? (eq? yesno #t))
+	     (show "Strings are already numbers"))
+	    ((eq? yesno #t)
+	     (set! are-they? #t)
+	     (set! * (logoize real-*))
+	     (set! + (logoize real-+))
+	     (set! - (logoize real--))
+	     (set! / (logoize real-/))
+	     (set! < (logoize real-<))
+	     (set! <= (logoize real-<=))
+	     (set! = (logoize real-=))
+	     (set! > (logoize real->))
+	     (set! >= (logoize real->=))
+	     (set! abs (logoize-1 real-abs))
+	     (set! acos (logoize-1 real-acos))
+	     (set! asin (logoize-1 real-asin))
+	     (set! atan (logoize real-atan))
+	     (set! ceiling (logoize-1 real-ceiling))
+	     (set! cos (logoize-1 real-cos))
+	     (set! even? (logoize-1 real-even?))
+	     (set! exp (logoize-1 real-exp))
+	     (set! expt (logoize-2 real-expt))
+	     (set! floor (logoize-1 real-floor))
+	     (set! align (logoize align))
+	     (set! gcd (logoize real-gcd))
+	     (set! integer? (logoize-1 real-integer?))
+	     (set! item (lambda (n stuff)
+			  (real-item (maybe-num n) stuff)))
+	     (set! lcm (logoize real-lcm))
+	     (set! list-ref (lambda (lst k) 
+			      (real-list-ref lst (maybe-num k))))
+	     (set! log (logoize-1 real-log))
+	     (set! max (logoize real-max))
+	     (set! min (logoize real-min))
+	     (set! modulo (logoize-2 real-modulo))
+	     (set! negative? (logoize-1 real-negative?))
+	     (set! number? (logoize-1 real-number?))
+	     (set! odd? (logoize-1 real-odd?))
+	     (set! positive? (logoize-1 real-positive?))
+	     (set! quotient (logoize-2 real-quotient))
+	     (set! random (logoize real-random))
+	     (set! remainder (logoize-2 real-remainder))
+	     (set! round (logoize-1 real-round))
+	     (set! sin (logoize-1 real-sin))
+	     (set! sqrt (logoize-1 real-sqrt))
+	     (set! tan (logoize-1 real-tan))
+	     (set! truncate (logoize-1 real-truncate))
+	     (set! zero? (logoize-1 real-zero?))
+	     (set! vector-ref
+		   (lambda (vec i) (real-vector-ref vec (maybe-num i))))
+	     (set! vector-set!
+		   (lambda (vec i val)
+		     (real-vector-set! vec (maybe-num i) val)))
+	     (set! make-vector
+		   (lambda (num . args)
+		     (apply real-make-vector (cons (maybe-num num)
+						   args))))
+	     (set! list-ref
+		   (lambda (lst i) (real-list-ref lst (maybe-num i))))
+	     (set! repeated
+		   (lambda (fn n) (real-repeated fn (maybe-num n)))))
+	    ((and (not are-they?) (not yesno))
+	     (show "Strings are already not numbers"))
+	    ((not yesno)
+	     (set! are-they? #f) (set! * real-*) (set! + real-+)
+	     (set! - real--) (set! / real-/) (set! < real-<)
+	     (set! <= real-<=) (set! = real-=) (set! > real->)
+	     (set! >= real->=) (set! abs real-abs) (set! acos real-acos)
+	     (set! asin real-asin) (set! atan real-atan)
+	     (set! ceiling real-ceiling) (set! cos real-cos)
+	     (set! even? real-even?)
+	     (set! exp real-exp) (set! expt real-expt)
+	     (set! floor real-floor) (set! align real-align)
+	     (set! gcd real-gcd) (set! integer? real-integer?)
+	     (set! item real-item)
+	     (set! lcm real-lcm) (set! list-ref real-list-ref)
+	     (set! log real-log) (set! max real-max) (set! min real-min)
+	     (set! modulo real-modulo) (set! odd? real-odd?)
+	     (set! quotient real-quotient) (set! random real-random)
+	     (set! remainder real-remainder) (set! round real-round)
+	     (set! sin real-sin) (set! sqrt real-sqrt) (set! tan real-tan)
+	     (set! truncate real-truncate) (set! zero? real-zero?)
+	     (set! positive? real-positive?) (set! negative? real-negative?)
+	     (set! number? real-number?) (set! vector-ref real-vector-ref)
+	     (set! vector-set! real-vector-set!)
