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path: root/lynx_help
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authorThomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>1999-04-13 09:48:41 -0400
committerThomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>1999-04-13 09:48:41 -0400
commitb223937ff728f8242329bedb9c660e81da253e9a (patch)
treebbf056969500f54306deda5db38ff2a6198f3ce9 /lynx_help
parent327b7c16889c9d95ec076d695c970da11dc32a2b (diff)
snapshot of project "lynx", label v2-8-2dev_22
Diffstat (limited to 'lynx_help')
2 files changed, 147 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/lynx_help/Lynx_users_guide.html b/lynx_help/Lynx_users_guide.html
index ab895c39..a0b8d504 100644
--- a/lynx_help/Lynx_users_guide.html
+++ b/lynx_help/Lynx_users_guide.html
@@ -1327,6 +1327,8 @@ options from a list, and fields for entering text.
     entry field.  NOTE, however, that <em>Return</em> also will <a
     href="#submit">submit</a> the form if the text entry field is the
     only non-hidden field in the form.
+<dt>TEXTAREA Fields
 <dd>TEXTAREA fields are handled as if they were a series of text entry
     (INPUT) fields for which successive lines imply a newline at the end of
     the preceding line.  You enter text on each line to construct the overall
@@ -1336,7 +1338,44 @@ options from a list, and fields for entering text.
     or next line of the overall message, as for INPUT fields, and the
     <em>TAB</em> key will move you down beyond the bottom of the TEXTAREA
     field, or to the first line on the next page if the overall field
-    extends beyond the currently displayed page.
+    extends beyond the currently displayed page.<P>
+<dt>Editing TEXTAREA Fields
+<dd>TEXTAREA fields can be edited using an external editor
+    by entering <em>^ve</em> when in the TEXTAREA.<p>
+    You can also use two other special TEXTAREA functions
+    by adding KEYMAP bindings to your <em>lynx.cfg</em> file, e.g.<p>
+    &nbsp;&nbsp;KEYMAP:$:GROWTEXTAREA<br>
+    &nbsp;&nbsp;KEYMAP:#:INSERTFILE<p>
+    With these binding -- you can choose other keys -- ,<br>
+    (in a TEXTAREA only) <em>^v$</em> adds 5 lines to the TEXTAREA
+    and <em>^v#</em> brings up the name of an existing file
+    to be inserted into the TEXTAREA (above the cursorline).
+    An automatic variation is normally compiled in,
+    so that hitting <em>Enter</em> with the cursor on the last line
+    adds a new line to the TEXTAREA, with the cursor on it.<p>
+    Some flavors of UNIX, shells & terminal settings require
+    that you enter <em>^v^ve</em> in order to start the editor,
+    as they also use <em>^v</em> as default command-line quote key
+    (called `lnext' in stty man pages and `stty -a' output);
+    to avoid this, you can put `stty lnext undef' in .cshrc
+    or invoke Lynx with a wrapper script, e.g.<p>
+    <code>
+    &nbsp;&nbsp;#!/bin/sh<br>
+    &nbsp;&nbsp;stty lnext undef<br>
+    &nbsp;&nbsp;$HOME/bin/lynx "$@"<br>
+    &nbsp;&nbsp;stty lnext ^V<br>
+    &nbsp;&nbsp;exit</code><p>
+    NB when NOT in a TEXTAREA, <em>^v</em> is the default command
+    to switch between SortaSGML and TagSoup HTML parsing
+    (i.e., SWITCH_DTD ).
 In general, you can move around the form using the standard Lynx navigation
diff --git a/lynx_help/lynx-dev.html b/lynx_help/lynx-dev.html
index c9076cfb..1a97ad1f 100644
--- a/lynx_help/lynx-dev.html
+++ b/lynx_help/lynx-dev.html
@@ -7,116 +7,128 @@
-[ <a href="http://www.flora.org/lynx-dev/html/">Lynx-Dev Archives</a> |
+[ <a href="http://www.flora.org/lynx-dev">Lynx-Dev Archive</a> |
 <a href="about_lynx.html">About Lynx</a> ]
-<h1><em>Lynx-Dev Discussion List</em></h1>
+<h1><em>The Lynx Development Process</em></h1>
-Lynx-dev is a majordomo mailing list used by developers and
-interested users as a forum to discuss the further development of
-the Lynx World Wide Web browser.  Topic issues include fixing
-known bugs, porting Lynx to various systems, and increasing the
-usability of Lynx.
