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diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/alt_edit_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/alt_edit_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ab577a16..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/alt_edit_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<title>Lynx Line Editor Alternative Key Binding</title>
-<link rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<link rel="Sibling" title="Default Binding" href="edit_help.html">
-<link rel="Sibling" title="Bash-Like Binding" href="bashlike_edit_help.html">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-Lynx invokes a built-in <em>Line Editor</em> for entering strings in
-response to prompts, in forms, and for email messages if an external editor
-has not been defined.  Additional alternative key-bindings can be offered
-by configuring with --enable-alt-bindings or by adding them in
-LYEditmap.c before compiling Lynx.  If available,
-they may be selected via the 'o'ptions menu, or by editing lineedit_mode in
-the '.lynxrc' file.
-<p>Note: setting emacs/vi keys ON has no direct effect on line-editor bindings.
-<p>This is the <em>Alternative Binding</em> keymap:
-     ENTER  Input complete        -  RETURN
-     TAB    Input complete        -  TAB, Do
-     ABORT  Input cancelled       -  Ctrl-G, Ctrl-O, (Ctrl-C on some systems)
-     ERASE  Erase the line        -  Ctrl-U
-     BACK   Cursor back     char  -  Left-Arrow,  Ctrl-B
-     FORW   Cursor forward  char  -  Right-Arrow, Ctrl-F
-     BACKW  Cursor back     word  -  Ctrl-P
-     FORWW  Cursor forward  word  -  Ctrl-N
-     BOL    Go to begin of  line  -  Ctrl-A, Home, Find
-     EOL    Go to end   of  line  -  Ctrl-E, End,  Select
-     DELP   Delete prev     char  -  Ctrl-H, DELETE, Remove
-     DELN   Delete next [1] char  -  Ctrl-D
-     DELPW  Delete prev     word  -  Ctrl-R
-     DELNW  Delete next     word  -  Ctrl-T
-     DELEL  Delete to end of line -  Ctrl-K
-     UPPER  Upper case the line   -  Ctrl-^
-     LOWER  Lower case the line   -  Ctrl-_
-     LKCMD  Invoke cmd prompt     -  Ctrl-V (in form text fields, only) [2]
-<A NAME="TASpecial">Special commands for use only in textarea fields</A>[3]:
-          Textarea external edit  - Ctrl-X e
-          Insert file in textarea - Ctrl-X i
-          Grow textarea           - Ctrl-X g
-[1] "next" means the character "under" a box or underline style cursor; it
-     means "to the immediate right of" an I-beam (between characters) type
-     cursor.
-[2]  Follow Ctrl-V with any recognized key command, to "escape" from a text
-     input field.
-[3]  For other key combinations using Ctrl-X as a prefix key, see the
-     Help page for the <a rel="Sibling" title="Bash-Like Binding"
-                        href="bashlike_edit_help.html"
-                      >Bash-Like</a> Binding.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/bashlike_edit_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/bashlike_edit_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a8c2c6..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/bashlike_edit_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-<title>Lynx Line Editor Bash-Like Key Binding</title>
-<link rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<link rel="Sibling" title="Default Binding" href="edit_help.html">
-<link rel="Sibling" title="Alternative Binding" href="alt_edit_help.html">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++BASH-LIKE BINDING+++</h1>
-Lynx invokes a built-in <em>Line Editor</em> for entering strings in
-response to prompts, in forms, and for email messages if an external editor
-has not been defined.  Several sets of key-bindings can be offered
-by configuring with --enable-alt-bindings or by adding them in
-LYEditmap.c before compiling Lynx.  If available,
-they may be selected via the 'o'ptions menu, or by editing lineedit_mode in
-the '.lynxrc' file.
-<p>Note: setting emacs/vi keys ON has no direct effect on line-editor bindings.
-<p>This is the <em>Bash-like Binding</em> keymap.</p>
-<h2>Basic commands</h2>
-     ENTER  Input complete        -  Enter, RETURN
-     TAB    Completion [2]/ Next  -  TAB, Do
-     ABORT  Cancel / Undo Change  -  C-g, C-_
-     ERASE  Erase the line        -  M-k, C-x k
-     BACK   Cursor back     char  -  Left-Arrow,  C-b
-     FORW   Cursor forward  char  -  Right-Arrow, C-f
-     BACKW  Cursor back     word  -  M-b, C-r
-     FORWW  Cursor forward  word  -  M-f, C-s [5]
-     BOL    Go to begin of  line  -  C-a, Home, Find
-     EOL    Go to end   of  line  -  C-e [4], End,  Select
-     DELP   Delete prev     char  -  C-h, Backspace, Rubout
-     DELN   Delete next [1] char  -  C-d, Delete, Remove
-     DELPW  Delete prev     word  -  C-w [3], M-Backspace, M-Delete (?)
-     DELNW  Delete next     word  -  M-d
-     DELBL  Delete to beg of line -  C-u
-     DELEL  Delete to end of line -  C-k [4]
-     UPPER  Upper case the line   -  M-u
-     LOWER  Lower case the line   -  M-l
-     LKCMD  Invoke cmd prompt     -  C-v [FORM]
-     SWMAP  Switch input keymap   -  C-^ (if compiled in)
-<A NAME="TASpecial">Special commands for use in textarea fields</A> [FORM]:
-     PASS!  Textarea external edit  - C-e C-e [4], C-x e
-     PASS!  Insert file in textarea - C-x i
-     PASS!  Grow textarea           - C-x g
-Here is a little textarea for practice:<BR>
-<FORM action=""><TEXTAREA name="practice" cols=40 ROWS=5>
-This text cannot be submitted.  Normally lines like
-these would be part of a form that is filled out and
-then submitted.  You can move around here and delete
-or add text as you like, using the Line-Editor keys.
-</TEXTAREA><INPUT TYPE=reset VALUE="[reset content]"></FORM>
-Advanced emacs-like commands:
-    TPOS    Transpose characters                   -  C-t
-    SETMARK Set mark at current position in line   -  C-@
-    XPMARK  Exchange current position with mark    -  C-x C-x
-    KILLREG Kill region between mark and position  -  C-x C-w [3]
-    YANK    Insert text last killed (with KILLREG) -  C-y
-     <DFN>C-</DFN><strong>key</strong> means Control+<strong><kbd>key</kbd></strong>.  <DFN
-     ><code>C-x </code></DFN><strong>key</strong> means first Control+<kbd>x</kbd>, then
-     <strong><kbd>key</kbd></strong>.
-                                                                       <DFN
-                        >M-</DFN>key means Meta+<strong><kbd>key</kbd></strong>, where Meta
-     is a modifier that can be entered in a variety of ways:
-<LI>First ESC, then the <strong><kbd>key</kbd></strong>.
-    This doesn't work with all systems or on all connections, and if it
-    does may not work for some keys (because the ESC character is also
-    part of code sequences for "normal" function keys).
-    This works if the terminal, console, or comm program is set up to
-    interpret Alt as a modifier to send ESC.  The Linux console acts
-    like that by default for most keys;  Kermit can be set up to do it,
-    xterm can be for some keys, and so on.  But the same caveats as for
-    the previous item apply.
-    This Alt mapping may also be possible, independent of the ESC character,
-    for some keys in Lynx for DOS/i386 or for Win32.
-<LI>C-x <strong><kbd>key</kbd></strong>.
-    Actually, currently the same internal table is used for Meta and the
-    C-x prefix.  Therefore all M-<strong><kbd>key</kbd></strong> combinations can
-    also be typed as C-x <strong><kbd>key</kbd></strong>, and vice versa.
-[1] "next" means the character "under" a box or underline style cursor; it
-    means "to the immediate right of" an I-beam (between characters) type
-    cursor.
-[2] For entering strings in response to prompts (that is, when not editing
-    form text fields), some keys have different actions: TAB tries to
-    complete input based on previous response; Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow
-    may offer previous response and next response, respectively, from
-    recall buffer for some prompts.
-[3] C-w can only be used for editing functions if its default KEYMAP
-    to REFRESH is changed.  This can be done in the lynx.cfg file,
-    for example with the line "KEYMAP:^W:DO_NOTHING".  This also applies
-    for other keys: as long as the key's action is mapped to REFRESH,
-    either with an explicit KEYMAP in lynx.cfg or by default, the
-    key's Line Editor binding is disabled.
-[4] These keys invoke special behavior when pressed twice in a row:
-    C-e C-e calls the external editor for changing the text in a
-    textarea (if available).  C-k C-k will move to the next link,
-    so that all lines in a textarea can be conveniently cleared by
-    repeating C-k.
-[5] Key is likely unavailable for Lynx, because it is interpreted by
-    operating system, comm program, or curses library, or swallowed
-    as part of escape sequence recognition.  Binding is provided for
-    the benefit of those where this doesn't apply.
-[FORM] In form text fields, only.  Ignored by Line Editor elsewhere.
-More notes
-   When a text input field, including a textarea line, is selected,
-   the Line Editor functions get a first grab at the keys entered.
-   If a key has no function defined in the Line Editor binding, it
-   can either be ignored, or passed on for normal key command handling,
-   where modifiers like C-x or Meta currently have no effect (see the
-   >Key Map Page</A> accessible with the key <kbd>K</kbd> for current information).
-<h2>Additional details on other keys, for the curious
-(very much subject to change)</h2>
-Normal key action when used in form fields, subject to remapping
-with KEYMAP: [FORM (except Up-Arrow, Down-Arrow)]
-            C-l [3], C-o, C-z [5], C-\ [5], C-] [5]
-            C-n [emacskey], C-p [emacskey]
-            Up-Arrow [2], Down-Arrow [2]
-            Page-Up, Page-Down, F1, Back-Tab
-Normal key command with Meta modifier ignored when used in form fields,
-subject to remapping with KEYMAP: [FORM (except Up-Arrow, Down-Arrow)]
-            M-C-l [3], M-C-o [!], M-C-z [5], M-C-\ [5], M-C-] [5]
-            M-C-u, M-/, M-n
-            M-Up-Arrow [2][!], M-Down-Arrow [2][!]
-            M-Page-Up [!], M-Page-Down [!], M-Home, M-End
-Passed as specific command:
-                     lynx action    duplicates by default
-                     -----------    ---------------------
-            M-C-d    NEXT_LINK      Down-Arrow
-            M-C-e    EDITTEXTAREA   C-e C-e
-            M-C-k    LPOS_NEXT_LINK (none, Down-Arrow suggested)
-            M-e      EDITTEXTAREA   C-e C-e
-            M-g      GROWTEXTAREA   (none, C-v $ suggested?)
-            M-i      INSERTFILE     (none, C-v # suggested?)
