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+		 _____________________________________
+			 MUSI SUPA PONA V1.0.0
+		  Manual for Players and Game Masters
+			       mounderfod
+		 _____________________________________
+Table of Contents
+1 Preamble
+2 Characters
+.. 2.1 Character Stats
+..... 2.1.1 Calculating Stats
+.. 2.2 Other Character Information
+..... 2.2.1 Name
+..... 2.2.2 Background
+..... 2.2.3 Inventory
+..... 2.2.4 Health Points and Disaster Rolls
+..... 2.2.5 Experience
+..... 2.2.6 Notes
+.. 2.3 The Character Sheet
+3 Items
+..... 3.0.1 Equipment
+..... 3.0.2 Food
+..... 3.0.3 Currency
+4 The Structure of Play
+.. 4.1 Actions
+.. 4.2 Battle
+.. 4.3 Movement
+.. 4.4 Resting
+5 Postamble
+.. 5.1 Next Steps for Players
+.. 5.2 Next Steps for Game Masters
+.. 5.3 Credits
+.. 5.4 Sharing this Document
+1 Preamble
+  *musi supa pona* /(toki pona for "simple table game")/ is a simplistic
+  tabletop role playing game (TTRPG) inspired by 5th edition Dungeons &
+  Dragons. The game aims to abstract much of the features of a TTRPG in
+  order to give more power to the game master and their storytelling as
+  opposed to complex game mechanics as seen in other entertaining, but
+  difficult to pick up, tabletop games.  The side effect of the game's
+  simplicity is that game masters have a lot more work to do in creating
+  content for their players - *this is intentional*, and if that doesn't
+  sound like your thing then musi supa pona is not the game for you.
+  This manual serves as a guide for both players and game masters alike;
+  due to the game's relative simplicity it is possible to contain all
+  information about the game into one document. Additional information
+  and resources can be found at [].
+2 Characters
+  One of the key aspects of musi supa pona, as with many TTRPGs, is the
+  character.  The game character is the way in which the real world
+  player interacts with the internal world of the game, and as such,
+  great importance is put into the character in musi supa pona.
+2.1 Character Stats
+  The most important part of a character is their in-game stats. These
+  are used to determine various parts of the game using dice rolls. Each
+  statistic is a positive or negative number which represents how a
+  d20[1]'s output will be modified (similar to DnD). The statistics are
+  as follows:
+  - *Strength*: A character's physical capabilites.
+  - *Intelligence*: A character's ability to be observant of the world
+    around them and interpret and work with complex ideas.
+  - *Speed*: A character's agility of movement.
+  - *Defence*: A character's ability to deal with injury.
+  - *Charisma*: A character's ability to manipulate or otherwise
+    convince those around them.
+2.1.1 Calculating Stats
+  Each statistic is calculated by rolling a d20 and 2d6.  The sum of the
+  2d6 is subtracted from the d20, allowing for a maximum stat of +18 and
+  a minimum of -11.
+  This should be calculated before a session begins, when the character
+  is created.  It may only be done once in the creation of a character,
+  and you cannot reroll unless given permission by the game master.
+2.2 Other Character Information
+2.2.1 Name
+  The character's name. Make this anything you like.
+2.2.2 Background
+  The character's race, character class, alignment[2], and
+  occupation. By default this has noeffect on gameplay, but at the game
+  master's discretion, the character class may influence a character's
+  e.g. equipment, and similarly a player may choose to make decisions
+  that are influenced by the character's background.
+2.2.3 Inventory
+  The items that the character is carrying with them.  Every item has a
+  weight in grams, and the maximum quantity that a character can carry
+  in their inventory is determined by the formula:
+  $$ w = s * 1.5 * 500 $$
+  with $s$ representing the character's *Strength* statistic.
+  For more information about the contents of an Inventory, see [Items].
+[Items] See section 3
+2.2.4 Health Points and Disaster Rolls
+  A character has a set number of health points, which is equal to 20
+  plus the character's *Defence* statistic.
+  If the character's health reaches 0 as a result of damage, the player
+  must roll 3d20 as disaster rolls. If the sum of the rolls is more than
+  30, the character's health is increased to 1 and the character is
+  unable to attack or defend themselves unless their health increases
+  (if the character's health is 1 for other reasons, this rule does not
+  apply). If the sum is less than 30, the character dies and can no
+  longer be used in the current session (the game master can decide how
+  to proceed in future sessions).
+2.2.5 Experience
+  A character has experience points corresponding to experience levels.
+  Experience points may be granted at the game master's discretion.  To
+  level up, the player must accumulate:
+  - Level 1: 10 points total
+  - Level 2: 100 points total
+  - Level 3: 1000 points total
+  etc.
+2.2.6 Notes
+  A blank space for lore or any other information relevant to the
+  character.
+2.3 The Character Sheet
+  The character sheet is used to contain all of the details regarding a
+  musi supa pona character. A blank one may be seen at
+  [], and players or game
+  masters may create their own based on this template.
