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path: root/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTAnchor.c
blob: 441a55e5fdb12bade62cd0697b18a812b7917762 (plain) (tree)
pre { line-height: 125%; } td.linenos .normal { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } span.linenos { color: inherit; background-color: transparent; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } td.linenos .special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } span.linenos.special { color: #000000; background-color: #ffffc0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } .highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ .highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .ges { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Generic.EmphStrong */ .highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */ .highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */ .highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
package lib

import (



type MessageStore struct {
	Deleted  map[uint32]interface{}
	DirInfo  types.DirectoryInfo
	Messages map[uint32]*types.MessageInfo
	// Ordered list of known UIDs
	Uids []uint32

	bodyCallbacks   map[uint32][]func(io.Reader)
	headerCallbacks map[uint32][]func(*types.MessageInfo)

	// Map of uids we've asked the worker to fetch
	onUpdate       func(store *MessageStore) // TODO: multiple onUpdate handlers
	pendingBodies  map[uint32]interface{}
	pendingHeaders map[uint32]interface{}
	worker         *types.Worker

func NewMessageStore(worker *types.Worker,
	dirInfo *types.DirectoryInfo) *MessageStore {

	return &MessageStore{
		Deleted: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
		DirInfo: *dirInfo,

		bodyCallbacks:   make(map[uint32][]func(io.Reader)),
		headerCallbacks: make(map[uint32][]func(*types.MessageInfo)),

		pendingBodies:  make(map[uint32]interface{}),
		pendingHeaders: make(map[uint32]interface{}),
		worker:         worker,

func (store *MessageStore) FetchHeaders(uids []uint32,
	cb func(*types.MessageInfo)) {

	// TODO: this could be optimized by pre-allocating toFetch and trimming it
	// at the end. In practice we expect to get most messages back in one frame.
	var toFetch imap.SeqSet
	for _, uid := range uids {
		if _, ok := store.pendingHeaders[uid]; !ok {
			store.pendingHeaders[uid] = nil
			if cb != nil {
				if list, ok := store.headerCallbacks[uid]; ok {
					store.headerCallbacks[uid] = append(list, cb)
				} else {
					store.headerCallbacks[uid] = []func(*types.MessageInfo){cb}
	if !toFetch.Empty() {
		store.worker.PostAction(&types.FetchMessageHeaders{Uids: toFetch}, nil)

func (store *MessageStore) FetchFull(uids []uint32, cb func(io.Reader)) {
	// TODO: this could be optimized by pre-allocating toFetch and trimming it
	// at the end. In practice we expect to get most messages back in one frame.
	var toFetch imap.SeqSet
	for _, uid := range uids {
		if _, ok := store.pendingBodies[uid]; !ok {
			store.pendingBodies[uid] = nil
			if cb != nil {
				if list, ok := store.bodyCallbacks[uid]; ok {
					store.bodyCallbacks[uid] = append(list, cb)
				} else {
					store.bodyCallbacks[uid] = []func(io.Reader){cb}
	if !toFetch.Empty() {
		store.worker.PostAction(&types.FetchFullMessages{Uids: toFetch}, nil)

func (store *MessageStore) FetchBodyPart(
	uid uint32, part int, cb func(io.Reader)) {

		Uid:  uid,
		Part: part,
	}, func(resp types.WorkerMessage) {
		msg, ok := resp.(*types.MessageBodyPart)
		if !ok {

func (store *MessageStore) merge(
	to *types.MessageInfo, from *types.MessageInfo) {

	if from.BodyStructure != nil {
		to.BodyStructure = from.BodyStructure
	if from.Envelope != nil {
		to.Envelope = from.Envelope
	if len(from.Flags) != 0 {
		to.Flags = from.Flags
	if from.Size != 0 {
		to.Size = from.Size
	var zero time.Time
	if from.InternalDate != zero {
		to.InternalDate = from.InternalDate

func (store *MessageStore) Update(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
	update := false
	switch msg := msg.(type) {
	case *types.DirectoryInfo:
		store.DirInfo = *msg
		update = true
	case *types.DirectoryContents:
		newMap := make(map[uint32]*types.MessageInfo)
		for _, uid := range msg.Uids {
			if msg, ok := store.Messages[uid]; ok {
				newMap[uid] = msg
			} else {
				newMap[uid] = nil
		store.Messages = newMap
		store.Uids = msg.Uids
		update = true
	case *types.MessageInfo:
		if existing, ok := store.Messages[msg.Uid]; ok && existing != nil {
			store.merge(existing, msg)
		} else {
			store.Messages[msg.Uid] = msg
		if _, ok := store.pendingHeaders[msg.Uid]; msg.Envelope != nil && ok {
			delete(store.pendingHeaders, msg.Uid)
			if cbs, ok := store.headerCallbacks[msg.Uid]; ok {
				for _, cb := range cbs {
		update = true
	case *types.MessageBody:
		if _, ok := store.pendingBodies[msg.Uid]; ok {
			delete(store.pendingBodies, msg.Uid)
			if cbs, ok := store.bodyCallbacks[msg.Uid]; ok {
				for _, cb := range cbs {
	case *types.MessagesDeleted:
		toDelete := make(map[uint32]interface{})
		for _, uid := range msg.Uids {
			toDelete[uid] = nil
			delete(store.Messages, uid)
			if _, ok := store.Deleted[uid]; ok {
				delete(store.Deleted, uid)
		uids := make([]uint32, len(store.Uids)-len(msg.Uids))
		j := 0
		for i, uid := range store.Uids {
			if _, deleted := toDelete[uid]; !deleted {
				uids[j] = store.Uids[i]
				j += 1
		store.Uids = uids
		update = true
	if update {

func (store *MessageStore) OnUpdate(fn func(store *MessageStore)) {
	store.onUpdate = fn

func (store *MessageStore) update() {
	if store.onUpdate != nil {

func (store *MessageStore) Delete(uids []uint32) {
	var set imap.SeqSet
	for _, uid := range uids {
		store.Deleted[uid] = nil
	store.worker.PostAction(&types.DeleteMessages{Uids: set}, nil)
8'>1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472