-            M-&lt;      HOME           M-Home
-            M-&gt;      END            M-End
-            M-F1     DWIMHELP       F1
-            M-Find   WHEREIS        C-v /
-            M-Select NEXT           C-v n
-Duplicates function of other key(s):
-                     edit action    duplicates
-                     -----------    ----------
-            M-C-b    BACKW          M-b, C-r
-            M-C-f    FORWW          M-f
-            M-C-n    FORWW          M-f
-            M-C-p    BACKW          M-b, C-r
-            M-C-r    BACKW          M-b, C-r
-            M-a      BOL            C-a, Home, ...
-Modifier ignored, and duplicates function of other key(s):
-                     edit action    duplicates
-                     -----------    ----------
-            M-C-a    BOL            C-a, Home, ...
-            M-C-g    ABORT          C-g, ...
-            M-TAB    TAB            C-i [!]
-            M-C-j    ENTER          C-m, C-j, Enter / RETURN
-            M-RETURN ENTER          C-m, C-j, Enter / RETURN
-            M-C-y    YANK           C-y [!]
-            M-C-^    SWMAP          C-^ [!] (if compiled in)
-       M-Right-Arrow FORW           Right-Arrow [!], C-f
-        M-Left-Arrow BACK           Left-Arrow [!],  C-b
-            M-Do     TAB            C-i [!]
-Key completely ignored:
-            C-q, Insert
-            M-C-q, M-C-s [5], M-C-t, M-C-v, M-ESC
-            M-C-@, M-C-_, M-Remove, M-Insert [!]
-Meta + other (mostly, printable character) keys:
-              Modifier ignored, or sequence swallowed (see [5]).
-            M-@, M-E...M-Z [5], M-\, M-^, M-_ attempt to interpret
-              as 7-bit escape representation for character in 8-bit
-              control (C1) range if appropriate according to
-              Display Character Set.
-[emacskey] Normal key action subject to emacs_keys setting.
-[!] Action of key with Meta modifier follows action of key without
-    Meta.  If you manage to enter the Meta key while Line-Editor
-    Binding is not set to Bash-Like, and the unmodified binding
-    is different from that listed here, M-&lt;<var>key</var>&gt; will act
-    like &lt;<var>key</var>&gt;.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/bookmark_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/bookmark_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f51ba9c0..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/bookmark_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Lynx Bookmark Help</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ Bookmark Help +++</h1>
-The <em>Bookmark files</em> are documents that resides on your local
-machine and you are able to edit and change.  The append feature,
-invoked by pressing an '<em>a</em>' while viewing a document will add
-the current document or the currently highlighted link to your default
-<em>Bookmark file</em>, or to one you select if multiple bookmarks are
-enabled.  The remove feature, invoked by pressing an '<em>r</em>' when
-a <em>Bookmark file</em> is being displayed, will remove the currently
-highlighted link.  You may set and modify the paths and names of your
-<em>Bookmark files</em> and enable or disable multiple bookmarks
-in the <A HREF="option_help.html">Options Menu</A>.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/cookie_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/cookie_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ed74c77c..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/cookie_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Help on the Cookie Jar Page</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ Cookie Jar Page Help +++</h1>
-The Cookie Jar Page displays all of the unexpired cookies you have
-accumulated in the hypothetical <em>Cookie Jar</em>.  The cookies are
-obtained via <em>Set-Cookie</em> MIME headers in replies from http servers,
-and are used for <A HREF="../Lynx_users_guide.html#Cookies">State Management</A>
-across successive requests to the servers.
-<p>The cookies are listed by <em>domain</em> (server's Fully Qualified
-Domain Name, or site-identifying portion of the FQDN), and in order
-of decreasing specificity (number of slash-separated symbolic elements
-in the <em>path</em> attribute of the cookie).  When Lynx sends requests
-to an http server whose address tail-matches a <em>domain</em> in the
-<em>Cookie Jar</em>, all its cookies with a <em>path</em> which
-head-matches the path in the URL for that request are included as a
-<em>Cookie</em> MIME header.  The 'allow' setting for accepting cookies
-from each domain (always, never, or via prompt) also is indicated in the
-<p>The listing also shows the <em>port</em> (normally 80) of the URL
-for the request which caused the cookie to be sent, and whether the
-<em>secure</em> flag is set for the cookie, in which case it will be
-sent only via secure connections (presently, only SSL).  The
-<em>Maximum Gobble Date</em>, i.e., when the cookie is intended to
-expire, also is indicated.  Also, a server may change the expiration date,
-or cause the cookie to be deleted, in its replies to subsequent requests
-from Lynx.  If the server included any explanatory comments in its
-<em>Set-Cookie</em> MIME headers, those also are displayed in the listing.
-<p>The <em>domain</em>=value pairs, and each cookie's name=value, are
-links in the listing.  Activating a <em>domain</em>=value link will
-invoke a prompt asking whether all cookies in that <em>domain</em>
-should be <em>Gobbled</em> (deleted from the <em>Cookie Jar</em>),
-and/or whether the <em>domain</em> entry should be <em>Gobbled</em>
-if all of its cookies have been <em>Gobbled</em>, or whether to change
-the 'allow' setting for that <em>domain</em>.  Activating a cookie's
-name=value link will cause that particular cookie to be <em>Gobbled</em>.
-You will be prompted for confirmations of deletions, to avoid any
-accidental <em>Gobbling</em>.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/dired_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/dired_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 953caae8..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/dired_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<title>Lynx Dired Help</title>
-<link rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++DIRED HELP+++</h1>
-Lynx changes into Dired mode when you use a URL of the type
-<em>file://localhost/path/</em>.  While in Dired mode, some keys are
-remapped to do the following functions:
-        C)reate       - Create a new, empty file in the current
-                        directory.  You will be prompted to enter
-                        a name for the file.
-        F)ull menu    - Show a full menu of commands for currently
-                        selected file or directory.
-        M)odify       - Modify the name or location of selection.  If
-                        multiple files have been selected, you will
-                        only be able to change the location.  Choose
-                        between changing the name or location and then
-                        enter a new filename or path.
-        R)emove       - Delete currently selected files.
-        T)ag          - Tag the highlighted file.  Multiple files may
-                        be tagged and all other commands except "Create"
-                        will be performed on tagged files instead of the
-                        one highlighted.  Press '<em>t</em>' again to untag
-                        a file.
-        U)pload       - Upload a file to the current directory using
-                        one of the options listed in the upload screen.
-Some other keys useful in Dired mode:
-        D)ownload     - Download selection using options listed in
-                        the download options screen.
-        E)dit         - Spawn the editor defined in the <a
-                        href="option_help.html">Options Menu</a>
-                        and load selection for editing.
-<em>Note:</em> Dired mode must be activated at compile time.
-Otherwise, the above commands will not be available
-and Lynx will treat a directory listing as an HTML file.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/edit_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/edit_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1421ef31..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/edit_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-<title>Lynx Line Editor Default Key Binding</title>
-<link rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++DEFAULT BINDING+++</h1>
-Lynx invokes a built-in <em>Line Editor</em> for entering strings in
-response to prompts, in forms, and for email messages if an external editor
-has not been defined.  Alternative key bindings can be offered
-by configuring with --enable-alt-bindings or by adding them in LYEditmap.c
-before compiling Lynx.  If available, they may
-be selected via the 'o'ptions menu, or by editing lineedit_mode in the
-'.lynxrc' file.
-<p>Two such alternative key bindings, which may be available on your system,
-are the <A HREF="alt_edit_help.html">Alternative Binding</A> keymap and the
-<A HREF="bashlike_edit_help.html">Bash-like Binding</A> keymap.
-<p>Note: setting emacs/vi keys ON has no effect on line-editor bindings.
-<p>This is the <em>Default Binding</em> keymap:
-     ENTER  Input complete        -  RETURN
-     TAB    Input complete        -  TAB, Do
-     ABORT  Input cancelled       -  Ctrl-G, Ctrl-O, (Ctrl-C on some systems)
-     ERASE  Erase the line        -  Ctrl-U
-     BACK   Cursor back     char  -  Left-Arrow
-     FORW   Cursor forward  char  -  Right-Arrow
-     BACKW  Cursor back     word  -  Ctrl-P
-     FORWW  Cursor forward  word  -  Ctrl-N
-     BOL    Go to begin of  line  -  Ctrl-A, Home, Find
-     EOL    Go to end   of  line  -  Ctrl-E, End,  Select
-     DELP   Delete prev     char  -  Ctrl-H, DELETE, Remove
-     DELN   Delete next [1] char  -  Ctrl-D, Ctrl-R
-     DELPW  Delete prev     word  -  Ctrl-B
-     DELNW  Delete next     word  -  Ctrl-F
-     DELEL  Delete to end of line -  Ctrl-_
-     UPPER  Upper case the line   -  Ctrl-T
-     LOWER  Lower case the line   -  Ctrl-K
-     LKCMD  Invoke cmd prompt     -  Ctrl-V (in form text fields, only) [2]
-     SWMAP  Switch input keymap   -  Ctrl-^ (if compiled in)
-<A NAME="TASpecial">Special commands for use only in textarea fields</A>[3]:
-          Textarea external edit  - Ctrl-X e
-          Insert file in textarea - Ctrl-X i
-          Grow textarea           - Ctrl-X g
-[1] "next" means the character "under" a box or underline style cursor; it
-     means "to the immediate right of" an I-beam (between characters) type
-     cursor.
-[2]  Follow Ctrl-V with any recognized key command, to "escape" from a text
-     input field.
-[3]  For other key combinations using Ctrl-X as a prefix key, see the
-     Help page for the <a rel="Sibling" title="Bash-Like Binding"
-                        href="bashlike_edit_help.html"
-                      >Bash-Like</a> Binding.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/environments.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/environments.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 24c71daf..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/environments.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-<!-- $LynxId: environments.html,v 1.13 2007/05/13 22:47:50 Chuck.Houpt Exp $ -->
-<title>Help on Environment variables</title>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-       In addition to various  "standard"  environment  variables
-       such as HOME, PATH, USER, DISPLAY, TMPDIR, etc, Lynx utilizes
-       several Lynx-specific environment variables, <a href="#env">if they exist</a>.
-       Others may be created or modified by Lynx to pass data to
-       an external program, or for other reasons.  These are
-       listed separately <a href="#setenv">below</a>.
-       See also the sections on <a href="#cgi">SIMULATED CGI SUPPORT</a> and
-       <a href="#language">NATIVE LANGUAGE SUPPORT</a>, below.
-       Note:  Not all environment variables apply to all types of
-       platforms supported by Lynx, though most do.  Feedback on
-       platform dependencies is solicited.  See also <a href="#dos">win32/dos</a> specific
-       variables.