+	     (set! make-vector real-make-vector)
+	     (set! list-ref real-list-ref) (set! item real-item)
+	     (set! repeated real-repeated))
+	    (else (whoops "Strings-are-numbers: give a #t or a #f")))
+	    are-they?)))
+;; By default, strings are numbers:
+(strings-are-numbers #t)
+(if scm?
+    (begin
+     (eval '(define (trace:untracef fun sym)
+	      (cond ((memq sym *traced-procedures*)
+		     (set! *traced-procedures*
+			   (remove! sym *traced-procedures*))
+		     (untracef fun))
+		    (else
+		     (display "WARNING: not traced " (current-error-port))
+		     (display sym (current-error-port))
+		     (newline (current-error-port))
+		     fun))))
+     (eval '(define (edit file)
+	      (ed file)
+	      (load file)))
+     (eval '(define read
+	      (let ((old-read read))
+		(lambda args
+		  (let* ((result (apply old-read args))
+			 (char (apply peek-char args)))
+		    (if (end-of-line-char? char)
+			(apply read-char args)
+			'())
+		    result)))))
+     (eval `(define (end-of-line-char? char)
+	      (eq? char ,(integer->char 10))))
+     ;; Don't get confusing "unspecified", and don't allow (define ((f x) y)..)
+     (eval '(define base:define define))
+     (eval '(define define-fixup
+	      (let ((pair? pair?)
+		    (map map)
+		    (eq? eq?)
+		    (car car)
+		    (list list)
+		    (cdr cdr)
+		    (cadr cadr)
+		    (caadr caadr)
+		    (cons cons)
+		    (cdadr cdadr)
+		    (cddr cddr))
+		(lambda (exps)
+		  (map (lambda (exp)
+			 (if (and (pair? exp)
+				  (eq? (car exp) 'define)
+				  (pair? (cdr exp))
+				  (pair? (cadr exp)))
+			     (list 'define
+				   (caadr exp)
+				   (cons 'lambda
+					 (cons (cdadr exp)
+					       (cddr exp))))
+			     exp))
+		       exps)))))
+     (eval '(define define-handler
+	      (let ((cons cons)
+		    (null? null?)
+		    (car car)
+		    (cdr cdr)
+		    (remove! remove!)
+		    (cddr cddr)
+		    (pair? pair?)
+		    (cadr cadr)
+		    (list list)
+		    (member member)
+		    (caadr caadr))
+		(lambda (exp env)
+		  (cond ((or (null? (cdr exp)) (null? (cddr exp)))
+			 (error "Badly formed DEFINE"))
+			((not (pair? (cadr exp)))
+			 (cond ((not (null? env)) (cons 'base:define (cdr exp)))
+			       ((member (cadr exp)
+					'(define quote set! if cond else lambda
+					   and or let cons-stream delay
+					   begin quasiquote))
+				(error "Can't redefine special form" (cadr exp)))
+			       (else (eval (cons 'base:define (cdr exp)))
+				     (set! *traced-procedures*
+					   (remove! (cadr exp)
+						    *traced-procedures*))
+				     (list 'quote (cadr exp)))))
+			((pair? (caadr exp))
+			 (error "Badly formed DEFINE"))
+			(else
+			 (cond ((not (null? env))
+				(cons 'base:define (cdr exp)))
+			       ((member (caadr exp)
+					'(define quote set! if cond else lambda
+					   and or let cons-stream delay
+					   begin quasiquote))
+				(error "Can't redefine special form" (caadr exp)))
+			       (else (eval (cons 'base:define
+						 (define-fixup (cdr exp))))
+				     (set! *traced-procedures*
+					   (remove! (caadr exp)
+						    *traced-procedures*))
+				     (list 'quote (caadr exp))))))))))
+     (eval '(define define (procedure->macro define-handler)))
+     (eval '(define fix-message
+	      (let ((cons cons)
+		    (car car)
+		    (cdr cdr)
+		    (procedure? procedure?)
+		    (eval eval)
+		    (set! set!))
+		(procedure->macro
+		 (lambda (exp env)
+		   (let ((old (string->symbol
+			       (string-append "base:"
+					      (symbol->string (cadr exp))))))
+		     (eval `(define ,old ,(cadr exp)))
+		     (if (procedure? (eval (cadr exp)))
+			 `(set! ,(cadr exp)
+				(lambda args
+				  (apply ,old args)
+				  'okay))
+			 `(set! ,(cadr exp) 
+				(procedure->macro
+				 (lambda (exp env)
+				   `(begin ,(cons ',old (cdr exp))
+					   'okay)))))))))))
+     (fix-message load)
+     (fix-message vector-set!)
