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authorensa <psii@riseup.net>2020-06-29 20:47:19 -0700
committerensa <psii@riseup.net>2020-06-29 20:47:19 -0700
commit3b85135ec49ac1fc0eaf55dde8ecf07982b4d9fe (patch)
parente1d03e2fe607c5e1643be186c4ce4031ae1004e0 (diff)
updated xresources, xprofile, removed mimeapps.list
			now uses define, making the file more readable
			no more (deprecated) *.variables
			faceName uses monospace, minimal charwidth for cozette
			16color by default
			alt works properly
			font set to terminus (smaller than cozette)
			renderFont disabled (keep terminal window small)
			yes borderclipping
			no bold (only bright)
			selection color
			Translations: alt-shift-l sends the current page to fl
			Medium style chosen (renders correctly)
			bg, fg
			no longer spawns mpd (mpd should be run as a dedicated user)
		connected to applications/, no longer used
4 files changed, 93 insertions, 63 deletions
index 4eff548..1932291 100644
@@ -121,8 +121,10 @@ each and every file in this repository can be altered by anyone with any goal, i
   * opt: python (`$PYTHONUSERBASE`)
   * opt: mednafen (`$MEDNAFEN_HOME`)
 * dunst/dunstrc
+  * [dunst](https://dunst-project.org)
   * [Cozette](https://github.com/slavfox/cozette) font
 * zathura/zathurarc
+  * [zathura](https://pwmt.org/projects/zathura)
   * [Cozette](https://github.com/slavfox/cozette) font
 ## ksh/
 configuration files for ksh
@@ -136,6 +138,23 @@ configuration files for ksh
 * completions.ksh
   * [pass](https://rgz.ee/pass.html)
+## X11/
+configuration files for x11
+* xprofile: non-machine-specific x11 setup
+  * setxkbmap
+  * [xcape](https://github.com/alols/xcape)
+  * xset
+  * xrdb
+  * config/X11/xresources
+  * bin/xbg
+  * [dunst](https://dunst-project.org)
+  * unclutter
+  * [mpdas](https://www.50hz.ws/mpdas)
+  * bin/bar.sh
+  * bin/bother
+* xresources: X Resources Database file
+  * [terminus](https://terminus-font.sourceforge.net)
+  * bin/fl (exec-selectable)
 # data/
 * mailcap: helps neomutt figure out what to do with particular MIME types
   * lynx
diff --git a/config/X11/xprofile b/config/X11/xprofile
index f376afa..865968a 100644
--- a/config/X11/xprofile
+++ b/config/X11/xprofile
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ xbg &
 dunst &
 # mouse vanishes when typing
 unclutter -noevents &
-# activate music daemon
-mpd &
-# and its scrobbler
+# activate mpd scrobbler
 mpdas -c $HOME_ETC/mpdasrc &
 # status bar
 bar.sh &
diff --git a/config/X11/xresources b/config/X11/xresources
index 1a306bf..7c019f7 100644
--- a/config/X11/xresources
+++ b/config/X11/xresources
@@ -1,61 +1,79 @@
 ! X colors.
-*foreground:        #b7a980
-*background:        #14130e
-*.foreground:       #b7a980
-*.background:       #14130e
+#define bg	#14130e
+#define fg	#b7a980
+#define sel	#a34110
+#define curs	#72694f
+#define bold	#CCBC8E
-! Colors 0-15.
-*.color0: #161510
-*color0:  #161510
-*.color1: #a32810
-*color1:  #a32810
-*.color2: #727a18
-*color2:  #727a18
-*.color3: #a37720
-*color3:  #a37720
-*.color4: #3d6266
-*color4:  #3d6266
-*.color5: #7a4955
-*color5:  #7a4955
-*.color6: #557a55
-*color6:  #557a55
-*.color7: #8e8463
-*color7:  #8e8463
-*.color8: #4c4635
-*color8:  #4c4635
-*.color9: #cc3214
-*color9:  #cc3214
-*.color10: #8e991e
-*color10:  #8e991e
-*.color11: #cc9528
-*color11:  #cc9528
-*.color12: #4c7b7f
-*color12:  #4c7b7f
-*.color13: #995b6b
-*color13:  #995b6b
-*.color14: #6b996b
-*color14:  #6b996b
-*.color15: #ccbc8e
-*color15:  #ccbc8e
+#define black	#161510
+#define red	#a32810
+#define green	#727a18
+#define brown	#a37720
+#define blue	#3d6266
+#define purp	#7a4955
+#define cyan	#557a55
+#define ligrey	#8e8463
+#define dagrey	#4c4635
+#define lired	#cc3214
+#define ligreen	#8e991e
+#define yellow	#cc9528
+#define liblue	#4c7b7f
+#define lipurp	#995b6b
+#define licyan	#6b996b
+#define white	#ccbc8e
-! Black color that will not be affected by bold highlighting.
-*.color66: #161510
-*color66:  #161510
+! X colors.
+*foreground: fg
+*background: bg
+! Colors 0-15.
+*color0: black
+*color1: red
+*color2: green
+*color3: brown
+*color4: blue
+*color5: purp
+*color6: cyan
+*color7: ligrey
+*color8: dagrey
+*color9: lired
+*color10: ligreen
+*color11: yellow
+*color12: liblue
+*color13: lipurp
+*color14: licyan
+*color15: white
+*color66: black
 ! XTerm config.
-XTerm*faceName: Cozette:pixelsize=11
-XTerm*cursorColor: #72694f
-XTerm*scrollBar: false
-XTerm*vt100.Translations: #override \
-    Alt Shift <Key>Y:    insert-selection(PRIMARY) \n\
-    Alt Shift <Key>V:    insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
-    Alt Shift <Key>C:    copy-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
+xterm*termName: xterm-16color
+xterm*metaSendsEscape: true
+xterm*font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1
+xterm*faceName: monospace:style=regular:charwidth=6
+xterm*renderFont: false
+xterm*useClipping: false
+xterm*useBorderClipping: true
+xterm*cursorColor: curs
+xterm*boldMode: false
+xterm*colorBD: bold
+xterm*colorBDMode: true
+xterm*highlightColorMode: true
+xterm*highlightReverse: false
+xterm*highlightColor: sel
+xterm*scrollBar: false
+xterm*dynamicColors: false
+xterm*vt100.Translations: #override \
+    Alt Shift <Key>L:   exec-selectable("fl %r",page) \n\
+    Alt Shift <Key>Y:   insert-selection(PRIMARY) \n\
+    Alt Shift <Key>V:   insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
+    Alt Shift <Key>C:   copy-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
     Alt <Key> K:   scroll-back(1,line) \n\
     Alt <Key> J:   scroll-forw(1,line) \n\
     Alt <Key> U:   scroll-back(1,halfpage) \n\
-    Alt <Key> D:   scroll-forw(1,halfpage)
-XTerm*allowMouseOps: false
-XTerm*useClipping: false
+    Alt <Key> D:   scroll-forw(1,halfpage) \n
+xterm*allowMouseOps: false
 ! Xclock colors.
 XClock*majorColor:  rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff
@@ -63,3 +81,8 @@ XClock*minorColor:  rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff
 XClock*hourColor:   rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff
 XClock*minuteColor: rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff
 XClock*secondColor: rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff
+! sxiv
+Sxiv*font: Cozette:style=Medium:pixelsize=11
+Sxiv*background: bg
+Sxiv*foreground: fg
diff --git a/config/mimeapps.list b/config/mimeapps.list
deleted file mode 100644
index 31b382b..0000000
--- a/config/mimeapps.list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-[Default Applications]