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path: root/PACKAGE/lynx.iss
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'PACKAGE/lynx.iss')
1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PACKAGE/lynx.iss b/PACKAGE/lynx.iss
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a7da935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PACKAGE/lynx.iss
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+; $LynxId: lynx.iss,v 1.4 2009/11/22 23:59:04 tom Exp $

+; vile:ts=2 sw=2 notabinsert


+; This is the BASE script for different flavors of the installer for Lynx.

+; It can be overridden to select different source-executables (and their associated

+; screen library, e.g., pdcurses or slang).


+; The script assumes environment variables have been set, e.g., to point to

+; data which is used by the installer:


+; LYNX_BINDIR - directory containing lynx.exe (or different names)

+; LYNX_DLLSDIR - directory containing curses or slang dlls.

+; LYNX_DOCSDIR - files and subdirectories installed from Unix with "make install-doc"

+; LYNX_HELPDIR - files and subdirectories installed from Unix with "make install-help"


+#include "version.iss"


+#ifndef MyAppExeName

+#define MyAppExeName "lynx.exe"



+#define MySendTo '{sendto}\' + myAppName + '.lnk'

+#define MyQuickLaunch '{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\' + myAppName + '.lnk'


+#ifndef SourceExeName

+#define SourceExeName "lynx.exe"



+#ifndef NoScreenDll

+#ifndef ScreenDllName

+#define ScreenDllName "pdcurses.dll"




+#ifndef SetupBaseName

+#define SetupBaseName "lynx"



+#ifndef BinsSrcDir

+#define BinsSrcDir GetEnv("LYNX_BINDIR")

+#if BinsSrcDir == ""

+#define BinsSrcDir "..\bin"




+#ifndef DllsSrcDir

+#define DllsSrcDir GetEnv("LYNX_DLLSDIR")

+#if DllsSrcDir == ""

+#define DllsSrcDir "..\dlls"




+#ifndef DocsSrcDir

+#define DocsSrcDir GetEnv("LYNX_DOCSDIR")

+#if DocsSrcDir == ""

+#define DocsSrcDir "..\docs"




+#ifndef HelpSrcDir

+#define HelpSrcDir GetEnv("LYNX_HELPDIR")

+#if HelpSrcDir == ""

+#define HelpSrcDir "..\lynx_help"

















+#emit 'OutputBaseFilename=' + SetupBaseName + LYNX_VERSION + '-setup'





+Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"



+Name: main; Description: The Lynx executable; types: full custom compact

+Name: explorer; Description: Windows Explorer integration; types: full custom



+Name: for_all_users; Description: Install for all users on this machine; GroupDescription: Configuration Settings; Components: main; Check: isGuru; Flags: unchecked

+Name: register_vars; Description: Use registry for environment variables; GroupDescription: Configuration Settings; Components: main; Flags: unchecked

+Name: use_sendto; Description: Add Send To Entry; GroupDescription: Windows Explorer; Components: explorer; Flags: unchecked

+Name: desktopicon; Description: {cm:CreateDesktopIcon}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; Components: main; Flags: unchecked

+Name: quicklaunchicon; Description: {cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; Components: main; Flags: unchecked




+Name: "{app}\doc"

+Name: "{app}\doc\samples"

+Name: "{app}\doc\test"

+Name: "{app}\help"

+Name: "{app}\help\keystrokes"

+Name: "{app}\icon"

+Name: "{app}\tmp"



+#emit 'Source: "' + BinsSrcDir + '\' + SourceExeName + '"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: ' + MyAppExeName + '; AfterInstall: myPostExecutable; Flags: ignoreversion'

+#ifndef NoScreenDll

+#emit 'Source: "' + DllsSrcDir + '\' + ScreenDllName + '"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: ' + ScreenDllName + '; Flags: ignoreversion'


+#emit 'Source: "' + DocsSrcDir + '\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\doc"; Flags: '

+#emit 'Source: "' + DocsSrcDir + '\samples\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\doc\samples"; Flags: '

+#emit 'Source: "' + DocsSrcDir + '\test\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\doc\test"; Flags: '