 * $LynxId: HTAnchor.c,v 1.74 2013/05/05 19:25:16 tom Exp $
 *	Hypertext "Anchor" Object				HTAnchor.c
 *	==========================
 * An anchor represents a region of a hypertext document which is linked to
 * another anchor in the same or a different document.
 * History
 *	   Nov 1990  Written in Objective-C for the NeXT browser (TBL)
 *	24-Oct-1991 (JFG), written in C, browser-independent
 *	21-Nov-1991 (JFG), first complete version
 *	(c) Copyright CERN 1991 - See Copyright.html

#define HASH_SIZE 1001		/* Arbitrary prime.  Memory/speed tradeoff */

#include <HTUtils.h>
#include <HTAnchor.h>
#include <HTParse.h>
#include <HTString.h>
#include <UCAux.h>
#include <UCMap.h>

#include <GridText.h>
#include <LYUtils.h>
#include <LYCharSets.h>
#include <LYUtils.h>
#include <LYLeaks.h>

#define HASH_TYPE unsigned short

 *	This is the hashing function used to determine which list in the
 *		adult_table a parent anchor should be put in.  This is a
 *		much simpler function than the original used.
#define HASH_FUNCTION(cp_address) \
	( (HASH_TYPE)strlen(cp_address) *\
	  (HASH_TYPE)TOUPPER(*cp_address) % HASH_SIZE )
#endif /* NOT_DEFINED */

 *	This is the original function.	We'll use it again. - FM
static HASH_TYPE HASH_FUNCTION(const char *cp_address)
    HASH_TYPE hash;
    const unsigned char *p;

    for (p = (const unsigned char *) cp_address, hash = 0; *p; p++)
	hash = (HASH_TYPE) (hash * 3 + (*(const unsigned char *) p)) % HASH_SIZE;

    return (hash);

typedef struct _HyperDoc Hyperdoc;

#ifdef VMS
struct _HyperDoc {
    int junk;			/* VMS cannot handle pointers to undefined structs */
#endif /* VMS */

/* Table of lists of all parents */
static HTList adult_table[HASH_SIZE] =
    {NULL, NULL}};

/*				Creation Methods
 *				================
 *	Do not use "new" by itself outside this module.  In order to enforce
 *	consistency, we insist that you furnish more information about the
 *	anchor you are creating : use newWithParent or newWithAddress.
static HTParentAnchor0 *HTParentAnchor0_new(const char *address,
					    unsigned hash)
    HTParentAnchor0 *newAnchor = typecalloc(HTParentAnchor0);

    if (newAnchor == NULL)
	outofmem(__FILE__, "HTParentAnchor0_new");

    assert(newAnchor != NULL);

    newAnchor->parent = newAnchor;	/* self */
    StrAllocCopy(newAnchor->address, address);
    newAnchor->adult_hash = (HASH_TYPE) hash;

    return (newAnchor);

static HTParentAnchor *HTParentAnchor_new(HTParentAnchor0 *parent)
    HTParentAnchor *newAnchor = typecalloc(HTParentAnchor);

    if (newAnchor == NULL)
	outofmem(__FILE__, "HTParentAnchor_new");

    assert(newAnchor != NULL);

    newAnchor->parent = parent;	/* cross reference */
    parent->info = newAnchor;	/* cross reference */
    newAnchor->address = parent->address;	/* copy pointer */

    newAnchor->isISMAPScript = FALSE;	/* Lynx appends ?0,0 if TRUE. - FM */
    newAnchor->isHEAD = FALSE;	/* HEAD request if TRUE. - FM */
    newAnchor->safe = FALSE;	/* Safe. - FM */
    newAnchor->no_cache = FALSE;	/* no-cache? - FM */
    newAnchor->inBASE = FALSE;	/* duplicated from HTML.c/h */
    newAnchor->content_length = 0;	/* Content-Length. - FM */
    return (newAnchor);

static HTChildAnchor *HTChildAnchor_new(HTParentAnchor0 *parent)
    HTChildAnchor *p = typecalloc(HTChildAnchor);

    if (p == NULL)
	outofmem(__FILE__, "HTChildAnchor_new");

    assert(p != NULL);

    p->parent = parent;		/* parent reference */
    return p;

static HTChildAnchor *HText_pool_ChildAnchor_new(HTParentAnchor *parent)
    HTChildAnchor *p = (HTChildAnchor *) HText_pool_calloc((HText *) (parent->document),
							   (unsigned) sizeof(HTChildAnchor));

    if (p == NULL)
	outofmem(__FILE__, "HText_pool_ChildAnchor_new");

    assert(p != NULL);

    p->parent = parent->parent;	/* parent reference */
    return p;

