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authorensa <psii@riseup.net>2020-08-15 23:07:00 -0700
committerensa <psii@riseup.net>2020-08-15 23:07:00 -0700
commit3f4e930385675a4613db5f12b19557b126c29559 (patch)
parenteec480ccb22f3166d723befc9522e8a25eabf8c1 (diff)
update, fixes
bin/fl: removed unnecessary newline escapes
		xprofile: added dvorak programmer
			replaced unclutter with xbanish
		xresources: switch to hermit for font
	aliasrc: lynx vikeys
	color/colors.sh: fixed & portablized color grabbing
	cwmrc: removed
	dunst/dunstrc: switch to hermit for font
			man_complete: now uses ~cache
			mpvpin: args improved
		kshrc: added FCEDIT
			removed uptime from PF_INFO
		prompt.ksh: shored up
	lf/lfrc: prompt made more consistent with ksh's
	ncmpcpp/config: paths updated
	newsboat/config: path updated
	shrc: LAUNCHER added
		LOCK switched to xlockmore
15 files changed, 45 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/bin/fl b/bin/fl
index 8c058d7..bd98a63 100755
--- a/bin/fl
+++ b/bin/fl
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ re_urls='((https?://|www\.)[[:alnum:].]*:?[[:alnum:]./@$&%?$#=_-]*)'
 # finds links, puts them in a list
 # sort -u prevents duplicates, but also sorts the links
 urlparse() {
-	lstrip "$(cat)" "*\│" |\
-	grep -Eo "$re_urls" |\
+	lstrip "$(cat)" "*\│" |
+	grep -Eo "$re_urls" |
 	sort -u | sed 's|^www.|http://www\.|g'
 if [ -n "$1" ]; then
@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ fi
 # send any found links to dmenu so one can be chosen to be sent to the clipboard
-[ -n "$urls" ] &&\
+[ -n "$urls" ] &&
 	echo $urls | dmenu -i -p 'copy which url?' -l 10 | xclip -r -sel c
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/X11/xprofile b/config/X11/xprofile
index 865968a..eb89ed0 100644
--- a/config/X11/xprofile
+++ b/config/X11/xprofile
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 . $HOME/etc/shrc
 # set caps to escape when pressed and super when held
-setxkbmap -option caps:super && xcape -e 'Super_L=Escape'
+# also sets dvorak programmer layout
+setxkbmap -option caps:super -layout us -variant dvp && xcape -e 'Super_L=Escape'
+## detect if laptop has other display connected, kills builtin if so
+#[ $(xrandr -q|grep -cE '^(DP|VGA|HDMI)-[[:digit:]] connected') -gt 0 ] && monitor
 # disables the beeper
 xset b off
 # increases kbd repeat on hold
@@ -14,7 +17,7 @@ xbg &
 # notification daemon
 dunst &
 # mouse vanishes when typing
-unclutter -noevents &
+xbanish &
 # activate mpd scrobbler
 mpdas -c $HOME_ETC/mpdasrc &
 # status bar
diff --git a/config/X11/xresources b/config/X11/xresources
index 7c019f7..a56f91c 100644
--- a/config/X11/xresources
+++ b/config/X11/xresources
@@ -50,11 +50,7 @@
 ! XTerm config.
 xterm*termName: xterm-16color
 xterm*metaSendsEscape: true
-xterm*font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1
-xterm*faceName: monospace:style=regular:charwidth=6
-xterm*renderFont: false
-xterm*useClipping: false
-xterm*useBorderClipping: true
+xterm*faceName: Hermit:style=regular:size=10
 xterm*cursorColor: curs
 xterm*boldMode: false
 xterm*colorBD: bold
@@ -86,3 +82,7 @@ XClock*secondColor: rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff
 Sxiv*font: Cozette:style=Medium:pixelsize=11
 Sxiv*background: bg
 Sxiv*foreground: fg
+! xlock settings
+XLock.mode: random
+XLock.font: -*-terminus-medium-r-*--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
diff --git a/config/aliasrc b/config/aliasrc
index 5106070..0250b8a 100644
--- a/config/aliasrc
+++ b/config/aliasrc
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ alias \
 	ll='exa -Fbl'\
 	lg='exa -Fbl --git'\
 	la='exa -Fba'\
-	lynx='lynx -cookies-'\
+	lynx='lynx -cookies- -vikeys'\
 	df='df -h'\
 	du='du -h'\
 	gs='git status --short --branch || ls'\
diff --git a/config/color/colors.sh b/config/color/colors.sh
index 22116a1..7fbb314 100755
--- a/config/color/colors.sh
+++ b/config/color/colors.sh
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 xrdb -query>$TMP
-foreground=$(fgrep '*foreground:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-background=$(fgrep '*background:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color0=$(fgrep '*color0:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color1=$(fgrep '*color1:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color2=$(fgrep '*color2:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color3=$(fgrep '*color3:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color4=$(fgrep '*color4:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color5=$(fgrep '*color5:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color6=$(fgrep '*color6:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color7=$(fgrep '*color7:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color8=$(fgrep '*color8:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color9=$(fgrep '*color9:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color10=$(fgrep '*color10:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color11=$(fgrep '*color11:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color12=$(fgrep '*color12:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color13=$(fgrep '*color13:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color14=$(fgrep '*color14:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
