* $LynxId: LYGlobalDefs.h,v 1.128 2010/12/11 14:19:17 tom Exp $
* global variable definitions
#ifndef HTUTILS_H
#include <HTUtils.h>
#endif /* HTUTILS_H */
#include <LYStructs.h>
#endif /* LYSTRUCTS_H */
/* Of the following definitions, currently unused are and could
be removed (at least):
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && defined(HAVE_LYHELP_H)
#include <LYHelp.h>
#define ALT_EDIT_HELP "keystrokes/alt_edit_help.html"
#define BASHLIKE_EDIT_HELP "keystrokes/bashlike_edit_help.html"
#define COOKIE_JAR_HELP "Lynx_users_guide.html#Cookies"
#define CACHE_JAR_HELP "Lynx_users_guide.html#Cache"
#define CURRENT_KEYMAP_HELP "keystrokes/keystroke_help.html"
#define DIRED_MENU_HELP "keystrokes/dired_help.html"
#define DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS_HELP "Lynx_users_guide.html#RemoteSource"
#define EDIT_HELP "keystrokes/edit_help.html"
#define HISTORY_PAGE_HELP "keystrokes/history_help.html"
#define LIST_PAGE_HELP "keystrokes/follow_help.html"
#define LYNXCFG_HELP "lynx.cfg"
#define OPTIONS_HELP "keystrokes/option_help.html"
#define PRINT_OPTIONS_HELP "keystrokes/print_help.html"
#define UPLOAD_OPTIONS_HELP "Lynx_users_guide.html#DirEd"
#define VISITED_LINKS_HELP "keystrokes/visited_help.html"
#endif /* LYHELP_H */
#include <HTChunk.h>
#include <LYMail.h> /* to get ifdef's for mail-variables */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef SOCKS
extern BOOLEAN socks_flag;
extern unsigned long socks_bind_remoteAddr;
#endif /* SOCKS */
extern BOOLEAN sigint;
#endif /* IGNORE_CTRL_C */
extern char *mail_adrs;
extern BOOLEAN UseFixedRecords; /* convert binary files to FIXED 512 records */
#endif /* VMS */
#ifndef VMS
extern char *list_format;
#endif /* !VMS */
extern char *ftp_format;
typedef enum {
} enumBadHtml;
extern int cfg_bad_html; /* enumBadHtml */
typedef enum {
} enumDirListStyle;
typedef enum {
} enumDirListOrder;
extern BOOLEAN lynx_edit_mode;
extern BOOLEAN no_dired_support;
extern HTList *tagged;
extern int LYAutoUncacheDirLists;
extern int dir_list_style; /* enumDirListStyle */
extern int dir_list_order; /* enumDirListOrder */
extern BOOLEAN prev_lynx_edit_mode;
#endif /* OK_OVERRIDE */
#ifdef OK_PERMIT
extern BOOLEAN no_change_exec_perms;
#endif /* OK_PERMIT */
#endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */
extern int HTCacheSize; /* the number of documents cached in memory */
#if defined(VMS) && defined(VAXC) && !defined(__DECC)
extern int HTVirtualMemorySize; /* bytes allocated and not yet freed */
#endif /* VMS && VAXC && !__DECC */
#if defined(EXEC_LINKS) || defined(EXEC_SCRIPTS)
extern BOOLEAN local_exec; /* TRUE to enable local program execution */
extern BOOLEAN local_exec_on_local_files; /* TRUE to enable local program *
* execution in local files only */
#endif /* defined(EXEC_LINKS) || defined(EXEC_SCRIPTS) */
#if defined(LYNXCGI_LINKS) && !defined(VMS) /* WebSter Mods -jkt */
extern char *LYCgiDocumentRoot; /* DOCUMENT_ROOT in the lynxcgi env */
#endif /* LYNXCGI_LINKS */
/* Values to which keypad_mode can be set */
#define links_are_numbered() \
(keypad_mode == LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED || \
#define fields_are_numbered() \
(keypad_mode == FIELDS_ARE_NUMBERED || \
#define NOVICE_MODE 0
extern BOOLEAN LYUseNoviceLineTwo; /* True if TOGGLE_HELP is not mapped */
#define MAX_LINE 1024 /* No window can be wider than this */
#define MAX_COLS (MAX_LINE-10) /* we don't expect wider than this */