/* Case insensitive string comparison */
#define HT_EQUIV(a,b) (TOUPPER(a) == TOUPPER(b))
/* Case sensitive string comparison */
#define HT_EQUIV(a,b) ((a) == (b))

/*	Null-terminated string comparison
 *	---------------------------------
 * On entry,
 *	s	Points to one string, null terminated
 *	t	points to the other.
 * On exit,
 *	returns YES if the strings are equivalent
 *		NO if they differ.
static BOOL HTSEquivalent(const char *s,
			  const char *t)
    if (s && t) {		/* Make sure they point to something */
	for (; *s && *t; s++, t++) {
	    if (!HT_EQUIV(*s, *t)) {
		return (NO);
	return (BOOL) (HT_EQUIV(*s, *t));
    } else {
	return (BOOL) (s == t);	/* Two NULLs are equivalent, aren't they ? */

/*	Binary string comparison
 *	------------------------
 * On entry,
 *	s	Points to one bstring
 *	t	points to the other.
 * On exit,
 *	returns YES if the strings are equivalent
 *		NO if they differ.
static BOOL HTBEquivalent(const bstring *s,
			  const bstring *t)
    if (s && t && BStrLen(s) == BStrLen(t)) {
	int j;
	int len = BStrLen(s);

	for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
	    if (!HT_EQUIV(BStrData(s)[j], BStrData(t)[j])) {
		return (NO);
	return (YES);
    } else {
	return (BOOL) (s == t);	/* Two NULLs are equivalent, aren't they ? */

 * Three-way compare function
static int compare_anchors(void *l,
			   void *r)
    const char *a = ((HTChildAnchor *) l)->tag;
    const char *b = ((HTChildAnchor *) r)->tag;

    /* both tags are not NULL */

    return strcasecomp(a, b);	/* Case insensitive */
    return strcmp(a, b);	/* Case sensitive - FM */

/*	Create new or find old sub-anchor
 *	---------------------------------
 *	This one is for a named child.
 *	The parent anchor must already exist.
static HTChildAnchor *HTAnchor_findNamedChild(HTParentAnchor0 *parent,
					      const char *tag)
    HTChildAnchor *child;

    if (parent && tag && *tag) {	/* TBL */
	if (parent->children) {
	     * Parent has children.  Search them.
	    HTChildAnchor sample;

	    sample.tag = (char *) tag;	/* for compare_anchors() only */

	    child = (HTChildAnchor *) HTBTree_search(parent->children, &sample);
	    if (child != NULL) {
			"Child anchor %p of parent %p with name `%s' already exists.\n",
			(void *) child, (void *) parent, tag));
		return (child);
	} else {		/* parent doesn't have any children yet : create family */
	    parent->children = HTBTree_new(compare_anchors);

	child = HTChildAnchor_new(parent);
	CTRACE((tfp, "HTAnchor: New Anchor %p named `%s' is child of %p\n",
		(void *) child,
		(void *) child->parent));

	StrAllocCopy(child->tag, tag);	/* should be set before HTBTree_add */
	HTBTree_add(parent->children, child);
	return (child);

    } else {
	CTRACE((tfp, "HTAnchor_findNamedChild called with NULL parent.\n"));
	return (NULL);


 *	This one is for a new unnamed child being edited into an existing
 *	document.  The parent anchor and the document must already exist.
 *	(Just add new unnamed child).
static HTChildAnchor *HTAnchor_addChild(HTParentAnchor *parent)
    HTChildAnchor *child;

    if (!parent) {
	CTRACE((tfp, "HTAnchor_addChild called with NULL parent.\n"));
	return (NULL);

    child = HText_pool_ChildAnchor_new(parent);
    CTRACE((tfp, "HTAnchor: New unnamed Anchor %p is child of %p\n",
	    (void *) child,
	    (void *) child->parent));

    child->tag = 0;
    HTList_linkObject(&parent->children_notag, child, &child->_add_children_notag);

    return (child);

static HTParentAnchor0 *HTAnchor_findAddress_in_adult_table(const DocAddress *newdoc);

static BOOL HTAnchor_link(HTChildAnchor *child,
			  HTAnchor * destination,
			  HTLinkType *type);

/*	Create or find a child anchor with a possible link
 *	--------------------------------------------------
 *	Create new anchor with a given parent and possibly
 *	a name, and possibly a link to a _relatively_ named anchor.
 *	(Code originally in ParseHTML.h)
HTChildAnchor *HTAnchor_findChildAndLink(HTParentAnchor *parent,	/* May not be 0   */
					 const char *tag,	/* May be "" or 0 */
					 const char *href,	/* May be "" or 0 */
					 HTLinkType *ltype)	/* May be 0       */
    HTChildAnchor *child;

    CTRACE((tfp, "Entered HTAnchor_findChildAndLink:  tag=`%s',%s href=`%s'\n",
	    (ltype == HTInternalLink) ? " (internal link)" : "",

    if (parent == 0) {
	child = 0;
    } else {
	if (non_empty(tag)) {
	    child = HTAnchor_findNamedChild(parent->parent, tag);
	} else {
	    child = HTAnchor_addChild(parent);

	if (non_empty(href)) {
	    const char *fragment = NULL;
	    HTParentAnchor0 *dest;

	    if (ltype == HTInternalLink && *href == '#') {
		dest = parent->parent;
	    } else {
		const char *relative_to = ((parent->inBASE && *href != '#')
					   ? parent->content_base
					   : parent->address);
		DocAddress parsed_doc;

		parsed_doc.address = HTParse(href, relative_to,

		parsed_doc.post_data = NULL;
		parsed_doc.post_content_type = NULL;
		if (ltype && parent->post_data && ltype == HTInternalLink) {
		    /* for internal links, find a destination with the same
		       post data if the source of the link has post data. - kw
		       Example: LYNXIMGMAP: */
		    parsed_doc.post_data = parent->post_data;
		    parsed_doc.post_content_type = parent->post_content_type;
		parsed_doc.bookmark = NULL;
		parsed_doc.isHEAD = FALSE;
		parsed_doc.safe = FALSE;

		dest = HTAnchor_findAddress_in_adult_table(&parsed_doc);