-<h2><em>Open access</em></h2>
-Anyone may read what has been said on Lynx-dev by visiting the
-<a href="http://www.flora.org/lynx-dev/html/">&nbsp;archives</a>.
-Anyone may ask a question or offer a comment on Lynx-dev by
-sending mail to lynx-dev@sig.net, the posting address for this
-list.  Because of the public archive, requests for a personal
-reply may not be honored, and you should check the archive to
-find all follow-up responses.  Messages from non-subscribers are
-not immediately distributed to the list to avoid distributing
-spam.  Usually, if your message is on topic, it will be retrieved
-from the pile of spam headed for the wastebasket within a day or
-so and distributed to the list.  So, for best results subscribe
-as described below.
-<h2><em>Subscribing to Lynx-Dev</em></h2>
-If you are interested in <em>joining</em> this mailing list, send
-email to <a
-href="mailto:majordomo@sig.net">&nbsp;majordomo@sig.net</a> with
-only the following request in the body of your message:
-<em>SUBSCRIBE LYNX-DEV address</em><br> where inclusion of your
-email address is optional if it can be obtained, correctly, from
-the mail headers of your subscription request.  You will be asked
-to answer one follow-up question to confirm that you want the
-subscription, and Majordomo will enroll you as a subscriber.
-Majordomo will thereafter
-send all messages which you address to the posting address to all
-subscribers of the list, and you will receive all messages set to
-that address by other subscribers.
-<p><em>NOTE:</em> Subject headers are ignored by the majordomo.
-<h2><em>Unsubscribing from Lynx-Dev</em></h2>
-To <em>unsubscribe</em>, send an email message to
-<a href="mailto:majordomo@sig.net">&nbsp;majordomo@sig.net</a>
-with only the following request
-in the body: <em>UNSUBSCRIBE LYNX-DEV address</em><br>
-where inclusion of your email address is optional if it can be obtained,
-correctly, from the mail headers of your request.
+Lynx is maintained and improved by an international co-operative
+of volunteers.  Newcomers are welcome to join the group:
+you needn't be a super programmer, but you should be prepared
+to listen and learn, as well as contributing patches if you can.
+Since everyone is a volunteer, you will usually be expected
+to try to implement any suggestions you make.
-<h2><em>Subscribing to Lynx-Dev-Contrib</em></h2>
-If you subscribe an email address to lynx-dev-contrib, mail from
-that address posted to lynx-dev will be recognized as from a
-subscriber and automatically distributed to the list.
-To make such a subscription, send
-email to <a
-href="mailto:majordomo@sig.net">&nbsp;majordomo@sig.net</a> with
-only the following request in the body of your message:
+<h1><em>Lynx-Dev Discussion List</em></h1>
+The developers communicate through a majordomo mailing list
+-- see below for details -- , which is open to interested users
+as well as programmers.  Topics include fixing bugs, increasing
+Lynx's tools and powers, meeting the ever-changing demands
+of the Internet and porting Lynx to new systems.
-If you prefer to read the lynx-dev discussion using Lynx and
-the archive, and not receive all the posts as email, subscribe
-to lynx-dev-contrib and not to lynx-dev.  If you have multiple
-accounts from which you would like to post to lynx-dev, subscribe
-one of them to lynx-dev (where you will receive the list mail) and
-the others to lynx-dev-contrib.
+Anyone may read what has been said on the list by visiting
+<a href="http://www.flora.org/lynx-dev">&nbsp;the Archive</a>.
-<h2><em>Majordomo Commands</em></h2>
+<h1><em>Development Versions of Lynx</em></h1>
-To receive a brief description of majordomo <em>commands</em>,
-place the following request in a message to <a
+Besides <em>releases</em>, which are stable versions of Lynx
+which come out once or twice a year and can be obtained
+from <a href="http://www.slcc.edu/lynx/release">the release site</a>,
+there are <em>development</em> versions,
+which are experimental -- though usually stable enough to use --
+and appear every few weeks, depending on current activity.
+You can find the latest <em>development</em> version of Lynx
+by visiting
+<a href="http://sol.slcc.edu/lynx/current">the development site</a>.
-Read the HELP that you receive by return mail to learn the
-details of the <em>which</em> command you can use to check on
-your subscriptions, etc.  Further information is available from the
-<a href="http://www.greatcircle.com/majordomo/">&nbsp;majordomo website</a>.