-color15=$(fgrep '*color15:' < $TMP | cut -f 2)
+foreground=$(grep -F '*foreground:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+background=$(grep -F '*background:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color0=$(grep -F '*color0:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color1=$(grep -F '*color1:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color2=$(grep -F '*color2:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color3=$(grep -F '*color3:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color4=$(grep -F '*color4:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color5=$(grep -F '*color5:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color6=$(grep -F '*color6:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color7=$(grep -F '*color7:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color8=$(grep -F '*color8:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color9=$(grep -F '*color9:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color10=$(grep -F '*color10:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color11=$(grep -F '*color11:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color12=$(grep -F '*color12:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color13=$(grep -F '*color13:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color14=$(grep -F '*color14:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
+color15=$(grep -F '*color15:' < $TMP | cut -f 2 | head -1)
 rm $TMP
diff --git a/config/cwmrc b/config/cwmrc
deleted file mode 100644
index cc3b5e4..0000000
--- a/config/cwmrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#gap for status bar
-gap 13 0 0 0
-#enable sticky groups
-sticky yes
-#autogroup rules
-autogroup 1 XTerm
-autogroup 3 mail
-autogroup 4 comm
-autogroup 5 music
-autogroup 5 mpv
-autogroup 8 tabbed-surf
-autogroup 9 pass
-fontname "Cozette:style=Medium:pixelsize=11"
-borderwidth 1
-color urgencyborder	"#cc3214"
-color activeborder	"#6b996b"
-color inactiveborder	"#4c4635"
-color groupborder	"#3c7b7f"
-color ungroupborder	"#7a4955"
-color menubg		"#14130e"
-color menufg		"#b7a980"
-color font		"#3d6266"
-color selfont		"#72694f"
-#don't want any default keys
-unbind-key all
-unbind-mouse all
-#program spawning
-#bind-key 4-d dmenu_run
-bind-key 4-d menu-exec
-bind-key 4C-d menu-window-hidden
-bind-key 4-Return "sh -c \"$TERMINAL\""
-#bind-key 4S-Return "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class popup"
-bind-key 4-e "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -e env TERM=xterm-256color $EDITOR\""
-#bind-key 4S-e "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class popup -e env TERM=xterm-256color $EDITOR\""
-bind-key 4-w "sh -c \"$BROWSER $HOMEPAGE\""
-bind-key 4S-c "sh -c \"$COMM\""
-bind-key 4-a "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class pass -e kpcli --kdb=$HOME_DATA/KeePass/database.kdbx\""
-bind-key 4-s "sh -c \"lh $(xclip -o)\""
-bind-key 4S-s "sh -c \"lh $(xclip -sel clip -o)\""
-bind-key 4-m "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class musictui -e $MUSIC\""
-bind-key 4-c "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class mail -e $MAILER\""
-bind-key 4-n "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -e $RSS\""
-bind-key 4-r "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -e $FILE\""
-bind-key 4-p "sh -c \"$SCR -u $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshot-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%T).png\""
-bind-key 4S-p "sh -c \"$SCR -us $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshot-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%T).png\""
-bind-key 4S-comma "mpc -q prev"
-bind-key 4S-period "mpc -q next"
-bind-key 4-apostrophe "mpc -q single"
-bind-key 4-comma "mpc -q repeat"
-bind-key 4-period "mpc -q toggle"
-bind-key 4C-period "mpc -q volume +5"
-bind-key 4C-comma "mpc -q volume -5"
-bind-key 4CS-period "mpc -q volume +15"
-bind-key 4CS-comma "mpc -q volume -15"
-bind-key 4-equal "sndioctl -q output.level=+0.05"
-bind-key 4-minus "sndioctl -q output.level=-0.05"
-bind-key 4S-plus "sndioctl -q output.level=+0.15"
-bind-key 4S-minus "sndioctl -q output.level=-0.15"
-bind-key 4S-m "sndioctl -q output.mute=!"