	     * [from HTAnchor_findAddress()]
	     * If the address represents a sub-anchor, we load its parent (above),
	     * then we create a named child anchor within that parent.
	    fragment = (*href == '#') ? href + 1 : HTParseAnchor(href);

	    if (*fragment)
		dest = (HTParentAnchor0 *) HTAnchor_findNamedChild(dest, fragment);

	    if (tag && *tag) {
		if (child->dest) {	/* DUPLICATE_ANCHOR_NAME_WORKAROUND  - kw */
			    "*** Duplicate ChildAnchor %p named `%s'",
			    (void *) child, tag));
		    if ((HTAnchor *) dest != child->dest || ltype != child->type) {
				", different dest %p or type, creating unnamed child\n",
				(void *) child->dest));
			child = HTAnchor_addChild(parent);
	    HTAnchor_link(child, (HTAnchor *) dest, ltype);
    return child;

/*	Create new or find old parent anchor
 *	------------------------------------
 *	Me one is for a reference which is found in a document, and might
 *	not be already loaded.
 *	Note: You are not guaranteed a new anchor -- you might get an old one,
 *	like with fonts.
HTParentAnchor *HTAnchor_findAddress(const DocAddress *newdoc)
    /* Anchor tag specified ? */
    const char *tag = HTParseAnchor(newdoc->address);

    CTRACE((tfp, "Entered HTAnchor_findAddress\n"));

     * If the address represents a sub-anchor, we load its parent, then we
     * create a named child anchor within that parent.
    if (*tag) {
	DocAddress parsed_doc;
	HTParentAnchor0 *foundParent;

	parsed_doc.address = HTParse(newdoc->address, "",
	parsed_doc.post_data = newdoc->post_data;
	parsed_doc.post_content_type = newdoc->post_content_type;
	parsed_doc.bookmark = newdoc->bookmark;
	parsed_doc.isHEAD = newdoc->isHEAD;
	parsed_doc.safe = newdoc->safe;

	foundParent = HTAnchor_findAddress_in_adult_table(&parsed_doc);
	(void) HTAnchor_findNamedChild(foundParent, tag);
	return HTAnchor_parent((HTAnchor *) foundParent);
    return HTAnchor_parent((HTAnchor *) HTAnchor_findAddress_in_adult_table(newdoc));

/*  The address has no anchor tag, for sure.
static HTParentAnchor0 *HTAnchor_findAddress_in_adult_table(const DocAddress *newdoc)
     * Check whether we have this node.
    HASH_TYPE hash;
    HTList *adults;
    HTList *grownups;
    HTParentAnchor0 *foundAnchor;
    BOOL need_extra_info = (BOOL) (newdoc->post_data ||
				   newdoc->post_content_type ||
				   newdoc->bookmark ||
				   newdoc->isHEAD ||

     * We need not free adult_table[] atexit - it should be perfectly empty
     * after free'ing all HText's.  (There is an error if it is not empty at
     * exit).  -LP

     * Select list from hash table,
    hash = HASH_FUNCTION(newdoc->address);
    adults = &(adult_table[hash]);

     * Search list for anchor.
    grownups = adults;
    while (NULL != (foundAnchor =
		    (HTParentAnchor0 *) HTList_nextObject(grownups))) {
	if (HTSEquivalent(foundAnchor->address, newdoc->address) &&

	    ((!foundAnchor->info && !need_extra_info) ||
	     (foundAnchor->info &&
	      HTBEquivalent(foundAnchor->info->post_data, newdoc->post_data) &&
	      foundAnchor->info->isHEAD == newdoc->isHEAD))) {
	    CTRACE((tfp, "Anchor %p with address `%s' already exists.\n",
		    (void *) foundAnchor, newdoc->address));
	    return foundAnchor;

     * Node not found:  create new anchor.
    foundAnchor = HTParentAnchor0_new(newdoc->address, hash);
    CTRACE((tfp, "New anchor %p has hash %d and address `%s'\n",
	    (void *) foundAnchor, hash, newdoc->address));

    if (need_extra_info) {
	/* rare case, create a big structure */
	HTParentAnchor *p = HTParentAnchor_new(foundAnchor);

	if (newdoc->post_data)
	    BStrCopy(p->post_data, newdoc->post_data);
	if (newdoc->post_content_type)
	if (newdoc->bookmark)
	    StrAllocCopy(p->bookmark, newdoc->bookmark);
	p->isHEAD = newdoc->isHEAD;
	p->safe = newdoc->safe;
    HTList_linkObject(adults, foundAnchor, &foundAnchor->_add_adult);

    return foundAnchor;

