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path: root/src/LYNews.c
diff options
authorThomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>1996-09-02 19:39:24 -0400
committerThomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>1996-09-02 19:39:24 -0400
commite087f6d44e87f489fcb3056e86319ebba4218156 (patch)
treed045b58011bfbbf5186d34c4fed9e0dedb363275 /src/LYNews.c
snapshot of project "lynx", label v2_6
Diffstat (limited to 'src/LYNews.c')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/LYNews.c b/src/LYNews.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ace9b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LYNews.c
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#include "HTUtils.h"
+#include "tcp.h"
+#include "HTAlert.h"
+#include "LYCurses.h"
+#include "HTAccess.h"
+#include "HTParse.h"
+#include "LYSignal.h"
+#include "LYStructs.h"
+#include "LYUtils.h"
+#include "LYClean.h"
+#include "LYStrings.h"
+#include "LYGetFile.h"
+#include "LYHistory.h"
+#include "LYSystem.h"
+#include "GridText.h"
+#include "LYGlobalDefs.h"
+#include "LYLeaks.h"
+#define FREE(x) if (x) {free(x); x = NULL;}
+/* global variable for async i/o */
+BOOLEAN term_message;
+PRIVATE void terminate_message  PARAMS((int sig));
+PUBLIC int LYNewsPost ARGS2(document *,newdoc, BOOLEAN,followup)
+	char *newsgroups=NULL;
+	char user_input[1024];
+	FILE *fd;
+	char *tmptr;
+	int c=0;  /* user input */
+	char tmpfile[100];
+#ifdef VMS
+	FILE *fdcom;
+	char tmpcom[128];
+	char tmpaddress[128];
+	char tmpsubject[128];
+#endif /* VMS */
+	char cmd[130];
+        DocAddress WWWDoc;
+	StrAllocCopy(newsgroups, strchr(newdoc->address,':')+1);
+ 	term_message=FALSE;
+	/* pop previous document off of stack and load into main memory */
+	LYpop(newdoc);
+	WWWDoc.address = newdoc->address;
+	WWWDoc.post_data = newdoc->post_data;
+	WWWDoc.post_content_type = newdoc->post_content_type;
+	WWWDoc.isHEAD = newdoc->isHEAD;
+        if(!HTLoadAbsolute(&WWWDoc)) {
+	    FREE(newsgroups);
+            return(NOT_FOUND);
+	}
+	clear();
+	move(2,0);
+	tempname(tmpfile,NEW_FILE);
+	if((fd = fopen(tmpfile,"w")) == NULL) {
+	    FREE(newsgroups);
+	    return(NORMAL);
+	}
+#ifdef VMS
+	sprintf(tmpcom, "%s_post", tmpfile);
+	if((fdcom = fopen(tmpcom,"w")) == NULL) {
+	    FREE(newsgroups);
+	    fclose(fd);
+	    remove(tmpfile);
+	    return(NORMAL);
+	} else {
+	    fprintf(fdcom, "$ v = f$verify(1)\n$!\n");
+	    fprintf(fdcom, "$! POSTing via ANU-NEWS\n$!\n");
+	    fprintf(fdcom, "$ on error then goto end\n");
+	    fprintf(fdcom, "$ %s/noscreen POST/noedit/noself-\n", inews_path);
+	    fprintf(fdcom, " /newsgroups=\"%s\"-\n", newsgroups);
+	}
+#endif /* VMS */
+	addstr("You will be posting to:");
+	addstr("\n	");
+	addstr(newsgroups);
+	addch('\n');
+	/* Use ^C to cancel mailing of comment */
+	/* and don't let sigints exit lynx     */
+        signal(SIGINT, terminate_message);
+	term_message=FALSE;
+	addstr("\n\n Please enter your mail address\n");
+	strcpy(user_input,"From: ");
+	/* add the mail address if there is one */
+	if(personal_mail_address)
+	    strcat(user_input,personal_mail_address);
+	if (LYgetstr(user_input, VISIBLE,
+		     sizeof(user_input), NORECALL) < 0 ||
+	    term_message) {
+            _statusline(NEWS_POST_CANCELLED);
+	    sleep(InfoSecs);
+	    fclose(fd);		/* close the temp file */
+#ifdef VMS
+	    fclose(fdcom);	/* close the command file */
+#endif /* VMS */
+	    goto cleanup;
+	}
+#ifdef VMS
+	if(LYstrstr(user_input, "From:"))
+	    strcpy(tmpaddress, HTStrip(strchr(user_input,':')+1));
+	else
+	    strcpy(tmpaddress, HTStrip(user_input));
+	fprintf(fd,"%s\n",user_input);
+#endif /* VMS */
+        addstr("\n\n Please enter a subject line\n");
+        strcpy(user_input,"Subject: ");
+	if (followup) {
+	    /* add the default subject */
+	    tmptr = newdoc->title;
+	    while(isspace(*tmptr)) tmptr++;
+	    if(strncasecomp(tmptr, "Re:",3))
+                strcat(user_input, "Re: ");
+            strcat(user_input, newdoc->title);
+	}
+        if (LYgetstr(user_input, VISIBLE,
+		     sizeof(user_input), NORECALL) < 0 ||
+	    term_message) {
+            _statusline(NEWS_POST_CANCELLED);
