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path: root/utils/lpansi
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authorThomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>1998-04-18 20:30:00 -0400
committerThomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>1998-04-18 20:30:00 -0400
commit84271e583d80f546251ea914a33f8c537fddbac7 (patch)
treec819869cda13abc7b46a47aa7e860f2dbf0c7626 /utils/lpansi
parentaf9be28bc2701ea448898282942bd5b957439f18 (diff)
snapshot of project "lynx", label v2-8-1dev_6
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/lpansi')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/utils/lpansi/Makefile b/utils/lpansi/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a88c6dca..00000000
--- a/utils/lpansi/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for lpansi
-# For hp-ux
-# CFLAGS=-Aa -O 
-# For others:
-lpansi:	lpansi.o Makefile
-	$(CC) -o lpansi lpansi.o
-	rm -f lpansi.o
-	shar -v README lpansi.c lpansi.1 Makefile > lpansi-$(VERSION).shar
-install: lpansi
-	chmod o+rx,g+rx,u+rx lpansi; cp -p lpansi $(BINDIR)/lpansi
-	chmod o+rx,g+rx,u+rx lpansi.1; cp -p lpansi.1 $(MANDIR)/lpansi.1
diff --git a/utils/lpansi/README b/utils/lpansi/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 252614a8..00000000
--- a/utils/lpansi/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-README for lpansi.c v2.1					10/20/1994
-		   Print to ANSI printer on local terminal
-      lpansi [options] [file-list]
- The Problem
-      UNIX supplies a printing program called lp <filename> which allows the
-      user to print a text (or any really) file to a printer.
-      Unfortunately, that printer is attached to the UNIX server which is
-      not where the user usually is.  In my case, it is about 230 miles
-      away.  I needed a similar program that would allow me to print to my
-      home printer.
- The solution:
-      The VT100 standard defines a printer on and off escape sequence.
-      [FYI: esc[5i is printer on, esc[4i is printer off.] Lpansi is a VERY
-      simple program that issues a printer on sequence, opens the files sent
-      as an argument, reads it character by character, echos it to stdout
-      (now your local printer) and ends by sending a form feed and printer
-      off command.
- Usage:
-      I had several purposes in mind when I wrote this.  The first was to
-      find a way to replace lp in a gopher client I had with something that
-      would print at home.  I also wanted to be able to print text files to
-      my home printer directly from the UNIX prompt.  A natural extension of
-      this is to add it to LYNX, and other printing clients as your printer
-      command.
- Syntax:
-      This program accepts miltiple filenames as an argument.  If no
-      filename is present, lpansi will use standard input.
- Thanks:
-      Thanks go to Michael Seibel on the PINE development team for helping
-      me find the correct ANSI codes to turn off the printer. I found out
-      later that PINE distributes a similar program called ansiprt which is
-      supposed to do the same thing.  Here, the source code is provided so
-      you may incorporate the concept directly in your program.
- Options:
-	  -f  Form feed off, no form feed at end of each file
-	  -v  Verbose, prints helpful information for debugging purposes.
- Disclaimer:
-      [Everyone has one so...] I make no promises whatsoever about how this
-      will work for you.  If you have VT100 and/or ANSI, it should work just
-      fine.  If it doesn't, quit using it.  :)	This program is free to use
-      and modify, but try to keep my name with it.  I don't do that much
-      cool stuff, so I need all the credit I can get.  Thanks.
-      Written by Gary Day (gday@comp.uark.edu)
-      Version 1.1 Modified by Noel Hunter (noel@wfu.edu)
-      Version 2.0 Modified by Noel Hunter (noel@wfu.edu)
-      Version 2.1 Modified by Noel Hunter (noel@wfu.edu)
-      /usr/local/bin/lpansi
-      lp, lynx, pine
-      lpansi .profile
-      Will print the file named .profile to a printer attached to your
-      terminal.  NCSA Telnet, WRC Reflections for PC, and Kermit are known
-      to work.
-      In pine, use lpansi by typing "m" for "Main Menu", then selecting "s"
-      for setup.  Next, enter "p" for "Printer", and select "1. Printer
-      attached to IBM PC or compatible, Macintosh".  From then on, when you
-      choose print in pine, it will be sent to your terminal program and
-      attached printer.
diff --git a/utils/lpansi/lpansi.1 b/utils/lpansi/lpansi.1
deleted file mode 100644
index d0b854f7..00000000
--- a/utils/lpansi/lpansi.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-.TH lpansi 1 "Print to ANSI printer on local terminal"
-.ds]W Release 2.1: October, 1994
-.SH lpansi
-lpansi [options] [file-list]
-.SH The Problem
-UNIX supplies a printing program called lp <filename> which 
-allows the user to print a text (or any really) file to a 
-printer.  Unfortunately, that printer is attached to the UNIX 
-server which is not where the user usually is.  In my case, it is 
-about 230 miles away.  I needed a similar program that would 
-allow me to print to my home printer.  
