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+<TITLE>Simply Scheme:Preface</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE>:
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch00.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">Back to Table of Contents</A>
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+chapter thread <A HREF="instructor.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>There are two schools of thought about teaching computer science.  We might
+caricature the two views this way:
+<TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top"><STRONG>The conservative view:</STRONG> Computer programs have become too large and
+complex to encompass in a human mind.  Therefore, the job of computer
+science education is to teach people how to discipline their work in such a
+way that 500 mediocre programmers can join together and produce a program
+that correctly meets its specification.
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top"><STRONG>The radical view:</STRONG> Computer programs have become too large and
+complex to encompass in a human mind.  Therefore, the job of computer
+science education is to teach people how to expand their minds so that the
+programs <EM>can</EM> fit, by learning to think in a vocabulary of larger,
+more powerful, more flexible ideas than the obvious ones.  Each unit of
+programming thought must have a big payoff in the capabilities of the
+<P>Of course nobody would admit to endorsing the first approach as we've
+described it.  Yet many introductory programming courses seem to spend half
+their time on obscure rules of the programming language (semicolons go
+<EM>between</EM> the instructions in Pascal, but <EM>after</EM> each
+instruction in C) and the other half on stylistic commandments (thou shalt
+comment each procedure with its preconditions and postconditions; thou shalt
+not use <CODE>goto</CODE>).  In an article that was <EM>not</EM> intended as a
+caricature, the noted computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra argues that
+beginning computer science students <EM>should not be allowed to use
+computers,</EM> lest they learn to debug their programs interactively instead of
+writing programs that can be proven correct by formal methods before
+testing.<A NAME="text1" HREF="preface.html#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>If you are about to be a student in an introductory computer science course,
+you may already be an experienced programmer of your home computer, or
+instead you may have only a vague idea of what you're getting into.  Perhaps
+you suspect that programming a computer is like programming a VCR: 
+entering endless obscure numeric codes.  Even if you're already a computer
+programmer, you may not yet have a clear idea of what computer <EM>
+science</EM> means.  In either case, what we want to do in this book is put
+our best foot forward&mdash;introduce you to some new ideas, get you excited,
+rather than mold you into a disciplined soldier of the programming army.
+<P>In order to understand the big ideas, though, we'll also have to expend some
+effort on technical details; studying computer science without writing
+computer programs is like trying to study German grammar without learning
+any of the words in the language.  But we'll try to keep the ideas in view
+while struggling with the details, and we hope you'll remember them too.
+<P><H2>One Big Idea: Symbolic Programming</H2>
+<P>We said that our approach to teaching computer science emphasizes big
+ideas.  Our explanation of symbolic programming in the following
+paragraphs is in part just an illustration of that approach.  But we chose
+this particular example for another reason also.  Scheme, the programming
+language used in this book, is an unusual choice for an introductory
+computer science course.  You may wonder why we didn't use a more
+traditional language, such as Pascal, Modula-2, or C.  Our discussion of
+symbolic programming is the beginning of an answer to that question.
+<P>Originally computers were about numbers.  Scientists used them to solve
+equations; businesses used them to compute the payroll and the inventory.
+We were rescued from this boring state of affairs mainly by researchers in
+<EM>artificial intelligence&mdash;</EM>people who wanted to get
+computers to think more nearly the way people do, about ideas in general
+rather than just numbers.
+<P>What does it mean to represent <EM>ideas</EM> in a computer?  Here's a simple
+example:  We want to teach the computer to answer the question, &quot;Was
+so-and-so a Beatle?&quot; We can't quite ask the question in English; in this
+book we interact with the computer using Scheme.  Our interactions will look
+like this:
+You type: <CODE>(beatle? 'paul)</CODE>
+<P>Computer replies: <CODE>#t</CODE> (computerese for &quot;true&quot;)
+<P>You type: <CODE>(beatle? 'elvis)</CODE>
+<P>Computer replies: <CODE>#f</CODE> (&quot;false&quot;)
+<P>Here's the program that does the job:
+<P><PRE>(define (beatle? person)
+  (member? person '(john paul george ringo)))
+<P>If you examine this program with a (metaphoric) magnifying glass,
+you'll find that it's really still full of numbers.  In fact, each letter or
+punctuation character is represented in the computer by its own unique
+number.<A NAME="text2" HREF="preface.html#ft2">[2]</A>But the point
+of the example is that you don't have to know that!  When you see
+<P><PRE>(john paul george ringo)
+<P>you don't have to worry about the numbers that represent the
+letters inside the computer; all you have to know is that you're seeing a
+<EM>sentence</EM> made up of four <EM>words.</EM>  Our programming
+language hides the underlying mechanism and lets us think in terms more
+appropriate to the problem we're trying to solve.  That hiding of details is
+called <EM>abstraction,</EM> one of the big ideas in this book.