/*	Create new or find old named anchor - simple form
 *	-------------------------------------------------
 *     Like HTAnchor_findAddress, but simpler to use for simple cases.
 *	No post data etc. can be supplied. - kw
HTParentAnchor *HTAnchor_findSimpleAddress(const char *url)
    DocAddress urldoc;

    urldoc.address = (char *) url;	/* ignore warning, it IS treated like const - kw */
    urldoc.post_data = NULL;
    urldoc.post_content_type = NULL;
    urldoc.bookmark = NULL;
    urldoc.isHEAD = FALSE;
    urldoc.safe = FALSE;
    return HTAnchor_findAddress(&urldoc);

/*	Link me Anchor to another given one
 *	-------------------------------------
static BOOL HTAnchor_link(HTChildAnchor *child,
			  HTAnchor * destination,
			  HTLinkType *type)
    if (!(child && destination))
	return (NO);		/* Can't link to/from non-existing anchor */

    CTRACE((tfp, "Linking child %p to anchor %p\n", (void *) child, (void *) destination));
    if (child->dest) {
	CTRACE((tfp, "*** child anchor already has destination, exiting!\n"));
	return (NO);

    child->dest = destination;
    child->type = type;

    if (child->parent != destination->parent)
	/* link only foreign children */
	HTList_linkObject(&destination->parent->sources, child, &child->_add_sources);

    return (YES);		/* Success */

/*	Delete an anchor and possibly related things (auto garbage collection)
 *	--------------------------------------------
 *	The anchor is only deleted if the corresponding document is not loaded.
 *	All outgoing links from children are deleted, and children are
 *	removed from the sources lists of theirs targets.
 *	We also try to delete the targets whose documents are not loaded.
 *	If this anchor's sources list is empty, we delete it and its children.

 *	Recursively try to delete destination anchor of this child.
 *	In any event, this will tell destination anchor that we
 *	no longer consider it a destination.
static void deleteLinks(HTChildAnchor *me)
     * Unregister me with our destination anchor's parent.
    if (me->dest) {
	HTParentAnchor0 *parent = me->dest->parent;

	 * Start.  Set the dest pointer to zero.
	me->dest = NULL;

	 * Remove me from the parent's sources so that the parent knows one
	 * less anchor is its dest.
	if ((me->parent != parent) && !HTList_isEmpty(&parent->sources)) {
	     * Really should only need to deregister once.
	    HTList_unlinkObject(&parent->sources, (void *) me);

	 * Recursive call.  Test here to avoid calling overhead.  Don't delete
	 * if document is loaded or being loaded.
	if ((me->parent != parent) &&
	    parent != NULL &&
	    !parent->underway &&
	    (!parent->info || !parent->info->document)) {

	 * At this point, we haven't a destination.  Set it to be so.  Leave
	 * the HTAtom pointed to by type up to other code to handle (reusable,
	 * near static).
	me->type = NULL;

static void HTParentAnchor_free(HTParentAnchor *me);

BOOL HTAnchor_delete(HTParentAnchor0 *me)
     * Memory leaks fixed.
     * 05-27-94 Lynx 2-3-1 Garrett Arch Blythe
    HTBTElement *ele;
    HTChildAnchor *child;

     * Do nothing if nothing to do.
    if (!me) {
	return (NO);

     * Don't delete if document is loaded or being loaded.
    if (me->underway || (me->info && me->info->document)) {
	return (NO);

     * Mark ourselves busy, so that recursive calls of this function on this
     * HTParentAnchor0 will not free it from under our feet.  - kw
    me->underway = TRUE;

	 * Delete all outgoing links from named children.  Do not delete named
	 * children itself (may have incoming links).
	if (me->children) {
	    ele = HTBTree_next(me->children, NULL);
	    while (ele != NULL) {
		child = (HTChildAnchor *) HTBTree_object(ele);
		if (child->dest)
		ele = HTBTree_next(me->children, ele);
    me->underway = FALSE;

     * There are still incoming links to this one (we are the
     * destination of another anchor).
    if (!HTList_isEmpty(&me->sources)) {
	 * Can't delete parent, still have sources.
	return (NO);

     * No more incoming and outgoing links :  kill everything First, delete
     * named children.
    if (me->children) {
	ele = HTBTree_next(me->children, NULL);
	while (ele != NULL) {
	    child = (HTChildAnchor *) HTBTree_object(ele);
	    ele = HTBTree_next(me->children, ele);

     * Delete the ParentAnchor, if any.  (Document was already deleted).
    if (me->info) {

     * Remove ourselves from the hash table's list.
    HTList_unlinkObject(&(adult_table[me->adult_hash]), (void *) me);

     * Free the address.

     * Finally, kill the parent anchor passed in.

    return (YES);

 * Unnamed children (children_notag) have no sence without HText - delete them
 * and their links if we are about to free HText.  Document currently exists. 
 * Called within HText_free().
void HTAnchor_delete_links(HTParentAnchor *me)
    HTList *cur;
    HTChildAnchor *child;

     * Do nothing if nothing to do.
    if (!me || !me->document) {

     * Mark ourselves busy, so that recursive calls on this HTParentAnchor0
     * will not free it from under our feet.  - kw
    me->parent->underway = TRUE;

     * Delete all outgoing links from unnamed children.
    if (!HTList_isEmpty(&me->children_notag)) {
	cur = &me->children_notag;
	while ((child =
		(HTChildAnchor *) HTList_unlinkLastObject(cur)) != 0) {
	    /* child allocated in HText pool, HText_free() will free it later */
    me->parent->underway = FALSE;

static void HTParentAnchor_free(HTParentAnchor *me)
     * Delete the methods list.
    if (me->methods) {
	 * Leave what the methods point to up in memory for other code (near
	 * static stuff).
	me->methods = NULL;