-<a name="env"><em>
-Environment Variables Used By Lynx:
-                           If set, color capability for the terminal
-                           is forced on at startup time. The actual
-                           value assigned to the variable is ignored.
-                           This variable is only meaningful if Lynx
-                           was built using the slang screen-handling
-                           library.
-       LYNX_CFG
-                           This variable, if set,  will  override
-                           the  default  location and name of the
-                           global configuration  file  (normally,
-                           lynx.cfg)  that  was  defined  by  the
-                           LYNX_CFG_FILE    constant    in    the
-                           userdefs.h  file, during installation.
-                           See  the  userdefs.h  file  for   more
-                           information.
-                           If set, this  variable  overrides  the
-                           compiled-in URL and configuration file
-                           URL for the lynx help file.
-                           If  set,  this  variable overrides the
-                           compiled-in  location  of  the  locale
-                           directory  which  contains native lan-
-                           guage (NLS) message text.
-       LYNX_LSS
-                           This  variable,  if set, specifies the
-                           location of the default Lynx character
-                           style  sheet  file.   [Currently  only
-                           meaningful if  Lynx  was  built  using
-                           experimental color style support.]
-                           This  variable,  if set, will override
-                           the  default  path  prefix  for  files
-                           saved  to  disk that is defined in the
-                           lynx.cfg SAVE_SPACE:  statement.   See
-                           the lynx.cfg file for more information.
-                           This variable, if set,  will  override
-                           the  default path prefix for temporary
-                           files that was defined during installation,
-                           as well as any value that may
-                           be assigned to the TMPDIR variable.
-       LYNX_TRACE
-                           If  set,  causes Lynx to write a trace
-                           file as if the -trace option were sup-
-                           plied.
-                           If set, overrides the compiled-in name
-                           of the trace  file,  which  is  either
-                           Lynx.trace or LY-TRACE.LOG (the latter
-                           on the DOS platform).  The trace  file
-                           is in either case relative to the home
-                           directory.
-       MAIL
-                           This variable  specifies  the  default
-                           inbox Lynx will check for new mail, if
-                           such  checking  is  enabled   in   the
-                           lynx.cfg file.
-                           This  variable,  if  set, provides the
-                           string  used  in   the   Organization:
-                           header of USENET news postings.  It will
-                           override the setting of the ORGANIZATION
-                           environment  variable, if it is also set
-                           (and, on  UNIX, the contents of an
-                            /etc/organization file, if present).
-                           If set, this  variable  specifies  the
-                           default  NNTP server that will be used
-                           for USENET news  reading  and  posting
-                           with Lynx, via news: URL's.
-                           This  variable,  if  set, provides the
-                           string  used  in   the   Organization:
-                           header  of  USENET  news postings.  On
-                           UNIX, it will override the contents of
-                           an /etc/organization file, if present.
-       PROTOCOL_proxy
-                           Lynx supports the use of proxy servers
-                           that  can act as firewall gateways and
-                           caching servers.  They are  preferable
-                           to  the  older  gateway  servers  (see
-                           WWW_access_GATEWAY, below).
-                           Each protocol used by Lynx (http, ftp,
-                           gopher, etc), can be mapped separately
-                           by setting environment variables of
-                           the form PROTOCOL_proxy (literally:
-                           http_proxy, ftp_proxy, gopher_proxy,
-                           etc), to "http://some.server.dom:port/".
-                           See <a href="#proxy">Proxy details and examples</a>.
-       WWW_access_GATEWAY
-                           Lynx still  supports  use  of  gateway
-                           servers,  with  the  servers specified
-                           via   "WWW_access_GATEWAY"   variables
-                           (where  "access" is lower case and can
-                           be "http", "ftp", "gopher" or "wais"),
-                           however most gateway servers have been
-                           discontinued.  Note that  you  do  not
-                           include  a  terminal '/' for gateways,
-                           but do for proxies specified by PROTOCOL_proxy
-                           environment variables.  See <a href="#proxy">Proxy details</a>.
-       WWW_HOME
-                           This  variable,  if set, will override
-                           the default startup URL  specified  in
-                           any of the Lynx configuration files.
-<a name="setenv"><em>
-Environment Variables Set or Modified By Lynx:
-       LYNX_PRINT_DATE     This  variable  is  set  by  the  Lynx
-                           p(rint) function, to the Date:  string
-                           seen  in  the  document's "Information
-                           about" page (= cmd), if  any.   It  is
-                           created  for  use  by an external program,
-                           as  defined   in   a   lynx.cfg
-                           PRINTER: definition statement.  If the
-                           field does not exist for the document,
-                           the  variable  is set to a null string
-                           under UNIX, or "No Date" under VMS.
-       LYNX_PRINT_LASTMOD  This  variable  is  set  by  the  Lynx
-                           p(rint)  function,  to  the  Last Mod:
-                           string seen in the document's  "Information
-                           about"  page  (= cmd), if any.
-                           It is created for use by  an  external
-                           program,  as  defined  in  a  lynx.cfg
-                           PRINTER: definition statement.  If the
-                           field does not exist for the document,
-                           the variable is set to a  null  string
-                           under UNIX, or "No LastMod" under VMS.
-       LYNX_PRINT_TITLE    This  variable  is  set  by  the  Lynx
-                           p(rint)  function,  to  the  Linkname:
-                           string seen in the document's  "Information
-                           about"  page  (= cmd), if any.
-                           It is created for use by  an  external
-                           program,  as  defined  in  a  lynx.cfg
-                           PRINTER: definition statement.  If the
-                           field does not exist for the document,
-                           the variable is set to a  null  string
-                           under UNIX, or "No Title" under VMS.
-       LYNX_PRINT_URL      This  variable  is  set  by  the  Lynx
-                           p(rint) function, to the  URL:  string
-                           seen  in  the  document's "Information
-                           about" page (= cmd), if  any.   It  is
-                           created  for  use  by an external program,
-                           as  defined   in   a   lynx.cfg
-                           PRINTER: definition statement.  If the
-                           field does not exist for the document,
-                           the  variable  is set to a null string
-                           under UNIX, or "No URL" under VMS.
-       LYNX_VERSION        This variable is always set  by  Lynx,
-                           and may be used by an external program
-                           to determine  if  it  was  invoked  by
-                           Lynx.   See  also  the comments in the
-                           distribution's  sample  mailcap  file,
-                           for notes on usage in such a file.
-       SSL_CERT_DIR        Set to the directory containing trusted
-                           certificates.
-       SSL_CERT_FILE       Set to the full path and filename  for
-                           your file of trusted certificates.
-       TERM                Normally,  this  variable  is  used by
-                           Lynx to determine  the  terminal  type
-                           being  used  to invoke Lynx.  If, however,
-                           it is unset at startup time  (or
-                           has  the  value  "unknown"), or if the
-                           -term  command-line option is used,
-                           Lynx will set or modify its value
-                           to the user specified  terminal type
-                           (for the Lynx execution   environment).
-                           Note: If set/modified by Lynx, the values of
-                           the LINES and/or  COLUMNS  environment
-                           variables may also be changed.
-<a name="cgi"><em>
-       If built with the cgi-links option  enabled,  Lynx  allows
-       access  to  a  cgi script directly without the need for an
-       http daemon.
-       When executing such "lynxcgi scripts"  (if  enabled),  the
-       following  variables may be set for simulating a CGI environment:
-       PATH_INFO
-       Other environment  variables  are  not  inherited  by  the
-       script, unless they are provided via a LYNXCGI_ENVIRONMENT
-       statement in the configuration  file.   See  the  lynx.cfg
-       file,    and    the    (draft)   CGI   1.1   Specification
-       &lt;http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/cgi/draft-coar-cgi-v11-00.txt&gt;
-       for the definition and usage of these variables.
-       The CGI Specification, and other associated documentation,
-       should be consulted for general information on CGI  script
-       programming.
-<a name="language"><em>
-       If  configured and installed with Native Language Support,
-       Lynx will display status and other messages in your local
-       language.  See the file ABOUT_NLS in the source distribution,
-       or at your local GNU site, for more information about
-       internationalization.
-       The following environment variables may be used to alter
-       default settings:
-       LANG                This variable, if set,  will  override
-                           the  default  message language.  It is
-                           an ISO 639 two-letter code identifying
-                           the  language.  Language codes are NOT
-                           the same as the country codes given in
-                           ISO 3166.
-       LANGUAGE            This  variable,  if set, will override
-                           the default message language.  This is a
-                           GNU extension that has higher priority for
-                           setting the message catalog than LANG or
-                           LC_ALL.
-       LC_ALL              and
-       LC_MESSAGES         These  variables,  if set, specify the
-                           notion of native  language  formatting
-                           style.  They are POSIXly correct.
-       LINGUAS             This variable, if set prior to configuration,
-                           limits the installed languages to specific values.
-                           It is a space-separated list of two-letter codes.
-                           Currently, it is hard-coded to a wish list.
-       NLSPATH             This variable, if set, is used as  the
-                           path prefix for message catalogs.
-<a name="proxy"><em>
-Proxy details and examples:
-    To set your site's NTTP server as the default host for news reading
-    and posting via Lynx, set the environment variable NNTPSERVER so that
-    it points to its Internet address.  The variable "NNTPSERVER" is used
-    to specify the host which will be used as the default for news URLs.
-        UNIX
-                setenv NNTPSERVER "news.server.dom"
-        VMS
-                define/system NNTPSERVER "news.server.dom"
-    Lynx still supports use of gateway servers, with the servers specified
-    via the variables "WWW_access_GATEWAY", where "access" is lower case
-    and can be "http", "ftp", "gopher" or "wais".  Most of the gateway
-    servers have been discontinued, but "http://www.w3.org:8001" is
-    available for wais searches (note that you do not include a
-    terminal '/' for gateways, but do for proxies; see below).
-    Lynx version 2.2 and beyond supports the use of proxy servers that
-    can act as firewall gateways and caching servers.  They are
-    preferable to the older gateway servers.  Each protocol used by
-    Lynx can be mapped separately using PROTOCOL_proxy environment
-    variables of the form:
-        UNIX
-                setenv http_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv https_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv ftp_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv gopher_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv news_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv newspost_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv newsreply_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv snews_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv snewspost_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv snewsreply_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv nntp_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv wais_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv finger_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                setenv cso_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-        VMS
-                define "http_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "https_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "ftp_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "gopher_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "news_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "newspost_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "newsreply_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "snews_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "snewspost_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "snewsreply_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "nntp_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "wais_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "finger_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                define "cso_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
-                (Encase *BOTH* strings in double-quotes to maintain
-                 lower case for the PROTOCOL_proxy variable and for
-                 the http access type; include /system if you want
-                 proxying for all clients on your system.)