+<P>Programming with words and sentences is an example of
+symbolic programming.  In 1960 John McCarthy invented the
+Lisp programming language to handle symbolic computations like this
+one.  Our programming language, Scheme, is a modern dialect of Lisp.
+<P><H2>Lisp and Radical Computer Science</H2>
+<P>Symbolic programming is one aspect of the reason why we like to teach
+computer science using Scheme instead of a more traditional language.  More
+generally, Lisp (and therefore Scheme) was designed to support what we've
+called the radical view of computer science.  In this view, computer science
+is about tools for expressing ideas.  Symbolic programming allows <EM>the
+computer</EM> to express ideas; other aspects of Lisp's design help <EM>the
+programmer</EM> express ideas conveniently.  Sometimes that goal
+comes in conflict with the conservative computer scientist's goal of
+protection against errors.
+<P>Here's an example.  We want to tell our computer, &quot;To square a number,
+multiply it by itself.&quot; In Scheme we can say
+<P><PRE>(define (square num)
+  (* num num))
+<P>The asterisk represents multiplication, and is followed by the
+two operands&mdash;in this case, both the same number.  This short program works
+for any number, of course, as we can see in the following dialogue.  (The
+lines with <CODE>&gt;</CODE> in front are the ones you type.)
+<P><PRE>&gt; (square 4)
+&gt; (square 3.14)
+&gt; (square -0.3)
+<P>But the proponents of the 500-mediocre-programmer
+school<A NAME="text3" HREF="preface.html#ft3">[3]</A> think this straightforward approach
+is sinful.  &quot;What!&quot; they cry. &quot;You haven't said whether <CODE>num</CODE>
+is a whole number or a number with a decimal fraction!&quot; They're
+afraid that you might write the <CODE>square</CODE> program with whole
+numbers in mind, and then apply it to a decimal fraction <EM>by
+mistake.</EM> If you're on a team with 499 other programmers, it's easy
+to have failures of communication so that one programmer uses
+another's program in unintended ways.
+<P>To avoid that danger, they want you to write these two separate programs:
+<P><PRE>function SquareOfWholeNumber(num: integer): integer;
+  begin
+    SquareOfWholeNumber := num * num
+  end;
+function SquareOfDecimalNumber(num: real): real;
+  begin
+    SquareOfDecimalNumber := num * num
+  end;
+<P>Isn't this silly?  Why do they pick this particular distinction
+(whole numbers and decimals) to worry about?  Why not positive and negative
+numbers, for example?  Why not odd and even numbers?
+<P>That two-separate-program example is written in the Pascal language.
+Pascal was designed by Niklaus Wirth, one of the leaders of the
+structured programming school, specifically to <EM>force</EM> programming
+students to write programs that fit conservative ideas about programming
+style and technique; you can't write a program in Pascal at all unless you
+write it in the approved style.  Naturally, this language has been very
+popular with school teachers.<A NAME="text4" HREF="preface.html#ft4">[4]</A> That's why, as
+we write this in 1993, the overwhelming majority of introductory computer
+science classes are taught using Pascal, even though no professional
+programmer would be caught dead using it.<A NAME="text5" HREF="preface.html#ft5">[5]</A>
+<P>For fourteen years after the introduction of Pascal in 1970, its hegemony in
+computer science education was essentially unchallenged.  But in 1984, two
+professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a programmer
+at Bolt, Beranek and Newman (a commercial research lab) published
+the Scheme-based <EM>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs</EM>
+(Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with
+Julie Sussman, MIT Press/McGraw-Hill).  That ground-breaking text
+brought the artificial intelligence approach to a wide audience for the
+first time.  We (Brian and Matt) have been teaching their course together
+for several years.  Each time, we learn something new.
+<P>The only trouble with <EM>SICP</EM> is that it was written for MIT students,
+all of whom love science and are quite comfortable with formal mathematics.
