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path: root/config/aliasrc
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Diffstat (limited to 'config/aliasrc')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/aliasrc b/config/aliasrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88d0ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/aliasrc
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# a file containing POSIX shell-compliant aliases so aliases can be consistent between shells.
+alias \
+	l="/bin/ls"\
+	ls="exa -Fb"\
+	ll='exa -Fbl'\
+	lg='exa -Fbl --git'\
+	la='exa -Fba'\
+	lynx='lynx -cookies-'\
+	df='df -h'\
+	du='du -h'\
+	gs='git status --short --branch || ls'\
+	gsh='git show'\
+	gd='git diff'\
+	gl='git log --graph --pretty=log'\
+	gco='git checkout'\
+	gb='git branch'\
+	gm='git merge'\
+	gst='git stash'\
+	ga='git add'\
+	gmv='git mv'\
+	grm='git rm'\
+	gc='git commit'\
+	gca='gc --amend'\
+	gt='git tag'\
+	gp='git push'\
+	gu='git pull'\
+	gf='git fetch'\
+	gr='git rebase'\
+	gra='gr --abort'\
+	grc='gr --continue'\
+	grs='gr --skip'\
+	cp='cp -v' \
+	mv='mv -v'\
+	sl='streamlink -p mpv'\
+	pa='doas pkg_add -D snap'\
+	pd='doas pkg_delete'\
+	pi='pkg_info -D snap'\
+	pl='pkglocate'\
+	f="\$FILE"\
+	e="\$EDITOR"\
+	v="\$EDITOR"\
+	yt='youtube-dl'\
+	ya="youtube-dl --config-location \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/youtube-dl/config-music" \
+	unwww='bombadillo'\
+	masto="tootstream -c $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tootstream/tootstream.conf"\
+	logout='clear&&exit'