-    If you wish to override the use of a proxy server for specific hosts or
-    entire domains you may use the "no_proxy" environment variable.
-    The no_proxy variable can be a comma-separated list of strings defining
-    no-proxy zones in the DNS domain name space.  If a tail substring of the
-    domain-path for a host matches one of these strings, transactions with that
-    node will not be proxied.  Here is an example use of "no_proxy":
-        UNIX
-                setenv no_proxy "host.domain.dom, domain1.dom, domain2"
-        VMS
-                define "no_proxy" "host.domain.dom, domain1.dom, domain2"
-    You can include a port number in the no_proxy list to override use
-    of a proxy server for the host accessed via that port, but not via
-    other ports.  For example, if you use "host.domain.dom:119" and/or
-    "host.domain.dom:210", then news (port 119) URLs and/or any wais
-    (port 210) searches on that host would be excluded, but http, ftp,
-    and gopher services (if normally proxied) would still be included,
-    as would any news or wais services on other hosts.
-    Warning:  Note that setting 'il' as an entry in this list
-    will block proxying for the .mil domain as well as the .il domain.
-    If the entry is '.il' this will not happen.
-    If you wish to override the use of a proxy server completely (i.e.,
-    globally override any existing proxy variables), set the value of
-    "no_proxy" to "*".  This is the only allowed use of * in no_proxy.
-    Note that Lynx treats file URLs on the local host as requests for
-    direct access to the file, and does not attempt ftp if that fails.
-    It treats both ftp URLs and file URLs on remote hosts as ftp URLs,
-    and does not attempt direct file access for either.  If ftp URLs are
-    being proxied, file URLs on a remote host will be converted to ftp
-    URLs before submission by Lynx to the proxy server, so no special
-    procedure for inducing the proxy server to handle them is required.
-    Other WWW clients may require that the http server's configuration
-    file have "Map file:* ftp:*" in it to perform that conversion.
-    If you have not set NNTPSERVER, proxy or no_proxy environment variables
-    you can set them at run time via the configuration file lynx.cfg
-    (this will not override external settings).
-<a name="dos"><em>
-Win32 (95/NT) and 386 DOS
-  (adapted from "readme.txt" by Wayne Buttles
-  and "readme.dos" by Doug Kaufman)
-    Here are some environment variables that should be set, usually in a
-    batch file that runs the lynx executable. Make sure that you have enough
-    room left in your environment. You may need to change your "SHELL="
-    setting in config.sys. In addition, lynx looks for a "SHELL" environment
-    variable when shelling to DOS.  If  you wish to preserve the environment
-    space when shelling, put a line like this in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file also
-    "SET SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /E:2048". It should match CONFIG.SYS.
-    HOME         Where to keep the bookmark file and personal config files.
-    TEMP or TMP  Bookmarks are kept here with no HOME.  Temp files here.
-    USER         Set to your login name
-    LYNX_CFG     Set to the full path and filename for lynx.cfg
-    386 version only:
-    WATTCP.CFG   Set to the full path for the WATTCP.CFG directory
-    (Depending on how you compiled libtcp.a, you may have to use WATCONF.)
-    Define these in your batch file for running Lynx.  For example, if your
-    application line is "D:\win32\lynx.bat", lynx.bat for Win32 may look like:
-        @ECHO OFF
-        set home=d:\win32
-        set temp=d:\tmp
-        set lynx_cfg=d:\win32\lynx.cfg
-        d:\win32\lynx.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
-    In lynx_386, a typical batch file might look like:
-        @echo off
-        set HOME=f:/lynx2-8
-        set USER=your_login_name
-        set LYNX_CFG=%HOME%/lynx.cfg
-        set WATTCP.CFG=%HOME%
-        f:\lynx2-8\lynx %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
-    You will also need to make sure that the WATTCP.CFG file has the
-    correct information for IP number, Gateway, Netmask, and Domain Name
-    Server. This can also be automated in the batch file.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/follow_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/follow_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f0cea51..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/follow_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Help on the Follow link (or page) number feature</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ Follow link (or goto link or page) number Help +++<br>
-+++ Select option (or page) number Help +++</h1>
-If a user has set <em>Keypad mode</em> to <em>Links are numbered</em>,
-or <em>Form fields are numbered</em>,
-or <em>Links and form fields are numbered</em>
-as the default or for the current session via the <em>Options menu</em>,
-then hypertext links
-(and form fields, depending on the keypad mode)
-are prefixed with numbers in square brackets.  Entering a keyboard
-or keypad number is treated as an <em>F_LINK_NUM</em> command, and should
-invoke the <em>Follow link (or goto link or page) number:</em> statusline
-prompt for a
-potentially multiple digit number corresponding to an indicated link
-number.  If RETURN is pressed to terminate the number entry (e.g.,
-<em>123</em>) and it corresponds to a hypertext link, Lynx will retrieve
-the document for that link as if you had paged or used other navigation
-commands to make it the current link and then ACTIVATE-ed it.  The prompt
-can be invoked via '<em>0</em>', but it will not be treated as the lead
-digit for the number entry, whereas '<em>1</em>' through '<em>9</em>' both
-invoke the prompt and are treated as the first digit.
-In <em>Form fields are numbered</em>
-or <em>Links and form fields are numbered</em> mode,
-if the number corresponds to a form
-field you will be positioned on that field, but if it is a submit button
-it will not be ACTIVATE-ed.
-<p>If the number entered at the prompt has a '<em>g</em>' suffix (e.g.,
-<em>123g</em>), then Lynx will make the link corresponding to that number
-the current link, paging as appropriate if the link does not appear in
-the currently displayed page.  The '<em>g</em>' suffix is inferred (need
-not be entered) for form fields in
-<em>Form fields are numbered</em> or
-<em>Links and form fields are numbered</em> mode.
-<p>Alternatively, if the number is given a '<em>p</em>' suffix (e.g.,
-<em>123p</em>), Lynx will make the page corresponding to that number
-the currently displayed page, and the first link on that page, if any,
-the current link.  The '<em>g</em>' and '<em>p</em>' suffixes thus
-convert the
-<em>Follow link (or goto link or page) number:</em> feature to an advanced
-navigation aid.
-<p>Finally, a user may add a <em>+</em> or <em>-</em> suffix to a number
-command to indicate jumping forward or back relative to the current link or
-For example, typing <em>1g+</em> followed by RETURN will move the current
-link to the next numbered link, skipping any intervening pages
-or unnumbered links; <em>1g-</em> goes to the preceding numbered link.
-On a page without links, <em>3g+</em> goes to the 3rd link <em>following</em>
-the page.  <em>5p+</em> skips ahead 5 pages, and so on.
-You can also enter <em>5+</em> or <em>5-</em>, which will activate
-the 5th link ahead/behind where you are currently positioned.
-Note that typing <em>1g+</em> is different from typing a down arrow
-in that <em>1g+</em> skips pages containing no links, or
-intervening non-numbered links, such as form fields when
-form fields are not numbered.  It also differs from
-the <em>&lt;tab&gt;</em> command in that <em>1g+</em>
-does not skip over whole textareas, unless form fields
-are not numbered.
-<em>NOTE:</em> <em>1+g 1-g 1+p 1-p</em> are all recognized as equivalent
-to <em>1g+ 1g- 1p+ 1p-</em> .  Any other (mistyped) characters end
-the formula: e.g. <em>1gh+</em> is treated as <em>1g</em>.
-<p>If the user has set <em>Keypad mode</em> to <em>Numbers act as arrows</em>,
-then only '<em>0</em>', rather than every number, will be treated as an
-<em>F_LINK_NUM</em> command for invoking the <em>Follow link (or goto link or page)
-number:</em> prompt.  The '<em>0</em>' will not be treated as the first
-digit for the number, or number plus suffix, entry.
-<p>Numbers are associated with form fields only when
-<em>Form fields are numbered</em> or
-<em>Links and form fields are numbered</em> mode has been selected.
-If you have selected
-<em>Numbers act as arrows</em> or <em>Links are numbered</em> mode, you
-can seek form fields in the document via WHEREIS searches for strings in
-their displayed values.  If they are INPUT or TEXTAREA fields with no
-values as yet, you can use two or more underscores as the search string,
-because underscores are used as placeholders for form fields in the
-displayed document.
-<p ID="select-option">When you have invoked a popup window for a list of
-OPTIONs in a form's SELECT block, each OPTION is associated with a number,
-and that number will be displayed in
-<em>Form fields are numbered</em> or
-<em>Links and form fields are numbered</em> mode.
-In any keypad mode, the <em>F_LINK_NUM</em>
-('<em>0</em>') command will invoke a <em>Select option (or page)
-number:</em> prompt, and you can enter a number, and optionally a
-'<em>g</em>' or '<em>p</em>' suffix, to select or seek an OPTION in that
-list.  If only a number is entered at the prompt, the corresponding OPTION
-will be selected and the popup will be retracted.  If the '<em>g</em>'
-suffix is included, then you will be positioned on the corresponding OPTION
-in the list, paging through the list if necessary, but it will not be
-treated as selected unless you enter the ACTIVATE (RETURN or right-arrow)
-command when positioned on the OPTION.  For purposes of paging (e.g., in
-conjunction with the '<em>p</em>' suffix), a <em>page</em> is defined as
-the number of OPTIONs displayed within the vertical dimension of the popup
-Finally, the <em>+</em> and <em>-</em> suffixes can be used
-to move forward or back from the current option or page in
-a popup menu,
-similarly to the way they are used for links   For example,
-while viewing a popup window, the user can type
-<em>3p+</em> and RETURN
-to skip ahead 3 pages, and <em>50g-</em> will move the
-current selection back 50 options.
-This will work whether or not <em>keypad mode</em> is
-<em>Form fields are numbered</em> or
-<em>Links and form fields are numbered</em> since options
-are numbered internally.  If form field numbering is
-turned off, the option numbers won't appear on screen,
-but the user can still navigate using these commands.
-<p>Note that HTML can be structured so that it includes <em>hidden
-links</em>, i.e., without a visible link name intended for ACTIVATE-ing
-the link.  Such links may be created, for example, by making an IMG element
-the sole content of an Anchor element, and including an ALT="" attribute
-name/value pair to suppress access to the link when the browser does not
-have support for image handling available.  They also can be created by
-having truly empty Anchor content, in cases for which the value of an
-Anchor's HREF attribute is intended as a navigation aid for robots
-(typically indexers) and not as content for a browser's rendition of the
-document.  With the <em>-ismap</em> command line switch, Lynx will
-additionally treat a link to a server-side image maps as hidden if
-there also is a client-side map for the same image.