+     (fix-message display)
+     (fix-message write)
+     (fix-message newline)
+     (fix-message close-input-port)
+     (fix-message close-output-port)
+     (fix-message for-each)
+     (fix-message set-car!)
+     (fix-message set-cdr!)
+     (fix-message transcript-on)
+     (fix-message transcript-off)
+     ;; (fix-message set!)
+     (eval '(define base:set! set!))
+     (eval '(set! set!
+		  (procedure->macro
+		   (lambda (exp env)
+		     (if (member (cadr exp)
+				 '(define quote set! if cond else lambda and or
+				    let cons-stream delay
+				    begin quasiquote))
+			 (error "Can't redefine special form" (cadr exp))
+			 `(begin (base:set! ,(cadr exp) ,(caddr exp))
+				 'okay))))))
+     (set-current-error-port (current-output-port))
+     (verbose 1)))
+(if scm?
+    (begin
+     (eval '(define scm-xcenter 0))
+     (eval '(define scm-ycenter 0))
+     (eval '(define pen-color 7))
+     (eval '(define bg-color 0))
+     (eval '(define color-makers '#((set-color! 0)
+				    (set-color! 9)
+				    (set-color! 10)
+				    (set-color! 11)
+				    (set-color! 12)
+				    (set-color! 13)
+				    (set-color! 14)
+				    (set-color! 15))))
+     (eval '(define (clearscreen)
+	      (graphics-mode!)
+	      (clear-graphics!)
+	      (goto-center!)
+	      (set! scm-xcenter (where-x))
+	      (set! scm-ycenter (where-y))
+	      (turn-to! -90)
+	      (setpc pen-color)
+	      (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t))))
+     (eval '(define (internal-fd dist)
+	      (if (pendown?)
+		  (draw dist)
+		  (move dist))))
+     (eval '(define (internal-rt turn)
+	      (turn-left turn)))
+     (eval '(define (internal-setxy newx newy)
+	      ((if (pendown?) draw-to! move-to!)
+	       (+ newx scm-xcenter)
+	       (- scm-ycenter newy))))
+     (eval '(define (internal-setheading newh)
+	      (turn-to! (+ -90 newh))))
+     (eval '(define (xcor)
+	      (- (where-x) scm-xcenter)))
+     (eval '(define (ycor)
+	      (- scm-ycenter (where-y))))
+     (eval '(define (heading)
+	      (- 90 (what-direction)))))
+    (begin
+     (eval '(define gambit-xcor 0))
+     (eval '(define gambit-ycor 0))
+     (eval '(define gambit-heading 0))
+     (eval '(define pen-color 0))
+     (eval '(define bg-color 7))
+     (eval '(define color-makers '#((set-rgb-color 0 0 0)
+				    (set-rgb-color 0 0 1)
+				    (set-rgb-color 0 1 0)
+				    (set-rgb-color 0 1 1)
+				    (set-rgb-color 1 0 0)
+				    (set-rgb-color 1 0 1)
+				    (set-rgb-color 1 1 0)
+				    (set-rgb-color 1 1 1))))
+     (eval '(define (clearscreen)
+	      (clear-graphics)
+	      (position-pen 0 0)
+	      (set! gambit-xcor 0)
+	      (set! gambit-ycor 0)
+	      (set! gambit-heading 0)
+	      (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t))))
+     (eval '(define (internal-fd dist)
+	      (set! gambit-xcor (+ gambit-xcor
+				   (* dist (degree-sin gambit-heading))))
+	      (set! gambit-ycor (+ gambit-ycor
+				   (* dist (degree-cos gambit-heading))))
+	      ((if (pendown?) draw-line-to position-pen)
+	       gambit-xcor gambit-ycor)))
+     (eval '(define (internal-rt turn)
+	      (set! gambit-heading (+ gambit-heading turn))
+	      (while (lambda () (< gambit-heading 0))
+		     (lambda () (set! gambit-heading (+ gambit-heading 360))))
+	      (while (lambda () (>= gambit-heading 360))
+		     (lambda () (set! gambit-heading (- gambit-heading 360))))))
+     (eval '(define (while condition action)
+	      (if (condition) (begin (action) (while condition action)))))
+     (eval '(define (degree-sin angle)
+	      (sin (/ (* angle 3.141592654) 180))))
+     (eval '(define (degree-cos angle)
+	      (cos (/ (* angle 3.141592654) 180))))
+     (eval '(define (internal-setxy newx newy)
+	      (set! gambit-xcor newx)