     * Free up all allocated members.
    if (me->FileCache) {
	FILE *fd;

	if ((fd = fopen(me->FileCache, "r")) != NULL) {
	    (void) remove(me->FileCache);


     * Original code wanted a way to clean out the HTFormat if no longer needed
     * (ref count?).  I'll leave it alone since those HTAtom objects are a
     * little harder to know where they are being referenced all at one time. 
     * (near static)


void HTAnchor_clearSourceCache(HTParentAnchor *me)
     * Clean up the source cache, if any.
    if (me->source_cache_file) {
	CTRACE((tfp, "SourceCache: Removing file %s\n",
	(void) LYRemoveTemp(me->source_cache_file);
    if (me->source_cache_chunk) {
	CTRACE((tfp, "SourceCache: Removing memory chunk %p\n",
		(void *) me->source_cache_chunk));
	me->source_cache_chunk = NULL;
#endif /* USE_SOURCE_CACHE */

/*	Data access functions
 *	---------------------
HTParentAnchor *HTAnchor_parent(HTAnchor * me)
    if (!me)
	return NULL;

    if (me->parent->info)
	return me->parent->info;

    /* else: create a new structure */
    return HTParentAnchor_new(me->parent);

void HTAnchor_setDocument(HTParentAnchor *me,
			  HyperDoc *doc)
    if (me)
	me->document = doc;

HyperDoc *HTAnchor_document(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->document : NULL);

char *HTAnchor_address(HTAnchor * me)
    char *addr = NULL;

    if (me) {
	if (((HTParentAnchor0 *) me == me->parent) ||
	    ((HTParentAnchor *) me == me->parent->info) ||
	    !((HTChildAnchor *) me)->tag) {	/* it's an adult or no tag */
	    StrAllocCopy(addr, me->parent->address);
	} else {		/* it's a named child */
	    HTSprintf0(&addr, "%s#%s",
		       me->parent->address, ((HTChildAnchor *) me)->tag);
    return (addr);

void HTAnchor_setFormat(HTParentAnchor *me,
			HTFormat form)
    if (me)
	me->format = form;

HTFormat HTAnchor_format(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->format : NULL);

void HTAnchor_setIndex(HTParentAnchor *me,
		       const char *address)
    if (me) {
	me->isIndex = YES;
	StrAllocCopy(me->isIndexAction, address);

void HTAnchor_setPrompt(HTParentAnchor *me,
			const char *prompt)
    if (me) {
	StrAllocCopy(me->isIndexPrompt, prompt);

BOOL HTAnchor_isIndex(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (BOOL) (me
		   ? me->isIndex
		   : NO);

/*	Whether Anchor has been designated as an ISMAP link
 *	(normally by presence of an ISMAP attribute on A or IMG) - KW
BOOL HTAnchor_isISMAPScript(HTAnchor * me)
    return (BOOL) ((me && me->parent->info)
		   ? me->parent->info->isISMAPScript
		   : NO);

#if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
/*	Style handling.
const char *HTAnchor_style(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->style : NULL);

void HTAnchor_setStyle(HTParentAnchor *me,
		       const char *style)
    if (me) {
	StrAllocCopy(me->style, style);

/*	Title handling.
const char *HTAnchor_title(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->title : NULL);

void HTAnchor_setTitle(HTParentAnchor *me,
		       const char *title)
    int i;

    if (me) {
	if (title) {
	    StrAllocCopy(me->title, title);
	    for (i = 0; me->title[i]; i++) {
		if (UCH(me->title[i]) == 1 ||
		    UCH(me->title[i]) == 2) {
		    me->title[i] = ' ';
	} else {
	    CTRACE((tfp, "HTAnchor_setTitle: New title is NULL! "));
	    if (me->title) {
		CTRACE((tfp, "Old title was \"%s\".\n", me->title));
	    } else {
		CTRACE((tfp, "Old title was NULL.\n"));

void HTAnchor_appendTitle(HTParentAnchor *me,
			  const char *title)
    int i;

    if (me) {
	StrAllocCat(me->title, title);
	for (i = 0; me->title[i]; i++) {
	    if (UCH(me->title[i]) == 1 ||
		UCH(me->title[i]) == 2) {
		me->title[i] = ' ';

/*	Bookmark handling.
const char *HTAnchor_bookmark(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->bookmark : NULL);

void HTAnchor_setBookmark(HTParentAnchor *me,
			  const char *bookmark)
    if (me)
	StrAllocCopy(me->bookmark, bookmark);

/*	Owner handling.
const char *HTAnchor_owner(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->owner : NULL);

void HTAnchor_setOwner(HTParentAnchor *me,
		       const char *owner)
    if (me) {
	StrAllocCopy(me->owner, owner);

/*	TITLE handling in LINKs with REV="made" or REV="owner". - FM
const char *HTAnchor_RevTitle(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->RevTitle : NULL);

void HTAnchor_setRevTitle(HTParentAnchor *me,
			  const char *title)
    int i;

    if (me) {
	StrAllocCopy(me->RevTitle, title);
	for (i = 0; me->RevTitle[i]; i++) {
	    if (UCH(me->RevTitle[i]) == 1 ||
		UCH(me->RevTitle[i]) == 2) {
		me->RevTitle[i] = ' ';