#define DFT_COLS 80 /* ...and normally only this */
#define DFT_ROWS 24 /* ...corresponding nominal height */
extern char star_string[MAX_LINE + 1]; /* from GridText.c */
#define STARS(n) \
((n) >= MAX_LINE ? star_string : &star_string[(MAX_LINE-1)] - (n))
typedef enum {
,SHOW_COLOR_NEVER = 0 /* positive numbers are index in LYOptions.c */
} enumShowColor;
extern int LYShowColor; /* Show color or monochrome? */
extern int LYrcShowColor; /* ... as read or last written */
typedef enum {
} enumMultiBookmarks;
#if !defined(NO_OPTION_FORMS) && !defined(NO_OPTION_MENU)
extern BOOLEAN LYUseFormsOptions; /* use Forms-based options menu */
#define LYUseFormsOptions FALSE /* simplify ifdef'ing in LYMainLoop.c */
typedef enum {
rateOFF = 0
,rateBYTES = 1
} TransferRate;
# define rateEtaKB_maybe rateEtaKB
# define rateEtaKB_maybe rateKB
#define TITLE_LINES 1
extern BOOLEAN LYCursesON; /* start_curses()->TRUE, stop_curses()->FALSE */
extern BOOLEAN LYJumpFileURL; /* URL from the jump file shortcuts? */
extern BOOLEAN LYNewsPosting; /* News posting supported if TRUE */
extern BOOLEAN LYAutoSession; /* Auto restore/save session? */
extern BOOLEAN LYShowCursor; /* Show the cursor or hide it? */
extern BOOLEAN LYShowTransferRate;
extern BOOLEAN LYUnderlineLinks; /* Show the links underlined vs bold */
extern BOOLEAN LYUseDefShoCur; /* Command line -show_cursor toggle */
extern BOOLEAN LYUserSpecifiedURL; /* URL from a goto or document? */
extern BOOLEAN LYfind_leaks;
extern BOOLEAN LYforce_HTML_mode;
extern BOOLEAN LYforce_no_cache;
extern BOOLEAN LYinternal_flag; /* don't need fresh copy, was internal link */
extern BOOLEAN LYoverride_no_cache; /* don't need fresh copy, from history */
extern BOOLEAN LYresubmit_posts;
extern BOOLEAN LYtrimInputFields;
extern BOOLEAN LYxhtml_parsing;
extern BOOLEAN bold_H1;
extern BOOLEAN bold_headers;
extern BOOLEAN bold_name_anchors;
extern BOOLEAN LYcase_sensitive; /* TRUE to turn on case sensitive search */
extern BOOLEAN check_mail; /* TRUE to report unread/new mail messages */
extern BOOLEAN child_lynx; /* TRUE to exit with an arrow */
extern BOOLEAN dump_links_only;
extern BOOLEAN dump_output_immediately;
extern BOOLEAN dump_to_stderr;
extern BOOLEAN emacs_keys; /* TRUE to turn on emacs-like key movement */
extern BOOLEAN error_logging; /* TRUE to mail error messages */
extern BOOLEAN ftp_ok;
extern BOOLEAN goto_buffer; /* TRUE if offering default goto URL */
extern BOOLEAN is_www_index;
extern BOOLEAN jump_buffer; /* TRUE if offering default shortcut */
extern BOOLEAN long_url_ok;
extern BOOLEAN lynx_mode;
extern BOOLEAN more_text; /* is there more document to display? */
extern BOOLEAN news_ok;
extern BOOLEAN number_fields_on_left;
extern BOOLEAN number_links_on_left;
extern BOOLEAN recent_sizechange;
extern BOOLEAN rlogin_ok;
extern BOOLEAN syslog_requested_urls;
extern BOOLEAN system_editor; /* True if locked-down editor */
extern BOOLEAN telnet_ok;
extern BOOLEAN verbose_img; /* display filenames of images? */
extern BOOLEAN vi_keys; /* TRUE to turn on vi-like key movement */
extern HTList *Goto_URLs;
extern HTList *positionable_editor;
extern char *LYRequestReferer; /* Referer, may be set in getfile() */
extern char *LYRequestTitle; /* newdoc.title in calls to getfile() */
extern char *LYTransferName; /* abbreviation for Kilobytes */
extern char *LynxHome;
extern char *LYSessionFile; /* file for auto-session */