-.SH The solution: 
-The VT100 standard defines a printer on and off escape 
-sequence.  [FYI: esc[5i is printer on, esc[4i is printer off.]
-Lpansi is a VERY simple program that issues a printer on 
-sequence, opens the files sent as an argument, reads it character
-by character, echos it to stdout (now your local printer) and
-ends by sending a form feed and printer off command.
-.SH Usage:  
-I had several purposes in mind when I wrote this.  The first was to
-find a way to replace lp in a gopher client I had with something that
-would print at home.  I also wanted to be able to print text 
-files to my home printer directly from the UNIX prompt.  A 
-natural extension of this is to add it to LYNX, and other printing
-clients as your printer command.
-.SH Syntax:
-This program accepts miltiple filenames as an argument.
-If no filename is present, lpansi will use standard input.
-.SH Thanks: 
-Thanks go to Michael Seibel on the PINE development team for 
-helping me find the correct ANSI codes to turn off the printer.  
-I found out later that PINE distributes a similar program called 
-ansiprt which is supposed to do the same thing.  Here, the source
-code is provided so you may incorporate the concept directly in your
-.SH Options:
-    -f  Form feed off, no form feed at end of each file
-    -v  Verbose, prints helpful information for debugging purposes.
-.SH Disclaimer:  
-[Everyone has one so...] I make no promises whatsoever about 
-how this will work for you.  If you have VT100 and/or ANSI, it
-should work just fine.  If it doesn't, quit using it.  :)  This
-program is free to use and modify, but try to keep my name with
-it.  I don't do that much cool stuff, so I need all the credit
-I can get.  Thanks.
-Written by Gary Day (gday@comp.uark.edu)
-Version 1.1 Modified by Noel Hunter (noel@wfu.edu)
-Version 2.0 Modified by Noel Hunter (noel@wfu.edu)
-Version 2.1 Modified by Noel Hunter (noel@wfu.edu)
-lp, lynx, pine
-lpansi .profile
-Will print the file named .profile to a printer attached to your terminal.
-NCSA Telnet, WRC Reflections for PC, and Kermit are known to work.
-In pine, use lpansi by typing "m" for "Main Menu", then selecting "s" for
-setup.  Next, enter "p" for "Printer", and select "1. Printer attached to 
-IBM PC or compatible, Macintosh".  From then on, when you choose print
-in pine, it will be sent to your terminal program and attached printer.
diff --git a/utils/lpansi/lpansi.c b/utils/lpansi/lpansi.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea10e4f..00000000
--- a/utils/lpansi/lpansi.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
- * lpansi.c                                             *
- * Original author: Gary Day, 11/30/93                  *
- * Current version: 2.1 by Noel Hunter, 10/20/94        *
- *                                                      *
- * Basic structure based on print -- format files for   *
- * printing from _Pratical_C_Programming by Steve       *
- * Oualline, O'Reilly & Associates                      *
- ********************************************************/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>      /* ANSI Standard only */
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef VMS
-#include <unixio.h>
-#include <unixlib.h>
-#endif /* VMS */
-int verbose = 0;         /* verbose mode (default = false) */
-int formfeed = 1;	 /* form feed mode (default = true) */
-char *program_name;      /* name of the program (for errors) */
-/* Ansi C function prototypes */
-void ansi_printer_on(void);
-void ansi_printer_off(void);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    void do_file(char *); /* print a file */
-    void usage(void);     /* tell user how to use the program */
-    /* save the program name for future use */
-    program_name = argv[0];
-    /* 
-     * loop for each option.  
-     *   Stop if we run out of arguments
-     *   or we get an argument without a dash.
-     */
-    while ((argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-')) {
-        /*
-         * argv[1][1] is the actual option character.
-         */
-        switch (argv[1][1]) {
-            /*
-             * -v verbose 
-             */
-            case 'v':
-                verbose = 1; 
-                (void)printf("VERBOSE mode ON\n");
-                break;
-            case 'f':
-                formfeed = 0;
-                break;
-            default:
-                (void)fprintf(stderr,"Bad option %s\n", argv[1]);
-                usage();
-        }
-        /*
-         * move the argument list up one
-         * move the count down one
-         */
-        argv++;
-        argc--;
-    }
-    /*
-     * At this point all the options have been processed.
-     * Check to see if we have no files in the list
-     * and if so, we need to process just standard in.