-Finally, in some cases links that are not intended to be hidden
-may effectively become <em>hidden links</em> because of bad HTML.
-The <em>hidden links</em> differ from Anchors that have only a
-NAME or ID attribute name/value pair (intended as positioning targets from
-other links which do have HREF attributes and values that include a
-<p>Lynx respects instructions for <em>hidden links</em> and normally does
-not include them in the rendition of the document.  However, if the command
-line switch <em>-hiddenlinks=merge</em> is used, such links will still be
-numbered in sequence with other links which are not hidden, and if <em>Links
-are numbered</em> mode is also on, link numbers will appear for them in the
-displayed text (except for links to image maps which are hidden because of
-<em>-ismap</em>).  If <em>-hiddenlinks=listonly</em> or
-<em>-hiddenlinks=ignore</em> is in effect, <em>hidden links</em> will not be
-shown in the text even in <em>links are numbered</em> mode.  Not using a
-<em>-hiddenlinks</em> flag at all is equivalent to
-<p>If a document includes
-<em>hidden links</em>, they will be reported, with appropriate labeling,
-in the menus created for the LIST ('<em>l</em>') or ADDRLIST ('<em>A</em>')
-commands, unless <em>-hiddenlinks=ignore</em> is used.  They can then be
-ACTIVATE-ed via those menus.  Also, if a link was hidden because of an ALT
-attribute in an IMG element, it will be converted to a <em>visible link</em>
-whenever the IMAGE_TOGGLE ('<em>*</em>') command is used to create links
-for SRC attribute values of IMG elements, because this indicates that the
-user does have some form of image handling enabled via a helper application,
-or wishes to download files for subsequent use with a graphic browser or
-other suitable software.
-<p>HTML forms also may have fields with a HIDDEN attribute, indicating that
-a name/value pair for the fields should be included in the content submitted
-for the form, but the value should not be displayed in the rendered form.
-Lynx respects this attribute as well, and neither displays the HIDDEN field,
-nor assigns it a number for the F_LINK_NUM ('<em>0</em>') command and
-<em>Form fields are numbered</em> or
-<em>Links and form fields are numbered</em> keypad mode handling, nor
-includes an entry for it in the menus created for the LIST ('<em>l</em>')
-or ADDRLIST ('<em>A</em>')
-commands.  However, the HIDDEN name/value pairs are included in any displays
-of submitted form content in the <em>Information about the current
-document</em> that is invoked by the INFO ('<em>=</em>') command.
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index ea886d29..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/gopher_types_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Listing of Gopher types</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ Gopher Types +++</h1>
-<dl compact>
-<dd>An ASCII file
-<dd>A directory listing
-<dd>The Computing Services Organizations
-nameserver interface
-<dd>A binary file with one of the following meanings
-<li>A Binary file with PC extensions
-<li>A Binary file with UNIX extensions
-<dd>A Macintosh file that has been BinHexed
-<dd>A searchable database
-<dd>An unknown image type<br>
-You must have an <A HREF="xterm_help.html">X terminal</A> to
-view images
-<dd>An image in Graphics Interchange Format<br>
-You must have an <A HREF="xterm_help.html">X terminal</A> to
-view images
-<dd>A World Wide Web hypertext file
-<dd>The link will open a connection to another host using telnet
-<dd>The link will open a connection to another host using tn3270
-<dd>An unknown or unsupported type
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deleted file mode 100644
index aab4dcac..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/history_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Help on the History Page</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ History Page Help +++</h1>
-The History Page displays all of the links that you have traveled through
-to reach your current point, including any temporary menu or list files
-that included links, bookmark files, and any documents associated with
-POST content.  If you entered a document and then left it by using the
-<em>left-arrow</em> key, it will <em>not</em> be in the history stack.
-If you entered a document and left it by selecting another link within
-that document, it <em>will</em> be in the history stack.
-<p>You may <A HREF="movement_help.html">select</A> any link on the History
-Page to review a document that you have previously visited.  That link,
-and any subsequent to it, will not be removed from the history stack if you
-return to it via the History Page.  You thus should use a History Page link,
-rather than the <em>left-arrow</em> key, if you wish to review previous
-documents without needing to remember and repeat the series of selections
-for reaching your currently displayed document.
-<p>Upon using <em>left-arrow</em> in the document selected via the History
-Page, you will be returned to the document from which you initially went to
-the History Page.
-<p>If a previously visited link has been removed from the history stack,
-and it was not a temporary menu or list file, bookmark file, or document
-associated with POST content, it can still be selected conveniently via
-the <A HREF="visited_help.html">Visited Links Page</A>.  The latter also
-will include links which were '<em>d</em>'ownloaded or passed to a helper
-application, and thus were not included in the history stack.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 239cb53c..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/keystroke_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Help on Lynx Keystroke Commands</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ Keystroke Commands +++</h1>
-  <A HREF="movement_help.html"
-  >MOVEMENT</A>:    Down arrow     - Highlight next topic
-               Up arrow       - Highlight previous topic
-               Right arrow,   - Jump to highlighted topic
-               Return, Enter  - Follow selected link
-               Left arrow     - Return to previous topic
-  <A HREF="scrolling_help.html"
-  >SCROLLING</A>:   +              - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
-               -              - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
-               SPACE          - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
-               b              - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
-               CTRL-A         - Go to first page of the current document (Home)
-               CTRL-E         - Go to last page of the current document (End)
-               CTRL-B         - Scroll up to previous page (Page-Up)
-               CTRL-F         - Scroll down to next page (Page-Down)
-               CTRL-N         - Go forward two lines in the current document
-               CTRL-P         - Go back two lines in the current document
-               )              - Go forward half a page in the current document
-               (              - Go back half a page in the current document
-               ^              - Go to the first link on the current line
-               $              - Go to the last link on the current line
-               &lt;              - Go to the previous link in the current column
-               &gt;              - Go to the next link in the current column
-               #              - Go to Toolbar or Banner in the current document
-  <A HREF="dired_help.html">DIRED</A>:       c              - Create a new file
-               d              - Download selected file
-               e              - Edit selected file
-               f              - Show a full menu of options for current file
-               m              - Modify the name or location of selected file
-               r              - Remove selected file
-               t              - Tag highlighted file
-               u              - Upload a file into the current directory
-  <A HREF="other_help.html">OTHER</A>:       ? (or h)       - Help (this screen)
-               a              - Add the current link to a bookmark file
-               c              - Send a comment to the document owner
-               d              - Download the current link
-               e              - Edit the current file
-               E              - Edit the current link's URL (or ACTION) and
-                                use that as a goto URL.
-               g              - Goto a user specified <a
-                                href="../lynx_url_support.html">URL</a> or file
-               G              - Edit the current document's URL and use that
-                                as a goto URL.
-               i              - Show an index of documents
-               j              - Execute a jump operation
-               k              - Show list of actual key mappings
-               l              - List references (links) in current document
-               m              - Return to main screen
-               o              - Set your <A HREF="option_help.html">options</A>
-               p              - <a href="print_help.html"
-                                >Print</a> to a file, mail, printers, or other
-               q              - Quit (Capital 'Q' for quick quit)
-               /              - Search for a string within the current document
-               s              - Enter a search string for an external search
-               n              - Go to the next search string
-               N              - Go to the previous search string
-               v              - View a <A HREF="bookmark_help.html"
-                                >bookmark file</A>
-               V              - Go to the <A HREF="visited_help.html"
-                                >Visited Links Page</A>
-               x              - Force submission of form or link with no-cache
-               z              - Cancel transfer in progress
-               [backspace]    - Go to the <A HREF="history_help.html"
-                                >History Page</A>
-               =              - Show info about current document, URL and link
-               \              - Toggle document source/rendered view
-               !              - Spawn your default shell
-               '              - Toggle "historical" vs minimal or valid comment
-                                parsing
-               _              - Clear all authorization info for this session
-               `              - Toggle minimal or valid comment parsing
-               *              - Toggle image_links mode on and off
-               @              - Toggle raw 8-bit translations or CJK mode
-                                on or off
-               .              - Run external program on the current link.
-               ,              - Run external program on the current document.
-               {              - Shift the screen left.
-               }              - Shift the screen right.
-               |              - Toggle line-wrap mode.  When line-wrap is
-                                off, you may use { and } to shift the screen
-                                left/right.  The screen width is set to 999.
-               ~              - Toggle parsing of nested tables (experimental).
-               [              - Toggle pseudo_inlines mode on and off
-               ]              - Send a HEAD request for the current doc or link
-               "              - Toggle valid or "soft" double-quote parsing
-               CTRL-R         - Reload current file and refresh the screen
-               CTRL-L         - Refresh the screen
-               CTRL-V         - Outside of a text input line or field,
-                                switch to <A HREF="option_help.html#tagsoup"
-                                         >alternative parsing</A> of HTML.
-                              - In a form text input field,
-                                CTRL-V prompts for a key command (allows
-                                <A HREF="../Lynx_users_guide.html#CtrlVNote"
-                                >escaping</A> from the field).
-                                Note that on most UNIX hosts, CTRL-V is bound
-                                via stty to the lnext (literal-next) code but
-                                the exact behavior of that is implementation
-                                specific.  On Solaris you must type CTRL-V
-                                twice to use it, since it quotes the following
-                                keystroke.
-               CTRL-U         - Inside text input line or field,
-                                erase input line (<a href="edit_help.html"
-                                >more input line commands</a>)
-                              - Outside of text input or field,
-                                undo returning to previous topic.
-               CTRL-G         - Cancel input or transfer
-               CTRL-T         - Toggle trace mode on and off
-               ;              - View the Lynx Trace Log for the current session
-               CTRL-K         - Invoke the <A HREF="cookie_help.html"
-                                >Cookie Jar Page</A>
-               CTRL-X	      - Invoke the <A HREF="../Lynx_users_guide.html#Cache"
-                                >Cache Jar Page</A>
-               numbers        - Invoke the prompt
-                                <a href="follow_help.html"
-                                  >Follow link (or goto link or page) number:</a>
-                                  or the
-                                  <a href="follow_help.html#select-option"
-                                  >Select option (or page) number:</a>
-                                prompt
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deleted file mode 100644
index 70eaa2ca..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/movement_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Help on Lynx Movement commands</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<H1>+++ MOVEMENT HELP +++</H1>
-        Down arrow,    -  Move to the next hypertext link,
-        TAB               or scroll down if there are no more
-                          links on the page to move to.
-        Up arrow       -  Move to the previous hypertext link,
-                          or scroll up if there are no links
-                          above the current one, and there are
-                          previous pages to move to.