extern char *session_file; /* file for -session= */
extern char *sessionin_file; /* file for -sessionin= */
extern char *sessionout_file; /* file for -sessionout= */
extern char *LynxSigFile; /* Signature file, in or off home */
extern char *helpfile;
extern char *helpfilepath;
extern char *jumpprompt; /* The default jump statusline prompt */
extern char *language;
extern char *lynx_cfg_file; /* location of active lynx.cfg file */
extern char *lynx_cmd_logfile; /* file to write keystroke commands, if any */
extern char *lynx_cmd_script; /* file to read keystroke commands, if any */
extern char *lynx_save_space;
extern char *lynx_temp_space;
extern char *lynxjumpfile;
extern char *lynxlinksfile;
extern char *lynxlistfile;
extern char *original_dir;
extern char *pref_charset; /* Lynx's preferred character set - MM */
extern char *startfile;
extern char *syslog_txt; /* syslog arb text for session */
extern char *system_mail;
extern char *system_mail_flags;
extern char *x_display;
extern char empty_string[];
extern const char *checked_box; /* form boxes */
extern const char *checked_radio; /* form radio buttons */
extern const char *unchecked_box; /* form boxes */
extern const char *unchecked_radio; /* form radio buttons */
extern int LYAcceptEncoding;
extern int LYAcceptMedia;
extern int LYTransferRate; /* see enum TransferRate */
extern int display_lines; /* number of lines in the display */
extern int dump_output_width;
extern int dump_server_status;
extern int keypad_mode; /* NUMBERS_AS_ARROWS or LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED */
extern int lynx_temp_subspace;
extern int max_cookies_buffer;
extern int max_cookies_domain;
extern int max_cookies_global;
extern int max_uri_size;
extern short session_limit; /* maximal entries saved/restored
in session file */
extern int user_mode; /* novice or advanced */
extern int www_search_result;
extern BOOLEAN exec_frozen;
extern BOOLEAN had_restrictions_all; /* parsed these restriction options */
extern BOOLEAN had_restrictions_default; /* flags to note whether we have... */
extern BOOLEAN no_bookmark;
extern BOOLEAN no_bookmark_exec;
extern BOOLEAN no_chdir;
extern BOOLEAN no_compileopts_info;
extern BOOLEAN no_disk_save;
extern BOOLEAN no_dotfiles;
extern BOOLEAN no_download;
extern BOOLEAN no_editor;
extern BOOLEAN no_exec;
extern BOOLEAN no_file_url;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_configinfo;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_cso;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_file;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_finger;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_ftp;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_gopher;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_http;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_https;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_lynxcgi;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_lynxexec;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_lynxprog;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_mailto;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_news;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_nntp;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_rlogin;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_snews;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_telnet;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_tn3270;