/*	Citehost for bibp links from LINKs with REL="citehost". - RDC
const char *HTAnchor_citehost(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->citehost : NULL);

void HTAnchor_setCitehost(HTParentAnchor *me,
			  const char *citehost)
    if (me) {
	StrAllocCopy(me->citehost, citehost);
#endif /* !DISABLE_BIBP */

/*	Suggested filename handling. - FM
 *	(will be loaded if we had a Content-Disposition
 *	 header or META element with filename=name.suffix)
const char *HTAnchor_SugFname(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->SugFname : NULL);

/*	HTTP Headers.
const char *HTAnchor_http_headers(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->http_headers.data : NULL);

/*	Content-Type handling (parameter list).
const char *HTAnchor_content_type_params(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->content_type_params : NULL);

/*	Content-Encoding handling. - FM
 *	(will be loaded if we had a Content-Encoding
 *	 header.)
const char *HTAnchor_content_encoding(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->content_encoding : NULL);

/*	Content-Type handling. - FM
const char *HTAnchor_content_type(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->content_type : NULL);

/*	Last-Modified header handling. - FM
const char *HTAnchor_last_modified(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->last_modified : NULL);

/*	Date header handling. - FM
const char *HTAnchor_date(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->date : NULL);

/*	Server header handling. - FM
const char *HTAnchor_server(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->server : NULL);

/*	Safe header handling. - FM
BOOL HTAnchor_safe(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (BOOL) (me ? me->safe : FALSE);

/*	Content-Base header handling. - FM
const char *HTAnchor_content_base(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->content_base : NULL);

/*	Content-Location header handling. - FM
const char *HTAnchor_content_location(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->content_location : NULL);

/*	Message-ID, used for mail replies - kw
const char *HTAnchor_messageID(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->message_id : NULL);

BOOL HTAnchor_setMessageID(HTParentAnchor *me,
			   const char *messageid)
    if (!(me && messageid && *messageid)) {
	return FALSE;
    StrAllocCopy(me->message_id, messageid);
    return TRUE;

/*	Subject, used for mail replies - kw
const char *HTAnchor_subject(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me ? me->subject : NULL);

BOOL HTAnchor_setSubject(HTParentAnchor *me,
			 const char *subject)
    if (!(me && subject && *subject)) {
	return FALSE;
    StrAllocCopy(me->subject, subject);
    return TRUE;

/*	Manipulation of links
 *	---------------------
HTAnchor *HTAnchor_followLink(HTChildAnchor *me)
    return (me->dest);

HTAnchor *HTAnchor_followTypedLink(HTChildAnchor *me,
				   HTLinkType *type)
    if (me->type == type)
	return (me->dest);
    return (NULL);		/* No link of me type */

/*	Methods List
 *	------------
HTList *HTAnchor_methods(HTParentAnchor *me)
    if (!me->methods) {
	me->methods = HTList_new();
    return (me->methods);

/*	Protocol
 *	--------
void *HTAnchor_protocol(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me->protocol);

void HTAnchor_setProtocol(HTParentAnchor *me,
			  void *protocol)
    me->protocol = protocol;

/*	Physical Address
 *	----------------
char *HTAnchor_physical(HTParentAnchor *me)
    return (me->physical);

void HTAnchor_setPhysical(HTParentAnchor *me,
			  char *physical)
    if (me) {
	StrAllocCopy(me->physical, physical);

#ifdef DEBUG
static void show_stages(HTParentAnchor *me, const char *tag, int which_stage)
    int j;

    CTRACE((tfp, "Stages %s*%s", NonNull(me->charset), tag));
    for (j = 0; j < UCT_STAGEMAX; j++) {
	CTRACE((tfp, " "));
	if (j == which_stage)
	    CTRACE((tfp, "("));
	CTRACE((tfp, "%d:%d:%s",
	if (j == which_stage)
	    CTRACE((tfp, ")"));
    CTRACE((tfp, "\n"));
#define show_stages(me,tag,which_stage)		/* nothing */

 *  We store charset info in the HTParentAnchor object, for several
 *  "stages".  (See UCDefs.h)
 *  A stream method is supposed to know what stage in the model it is.
 *  General model	MIME	 ->  parser  ->  structured  ->  HText
 *  e.g., text/html
 *	from HTTP:	HTMIME.c ->  SGML.c  ->  HTML.c      ->  GridText.c
 *     text/plain
 *	from file:	HTFile.c ->  HTPlain.c		     ->  GridText.c
 *  The lock/set_by is used to lock e.g. a charset set by an explicit
 *  HTTP MIME header against overriding by a HTML META tag - the MIME
 *  header has higher priority.  Defaults (from -assume_.. options etc.)
 *  will not override charset explicitly given by server.
 *  Some advantages of keeping this in the HTAnchor:
 *  - Global variables are bad.
 *  - Can remember a charset given by META tag when toggling to SOURCE view.
 *  - Can remember a charset given by <A CHARSET=...> href in another doc.
 *  We don't modify the HTParentAnchor's charset element
 *  here, that one will only be set when explicitly given.
LYUCcharset *HTAnchor_getUCInfoStage(HTParentAnchor *me,
				     int which_stage)
    LYUCcharset *result = NULL;

    if (me) {
	if (!me->UCStages) {
	    int i;
	    int chndl = UCLYhndl_for_unspec;	/* always >= 0 */
	    UCAnchorInfo *stages = typecalloc(UCAnchorInfo);