-        Right arrow,   -  select the link that the cursor is
-        Return, Enter     positioned on.
-        Left arrow     -  Retreat from a link.  Go back to the
-                          previous topic.
-        *note: If 'VI Keys' are enabled from the options menu or
-               from the '.lynxrc' file, lowercase h,j,k,l will
-               move left, down, up, and right, respectively.
-        *note: If 'Emacs Keys' are enabled from the options menu or
-               from the '.lynxrc' file, Ctrl-B, Ctrl-N, Ctrl-P,
-               Ctrl-F will move left, down, up, and right, respectively.
-        *note: If the 'Num Lock' on your keyboard is on, Lynx will
-               translate the numbers of your keypad into movement
-               commands.  The translation is as follows.
-                     9  - page up
-                     8  - up arrow
-          7 8 9      7  - moves to the top of a document
-           \|/       6  - right arrow
-        4 - 5 - 6    5  - nothing
-           /|\       4  - left arrow
-          1 2 3      3  - page down
-                     2  - down arrow
-                     1  - moves to the end of a document
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/option_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/option_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a68a609..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/option_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Form-based Options Menu : Help</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-The Options Menu allows you to set and modify many Lynx features.<BR>
-Note: some options appear on the screen only if they have been
-compiled in or chosen in `lynx.cfg':
-<LI>General Preferences
-<LI><A HREF="#UM">User Mode</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#ED">Editor</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#ST">Searching type</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#CK">Cookies</A>
-<LI>Keyboard Input
-<LI><A HREF="#KM">Keypad mode</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#EM">Emacs keys</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#VI">VI keys</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#LE">Line edit style</A>
-<LI>Display and Character Set
-<LI><A HREF="#DC">Display Character set</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#AD">Assumed document character set</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#JK">Raw 8-bit or CJK mode</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#DV">X DISPLAY variable</A>
-<LI>Document Appearance
-<LI><A HREF="#SC">Show color</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#CL">Show cursor for current link or option</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#PU">Pop-ups for select fields</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#tagsoup">HTML error recovery</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#SI">Show Images</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#VB">Verbose Images</A>
-<LI>Headers Transferred to Remote Servers
-<LI><A HREF="#PM">Personal Mail Address</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#PC">Preferred Document Charset</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#PL">Preferred Document Language</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#UA">User Agent</A>
-<LI>Listing and Accessing Files
-<LI><A HREF="#FT">FTP sort criteria</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#LD">Local directory sort criteria</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#DF">Show dot files</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#LL">Execution links</A>
-<LI>Special Files and Screens
-<LI><A HREF="#MB">Multi-bookmarks</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#BF">Bookmark file</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#VP">Visited Pages</A>
-<H1><A NAME="CK">Cookies</A></H1>
-This can be set to accept or reject all cookies or to ask each time.
-See the Users Guide for details of <A HREF="../Lynx_users_guide.html#Cookies"
->cookie usage</A>.
-<H1><A NAME="ED">Editor</A></H1>
-This is the editor to be invoked when editing browsable files,
-sending mail or comments, or filling form's textarea (multiline input field).
-The full pathname of the editor command should be specified when possible.
-It is assumed the text editor supports the same character set
-you have for "display character set" in Lynx.
-<H1><A NAME="EM">Emacs keys</A></H1>
-If set to 'ON' then the CTRL-P, CTRL-N, CTRL-F and CTRL-B keys will be mapped
-to up-arrow, down-arrow, right-arrow and left-arrow respectively.  Otherwise,
-they remain mapped to their configured bindings (normally UP_TWO lines,
-DOWN_TWO lines, NEXT_PAGE and PREV_PAGE respectively).
-<p>Note: setting emacs keys does not affect the line-editor bindings.
-<H1><A NAME="LL">Execution links</A></H1>
-If set to 'ALWAYS ON', Lynx will locally execute commands contained
-inside any links.  This can be HIGHLY DANGEROUS, so it is recommended
-that they remain 'ALWAYS OFF' or 'FOR LOCAL FILES ONLY'.
-<H1><A NAME="KM">Keypad mode</A></H1>
-This gives the choice between navigating with the keypad (as arrows;
-see Lynx Navigation) and having every link numbered (numbered links)
-so that the links may be selected by numbers instead of moving to them
-with the arrow keys.  You can also number form fields.
-<H1><A NAME="LE">Line edit style</A></H1>
-This allows you to set alternate key bindings for the built-in line editor,
-if <A HREF="alt_edit_help.html">Alternate Bindings</A> have been installed.
-Otherwise, Lynx uses the <A HREF="edit_help.html">Default Binding</A>.
-<H1><A NAME="PM">Personal Mail Address</A></H1>
-You may set your mail address here so that when mailing messages
-to other people or mailing files to yourself, your email address can be
-automatically filled in.  Your email address will also be sent
-to HTTP servers in a `from:' field.
-<H1><A NAME="PU">Pop-ups for select fields</A></H1>
-Lynx normally uses a pop-up window for the OPTIONs in form SELECT fields
-when the field does not have the MULTIPLE attribute specified, and thus
-only one OPTION can be selected.  The use of pop-up windows can be disabled
-by changing this setting to OFF, in which case the OPTIONs will be rendered
-as a list of radio buttons.  Note that if the SELECT field does have
-the MULTIPLE attribute specified, the OPTIONs always are rendered
-as a list of checkboxes.
-<H1><A NAME="ST">Searching type</A></H1>
-If set to 'case sensitive', user searches invoked by  '/'  will be
-case-sensitive substring searches.  Default is 'Case Insensitive'.
-<H1><A NAME="SC">Show color</A></H1>
-This will be present if color support is available.
-<li>If set to ON or ALWAYS,
-color mode will be forced on if possible.  If (n)curses color support
-is available but cannot be used for the current terminal type, selecting ON
-is rejected with a message.
-<li>If set to OFF or NEVER, color mode will be
-turned off.
-<li>ALWAYS and NEVER are not offered in anonymous accounts.
-If saved to a '.lynxrc' file in non-anonymous accounts, ALWAYS will cause Lynx
-to set color mode on at startup if supported.
-If Lynx is built with slang,
-this is equivalent to having included the -color command line switch
-or having the COLORTERM environment variable set.  If color support is
-provided by curses or ncurses, this is equivalent to the default behavior
-of using color when the terminal type supports it.  If (n)curses color support
-is available but cannot be used for the current terminal type, the preference
-can still be saved but will have no effect.
-<p>A saved value of NEVER will
-cause Lynx to assume a monochrome terminal at start-up.  It is similar
-to the -nocolor switch, but (when the slang library is used) can be overridden
-with the -color switch.  If the setting is OFF or ON when the current options
-are saved to a '.lynxrc' file, the default start-up behavior is retained,
-such that color mode will be turned on at startup only if the terminal info
-indicates that you have a color-capable terminal, or (when slang is used)
-if forced on via the -color switch or COLORTERM variable.  This default
-behavior always is used in anonymous accounts, or if the 'option'_save
-restriction is set explicitly.  If for any reason the start-up color mode
-is incorrect for your terminal, set it appropriately on or off via this option.
-<H1><A NAME="CL">Show cursor for current link or option</A></H1>
-Lynx normally hides the cursor by positioning it to the right and if possible
-the very bottom of the screen, so that the current link or OPTION is indicated
-solely by its highlighting or color.  If show cursor is set to ON, the cursor
-will be positioned at the left of the current link or OPTION.  This is helpful
-when Lynx is being used with a speech or braille interface.  It is also useful
-for sighted users when the terminal cannot distinguish the character attributes
-used to distinguish the current link or OPTION from the others in the display.
-<H1><A NAME="UM">User Mode</A></H1>
-<dt><EM>Novice</EM>: Shows 2 extra lines of help at the bottom of the screen
-for beginners.
-<dt><EM>Intermediate (normal)</EM>: Normal status-line messages appear.
-<dt><EM>Advanced</EM>: The URL is shown on the status line.
-<H1><A NAME="AD">Assumed document character set</A></H1>
-This changes the handling of documents which do not explicitly specify
-a charset.  Normally Lynx assumes that 8-bit characters in those documents
-are encoded according to iso-8859-1 (the official default for HTTP protocol).
-Unfortunately, many non-English web pages forget to include proper charset
-info; this option helps you browse those broken pages if you know somehow
-what the charset is.  When the value given here or by an -assume_charset
-command-line flag is in effect, Lynx will treat documents as if they were
-encoded accordingly.  Option is active when 'Raw 8-bit or CJK Mode' is OFF.
-<H1><A NAME="JK">Raw 8-bit or CJK mode</A></H1>
-This is set automatically, but can be toggled manually in certain cases:
-it toggles whether 8-bit characters are assumed to correspond with the display
-character set and therefore are processed without translation
-via the chartrans conversion tables.  ON by default when the display
-character set is one of the Asian (CJK) sets and the 8-bit characters
-are Kanji multibytes.  OFF for the other display character sets,
-but can be turned ON when the document's charset is unknown
-(e.g., is not ISO-8859-1 and no charset parameter was specified
-in a reply header from an HTTP server to indicate what it is),
-but you have no better idea than viewing it as from display character set
-(see 'assumed document character set' for best choice).  Should be OFF
-when an Asian (CJK) set is selected but the document is ISO-8859-1
-or another 'assumed document character set'.  The setting can also be toggled
-via the RAW_TOGGLE command, normally mapped to '@', and at startup
-via the -raw switch.
-<H1><A NAME="tagsoup">HTML error recovery</A></H1>
-Lynx often has to deal with invalid HTML markup.  It always tries to
-recover from errors, but there is no universally correct way for doing
-this.  As a result, there are two parsing modes:
-"<DFN>SortaSGML</DFN>" attempts to enforce valid nesting of most tags
-at an earlier stage of processing, while "<DFN>TagSoup</DFN>" relies
-more on the HTML rendering stage to mimic the behavior of some other
-You can also switch between these modes with the CTRL-V key, and the
-default can be changed in lynx.cfg or with the -tagsoup command line
-The "SortaSGML" mode will often appear to be more strict, and makes
-some errors apparent that are otherwise unnoticeable.  One particular
-difference is the handling of block elements or
-&lt;li&gt;..&lt;/li&gt; inside &lt;a HREF="some.url"&gt;..&lt;/a&gt;.
-Invalid nesting like this may turn anchors into hidden links which
-cannot be easily followed, this is avoided in "TagSoup" mode.  See the
-<a href="follow_help.html">help on following links by
-number</a> for more information on hidden links.  Often pages may be
-more readable in "TagSoup" mode, but sometimes the opposite is true.