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_wais;
extern BOOLEAN no_inside_ftp;
extern BOOLEAN no_inside_news;
extern BOOLEAN no_inside_rlogin;
extern BOOLEAN no_inside_telnet; /* this and following are restrictions */
extern BOOLEAN no_jump;
extern BOOLEAN no_lynxcfg_info;
extern BOOLEAN no_lynxcfg_xinfo;
extern BOOLEAN no_lynxcgi;
extern BOOLEAN no_mail;
extern BOOLEAN no_multibook;
extern BOOLEAN no_newspost;
extern BOOLEAN no_option_save;
extern BOOLEAN no_outside_ftp;
extern BOOLEAN no_outside_news;
extern BOOLEAN no_outside_rlogin;
extern BOOLEAN no_outside_telnet;
extern BOOLEAN no_print; /* TRUE to disable printing */
extern BOOLEAN no_shell;
extern BOOLEAN no_suspend;
extern BOOLEAN no_telnet_port;
extern BOOLEAN no_useragent;
extern BOOLEAN no_statusline;
extern BOOLEAN no_filereferer;
extern char LYRefererWithQuery; /* 'S', 'P', or 'D' */
extern BOOLEAN local_host_only;
extern BOOLEAN override_no_download;
extern BOOLEAN show_dotfiles; /* From rcfile if no_dotfiles is false */
extern char *indexfile;
extern char *anonftp_password;
extern char *personal_mail_address;
extern char *personal_mail_name;
extern char *homepage; /* startfile or command line argument */
extern char *editor; /* if non empty it enables edit mode with
* the editor that is named */
extern char *jumpfile;
extern char *bookmark_page;
extern char *BookmarkPage;
extern char *personal_type_map;
extern char *global_type_map;
extern char *global_extension_map;
extern char *personal_extension_map;
extern char *LYHostName;
extern char *LYLocalDomain;
extern BOOLEAN unique_urls;
extern BOOLEAN use_underscore;
extern BOOLEAN no_list;
extern BOOLEAN no_margins;
extern BOOLEAN no_pause;
extern BOOLEAN no_title;
extern BOOLEAN historical_comments;
extern BOOLEAN html5_charsets;
extern BOOLEAN minimal_comments;
extern BOOLEAN soft_dquotes;
extern BOOLEAN source_cache_file_error;
extern int LYCacheSource;
extern int LYCacheSourceForAborted;
extern BOOLEAN LYCancelDownload;
extern BOOLEAN LYRestricted; /* whether we had -anonymous option */
extern BOOLEAN LYValidate;
extern BOOLEAN LYPermitURL;
extern BOOLEAN enable_scrollback; /* Clear screen before displaying new page */
extern BOOLEAN keep_mime_headers; /* Include mime headers and *
* force source dump */
extern BOOLEAN no_url_redirection; /* Don't follow URL redirections */
extern BOOLEAN display_partial; /* Display document while loading */
extern int NumOfLines_partial; /* -//- "current" number of lines */
extern int partial_threshold;
extern BOOLEAN debug_display_partial; /* show with MessageSecs delay */
extern BOOLEAN display_partial_flag; /* permanent flag, not mutable */
extern char *form_post_data; /* User data for post form */
extern char *form_get_data; /* User data for get form */
extern char *http_error_file; /* Place HTTP status code in this file */
extern char *authentication_info[2]; /* Id:Password for protected documents */
extern char *proxyauth_info[2]; /* Id:Password for protected proxy server */
extern BOOLEAN HEAD_request; /* Do a HEAD request */
extern BOOLEAN scan_for_buried_news_references;
extern BOOLEAN bookmark_start; /* Use bookmarks as startfile */
extern BOOLEAN clickable_images;
extern BOOLEAN nested_tables;
extern BOOLEAN pseudo_inline_alts;
extern BOOLEAN crawl;
extern BOOLEAN traversal;
extern BOOLEAN check_realm;
extern char *startrealm;
extern BOOLEAN more_links;
extern int crawl_count;
extern BOOLEAN LYCancelledFetch;