+Also, most of the students who use <EM>SICP</EM> at MIT have already learned
+to program computers before they begin.  As a result, many other schools
+have found the book too challenging for a beginning course.  We believe that
+everyone who is seriously interested in computer science must read <EM>
+SICP</EM> eventually.  Our book is a <EM>prequel;</EM> it's meant to teach you
+what you need to know in order to read that book
+successfully.<A NAME="text6" HREF="preface.html#ft6">[6]</A> Generally
+speaking, our primary goal in Parts I-V has been preparation for <EM>
+SICP,</EM> while the focus of Part VI is to connect the course with the kinds
+of programming used in &quot;real world&quot; application programs like spreadsheets
+and databases.  (These are the last example and the last project in the
+<P><H2>Who Should Read This Book</H2>
+<P>This book is intended as an introduction to computer programming and to
+computer science for two kinds of students.
+<P>For those whose main interest is in some other field, we provide a
+self-contained, one-semester experience with computer programming in a
+language with a minimum of complicated notation, so that students can
+quickly come in contact with high-level ideas about algorithms, functions,
+and recursion.  The book ends with the implementation of a spreadsheet
+program and a database program, so it complements a computer application
+course in which the commercial versions of such programs are used.
+<P>For those who intend to continue the study of computer science but who have
+no prior programming experience, we offer a preparatory course, less intense
+than a traditional CS 1 but not limited to programming technique; we give
+the flavor of computer science ideas that will be studied in more depth later
+in the curriculum.  We also include an extensive discussion of recursion,
+which is a stumbling block for many beginning students.
+<P>The course at Berkeley for which we wrote this book includes both categories
+of students.  About 90% of the first-year students who intend to major in
+computer science have already had a programming course in high school, and
+most of them begin with <EM>SICP.</EM> The other 10% are advised to take
+this course first.  But many of the students in this course aren't computer
+science majors.  A few other departments (business administration and
+architecture are the main ones) have a specific computer course requirement,
+and all students must meet a broader &quot;quantitative reasoning&quot; requirement;
+our course satisfies these requirements.  Finally, some students come just
+out of curiosity about computers.
+<P>We assume that you have never programmed a computer.  On the other hand, we
+do assume that you can <EM>use</EM> a computer; we don't talk about how to
+turn it on, how to edit text, and so on, because those details are too
+different from one computer model to another.  If you've never used a
+computer before, you may wish to spend a few days with a book written
+specifically for your machine that will introduce you to its operation.
+It won't take more than a few days, because you don't have to be an expert
+before you read our book.  As long as you can start up the Scheme interpreter
+and correct your typing mistakes, you're ready.
+<P>We assume that you're not a mathematics lover.  (If you are, you might be
+ready to read <EM>SICP</EM> right away.)  The earlier example about squaring
+a number is about as advanced as we get.  And of course you don't have to do
+any arithmetic at all; computers are good at that.  You'll learn how to <EM>
+tell</EM> the computer to do arithmetic, but that's no harder than using a
+pocket calculator.  Most of our programming examples are concerned with
+words and sentences rather than with numbers.  A typical example is to get
+Scheme to figure out the plural form of a noun.  Usually that means putting
+an &quot;s&quot; on the end, but not quite always.  (What's the plural of &quot;French
+<P><H2>How to Read This Book</H2>
+<P>Do the exercises!  Whenever we teach programming, we always get students who
+say, &quot;When I read the book it all makes sense, but on the exams, when you
+ask me to write a program, I never know where to start.&quot; Computer science
+is two things: a bunch of big ideas, as we've been saying, and also a
+skill.  You can't learn the skill by watching.
+<P>Do the exercises on a computer!  It's not good enough to solve the exercises
+on paper, even if you feel sure your solution is correct.  Maybe it's 99%
+correct but there's some little detail you've overlooked.  When you run such
+a program, you won't get 99% of the answer you wanted.  By trying the
+exercise on the computer, you get unambiguous feedback.  If your program is
+correct, you get the response you expected.  If not, not.	
+<P>Don't feel bad if you don't get things right the first time.  Even the most
+experienced programmers have to <EM>debug</EM> their programs&mdash;that is, fix
+the parts that don't work.  In fact, an important part of what you'll learn
+from the exercises is the <EM>process</EM> of debugging your
+solutions.  It would be too bad if all of your programs in this course
+worked the first time, because that would let you avoid the practice in
+debugging that you'll certainly need when you write more complicated
+programs later.  Also, don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help if you get
+stuck.  That, too, is part of the working style of professional programmers.