-Most documents with valid HTML, and documents with only minor errors,
-should be rendered the same way in both modes.
-If you are curious about what goes on behind the scenes, but find that
-the information from the -trace switch is just too much, Lynx can be
-started with the -preparsed switch; going into SOURCE mode ('\' key)
-and toggling the parsing mode (with CTRL-V) should then show some of
-the differences.
-LP's version - for reference - TD
-While the proper HTML markup should be canonical, badly nested HTML pages
-may be recovered in different ways.  There are two error recovery modes
-in Lynx: SortaSGML with the recovery at SGML stage and TagSoup mode
-with the recovery at HTML parsing stage, the latter gives more
-recovery and was the default in Lynx 2.7.2 and before,
-and the first may be useful for page validation purposes.
-One particular difference is known for &lt;li&gt;..&lt;/li&gt;
-or similar strong markup inside &lt;a HREF="some.url"&gt;..&lt;/a&gt;
-anchor text - those links are not reachable in SortaSGML
-(such markup should be placed outside &lt;a&gt;..&lt;/a&gt; indeed).
-Default recovery mode can also be switched with CTRL-V key,
-from lynx.cfg or command line switch.
-<H1><A NAME="SI">Show Images</A></H1>
-This option combines the effects of the `*' &amp; `[' keys as follows:
-     <em>ignore</em> all images which lack an ALT= text string,
-     <em>show labels</em>, e.g. [INLINE] -- see `Verbose Images' below -- ,
-     <em>use links</em> for every image, enabling downloading.
-This option setting cannot be saved between sessions.
-See <A HREF="../Lynx_users_guide.html#Images">Users Guide</A>
-&amp; <em>lynx.cfg</em> for more details.
-<H1><A NAME="VB">Verbose Images</A></H1>
-This allows you to replace [LINK], [INLINE] and [IMAGE]
--- for images without ALT -- with filenames:
-this can be helpful by revealing which images are important
-&amp; which are merely decoration, e.g. <em>button.gif</em>, <em>line.gif</em>.
-See <A HREF="../Lynx_users_guide.html#Images">Users Guide</A>
-&amp; <em>lynx.cfg</em> for more details.
-<H1><A NAME="VI">VI keys</A></H1>
-If set to 'ON' then the lowercase h, j, k and l keys will be mapped
-to left-arrow, down-arrow, up-arrow and right-arrow respectively.
-<p>The uppercase H, J, K, and L keys remain mapped to their configured bindings
-(normally HELP, JUMP, KEYMAP and LIST, respectively).
-<p>Note: setting vi keys does not affect the line-editor bindings.
-<H1><A NAME="DC">Display Character set</A></H1>
-This allows you to set up the default character set for your specific terminal.
-The display character set provides a mapping from the character encodings
-of viewed documents and from HTML entities into viewable characters.
-It should be set according to your terminal's character set
-so that characters other than 7-bit ASCII can be displayed correctly,
-using approximations if necessary,
-<A HREF="test_display.html">try the test here</A>.
-Since Lynx now supports a wide range of platforms
-it may be useful to note that cpXXX codepages are used within IBM PC computers,
-and windows-xxxx within native MS-Windows applications.
-<H1><A NAME="DV">X DISPLAY variable</A></H1>
-This option is only relevant to X Window users. It specifies
-the DISPLAY (Unix) or DECW$DISPLAY (VMS) variable.  It is picked up
-automatically from the environment if it has been previously set.
-<H1><A NAME="MB">Multi-bookmarks</A></H1>
-Manage multiple bookmark files:
-<li>When OFF, the default bookmark file is used for the 'v'iew-bookmarks
-and 'a'dd-bookmark link commands.
-<li>If set to STANDARD, a menu of available
-bookmarks is always invoked when you seek to view a bookmark file
-or add a link, and you select the bookmark file by its letter token
-in that menu.
-<li>If set to ADVANCED, you are instead prompted for the letter
-of the desired bookmark file, but can enter '=' to invoke the STANDARD
-selection menu, or RETURN for the default bookmark file.
-<H1><A NAME="BF">Bookmark file</A></H1>
-Manage the default bookmark file:
-<li>If non-empty and multi-bookmarks is OFF,
-it specifies your default '<A HREF="bookmark_help.html">Bookmark file</A>'.
-<li>If multi-bookmarks is STANDARD or ADVANCED,
-entering 'B' will invoke a menu in which you can specify
-filepaths and descriptions of up to 26 bookmark files.
-The filepaths must be from your home directory and begin with  './'
-if subdirectories are included (e.g., './BM/lynx_bookmarks.html').
-Lynx will create bookmark files when you first 'a'dd a link,
-but any subdirectories in the filepath must already exist.
-<H1><A NAME="VP">Visited Pages</A></H1>
-This allows you to change the appearance of the
-<a href="visited_help.html">Visited Links Page</a>
-Normally it shows a list, in reverse order of the pages visited.
-The popup menu allows you these choices:
-<dt><EM>By First Visit</EM>:
-The default appearance, shows the pages based on when they were first visited.
-The list is shown in reverse order, to make the current page (usually) at
-the top of the list.
-<dt><EM>By First Visit Reversed</EM>
-The default appearance, shows the pages based on when they were first visited.
-The list is shown in order, to make the current page (usually) at
-the bottom of the list.
-<dt><EM>As Visit Tree</EM>
-Combines the first/last visited information, showing the list in order of
-the first visit, but using the indentation level of the page immediately
-previous to determine indentation of new entries.
-That gives a clue to the order of visiting pages when moving around in
-the History or Visited Pages lists.
-<dt><EM>By Last Visit</EM>
-The default appearance, shows the pages based on when they were last visited.
-The list is shown in reverse order, to make the current page (usually) at
-the top of the list.
-<dt><EM>By Last Visit Reversed</EM>
-The default appearance, shows the pages based on when they were last visited.
-The list is shown in order, to make the current page (usually) at
-the bottom of the list.
-<H1><A NAME="FT">FTP sort criteria</A></H1>
-This allows you to specify how files will be sorted within FTP listings.
-The current options include
-`By&nbsp;Filename', `By&nbsp;Size', `By&nbsp;Type', `By&nbsp;Date'.
-<H1><A NAME="LD">List directory style</A></H1>
-Applies to Directory Editing.
-Files and directories can be presented in the following ways:
-<dt><EM>Mixed style</EM>: Files and directories are listed together
-in alphabetical order.
-<dt><EM>Directories first</EM>: Files and directories are separated
-into 2 alphabetical lists: directories are listed first.
-<dt><EM>Files first</EM>: Files and directories are separated
-into 2 alphabetical lists: files are listed first.
-<H1><A NAME="DF">Show dot files</A></H1>
-If display/creation of hidden (dot) files/directories is enabled,
-you can turn the feature on or off via this setting.
-<H1><A NAME="PC">Preferred Document Charset</A></H1>
-The character set you prefer if sets in addition to ISO-8859-1 and US-ASCII
-are available from servers.  Use MIME notation (e.g., ISO-8859-2)
-and do not include ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII, since those values are always
-assumed by default.  Can be a comma-separated list, which may be interpreted
-by servers as descending order of preferences; you can make your order
-of preference explicit by using `q factors' as defined by the HTTP protocol,
-for servers which understand it: e.g., <kbd>iso-8859-5, utf-8;q=0.8</kbd>.
-<H1><A NAME="PL">Preferred Document Language</A></H1>
-The language you prefer if multi-language files are available from servers.
-Use RFC 1766 tags, e.g., `en' English, `fr' French.  Can be a comma-separated
-list, and you can use `q factors' (see previous help item):
-e.g., <kbd>da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7</kbd> .
-<H1><A NAME="UA">User Agent</A></H1>
-The header string which Lynx sends to servers to indicate the User-Agent
-is displayed here.  Changes may be disallowed via the -restrictions switch.
-Otherwise, the header can be changed temporarily to e.g., L_y_n_x/2.8.3
-for access to sites which discriminate against Lynx based on checks
-for the presence of `Lynx' in the header.  If changed during a Lynx session,
-the default User-Agent header can be restored by deleting the modified string
-in the Options Menu.  Whenever the User-Agent header is changed, the current
-document is reloaded, with the no-cache flags set, on exit from Options Menu.
-Changes of the header are not saved in the .lynxrc file.
-NOTE Netscape Communications Corp. has claimed that false transmissions
-of `Mozilla' as the User-Agent are a copyright infringement, which will
-be prosecuted.  DO NOT misrepresent Lynx as Mozilla.  The Options Menu issues
-a warning about possible copyright infringement whenever the header is changed
-to one which does not include `Lynx' or `lynx'.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/other_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/other_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ca89e84..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/other_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Help on Misc. Lynx Commands</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ Other Commands +++</h1>
-       a      - Places the link that you are currently positioned
-                on into a personal <A HREF="bookmark_help.html">bookmark file</A>.
-       c      - Allows you to send a mail message to the owner
-                or maintainer of the data that you are currently
-                viewing.  In the case that no owner is known,
-                you cannot send a comment.
-       d      - Downloads the file pointed to by the current link
-                and displays an option menu allowing the file to
-                be saved or transferred by configurable options.
-                Can also be used when positioned on a form SUBMIT
-                button to download the reply to a form submission.
-       e      - Allows you to edit the current document if it is a
-                local file.
-       E      - Allows you to edit the current link's URL (or ACTION) and
-                use that as a <em>goto</em> URL.
-       g      - Allows you to enter any <a href="http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/demoweb/url-primer.html">URL</a> or filename that
-                you wish to view, and then <em>goto</em> it.
-       G      - Allows you to edit the current document's URL and use that
-                as a <em>goto</em> URL.
-     ? or H   - Hypertext help to explain how to navigate in
-                Lynx and use its features.
-       i      - Shows an index of files or subjects,
-                which may be changed in <em>lynx.cfg</em>.
-       j      - Allows you to enter a short name to goto an URL,
-                if a jumps file has been defined.  Press "?"
-                and ENTER to see the list of defined jump commands.
-       k      - Shows a list of key mappings.  Keys remapped in
-                "lynx.cfg" show up in this list.
-       l      - Brings up a list of references (links) in the current
-                document, which can be used for rapid access to the
-                links in large documents.
-       m      - Returns to the first screen and empties the
-                history stack.
-       p      - Brings up a list of <A HREF="print_help.html">print commands</A>.
-       o      - Brings up a list of settable <A HREF="option_help.html">options</A>.
-       q      - Quits Lynx. ('Q' quits without asking)
-       /      - Search for a string of characters in the current document
-                (case insensitive or case sensitive
-                depending on the <A HREF="option_help.html">options</A> set).