-     */
-    if (argc == 1) {
-        do_file("stdin");
-    } else {
-        while (argc > 1) {
-          do_file(argv[1]);
-          argv++;
-          argc--;
-        }
-    }
-    return (0);
- * do_file -- send a file to the printer                *
- *                                                      *
- * Parameter                                            *
- *      name -- name of the file to print               *
- ********************************************************/
-void do_file(char *name)
-  int  ch;    /* Where we store our characters */
-  FILE *fp;   /* File pointer */
-  if ( verbose == 1 ) (void)printf("Processing: %s\n", name);
-  ansi_printer_on();
-  if ( strcmp(name,"stdin") == 0 )
-  {
-    while ((ch=getc(stdin))!=EOF)
-    {
-     putc(ch,stdout);
-    }
-  }
-  else        /* Reading from a file */
-  {
-    if ((fp=fopen(name, "r"))==NULL)
-    {
-    printf("Can't open %s\n",name);
-    exit(1);
-    }
-    while ((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF)
-    {
-     putc(ch,stdout);
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-  }
-  if ( formfeed == 1 )
-  {
-    printf("\n\x0C");  /* Do a form feed at the end of the document */
-  }
-  ansi_printer_off();
-  if ( verbose == 1 ) (void)printf("Finished processing: %s\n", name);
- * usage -- tell the user how to use this program and   *
- *              exit                                    *
- ********************************************************/
-void usage(void)
-    (void)fprintf(stderr,"Usage is %s [options] [file-list]\n", 
-                                program_name);
-    (void)fprintf(stderr,"Options\n");
-    (void)fprintf(stderr,"  -f          form feed OFF\n");
-    (void)fprintf(stderr,"  -v          verbose\n");
-    exit (1);
- * Send a printer on escape sequence                    *
- *******************************************************/
-void ansi_printer_on(void)
-  if ( verbose == 1 ) (void)printf("ANSI printer ON\n");
-  printf("\x1B[5i");
- * Send a printer off escape sequence                   *
- *******************************************************/
-void ansi_printer_off(void)
-  printf("\x1B[4i");
-  if ( verbose == 1 ) (void)printf("ANSI printer OFF\n");
diff --git a/utils/lpansi/vmsbuild.com b/utils/lpansi/vmsbuild.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 12e44b46..00000000
--- a/utils/lpansi/vmsbuild.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-$ v = 'f$verify(0)'
-$!			VMSBUILD.COM for lpansi.c
-$!   Command file to build LPANSI.EXE on VMS systems.
-$!   19-Dec-1996	F.Macrides		macrides@sci.wfeb.edu
-$!	Initial version, for Lynx.
-$ proc = f$environment("PROCEDURE")
-$ where = f$parse(proc,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(proc,,,"DIRECTORY")
-$ set default 'where'
-$ write sys$output "Default directory:"
-$ show default
-$ write sys$output ""
-$ if p1 .nes. ""
-$   then
-$      cc_opts = "/DEBUG/NOOPT"
-$      link_opts = "/DEBUG"
-$   else
-$      cc_opts = ""
-$      link_opts = ""
-$ endif
-$ v1 = f$verify(1)
-$!	Build LPANSI.EXE
-$ v1 = 'f$verify(0)'
-$ IF f$trnlnm("VAXCMSG") .eqs. "DECC$MSG" .or. -
-     f$trnlnm("DECC$CC_DEFAULT") .eqs. "/DECC" .or. -
-     f$trnlnm("DECC$CC_DEFAULT") .eqs. "/VAXC"
-$  compiler := "DECC"
-$  v1 = f$verify(1)
-$! Compile with DECC:
-$  cc := cc/decc/prefix=all 'cc_opts'
-$  v1 = 'f$verify(0)'
-$  IF f$search("gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb") .nes. ""
-$  THEN
-$   compiler := "GNUC"
-$   v1 = f$verify(1)
-$! Compile with GNUC:
-$   cc := gcc 'cc_opts'
-$   v1 = 'f$verify(0)'
-$  ELSE
-$   compiler := "VAXC"
-$   v1 = f$verify(1)
-$! Compile with VAXC:
-$   cc := cc 'cc_opts'
-$   v1 = 'f$verify(0)'
-$ v1 = f$verify(1)
-$ cc lpansi
-$!	Link the objects and libaries.
-$ link/exe=lpansi.exe 'link_opts' -
-lpansi.obj, -
-$ v1 = 'f$verify(0)'
-$    v1 = 'f$verify(0)'
-$    write sys$output "Default directory:"
-$    show default
-$    v1 = f$verify(v)
-$ exit