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authorThomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>2011-06-11 13:06:08 -0400
committerThomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>2011-06-11 13:06:08 -0400
commitf06f1fc3d95167ec780cb0963548f2afdd548b20 (patch)
tree6c12f0dea0a3c860994a46c37d7f32336d39d7db /test/cp-1252a.html
parent279010bc0791556e63b4951d83a2c45252142b80 (diff)
snapshot of project "lynx", label v2-8-8dev_8m
Diffstat (limited to 'test/cp-1252a.html')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/cp-1252a.html b/test/cp-1252a.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a532218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cp-1252a.html
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+<TITLE>Character table for cp-1252</TITLE>
+<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=cp-1252">
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+<H1 ALIGN=center>cp-1252 table</H1> 
+Description                                 Code            Entity name   
+===================================         ============    ==============
+quotation mark                              &amp;#34;  --> &#34;     &amp;quot;   --> &quot;
+ampersand                                   &amp;#38;  --> &#38;     &amp;amp;    --> &amp;
+less-than sign                              &amp;#60;  --> &#60;     &amp;lt;     --> &lt;
+greater-than sign                           &amp;#62;  --> &#62;     &amp;gt;     --> &gt;
+Description                            Char Code            Entity name   
+===================================    ==== ============    ==============
+euro sign                                  &amp;128; --> &#128;
+undefined                                  &amp;129; --> &#129;
+single low-9 quotation mark                &amp;130; --> &#130;
+latin small letter f with hook             &amp;131; --> &#131;
+double low-9 quotation mark                &amp;132; --> &#132;
+horizontal ellipsis                        &amp;133; --> &#133;
+dagger                                     &amp;134; --> &#134;
+double dagger                              &amp;135; --> &#135;
+modifier letter circumflex accent          &amp;136; --> &#136;
+per mille sign                             &amp;137; --> &#137;
+latin capital letter s with caron          &amp;138; --> &#138;
+single left-pointing angle quote mark      &amp;139; --> &#139;
+latin capital ligature oe                  &amp;140; --> &#140;
+undefined                                  &amp;141; --> &#141;
+latin capital letter z with caron          &amp;142; --> &#142;
+undefined                                  &amp;143; --> &#143;
+undefined                                  &amp;144; --> &#144;
+left single quotation mark                 &amp;145; --> &#145;
+right single quotation mark                &amp;146; --> &#146;
+left double quotation mark                 &amp;147; --> &#147;
+right double quotation mark                &amp;148; --> &#148;
+bullet                                     &amp;149; --> &#149;
+en dash                                    &amp;150; --> &#150;
+em dash                                    &amp;151; --> &#151;
+small tilde                                &amp;152; --> &#152;
+trade mark sign                            &amp;153; --> &#153;
+latin small letter s with caron            &amp;154; --> &#154;
+single right-pointing angle quote mark     &amp;155; --> &#155;
+latin small ligature oe                    &amp;156; --> &#156;
+undefined                                  &amp;157; --> &#157;
+latin small letter z with caron            &amp;158; --> &#158;
+latin capital letter y with diaeresis      &amp;159; --> &#159;
+non-breaking space                         &amp;#160; --> &#160;    &amp;nbsp;   --> &nbsp;
+inverted exclamation                       &amp;#161; --> &#161;    &amp;iexcl;  --> &iexcl;
+cent sign                                  &amp;#162; --> &#162;    &amp;cent;   --> &cent;
+pound sterling                             &amp;#163; --> &#163;    &amp;pound;  --> &pound;
+general currency sign                      &amp;#164; --> &#164;    &amp;curren; --> &curren;
+yen sign                                   &amp;#165; --> &#165;    &amp;yen;    --> &yen;
+broken vertical bar                        &amp;#166; --> &#166;    &amp;brvbar; --> &brvbar;
+section sign                               &amp;#167; --> &#167;    &amp;sect;   --> &sect;
+umlaut (dieresis)                          &amp;#168; --> &#168;    &amp;uml;    --> &uml;
+copyright                                  &amp;#169; --> &#169;    &amp;copy;   --> &copy;
+feminine ordinal                           &amp;#170; --> &#170;    &amp;ordf;   --> &ordf;
