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authorensa <psii@riseup.net>2020-06-26 17:04:50 -0700
committerensa <psii@riseup.net>2020-06-26 17:04:50 -0700
commita11f7c357236afea1b00df5f85dc8674f5f1d661 (patch)
parent310c76b161e680a698995d61b2a741a05b384fbe (diff)
improved lh, switched to catgirl
	lh: now resolves link shorteners first, so web browser is used
	catgirl-open.sh: uses tabbed with xterm to put multiple catgirl
	clients on one "window"
	comm-sel: now uses catgirl-open.sh instead of epic5 in xterm
		cordless specifies config dir so non-standard config
		locations will work
		added different x class flags for different TERMINAL
	cwmrc: removed St and tabbed from autogroups, added tabbed-surf
		things generally fixed to accommodate for xterm
		ALTSCR removed
		$SCR invocations now include -u to hide the cursor
		window force-killing uses non-old $() syntax
	ksh/prompt.ksh: uses unicode halfbar instead of
	powerline triangles
		clears formatting at start of PS1 before coloring things
6 files changed, 81 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/bin/bar.sh b/bin/bar.sh
index 49500ee..6a0a04d 100755
--- a/bin/bar.sh
+++ b/bin/bar.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 # loads color envs, pipes spoon to dzen
 . $HOME_ETC/color/colors.sh
-spoon -t|dzen2 -ta r -fg "$color0" -bg "$color1" -fn "Terminus:style=Regular:pixelsize=12" -u -h 13 -w 1366 -l 0 -p
+spoon -t|dzen2 -ta r -fg "$foreground" -bg "$background" -fn "Terminus:style=Regular:pixelsize=12" -u -h 13 -w 1366 -l 0 -p
diff --git a/bin/catgirl-open.sh b/bin/catgirl-open.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..76673ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/catgirl-open.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# script for tabbing together catgirl instances, similar to surf-open.sh
+. ~/etc/shrc
+choosenet() {
+	for network in $(ls $HOME_ETC/catgirl/*.conf|sed 's/.*\///');
+	do
+	printf '%s\n' $network;
+	done | dmenu -p "choose network:"
+runtabbed() {
+	tabbed -fdn comm -r 2 $TERMINAL -into '' -e catgirl $(choosenet) >"$xidfile" &
+if [ ! -r "$xidfile" ];
+	runtabbed
+	xid=$(<"$xidfile")
+	xprop -id "$xid" >/dev/null 2>&1
+	if [ $? -gt 0 ];
+	then
+		runtabbed
+	else
+		$TERMINAL -into "$xid" -e catgirl $(choosenet) >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+	fi
diff --git a/bin/comm-sel b/bin/comm-sel
index 0021f88..ce2e99b 100755
--- a/bin/comm-sel
+++ b/bin/comm-sel
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# sends a list of communication TUIs (e.g epic5) to dmenu and allows the user to choose one.
+# sends a list of communication TUIs (e.g catgirl) to dmenu and allows the user to choose one.
 # class "comm" is added to enable window managers (e.g dwm) to do specific things with them.
-# st-altscreen is a built of st that doesn't have scrollback or extra keybindings, so it doesn't get in the way of whatever binds clients have.
-# as a result it's lighter than the build of st i use for interactive use.
