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authorNoah <mounderfod@gmail.com>2022-08-29 10:26:58 +0000
committerNoah <mounderfod@gmail.com>2022-08-29 10:26:58 +0000
commitc26c575d8bcd203965e89fb814e84fca14872e32 (patch)
tree686f5729e4397759e966e04c66e028d61494d891 /cogs
parent884b414721ac7b239b9f275a846ce6e076120dfb (diff)
yeet stuff we don't need HEAD master
Diffstat (limited to 'cogs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/cogs/reddit.py b/cogs/reddit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c627534..0000000
--- a/cogs/reddit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import random
-import asyncpraw
-from dotenv import load_dotenv
-from discord import ChannelType
-from discord.ext import commands
-reddit = asyncpraw.Reddit(
-    client_id="60jDYF0yBOGlP0QCDvhFew",
-    client_secret=os.getenv("SECRET"),
-    user_agent="craftvoltage.tpbot:v1.0.0 (by u/craftvoltage)"
-class Reddit(commands.Cog):
-    def __init__(self, bot):
-        self.bot = bot
-    @commands.command(name="reddit", brief="Gets images from Reddit.", help="""
-    Fetches a random image or link from the 100 "hot" posts of the given subreddit. If the image/sub is NSFW then an NSFW Discord channel must be used.
-    """, aliases=['redd', 'r'])
-    async def redditimg(self, ctx, sub):
-        sub = await reddit.subreddit(sub)
-        img_posts = [i async for i in sub.hot(limit=100) if not i.is_self and i.domain != "v.redd.it"]
-        if len(img_posts) == 0:
-            await ctx.reply("This subreddit has no image posts!", mention_author=False)
-        else:
-            post = random.choice(img_posts)
-            nsfw = post.over_18
-            if nsfw and ctx.channel.type == ChannelType.text and not ctx.channel.is_nsfw():
-                await ctx.reply("The selected post is NSFW, and this is not an NSFW channel.", mention_author=False)
-            else:
-                for i in get_image_embed(post):
-                    await ctx.send(i)
-def setup(bot):
-    bot.add_cog(Reddit(bot))
-def get_image_embed(post):
-    result = ["Post by " + post.author.name + ": " + post.title]
-    if hasattr(post, "is_gallery"):
-        result.append("\nhttps://i." + list(post.media_metadata.values())[0]["p"][0]["u"].split('?')[0][16:])
-    else:
-        result.append("\n" + post.url)
-    return result