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path: root/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTFormat.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 544 deletions
diff --git a/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTFormat.h b/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTFormat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c4bc9587..00000000
--- a/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTFormat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
-/*                                            HTFormat: The format manager in the WWW Library
-                            MANAGE DIFFERENT DOCUMENT FORMATS
-   Here we describe the functions of the HTFormat module which handles conversion between
-   different data representations.  (In MIME parlance, a representation is known as a
-   content-type.  In WWW the term "format" is often used as it is shorter).
-   This module is implemented by HTFormat.c.  This hypertext document is used to generate
-   the HTFormat.h include file.  Part of the WWW library.
- */
-#ifndef HTFORMAT_H
-#define HTFORMAT_H
-#include <HTStream.h>
-#include <HTAtom.h>
-#include <HTList.h>
-#include <HTAnchor.h>
-#include <HTChunk.h>
-#ifdef USE_BZLIB
-#include <bzlib.h>
-#ifdef USE_ZLIB
-#include <zlib.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-   These macros (which used to be constants) define some basic internally
-   referenced representations.  The www/xxx ones are of course not MIME
-   standard.
-   www/source is an output format which leaves the input untouched.  It is
-   useful for diagnostics, and for users who want to see the original, whatever
-   it is.
-																	 *//* Internal ones *//* #define WWW_SOURCE HTAtom_for("www/source") *//* Whatever it was originally */ extern HTAtom *WWW_SOURCE;
-    /* calculated once, heavy used */
-   www/present represents the user's perception of the document.  If you
-   convert to www/present, you present the material to the user.
- */
-#define WWW_PRESENT HTAtom_for("www/present")	/* The user's perception */
-#define WWW_DEBUG       HTAtom_for("www/debug")
-   WWW_DEBUG represents the user's perception of debug information, for example
-   sent as a HTML document in a HTTP redirection message.
- */
-   The message/rfc822 format means a MIME message or a plain text message with
-   no MIME header.  This is what is returned by an HTTP server.
- */
-#define WWW_MIME HTAtom_for("www/mime")		/* A MIME message */
-  For parsing only the header. - kw
-  */
-#define WWW_MIME_HEAD   HTAtom_for("message/x-rfc822-head")
-   www/print is like www/present except it represents a printed copy.
- */
-#define WWW_PRINT HTAtom_for("www/print")	/* A printed copy */
-   www/unknown is a really unknown type.  Some default action is appropriate.
- */
-#define WWW_UNKNOWN     HTAtom_for("www/unknown")
-   www/dired signals directory edit mode.
-#define WWW_DIRED      HTAtom_for("www/dired")
-   These are regular MIME types.  HTML is assumed to be added by the W3 code. 
-   application/octet-stream was mistakenly application/binary in earlier libwww
-   versions (pre 2.11).
- */
-#define WWW_PLAINTEXT   HTAtom_for("text/plain")
-#define WWW_POSTSCRIPT  HTAtom_for("application/postscript")
-#define WWW_RICHTEXT    HTAtom_for("application/rtf")
-#define WWW_AUDIO       HTAtom_for("audio/basic")
-#define WWW_HTML        HTAtom_for("text/html")
-#define WWW_BINARY      HTAtom_for("application/octet-stream")
-    typedef HTAtom *HTEncoding;
- * The following are values for the MIME types:
- */
-#define WWW_ENC_7BIT            HTAtom_for("7bit")
-#define WWW_ENC_8BIT            HTAtom_for("8bit")
-#define WWW_ENC_BINARY          HTAtom_for("binary")
- * We also add
- */
-#define WWW_ENC_COMPRESS        HTAtom_for("compress")
- * Does a string designate a real encoding, or is it just
- * a "dummy" as for example 7bit, 8bit, and binary?
- */
-#define IsUnityEncStr(senc) \
-        ((senc)==NULL || *(senc)=='\0' || !strcmp(senc,"identity") ||\
-        !strcmp(senc,"8bit") || !strcmp(senc,"binary") || !strcmp(senc,"7bit"))
-#define IsUnityEnc(enc) \
-        ((enc)==NULL || (enc)==HTAtom_for("identity") ||\
-        (enc)==WWW_ENC_8BIT || (enc)==WWW_ENC_BINARY || (enc)==WWW_ENC_7BIT)
-The HTPresentation and HTConverter types
-   This HTPresentation structure represents a possible conversion algorithm
-   from one format to another.  It includes a pointer to a conversion routine. 
-   The conversion routine returns a stream to which data should be fed.  See
-   also HTStreamStack which scans the list of registered converters and calls
-   one.  See the initialisation module for a list of conversion routines.
- */
-    typedef struct _HTPresentation HTPresentation;
-    typedef HTStream *HTConverter (HTPresentation *pres,
-				   HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-				   HTStream *sink);
-    struct _HTPresentation {
-	HTAtom *rep;		/* representation name atomized */
-	HTAtom *rep_out;	/* resulting representation */
-	HTConverter *converter;	/* routine to gen the stream stack */
-	char *command;		/* MIME-format command string */
-	char *testcommand;	/* MIME-format test string */
-	float quality;		/* Between 0 (bad) and 1 (good) */
-	float secs;
-	float secs_per_byte;
-	off_t maxbytes;
-	BOOL get_accept;	/* list in "Accept:" for GET */
-	int accept_opt;		/* matches against LYAcceptMedia */
-    };
-   The list of presentations is kept by this module.  It is also scanned by
-   modules which want to know the set of formats supported.  for example.