-if command -v st-altscreen>/dev/null; then
-	TERMINAL="st-altscreen"
-case "$(dmenu_path|grep -E "epic5$|cordless|scli$"|dmenu -p "choose chat app:")" in
-	epic5) $TERMINAL -c comm -e epic5 -l "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/epic/epicrc" ensa&;;
-	cordless) $TERMINAL -c comm -e cordless -config-dir "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cordless" &;;
-	scli) $TERMINAL -c comm -e scli&;;
+case "$TERMINAL" in
+	xterm) CLASS='-class';;
+	urxvt) CLASS='-name';;
+	alacritty|kitty) CLASS='--class';;
+case "$(dmenu_path|grep -E "catgirl$|cordless|scli$"|dmenu -p "choose chat app:")" in
+	catgirl) catgirl-open.sh &;;
+	cordless) $TERMINAL $CLASS comm -e env TERM=xterm-256color cordless -config-dir "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cordless" &;;
+	scli) $TERMINAL $CLASS comm -e scli&;;
 	*) return;;
diff --git a/bin/lh b/bin/lh
index 016b37f..e662589 100755
--- a/bin/lh
+++ b/bin/lh
@@ -15,34 +15,40 @@ split() {
 	set +f
-case "$1" in
+# handle redirects. tr removes control characters, so the case statement below works as expected.
+URL=$(curl -IL "$1"|grep '^location: '|tail -1|sed 's/location: //'|tr -d '[:cntrl:]')
+# if there were no redirects, just set URL to the first argument
+[ -z "$URL" ] && URL="$1"
+echo $URL
+case "$URL" in
-		$TERMINAL -e bombadillo "$1" ;;
+		$TERMINAL -e bombadillo "$URL" ;;
-		mpv "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+		mpv "$URL" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
-		mpv --ytdl "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+		mpv --ytdl "$URL" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
-		STREAMQUAL="$(split "$(streamlink "$1"|grep 'Available streams')" ", "|\
+		STREAMQUAL="$(split "$(streamlink "$URL"|grep 'Available streams')" ", "|\
 			grep -E "[0-9]"|\
-			dmenu -p "choose stream quality for $1")"
-		streamlink -p mpv $1 $STREAMQUAL >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+			dmenu -p "choose stream quality for $URL")"
+		streamlink -p mpv $URL $STREAMQUAL >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
-		IMGPATH="/tmp/$(echo "$1"|sed "s/.*\\///")"
-		curl -sL "$1" >"$IMGPATH"&&sxiv -a "$IMGPATH">/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+		IMGPATH="/tmp/$(echo "$URL"|sed "s/.*\\///")"
+		curl -sL "$URL" >"$IMGPATH"&&sxiv -a "$IMGPATH">/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
-		mpv "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+		mpv "$URL" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
-		BOOKPATH="/tmp/$(echo "$1"|sed "s/.*\\///")"
+		BOOKPATH="/tmp/$(echo "$URL"|sed 's/.*\///')"
 		if [ -n "$READER" ]; then
-			curl -sL "$1" >"$BOOKPATH"&&$READER "$BOOKPATH">/dev/null 2>&1 &
+			curl -sL "$URL" >"$BOOKPATH"&&$READER "$BOOKPATH">/dev/null 2>&1 &
-			curl -sL "$1" >"$BOOKPATH" &
+			curl -sL "$URL" >"$BOOKPATH" &
 		fi ;;
-		if [ -f "$1" ]; then
-			$TERMINAL -e "${EDITOR:-vi} $1"
+		if [ -f "$URL" ]; then
+			$TERMINAL -e "${EDITOR:-vi} $URL"
-			$BROWSER "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+			$BROWSER "$URL" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
 		fi ;;
diff --git a/config/cwmrc b/config/cwmrc
index 8539b13..0a34d84 100644
--- a/config/cwmrc
+++ b/config/cwmrc
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ gap 13 0 0 0
 sticky yes
 #autogroup rules
 autogroup 1 XTerm
-autogroup 1 St
 autogroup 3 mail
 autogroup 4 comm
 autogroup 5 music
 autogroup 5 mpv
-autogroup 8 tabbed
+autogroup 8 tabbed-surf
 autogroup 9 pass
 fontname "Cozette:style=Medium:pixelsize=11"
@@ -35,21 +34,21 @@ bind-key 4-d menu-exec