extern const char *LYToolbarName;
extern BOOLEAN nomore;
extern int AlertSecs;
extern int InfoSecs;
extern int MessageSecs;
extern int DelaySecs;
extern int ReplaySecs;
extern char *LYUserAgent; /* Lynx User-Agent header */
extern char *LYUserAgentDefault; /* Lynx default User-Agent header */
extern BOOLEAN LYNoRefererHeader; /* Never send Referer header? */
extern BOOLEAN LYNoRefererForThis; /* No Referer header for this URL? */
extern BOOLEAN LYNoFromHeader; /* Never send From header? */
extern BOOLEAN LYSendUserAgent; /* send Lynx User-Agent header? */
extern BOOLEAN LYListNewsNumbers;
extern BOOLEAN LYUseMouse;
extern BOOLEAN LYListNewsDates;
extern BOOLEAN LYRawMode;
extern BOOLEAN LYDefaultRawMode;
extern BOOLEAN LYUseDefaultRawMode;
extern char *UCAssume_MIMEcharset;
extern BOOLEAN UCSaveBookmarksInUnicode; /* in titles, chars >127 save as &#xUUUU */
extern BOOLEAN UCForce8bitTOUPPER; /* disable locale case-conversion for >127 */
extern int outgoing_mail_charset; /* translate outgoing mail to this charset */
extern BOOLEAN LYisConfiguredForX;
extern char *URLDomainPrefixes;
extern char *URLDomainSuffixes;
extern BOOLEAN startfile_ok;
extern BOOLEAN LYSelectPopups; /* Cast popups to radio buttons? */
extern BOOLEAN LYUseDefSelPop; /* Command line -popup toggle */
extern int LYMultiBookmarks; /* Multi bookmark support on? */
extern BOOLEAN LYMBMBlocked; /* Force MBM support off? */
extern int LYStatusLine; /* Line for statusline() or -1 */
extern BOOLEAN LYCollapseBRs; /* Collapse serial BRs? */
extern BOOLEAN LYSetCookies; /* Process Set-Cookie headers? */
extern BOOLEAN LYAcceptAllCookies; /* accept ALL cookies? */
extern char *LYCookieAcceptDomains; /* domains to accept all cookies */
extern char *LYCookieRejectDomains; /* domains to reject all cookies */
extern char *LYCookieStrictCheckDomains; /* domains to check strictly */
extern char *LYCookieLooseCheckDomains; /* domains to check loosely */
extern char *LYCookieQueryCheckDomains; /* domains to check w/a query */
extern char *LYCookieSAcceptDomains; /* domains to accept all cookies */
extern char *LYCookieSRejectDomains; /* domains to reject all cookies */
extern char *LYCookieSStrictCheckDomains; /* domains to check strictly */
extern char *LYCookieSLooseCheckDomains; /* domains to check loosely */
extern char *LYCookieSQueryCheckDomains; /* domains to check w/a query */
extern BOOLEAN no_goto_bibp;
extern char *BibP_globalserver; /* global server for bibp: links */
extern char *BibP_bibhost; /* local server for bibp: links */
extern BOOLEAN BibP_bibhost_checked; /* bibhost has been checked */
extern BOOLEAN BibP_bibhost_available; /* bibhost is responding */
extern BOOLEAN ftp_local_passive;
extern BOOLEAN ftp_passive; /* TRUE if we want to use passive mode ftp */
extern HTList *broken_ftp_epsv;
extern HTList *broken_ftp_retr;
extern char *ftp_lasthost;
extern BOOLEAN persistent_cookies;
extern char *LYCookieFile; /* cookie read file */
extern char *LYCookieSaveFile; /* cookie save file */
extern char *XLoadImageCommand; /* Default image viewer for X */
extern BOOLEAN no_externals; /* don't allow the use of externals */
extern BOOLEAN LYNoISMAPifUSEMAP; /* Omit ISMAP link if MAP present? */
extern int LYHiddenLinks;
extern char *SSL_cert_file; /* Default CA CERT file */
extern int Old_DTD;
#define MBM_V_MAXFILES 25 /* Max number of sub-bookmark files */
* Arrays that holds the names of sub-bookmark files
* and their descriptions.