+left angle quote, guillemotleft            &amp;#171; --> &#171;    &amp;laquo;  --> &laquo;
+not sign                                   &amp;#172; --> &#172;    &amp;not;    --> &not;
+soft hyphen                                &amp;#173; --> &#173;    &amp;shy;    --> &shy;
+registered trademark                       &amp;#174; --> &#174;    &amp;reg;    --> &reg;
+macron accent                              &amp;#175; --> &#175;    &amp;macr;   --> &macr;
+degree sign                                &amp;#176; --> &#176;    &amp;deg;    --> &deg;
+plus or minus                              &amp;#177; --> &#177;    &amp;plusmn; --> &plusmn;
+superscript two                            &amp;#178; --> &#178;    &amp;sup2;   --> &sup2;
+superscript three                          &amp;#179; --> &#179;    &amp;sup3;   --> &sup3;
+acute accent                               &amp;#180; --> &#180;    &amp;acute;  --> &acute;
+micro sign                                 &amp;#181; --> &#181;    &amp;micro;  --> &micro;
+paragraph sign                             &amp;#182; --> &#182;    &amp;para;   --> &para;
+middle dot                                 &amp;#183; --> &#183;    &amp;middot; --> &middot;
+cedilla                                    &amp;#184; --> &#184;    &amp;cedil;  --> &cedil;
+superscript one                            &amp;#185; --> &#185;    &amp;sup1;   --> &sup1;
+masculine ordinal                          &amp;#186; --> &#186;    &amp;ordm;   --> &ordm;
+right angle quote, guillemotright          &amp;#187; --> &#187;    &amp;raquo;  --> &raquo;
+vulgar fraction one-quarter                &amp;#188; --> &#188;    &amp;frac14; --> &frac14;
+vulgar fraction one-half                   &amp;#189; --> &#189;    &amp;frac12; --> &frac12;
+vulgar fraction three-fourths              &amp;#190; --> &#190;    &amp;frac34; --> &frac34;
+inverted question mark                     &amp;#191; --> &#191;    &amp;iquest; --> &iquest;
+latin capital letter a with grave          &amp;#192; --> &#192;    &amp;Agrave; --> &Agrave;
+latin capital letter a with acute          &amp;#193; --> &#193;    &amp;Aacute; --> &Aacute;
+latin capital letter a with circumflex     &amp;#194; --> &#194;    &amp;Acirc;  --> &Acirc;
+latin capital letter a with tilde          &amp;#195; --> &#195;    &amp;Atilde; --> &Atilde;
+latin capital letter a with diaeresis      &amp;#196; --> &#196;    &amp;Auml;   --> &Auml;
+latin capital letter a with ring above     &amp;#197; --> &#197;    &amp;Aring;  --> &Aring;
+latin capital letter ae                    &amp;#198; --> &#198;    &amp;AElig;  --> &AElig;
+latin capital letter c with cedilla        &amp;#199; --> &#199;    &amp;Ccedil; --> &Ccedil;
+latin capital letter e with grave          &amp;#200; --> &#200;    &amp;Egrave; --> &Egrave;
+latin capital letter e with acute          &amp;#201; --> &#201;    &amp;Eacute; --> &Eacute;
+latin capital letter e with circumflex     &amp;#202; --> &#202;    &amp;Ecirc;  --> &Ecirc;
+latin capital letter e with diaeresis      &amp;#203; --> &#203;    &amp;Euml;   --> &Euml;
+latin capital letter i with grave          &amp;#204; --> &#204;    &amp;Igrave; --> &Igrave;
+latin capital letter i with acute          &amp;#205; --> &#205;    &amp;Iacute; --> &Iacute;
+latin capital letter i with circumflex     &amp;#206; --> &#206;    &amp;Icirc;  --> &Icirc;
+latin capital letter i with diaeresis      &amp;#207; --> &#207;    &amp;Iuml;   --> &Iuml;
+latin capital letter eth                   &amp;#208; --> &#208;    &amp;ETH;    --> &ETH;
+latin capital letter n with tilde          &amp;#209; --> &#209;    &amp;Ntilde; --> &Ntilde;
+latin capital letter o with grave          &amp;#210; --> &#210;    &amp;Ograve; --> &Ograve;
+latin capital letter o with acute          &amp;#211; --> &#211;    &amp;Oacute; --> &Oacute;
+latin capital letter o with circumflex     &amp;#212; --> &#212;    &amp;Ocirc;  --> &Ocirc;
+latin capital letter o with tilde          &amp;#213; --> &#213;    &amp;Otilde; --> &Otilde;
+latin capital letter o with diaeresis      &amp;#214; --> &#214;    &amp;Ouml;   --> &Ouml;
+multiplication sign                        &amp;#215; --> &#215;    &amp;times;  --> &times;
+latin capital letter o with stroke         &amp;#216; --> &#216;    &amp;Oslash; --> &Oslash;
+latin capital letter u with grave          &amp;#217; --> &#217;    &amp;Ugrave; --> &Ugrave;
+latin capital letter u with acute          &amp;#218; --> &#218;    &amp;Uacute; --> &Uacute;
+latin capital letter u with circumflex     &amp;#219; --> &#219;    &amp;Ucirc;  --> &Ucirc;
+latin capital letter u with diaeresis      &amp;#220; --> &#220;    &amp;Uuml;   --> &Uuml;
+latin capital letter y with acute          &amp;#221; --> &#221;    &amp;Yacute; --> &Yacute;