 bind-key 4S-d menu-cmd
 bind-key 4C-d menu-window-hidden
 bind-key 4-Return terminal
-#bind-key 4S-Return "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -c popup"
-bind-key 4-e "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -e $EDITOR\""
-#bind-key 4S-e "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -c popup -e $EDITOR\""
+#bind-key 4S-Return "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class popup"
+bind-key 4-e "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -e env TERM=xterm-256color $EDITOR\""
+#bind-key 4S-e "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class popup -e env TERM=xterm-256color $EDITOR\""
 bind-key 4-w "sh -c \"$BROWSER $HOMEPAGE\""
 bind-key 4S-c "sh -c \"$COMM\""
-bind-key 4-a "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -c pass -e kpcli --kdb=$XDG_DATA_HOME/KeePass/database.kdbx\""
-bind-key 4-s "sh -c \"lh `xclip -o`\""
-bind-key 4S-s "sh -c \"lh `xclip -sel clip -o`\""
-bind-key 4-m "sh -c \"$ALTSCR -c musictui -e $MUSIC\""
-bind-key 4-c "sh -c \"$ALTSCR -c mail -e $MAILER\""
-bind-key 4-n "sh -c \"$ALTSCR -e $RSS\""
-bind-key 4-r "sh -c \"$ALTSCR -e $FILE\""
+bind-key 4-a "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class pass -e kpcli --kdb=$HOME_DATA/KeePass/database.kdbx\""
+bind-key 4-s "sh -c \"lh $(xclip -o)\""
+bind-key 4S-s "sh -c \"lh $(xclip -sel clip -o)\""
+bind-key 4-m "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class musictui -e $MUSIC\""
+bind-key 4-c "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -class mail -e $MAILER\""
+bind-key 4-n "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -e $RSS\""
+bind-key 4-r "sh -c \"$TERMINAL -e $FILE\""
 bind-key 4S-r "sh -c \"$READER\""
-bind-key 4-p "sh -c \"$SCR $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshot-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%T).png\""
-bind-key 4S-p "sh -c \"$SCR -s $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshot-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%T).png\""
+bind-key 4-p "sh -c \"$SCR -u $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshot-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%T).png\""
+bind-key 4S-p "sh -c \"$SCR -us $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/screenshot-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%T).png\""
 bind-key 4S-comma "mpc -q prev"
 bind-key 4S-period "mpc -q next"
 bind-key 4-apostrophe "mpc -q single"
@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ bind-key 4-Tab group-cycle
 bind-key 4S-Tab group-rcycle
 #window killing
 bind-key 4-q window-close
-bind-key 4S-q "sh -c \"kill -9 `xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid`\""
+bind-key 4S-q "sh -c \"kill -9 $(xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid)\""
 bind-key 4-f window-maximize
 bind-key 4S-f window-fullscreen
diff --git a/config/ksh/prompt.ksh b/config/ksh/prompt.ksh
index c56d441..6ef4c34 100644
--- a/config/ksh/prompt.ksh
+++ b/config/ksh/prompt.ksh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #_CLEAR=0;	_FG_BLACK=30;	_BG_BLACK=40
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ vcs() {
 		printf ' %s' "$_GIT_BRANCH"
-PS1='\[\033[7;32m\]$?\[\033[0;32;45m\]$SEP\[\033[0;7;35m\]\A$RSEP\[\033[0;1;31m\]\u\[\033[0;32m\]@\[\033[1;34m\]\h\[\033[7;36m\]$SEP\[\033[7m\]\w$RSEP\[\033[0;32m\]$(vcs)\n\[\033[0;32m\]\$\[\033[0m\] '
+PS1='\[\033[0;7;32m\]$?\[\033[0;32;45m\]$SEP\[\033[0;7;35m\]\A$RSEP\[\033[0;1;31m\]\u\[\033[0;32m\]@\[\033[1;34m\]\h\[\033[7;36m\]$SEP\[\033[7m\]\w$RSEP\[\033[0;32m\]$(vcs)\n\[\033[0;32m\]\$\[\033[0m\] '