- */
-    extern HTList *HTPresentations;
-   The default presentation is used when no other is appropriate
- */
-    extern HTPresentation *default_presentation;
- * Options used for "Accept:" string
- */
-    typedef enum {
-	/* make the components powers of two so we can add them */
-	mediaINT = 1		/* internal types predefined in HTInit.c */
-	,mediaEXT = 2		/* external types predefined in HTInit.c */
-	,mediaCFG = 4		/* types, e.g., viewers, from lynx.cfg */
-	,mediaUSR = 8		/* user's mime-types, etc. */
-	,mediaSYS = 16		/* system's mime-types, etc. */
-	/* these are useful flavors for the options menu */
-	,mediaOpt1 = mediaINT
-	,mediaOpt2 = mediaINT + mediaCFG
-	,mediaOpt3 = mediaINT + mediaCFG + mediaUSR
-	,mediaOpt4 = mediaINT + mediaCFG + mediaUSR + mediaSYS
-	/* this is the flavor from pre-2.8.6 */
-	,mediaALL = mediaINT + mediaEXT + mediaCFG + mediaUSR + mediaSYS
-    } AcceptMedia;
- * Options used for "Accept-Encoding:" string
- */
-    typedef enum {
-	encodingNONE = 0
-	,encodingGZIP = 1
-	,encodingDEFLATE = 2
-	,encodingCOMPRESS = 4
-	,encodingBZIP2 = 8
-	,encodingALL = (encodingGZIP
-			+ encodingDEFLATE
-			+ encodingCOMPRESS
-			+ encodingBZIP2)
-    } AcceptEncoding;
-HTSetPresentation: Register a system command to present a format
-  rep                     is the MIME - style format name
-  command                 is the MAILCAP - style command template
-  testcommand             is the MAILCAP - style testcommand template
-  quality                 A degradation faction 0..1.0
-  secs                    A limit on the time user will wait (0.0 for infinity)
-  secs_per_byte
-  maxbytes                A limit on the length acceptable as input (0 infinite)
-  media                   Used in filtering presentation types for "Accept:"
- */
-    extern void HTSetPresentation(const char *representation,
-				  const char *command,
-				  const char *testcommand,
-				  double quality,
-				  double secs,
-				  double secs_per_byte,
-				  long int maxbytes,
-				  AcceptMedia media
-    );
-HTSetConversion:   Register a converstion routine
-  rep_in                  is the content-type input
-  rep_out                 is the resulting content-type
-  converter               is the routine to make the stream to do it
- */
-    extern void HTSetConversion(const char *rep_in,
-				const char *rep_out,
-				HTConverter *converter,
-				float quality,
-				float secs,
-				float secs_per_byte,
-				long int maxbytes,
-				AcceptMedia media
-    );
-HTStreamStack:   Create a stack of streams
-   This is the routine which actually sets up the conversion.  It currently
-   checks only for direct conversions, but multi-stage conversions are forseen. 
-   It takes a stream into which the output should be sent in the final format,
-   builds the conversion stack, and returns a stream into which the data in the
-   input format should be fed.  The anchor is passed because hypertxet objects
-   load information into the anchor object which represents them.
- */
-    extern HTStream *HTStreamStack(HTFormat format_in,
-				   HTFormat format_out,
-				   HTStream *stream_out,
-				   HTParentAnchor *anchor);
-HTReorderPresentation: put presentation near head of list
-    Look up a presentation (exact match only) and, if found, reorder it to the
-    start of the HTPresentations list.  - kw
-    */
-    extern void HTReorderPresentation(HTFormat format_in,
-				      HTFormat format_out);
- * Setup 'get_accept' flag to denote presentations that are not redundant,
- * and will be listed in "Accept:" header.
- */
-    extern void HTFilterPresentations(void);
-HTStackValue: Find the cost of a filter stack
-   Must return the cost of the same stack which HTStreamStack would set up.
-  format_in               The fomat of the data to be converted
-  format_out              The format required
-  initial_value           The intrinsic "value" of the data before conversion on a scale
-                         from 0 to 1
-  length                  The number of bytes expected in the input format
- */
-    extern float HTStackValue(HTFormat format_in,
-			      HTFormat rep_out,
-			      float initial_value,
-			      long int length);
-#define NO_VALUE_FOUND  -1e20	/* returned if none found */
-/*	Display the page while transfer in progress
- *	-------------------------------------------
- *
- *   Repaint the page only when necessary.
- *   This is a traverse call for HText_pageDispaly() - it works!.
- *
- */
-    extern void HTDisplayPartial(void);
-    extern void HTFinishDisplayPartial(void);
-HTCopy:  Copy a socket to a stream
-   This is used by the protocol engines to send data down a stream, typically
-   one which has been generated by HTStreamStack.
