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path: root/main.asm
blob: ba5069b37c524b14ca469dede66b91f631e4bd54 (plain) (tree)

INCLUDE "hardware.inc"

SECTION "Header", ROM0[$100]

EntryPoint: ; This is where execution begins
	di ; Disable interrupts. That way we can avoid dealing with them.
	jp Start ; Leave this tiny space

REPT $150 - $104
	db 0

SECTION "Game Code", ROM0

	; Turn off the LCD
	ld a, [rLY]
	cp 144 ; Check if the LCD is past VBlank
	jr c, .waitVBlank

	xor a ; ld a, 0 ; We only need to reset a value with bit 7 reset, but 0 does the job
	ld [rLCDC], a ; We will have to write to LCDC again later

	ld hl, $9000
	ld de, FontTiles
	ld bc, FontTilesEnd - FontTiles
	ld a, [de] ; Grab 1 byte from the source
	ld [hli], a ; Place it at the destination, incrementing hl
	inc de ; Move to next byte
	dec bc ; Decrement count
	ld a, b ; Check if count is 0, since `dec bc` doesn't update flags
	or c
	jr nz, .copyFont

	ld hl, $9800 ; This will print the string at the top-left corner of the screen
	ld de, HelloWorldStr
	ld a, [de]
	ld [hli], a
	inc de
	and a ; Check if the byte we just copied is zero
	jr nz, .copyString ; Continue if it's not

	; Init display registers
	ld a, %11100100
	ld [rBGP], a

	xor a ; ld a, 0
	ld [rSCY], a
	ld [rSCX], a

	; Shut sound down
	ld [rNR52], a

	; Turn Screen on, display background
	ld a, %10000001
	ld [rLCDC], a

	; Lock up
	jr .lockup


INCBIN "font.chr"

SECTION "Hello World string", ROM0

	db "Hello World!", 0