-bind-key 4C-equal "xbacklight -inc 5"
-bind-key 4C-minus "xbacklight -dec 5"
-bind-key 4CS-equal "xbacklight -inc 15"
-bind-key 4CS-minus "xbacklight -dec 15"
-bind-key 4-x "sh -c \"$LOCK\""
-bind-key 4S-x "prompt 'shutdown computer?' 'doas halt -p'"
-bind-key 4S-BackSpace "prompt 'reboot computer?' 'doas reboot'"
-bind-key 4-b "sh -c \"pkill dzen2||bar.sh\""
-#window nav
-bind-key 4-j window-cycle
-bind-key 4-k window-rcycle
-#bind-key 4-i incnmaster {.i = +1 }
-#bind-key 4-o incnmaster {.i = -1 }
-#bind-key 4-h setmfact {.f = -0.05}
-#bind-key 4-l setmfact {.f = +0.05}
-#window moving
-bind-key 4S-h window-move-left
-bind-key 4S-j window-move-down
-bind-key 4S-k window-move-up
-bind-key 4S-l window-move-right
-bind-key 4SM-h window-move-left-big
-bind-key 4SM-j window-move-down-big
-bind-key 4SM-k window-move-up-big
-bind-key 4SM-l window-move-right-big
-#window resize
-bind-key 4C-h window-resize-left
-bind-key 4C-j window-resize-down
-bind-key 4C-k window-resize-up
-bind-key 4C-l window-resize-right
-bind-key 4CM-h window-resize-left-big
-bind-key 4CM-j window-resize-down-big
-bind-key 4CM-k window-resize-up-big
-bind-key 4CM-l window-resize-right-big
-#bind-key 4-space zoom
-bind-key 4-Tab group-cycle
-bind-key 4S-Tab group-rcycle
-#window killing
-bind-key 4-q window-close
-bind-key 4S-q "sh -c \"kill -9 $(xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid)\""
-bind-key 4-f window-maximize
-bind-key 4S-f window-fullscreen
-bind-key 4-t window-vtile
-bind-key 4S-t window-vmaximize
-bind-key 4-y window-htile
-bind-key 4S-y window-hmaximize
-#bind-key 4S-space togglefloating
-#special window modification
-bind-key 4-0 group-toggle-all
-bind-key 4S-0 window-stick
-bind-key 4C-0 window-hide
-bind-key 4S-r restart
-bind-key 4S-Escape quit
-#group designation/nav
-bind-key 4-g window-group
-bind-key 4-1 group-only-1
-bind-key 4S-1 window-movetogroup-1
-bind-key 4C-1 group-toggle-1
-bind-key 4-2 group-only-2
-bind-key 4S-2 window-movetogroup-2
-bind-key 4C-2 group-toggle-2
-bind-key 4-3 group-only-3
-bind-key 4S-3 window-movetogroup-3
-bind-key 4C-3 group-toggle-3
-bind-key 4-4 group-only-4
-bind-key 4S-4 window-movetogroup-4
-bind-key 4C-4 group-toggle-4
-bind-key 4-5 group-only-5
-bind-key 4S-5 window-movetogroup-5
-bind-key 4C-5 group-toggle-5
-bind-key 4-6 group-only-6
-bind-key 4S-6 window-movetogroup-6
-bind-key 4C-6 group-toggle-6
-bind-key 4-7 group-only-7
-bind-key 4S-7 window-movetogroup-7
-bind-key 4C-7 group-toggle-7
-bind-key 4-8 group-only-8
-bind-key 4S-8 window-movetogroup-8
-bind-key 4C-8 group-toggle-8
-bind-key 4-9 group-only-9
-bind-key 4S-9 window-movetogroup-9
-bind-key 4C-9 group-toggle-9
diff --git a/config/dunst/dunstrc b/config/dunst/dunstrc
index 247809b..3dd8610 100644
--- a/config/dunst/dunstrc
+++ b/config/dunst/dunstrc
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     idle_threshold = 120
     ### Text ###
-    font = Cozette Medium 8
+    font = Hermit Regular 10
     line_height = 0
     markup = full
diff --git a/config/ksh/functions/man_complete b/config/ksh/functions/man_complete
index 291db3d..bab26dd 100644
--- a/config/ksh/functions/man_complete
+++ b/config/ksh/functions/man_complete
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 man_complete() {
-	set -A complete_man -- $(<$HOME/.cache/ksh/precompletions/manpages)
+	set -A complete_man -- $(<~cache/ksh/precompletions/manpages)
diff --git a/config/ksh/functions/mpvpin b/config/ksh/functions/mpvpin
index 0cc3cf5..7fabc6c 100644
--- a/config/ksh/functions/mpvpin
+++ b/config/ksh/functions/mpvpin
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 mpvpin() {
-	mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv-socket$(date +%s) --quiet --title "PIN" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+	mpv --no-terminal --title "PIN" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