- */
-    extern int HTCopy(HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-		      int file_number,
-		      void *handle,
-		      HTStream *sink);
-HTFileCopy:  Copy a file to a stream
-   This is used by the protocol engines to send data down a stream, typically
-   one which has been generated by HTStreamStack.  It is currently called by
-   HTParseFile
- */
-    extern int HTFileCopy(FILE *fp,
-			  HTStream *sink);
-HTMemCopy:  Copy a memory chunk to a stream
-   This is used by the protocol engines to send data down a stream, typically
-   one which has been generated by HTStreamStack.  It is currently called by
-   HTParseMem
- */
-    extern int HTMemCopy(HTChunk *chunk,
-			 HTStream *sink);
-HTCopyNoCR: Copy a socket to a stream, stripping CR characters.
-   It is slower than HTCopy .
- */
-    extern void HTCopyNoCR(HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-			   int file_number,
-			   HTStream *sink);
-Clear input buffer and set file number
-   This routine and the one below provide simple character input from sockets. 
-   (They are left over from the older architecture and may not be used very
-   much.) The existence of a common routine and buffer saves memory space in
-   small implementations.
- */
-    extern void HTInitInput(int file_number);
-Get next character from buffer
- */
-    extern int interrupted_in_htgetcharacter;
-    extern int HTGetCharacter(void);
-HTParseSocket: Parse a socket given its format
-   This routine is called by protocol modules to load an object.  uses
-   HTStreamStack and the copy routines above.  Returns HT_LOADED if successful,
-   <0 if not.
- */
-    extern int HTParseSocket(HTFormat format_in,
-			     HTFormat format_out,
-			     HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-			     int file_number,
-			     HTStream *sink);
-HTParseFile: Parse a File through a file pointer
-   This routine is called by protocols modules to load an object.  uses
-   HTStreamStack and HTFileCopy.  Returns HT_LOADED if successful, can also
-   return HT_PARTIAL_CONTENT, HT_NO_DATA, or other <0 for failure.
- */
-    extern int HTParseFile(HTFormat format_in,
-			   HTFormat format_out,
-			   HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-			   FILE *fp,
-			   HTStream *sink);
-HTParseMem: Parse a document in memory
-   This routine is called by protocols modules to load an object.  uses
-   HTStreamStack and HTMemCopy.  Returns HT_LOADED if successful, can also
-   return <0 for failure.
- */
-    extern int HTParseMem(HTFormat format_in,
-			  HTFormat format_out,
-			  HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-			  HTChunk *chunk,
-			  HTStream *sink);
-#ifdef USE_ZLIB
-HTParseGzFile: Parse a gzip'ed File through a file pointer
-   This routine is called by protocols modules to load an object.  uses
-   HTStreamStack and HTGzFileCopy.  Returns HT_LOADED if successful, can also
-   return HT_PARTIAL_CONTENT, HT_NO_DATA, or other <0 for failure.
- */
-    extern int HTParseGzFile(HTFormat format_in,
-			     HTFormat format_out,
-			     HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-			     gzFile gzfp,
-			     HTStream *sink);
-HTParseZzFile: Parse a deflate'd File through a file pointer
-   This routine is called by protocols modules to load an object.  uses
-   HTStreamStack and HTZzFileCopy.  Returns HT_LOADED if successful, can also
-   return HT_PARTIAL_CONTENT, HT_NO_DATA, or other <0 for failure.
- */
-    extern int HTParseZzFile(HTFormat format_in,
-			     HTFormat format_out,
-			     HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-			     FILE *zzfp,
-			     HTStream *sink);
-#endif				/* USE_ZLIB */
-#ifdef USE_BZLIB
-HTParseBzFile: Parse a bzip2'ed File through a file pointer
-   This routine is called by protocols modules to load an object.  uses
-   HTStreamStack and HTGzFileCopy.  Returns HT_LOADED if successful, can also
-   return HT_PARTIAL_CONTENT, HT_NO_DATA, or other <0 for failure.
- */
-    extern int HTParseBzFile(HTFormat format_in,
-			     HTFormat format_out,
-			     HTParentAnchor *anchor,
-			     BZFILE * bzfp,
-			     HTStream *sink);
-#endif				/* USE_BZLIB */
-HTNetToText: Convert Net ASCII to local representation
-   This is a filter stream suitable for taking text from a socket and passing
-   it into a stream which expects text in the local C representation.  It does
-   ASCII and newline conversion.  As usual, pass its output stream to it when
-   creating it.
- */
-    extern HTStream *HTNetToText(HTStream *sink);
-HTFormatInit: Set up default presentations and conversions
-   These are defined in HTInit.c or HTSInit.c if these have been replaced.  If
-   you don't call this routine, and you don't define any presentations, then
-   this routine will automatically be called the first time a conversion is
-   needed.  However, if you explicitly add some conversions (eg using
-   HTLoadRules) then you may want also to explicitly call this to get the
-   defaults as well.
- */
-    extern void HTFormatInit(void);
- */
-    extern BOOL HTOutputSource;	/* Flag: shortcut parser */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif				/* HTFORMAT_H */