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+    <h1>The Beauty and Joy of Computing</h1>
+    <p>An AP CS Principles Curriculum</p>
+    <a href="https://bjc.edc.org" target="_blank" class="btn">
+      Try the Curriculum
+    </a>
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+        <img src="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/assets/img/bjc.png" class="bjc-logo">
+        <p class="lead">
+          <strong>The Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC)</strong> is an introductory computer
+          science curriculum developed at the University of California, Berkeley,
+          intended for non-CS majors at the high school junior through undergraduate
+          freshman level.  It was one of the five initial pilot programs for the
+          <a href="https://csprinciples.org">AP CS Principles</a> course being
+          developed by the College Board and the National Science Foundation.
+          We offer it as <a href="https://cs10.org/">CS10</a> at Berkeley.
+        </p>
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+          How is BJC Special?
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+    <h3><a href="https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/news/2015/01/01/bjc-for-new-york/">We're bringing BJC to New York City!</a></h3>
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+<h3 class="text-center">Professional Development</h3>
+<h4 class="text-center">2022 PD</h4>
+<!-- <p>If you are interested in attending Summer 2021 PD, please leave us your information on <a href="https://bjc.link/BJCinterest2020">our Summer 2020 PD interest form</a> so we can notify you when more details are available!</p> -->
+<p>If you are ready to <em>apply</em> to BJC Summer 2022 PD, please apply on our <a href='https://bjc.berkeley.edu/summer-pd/'>Summer PD 2022 page</a>! Our summer PD is free for all public school teachers.</p>
+<p>We are now accepting applications for our 2019 Summmer PD through May 15, 2019.</p>
+<p>Learn about our PD and apply here: <a href="/summer-pd/">
+  2018 BJC and PD Informational Flyer</a></p>
+  </a>
+<!-- <p>Thanks for a great summer 2018!
+  We'll have more updates about 2019 as we get closer to the summer.</p>
+<p>Sign up on our interest list for summer 2019 PD here: <a href="http://bjc.link/pdinterest19">http://bjc.link/pdinterest19</a></p>
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+  <a href="/documents/2018/bjc-pd-2018-flyer.pdf">
+    2018 BJC and PD Informational Flyer
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+<h4 class="small">Pathfinders Institute July 15-20, 2018</h4>
+  BJC will offer free computer science professional development at the Indiana University Bloomington campus July 15-20, 2018 for up to 80 high school teachers with generous support from Infosys Foundation. See the <a href="https://www.infosys.org/infosys-foundation-usa/media/press/Pages/free-cs-training-800-teachers-summer2018.aspx">Pathfinders Institute announcement</a> for more info.
+</p> -->
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+<h3 class="text-center">Snap! Programming Language</h3>
+<p><a href="https://snap.berkeley.edu/">Snap<em>!</em></a> (formerly BYOB) is a visual, drag-and-drop programming language.  It is an extended reimplementation of <a href="https://scratch.mit.edu/" target="_blank">Scratch</a> (a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab) that allows you to Build Your Own Blocks. It also features first class lists, first class procedures, and continuations.  These added capabilities make it suitable for a serious introduction to computer science for high school or college students.</p>
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+    alt="blown to bits book" class="shrink-height" />
+<h3 class="text-center">Textbook on Social Implications</h3>
+<p>In the non-programming part of our course we try to balance a fundamental optimism about the future of computer technology with an understanding of its limitations and potential for harm. Student readings are taken mainly from the excellent textbook <a href="http://www.bitsbook.com/" target="_blank"><i>Blown to Bits,</i></a> which is available for free online download.</p>
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+        The development of this site has been funded by the National Science Foundation under grant nos. 1138596, 1441075, and 1837280; the U.S. Department of Education under grant number S411C200074; and the Hopper-Dean FoundationAny opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or our other funders. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or our other funders. 
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+      <p>Last updated at: <time>2022-08-02 10:31:29 -0700</time></p>
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