+<h1><em>Subscribing to Lynx-Dev</em></h1>
+If you are interested in joining the Lynx mailing list,
+send e-mail to <a href="mailto:majordomo@sig.net">&nbsp;majordomo@sig.net</a>
+with only the following request in the body of your message:<p>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;subscribe lynx-dev (address)<p>
+where your e-address is optional if it can be obtained correctly
+from the mail headers of your subscription request. You will need
+to answer one follow-up question to confirm you want to subscribe.
+Majordomo will then enroll you and send all messages
+which you address to <em>lynx-dev@sig.net</em> to all subscribers;
+you will also receive all messages sent by other subscribers.<p>
-<h2><em>Contacting Lynx-Dev</em></h2>
+NOTE: Subject headers are ignored when (un)subscribing.
-If you have questions, problems, or comments about using Lynx or
-installing it on your system, send email to
-<a href="mailto:lynx-dev@sig.net">&nbsp;lynx-dev@sig.net</a>.
+<h1><em>Unsubscribing from Lynx-Dev</em></h1>
-<p>If you have problems with majordomo not responding to your requests,
-send email to the <em>list owner</em>:
+To <em>unsubscribe</em>, send an e-mail to
+<a href="mailto:majordomo@sig.net">&nbsp;majordomo@sig.net</a>
+with only the following request in the body of your message:<p>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;unsubscribe lynx-dev (address)<p>
+where your e-address is optional if it can be obtained correctly
+from the mail headers of your subscription request.
+<h1><em>Casual Inquiries</em></h1>
+Anyone may ask a question or offer a comment by sending e-mail
+to <a href="mailto:lynx-dev@sig.net">&nbsp;the list</a>.
+Since all subscribers are volunteers,
+you depend on their goodwill and will be more likely
+to get a response if you give the e-mail a meaningful `Subject'
+and include details of your version of Lynx, hardware and software.
+You can check the Archive to find any responses.<p>
+Messages from non-subscribers are not immediately distributed
+to avoid spam.  Usually, if your message appears genuine,
+it will be retrieved from the pile headed for the wastebasket
+within a day or so and distributed to the list.
+For best results, subscribe as described above.
+<h1><em>Subscribing to Lynx-Dev-Contrib</em></h1>
+If you simply want to contribute e-mail to the list
+without receiving the sometimes heavy discussion as well,
+you can subscribe to <em>lynx-dev-contrib</em> instead.
+E-mail from the address you subscribe will be recognized
+as from a subscriber and automatically distributed to the list,
+but no e-mail will be sent from the list to you. If you have
+multiple accounts from which you want to post to the list,
+subscribe one of them to lynx-dev to receive the list mail
+and the others to lynx-dev-contrib.<p>
+To subscribe to lynx-dev-contrib, send e-mail to
+<a href="mailto:majordomo@sig.net">&nbsp;majordomo@sig.net</a>
+with only the following request in the body of your message:<p>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;subscribe lynx-dev-contrib (address)
+<h1><em>Majordomo Commands</em></h1>
+To receive a brief description of majordomo <em>commands</em>,
+send e-mail to
+<a href="mailto:majordomo@sig.net">&nbsp;majordomo@sig.net</a>
+with only the following request in the body of your message:<p>
+You will receive by return e-mail a list of commands.
+Further information is available from the
+<a href="http://www.greatcircle.com/majordomo/">&nbsp;majordomo website</a>.
+If you have problems with majordomo not responding to requests,
+send e-mail to the <em>list owner</em>:
 <a href="mailto:majordomo-owner@sig.net">&nbsp;majordomo-owner@sig.net</a>.
-<em>DO NOT</em> send them to <em>lynx-dev@sig.net</em> as they
-will be distributed to everyone on the list and will clutter
-up their mailboxes.
+PLEASE DO NOT send them to <em>lynx-dev@sig.net</em>,
+where they would be distributed to everyone on the list,
+causing irritation by cluttering their mailboxes.
-<h2><em>Lynx-Dev Archives</em></h2>
+<h1><em>The Lynx-Dev Archive</em></h1>
-Archives of messages posted to lynx-dev are now in html format so that
-you can view them using Lynx.
+Messages posted to lynx-dev are archived in html format
+so that you can view them using Lynx: go to the
+<a href="http://www.flora.org/lynx-dev/html">HTML Archive</a>.
-<p>Go to the <a href="http://www.flora.org/lynx-dev/html/"
->Lynx-Dev Archives</a>.