	    if (stages == NULL)
		outofmem(__FILE__, "HTAnchor_getUCInfoStage");

	    assert(stages != NULL);

	    for (i = 0; i < UCT_STAGEMAX; i++) {
		stages->s[i].C.MIMEname = "";
		stages->s[i].LYhndl = -1;
	    if (me->charset) {
		chndl = UCGetLYhndl_byMIME(me->charset);
		if (chndl < 0)
		    chndl = UCLYhndl_for_unrec;
		if (chndl < 0)
		     * UCLYhndl_for_unrec not defined :-(
		     * fallback to UCLYhndl_for_unspec which always valid.
		    chndl = UCLYhndl_for_unspec;	/* always >= 0 */
	    MemCpy(&stages->s[UCT_STAGE_MIME].C, &LYCharSet_UC[chndl],

	    stages->s[UCT_STAGE_MIME].lock = UCT_SETBY_DEFAULT;
	    stages->s[UCT_STAGE_MIME].LYhndl = chndl;
	    me->UCStages = stages;
	result = (&me->UCStages->s[which_stage].C);
	show_stages(me, "_getUCInfoStage", which_stage);
    return (result);

int HTAnchor_getUCLYhndl(HTParentAnchor *me,
			 int which_stage)
    if (me) {
	if (!me->UCStages) {
	     * This will allocate and initialize, if not yet done.
	    (void) HTAnchor_getUCInfoStage(me, which_stage);
	if (me->UCStages->s[which_stage].lock > UCT_SETBY_NONE) {
	    return (me->UCStages->s[which_stage].LYhndl);
    return (-1);

static void setup_switch_display_charset(HTParentAnchor *me, int h)
    if (!Switch_Display_Charset(h, SWITCH_DISPLAY_CHARSET_MAYBE))
    HTAnchor_setUCInfoStage(me, current_char_set,
			    UCT_STAGE_HTEXT, UCT_SETBY_MIME);	/* highest priorty! */
    HTAnchor_setUCInfoStage(me, current_char_set,
			    UCT_STAGE_STRUCTURED, UCT_SETBY_MIME);	/* highest priorty! */
	    "changing UCInfoStage: HTEXT/STRUCTURED stages charset='%s'.\n",

LYUCcharset *HTAnchor_setUCInfoStage(HTParentAnchor *me,
				     int LYhndl,
				     int which_stage,
				     int set_by)
    if (me) {
	 * This will allocate and initialize, if not yet done.
	LYUCcharset *p = HTAnchor_getUCInfoStage(me, which_stage);

	 * Can we override?
	if (set_by >= me->UCStages->s[which_stage].lock) {
	    int ohandle = me->UCStages->s[which_stage].LYhndl;
	    me->UCStages->s[which_stage].lock = set_by;
	    me->UCStages->s[which_stage].LYhndl = LYhndl;
	    if (LYhndl >= 0) {
		MemCpy(p, &LYCharSet_UC[LYhndl], sizeof(LYUCcharset));

		/* Allow a switch to a more suitable display charset */
		if (LYhndl != ohandle && which_stage == UCT_STAGE_PARSER)
		    setup_switch_display_charset(me, LYhndl);
	    } else {
		p->UChndl = -1;
	    show_stages(me, "_setUCInfoStage", which_stage);
	    return (p);
    return (NULL);

LYUCcharset *HTAnchor_resetUCInfoStage(HTParentAnchor *me,
				       int LYhndl,
				       int which_stage,
				       int set_by)
    LYUCcharset *result = NULL;
    int ohandle;

    if (me && me->UCStages) {
	me->UCStages->s[which_stage].lock = set_by;
	ohandle = me->UCStages->s[which_stage].LYhndl;
	me->UCStages->s[which_stage].LYhndl = LYhndl;
	/* Allow a switch to a more suitable display charset */
	if (LYhndl >= 0 && LYhndl != ohandle
	    && which_stage == UCT_STAGE_PARSER)
	    setup_switch_display_charset(me, LYhndl);
	(void) ohandle;
	show_stages(me, "_resetUCInfoStage", which_stage);
	result = (&me->UCStages->s[which_stage].C);
    return result;

 *  A set_by of (-1) means use the lock value from the from_stage.
LYUCcharset *HTAnchor_copyUCInfoStage(HTParentAnchor *me,
				      int to_stage,
				      int from_stage,
				      int set_by)
    if (me) {
	 * This will allocate and initialize, if not yet done.
	LYUCcharset *p_from = HTAnchor_getUCInfoStage(me, from_stage);
	LYUCcharset *p_to = HTAnchor_getUCInfoStage(me, to_stage);

	 * Can we override?
	if (set_by == -1)
	    set_by = me->UCStages->s[from_stage].lock;
	if (set_by == UCT_SETBY_NONE)
	    set_by = UCT_SETBY_DEFAULT;
	if (set_by >= me->UCStages->s[to_stage].lock) {
	    int ohandle = me->UCStages->s[to_stage].LYhndl;
	    me->UCStages->s[to_stage].lock = set_by;
	    me->UCStages->s[to_stage].LYhndl =
	    /* Allow a switch to a more suitable display charset */
	    if (me->UCStages->s[to_stage].LYhndl >= 0
		&& me->UCStages->s[to_stage].LYhndl != ohandle
		&& to_stage == UCT_STAGE_PARSER)
	    if (p_to != p_from)
		MemCpy(p_to, p_from, sizeof(LYUCcharset));

	    return (p_to);
    return (NULL);