extern char *MBM_A_subbookmark[MBM_V_MAXFILES + 1];
extern char *MBM_A_subdescript[MBM_V_MAXFILES + 1];
extern BOOLEAN LYForceSSLCookiesSecure;
extern BOOLEAN LYNoCc;
extern BOOLEAN LYNonRestartingSIGWINCH;
extern BOOLEAN LYPreparsedSource; /* Show source as preparsed? */
extern BOOLEAN LYPrependBaseToSource;
extern BOOLEAN LYPrependCharsetToSource;
extern BOOLEAN LYQuitDefaultYes;
extern BOOLEAN LYReuseTempfiles;
extern BOOLEAN LYSeekFragAREAinCur;
extern BOOLEAN LYSeekFragMAPinCur;
extern BOOLEAN LYStripDotDotURLs; /* Try to fix ../ in some URLs? */
extern BOOLEAN LYUseBuiltinSuffixes;
extern BOOLEAN dont_wrap_pre;
extern int cookie_noprompt;
typedef enum {
FORCE_PROMPT_DFT /* force a prompt, use the result */
,FORCE_PROMPT_YES /* assume "yes" where a prompt would be used */
,FORCE_PROMPT_NO /* assume "no" where a prompt would be used */
#ifdef USE_SSL
extern int ssl_noprompt;
#ifdef MISC_EXP
extern int LYNoZapKey; /* 0: off (do 'z' checking), 1: full, 2: initially */
extern BOOLEAN ok_justify;
extern int justify_max_void_percent;
extern BOOLEAN LYLocaleCharset;
extern BOOLEAN with_backspaces;
#if defined(PDCURSES) && defined(PDC_BUILD) && PDC_BUILD >= 2401
extern int scrsize_x;
extern int scrsize_y;
extern FILE *LYTraceLogFP; /* Pointer for TRACE log */
extern char *LYTraceLogPath; /* Path for TRACE log */
extern BOOLEAN LYUseTraceLog; /* Use a TRACE log? */
extern BOOLEAN force_empty_hrefless_a;
extern int connect_timeout;
extern int reading_timeout;
extern BOOL textfields_need_activation;
extern BOOLEAN textfields_activation_option;
extern BOOL textinput_redrawn;
#define textfields_need_activation FALSE
extern BOOLEAN textfield_prompt_at_left_edge;
#ifndef VMS
extern BOOLEAN LYNoCore;
extern BOOLEAN restore_sigpipe_for_children;
#endif /* !VMS */
#if defined(USE_COLOR_STYLE)
extern char *lynx_lss_file;
extern BOOLEAN LYuse_default_colors;
extern int HTNoDataOK; /* HT_NO_DATA-is-ok hack */
extern BOOLEAN FileInitAlreadyDone;
#ifdef __DJGPP__
extern BOOLEAN watt_debug;
extern BOOLEAN dj_is_bash;
#endif /* __DJGPP__ */
#ifdef WIN_EX
/* LYMain.c */
extern BOOLEAN focus_window;
extern BOOLEAN system_is_NT;
extern char windows_drive[4];
extern int lynx_timeout;
#endif /* _WINDOWS */
extern BOOLEAN show_cfg;
extern BOOLEAN no_table_center;
extern BOOLEAN mail_is_blat;
#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
extern void cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path(char *posix, char *dos);
extern void cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path(char *dos, char *posix);
extern int setmode(int handle, int amode);
#if !defined(__CYGWIN__) && defined(__CYGWIN32__)
#define __CYGWIN__
#define cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path(p, q) \
cygwin32_conv_to_full_win32_path(p, q)
#define cygwin_conv_to_full_posix_path(p, q) \
cygwin32_conv_to_full_posix_path(p, q)
/* GridText.c */
extern BOOLEAN LYShowScrollbar;
extern BOOLEAN LYsb_arrow;
extern int LYsb_begin;
extern int LYsb_end;
extern char *hidden_link_marker;
#ifdef USE_BLINK
extern BOOLEAN term_blink_is_boldbg;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* LYGLOBALDEFS_H */