diff --git a/config/ksh/kshrc b/config/ksh/kshrc
index e81bd97..a5b48e0 100644
--- a/config/ksh/kshrc
+++ b/config/ksh/kshrc
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ if ! [[ -d $(dirname $HISTFILE) ]]; then
 if ! [[ -d $TMPDIR ]]; then
 	mkdir -p $TMPDIR;
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ fi
 # shortcut for cloning
 # make pfetch show what i want
-export PF_INFO="ascii title os host shell editor wm pkgs uptime palette"
+export PF_INFO="ascii title os host shell editor wm pkgs palette"
 # fix manpath so local man pages work
 # crude *bsd detection
 if [[ -d /usr/X11R6 ]]; then
diff --git a/config/ksh/prompt.ksh b/config/ksh/prompt.ksh
index 6ef4c34..80de942 100644
--- a/config/ksh/prompt.ksh
+++ b/config/ksh/prompt.ksh
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ vcs() {
 		printf ' %s' "$_GIT_BRANCH"
-PS1='\[\033[0;7;32m\]$?\[\033[0;32;45m\]$SEP\[\033[0;7;35m\]\A$RSEP\[\033[0;1;31m\]\u\[\033[0;32m\]@\[\033[1;34m\]\h\[\033[7;36m\]$SEP\[\033[7m\]\w$RSEP\[\033[0;32m\]$(vcs)\n\[\033[0;32m\]\$\[\033[0m\] '
+PS1='\[\033[0;7;32m\]$?\[\033[0;32;45m\]$SEP\[\033[0;7;35m\]\A\[\033[0;35m\]$SEP\[\033[0;1;31m\]\u\[\033[0;32m\]@\[\033[1;34m\]\h\[\033[0;36m\]$RSEP\[\033[7m\]\w\[\033[0;36m\]$SEP\[\033[0;32m\]$(vcs)\n\$\[\033[0m\] '
diff --git a/config/lf/lfrc b/config/lf/lfrc
index 880ea97..edefc84 100644
--- a/config/lf/lfrc
+++ b/config/lf/lfrc
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ set shell sh
 set shellopts '-eu'
 set ifs "\n"
-set promptfmt "\033[1;31m%u\033[0;32m@\033[1;34m%h\033[0m:\033[1;36m%w/\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m"
+set promptfmt "\033[1;31m%u\033[0;32m@\033[1;34m%h\033[0m\033[0;36m▐\033[7m%w/f\033[0;36m▍\033[0m"
 # cmds
 cmd ttmsh ${{
 	TTMURL="$(curl -F 'file=@'$f https://ttm.sh)"
diff --git a/config/ncmpcpp/config b/config/ncmpcpp/config
index ffeb996..c19ea83 100644
--- a/config/ncmpcpp/config
+++ b/config/ncmpcpp/config
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-ncmpcpp_directory = ~/.config/ncmpcpp
+ncmpcpp_directory = ~/etc/ncmpcpp
 ## Directory for storing downloaded lyrics. It defaults to ~/.lyrics since other
 ## MPD clients (eg. ncmpc) also use that location.
-lyrics_directory = ~/.local/share/lyrics
+lyrics_directory = ~/share/lyrics
 ##### connection settings #####
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ mpd_host =
 ## Needed for tag editor and file operations to work.
-mpd_music_dir = "~/mus"
+mpd_music_dir = "~/share/xdg/mus"
 #mpd_crossfade_time = 5
diff --git a/config/newsboat/config b/config/newsboat/config
index 233cd8b..05513ae 100644
--- a/config/newsboat/config
+++ b/config/newsboat/config
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ color article cyan default
 browser lh
 macro , open-in-browser
 macro t set browser "youtube-dl --add-metadata -ic"; open-in-browser ; set browser lh
-macro a set browser "youtube-dl --add-metadata -ic --config-location ~/.config/youtube-dl/config-music"; open-in-browser ; set browser lh
+macro a set browser "youtube-dl --add-metadata -ic --config-location ~/etc/youtube-dl/config-music"; open-in-browser ; set browser lh
 macro v set browser "mpv"; open-in-browser ; set browser lh
 macro w set browser "w3m"; open-in-browser ; set browser lh
diff --git a/config/shrc b/config/shrc
index 10f5287..a85bbb7 100644
--- a/config/shrc
+++ b/config/shrc
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ export XDG_DATA_HOME="${HOME_DATA:=$HOME/.local/share}"
+export LAUNCHER="dmenu_run"
 export EDITOR="vise"
 export FILE="lf"
 export PAGER="less"
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ export MAILER="neomutt"
 export MUSIC="ncmpcpp"
 export RSS="newsboat"
 export SCR="maim"
-export LOCK="slock"
+export LOCK="xlock"
 #less args
 export LESS='-iFMRX~ -x2'
 #locale info