+            sleep(InfoSecs);
+            fclose(fd);		/* close the temp file */
+#ifdef VMS
+	    fclose(fdcom);	/* close the command file */
+#endif /* VMS */
+            goto cleanup;
+        }
+#ifdef VMS
+	if(LYstrstr(user_input, "Subject:"))
+	    strcpy(tmpsubject, HTStrip(strchr(user_input,':')+1));
+	else
+	    strcpy(tmpsubject, HTStrip(user_input));
+	fprintf(fdcom, " /subject=\"%s\"-\n", tmpsubject);
+	fprintf(fdcom, " /headers %s\n", tmpfile);
+	fprintf(fdcom, "\n%s\n", tmpaddress);
+	fprintf(fdcom, "%s\n", newsgroups);
+	fprintf(fdcom, "\n\n\ny\nexit\n");
+	fprintf(fdcom, "$ v = 'f$verify(0)'\n$ exit\n$end:\n");
+	fprintf(fdcom, "$ wait 00:00:10\n$ v = 'f$verify(0)'\n$ exit\n");
+	fclose(fdcom);
+	fprintf(fd,"%s\n",user_input);
+	/* add Organization: */
+	{ FILE *fp;
+	  if (fp = fopen("/etc/organization", "r")) {
+	     if (fgets(user_input, sizeof(user_input), fp) != NULL)
+		fprintf(fd, "Organization: %s", user_input);
+	     fclose(fp);
+	  }
+	}
+	/* add Newsgroups: summary: and Keywords: */
+	fprintf(fd,"Newsgroups: %s\nSummary: \nKeywords: \n\n",newsgroups);
+#endif /* VMS */
+	if(!no_editor && editor && *editor != '\0') {
+	    if (followup) {
+	        /* ask if the user wants to include the original message */
+	        _statusline(INC_ORIG_MSG_PROMPT);
+	        c = 0;
+	        while(TOUPPER(c) != 'Y' && TOUPPER(c) != 'N' &&
+	    	      !term_message && c != 7 && c != 3)
+	            c = LYgetch();
+	        if(TOUPPER(c) == 'Y')
+	            /* the 1 will add the reply ">" in front of every line */
+	            print_wwwfile_to_fd(fd,1);
+	    }
+	    fclose(fd);
+	    if (term_message || c == 7 || c == 3)
+	        goto cleanup;
+	    /* spawn the users editor on the news file */
+	    sprintf(user_input,"%s %s",editor,tmpfile);
+	    _statusline(SPAWNING_EDITOR_FOR_NEWS);
+	    stop_curses();
+	    if(system(user_input)) {
+		_statusline(ERROR_SPAWNING_EDITOR);
+	  	sleep(AlertSecs);
+	    }
+	    start_curses();
+	} else {
+	    addstr("\n\n Please enter your message below.");
+	    addstr("\n When you are done, press enter and put a single period (.)");
+	    addstr("\n on a line and press enter again.");
+	    addstr("\n\n");
+	    scrollok(stdscr,TRUE);
+	    refresh();
+    	    *user_input = '\0';
+	    if (LYgetstr(user_input, VISIBLE,
+	    		 sizeof(user_input), NORECALL) < 0 ||
+	        term_message) {
+	        _statusline(NEWS_POST_CANCELLED);
+	        sleep(InfoSecs);
+	        fclose(fd);	/* close the temp file */
+	        goto cleanup;
+	    }
+	    while(!STREQ(user_input,".") && !term_message) { 
+	       addch('\n');
+	       fprintf(fd,"%s\n",user_input);
+	       *user_input = '\0';
+	       if (LYgetstr(user_input, VISIBLE,
+	       		    sizeof(user_input), NORECALL) < 0) {
+	          _statusline(NEWS_POST_CANCELLED);
+	          sleep(InfoSecs);
+	          fclose(fd);		/* close the temp file */
+	          goto cleanup;
+	       }
+	    }
+	    fprintf(fd,"\n");
+	    fclose(fd);		/* close the temp file */
+	    scrollok(stdscr,FALSE);  /* stop scrolling */
+	}
+	_statusline(POST_MSG_PROMPT);
+	c = 0;
+	while(TOUPPER(c) != 'Y' && TOUPPER(c) != 'N' &&
+	      !term_message && c != 7   && c != 3)
+	    c = LYgetch();
+	clear();  /* clear the screen */
+	if(TOUPPER(c) != 'Y') {
+	   goto cleanup;
+	}
+#ifdef VMS
+	sprintf(cmd,"@%s",tmpcom);
+	sprintf(cmd,"%s %s",inews_path,tmpfile);
+#endif /* VMS */
+        stop_curses();
+	printf("Posting your message:\n\n%s\n\nPlease wait...", cmd);
+	system(cmd);
+	start_curses();
+	/* come here to cleanup and exit */
+#ifndef VMS
+	signal(SIGINT, cleanup_sig);
+	remove(tmpcom);
+#endif /* !VMS */
+	term_message = FALSE;
+	scrollok(stdscr,FALSE);  /* stop scrolling */
+#ifdef VMS
+	while (remove(tmpfile) == 0)
+	    ; /* loop through all versions */
+	remove(tmpfile);
+#endif /* VMS */
+	FREE(newsgroups);
+	return(NORMAL);
+PRIVATE void terminate_message ARGS1(int,sig)
+	term_message=TRUE;
+	/* Reassert the AST */
+	signal(SIGINT, terminate_message);
+#ifdef VMS
+        /* Refresh the screen to get rid of the "interrupt" message */
+	clearok(curscr, TRUE);
+	refresh();
+#endif /* VMS */