+<P>In some of the chapters, we've divided the exercises into two categories,
+&quot;boring&quot; and &quot;real.&quot; The boring exercises ask you to work through
+examples mechanically, to make sure you understand the rules.  The
+real exercises ask you to <EM>invent</EM> something, usually a small
+computer program, but sometimes an explanation of some situation that we
+present.  (In some chapters, the exercises are just labeled &quot;exercises,&quot;
+which means that they're all considered &quot;real.&quot;) We don't intend that the
+boring exercises be handed in; the idea is for you to do as many of them as
+you need to make sure you understand the mechanics of whatever topic you're
+<P>Occasionally we introduce some idea with a simplified explanation, saving
+the whole truth for later.  We warn you when we do this.  Also, we sometimes
+write preliminary, partial, or incorrect example programs, and we always
+flag these with a comment like
+<P><PRE>(define (something foo baz)                  ;; first version
+  )
+<P>When we introduce technical terms, we sometimes mention the
+origin of the word, if it's not obvious, to help prevent the terminology
+from seeming arbitrary.
+<P>This book starts easy but gets harder, in two different ways.  One is that we
+spend some time teaching you the basics of Scheme before we get to two
+hard big ideas, namely, function as object and recursion.  The
+earlier chapters are short and simple.  You may get the idea that the whole
+book will be trivial.  You'll change your mind in Parts III and IV.
+<P>The other kind of difficulty in the book is that it includes long
+programming examples and projects.  (&quot;Examples&quot; are programs we write and
+describe; &quot;projects&quot; are programs we ask you to write.)  Writing a long
+program is quite different from writing a short one.  Each small piece may
+be easy, but fitting them together and remembering all of them at once is a
+challenge.  The examples and projects get longer as the book progresses, but
+even the first example, tic-tac-toe, is much longer and more complex than
+anything that comes before it.
+<P>As the text explains more fully later, in this book we use some extensions
+to the standard Scheme language&mdash;features that we implemented ourselves, as
+Scheme programs.  If you are using this book in a course, your instructor
+will provide our programs for you, and you don't have to worry about it.
+But if you're reading the book on your own, you'll need to follow the
+instructions in Appendix A.
+<P>There are several reference documents at the end of the book.  If you
+don't understand a technical term in the text, try the Glossary for a
+short definition, or the General Index to find the more complete
+explanation in the text.  If you've forgotten how to use a particular
+Scheme primitive procedure, look in the Alphabetical Table
+of Scheme Primitives, or in the General Index.  If you've
+forgotten the name of the relevant primitive, refer to the inside
+back cover, where all the primitive procedures are listed by
+category.  Some of our example programs make reference to procedures
+that were defined earlier, either in another example or in an
+exercise.  If you're reading an example program and it refers to some
+procedure that's defined elsewhere, you can find that other procedure
+in the Index of Defined Procedures.
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="preface.html#text1">[1]</A> &quot;On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science,&quot;
+<EM>Communications of the ACM,</EM> vol. 32, no. 12, December, 1989.<P>
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="preface.html#text2">[2]</A> The left parenthesis is 40, for example, and the letter
+<CODE>d</CODE> is 100.  If it were a capital <CODE>D</CODE> it would be 68.<P>
+<A NAME="ft3" HREF="preface.html#text3">[3]</A> Their own names for their approach are <EM>
+structured programming</EM> and <EM>
+software engineering.</EM><P>
+<A NAME="ft4" HREF="preface.html#text4">[4]</A> Of course, <EM>your</EM> teacher isn't
+an uptight authoritarian, or you wouldn't be using our book!<P>
+<A NAME="ft5" HREF="preface.html#text5">[5]</A> Okay, we're exaggerating.
+But even Professor Wirth himself has found Pascal so restrictive that he had
+to design more flexible languages&mdash;although not flexible enough&mdash;called
+Modula and Oberon.<P>
+<A NAME="ft6" HREF="preface.html#text6">[6]</A> As the ideas pioneered by <EM>SICP</EM> have
+spread, we are starting to see other intellectually respectable
+introductions to computer science that are meant as alternatives to <EM>
+SICP.</EM> In particular, we should acknowledge <EM>Scheme and the Art of
+Programming</EM> (George Springer and
+Daniel P. Friedman, MIT Press/McGraw-Hill, 1989) as a recognized
+classic.  We believe our book will serve as preparation for theirs, too.<P>
+<P><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A><P>
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+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 