+3 Items
+  Generally, items and their properties are determined by the game
+  master, but there are some special cases:
+3.0.1 Equipment
+  Equipment refers to any item that is actively used by a character to
+  perform an action. A character should have starting equipment, though
+  what this is should be decided between the player and the game master,
+  taking into account the player's background, etc.
+3.0.2 Food
+  Food items heal a set number of health points for a character.  Some
+  food items can be consumed only once, while others can be eaten in
+  multiple pieces. This is decided by the game master.
+3.0.3 Currency
+  musi supa pona has its own custom currency system. In short, it works
+  as follows:
+  - The base unit is copper
+  - 1 silver = 10 copper
+  - 1 gold = 50 silver = 500 copper
+  - 1 platinum = 100 gold = 5000 silver = 50000 copper
+  Every character starts with a currency bag (50g empty), and can store
+  up to 15 of each type of coin (8g each) - a full currency bag weighs
+  480g.
+4 The Structure of Play
+  The game loop of musi supa pona is simple, and largely the same as
+  Dungeons and Dragons.
+  1. The game master describes the scenario in which the characters are
+     found.
+  2. The game master will ask one player (by convention, the one to
+     their left, but it doesn't matter) what they are going to do. If
+     the player desires to perform an *action*, the dice are rolled, and
+     the game master describes the result of the action.
+  3. The game master repeats this for every player at the table, then
+     repeats the whole thing again.
+4.1 Actions
+  Actions are any thing that a character can do that involves one of
+  their statistics.  Unlike Dungeons and Dragons, musi supa pona does
+  not feature sub-statistics in the form of skills[3] and only the base
+  ones are used. For each action, the game master will declare which
+  skill is involved and a d20 is rolled, adding the modifier listed on
+  the character sheet to the result. Without telling the player, the
+  game master will determine the minimum (or maximum) result needed for
+  the action to be successful.
+4.2 Battle
+  A core part of gameplay is battle, when the characters are confronted
+  with enemies to defeat. Battle works as follows:
+  1. Every character's player rolls a d6, and the game master rolls a d6
+     for every NPC involved. This determines the turn order (from lowest
+     to highest).  If two participants roll the same number, the one
+     with the greatest *Speed* statistic goes first (NPCs have no speed
+     statistic and so for this purpose it is 0).
+  2. On their turn, each player (or NPC, controlled by the game master)
+     picks which enemy their character is going to attack. Their turn
+     can alternatively be used to perform a non-battle action (such as
+     using an item to heal a friend).
+  3. If attacking, both the character's player and the enemy's
+     controller (i.e. the game master) roll a d6 dice. The attack is
+     successful if the attacker's result is greater than the defender's
+     result. If the defender's result is exactly twice that of the
+     attacker, then the defender gets an extra turn just after the
+     attacker's turn.
+  4. This repeats for every player and NPC until either there are no
+     more enemies or all the player characters have died.
+  The effect of the attack is determined by the equipment the character
+  has (and ultimately, the game master).
+4.3 Movement
+  It is assumed that all characters will move between actions at the
+  same speed, for simplicity and to reduce the amount of calculation
+  required from the game master.  If the game master wishes to implement
+  a more specific movement system, they are welcome to do so.
+4.4 Resting
+  At any point, characters may choose to rest:
+  - *Short Rest*: The player does not get a turn in the next round of
+    actions. Instead, the player will regain 5 health points.
+  - *Long Rest*: The player does not get a turn in the next three rounds
+    of actions.  Instead, the player will regain all of their health
+    points.
+  The way in which the passage of time is handled and how it interacts
+  with rest is up to the game master; they may choose to have a
+  day/night cycle with characters resting at night or to just have a
+  constant linear session, with characters resting during gameplay as
+  described above.
+5 Postamble
+5.1 Next Steps for Players
+  Find a game master and other players to have a session with, create a
+  character and have fun!
+5.2 Next Steps for Game Masters
+  You should create some content for your next session or campaign. It
+  may be useful to include:
+  - Details about places in the in-game world (e.g. towns, villages,
+    forests)
+  - A preset list of common items in the in-game world (weapons, armor,
+    etc.)
+  - A preset list of common creatures, their actions, their attacks and
+    their health points
+  - Some prepared dungeons, quests and adventures
+  If you don't want to come up with all of this yourself, you can borrow
+  content and ideas from other musi supa pona game masters or other
+  TTRPGs. Alternatively, you may want to consider playing a less
+  abstract TTRPG.
+5.3 Credits
+  This TTRPG is heavily inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, designed by
+  Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson in 1974.
+5.4 Sharing this Document
+  This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
+  license (CC-BY).  You may do whatever you wish with this document, as
+  long as you give proper attribution to its source (i.e. us).
+[1] a dice with 20 sides
+[2] (lawful/neutral/chaotic)(good/neutral/evil)
+[3] e.g. Animal Handling, etc.