+#emit 'Source: "' + HelpSrcDir + '\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\help"; Flags: '

+#emit 'Source: "' + HelpSrcDir + '\keystrokes\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\help\keystrokes"; Flags: '


+; some of these data files are from an earlier installer by Claudio Santambrogio

+Source: "..\samples\lynx.ico"; DestDir: "{app}\icon"

+Source: "..\samples\lynx.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\jumps.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\home.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\lynx_bookmarks.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\*.lss"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\lynx.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\lynx-demo.cfg"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\lynx.man"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\lynx.cfg"; DestDir: "{app}" ; AfterInstall: myCustomCfg; Flags: ignoreversion

+; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files



+Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"

+Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"

+Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon



+Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#MyAppName}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent



+Type: files; Name: {app}\.lynx_cookies

+Type: dirifempty; Name: {app}

+#emit 'Type: files; Name: ' + mySendTo

+#emit 'Type: files; Name: ' + myQuickLaunch



+#emit 'const MY_APP_NAME = ''{app}\' + myAppName + '.exe'';'


+function isGuru(): Boolean;


+    Result := isAdminLoggedOn();



+function environRootKey(): Integer;


+    Result := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;



+function appKey(): string;


+    Result := 'Software\Lynx';



+function envSubKey(): string;


+    Result := 'Environment';



+function appSubKey(): string;


+    Result := appKey() + '\' + envSubKey();



+function envSysKey(): string;


+    Result := 'System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment';



+// Set the environment variable ValueName.

+procedure addVarToEnv(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, toAdd: String);


+    Updated : string;


+    Updated := ExpandConstant(toAdd);

+    RegWriteStringValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName, Updated);

+    Log('Added ' + toAdd + ' to ' + ValueName);

+    // MsgBox('addVarToEnv: ' #13#13 + ValueName + '="' + Updated + '"', mbInformation, MB_OK)



+// Remove the given environment variable ValueName.

+function removeVarFromEnv(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName: String): Boolean;


+    Current : string;


+    Result := False;

+    if RegQueryStringValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName, Current) then

+    begin

+        RegDeleteValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName);

+        Result := True;

+        Log('Removed ' + ValueName);

+        // MsgBox('removeVarFromEnv: ' #13#13 + ValueName + '="' + Current + '"', mbInformation, MB_OK)

+    end;



+function selectedVarsRootKey(): Integer;


+    if isTaskSelected('for_all_users') then

+        Result := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

+    else

+        Result := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;



+function selectedVarsSubKey(): String;


+    if isTaskSelected('for_all_users') then

+    begin

+        if isTaskSelected('register_vars') then

+            Result := appSubKey()

+        else

+            Result := envSysKey();

+    end else

+    begin

+        if isTaskSelected('register_vars') then

+            Result := appSubKey()

+        else

+            Result := envSubKey();

+    end;



+procedure addAnyVariable(const ValueName, newValue: String);


+    addVarToEnv(selectedVarsRootKey(), selectedVarsSubKey(), ValueName, NewValue);



+// FIXME: should only remove if it matches the installer's value

+procedure removeAnyVariable(const ValueName: String);


+    removeVarFromEnv(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, envSubKey(), ValueName);

+    removeVarFromEnv(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, appSubKey(), ValueName);

+    removeVarFromEnv(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, appSubKey(), ValueName);

+    removeVarFromEnv(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, envSysKey(), ValueName);



+// http://www.delphidabbler.com/articles?article=12

+procedure AddSendTo();


+  CreateShellLink(

+#emit 'ExpandConstant(''' + MySendTo + '''),'

+#emit '''SendTo link for ' + myAppName + ''','

+    ExpandConstant(MY_APP_NAME),      // program

+    '',                               // option(s) will be followed by pathname

+    '',                               // no target directory

+    '',                               // no icon filename

+    -1,                               // no icon index




+procedure AddQuickLaunch();


+  CreateShellLink(

+#emit 'ExpandConstant(''' + MyQuickLaunch + '''),'

+#emit '''SendTo link for ' + myAppName + ''','

+    ExpandConstant(MY_APP_NAME),      // program

+    '',                               // option(s) will be followed by pathname

+    '',                               // no target directory

+    '',                               // no icon filename

+    -1,                               // no icon index




+// This is called after installing the executable.