+	      (set! gambit-ycor newy)
+	      ((if (pendown?) draw-line-to position-pen)
+	       gambit-xcor gambit-ycor)))
+     (eval '(define (internal-setheading newh)
+	      (set! gambit-heading newh)
+	      (while (lambda () (< gambit-heading 0))
+		     (lambda () (set! gambit-heading (+ gambit-heading 360))))
+	      (while (lambda () (>= gambit-heading 360))
+		     (lambda () (set! gambit-heading (- gambit-heading 360))))))
+     (eval '(define (xcor) gambit-xcor))
+     (eval '(define (ycor) gambit-ycor))
+     (eval '(define (heading) gambit-heading))))
+(define turtle-shown #t)
+(define (showturtle)
+  (if (not turtle-shown) (show-turtle #t))
+  (set! turtle-shown #t))
+(define st showturtle)
+(define (hideturtle)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f))
+  (set! turtle-shown #f))
+(define ht hideturtle)
+(define (shown?) turtle-shown)
+(define (forward dist)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f))
+  (internal-fd dist)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t)))
+(define (right angle)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f))
+  (internal-rt angle)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t)))
+(define (setxy newx newy)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f))
+  (internal-setxy newx newy)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t)))
+(define (setheading newh)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f))
+  (internal-setheading newh)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t)))
+(define (back dist)
+  (forward (- dist)))
+(define fd forward)
+(define bk back)
+(define (left turn)
+  (right (- turn)))
+(define lt left)
+(define rt right)
+(define (setx newx)
+  (setxy newx (ycor)))
+(define (sety newy)
+  (setxy (xcor) newy))
+(define pendown-flag #t)
+(define penerase-flag #f)
+(define (pendown?) pendown-flag)
+(define (pendown)
+  (set! pendown-flag #t)
+  (set! penerase-flag #f)
+  (set! true-pen-color pen-color)
+  (eval (vector-ref color-makers true-pen-color)))
+(define pd pendown)
+(define (penup)
+  (set! pendown-flag #f))
+(define pu penup)
+(define (home) (setxy 0 0))
+(define cs clearscreen)
+(define (pos) (list (xcor) (ycor)))
+(define (setpencolor newc)
+  (eval (vector-ref color-makers newc))
+  (set! pen-color newc)
+  (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t))
+  (if penerase-flag
+      (eval (vector-ref color-makers bg-color))
+      (set! true-pen-color newc)))
+(define setpc setpencolor)
+(define (pencolor) pen-color)
+(define pc pencolor)
+(define true-pen-color pen-color)
+(define (penerase)
+  (set! true-pen-color bg-color)
+  (set! pendown-flag #t)
+  (set! penerase-flag #t)
+  (eval (vector-ref color-makers true-pen-color)))
+(define pe penerase)
+(define turtle-base-angle (/ (* (acos (/ 1 3)) 180) 3.141592654))
+(define (show-turtle show-flag)
+  (let ((olderase penerase-flag)
+	(olddown pendown-flag))
+    (if show-flag (pendown) (penerase))
+    (internal-rt -90)
+    (internal-fd 5)
+    (internal-rt (- 180 turtle-base-angle))
+    (internal-fd 15)
+    (internal-rt (* 2 turtle-base-angle))
+    (internal-fd 15)
+    (internal-rt (- 180 turtle-base-angle))
+    (internal-fd 5)
+    (internal-rt 90)
+    (if olddown
+	(if olderase (penerase) (pendown))
+	(penup))))
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define repeat (procedure->macro
+			   (lambda(x env)
+			     `(repeat-helper ,(cadr x) (lambda () . ,(cddr x)))))))
+    (eval '(define-macro (repeat . args)
+	     `(repeat-helper ,(car args) (lambda () . ,(cdr args))))))
+(define (repeat-helper num thunk)
+  (if (<= num 0)
+      'done
+      (begin (thunk) (repeat-helper (- num 1) thunk))))
+(if scm?
+    (eval '(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)))