-       s      - Search through an external searchable indexed document.
-       n      - Move to the next instance of a search string if you
-                have searched previously.
-       v      - View a <A HREF="bookmark_help.html">Bookmark file</A>.
-       V      - Go to the <A HREF="visited_help.html">Visited Links Page</A>
-       x      - Force submission of form or link with no-cache.
-       z      - Abort a network transfer in progress.  If any partial
-                data has been transferred it will be displayed.
-  &lt;backspace&gt; - displays the <a href="history_help.html">History Page</A>.
-       =      - Show information about the file and link that you
-                are currently viewing.
-       \      - Toggles between viewing the HTML source of a
-                document and the rendered version of the document.
-       !      - Spawns your default operating system shell.
-       '      - Toggles "historical" vs minimal or valid comment parsing.
-                When historical, any close-angle-bracket will be treated
-                as a comment terminator, emulating the parsing bug in old
-                versions of Mosaic and Netscape, rather than validly
-                requiring pairs of two successive dashes to delimit
-                comments within the angle-brackets.
-       _      - Clears all authorization info for the current session.  Can
-                be used when leaving one's terminal without ending the Lynx
-                session, to guard against someone else retrieving protected
-                documents with previously entered username/password info.
-                Note that any protected documents that are still in cache
-                can still be accessed.
-       `      - Toggles minimal or valid comment parsing.  When minimal, any
-                two successive dashes followed by a close-angle-bracket will
-                be treated as a comment terminator, emulating the parsing bug
-                in Netscape v2.0.  If historical comment parsing is set, that
-                will override minimal or valid comment parsing.
-       *      - Toggles image_links mode on and off.  When on, links will
-                be created for all images, including inlines.
-       @      - Toggles raw 8-bit translations or CJK mode on and off, only
-                for documents which does not specify character set explicitly.
-                Should be on when the document's charset matches the
-                display character set, and otherwise off so that 8-bit
-                characters will be translated by Lynx with respect to the
-                Assumed document charset, using approximations if necessary
-                (see <A HREF="option_help.html">options</A>).
-       [      - Toggles pseudo_inlines mode on and off.  When on, inline
-                images which have no ALT string specified will have an
-                "[INLINE]" pseudo-ALT string inserted in the Lynx display.
-                When off, they will be treated as having ALT="" (i.e.,
-                they'll be ignored).  If image_links mode is toggled on,
-                the pseudo-ALT strings will be restored, to serve as links
-                to the inline images' sources.
-       ]      - Sends a HEAD request for the current document or link.  It
-                applies only to documents or links (or form submit buttons)
-                of http servers.  A statusline message will notify you if
-                the context for this command was inappropriate.  The HEAD
-                requests always are sent to the http server, i.e., Lynx
-                does not retrieve any previous server replies from its
-                cache.  Note that for form submissions, http servers vary
-                in whether they'll treat HEAD requests as valid and return
-                the CGI script's headers, or treat it as invalid and return
-                an error message.
-       "      - Toggles valid or "soft" double-quote parsing.  When soft,
-                a close-angle-bracket will serve as both a close-double-
-                quote and close-tag, emulating the parsing bug in old
-                versions of Mosaic and Netscape.
-     CTRL-R   - Reloads the current document and resets the display.
-     CTRL-V   - Switches to an alternative way of parsing HTML documents.
-                This may help to get a more readable rendering of some
-                documents with invalidly placed HTML tags, <A
-                HREF="option_help.html#tagsoup">more details</A>.
-     CTRL-W   - Resets or cleans up the display.
-     CTRL-U   - Clears text from an input field or prompt.
-     CTRL-G   - Cancels any input prompt, mail message or data transfer.
-     CTRL-T   - Toggles trace mode on and off.
-       ;      - Views the Lynx Trace Log for the current session.
-     CTRL-K   - Invokes the Cookie Jar Page.
-     numbers  - Lynx offers other, advanced navigation features when
-                numbers are used to invoke the
-                  <a href="follow_help.html"
-                  >Follow link (or goto link or page) number:</a> or
-                  <a href="follow_help.html#select-option"
-                  >Select option (or page) number:</a>
-                prompts.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/print_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/print_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 26ef1fee..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/print_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Lynx Print Help</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ Printing Help +++</h1>
-After entering the 'p' command you will be presented with a list of
-print options.  In all cases the file will be printed in ASCII format
-with the hypertext links removed.  The number of options depends on the
-level of printing that your system allows.  The following print options
-may be available:
-<dt>Print to a local file:
-<dd>This allows you to save the current file as ASCII text to your
-    local disk.  You will be asked for a path and filename to save
-    the file to.  If no path is given, the file will be saved to the
-    directory that you were in when you began Lynx.
-<dt>Print to the screen:
-<dd>This option simply scrolls the entire document up the screen and
-    is intended for those who wish to capture the document with their
-    terminal.
-<dt>Mail the file to yourself:
-<dd>This option allows you to mail the file, in ASCII form, to any
-    valid e-mail address.
-<dt>Custom print options:
-<dd>Any number of custom print options may be defined in <em>lynx.cfg</em>.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/scrolling_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/scrolling_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index db43f062..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/scrolling_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Lynx Scrolling Help</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<H1>+++ SCROLLING HELP +++</H1>
-        + (or SPACE,   - If the bottom of the screen informs you
-           or CTRL-F)    that there is 'more' to see, you may
-                         move to the next page (Page-Down).
-        - (or b,       - If you have moved down in a document, this
-           or CTRL-B)    will bring you back up one page (Page-Up).
-        If the 'Num Lock' on your keyboard is on, Lynx translates
-        the numbers of your keypad into movement commands as follows:
-                     9  - page up
-                     8  - up arrow
-          7 8 9      7  - moves to the top of a document
-           \|/       6  - right arrow
-        4 - 5 - 6    5  - nothing
-           /|\       4  - left arrow
-          1 2 3      3  - page down
-                     2  - down arrow
-                     1  - moves to the end of a document
-        CTRL-A (or Find)    - This Control key, and Function key synonym,
-                              brings you back to the first page of the
-                              current document (Home).
-        CTRL-E (or Select)  - This Control key, and Function key synonym,
-                              takes you to the last page of the current
-                              document (End).
-        CTRL-N (or Remove)  - This Control key, and Function key synonym,
-                              moves you forward two lines in the current
-                              document (Down-Two).
-        CTRL-P (or Insert)  - This Control key, and Function key synonym,
-                              moves you back two lines in the current
-                              document (Up-Two).
-        )                   - Moves you forward half a page in the current
-                              document (Down-Half).
-        (                   - Moves you back half a page in the current
-                              document (Up-Half).
-        ^                   - Go to the first link on the current line.
-        $                   - Go to the last link on the current line.
-        &lt;                   - Go to the previous link in the current column.
-        &gt;                   - Go to the next link in the current column.
-        #                   - Jumps you to the pseudo Toolbar or Banner if
-                              present in the current document.  Use left-arrow
-                              to return from there to your previous position
-                              in the document.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/test_display.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/test_display.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c9445ff3..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/test_display.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Quick test for identifying display character set</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1 ALIGN=LEFT>Try this page with Lynx 2.7.2 or above:</h1>
-If you see several letters instead of a single - your promised display charset
-does not support this character so "7 bit approximation" is in effect.
-If you see any single letter which definitely far from being supposed
-you have a wrong lynx settings.
-<em>Press 'o' for Options menu and change "Display character set"</em>.
-Try again if necessary.<br>
-When you are satisfied save your changes in Options menu, thanks.
-0x00A9    &#x00A9;           # COPYRIGHT SIGN
-0x00C7    &#x00C7;           # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
-0x00D1    &#x00D1;           # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE
-0x0107    &#x0107;           # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE
-0x0108    &#x0108;           # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
-0x010C    &#x010C;           # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON
-0x03BB    &#x03BB;           # GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA
-0x041B    &#x041B;           # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL
-0x042E    &#x042E;           # CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU
-0x043B    &#x043B;           # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL
-0x044E    &#x044E;           # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU
-0x2026    &#x2026;           # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
-0x2122    &#x2122;           # TRADE MARK SIGN
-0x255D    &#x255D;           # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT
-0xFB01    &#xFB01;           # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI
-This is only a quick test to see obvious problems.
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/visited_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/visited_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c52378c..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/visited_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>Help on the Visited Links Page</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ Visited Links Page Help +++</h1>
-The Visited Links Page displays all of the links that you have traveled
-through during the current Lynx session, except for any temporary menu
-or list files, bookmark files, or any documents associated with POST
-content.  The VLINKS keystroke command for invoking this page normally
-is mapped to uppercase '<em>V</em>'.  The list of Visited Links is normally in
-order of recency (most recently visited links first), without repetitions
-in the list if a link was visited more than once during the session (unless
-the URLs differ due to appended fragments), and is supplementary to the
-<A HREF="history_help.html">History Page</A>.
-<p>You may <A HREF="movement_help.html">select</A> any link on the Visited
-Links Page to retrieve a document that you had previously visited, or you
-can use this list to save such links in your <A HREF="bookmark_help.html"
->bookmark files</A>, or to <A HREF="../Lynx_users_guide.html#RemoteSource"
->Download</A> them.
-<p>In contrast to the History Page, the Visited Links Page includes any
-links which were retrieved for '<em>d</em>'ownloading or were passed to
-helper applications, i.e., not just the links that were rendered and
-displayed by Lynx, itself.
-<p>You may change the appearance of the Visited Links Page via a popup
-menu on that page (which also appears on the
-<A HREF="option_help.html#VP">Options Menu</A>).
diff --git a/lynx_help/keystrokes/xterm_help.html b/lynx_help/keystrokes/xterm_help.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d2295c2f..00000000
--- a/lynx_help/keystrokes/xterm_help.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>X Terminal Help</TITLE>
-<LINK rev="made" href="mailto:lynx-dev@nongnu.org">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<h1>+++ X Terminal or X Server +++</h1>
-An X terminal is an electronic display terminal that communicates
-with a host computer system using the X Window protocol developed at the
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
-<p>The X Window protocol allows a program running on the host computer
-system to display both formatted text and graphics on the X terminal.
-Since the X Window protocol is defined to work over any TCP/IP network,
-X terminals connected to the Internet can be connected to hosts
-located anywhere on the Internet.
-<p>Personal computers (including both PCs and Macintoshes) can execute
-programs, usually called X servers, that make them act like X Window
-terminals and are frequently used as X terminals.
-<dd>The terminology used to describe processes associated with X
-    terminals can be confusing.  An X terminal is also known as
-    an "X display server," and the program running on the host
-    computer is usually known as the "X client."