+procedure myPostExecutable();


+  Keypath : String;

+  AppDir  : String;


+  Keypath := appKey();

+  AppDir := ExpandConstant('{app}');

+  Log('Setting registry key "' + Keypath + '" to "' + AppDir + '"');

+  if not RegWriteStringValue(selectedVarsRootKey(), Keypath, '', AppDir) then

+    Log('Failed to set key');


+  if isTaskSelected('use_sendto') then

+    begin

+    AddSendTo();

+    Log('** added Send-To link');

+    end;


+  if isTaskSelected('quicklaunchicon') then

+    begin

+    AddQuickLaunch();

+    Log('** added Quick-launch link');

+    end;



+// This is called after installing the lynx.cfg file.

+procedure myCustomCfg();


+  AppDir  : String;

+  CfgFile : String;


+  AppDir := ExpandConstant('{app}');

+  CfgFile := AppDir + '\lynx.cfg';


+  addAnyVariable('LYNX_CFG', CfgFile);

+  Log('** set LYNX_CFG=' + CfgFile);


+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'HELPFILE:' + AppDir + '/help/Lynx_help_main.html.gz' + #10, True);

+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'COLOR_STYLE:' + AppDir + '/opaque.lss' + #10, True);


+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'CHMOD_PATH:' + #10, True);

+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'COPY_PATH:' + #10, True);

+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'MKDIR_PATH:' + #10, True);

+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'MV_PATH:' + #10, True);

+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'RMDIR_PATH:' + #10, True);

+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'RM_PATH:' + #10, True);

+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'TOUCH_PATH:' + #10, True);


+  Log('** customized ' + CfgFile);


+  if isTaskSelected('use_sendto') then

+    begin

+    AddSendTo();

+    Log('** added Send-To link');

+    end;



+function CleanupMyKey(const theRootKey: Integer): Boolean;


+  Path : String;

+  Value : String;


+  Result := False;

+  if RegQueryStringValue(theRootKey, appKey(), '', Value) then

+    begin

+      if Value <> '' then

+        begin

+        Result := True;

+        Log('Deleting value of "' + appKey() + '" = "' + Value + '"');

+        if not RegDeleteValue(theRootKey, appKey(), '') then

+          Log('Failed to delete value');


+        Path := appKey() + '\Environment';

+        Log('Checking for subkey "' + Path + '"');

+        if RegValueExists(theRootKey, Path, '') then

+          begin

+          if RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(theRootKey, Path) then

+            Log('Deleted key "' + Path + '"')

+          else

+            Log('Failed to delete key "' + Path + '"');

+          end;


+        if RegDeleteKeyIfEmpty(theRootKey, appKey()) then

+          Log('Deleted key "' + appKey() + '"')

+        else

+          Log('Failed to delete key "' + appKey() + '"');

+        end

+    end



+// On uninstall, we do not know which registry setting was selected during install, so we remove all.

+procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep);


+  case CurUninstallStep of

+    usUninstall:

+      begin

+        // MsgBox('CurUninstallStepChanged:' #13#13 'Uninstall is about to start.', mbInformation, MB_OK)

+        // ...insert code to perform pre-uninstall tasks here...

+      end;

+    usPostUninstall:

+      begin

+        removeAnyVariable('LYNX_CFG');


+      {

+        If we don't find the settings in the current user, try the local machine.

+        The setup program cannot pass the all-users flag to the uninstaller, so we

+        have to try both.

+      }

+      Log('Checking current-user registry key');

+      if not CleanupMyKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER) then

+        begin

+        Log('Checking local-machine registry key');

+        CleanupMyKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);

+        end;


+        // MsgBox('CurUninstallStepChanged:' #13#13 'Uninstall just finished.', mbInformation, MB_OK);

+      end;

+  end;