+latin capital letter thorn                 &amp;#222; --> &#222;    &amp;THORN;  --> &THORN;
+latin small letter sharp s                 &amp;#223; --> &#223;    &amp;szlig;  --> &szlig;
+latin small letter a with grave            &amp;#224; --> &#224;    &amp;agrave; --> &agrave;
+latin small letter a with acute            &amp;#225; --> &#225;    &amp;aacute; --> &aacute;
+latin small letter a with circumflex       &amp;#226; --> &#226;    &amp;acirc;  --> &acirc;
+latin small letter a with tilde            &amp;#227; --> &#227;    &amp;atilde; --> &atilde;
+latin small letter a with diaeresis        &amp;#228; --> &#228;    &amp;auml;   --> &auml;
+latin small letter a with ring above       &amp;#229; --> &#229;    &amp;aring;  --> &aring;
+latin small letter ae                      &amp;#230; --> &#230;    &amp;aelig;  --> &aelig;
+latin small letter c with cedilla          &amp;#231; --> &#231;    &amp;ccedil; --> &ccedil;
+latin small letter e with grave            &amp;#232; --> &#232;    &amp;egrave; --> &egrave;
+latin small letter e with acute            &amp;#233; --> &#233;    &amp;eacute; --> &eacute;
+latin small letter e with circumflex       &amp;#234; --> &#234;    &amp;ecirc;  --> &ecirc;
+latin small letter e with diaeresis        &amp;#235; --> &#235;    &amp;euml;   --> &euml;
+latin small letter i with grave            &amp;#236; --> &#236;    &amp;igrave; --> &igrave;
+latin small letter i with acute            &amp;#237; --> &#237;    &amp;iacute; --> &iacute;
+latin small letter i with circumflex       &amp;#238; --> &#238;    &amp;icirc;  --> &icirc;
+latin small letter i with diaeresis        &amp;#239; --> &#239;    &amp;iuml;   --> &iuml;
+latin small letter eth                     &amp;#240; --> &#240;    &amp;eth;    --> &eth;
+latin small letter n with tilde            &amp;#241; --> &#241;    &amp;ntilde; --> &ntilde;
+latin small letter o with grave            &amp;#242; --> &#242;    &amp;ograve; --> &ograve;
+latin small letter o with acute            &amp;#243; --> &#243;    &amp;oacute; --> &oacute;
+latin small letter o with circumflex       &amp;#244; --> &#244;    &amp;ocirc;  --> &ocirc;
+latin small letter o with tilde            &amp;#245; --> &#245;    &amp;otilde; --> &otilde;
+latin small letter o with diaeresis        &amp;#246; --> &#246;    &amp;ouml;   --> &ouml;
+division sign                              &amp;#247; --> &#247;    &amp;divide; --> &divide;
+latin small letter o with stroke           &amp;#248; --> &#248;    &amp;oslash; --> &oslash;
+latin small letter u with grave            &amp;#249; --> &#249;    &amp;ugrave; --> &ugrave;
+latin small letter u with acute            &amp;#250; --> &#250;    &amp;uacute; --> &uacute;
+latin small letter u with circumflex       &amp;#251; --> &#251;    &amp;ucirc;  --> &ucirc;
+latin small letter u with diaeresis        &amp;#252; --> &#252;    &amp;uuml;   --> &uuml;
+latin small letter y with acute            &amp;#253; --> &#253;    &amp;yacute; --> &yacute;
+latin small letter thorn                   &amp;#254; --> &#254;    &amp;thorn;  --> &thorn;
+latin small letter y with diaeresis   {}  {&amp;#255;}-->{&#255;}  {&amp;yuml;}  -->{&yuml;}
+Some other characters of interest      Char Code            Entity name   
+===================================    ==== ============    ==============
+capital AE diphthong (ligature)        N/A  &amp;#198; --> &#198;    &amp;AElig;  --> &AElig;
+small ae diphthong (ligature)          N/A  &amp;#230; --> &#230;    &amp;aelig;  --> &aelig;
+capital OE ligature                    N/A {&amp;#338;}-->{&#338;}  {&amp;OElig;} -->{&OElig;}
+small oe ligature                      N/A {&amp;#339;}-->{&#339;}  {&amp;oelig;} -->{&oelig;}
+copyright                              N/A  &amp;#169; --> &#169;    &amp;copy;   --> &copy;
+registered trademark                   N/A  &amp;#174; --> &#174;    &amp;reg;    --> &reg;
+trademark sign                         N/A  &amp;#8482;--> &#8482;   &amp;trade;  --> &trade;
+em space                               N/A [&amp;#8195;]->[&#8195;] [&amp;emsp;]  -->[&emsp;]
+en space                               N/A [&amp;#8194;]->[&#8194;] [&amp;ensp;]  -->[&ensp;]
+1/3-em space                           N/A [&amp;#8196;]->[&#8196;] [&amp;emsp13;] -->[&emsp13;]
+1/4-em space                           N/A [&amp;#8197;]->[&#8197;] [&amp;emsp14;] -->[&emsp14;]
+thin space                             N/A [&amp;#8201;]->[&#8201;] [&amp;thinsp;]-->[&thinsp;]
+hair space                             N/A [&amp;#8202;]->[&#8202;] [&amp;hairsp;]-->[&hairsp;]
+em dash                                N/A [&amp;#8212;]->[&#8212;] [&amp;mdash;] -->[&mdash;]
+en dash                                N/A [&amp;#8211;]->[&#8211;] [&amp;ndash;] -->[&ndash;]